Coughing - back aches: what's the reason?


  • 1Back pain with cough: possible causes. Recommendations of doctors
    • 1.1Back pain with cough: the reasons for this phenomenon
    • 1.2Diagnostics
    • 1.3The sick spine: what to do?
    • 1.4We treat cough. What drugs should I use?
    • 1.5Pain in the area of ​​scapula
    • 1.6Different pains
    • 1.7Other symptoms
    • 1.8Sputum developed
    • 1.9Damage to the organs of the circulatory system and intercostal neuralgia
    • 1.10Osteochondrosis
    • 1.11Other causes of back pain when coughing
    • 1.12Diseases of the lungs
  • 2Why does my back hurt when coughing?
    • 2.1Why can a back ache during a cough?
    • 2.2What diseases cause back pain and cough?
    • 2.3Pleurisy and pneumonia
    • 2.4Pathology of the circulatory system
    • 2.5Kidney pathology
    • 2.6Intercostal neuralgia
    • 2.7Osteochondrosis
  • 3Why does my back hurt and cough?
    • 3.1Unbearable pain in intercostal neuralgia
    • 3.2Diseases of the genitourinary system
    • 3.3Problems with respiratory system
    • 3.4How is the diagnosis of disease
  • 4Causes of coughing and pain between the shoulder blades
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Why is discomfort manifested?
    • 4.2The root causes of the appearance of symptoms
    • 4.3Features of pain
    • 4.4Localization of pain
  • 5Causes of back pain when coughing
    • 5.1Pleurisy, bronchitis and pneumonia
    • 5.2Heart failure
    • 5.3Renal damage
    • 5.4Myositis
  • 6If the cough hurts the back: the main causes
    • 6.1Diseases of the respiratory system
    • 6.2Back pain and cardiovascular system
    • 6.3Back pain in kidney pathology
    • 6.4Intercostal neuralgia
    • 6.5Osteochondrosis as a cause of pain when coughing

Back pain with cough: possible causes. Recommendations of doctors

Few of the people are serious about coughing. After all, it is not such a rare phenomenon. Can occur in the most unexpected way. Yes, and treatment, which is selected correctly and in a timely manner, does not have special consequences.

If this fact is ignored, then it is impossible to predict further. This causes unnecessary discomfort and inconvenience.

For example, back pain with this symptom may have been triggered by several factors.

Also, the appearance of the cough itself can become a consequence of a more serious disease.

When there is pain in the back with a cough, most people make a huge mistake, starting immediately using painkillers pharmaceuticals. Before doing this, you need to find out the reason.

A back occupies a rather large part of the human body. Behind its surface are not only the muscles, spine and nerve endings, but also important organs, thanks to the functioning of which our body works without failures.

This is the heart, lungs, kidneys. Both pain and cough suggest that something is wrong. But if these two symptoms manifest simultaneously, then you should think about your own health.

Otherwise, much more serious problems may arise.

Back pain with cough: the reasons for this phenomenon

If you have one of two symptoms, you should seek the advice of specialists such as a neurologist, pulmonologist or therapist. Back pain is characteristic of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

- bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy heart failure kidney damage myositis pathology of the spine injury and damage to the internal organs and spine;

- presence of tumors of internal organs and spine.


If there are pains in the back with a cough, then do not ignore these symptoms, and it is better to go through a complete examination. Diagnosis is carried out in three stages:

  • the doctor's examination and the collection of information from the patient;
  • the delivery of tests that are examined in the laboratory;
  • study with the help of special apparatus.

At the first stage the doctor examines the patient and finds out from him how long he has experienced these symptoms, how intense they are and what their character is. Cough, for example, may indicate a curvature of the spine.

A blood test is able to tell about possible inflammatory processes in the human body. Urine reveals the condition of the kidneys. If required, sputum examination is also performed additionally, which is released during cough.

At the third stage, a spine X-ray is performed, ultrasound diagnosis of internal organs. Also, computer and magnetic resonance imaging is connected.

The sick spine: what to do?

When does the backache of a cough hurt, what should I do? First of all, contact the doctor and find out the cause of these symptoms. If the patient has a spine, then coughing must also be treated.

To eliminate pain, you can use preparations "Analgin "Renalgin "Dexalgin". You can also use the following ointments - "Finalgon" and "Fastum-gel".

They have an analgesic effect, eliminate inflammatory processes, and also have a positive effect on blood circulation in muscles.

We treat cough. What drugs should I use?

Treatment is carried out in two ways:

  • - cough reflex is suppressed (with a dry cough);
  • - Sputum evacuation is facilitated (when wet).

To do this, use such pharmaceuticals:

  1. - "Ambroxol" "Lazolvan" collections of medicinal plants with expectorant properties (licorice, oregano, chamomile);
  2. - Codeine (it is used only for the prescribing doctor's prescription and is sold by prescription).

If a person has heart and kidney disease, then a cardiologist or nephrologist prescribes a course of treatment. Specific drugs are used for any tuberculosis or tumor processes.

So, if there are pains in the back with a cough, then it is better to go to a medical institution so that the doctor puts correct diagnosis and monitored the effectiveness of treatment, and, if necessary, appointed laboratory studies repeatedly.

Very often in this case, the doctor prescribes not only pharmaceutical preparations, but also massage procedures. Thanks to him, blood circulation improves and muscle elasticity rises. But it should be followed by a specialist, since an inexperienced person can do harm to the patient.

