Diseases of the joints of the lower extremities: symptoms and treatment of arthrosis and arthritis


  • 1Osteoarthritis of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment and photo of the feet
    • 1.1Causes of the disease
    • 1.2What happens inside the joint?
    • 1.3What are the stages?
    • 1.4Principles of Prevention and Treatment
    • 1.5Various treatments
  • 2Characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment of lower limb arthrosis
    • 2.1The essence of pathology
    • 2.2Locations
    • 2.3Etiology of the disease
    • 2.4Symptomatic manifestation of pathology
    • 2.5Principles of treatment of pathology
    • 2.6Medication Therapy
  • 3Arthritis of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment, prevention
    • 3.1Classification of the disease by major features
    • 3.2Statistical data
    • 3.3Causes of the disease
    • 3.4Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 3.5Traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment
    • 3.6Recommendations for prevention
  • 4Causes, symptoms and treatment of lower extremity arthrosis
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Treatment
    • 4.4Folk methods
  • 5Arthrosis of the lower extremities symptoms and treatment of joint disease
    • 5.1Main reasons
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2How does the "inside" joint collapse?
    • 5.3Types of arthrosis of the legs
    • 5.4Stages of
    • 5.5The main signs of arthrosis
    • 5.6Diagnostics
    • 5.7Treatment for the first symptoms

Osteoarthritis of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment and photo of the feet

Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disease caused by deformation processes in the articular cartilage. Synonyms - deforming osteoarthritis, as well as osteoarthrosis.

Diseases occurring in the leg area are directly related to the development of arthrosis:

  1. inflammatory process in the knee joint - gonarthrosis,
  2. Kelgren's disease - is considered a hereditary polyarthrosis,
  3. polyarthrosis - inflammation affects all joints of the legs;
  4. arthrosis of the foot;
  5. inflammation in the hip joint - coxarthrosis.

Causes of the disease

As for the etiology of the disease that occurs in the joints of the lower extremities, it is very extensive. Specialists identify the following causes that cause arthrosis of the lower extremities:

  • glitches on the hormonal background;
  • flat feet;
  • overweight;
  • the metabolism is broken;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • physical stress on the joints.

These factors cause damage to the cartilaginous tissues, which in time grab large areas. In the hyaline cartilage, unevenness appears, causing trophic surfaces of the joints.

The disease has painful and painful symptoms. The movements are accompanied by a local inflammatory process and painful sensations, in the future the osteophyte appears. In simple words, this is a kind of bone growth that restricts movement.

According to WHO statistics, the disease affects the male sex at the age of up to 50 years. As for women, arthrosis of the extremities threatens them much less to 50 years, but after this age the indices significantly increase twice. This ailment is considered the main cause of disability.

What happens inside the joint?

In the human body there is a special synovial fluid that lubricates the surface and feeds the cartilage. The appearance of factors that provoke arthrosis significantly change the composition of the presented fluid.

The consequences are quite alarming and dangerous:

  1. hyaline cartilage is compacted;
  2. the appearance of microcracks;
  3. deformation occurs;
  4. if not begin treatment, the processes of destruction begin.

Over time, the formation of secondary inflammatory reactions, aggravating the course of the disease. Violated mobility of joints, the moment of movement is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort.

As a result, there is no special cartilaginous layer in the "bare bone so the bones can rub against each other.

Full deformation of the feet occurs when inflammation affects the periarticular tissues, namely, ligaments, capsule and muscles.

What are the stages?

Having done a lot of research (radiological and clinical), specialists determine the important stages and symptoms of the disease:

  • Stage 1 - there are small restrictions in the mobility of the lower limbs, as well as painful sensations. After examining the X-ray, you can see some transformations, for example: the edges of the articular surface are sharpened, and the joint slit is significantly reduced.
  • Stage 2 - more painful symptoms appear: pain and severe limitation in mobility. The X-ray image shows: razor sharpening in the bone, compaction of the bone under the cartilage, clear osteophytes, and narrowing of the joint gap.
  • Stage 3 and 4 - extremely unpleasant symptoms: limited mobility, permanent and significant pain in the joints of the lower extremities. On the x-ray you can see: the growth of bones, the absence of a gap and articular cartilage, as well as severe deformities.

For the diagnosis is used anamnesis and MRI of the joints, X-ray, clinical picture, as well as the patient's complaints.

Principles of Prevention and Treatment

When there is arthrosis, you need to take all measures to stop the inflammation, since traditional medicine is not able to get rid of it completely.

Treatment has the main goal - to prevent deformation of the cartilage and tissue.

As for medical manipulations, they are aimed at inhibiting destructive processes.

Experts recommend performing preventive measures to prevent the onset of arthrosis in a timely manner.

For this, it is necessary to engage in joint strengthening, unloading physical exertion on the legs, eliminating stagnation in the vessels, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Timely treatment is the key to a more successful outcome in a situation.

