Diet for arthritis and gout: recommendations


  • 1Diet for gouty arthritis
  • 2Features of the diet for gouty arthritis
    • 2.1Basic principles of nutrition in gouty arthritis
  • 3Diet for gouty arthritis: nutrition for gout and arthritis
    • 3.1Factors affecting the development of the disease
    • 3.2Symptomatology
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Diet for gouty arthritis
  • 4Therapeutic diet and prohibited foods in gouty arthritis
    • 4.1Treatment of gout with diet
    • 4.2List of permitted and prohibited products
  • 5What should be a diet for gouty arthritis
    • 5.1Contraindicated food for gouty arthritis
  • 6Diet for gouty arthritis
    • 6.1Food
    • 6.2Menu

Diet for gouty arthritis

As is known, the cause of gouty arthritis is excessive accumulation in the body of uric acid. Most often, men suffer from the ailment, which is not surprising - male sex hormones favor the production of uric acid in large volumes.

Correction of nutrition is one of the compulsory points of treatment of the disease, so a proper diet for gouty arthritis and rejection of harmful habits, especially excessive alcohol consumption, become indispensable conditions for recovery and follow-up control disease.

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When protein food is split, large amounts of purines are produced, which, in turn, contribute to the production of uric acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

If proteins arrive in the body in a dose-limited manner, then the acid is excreted and does not accumulate in the cartilaginous tissues.

This implies the first principle of nutrition - a diet for gout and arthritis involves the consumption of a small amount of protein food.

The second feature is the periodicity of nutrition.As in the case of other chronic joint diseases, it is necessary to eat more often (5-6 times a day),but significantly reducing portions.

Once a week, it is advisable to arrange unloading days, forming a diet of fruits and unsalted vegetables, porridges on water, berry fruit drinks, herbal unsweetened teas, mineral still water.

The third thing to remember about is liquid. To uric acid is correctly eliminated from the body, it should be washed out with a large amount of filtered water. The standard rate is 2 liters per day.

It is important to understand that teas, fruit drinks, broths and other liquids do not count. Drink the required daily volume of water should be evenly (in no case a volley and not one or two prisesta).

Try to distribute the amount of water (which is about 8 glasses) for the whole day (at first you can drink water even by the hour). If you could not drink all two liters at one of the days, do not try to catch up the next day.

If you have cardiovascular disease or kidney problems, before you increase the water intake rates, be sure to consult your doctor. Your diseases can not allow you to drink liquid in such quantities.

Gouty arthritis and diet are closely related, because because you eat and in what mode, the functioning of the body and the correct excretion of uric acid directly depends.

It will be useful to count calories.On the day - no more than 2800 kcal, while the composition of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be distributed as follows - 80 grams of fat, the same protein, 400 grams of carbohydrates.

It is necessary to strongly limit salt intake - up to 5 g per day. This is the total amount of salt, including the one you use for cooking. It seems that it is almost impossible to do this, but this is misleading.

It should only nedosalivat food, and gradually your receptors are accustomed to perceive nonsaline dishes.

Reduction of salt intake is one of the mandatory conditions for a diet with all kinds of joint diseases, and in general, the less salt you eat, the healthier you will be.

People suffering from gout have to give up many dishes and foods. First of all, the diet should be deleted:

  • fatty meat of lamb and veal;
  • liver, stomach, heart and other internal organs of animals and birds;
  • jellied, cold, jelly;
  • fatty fish: herring, sardine, mackerel - and salted, and smoked;
  • any smoked products;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • beans (beans, peas);
  • soybean;
  • baking from yeast dough.

In limited quantities (not more often than once a week and very small portions) is allowed to use:

  • boiled sausage;
  • boiled fish (trout, salmon);
  • boiled chicken, turkey, goose, duck;
  • butter;
  • fungi;
  • radishes;
  • cauliflower;
  • spinach and sorrel.

Milk with gout is better not to drink in its pure form, and cook on it porridge or whiten tea.

It seems that almost all popular products are excluded from the diet. What then remains a sick gout?On the recommendation of rheumatologists, a diet for gouty arthritis is based on a vegetarian menu.

We can imagine how sad men sighed now, who are hard to live without meat.

Do not be in a hurry to get upset - you can eat meat too, but not fried steaks, but stewed or baked in your own juice low-fat beef, rabbit, turkey.

Meat dishes are not recommended for use after an attack of gout. It is better to wait a few weeks not to provoke a new exacerbation.