Pain in the area of ​​scapula

When a cough hurts the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, it often happens:

  • - after physical overstrain, when the muscles are ruptured with a cold that starts to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia if Inflammatory processes of membranes are transferred to the lungs with osteochondrosis, but in this case, pain can occur not only under the scapula, but also in the of the lumbar region due to radiculitis if due to smoking the lung function is disrupted during shingles, the pain passes from the waist to the area blades;
  • - Because of lung cancer.

Different pains

In each case the pain is different. In diseases of the spine, it arises unexpectedly and after a short time it subsides. For children, such a symptom is possible only if there are serious pathologies. After the pain subsides, there is a slight uncomfortable feeling.

In the case of respiratory organs, pain occurs not only during coughing, but also in breathing. Heart disease is characterized by not very strong, blunt or drawing painful sensations, which pass quite quickly. And even without the action of pharmaceuticals.

When severe back pain with coughing, it almost always signals that the body is not all right and the functioning of the internal organs is broken. This may be the nervous system, respiratory, and circulatory, and urinary, as well as diseases of the spine.

A special method for eliminating this discomfort does not exist. Only after finding out the residual diagnosis can you take any measures.

Other symptoms

Together with these two symptoms, you can observe other:

  1. - high body temperature is felt frequent body fatigue and malaise periodically there is a fever;
  2. - Increases sweating, especially at night.

When pain occurs, a person reflexively tries to lie on the side where it appears. In this position, during coughing, discomfort becomes less.

Sputum developed

But why does the back hurt when coughing? If these are the organs of the respiratory system, these symptoms are due to sputum formed.

Therefore, pharmaceutical preparations are prescribed, which promote its excretion from the body.

In this case, it is advisable to drink plenty of warm liquid and adhere to bed rest.

Damage to the organs of the circulatory system and intercostal neuralgia

When there is pain in the back with a cough due to damage to the organs of the circulatory system, inflammatory processes occur in the area of ​​the pericardial sac.

In the supine position on the back pain increases, and on the side, on the contrary, it calms down.

If there is an intercostal neuralgia, then not only these two symptoms are felt here, but also acute pains during any actions or with strong inspiration.


If there is a suspicion of osteochondrosis, then there are other signs:

  • - Discomfort also occurs with inhalations. - Sharp and unexpected pain in the lumbar region. - Often there is a headache.
  • - Some parts of the skin, as well as muscles, are lost.

Other causes of back pain when coughing

Such symptoms can be seen with spinal injuries. In addition, if a person has tuberculosis, it can also be reflected on the spine, provoking the appearance of pain when coughing, giving in the back.

If the discomfort arises from the inhalation of air, then to soften it, the breath is not made to the full chest. As a result, the thorax is the least mobile. When lung tissue does not have the ability to fully ventilate, stagnation occurs in these organs. Because of this, there is a cough.

Diseases of the lungs

Do not underestimate pneumonia, pleurisy, and indeed any pulmonary inflammation. They are most dangerous when hyperthermia or intoxication begins, which, in turn, can be identified by such signs:

  1. Weakness in the whole body with pain in the muscles;
  2. Loss of appetite.

Inflammations can be either unilateral or bilateral. And pain intensifies at the slightest attempt to clear your throat. With such chest cough, shortness of breath is possible.

If sputum is not seen at the initial stage of the disease, this does not mean that you need to postpone the trip to the doctor.

As a result, complications can occur, and after a while the disease becomes chronic.

It happens that there is pain in the back with a cough for colds. Then you need to immediately begin treatment of the first signs of acute respiratory viral infection and additionally carry out tests to identify additional causes of the disease.

Running kinds of colds lead to bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, during the cough, there are painful sensations in the area of ​​the scapula. If the pain except these places is felt in the lower back, then antibiotics can not be dispensed with.

Strong and stabbing pain on one side can talk about the presence of lung cancer. The more the tumor grows, the more tangible it becomes. Self-medication here is generally inappropriate, since in this case, without surgical intervention, it is very difficult to manage.

Even with the slightest sensation of back pain, if there is a cough, it is necessary to consult a specialist so that there is no complication or even more dangerous disease. Good health to you!

A source: http://.ru/article/275518/boli-v-spine-pri-kashle-vozmojnyie-prichinyi-rekomendatsii-vrachey

Why does my back hurt when coughing?

Quite often a patient comes to see a doctor and complains that he has a backache and coughs to ask for a a miracle cure, after two or three tricks of which his condition will immediately improve, and he can again run somewhere in his cases. This is what most people who face this problem dream about. They forget that the causes of pain when coughing can become and diseases that require immediate treatment, and pathologies that can deliver a multitude of unpleasant sensations, and sufficiently safe conditions disappearing on their own, but to answer the question - why does the back ache during coughing help only a thorough examination.

Why can a back ache during a cough?

When a cough occurs, the smooth muscles of the bronchi contract, the pressure in the chest cavity changes, which is inevitably transferred to the structures that form the back of the person.

As a result, there is a reduction in skeletal muscles, minimal in the amplitude of movement in the joints, stretching of the nerve fibers, which can cause back pain when coughing.