To prevent severe destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, it is desirable to avoid prolonged static loads on the lower limbs. You can not allow prolonged sitting in one position and walking on his heels.

If you have excess weight, you need to reduce the load by different methods and make it minimal, this is also a kind of treatment.

Particular difficulties arise for those individuals who have a genetic predisposition to being overweight.

If hormonal medications are used in the treatment, there is a possibility of gaining excess weight.

Various treatments

Osteoarthritis affecting the joints of the lower extremities is quite common. Complex methods are used for treatment.

Goals and stages of treatment:

  1. to remove the inflammatory process;
  2. regular intake of pain medication;
  3. stop destructive processes that will prevent the occurrence of complications and deterioration;
  4. improve the mobility of joints that are located in the legs, as well as increase the physical activity and performance of the patient;
  5. Maintain a large part of the joint tissues to prevent surgery, as well as disability.

Basic medicines are chondroprotectors for joints. This is a special drug that stops the destructive processes in the cartilage. It will take a special course, since a one-time reception will not be effective.

On the recommendation of the attending physician, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. More on arthrosis and methods of dealing with it in the video in this article.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/arthrosis/artroz-nizhnih-konechnostej.html

Characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment of lower limb arthrosis

Arthrosis of the lower extremities: the symptoms and treatment of it are under the authority of an arthrologist, but specialists of such narrow specialization are only in large medical institutions.

Most often the treatment process is provided by an orthopedist, but with the connection of such specialists as a therapist, surgeon, rheumatologist. This pathology has a polyethological nature, and therefore is complex in treatment and requires an integrated approach.

For a successful fight against the disease, it must be identified at the earliest stages, when the destruction did not cross the boundary of irreversibility.

The essence of pathology

In any case, any arthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic destruction of the cartilaginous and other articular tissues and can affect almost any joint of the musculoskeletal system rights. Lower extremities are one of the variants of localization of the focus of pathology and are considered one of the most common.

Pathology is primarily characterized by the gradual destruction of cartilaginous joints of the leg joints with subsequent damage to ligaments, vessels, bone tissue.

Cartilage does not have its own blood circulation due to the absence of blood vessels, and nutrition is provided by the fluid produced by the joint capsule. It is the violation of its development and leads to the provocation of pathology.

Deterioration of nutrition leads to degenerative changes in structure, the enzyme balance (the ratio of chondroitin and glucosamine) is disturbed.

As a result of thinning, loss of elasticity and cracking, cartilage is destroyed, and it ceases to act as lubricant and shock absorber.

There is a direct contact of bone elements of the joint, leading to violations of their structure and proliferation of formations like osteophytes. The change in size and destruction of articular elements adversely affect the ligamentous and muscular apparatus.

Compression and damage to blood vessels and nerve fibers occurs. All this leads to the characteristic manifestations of the disease.


The lower limbs of a person have several important joints that provide movement and various movements of the legs and trunk. Taking into account the localization of lesions, the following types of arthrosis are distinguished:

  1. Hip arthrosis, or coxarthrosis. It affects the uppermost part of the extremities in the region of the hips. Often this type of pathology originates in working age and can lead to disability.
  2. Knee arthrosis, or gonarthrosis. It can develop on one or both extremities. This variant of the disease affects up to 18 - 22% of people over 50 years old.
  3. Ankle arthrosis, or osteoarthritis. Pathology can cause significant deformation of the foot as a result of growth of marginal osteophytes.
  4. Osteoarthritis of toes. It often affects the joints of the thumbs, but often affects other joints.

Etiology of the disease

Osteoarthritis as a dystrophic pathology of joints is most often due to the age factor, i.e.

natural aging of tissues, in which microdefects gradually accumulate due to the active motor process.

At the same time, the disease begins to develop in people of different ages and with varying intensity of development. The reasons are in the following provoking factors:

  • the consequences of injuries (especially fractures, dislocations and severe bruises) and deformities arising after surgery;
  • hereditary (genetic) predisposition;
  • excessive one-time or permanent physical exertion on the appropriate joints, caused by production, sports, living conditions;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • diseases that lead to metabolic disorders (especially diabetes mellitus);
  • articular inflammatory diseases (arthritis);
  • vascular pathologies, incl. varicose veins.

Symptomatic manifestation of pathology

Any arthrosis is manifested by characteristic symptoms caused by a disruption in the functioning of the joint:

  1. Pain syndrome. Depending on the stage of the pathology, it has a different intensity: from discomfort at the initial stage to constant pain, even at rest. Most often there are painful sensations when moving in the affected joint or physical activity.
  2. Stiffness of the joint with a long standing in one position, prolonged movement or movement with increased load (climbing stairs, running, etc.).
  3. A crunch in the joint. Specific sound produced by movement.
  4. Limitation of mobility of the joint, until complete immobilization in the advanced stage.

