Rhinitis allergic and vasomotor: symptoms and treatment in children and adults

Rhinitis , or Coryza , is a common disease of the upper respiratory tract in children and adults. The main causes of rhinitis in a child and an adult are:

  1. overcooling,
  2. infectious agents,
  3. stress factors,
  4. allergic reactions,
  5. inhalation of irritating chemicals,
  6. hormonal disorders.

Runny nose may be the first sign of ARVI, ARI, the onset of an allergic reaction. Allocate the following types of rhinitis:

  1. allergic,
  2. infectious,
  3. nonallergic, noninfectious rhinitis( vasomotor).

In this article, we will talk about how to treat allergic and vasomotor rhinitis in the home by means of official medicine and folk home remedies.


Rhinitis: allergic and vasomotor

Allergic rhinitis: symptoms

This disease is caused by the penetration of the allergen into the sensitized organism( sensitization is increased sensitivelyIt is an organism to the foreign agent - allergen).Usually this happens through the respiratory tract, primarily through the nose.

Propensity to allergic reactions can be congenital( and inherited) and acquired.

Unlike vasomotor rhinitis, in case of allergic rhinopathy, the patient can always indicate that his father or mother suffered from allergic diseases( hives, bronchial asthma, rheumatism, etc.), could not tolerate certain types of food( intolerance to chocolate, strawberries, strawberries, individual varieties of fish or meat).

The main symptom of the disease with allergic rhinitis is the so-called "seasonal runny nose".It is usually observed during the flowering of grasses and grasses and is caused by the inhalation of air containing plant pollen. For the development of the disease, there is sometimes a very, very small amount of pollen possessing allergenic properties. If the conjunctiva and the mucous membrane of the nose get pollen( allergen) causes rhinitis and conjunctivitis, which are accompanied by lacrimation, abundant rhinitis, stuffy nose, itching in the eyelids, nose and hard palate and sneezing attacks. Often allergic rhinitis is accompanied by attacks of bronchial asthma, as these diseases are linked by some etiological factors.

Vasomotor rhinitis: symptoms

Vasomotor( reflex) runny nose is manifested by attacks of varying intensity. The intervals between attacks are uneven and depend both on the conditions of the external environment and on the reactivity of the organism.

Attacks of vasomotor rhinitis can be very intense, accompanied by abundant watery discharge, multiple sneezing and nasal congestion. In patients, there is lacrimation, itching in the eyes, nose and hard palate. Sometimes the phenomena of conjunctivitis develop and severe headaches appear.

External catarrhal phenomena are not clearly expressed, therefore such conditions are sometimes called rhinopathies.

Symptoms of acute vasomotor and allergic rhinitis are very similar and often can not be distinguished.

The causes of vasomotor rhinitis are varied and not always clear. Sometimes the disease occurs after stressful situations, sometimes - with hormonal disorders. More rarely, the cause of vasomotor rhinitis is allergy - hypersensitivity to a foreign protein.

The disease is more likely to develop in people suffering from increased lability of the nervous system, irritability and vegetative disorders.

Disease attacks occur reflexively under the influence of changing climatic conditions( hypothermia or, conversely, excessive overheating in the sun, strong wind, etc.) or when irritated by chemicals.

All these irritants cause an inadequate response of the central nervous system, which is manifested in the appearance of an attack of the disease. Sometimes, the slightest blow of the wind suffices, so that the patient "has a nose" and there are abundant secretions.

Outside attacks, patients do not notice any abnormalities in the state of health and all pathological phenomena disappear.

Rhinitis: treatment - general recommendations

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis should primarily be aimed at strengthening the nervous system.

The patient needs gradual hardening( sports, climatotherapy, outdoor activities, water procedures).All fortifying agents and vitamins for such patients are a means of first necessity.

For patients with vasomotor rhinitis, the sanitation of teeth, nose and tonsils is a prerequisite for recovery.

All defects in the upper parts of the respiratory system( adenoids, polyps, chronic tonsillitis, etc.) should be eliminated.

In the treatment of vasomotor and allergic rhinitis there is much in common, so the main treatment will be given below.

How to blow your nose

The main thing is to blow your nose properly!

It is necessary to try to simultaneously clean the nasal cavity and at the same time, to prevent the discharge from the nose from entering the middle ear cavity and the paranasal sinuses: frontal and maxillary.

It is necessary to wrinkle effortlessly, with a half-open mouth, to release in turn each half of the nose, pressing one of the wings of the nose to the septum.

In case of appearance of dry crusts at the entrance to the nose - soften them with oil( olive, sunflower) and then gently remove the cotton wick. After this procedure, you can blow the mucus from the nose by blowing it.

Treatment of rhinitis by means of official medicine

Treatment of of allergic rhinitis is a difficult task.

First of all, it should begin with the termination of contact with the allergen that caused the disease. If the allergen has not been established, measures are being taken to reduce the susceptibility of the organism to a foreign agent. The first barrier to the allergen is the nasal mucosa. With repeated contact, the mucosal trachea, bronchi, and lungs are involved in the process. Developed bronchial asthma, the treatment of which is largely similar to the treatment of other allergic diseases. All herbal medicines used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis can be prescribed in the treatment of bronchial asthma and other allergies.

If an allergen can not be established, unspecific desensitization is performed. Assign antihistamines such as:

  1. Pipolphen,
  2. Dimedrol,
  3. Suprastin,
  4. Calcium Chloride,
  5. Diazolin and corticosteroids, which are used not only inwards, but also locally, as drops or intralesive injections.

Since vasomotor rhinitis develops in people with autonomic nervous system dysfunction, treatment, in the first place, should be aimed at stabilizing its functions. To this end, the patient is assigned a galvanic collar( according to Shcherbak), a diathermy of the cervical sympathetic nodes. Often effective intranasal novocain blockade, intranasal iontophoresis with adrenaline or calcium chloride.

Traditional remedies for rhinitis at home

In case of a cold, rinse the nose with saline solutions or seawater. To prepare saline solution for a glass of warm water, add 5-7 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of salt of .Stir.

The therapeutic effect is provided by freshly prepared juices Kalanchoe and white cabbage .They cause mild irritation of the mucous membrane, sneezing and as a result - the release of the nose from mucus. Some people are well helped by fresh aloe juice .It is injected into both halves of the nose for 5 drops 2-3 consecutive days every two hours.

With a strong cold, put a wet napkin on the wings of the nose. On a napkin, put a small amount of grated onion .Lie down with such a compress 10 minutes. Breathing will become much easier. My head will stop hurting.

Grind garlic and pound it into the nasal passages. Suffer a burning sensation, let tears flow, swell from the heart - the rhinitis will stop in three hours.

Much softer acts when buried in the nose "Garlic" oil : one slice of garlic pour over one tablespoon of vegetable oil for the night, filter and bury the received liquid in the nose 3-4 times a day, after removing the mucus from it.

Effective remedy for the common cold is obtained if honey add to the juice of raw red beet : for 1 tsp honey 2.5 teaspoons of beet juice. Bury 5-6 drops in each nasal passage 4-5 times a day. Especially helps such treatment for children with enlarged adenoids - significantly improves nasal breathing, temporarily stops the allocation of mucus from the nose. This remedy replaces any vasoconstrictive drops for the nose.

Remember that any treatment at home should be consistent with your doctor!

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One of the effective tools is the Dolphin complex - http://dolphin.ru. He washes away all the viruses and pathogenic bacteria from the mucosa, has antiseptic and immunomodulatory effects.

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Treatment of a common rhinitis( rhinitis) with folk remedies

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Source: Iligov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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