Sometimes the appearance of cough and back pain are interrelated

When there is pain in the back, which is worse with cough, you should try to find the true cause of this symptom, because the causes of pain can become pathological changes:

  • in the organs of the respiratory system;
  • in the circulatory system;
  • in the urinary system;
  • in the spine and the structures surrounding it;
  • in the nervous system.

That is why there is no single remedy or method of treatment, the use of which will help to permanently defeat back pain when coughing.

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A qualified doctor who will conduct the examination and prescribe the examination will be able, on the basis of the obtained results of laboratory and instrumental methods of research to establish the correct diagnosis and to select a scheme of complex treatment capable of relieving the patient of this unpleasant symptom.

Cough is always a reflection of the pathological process that affects the respiratory tract, but this symptom can arise both in the pathology of the respiratory organs and in diseases of the organs blood circulation. In some cases, the appearance of cough and back pain is interrelated, in some - the appearance of these symptoms simply coincides in time, but it gives the patient a lot of inconvenience.

What diseases cause back pain and cough?

Pleurisy and pneumonia

In the case when back pain during coughing is associated with respiratory diseases (pneumonia and pleurisy), such changes almost always occur against the background of a pronounced change in the general state organism. Cough and back pain are in this case associated with an increase in temperature, a common malaise, chills, weakness, night sweats, lagging of the affected half of the chest in act of breathing. Back pain can be localized anywhere in the chest, but the patient reflexively tries to lie on the affected side - in this position, the back pain with a cough is felt less.

When respiratory diseases occur, it is necessary to prescribe drugs for antibiotic therapy, antitussive or expectorants, copious drinking - all those appointments that are usually used in this the case

Pathology of the circulatory system

Cough and back pain in the pathology of the circulatory system is usually associated with the occurrence of pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardium, but this disease, regardless of the cause of its appearance, is usually accompanied by shortness of breath, severe general state. Back pain with coughing in this case is localized in the interblade area, strengthened in the patient's position on the back and weakens when turning on the side or changing the position of the body. The patient's condition in this case is usually moderate or severe, but the elimination of pain and cough is possible only with active treatment of the underlying disease.

Kidney pathology

When there is pain in the back with a cough, you need to find the cause of this symptom

The resulting back pain with diseases of the urinary system and cough are an example of diseases that occur simultaneously in the overwhelming majority of cases are not related to each other - the exception is cough and pain arising from systemic damage to the muscular tissue (polymyositis).

In this condition, pathological changes are simultaneously combined in all muscles, respiratory disorders and inflammation in the respiratory system, as well as in the kidneys that have an autoimmune origin. In this case, the patient requires immediate active therapy aimed at suppressing immune processes in the body - after the inflammation ceases, the pain disappears.

With isolated damage to the kidneys, coughing and back pain, simultaneous treatment of diseases that provoke them is required.

Intercostal neuralgia

If the back pain during coughing is circular, almost enveloping in nature, intensified by moving the body or deep inspiration, the cause of this condition can be intercostal neuralgia, arising against the backdrop of pathological processes affecting the roots of the last cervical and thoracic nerves, departing from segments of the dorsal the brain. Such pain usually spreads through the intercostal spaces.


If the back always hurts when coughing, unpleasant sensations increase with inspiration, accompanied by diffuse pain in the lower back or neck, spasm muscles, headaches, numbness of certain areas of the skin and muscles, the cause of this condition may be osteochondrosis of the thoracic region the spine.

When such complaints arise, a complex treatment of this condition is required, which will include Physiotherapeutic treatment and physical doses, medication, muscle relaxants and simultaneous elimination of the cause of coughing.

A source:

Why does my back hurt and cough?

If a sudden pain is added to the cough in the back, you need to seriously think about your health. The combination of these symptoms can be quite dangerous, so it's better not to hesitate, but immediately go to an experienced specialist and undergo a full medical examination.

: Causes of urinary incontinence and cure

Why does my back hurt when I cough? To give an exact answer to this question without carrying out the necessary tests, you can not even the most qualified doctor. The thing is that this symptomatology can indicate:

  1. pathology of the circulatory system;
  2. problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  3. kidney and other genitourinary system diseases;
  4. any neurologic disorders.

Let's try to figure out which diseases provoke during the cough the appearance of pain in the spine.

Unbearable pain in intercostal neuralgia

Such a disease as intercostal neuralgia can cause pain in the back, not only when coughing, but also when trying to take a deep breath.

Pathological processes in this case affect the nerve endings located in the cervical or thoracic parts of the spine.

Therefore, the epicenter of pain can be concentrated in the area of ​​the scapula between the ribs.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

With pathological abnormalities in the work of the genitourinary system, back pain and cough can be associated with each other only if the muscular tissues are affected.

If this is not observed, the symptoms should be treated independently.

Most likely, in addition to kidney disease, you have serious problems with the respiratory organs, which cause a cough.

Despite the fact that in this situation there is a development of two diseases at once, none of them should be ignored.

A strong cough can provoke increased stress on the internal organs and increase pain in the lower back and lower in the kidney area.

Therefore it is necessary to undergo a survey as soon as possible and begin treatment of the discovered ailments.

Problems with respiratory system

If you feel pain when you cough in the thoracic spine, then you should definitely check your respiratory system.

The thing is that this symptomatology is very characteristic for pleurisy or pneumonia.

Somewhat facilitates the patient's condition is the attempt to lie down on the affected side, but the pain does not last long.