With the progression of the disease, several stages can be distinguished, differing in the degree of joint damage and the severity of the manifestation of the underlying symptoms.

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint:

  • Stage 1: slight pain in the thighs is felt with considerable loads. Work ability is not violated, and changes are reversible.
  • Stage 2: the pain syndrome is localized only in the joint region, but has a significant intensity with sudden limb movements or fast rising.
  • Stage 3: severe pain during movement. Gradually, the pain syndrome begins to be felt and at rest. His irradiation is transmitted throughout the thigh and lower limb to the knee.
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Osteoarthritis of the knee:

  1. Stage 1: slight pain in the knee zone occurs only after a prolonged and intense load and quickly subsides at rest. The mobility of the joint is not limited.
  2. Stage 2: pain is of a moderate nature, but occurs with small loads. There is stiffness and some limitation of mobility of the knee joint. There may be temporary small lameness.
  3. Stage 3: severe pain, gradual deformation of the joint. Violated mobility and muscle hypotrophy.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle and toes:

  • Stage 1: slight pain during walking, swelling after prolonged movement (usually in the evening, after a working day).
  • Stage 2: frequent pain of medium intensity, the appearance of a crunch when walking, some restriction of joint mobility. The first small marginal osteophytes appear.
  • Stage 3: restriction of mobility of the foot and toes, severe pain when walking. Gradually, the deformation of the foot in the form of marginal growths becomes noticeable.

Principles of treatment of pathology

Before the beginning of treatment of arthrosis it is necessary to diagnose it, differentiating it from other joint diseases, which have similar symptoms.

The most informative method is radiography, which allows to assess the condition of the joint space and the cartilaginous lining.

To clarify the diagnosis can be carried out:

  1. Ultrasound;
  2. CT scan;
  3. MRI.

Laboratory tests of blood and urine help to establish concomitant diseases and causes of arthrosis.

Treatment of pathology can not lead to a complete cure, and therefore a specific task is posed:

  • cessation of the destructive process;
  • elimination of inflammatory reaction;
  • symptomatic therapy (primarily anesthesia);
  • maximum tissue regeneration;
  • restoration of joint mobility.

The treatment is complex and long-lasting, including medication, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics, therapeutic and prophylactic measures, folk remedies.

Medication Therapy

Therapeutic treatment is based on external and systemic means. Local effects are provided by ointments, creams, gels, solutions, compresses.

It is often enough to use such an effective method as the introduction of the drug directly into the affected joint.

In severe cases, the disease can not do without systemic drugs.

The following basic preparations can be distinguished:

  1. For anesthesia, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and various analgesics are used. Widely used ointments: Voltaren, Emulgel, Ibuprofen, Diklak. Analgesics: Paracetamol, Meloxicam, Ketanov. Koksiba: Rofika, Celecoxib, Lumiracoxib. Corticosteroids: Hydrocartisone, Kenalog, Diprostan. Medicines of a non-selective type: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. Immediately in the joint are administered Triampinolone, Betamethasone.
  2. Cartilage regeneration is achieved by chondroprotectors: Arthra, Stopartrose, Teraflex, Rumalon.
  3. To improve the production of articular fluid are appointed: Stugeron, Trental.
  4. Ending the destruction of cartilage helps to ensure the drug Piascladin with a long course of admission.
  5. Inside the joint are injected funds based on hyaluronic acid: Synvisc, Ostenil, Fermatron, Hyalurum.
  6. Kontrikal and Gordoks are used as inhibitors of proteolysis.
  7. Normalizing the blood supply helps warming ointments: Bishofit and Dimexid.
  8. To increase the effectiveness of treatment in addition, usually prescribed are: vitamin complexes, including vitamins B, nicotinic acid, Actovegin, ointment of Troxevasin.

Arthrosis of the feet is a common and very painful pathology. In a neglected state, it can significantly reduce a person's working capacity, up to disability.

Treatment of the disease must begin at the earliest stages, when it is still possible to completely repair the affected joint.

At the last stages of the disease, treatment will only be able to remove the symptoms, but will not be able to completely return all the joint functions.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artroz/nizhnih-konechnostej-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

Arthritis of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment, prevention

An acute inflammatory process in the joints of the lower extremities and adjacent tissues is called arthritis of the lower extremities.

The disease is systemic progressive, often accompanied by a number of destructive phenomena in the area of ​​osteochondral cartilage and connective tissue, which eventually leads them to a different type of erosion and deformation.

Classification of the disease by major features

In its prevalence, arthritis is divided into monoarthritis, oligoarthritis and polyarthritis, when 1 joint, 2-3 joints and more are affected respectively by disease.

Also, arthritis is classified at the site of localization, for example, when the bone structure of the feet or brushes is afflicted symmetrically, this is a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, if in the feet and brushes of hands inflamed interphalangeal joints, then there is psoriatic arthritis, and finally, the defeat of the sacrum and spine is most typical for ankylosing spondyloarthritis.

