Sneezing and runny nose without fever

Causes and treatment of sneezing and runny nose without fever

Sneezing and runny nose without fever - this can be both allergy symptoms and ARVI. It is believed that this phenomenon in ARVI indicates a strong immunity. The body itself is able to fight infection. But is it really so?

The problem of sneezing and cold

What can cause these symptoms?

Far from always the above signs can talk about ARVI. After all, such a disease may not be accompanied by high fever, and a cough does not appear at all, so it's not worthwhile to rush to make a diagnosis and run to the pharmacy. So, sneezing and runny nose can appear for several reasons: respiratory system infections, dust ingress, allergies, colds, flu, rhinovirus infection. In order to eliminate these effects, it is necessary to know the nature of the symptoms.

The first two cases can occur with poor cleaning, airing the room. Dust and foreign particles enter the nasopharynx, thereby irritating it and causing sneezing.

Furacilin for nasal lavageVery often, these symptoms can talk about an allergic reaction. When irritating particles get on the mucous body, they try to get rid of them by sneezing. In addition, protective mucus is produced in the form of a runny nose, eyes are lacrimation. Now it remains to eliminate the stimulus and avoid contact with it in the future.
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Colds and flu have a number of their own, unlike allergies, symptoms. The onset of influenza is characterized by chills, high body temperature. A person feels an ailment, he is thrown into the heat in the cold. There is a perspiration, a cough, a sore throat, an ache in the body, a headache. In addition, with this disease there is weakness, appetite disappears. The beginning of the cold is indicated by a runny nose. The fact is that the inflammatory process begins precisely with the nose. The appearance of a cough comes at a later stage. There are cases when first there is a fever, then a runny nose. If you do not provide medical assistance on time, there is a risk of overgrowing a cold in bronchitis.

In the event that an increase in body temperature is not observed, but sneezing and runny nose appear every morning, the causes can be the following: drying of the mucosa, polyps, rhinovirus infection.

The dryness of the nasal mucosa can be provoked by the uncontrolled use of drops against the common cold, too dry air, a violation of the functioning of the capillaries. Self-treatment of such a phenomenon can not yield any results, here specialist's help is needed.

Sea salt for washing the noseThe polyp is a small neoplasm that causes discomfort when breathing. Often people do not attach importance to a small periodic runny nose, postponing a visit to a doctor. They use drops that bring temporary relief, but they lead to more serious problems. With a permanent nasal congestion, in no case can you take medication yourself. It is better to come to the reception to the ENT. He will explain that today there are many methods for treating polyps.

Another cause of sneezing and rhinitis without fever can be a rhinovirus infection. This is an acute illness of the nasal mucosa, which is caused by viruses. As a rule, such a virus enters the body by airborne droplets. This disease has pronounced symptoms: edema, reddening of the nose, frequent sneezing, lacrimation, irritation mucous eyes, sometimes rhinovirus infection can still be accompanied by a temperature increase of up to 38 degrees. This phenomenon occurs with weakened immunity.

The course of treatment should be under medical supervision. Antimicrobial medications can be used, as well as traditional medicine in the complex. It is useful to drink broths from medicinal herbs: lime, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother. They help to speed up the action of tablets.

What can I do to relieve the condition myself?

It is recommended to wash the nasal sinuses in order to get rid of harmful viruses, thereby preventing their reproduction.

Otrivin at sneezing and runny noseWhat will help?

Tinctures based on sea water.

Use for washing the broth of medicinal herbs, iodine solution, furacilin, salt water. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to use sea salt, since it contains all the elements that are necessary in the fight against viruses.

Substances that cause allergies can be washed with ordinary boiled water.

When sneezing and runny nose, you can use the following drugs: Otrivin, Dolphin, Akvalor, Salmin.

With a runny nose effectively fight: Nazol, Knoxprey, Tizin, Sanorin.

It should be remembered that the optimal composition of the nose rinsing remedy, as well as a drop or spray, can be advised only by a specialist, depending on the nature of the disease. After all, it can be caused not only by ARI, but also by other causes (allergy, dry nasal mucosa, rhinitis).