With pleurisy or pneumonia, pain in the back can be accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:

  • severe weakness and persistent fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased sweating during night sleep;
  • chills.

Pain in the area of ​​the scapula in case of problems with blood circulation

Sometimes when coughing, the back may hurt in the area of ​​the scapula. This indicates a disease like pericarditis. It is a serious inflammatory process in the pericardial bag and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. severe general condition of the body;
  2. pain between the shoulder blades, which can increase when trying to change the position of the body, roll over on its side;
  3. dyspnea, which occurs even with minor loads.

To eliminate pain, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Nurofen, Diclofenac and others, but completely they will leave only after the main disease.

Osteochondrosis as the cause of back pain when coughing

Very often, the pain in the back is worse during a cough with such a disease as osteochondrosis. It implies pathological processes in the spine and can affect the cervical, lumbar and thoracic parts of it.

How do you know that the symptoms are caused by the development of osteochondrosis? It is very simple, because this ailment is characterized by a number of additional signs:

  • severe headache, dizziness;
  • general weakness, fatigue at low loads or even at rest;
  • sensation of stabbing pain in the region of the heart (with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine);
  • frequently recurring muscle spasms;
  • numbness of the muscles, as well as individual skin areas.

Osteochondrosis, like any other diseases that cause severe pain during cough, requires complex treatment.

It involves the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic non-steroid drugs, the treatment of affected areas special creams and ointments, physiotherapy procedures, massage, use of muscle relaxants and other medicines.

A very good effect on the spine is also provided by physical therapy, exercises for which should be carefully selected by the attending physician.

How is the diagnosis of disease

If you feel severe pain in the spine with a cough, you will have to undergo a complete examination, which may include:

  1. a general blood test, through which a specialist will instantly detect the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  2. urinalysis, which allows obtaining data on the state of the kidneys;
  3. ultrasound examination of internal organs (ultrasound);
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography is a study that can detect any diseases of the spine at an early stage of their development;
  5. radiography.

Only after the results of the survey are obtained, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

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Causes of coughing and pain between the shoulder blades

Coughing is a symptom present in many diseases. In addition to it, there may be other unpleasant symptoms. Quite often when you cough, your back hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. This signals the presence of certain serious diseases.

That is why the pain in the area of ​​the scapula is in need of consultation with a specialist. This will prevent irreversible consequences. It is important to note that the pain in the back between the shoulder blades indicates not one disease, but several at once.

It is for this reason that it is impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own. When referring to a doctor, the patient will be examined and collected a complete clinical picture. In the future, he will be sent to research. Only after that the doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis.

However, in certain situations, additional research may be required.

If, together with a cough, painful sensations appear in the area of ​​the scapula, this is a sign of illness, delay treatment that is not recommended

Why is discomfort manifested?

The pain is not accidental in the shoulder blades. Often this symptom is manifested only after a cough has occurred. At the same time, the even musculature of the bronchi is compressed. This provokes a change in the level of pressure in the chest.

That is, pain under the shoulder blades or in the area of ​​them can not occur before the patient began to cough. Such a feature directly affects the structures that represent the support mechanism. There is compression of skeletal muscles and stretching of nerve endings.

That's why a cough provokes the appearance of back pain.

Coughing and back pain, with simultaneous presence, cause tremendous discomfort.

Such signs can be observed in serious pathologies that can lead to complications.

Cough, which is accompanied by pain, should be disposed of as soon as possible. Otherwise, there may be negative violations in:

  • respiratory system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • kidney;
  • back;
  • nervous system.

The absence of cough treatment with pain in the shoulder blades can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys

Sometimes the disturbances can be irreversible, so fighting with a cough is best done under the supervision of a specialist.

There is no single therapeutic approach for getting rid of such ailment.

Treatment is selected only on the basis of the cause of the cough and other symptoms that accompany a painful feeling in the area of ​​the scapula.

Such a symptomatology can not arise by itself. With the cough, the respiratory system is cleansed. But at the same time, in the process of coughing, the whole body is weakened. His muscles become more tense.

In the absence of proper therapy, they stop coping with the increasing pressure. Pain giving under the scapula, can for a long time worsen the patient's quality of life.

The earlier the therapy is started, the sooner the patient will be able to get rid of uncomfortable sensations.

The appearance of pain in the area of ​​the scapula during coughing may be due to problems with the blood flow in the body

It is worth noting that the area of ​​the scapula can not only ache with lesions of the respiratory organs.

Often an unpleasant symptom also indicates a violation in the blood flow system. The cause of the disease can only be determined by a specialist. It is important to inform him of all the symptoms present.

Thanks to this, he will collect a complete clinical picture.

The root causes of the appearance of symptoms

The pain, giving back, gives a huge discomfort. In this case, coughing can tell about a variety of ailments. The most common of these are:

  1. Physical overstrain. In this case, muscle tissue breaks down. Often, such an underlying cause is present in patients who first visited the gym or began to intensively engage in sports.
  2. Cold, the treatment of which was started untimely. In this case, the patient can be diagnosed with bronchitis, pneumonia or other ailments.
  3. Osteochondrosis. Pain can give not only to the shoulder blades, but also to other departments. There may be a tingling sensation.
  4. The presence of such a bad habit, like smoking. In this case, the pain pushes into the scapula due to the adverse effects of nicotine, and the lungs function incorrectly.
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To excruciate a pain in a back at a tussis can at an osteochondrosis

Malignant neoplasms in the lungs.In this situation, discomfort occurs not only in the shoulder blades. It can be localized in the chest and capture the entire back. It depends on how much the violation is running.