In addition, arthritis is manifested in 2 forms according to the following characteristics: acute form, accompanied by swelling, sharp unbearable pain, redness of the skin and increased temperature in the articular part of the limb; and chronic, which, on the contrary, very rarely reminds of itself, flowing imperceptibly and manifesting from case to case in the form aching pain. This concealment of the chronic form from the eyes and feelings of the patient is fraught with a serious threat to health.

Statistical data

As medical practice shows, arthritis most often affects the joints of the lower extremities, due to the fact that in the overall picture of the course of the disease the joint syndrome becomes the leading one.

But unlike the upper limbs, where this syndrome often also takes place, the position of the lower limbs is far from being privileged - they carry the entire burden of body weight. For example, with flatfoot this load due to loss of depreciation increases at times.

And even at a working age people often get the risk of early disability.

On average, the risk of the incidence of arthritis of the lower extremities among the adult population is rather low and equal to 1-3%.

With age, this indicator increases, and after 45-48 years, given a number of oppressive factors of the urban environment (adverse ecology, hypodynamic lifestyle of most citizens, unbalanced food, stressful situations, neglect of safety at work, etc.) grows to 12-15%. And among women, arthritis, including those concentrated in the limbs, occurs 3 times more often than masculine.

Cases of recovery are much more common with an integrated approach in the treatment of lower limb arthritis when the pharmacological method proposed by the traditional medicine, some other remedies are also applied, for example, many recipes of folk medicine, dieticians' recommendations, therapeutic gymnastics, herbal medicine and other They do not harm the medical process controlled by doctors, but only enhance the healing effect.

Causes of the disease

From the long list of reasons provoking the development of arthritis of the lower extremities, we will highlight the most common:

  1. Infectious nature: the disease occurs as a result of past viral infections and some other diseases, accompanied by damage to the joints. Through the blood, the articular tissues become infected, resulting in the development of specific arthritis. Degenerative changes in the joints of the limbs are often detected as a complication in those who have had sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis, gonorrhea chlamydia and etc.
  2. Autoimmune mechanisms: when the connective tissue is damaged, the patient's own immunity begins to be perceived as alien, producing as a result antibodies that damage it even more. For example, in children in such cases, rheumatoid arthritis occurs, and the result is streptococcal infection. There may also be rheumatic fever, for example, first arthritis of the lower, then arthritis of the upper limbs; arthritis of the toes, gradually flowing into the arthritis of the fingers, etc.
  3. Mechanical cause: an acute inflammatory process develops as a consequence of a stroke, fall, accident or load, long-term tolerated on the same limb.
  4. Specific diseases: they include such as gout (when depositing crystalline urate particles in articular cavities), psoriasis (in the case when psoriatic plaques penetrate deep into the bones and cartilage of the joint) and other

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Any kind of arthritis, including arthritis of the lower limbs, reveals itself a set of identical symptoms.

This is redness, swelling, impaired mobility of the joints, manifested in stiffness when walking pain, intensifying in the morning and subsiding towards evening. Increases the temperature of the skin in the area of ​​damage.

In rheumatoid arthritis symmetrical arrangement of damaged joints is observed.

In the case of an infectious disease, the following symptoms are revealed: intoxication, chills, increase in overall body temperature, fever, weakness, lack of appetite. In peripheral blood, leukocytosis is found, the index of ESR increases.

And yet, with arthritis of the lower extremities, many factors become etiology, the clinic of this disease is very variable, so it is sometimes not possible to recognize it even for an experienced specialist.

Addressing to the doctor, you need to tune in to extensive diagnostics, whose kinds in modern medicine are plenty: first, it takes to collect anamnesis of the disease, to conduct the necessary instrumental and laboratory studies, such as urine and blood tests, computed tomography, X-ray.

Then follows the introduction of special solutions inside the joint. If the inflammatory process is an exudative form, then before the administration of the drug solution, exudate from the joint cavities is first removed. In addition, arthritis of the lower, and if necessary, upper extremities is ultrasound. This list of diagnostic measures is not limited, there is a whole range of different procedures to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment

It is advisable to begin treatment even in the early stages of the disease.If this condition is met, a stable remission can be achieved, eliminating all pathological changes threatening deformity and joint fusion.

Treatment of arthritis of extremities of any kind and localization, as a rule, begins with anti-inflammatory therapy.

The patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroid agents and, finally, basic anti-inflammatory drugs drugs that reduce the activity of degenerative processes in the synovium, partly eliminate the pain syndrome, but do not affect the self course of the disease.