In the diet of a patient with gout should also be:

  • low-fat and lightly salted cheeses;
  • low-fat dairy products (sour cream with fat content no more than 10%, cottage cheese - no more than 3%);
  • eggs (not more than one per day);
  • boiled or fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, potatoes, eggplants), as well as a variety of dishes based on them - vegetable cutlets, stews, etc .;
  • green apples and watermelons are very useful;
  • porridge from any kind of cereals (except oatmeal), as well as pasta.

It is important to understand that the doctor should choose the diet. The most often gout patients are offered a dietary table number 6 or 8. Let's look at the menu features with these diets.

  • The first dishes - vegetable soups on water or milk, milk soups with vermicelli, okroshki.
  • Bread - only rye or with bran.
  • Meat - only boiled.
  • Low-fat dairy products, including unsalted cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream.
  • Under the ban - oatmeal porridge, beans.
  • The second dishes - vegetables and lean meat with vegetable sauces from sour cream, milk and tomato paste without salt. Vegetables can be baked, cooked, stewed, steamed or eaten fresh.
  • Supplement the dishes followed by greens.
  • For dessert - confiture, jams, marmalade, pastille. But the less sugar in the menu, the better.
  • Do not damage any nuts, except peanuts, - 20 grams per day.
  • Strong tea and coffee will be banned, but they will be replaced by herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly.

The diet is prescribed for gouty arthritis, which occurs against a background of excess weight.To stabilize the metabolism, nutrition in gouty arthritis in this case involves reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates and increasing the number of proteins.

  • Soups are mainly vegetable.
  • Bread is allowed only rye, but its volumes should be significantly reduced.
  • Meat of lean meat and fish - no more than 2 times a week. You can not fry fish and meat!
  • Dishes from cereals, as well as pasta are very dosed.
  • Kefir and low-fat cottage cheese - only these sour-milk products are allowed with this diet.
  • A lot of fruits and berries, as well as drinks and dishes based on them. In this case, however, there are a number of restrictions (we will say about them a little later).

Nutrition for gout and arthritis of overweight people places a ban on the following types of foods:

  • sweet white pastries;
  • any kinds of sweets, first of all chocolate sweets;
  • manna and rice porridge;
  • Grapes and other fruits with a high sugar content.

To food for gout and arthritis was diverse, you'll have to carefully make up a menu for each day.

This may seem tedious or financially expensive, but eventually you will learn how to adjust your purchases in grocery store taking into account the current restrictions, and also be able to quickly select products that you will please.

So, look how delicious the menu may look for one of the days!

  • Breakfast. Sandwiches with rye bread, basil and cheese. A cup of herbal tea. A handful of nuts.
  • Snack. Green apple.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with cauliflower. On the second - rabbit, baked in the oven with potatoes in a rustic way. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. Compote.
  • Snack. Fruit salad-cocktail with low-fat homemade yogurt.
  • Dinner. Pasta (macaroni) with a slice of chicken breast, baked with eggplant and cheese. A cup of herbal tea.
  • Before bedtime. Half a glass of low-fat kefir.

And do not forget - more water and less salt!Gouty arthritis will require you to control nutrition throughout life, but the right diet will help reduce the risk of exacerbations.

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Features of the diet for gouty arthritis

Diet for gouty arthritis is one of the main points by which treatment becomes more effective.

As is known, gouty arthritis occurs in those people, in the body of which too much uric acid is produced.

As a rule, such a disease more often affects the male part of the world's population. This is due to the fact that it is the male sex hormones that contribute to the production of uric acid in the body.

In addition, malnutrition, alcohol abuse also leads to the development of gouty arthritis.

Basic principles of nutrition in gouty arthritis

Treatment, or rather a diet for gout and arthritis, is based on the complete refusal to eat certain dishes, other foods are sometimes eaten, and something you can eat every day.

And on how accurately the patient will comply with these recommendations, the effectiveness of gout treatment as a whole depends.

It must be remembered that a large number of proteins that enter the body during processing in the gastrointestinal tract are split, thus stimulating the production of purines. It is the purines that are "to blame" for the formation of uric acid in the digestive tract.

However, if proteins enter the human body in small portions, the uric acid that is formed has time to be excreted from the body without accumulating in soft tissues. Therefore, gouty patients should be fed often, but in small portions.

And once a week, you need to arrange the body discharge, this day you can eat vegetables or fruits (vegetables do not salt), from the porridge is better to cook rice on the water, compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas without sugar, mineral water.