Conclusion on the topic

So, the lack of temperature for sneezing and runny nose can be caused by a number of different reasons. Do not immediately use sprays, trying to treat a runny nose, or taking pills for allergies. It is better to consult a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment, advise washing. So you can protect yourself from the consequences of improper self-treatment by pharmacy.

Runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing with cold: what to do and what to treat

The cold and its symptoms are quite unpleasant. If sneezing can somehow be tolerated, other symptoms seriously limit daily activities. For example, we are talking about a runny nose and watery eyes.

Runny nose begins after getting into the body of a bacterial or viral infection. It can be called a signal about the presence of the disease and the active development of the inflammatory process.

If there was lacrimation, the situation is aggravated. Discharge from the eyes and itching bring uncomfortable sensations and can be a sign of an additional illness. With tearing with a runny nose, there is a decrease in immunity, an increase in body temperature, weakness, general malaise.

In addition to the common cold, the cause of this condition can be excessive sensitivity to any substances. The allergic reaction is quite capable to develop into a rather dangerous independent disease, why it is important to undergo timely treatment.

Causes of tearing

In fact, tearing of the eyes is a natural protective reaction of the body. The eyes are moistened, which ensures:

  1. feeding cornea;
  2. getting rid of the pathogenic bacteria that have come in, dust particles.
watered eyes with the fluThanks to the lacrimal glands located in the corners of the eye sockets, the liquid can flow to the eyeball, and then evenly distributed along it. The liquid is accumulated in the inner cavity of the eye slits, which is called the eye lacrimal lake. After that, tears enter the nasal cavity.

If the tear is flowing for no apparent reason, and the itching in the eyes does not go away, one should be suspected of a health disorder.

There are many reasons for lacrimation. The most frequent of these will be:

  • active inflammation of the nasal mucosa, adnexal sinuses (sinusitis);
  • inflammatory process caused by allergens (allergic rhinitis, expressed by hay fever or allergic reaction to irritants);
  • active inflammation of the eye membrane, provoked by viruses, infection, allergies (conjunctivitis).

These diseases are especially affected by children and middle-aged people. Why there were problems in the nose and eyes of a particular patient, only the doctor can tell.

The main recommendation for those who have watery eyes and runny nose, try not to create excessive pressure in the nose. When blowing your nose, you can not pinch both nostrils at once.

Otherwise, the infection from the nose will get further, aggravating the situation.


Very often, patients are affected by sinusitis. Explicit symptoms of the disease are: a swollen, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing. With a cold, eyes are constantly watering, the snot becomes transparent. This symptom is accompanied by itching, pain in the nasopharynx and throat.

Internal pathological process is caused by the drying out of the septum, provoking abundant sputum secretion and difficulty breathing. The nasal septum increases in size, blocks the entrance to the paranasal sinuses. As a result:

  1. the general condition of the patient worsens;
  2. headaches begin, sneezing;
  3. torment uncomfortable sensations in cheekbones and orbits.
The eyes and the cold run low.Eyes in ARVI or ARI are watered due to swelling of the lacrimal nasal canal. If the nose is stuffy, all the exudate accumulated in the nasopharynx exits through the means of the lacrimal canal, which is unnatural.

Sinusitis is easily treatable. If you start it, the disease goes to the chronicle. This adversely affects the organs of vision: the eyes itch, the reds turn. Therefore, a doctor for the expansion of blood vessels will prescribe antibacterial drops in the nose. They include antibiotics related to the group of penicillins, cephalosporins.

Dry cough with sinusitis can be eliminated if:

  • do rinsing of the throat with decoctions of medicinal plants (if there is no allergy);
  • Dissolve tablets with a certain range of effects.

Naphthyzine is one of the popular drugs of this kind. However, despite their high efficiency, there is no need to apply drops for longer than 3-5 days. If this is not taken into account, the body gets used to the medicine, and soon the drops themselves cause the nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane. Drops cease to help, snot does not pass.

The duration of the course of treatment directly depends on the state of the organism and is established by the doctor in strictly individual order.