It is worth noting that all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a number of side effects. In this regard, it is preferable to the basic treatment, which includes the following medicines:

  • Choline preparations (for example, hydroxychloroquine), which are consumed for a long time with some interruptions, are usually prescribed with a mild form of lower limb arthritis;
  • salazo-preparations (sulfosalazine), are taken during severe and medium-severe course of the disease;
  • chondroprotectors - inhibit the destructive processes of bone-cartilage structures and to a considerable extent accelerate its recovery;
  • salts of gold - previously used as an optimal version of basic therapy, but eventually it became clear that they are fraught with allergic reactions and damage to the skin and kidneys, so at the moment they remain only as a backup facilities;
  • methotrexate - suppresses inflammatory processes and, referring to basic drugs, can will adversely affect the hepatic function and composition of the blood, which requires monitoring their indicators;
  • azathioprine - is also a primary drug of basic treatment, but is indicated for severe disorders that have spread beyond the boundaries of the joints;
  • Ciclosporin - a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, which is used in the most extreme and neglected cases. Here too, control of blood pressure and renal function is mandatory.
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In addition to these methods of treatment today, the additional ones - LFK, massage, acupuncture, antioxidant diet therapy, kinesitherapy, sanatorium rehabilitation, paraffin treatment, mud therapy, the use of specific footwear, equipped with orthopedic inserts, the use of bee venom, hirudotherapy.

Recommendations for prevention

To prevent the development of arthritis of the lower limbs, as well as of any other forms of arthritis, strict adherence to certain vital settings, available everyone, especially if there have already been any deviations from the norm, manifested, at least in mildly expressed stiffness in the morning, or just in excessive fatigue extremities. Below are some of the recommendations:

  1. Abandonment of all bad habits: alcohol consumption even in small doses, smoking, abuse of chocolate and coffee and, of course, overeating, because often it is it becomes the main reason for the occurrence of pathologies in the joints feet. Excess weight, especially under the condition of flabbiness of muscles, repeatedly increases the burden on the entire musculoskeletal apparatus, but it is never distributed evenly, and the overwhelming part of it falls precisely on the bones of the lower extremities.
  2. Active way of life will help to avoid this ailment. It is necessary to include in your daily schedule various exercises, including power, not to mention elementary walks in the distance from the roadway. By the way, therapeutic gymnastics or exercise therapy, applied in relation to patients already sick, perfectly suits and as a preventive measure. Here you can include yoga and various dances. To the fullest extent, this applies to clerical employees and office workers who spend a long time sitting at computer monitors, and this group of risk includes drivers, pianists, writers. It is only desirable to remember that overdoing this issue will not lead to anything good either - extreme sports and various physical overloads can only harm and through traumatic nature entail just being considered here pathology.
  3. Hardening. If the hardening was not included in the list of your daily preventive procedures, then proceed to it gradually: first on for several days to pour cold water only hands to the elbows, then a few days of the feet, legs completely and only then everything body. The temperature of water is also lowered gradually. When you pour cold water completely, it is useful to observe one rule, which reads as follows: from periphery to the center, i.e. It is always necessary to start from the extremities - this helps the vessels to adapt to temperature.
  4. The contrast shower consists of alternating cold and warm water, and start and finish dousing with cold water. All these water procedures significantly increase the resistance to infections in the body and provide Vessel training, on which depends blood supply of articular and periarticular tissues of the lower extremities.
  5. Thoughtful food. Bone-cartilage tissue needs products containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids, vitamins C and P, and calcium. All this is in varying degrees contained in fish, fruits and vegetables, greens. Calcium is also rich in dairy products, but after 35 years it is better to refuse them. It is also desirable to limit oneself to eating meat, fatty, fried, sweet, salty. It is necessary that at least half of the diet is raw vegetable products.

Prevention is of great importance, because prevents the development of arthritis of the lower extremities, and in time treatment will allow you to get rid of the disease and return you to a full active life and productive activities.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

A source: http://artrozmed.ru/artrit/profilaktika-artrita-nizhnix-konechnostej.html

Causes, symptoms and treatment of lower extremity arthrosis

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Treatment
  • 4 Folk methods

Arthrosis is a disease that is associated with degenerative processes in the field of cartilage of the joint. Diseases of the feet have their names depending on the site of localization of arthrosis:

  1. Coxarthrosis is a disease of the hip joint.
  2. Gonarthrosis is a disease of the knee joint.
  3. Osteoarthritis of the foot.
  4. Polyarthrosis is a disease of all groups of joints of the lower extremities.
  5. Hereditary polyarthrosis.


The reasons for which arthrosis appears are quite a large number, however, mostly specialists note:

  • Excess weight.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Flat feet.
  • Physical overload of joints.
  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Hormonal disbalance.

It is worth noting that if the arthrosis affects only one leg joint, then the load on the joints of the whole organism will be distributed differently.


The causes that contribute to the development of arthrosis have a strong enough effect on the synovial fluid that feeds the cartilage and lubricates the surface of the joints.

Because of the change in this fluid, hyaline cartilage starts to compact, microcracks appear, it deforms and gradually collapses.