When visiting a specialist, the patient will need to talk about the characteristics of the uncomfortable sensation and all the symptoms present. Only due to this it will be possible to establish an accurate diagnosis in the future.

In this situation, discomfort also extends to the thoracic and left side of the body. Discomfortable sensations with an ulcer are usually periodic. They can occur at certain times of the year.

The pain grows gradually, it can disappear for a time after a vomiting reflex. The disease occurs due to abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A vomitive reflex appears when the pain is most pronounced.

Pathology is accompanied by a large number of symptoms, while getting rid of the disease is difficult.

The cause of pain between the shoulder blades for coughing can be peptic ulcer disease

In the presence of a disease, pain and cough are characterized by certain characteristics.

For example, with deviations in the respiratory organs, a painful feeling is intensified when a person breathes, coughs, or laughs.

In this case, patients complain that during the period of coughing they had pain in the dorsal region, thorax, shoulder blades and ribs.

Features of pain

Pain under the shoulder blades may appear in the presence of psychological disorders. The patient may complain about:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • a feeling of tingling in different parts of the body;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • bouts of anxiety;
  • fever;
  • lack of air;
  • coughing attacks;
  • lack of sleep;
  • painful sensation under the shoulder blades.

On a psychological basis, along with pain in the shoulder blades and cough, difficulty with breathing may appear

Often, this disorder manifests itself after the transfer of stressful situations or constant overstrain. It will be necessary to give preference to the restoration of the body. The patient will need to try to rest as often as possible and learn not to take negative events to heart.

Such symptoms signal about myocardial infarction. In this case, unpleasant sensations also spread to:

  1. jaw;
  2. back;
  3. cervical department.

The cough reflex is dry and obtrusive. The discomfort does not disappear in the patient even after the use of medicines, which are intended for vasodilation.

Pain can only reduce potent analgesics. The condition of the patient with such an ailment usually worsens after exercising or emotional overstrain.

Presence of pain in the shoulder blades with cough may indicate problems with the heart

As stated earlier, pain and cough can occur with osteochondrosis. In this case, the discomfort is localized under the shoulder blades. The pain is usually dull. Often it affects only one part of the body.

Painful sensations are manifested most often in the morning period of time. During the day they can be observed with sudden movements. Temporarily eliminate the pain will help a warm bath. Typically, the patient also complains of occasional dizziness and a pre-syncope.

Often the root cause of pain under the shoulder blades is intercostal neuralgia. The discomfort is paroxysmal. It can intensify with walking, coughing, breathing and physical exertion.

In this case, coughing usually worries at night. Pain can spread not only to the area of ​​the scapula. It is also capable of hitting the heart, the entire back and waist.

The patient may complain of a burning sensation.

Each of the diseases needs special therapy. With the same symptoms, patients can be recommended absolutely different medications. It depends on the root cause of the symptoms.

Localization of pain

Pain when coughing can give in the left or right scapula. The localization of discomfort will need to be reported to the doctor, as this will determine which diagnosis will be delivered to the patient. There may be a need for urgent medical attention.

With lung disease, cough can cause pain in the area of ​​both the right and left scapula

The disease localizing in the left scapula, usually indicates the pathologies of the spinal column.

In this case, coughing brings tremendous discomfort, as the unpleasant sensation intensifies. An uncomfortable feeling can be varied. Pain can be pronounced or aching.

Usually, there is relief when the patient is stationary. Some patients complain that pain first appears on the left side, and then moves to the area between the shoulder blades.

Problems with the back are bothering some people permanently. Discomfort does not disappear and does not decrease even during rest.

The left side of the scapula can disturb the patient if there are the following ailments:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • deviations in the functioning of the bronchi and lungs;
  • heart diseases;
  • pathology of the digestive tract.

Unpleasant sensations in these pathologies can irradiate to the upper limbs, the occipital part or neck.

The appearance of pain in the right scapula during coughing may be due to the presence of scoliosis

Often, the sick complain of pain under the right shoulder blade, which accompanies coughing. Such a sign can signal the following:

  1. intervertebral hernia;
  2. scoliosis;
  3. violations in the functioning of excretory organs;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. bronchitis.

The manifestation of pain depends on the underlying cause. Often listed disorders are also characterized by vomiting, fever and an increase in body temperature.

Usually the affected internal organ is away from the scapula. The symptom may first be blunted, and then it becomes acute.

Pain can spread to other parts of the body, and sometimes uncomfortable sensations give even to lower limbs.

A source:

Causes of back pain when coughing

Back pain, arising or strengthening with coughing,can dramatically decrease the patient's quality of life.

A similar condition occurs, in most cases, with respiratory diseases, but in a number of cases it also indicates severe violations in the work of other organs and systems.

To find out exactly what causes pain in the back with cough, it is necessary to pay attention to alarming symptoms in a timely manner and seek medical help.

Pleurisy, bronchitis and pneumonia

The causes of pain in the back with a cough in most cases arein the defeat of the respiratory tract and respiratory system.

Characteristic signs may vary depending on the disease, but the general symptomatology is quite similar: patients complain of unpleasant sensations in the chest, which become more intense during coughing, with a sudden exhalation, for example, during physical load.