Allergic rhinitis

Rhinitis worries the patient seasonally. Symptoms are typical for the problem:

  • abundant snot;
  • increased tearing of the eyes;
  • severe itching in the nose;
  • Red eyes;
  • cough;
  • decreased vision;
  • violation of smell, taste sensations;
  • constant sneezing;
  • itching of the skin.
Allergic rhinitisWith allergic rhinitis there is no fever. The whole pathological process is based on the allergic reaction of the human body to fluff and bloom of trees. In this case, the runny nose has nothing to do with viruses. It can not be classified as contagious diseases, although they have similar symptoms.

To treat allergic rhinitis begin with finding out why the allergy and cupping of the harmful effects of the allergen has developed. More often than others, doctors recommend treating sneezing and lacrimation with means: Zirtek, Zetrin, Claritin, Zirtek.

Some patients, if they have red eyes and a stuffy nose, begin to arbitrarily treat the runny nose folk methods. Such funds with uncontrolled application can aggravate the situation and cause even greater health problems. To get rid of the consequences, in addition such patients take antibiotics, which can not be done.

The result of this "treatment":

  1. weakening of immunity;
  2. a dysbacteriosis.


If one eye is flushed and tearful, and there is no temperature, it is likely that the patient has started conjunctivitis. After a while, and with the second eye, the discharge begins. To prevent the infection from spreading further, you should take advice about compliance with hygiene rules and start treatment.

A separate pipette should be used for each eye. Usually the development of conjunctivitis is due to a runny nose of bacterial etiology. The infection is used to pass to nearby mucous membranes. In this case, a cold and itching in the eyes should be treated separately.

When the eyes fester with colds, they itch, the treatment of pathology depends on the nature of the symptoms and their shape. A comprehensive approach is envisaged that will cure the inflammatory process and even more spread of the bacteria.

Medicine knows several kinds of conjunctivitis:

  • acute bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic.

Regardless of the form of the disease, in the absence of adequate treatment, complications develop with a possible disruption in the functioning of the organs of vision. To treat a strong itch and discharge from the eyes begin with local drops and ointments: Tetracycline, Albucid, Tebrofen, Floral, Tobrex, Oxolin, Virollex, Zovirax and others.

Between procedures, you should wash your eyes with decoction of chamomile or strong black tea. How to do them, you can find out on our website. And the video in this article will tell you what to do with a cold, from which the eyes water.

Runny nose without temperature in a child than to treat?

Nasmork-bez-temperatury-Kak-lechitOften a child of different ages has a runny nose without fever. Such a symptom can not be ignored, it is important to treat rhinitis in time, if it does not pass in a short time, there can be serious complications. Do not get carried away with the spray, drops, they will harm the health of the child, can be addictive. It is best to use traditional methods of treatment, an excellent and proven drug is garlic-onion syrup. Also advise to use a laser.

Causes of a cold without fever in a child

Rhinitis is an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. Symptom occurs for various reasons - due to viruses, various allergens, hypothermia, as a result of surgical interference, trauma, nervous system, weakened immune system, adenoids. Coryza most often occurs due to viruses. In this situation, it is not necessary to tighten the runny nose, you need to urgently consult a doctor for advice.

The treatment of a cold in a child without fever

With a cold, the nose is heavily embedded, the mucous membrane swells, and the mucus accumulates in large amounts. Note that rhinitis of bacterial, viral origin is always accompanied by high fever. When the temperature of the body does not rise in the cold, a person feels badly himself, he is disturbed by a constant allergic sneezing.

Before treating a runny nose in a child, you must first find out the cause of the disease. For this, an antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic drug is prescribed.

After using a local treatment, with which you can get rid of the common cold, improve the condition of the nasal passages, facilitate respiratory function.

Cleansing the baby's nose from mucus

You must make the baby blow your nose carefully. Heavy cleansing of the nose of a young child. In this situation, it is necessary to use a tube, a rubber pear, an aspirator to stretch the mucus. If the baby can not blow his nose off himself, they are advised to use a dropper.

First, all mucus is cleared, then in the back of the nose. In this situation, it is advised to use physiological saline. There is a large number of different medicines, you can cook at home, for this you need to rely on a liter of water salt - enough of a teaspoon. After dripping into both nostrils, after every 20 minutes. With the procedure, you can slime that was in the back nasal passage to move into the pharynx, after you can swallow. So the mucus will not accumulate.