Joints lose their habitual mobility, the patient has pain syndrome. Gradually, inflammatory processes begin to develop, aggravating the situation.

If the pathological process involves periarticular tissues, the foot begins to completely deform, and the functionality of the joint is further restricted.

Based on the clinic and X-ray examination, specialists distinguish such stages of arthrosis as:

  1. Stage 1 is characterized by a minor pain syndrome and a slight limitation of leg mobility. Radiologic examination shows symptoms of a small narrowing of the joint gap and a slight sharpening of the edges of the surfaces.
  2. At stage 2 there is a manifestation of a palpable pain syndrome and a pronounced limitation in the mobility of the joint surface. In the picture, the joint gap sharply narrows, osteophytes and cystlike enlightenments in the bone tissue are easily discernible, subchondral osteosclerosis begins to appear.
  3. In case 3 and conditionally 4 stages there are strong persistent pain symptoms in the joints of the lower extremities, the patient can not move his foot. X-ray shows an almost complete absence of cartilage of the joint and narrowing of the gap in the presence of obvious deformations and bone growths.

In the case of leg arthrosis, the diagnosis is made after the definition of the clinic, anamnesis, patient complaints, X-ray examination and MRI.


In the case of arthrosis, an important aspect is its early therapy, although it is impossible to achieve complete cure in modern medicine.

Therapy consists in slowing the destruction of the already damaged cartilage, and the goal is to prevent the moment when the cartilaginous tissue is completely destroyed.

In order to prevent destruction in the future, it is necessary to relieve the lower limbs of prolonged static loads. For this, you do not need to sit in an uncomfortable position, which is the way of life of many office employees, or constantly walk on high heels.

In the event that there are extra pounds, then you need to get rid of them. This condition is fundamental, in order to ensure a minimum load on the joints of the lower limbs.

It should be noted that this will be especially difficult for those who have a genetic predisposition to fullness, especially when hormonal drugs are prescribed for arthrosis.

It is possible to relieve the articular surface by means of swimming, so that a sufficient load on the muscles is provided, without causing harm to the joints of the lower limbs.

Osteoarthritis in the leg area is not a rare disease, and its treatment is presented in the form of an integrated technique in the application of various options.

Treatment and goal are presented:

  • The use of pain medications.
  • With the removal of inflammation.
  • Suspension of destruction, prevention of complications.
  • Improved mobility of the joints of the lower extremities.
  • Increased efficiency and physical activity.
  • The maximum preservation of articular tissues in order to prevent surgical intervention and disability.

The basic drugs are chondroprotectors, drugs that stop the destructive processes in cartilage tissue, as they play the role of structural components. However, they are applied for a large amount of time, not a single course, since if you do a one-time reception, there will be no effectiveness.

In case of exacerbation of leg arthrosis, treatment is performed with NSAIDs in the form of ointments, tablets and injections. Anti-inflammatory drugs are injected inside the joint, however, they should be taken only on medical advice.

Treatment with the introduction of a synovial fluid prosthesis is one of the new methods of therapy of arthrosis. In the case of coxarthrosis, in the stage of symptom abatement, basic therapy is prescribed, and also important is physical therapy, weight loss and orthopedic adjustment.

Treatment of gonarthrosis is possible and intra-articular injection with hyaluronic acid derivatives, which bring quite good efficacy. In case of an exacerbation with strong inflammatory reactions, blockades with diprospan and kenalog are prescribed.

At a late stage, prosthetics are successfully used.

Folk methods

Treatment of arthrosis is possible with various folk remedies in the form of ointments, decoctions and tinctures, prepared from directly freshly picked herbs of medicinal plants.

Such techniques can be attributed to ancillary treatment of lower limb disease, and if take them only once, you can only alleviate the symptoms, but it is impossible to achieve complete cure. For this purpose, it is required to take the folk remedies together with official medical preparations.

All of the above treatment methods are aimed at maximizing the function of the joints of the lower extremities. Justified is the use of UHF therapy, magnetotherapy, laser and phonophoresis.

In the event that the recovery of the full volume of motion is impossible, and the disease of the legs only progresses, specialist appointed surgical treatment, including endoprosthetics, that is, the replacement of the destroyed joint on the prosthesis.

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A source: http://SustavLife.ru/bolezni/artroz/nizhnix-konechnostej.html

Arthrosis of the lower extremities symptoms and treatment of joint disease

Any pathology of the joints, including arthrosis of the lower limbs, the symptoms and treatment of which we will analyze in this publications, not only negatively affect the overall level of health, but also on the patient's psychoemotional background. Arthrosis of the joints is an inflammatory disease. The disease is accompanied by degenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue. Synonym of this disease are also osteoarthritis.

Most pathologies of the lower spine cause arthrosis of the joints. They include:

  • arthrosis of the foot;
  • gonarthrosis (inflammation in the knee joint);
  • Kelgren's disease;
  • polyarthrosis;
  • Coxarthrosis (inflammation of the hip joint).