In this case, the painful syndrome is located clearly in the region of the chest and shoulder blades.

Depending on the disease, a person complains may complain about the following symptoms:

  1. Pneumonia is characterized by a sharp hyperthermia to 3, -39 ° C, acute disturbance of health, the appearance of a cough with the separation of purulent or bloody sputum.
  2. Bronchitis is usually manifested by a strong cough, which leads to the appearance of pain in the chest. The patient is abundantly separated mucous sputum yellowish or greenish hue.
  3. With pleurisy, the patient develops subfebrile fever, swelling of intercostal spaces, attacks of cold sweat. Depending on the variety of pleurisy, cough can be dry or wet and accompanied by moderate or intense pain in the chest and back, wheezing.

Pathologies of the respiratory organs are also manifested by the following symptoms:

  • chills, fever;
  • pain in the back in the region of scapula and subscapular area;
  • deterioration of state of health at rest;
  • weakness;
  • separation of sputum, the amount of which increases with the progression of the disease.

Diagnosis of the pathological process is based on the X-ray of the lungs. On the identified foci of inflammation, a specialist establishes a diagnosis. In addition, the following diagnostic activities are mandatory:

  1. clinical blood test;
  2. sowing sputum in agar;
  3. computer tomography of chest organs;
  4. bronchoscopy;
  5. analysis of gas composition of blood.


Therapeutist treats uncomplicated bronchitis. With more severe pathologies, pneumonia and pleurisy, therapy is prescribed by a pulmonary physician.

The patient is shown antibacterial drugs: penicillins and cephalosporins.

The means for liquefaction and excretion of sputum are obligatory: Mukoltin, licorice root extract.

After eliminating the main focus of inflammation, the patient is prescribed analgesics and cough suppressants for relief of the pain syndrome.

Heart failure

Heart failure -pathological functional disorder of the circulatory system, which leads to a violation of the contractility of the heart muscle. The disease is manifested by cyanosis of the skin, deterioration of well-being, the appearance of dyspnea with minimal load.

Heart failure is not a separate diagnosis.

This is a specific syndrome that has developed as a result of heart attack, hypertension, myocarditis and a number of other pathologies.


With this violation, the fluid stagnates in the circle of blood circulation, which causes hypoxia of the tissues, that is, oxygen starvation. The most specific sign of a violation of cardiac activity in this case is shortness of breath.

As progression of stagnant phenomena into such deviations leads to the development of cardiac asthma, which manifests itself by a number of specific symptoms:

  • back pain when coughing or trying to breathe in full;
  • diffuse pain syndrome, encompassing the thorax, subscapular region, humeral girdle and lower jaw;
  • Orthopnea - shortness of breath, which forces the patient to sit.


Diagnosis in this pathology is directed, first of all, to the identification of the underlying disease. For this purpose, the specialist prescribes electrocardiography or daily ECG monitoring. Determine the degree of development of cardiac asthma is allowed spirometry.

Also, an x-ray, echocardiography and a study of the gas composition of the blood are carried out.

Treatment for heart failure is prescribed by a cardiologist.

Therapy includes the use of the following drugs:

  1. cardiac glycosides for the normalization of the contractility of the heart muscles;
  2. B-blockers
  3. analgesics;
  4. diuretic drugs for the removal of edema and lowering blood pressure;
  5. nitrates.

Renal damage

One of the reasons why the backache is painful when coughing isdamage to the organs of the genitourinary system.

Acute inflammatory processes lead to the fact that the nerve endings in the capsule of the kidney are squeezed, which leads to the appearance of a sharp pain syndrome.

Similar complaints occur in patients with acute pyelonephritis, renal colic, kidney neoplasms.

These pathologies are symptomatically often reminiscent of the clinical picture of osteochondrosis, but they have a number of characteristic differences.

Patients with kidney lesions, in addition to the pain syndrome, are also concerned about the following symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness and burning in the lower back;
  • increased pain during hypothermia;
  • violation of urination, which is especially evident with urolithiasis;
  • dyspepsia: nausea, stools, flatulence;
  • the appearance of warm soft edema, especially in the face.

If the pathology is caused by the development of the infectious process, the patient also develops hyperthermia, fever, rashes on the skin and other signs of bacterial or viral disease.
To establish the diagnosis in this case, the following activities are carried out:

  1. ultrasound examination of kidney function;
  2. urography;
  3. clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  4. radiography;
  5. computed tomography.

Treatment of kidney disease is handled by a nephrologist. The doctor prescribes the patient a remedy for stopping the pain syndrome and the inflammatory process, prescribes antibacterial drugs.

Therapy is selected depending on the detected disease.


Myositis iswhole group of diseases, in which, for various reasons, there is inflammation of the muscles. Unpleasant sensations amplify at sharp movements, a palpation, an exercise stress.

Because of acute inflammation, there may be pain in the back during sneezing or coughing.
A characteristic sign of the pathology is muscle soreness. It rises sharply when pressing on the affected area.

Skin over the affected area is usually hyperemic and swollen.

In rare cases, the disease can progress, affecting various muscle groups, including respiratory ones.

This condition is dangerous for the patient's life.
DiagnosticsOften, a diagnosis can be made after a clinical examination.

In addition, rheumatological tests are also performed, radiography to exclude the pathological process in the bone tissue and biopsy of the affected tissues.


