Spondylosis of the lumbar spine: a description of the disease, symptoms and treatment

The lumbar spine is most often affected by such diseases as osteochondrosis, spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis. Spondylosis of the lumbar spine - what is it? What is its difference from osteochondrosis and spondylarthrosis?

To a certain extent spondylosis and spondylarthrosis can be considered the next stage of osteochondrosis development, when as a result of degenerative changes in intervertebral discs begins compensatory calcification and the subsequent sprawl of peripheral parts of the vertebrae in their locations contact.

Spondyloarthrosis is more common in the cervical region and is accompanied by a reactive inflammation in the joints of the spine. Its appearance is usually of an age-related nature. In this spondylosis is manifested primarily in the lower parts of the spine, can develop rather quickly and sprawling peripheral parts of the vertebrae can sometimes lead to their complete coalescence.


  • 1What is the result of spondylosis?
  • 2Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • 3Degrees of disease
  • 4Method of treatment
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What is the result of spondylosis?

The process of development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine is associated with both physical exertion and disruption of nutrition of the tissues that form the intervertebral joints.These two effects can not be considered separately.

The load leads not only to the flattening of the intervertebral disc and excessive stress on the vertebral bodies, but also to the development of spasm of the adjacent muscles. As a result, the blood supply and innervation of the affected areas worsen, which further aggravates the functioning of the lumbar spine.

The process goes in a circle, the changes are growing.The intervertebral disc becomes more and more susceptible to mechanical influence, and the fibrous ring is involved in the process of change.

Due to the permanent trauma of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, they gradually become detached. As a result, vertebrae appear on the edges of the vertebrae (osteophytes), which is a typical manifestation of the disease.

The next stage in the development of the deforming spondylosis of the lumbar spine may be an even larger growth bone tissue of the vertebrae, leading to the appearance of so-called "blocks greatly reducing the mobility the spine.

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The basic prerequisites of spondylosis:

  • a sedentary lifestyle and the presence of prolonged static loads on the vertebral column;
  • accumulation of age-related changes in connective and bone tissue of the spine;
  • presence of hereditary and constitutional predisposition;
  • heavy physical work or short-term heavy load on the background of general untrained;
  • trauma, infectious and other diseases.

Proceeding from this, allocate certainrisk groups.First of all, this ismen.Their work and way of life are often associated with excessive physical stress. Women who have excessive loads, the ailment also does not bypass.

The risk of acquiring the disease and those individuals whose activity is associated with prolonged static stress on the spine,for example, office workers.

Age is important for the occurrence of spondylosis. Most often the disease begins to develop after 40-50 years, but in the presence of any of the above prerequisites, the disease can manifest much earlier.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The first manifestations of spondylosis are usually nonspecific, similar to the symptoms of osteochondrosis.

There are temporary pains in the back, often provoked by stress, hypothermia, lifting of gravity.Gradually the pains become more regular, take a cyclic character.

In some cases, pain sensations extend to the legs, buttocks, and the sacral region. Small inclines forward, on the contrary, lead to a weakening of pain, since in this case there is an increase in the lumen in the vertebral canal.

In the future, there is discomfort (one-sided or bilateral) with prolonged standing or walking.Patients in almost half the cases complain about discomfort, and not pain, which sometimes do not have an acute manifestation.

Often there are signs resembling intermittent claudication. When examining the patient, pain is also noted in the corresponding spine, connected with the lesion of the intervertebral joints.

The totality of these symptoms suggests the presence of spondylosis.

But it is only possible to make a diagnosis after radiographic examination. The picture clearly shows the appearance of osteophytes at the edges of the vertebrae. Clarification of the degree of development of the disease is carried out using CT, MRI or myelography.

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Degrees of disease

When1 degreesprouting almost does not go beyond the vertebrae, mobility is limited to a small extent.

2 degreecharacterized by further growth of osteophytes, which turn out to be directed towards each other. Markedly limited mobility, frequent pain when walking, overcooling, stress.

When3 degreesosteophytes grow together in the form of a staple, pain grows, the mobility of the department is completely disturbed.

Method of treatment

In view of the complexity of the disease and the variety of causes that cause it, treatment of spondylosis of the lumbosacral spine is long and complex.

The combination of different types of therapy with exercise therapy can delay the development of the disease, will improve the quality of life of the patient, extend his period of efficiency.

To treat spondylosis of the lumbar spine is only necessary under the supervision of a doctor.

In the early stages of the disease it helpsphysiotherapy. The impact of ultrasound, phonophoresis, therapeutic mud improves the nutrition of the affected areas of the spine, delaying dystrophic changes in it.

Drug therapy is used to relieve the course of the disease. They are used as anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, movalis, nise, ketonal), and muscle relaxants (midokalm, flexene).

The beneficial effect is also provided by chondroprotectors (dona, chondroxide). In some cases, the appointment of sedatives, antidepressants. It is mandatory to take appropriate vitamin complexes.

Leading role in the treatment of spondylosis belongs to physical education. A specially selected set of exercises will help the body to fight the causes of the disease and stop its progression.

Physiotherapypromotes better blood circulation and nutrition of the joints, stimulates the development of muscles. In this case, an additional support for the spine is formed, the spasmodic phenomenon is significantly removed, painful manifestations are reduced.

As alternative types of physical training are usedyoga, gymnastics Qigong, classes on special simulators.

Reflexotherapy (acupuncture) has not yet received sufficient spread, although in some cases it gives a good effect, improving the processes of nerve conduction and relieving pain.

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In severe cases, in the presence of individual indications, the only effective method is surgical treatment. At the same time, the patient's age status, presence of other diseases must be taken into account.

Spondylosis of the lumbar spine is a severe chronic disease difficult to treat.When diagnosing spondylosis or osteochondrosis, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible, scrupulously perform all the doctor's prescriptions.

Based on special physical training in combination with drug treatment and physiotherapy, you can to suspend the development of the disease, to avoid deterioration of well-being, to prolong the years of activity and vivacity.