Main reasons

Among the negative factors contributing to the development of joint damage of the lower extremities, experts identify the following reasons for which arthrosis occurs:

  1. overweight;
  2. glitches on the hormonal background;
  3. flat feet;
  4. great stress on the joints;
  5. metabolic disease;
  6. genetic predisposition.

All of them cause unnatural changes in the cartilaginous tissues. The inflammatory process quickly passes to large areas of the joints of the lower limbs, affecting even the phalanx. As a result of degenerative changes in the hyaline cartilage irregularities are formed.

Pathology is accompanied by painful and painful manifestations. Any movement is accompanied by local inflammation and painful sensations.

With such a course of the disease, the patient may later develop an osteophyte (a kind of bone growth). According to statistics, this disease affects men under the age of 50 years.

The female sex suffers from arthrosis of the legs most after this age.

This disease is considered the main cause of disability. Timely diagnosis and treatment of lower limb arthrosis will avoid such problems.

How does the "inside" joint collapse?

In the joints of a person there is a special synovial fluid. It lubricates the surface of the cartilage and saturates it with nutrients.

The negative influence of factors that cause damage to the joints of the lower parts, contribute to a change in the composition of this fluid.

The consequences of such violations are dangerous:

  • deformation occurs;
  • the cartilage is compacted;
  • microcracks are formed;
  • processes of destruction begin.

After a while, the formation of a secondary inflammation, which aggravates the course of the disease, may be noted.

How to avoid defeat in this place and how the lower extremities are treated, how to organize prevention issues - can tell only the doctor.

However, it should be remembered that with any unpleasant sensations in this department of the vertebra, you should seek first aid from a specialist. Do not treat arthrosis yourself, it's best to entrust the experienced doctor.

Only a doctor on the basis of a clinic for ailment, type of illness, and also instrumental diagnostics will be able to select the necessary therapy with the inclusion of a whole complex of measures.

Types of arthrosis of the legs

Correct treatment of lower limb arthrosis is based on an accurate definition of the type of pathology. Here are a few types of joint disease of the lower extremities:

  1. coxarthrosis (inflammation of the hip joint);
  2. gonarthrosis (inflammation of the knee joint);
  3. osteoarthritis (inflammation of the ankle);
  4. arthrosis of the toes.

Types of arthrosis of the lower extremity are accompanied by similar symptoms. They differ in the place of localization. Each pathology passes through several stages of development, in which the area of ​​damage to the bone, as well as cartilaginous tissue, changes.

Stages of

When diagnosing the above-mentioned diseases, the specialist is guided by the definition of the stage of development of arthrosis, before choosing the appropriate therapy. For coxarthrosis, they are:

  • The first stage: insignificant intensity of pain, arising only with a significant load of the hip joint. They easily pass when the body rests. Obstructive are the movements on the stairs, although the work capacity is not violated.
  • The second stage: moderate pain, localized over the entire surface of the thigh. They do not affect the knee. Discomfort occurs at the time of sudden movements, trying to get up after a long sitting, performing a sweep with your foot.
  • The third stage: excruciating pains at attempt of the slightest movement. The patient is able to move only on crutches, he loses his ability to work, becomes an invalid of the first or second degree.

When gonarthrosis, symptoms such as:

  1. If the arthrosis is localized in the knee, the first stage of the disease is manifested by minor pain when moving on foot, while climbing and descending, but in a stationary state it fades. The mobility of the knee joint is not limited in any way.
  2. At the second stage of the pathology, the pain syndrome is moderate, the knee is constrained, the movements become limited. There is limping, muscle hypotrophy.
  3. At the third stage of the disease there is a pronounced, extremely painful pain, there is a valgus deformation of the joint with a very unaesthetic outgrowth or varus deformation, expressed by its incorrect development.

For osteoarthrosis (polyarthrosis) of phalanges and ankle:

  • In the first stage, a small daily physical activity causes puffiness of the foot, pain is not strong, it spreads over the shin and the surface of the foot, the therapy consists in immobilizing the legs.
  • At the second stage there are constant pains, a crunch at walking in legs, mobility is broken. Notice the marginal growths near the surface of the joint.
  • In the third stage, the motor ability of the fingers, the foot and the shin itself is limited, the slightest load provokes intolerable pain, there are significant increases in bone tissue, it is permissible to perform only rocking the joint.

Treatment of arthrosis must begin at the first stage of the disease, in order to prevent disability and disability. For this, it is required to study the symptoms of pathology, the causes of deforming arthrosis.

The main signs of arthrosis

When the lower part of the spine is affected, pain of varying intensity is observed, which can manifest in the thigh, lower leg, knee, feet and toes. This discomfort can be:

  1. minor;
  2. moderate;
  3. agonizing;
  4. strong.