The rules for treating a cold in a child

1. The room should be cool fresh air, so that the mucous membrane does not dry out, it is important to drink as much as possible. In this situation, a crimson tea, raisin broth, compote with dried fruits, still water, black strong tea with lemon will suit.

2. Advise to use drops with oils, so you can avoid drying out the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose. Do not use drops containing antibiotics.

3. When you completely clean the baby's spout, you need to do everything in order to get rid of the swelling of the mucous membrane, so the baby can fully breathe. In this situation, you need to use vasoconstrictive drops. It is not worth getting involved, not more than 4 days, if there is no result, then it is worth to abandon them.

4. It is impossible for a child to drip milk, vegetable juices - from onions, scarlet, they can seriously damage, lead to serious irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, allergic reaction, spasm.

5. Modern medicine offers effective laser treatment, it positively affects the nasal mucosa when it is irradiated, it can significantly decrease, then it will be dense, hard, so you can avoid the inflammatory process in the mucosa, swelling. Using a laser, you can strengthen the vessels, do not allow them to expand. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is necessary to go through up to 8 procedures to completely get rid of the common cold.

6. Remember that the common cold is dangerous because it can develop into a chronic form of rhinitis, sinusitis, it will greatly harm the child. If the rhinitis is correctly treated, a week can completely cure the child. The main thing is to eat right, constantly strengthen the immune system, so you can forget about this unpleasant symptom for a long time.

Simple methods of treating a cold without fever in a child

It is advised to warm your nose. It is not difficult to do this, it is necessary to warm up the bag with the addition of salt, cooked eggs. For warming advise to use a reflex lamp, the child must draw warm air with his nose, so he warms it up.

It is recommended to use Protargol droplets, they are an oxidizing agent, with the help of a drug it is possible to remove bacteria from the nose. Protargol contains silver. Keep such drops you must in dark dishes. Remember that more than 5 days Protargol can not be kept, all active components that are contained in it are destroyed.

Coryza can be cured by decoction of chamomile, mineral water, sea water, it must be buried in the nose. Drops clean the nose, have a positive effect on the mucosa.

Most often, nasal congestion is observed in a child with acute respiratory infection. A baby can not suckle, constantly throws it, is capricious. In this situation, you need to constantly monitor that the child can breathe normally with his nose. Before you feed your baby, clean your nose, you can suck off the mucus, using a special pear. When a child has a large number of crusts, such procedures will not help.

So, it is necessary to pay attention to the runny nose without the temperature, it does not pass without a trace, can to be serious complications, it is important to avoid them in time, for this you need to treat the runny nose in all ways. Take care of various drops that can seriously damage the health of the child.

Runny nose and sneezing without fever: possible causes, treatment

Runny nose and sneezing without fever is a fairly common syndrome that can quickly disappear, or it may not go on for a long period of time. Sometimes it is quite harmless, but in some cases, such symptoms can serve as a signal and testify about serious diseases.

Why can there be a runny nose and sneezing without fever?

The first association that causes sneezing is a cold infection. But it is not always the case. Not having understood the reasons, you can resort to the wrong treatment. At best, it will be inconclusive, and at worst it can further exacerbate the situation. Therefore, it is not so much the symptom itself that is important as the factors that caused it.

Runny nose and sneezing without fever may occur due to the following reasons:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane with dust or any chemical substances;
  • viral infection;
  • an allergic reaction to an irritant (pollen of plants, smells, animal hair, etc.);
  • catarrhal infection;
  • long stay in poorly ventilated rooms;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules.

Far from always an unpleasant symptom requires medical intervention. Sometimes it is enough to change the situation, getting rid of the irritating factor. But if the condition remains unchanged for a long time, and new symptoms are added to it, then it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

runny nose and sneezing without fever

In which case should I see a doctor

Such habitual phenomena as runny nose and sneezing without temperature can sometimes not be as harmless as they seem at first glance. Sometimes a person simply needs a medical consultation. The following are the conditions under which it is recommended to consult a specialist without fail:

  • sensation of aches in the whole body;
  • general weakness of the body, which is accompanied by dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath (both with physical exertion and at rest);
  • the appearance of swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • too frequent or, conversely, too weak pulse.