With a benign course of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect are administered, for example, with Diclofenac or Ketoprofen.

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If the cough hurts the back: the main causes

Cough does not always occur on its own.Often when coughing, the back hurts, and it's not surprising.On the back is a huge number of nerve endings.

Many patients want a quick solution to the problem, without thinking why the back coughing hurts. This is not true. It is very important to determine the source of pain. Only after diagnosing the disease can it be eliminated.

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Most often, coughing causes back pain due to the pathology of any organs. Basically, the pain occurs due to malfunctions in the lungs and bronchi. You can identify the main causes of back pain:

  1. Pain appears due to diseases of the bronchi and lungs (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis).
  2. Kidney pathology.
  3. Myositis.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Pathology of the spine - here it can be both a congenital curvature of the column, and its deformation, which is due to some external factors.
  6. Tumors and injuries of the spine or other organs.

Most often, coughing causes back pain due to the pathology of some organs

Often when coughing, the back pains in the area of ​​the scapula as a consequence of the cough reflex, when the smooth muscle of the bronchi contracts. This changes the pressure in the chest. In addition to a simple change in the volume of the chest, the process is inevitably projected onto the upper region of the back, expanding the scapula.

It is necessary to determine the reasons why the back hurts even with simple movements without a cough. Having learned the problem, you can determine the further treatment scheme. Nevertheless, it is not worthwhile diagnosing and eliminating the problem, because self-medication can cause even more problems.

If there was a cough, and thus the back hurts under the shoulder blades, then you need to urgently check your health. Failure can give:

  • Respiratory system.
  • Circulatory system.
  • Genitourinary system.
  • Pathology in the spine or its fixative muscles.
  • Nervous system.

The cause of pain in the back with coughing can be pleurisy

Diseases of the respiratory system

Cough itself is a fairly typical symptom that can indicate problems with any organ.

Cough has several functions, including cleaning the body of pathogenic microorganisms, effective expectoration of sputum, thereby freeing lungs or bronchial tubes from fluid accumulation.

Cough is a consequence of the development of an allergic reaction to any external stimulus. Thus, it can be concluded that it allows the body to fight infections.

In essence, it forces the bronchi and lungs to expand, and then spasm removes air and various harmful particles from the body.

When the back hurts, with a cough and a fever, the probable cause is inflammation, for example, the respiratory system. Such a process, when infection goes deeper into the respiratory organs, is typical for the following ailments:

  1. Pleurisy.
  2. Pneumonia.
  3. Bronchitis.
  4. Tracheists.

Diseases of the respiratory system in addition to cough may be accompanied by a temperature

Each disease has one and the same symptom - a cough. It is not surprising that when you cough, the chest and back are hurting because the muscles are straining.

If you load any muscle in the body to a stressful level, after a certain period of time, lactic acid accumulates in it.

Often this is manifested by muscle pain the next day after a heavy load.

Thus, when a strong backache cough after a severe cough, it is often a manifestation of lactic acid. No participation in the acid extraction process is required. Complete disappearance of pain occurs 1-3 days after intensive training, in this case - after coughing.

In addition to coughing, respiratory system diseases are accompanied by:

  • General weakness, decreased performance and shortness of breath.
  • The body temperature rises, it can be almost imperceptible (about 37 ° C), and can reach up to 40 ° C, accompanied by a chill, increased sweating, especially at night.
  • Pain in the side.

Treatment is done with antibiotics and is done only on the advice of a doctor. Often are prescribed expectorant or antitussive drugs.

With heart failure, there are stagnant phenomena in the lungs, which leads to a cough

Back pain and cardiovascular system

If the cough hurt the back between the shoulder blades, it can be associated with the circulatory system. Here is the problem in myocardial infarction. Less often, but painful sensations can be due to angina pectoris.

Difficulty diagnosing the problem lies in the nature of the pain, because it is atypical and can give to any part of the body, not an exception and the back.

Typically, pain occurs when inhaling and exhaling, and this is often the case with heart failure and may indicate that the heart muscle can not cope with a full blood pumping in organism.

With heart failure, stagnation occurs in the lungs, which leads to a cough. All this happens against the back pain.

If it is interesting, whether the back can cough from heart failure in case of heart failure, then the answer is unequivocal - it can, because the lungs stagnate because of insufficient blood circulation, and cough develops. In this case, you can observe other manifestations of the disease:

  1. A characteristic sign of the disease is dyspnea, even with a slight load. This is due to venous and pulmonary stagnation. If the disease progresses, dyspnea occurs even in a state of rest.
  2. Accompanied by difficult breathing in the lying position, asthma attacks and coughing.
  3. A typical manifestation of insufficiency is confusion, dulling of attention, absent-mindedness and a decrease in the amount of urine.
  4. Often patients experience pain in the right hypochondrium, but because of atypicality it can be reflected in any organ.

A characteristic sign of heart failure is shortness of breath even with a slight load

There are many varieties of disease and complications. Drug treatment is done to alleviate the symptoms and eliminate the underlying ailment. Basically, the treatment scheme looks like this:

  1. Reducing the load on the heart by reducing blood pressure is done with beta-blockers.
  2. Preparations for the elimination of symptoms of heart failure (glycosides).
  3. Blocking the effects with diuretics, which help to remove edema and remove excess fluid along with urine.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Based on the results of diagnosis, he selects the most suitable means. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Back pain in kidney pathology

The occurrence of back pain is often associated with the kidneys.