The second characteristic symptom of the disease is:

  • stiffness when running or walking;
  • pain due to prolonged standing or moving on stairs, stairs;
  • discomfort after other physical exertion.

Physically tangible manifestations:

  1. limitation of joint mobility;
  2. crunch and aches in the joints;
  3. severe pain when changing the position of the legs.

Also to the characteristic signs of arthrosis can be attributed:

  • swelling of periarticular tissues;
  • formation of nodules;
  • change of cartilage of bones;
  • narrowing of the passage between the joints.


To detect such changes in the structure of tissues, the orthopedic doctor appoints, in addition to examining the patient and collecting an anamnesis of the disease, the following diagnostic actions:

  1. ultrasonography;
  2. X-ray examination;
  3. computed tomography;
  4. magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment for the first symptoms

At the first symptoms of arthrosis, all necessary measures should be taken to prevent the inflammatory process.

Therapy of this disease pursues only one goal - to prevent deformation of cartilage and bone tissue.

As for all health manipulations, they are used to inhibit destruction.

Doctors recommend the prevention of arthrosis. For this purpose it is desirable to use the following methods:

  • joint strengthening;
  • unloading of lower limbs;
  • elimination of stagnant phenomena in the vessels;
  • adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

To prevent the destruction of cartilage, you need to avoid prolonged exertion on the legs. It is undesirable to sit in one position for a long time, to walk on his heels.

When problems with weight should be taken to normalize it. If excess weight is associated with a genetic predisposition, then it is necessary to consult a specialist to solve this issue. It is necessary to limit something in the menu or vice versa, to include in the diet more caloric dishes.

The main directions of therapeutic actions

If the interphalangeal joints of the foot are damaged, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment.

The operation in this case may be needed only at a late stage of pathological disorders, when there is serious deformity of the joint.

If the patient wants to get rid of the protruding growths in the area of ​​the thumb, then he will be offered cosmetic correction options.

Conservative treatment allows to obtain a good result only in the initial stage of inflammation.

Only in this case the doctor can guarantee the coping of the inflammatory reaction and the complete restoration of the cartilaginous tissue.

Although this is almost impossible with the appearance of the first symptoms of deformation of interphalangeal joints. Usually the disease can be seen at later stages.

The main directions of arthrosis therapy for the joints of the foot are the following stages:

  1. Elimination of inflammation. For this purpose, non-steroid medications are used. The drug can be administered in the form of tablets or in injections. In this issue everything will depend on the severity of the inflammation. For local therapy, ointments with a warming effect can be prescribed. To achieve maximum effect, it is useful to combine them with physiological procedures.
  2. Withdrawal of pain syndrome. This task is carried out with the help of drugs of the category of NSAIDs in the acute phase. At the expressed discomfort sometimes doctors appoint or nominate novokainovuju a blockade. When the attack is stopped, the patient is prescribed local treatment with gels, ointments with analgesic properties.
  3. When the first stage of the disease is identified, the patient is recommended a long course of therapy with hyaluronic acid or chondroprotectors. These drugs contribute to the restoration of damaged cartilage tissues. Often, for joint lubrication, hyaluronic acid is prescribed - Ostenil, Synvisc, Fermatron, Hyalurum. Medications are injected into the joint by means of injections. Chondroprotectors are most commonly used: inside - Teraflex, Arthra, Don, Structum, Stopartrosis, intramuscularly - Rumalon, Alflutop.
  4. For rapid delivery into the cavity of the joint fluid used vasodilating drugs - Stugeron, Trental.
  5. To block the production of enzymes that provoke the cleavage of cartilaginous tissue, Piaskledin capsules are prescribed.
  6. Measures to establish exchange processes. Particular attention in this matter is given to the enhancement of blood microcirculation in the inflamed zone.
  7. It is necessary to reduce the static load on the affected area. For this, in the acute phase of the disease, the patient must adhere to bed rest. After that, he is recommended wearing a special bandage and orthopedic shoes.
  8. Massage and exercise therapy will also help restore the mobility of damaged limbs.
  9. From physiotherapy methods the doctor can appoint UHF, phonophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, mud treatment. Laser therapy, reflexotherapy, ozokeritotherapy, apitherapy, hirudotherapy can also be prescribed.
  10. Admission of vitamin complexes with the necessary content of phosphorus and calcium.
  11. In addition, the patient is prescribed nicotinic acid, the drug Actovegin and ointment Troxevasin.
  12. Treatment should also be accompanied by a balanced diet, with a limited intake of salt.


Unfortunately, the advanced stage of arthrosis of the lower limbs can not be completely cured.

However, the majority of its manifestations and the stopping of degenerative changes can be stopped.

For this, the patient needs to recognize the signs of this very insidious disease in a timely manner and without fail turn to the rheumatologist for help.

A source: https://artsustav.ru/artroz-nizhnix-konechnostej.html