In this case, it can go both as a neglected condition of the common cold, and about the flu or other serious infection, and therefore do not hesitate to go to the hospital.

persistent cold

What are the consequences

Probably, many people thought about what people sneeze from. It should be noted that this is nothing more than a protective reflex to irritation of the mucous membrane both from the outside and from the inside. If you observe this symptom infrequently, do not worry. Most likely, dust or some other irritating reagent has got into your nose.

The situation is quite different if you have a persistent runny nose. It can not be ignored. If the cause lies in a cold infection, the problem can develop into a chronic form, and then it will be virtually impossible to cure it. If you sneeze from allergies, then chances of attack of asthma are high, if you do not take preventive measures in time.

from which people sneeze

How to solve a problem

For the question of what people sneeze from, there will certainly be this: "How can we cope with this problem?" The main rule is never to restrain this reflex, because in this way you do not give outlet to contaminated or infected air, which later can lead to serious inflammation.

If sneezing has a cold or is associated with air pollution, then the ideal option is a high-quality and regular rinsing of the nose. So you not only get rid of excess mucus, but also protect yourself from more serious consequences.

In the case when the common cold is associated with allergic reactions, you have nothing to do but to take special antihistamines. It will be better if you address this problem to a doctor, and you will not independently experiment with medicines.

I'm constantly sneezing

How to do a nose wash

Quite often in the doctor's office you can hear such complaints and questions: "I sneeze without reason! What to do with this? "In 90% of cases, the doctor will recommend you to do a regular washing of the nose. Thus, it is possible to remove all irritants and mucus particles from the sinuses, as well as to remove puffiness and to facilitate breathing. It can also serve as an excellent prevention of colds.

In order for the procedure to be really effective, the following formulations should be used for washing:

  • herbal infusions;
  • natural vegetable and fruit juices (provided that you do not have allergies on them);
  • boiled or filtered water;
  • slightly concentrated solutions of iodine, manganese or furacilin;
  • a solution of sea salt or a pharmacy on its basis.

The procedure is recommended in the morning and evening. If you are not sure that you can correctly do everything yourself, go to the treatment room.

sneeze without reason

How to eliminate allergic sneezing

If sneezing is allergic, the doctor can prescribe special sprays and sprays, gels and ointments, as well as pills, syrups and other antihistamines. The action of all these means is aimed at completely neutralizing the influence of the stimulus. For the duration of the drug, the body loses all sensitivity and receptivity to it. Vessels narrow, the swelling passes, and you are no longer bothered by unpleasant sensations.

In order for the medicines to cope with the task even more effectively, observe simple but necessary rules:

  • every time after going out to the street, change clothes and take a shower so that there are no irritant particles left on the fabric and skin;
  • as often as possible do in the house wet cleaning, not allowing the accumulation of dust or particles of animal hair;
  • by all means get an air humidifier (it has rather compact dimensions, while making the atmosphere in the room more comfortable for the respiratory tract);
  • in no case do not dry clothes and clothes in the fresh air at a time when the active flowering of plants.

Folk recipes

If you complain to the elderly: "I have a runny nose, I'm constantly sneezing!", They will certainly sound you a dozen folk recipes to solve this problem. The most common of these are:

  • washing the nose with a decoction or infusion of chamomile;
  • massage of maxillary sinuses, as well as acupuncture points on the hands and feet;
  • aromatherapy using lemon, lavender, fir or eucalyptus oils;
  • burying the nose with menthol ether, diluted in water with Kalanchoe juice, as well as beets and carrots.

It is worth noting that, despite all the effectiveness of folk methods, it is not recommended to resort to them, without consulting with the doctor in advance. Also make sure that you do not have allergies to these or other means, so that the common cold is not allergic.

allergic sneezing

Brief conclusions

Sneezing and runny nose are such common symptoms that some people just stop paying attention to them, leaving the problem without solution. Nevertheless, if such unpleasant feelings bother you often or on an ongoing basis, be sure to consult a doctor. Inactivity can promote the transition of the disease to chronic form or cause serious inflammation. Do not forget that you can get rid of annoying sneezing not only with the help of expensive medications, but also using folk remedies that have been tested by many generations. Remember that even the most innocuous symptom can become a "first bell", and therefore do not ignore the body's signals and postpone the visit to the doctor.