This paired organ has an interesting feature: it completely lacks nerve endings, and the patient does not feel pain in the event of occurrence.

This plays a negative role in the treatment process, since it is difficult to detect pathologies at early stages. Why does my back hurt in the kidney region when I cough?

The occurrence of back pain is often associated with the kidneys

The pain manifests when the kidneys begin to increase in size and, accordingly, the kidney capsule stretches, which is capable of transmitting nerve impulses. The renal pelvis has receptors that inform the brain of the presence of stones in the ureter, and it manifests itself in the form of pain.

There is a renal colic, which gives pain in the back area. This is due to malfunctions in the organs of urination.

The loch is full of fluid and presses on other organs.

When the muscles in the lower back are hurt while coughing, the probable cause of the problem is urolithiasis or the presence of a tumor in the kidneys.

In a state of rest, unpleasant sensations may not appear at all or manifest only with certain movements of the body.

When there is a spasm of the lungs, most of the body is involved in coughing. Basically it is the thorax, but the lower organs (kidneys) tremble quite strongly.

As a result of a strong stress spasm, pain occurs in the back, usually in the lower region.

When the muscles in the lower back hurt during a cough, it can be a signal about the development of polymyositis. This is a disease that indicates the damage to the muscle tissue. The disease can be accompanied by an increase in temperature.

It is possible to give recommendations on the treatment of the kidneys, but only the physician will prescribe a medicinal method and an individual medication.

To prescribe a treatment, you should consult a doctor

For a speedy recovery, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Reduce the amount of time spent in a sitting position, as this worsens blood circulation. Increase the time for walking and exercise.
  • Reduce the intake of salt and protein products.

You should avoid the use of heavy, synthetic tablets, if there are plant analogues, you should use them.

Intercostal neuralgia

When a cough is hurt between the shoulder blades or at their edges, this may indicate the occurrence of intercostal neuralgia.

The disease often affects the circular nerves around the edges. It is formed due to pathological processes in the body.

The disease can touch the roots of the thoracic and extreme cervical endings, which move away from the segments of the spinal cord.

Its occurrence is caused by stimulation or damage to the nerve located between the ribs. Quite often the causes of attacks of neuralgia is the neglected form of osteochondrosis. This occurs when the intervertebral hernia begins to squeeze the roots of the intercostal nerves.

Intercostal neuralgia more often affects the circular nerves around the edges

The disease can occur in other circumstances. Common sources are:

  1. spondylitis;
  2. kyphosis in neglected acute form;
  3. hormonal spondylopathy;
  4. tumors in the spine;
  5. osteochondrosis;
  6. Bechterew's disease.

Intercostal neuralgia can be caused by an ordinary cold, hypothermia, poisoning, stress, trauma, etc.

Pain can occur in this case, both in a chronic form, with any movements, bends, etc., and in a lighter form only under stress.

Such stress can be just a cough, which entails the expansion of the chest.

The pinched nerve will transmit signals from other parts of the body, such as the back.

A significant increase in pain in the chest, projected onto the back, may be a manifestation of this disease. Pain is often characterized by a paroxysmal character, amplified by movement, coughing, sneezing, or even loud talking. More often characterized by pain between the 5 and 9 ribs.

Intercostal neuralgia can be caused by a common cold, hypothermia, poisoning, stress

Treatment is done with the help of tablets and ointments, which are used together with physiotherapy (not always).

Most often used ointment with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect, it rubs into the place of pain. It is necessary to keep the body warm.

Often, after applying the ointment, it is best to wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down peacefully. This relaxes the muscles, the pain weakens or disappears altogether.

Osteochondrosis as a cause of pain when coughing

It happens that the back always hurts after a strong cough, in this case it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and find out what is the cause.

If nothing is revealed, and the pain still remains, then the cause may be osteochondrosis.

This disease affects the intervertebral discs and cartilages, as a result of which the trunk of the ridge weakens, and pains occur.

To date, osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of the spine, many people over 40 years old suffer from it.

The first symptomatology is manifested at an early age - 20-30 years.

When the cartilage and intervertebral discs are healthy, the spine is flexible and completely stable. These elastic elements are the connecting links for the vertebrae.

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of the spine

Most often, the problem occurs in the lower part of the ridge, but sometimes the pain is felt in the upper vertebrae.

When respiratory movements in the chest there is a characteristic pain. You can check yourself by taking a deep breath and making sure that you have the appropriate symptoms.

Causes of osteochondrosis:

  • Injuries, congenital pathologies.
  • Metabolic disorders due to obesity.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Strong loads along with aging of the body.
  • Disturbance of posture, flat feet.
  • Constant vibrations.

Violation of posture can cause osteochondrosis

In a number of cases, the treatment of the disease can be carried out by conservative methods, using ointments, drugs to improve metabolism, etc.

However, this does not always produce the right result, surgical intervention and replacement of the intervertebral disc may be necessary.

It is only the specialist who can determine the severity of the disease and the method of treatment, if you find the presence of primary signs and feel pain in the back during a cough, do not delay the trip to the hospital.

Causes of pain can be varied, and they all require certain examinations. Before you decide on a method for eliminating cough, you need to see a doctor and conduct a complete examination of the body.

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