Causes of sneezing and cold in the morning

Sneezing and runny nose in the mornings after a night's sleep a lot of people are worried every day. Nasal congestion and runny nose do not affect the quality of the work of a person, do not reduce its activity, so few people give their attention to these unpleasant moments. However, these seemingly simple symptoms should not be neglected. Doctors say that the cold in the morning in certain cases indicates that the person is seriously ill, so a timely visit to the doctor and subsequent diagnosis will not be superfluous.

The problem of sneezing in the morning

Coryza and sneezing is the reaction of the immune system, which helps to expel foreign bacteria from the body.When sneezing from the nasopharynx, the air stream emits excess mucus with pathogens, dust particles or allergens.

Causes of morning cold and sneezing

Flower pollen as the cause of morning sneezing and a coldCauses:
  1. Subcooling. If a person sleeps in a room with half-open windows on a cool night, then perhaps in the morning he will have symptoms of a stuffy nose. Naturally, during the night sleep immunity protects the human body, not letting him get sick, but unpleasant moments in the form of a mild cold can manifest.
  2. Wool of animals. A persistent runny nose and sneezing in the morning can be symptoms of a reaction to an allergen. If you have pets (especially if the cat or dog is in the bedroom where you rest), then, as a rule, the cause of a cold and sneezing can be their hair.
  3. The reaction of the body to house dust. It is impossible to completely isolate yourself from house dust. However, daily wet cleaning reduces the amount of dust in the air, which makes it not so dangerous for allergy sufferers. It should be noted that bedding - this is a real collection of dust, where they live microscopic ticks, waste products of which cause a runny nose and an allergic cough in a person. Experts advise you to carefully consider the choice of a bed, which must be regularly cleaned of dust.
  4. Allergy to pollen. In the summer, we usually rest or sleep with the windows ajar, which allows you to enter the flower pollen into the bedroom. As a rule, it is not possible to contact pollen completely at all, because during active flowering of plants it is everywhere.
  5. Chronic type of cold. With the symptoms of such a disease, pathological mucus is released mainly in the morning hours after sleep. Then the runny nose goes on for a short while, but you should not think that it completely stopped. Such sluggish symptoms are a sign of serious changes in the body that must be treated in a timely manner so that they do not cause inflammation and fever. A competent and timely treatment will help get rid of this ailment.

How to get rid of the symptoms

Allergy to animal hair as the cause of morning sneezing and a coldSo, sneezing and a runny nose is the defense of the body. However, this does not mean that such moments are useful, especially if they are repeated every day and bring inconvenience.

Treatment of symptoms of morning sneezing and runny nose in the first place should depend on the reasons that lead to these unpleasant moments. If the consequence of such a morning state is a reaction to an allergen, then the person usually is prescribed antihistamine group medicines.

The drugs suppress the production of histamine - a mediator, which promotes vasodilation, greatly reducing the musculature of the nasopharynx, causing burning and itching in the nose. Also the doctor can prescribe to the patient vasoconstrictive aerosols, hormonal preparations. If a person can as little as possible contact with the allergen, then the treatment procedures, as a rule, become minimal.

If the symptoms of a morning cold are characterized as a cold, then the main point in the treatment is frequent rinsing of the nasopharyngeal sinuses. The procedure helps to remove swelling and remove from the nasopharynx pathogenic microorganisms, which significantly reduces the symptoms of morning congestion of the nose and sneezing.

For the procedure for washing the sinuses, you can use sea salt, as well as various solutions of medicinal herbs. Nasopharyngeal rinsing is useful not only for colds, but for allergy symptoms, since the procedure allows almost completely removing allergens from the nasal cavity. The main task in the common cold is to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out and the appearance of crusts in the nasal cavity. For this, special moisturizers are used, which release the nasopharynx from accumulated excess mucus.

If you are constantly worried about sneezing and runny nose in the morning and you do not understand what is the cause of nasal congestion, be sure to visit a doctor.

Remember that any disease is always treated easier and faster at an early stage.

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