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To uric acid quickly left the body of a patient with arthritic arthritis of man, it is necessary to use a large amount of liquid, at least two liters per day. And the liquid in soups, second courses and teas or compotes in the account does not go.

A complete and unconditional refusal is required of the following products: veal and lamb meat, any dishes from the internal organs of animals and birds. You can not eat jelly and other similar dishes from meat and fish, any alcohol is also strictly prohibited. Do not eat with gout fatty fish: herring, sardine or mackerel. Smoked products, any seasonings with a sharp taste, beans, peas, soy, any products from yeast dough, too, under a categorical prohibition.

There are a number of foods that you can eat several times a week.

They should not be eaten constantly, as they can be the cause of gouty joint pain, but several times a week they are still possible.

These are boiled sausages, boiled trout or salmon, any boiled poultry meat, butter, any mushrooms, radish, spinach, sorrel, cauliflower. But milk is better to add to tea or cook porridge.

It seems that a sick gout and there is kind of like nothing. But this is not so. You can eat any vegetarian dishes, soups are best, you can cook any dish from a rabbit or turkey, low-fat cheeses, vegetables, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and eggplants. Garnish can be prepared with any cereal or pasta. From drinks it is better to give preference to fruit and berry compotes and fruit drinks, any mineral water, juices from vegetables and fruits. Especially useful are watermelons and green apples.

The main condition for a diet for gout is the calorie count of the food consumed per day. For a day a person should eat no more than 2800 kcal, but the daily chemical composition should be distributed as follows: 80 g of fats and proteins, carbohydrates should be 5 times more.

Despite the restriction of caloric intake of food, the nutrition of a person suffering from gout is quite diverse. If a patient with gout does not have cardiovascular diseases, he should consume 2 liters of fluid a day, but the amount of salt should not be more than 5 grams per day.

Usually, with gout, diet No. 6 is prescribed. Below are listed the dishes that include it:

  1. Recommended first dishes are vegetarian soups or borsch, okroshka, milk soups with vermicelli, vegetable or cereal soups.
  2. From bakery products you need to eat only bread from rye flour or pastries with bran.
  3. After an acute attack of gout is stopped, any kinds of meat can be eaten only after 10-14 days, and the meat dishes should be only boiled, 200 g twice a week.

Any sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content can be consumed every day. Cheeses can only eat low-fat varieties, and curd cheeses should not contain salt in their composition.

Fat content of sour cream, consumed in food, should not be above 10%, and cottage cheese - 3%. You can not eat oatmeal, beans or peas, and all the other cereals can be eaten every day. Chicken eggs can be eaten one at a time a day.

To the second dishes you can prepare sauces on decoctions of vegetables or on the basis of sour cream, milk or tomato juice without salt. Vegetables can be eaten in any form: raw or stewed, boiled or steam, and also they can be baked in the oven.

But any fried food is under strict prohibition. You can eat as a snack any vegetable salads or mashed potatoes, any greens, as well as sandwiches with low-fat cheeses.

The more the fruits and berries are eaten, the better, since they are the main source of vitamins. Just do not forget that some of them are not gouty.

For dessert you can use any jam, jams and jams, sweets without cocoa, marmalade or pastille. Nuts can be any (but not peanuts), about 20 g / day. Drinks you can drink any, except coffee, black tea. But the amount of sugar is desirable to reduce.

At night you need to drink one glass of any liquid.

Nutritionists have developed different types of diets for different groups of diseases. When gout is prescribed, either diet No. 6 (it is described above) or diet No. 8. The second diet is prescribed for gout, who are overweight.

Excess weight in humans occurs either with overeating, or with metabolic disorders.

It is extra pounds, settling in the body, create an additional burden on all internal organs, on the lower limbs, and any diseases only worsen under the influence of excess weight.

The essence of diet number 8 is that with its help, excess fat is removed from the tissues and from the body as a whole. This diet has a low caloric content by reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates in it and increasing the amount of proteins.

Table number 8 allows the use of a small amount of rye bread, soups only vegetable, meat and fish low-fat dishes are recommended to eat no more than two times a week. Fish and meat should not be fried in any case, but it can be subjected to any other kinds of heat treatment.

Kefir and low-fat cottage cheese are the only sour-milk products that can be eaten with this diet. Show fruits, berries and any drinks based on them.

What can not be done with a diet number 8? Categorically not allowed on the gout table with excessive weight is sweet and buttery pastries, all sweets, dishes based on manga or rice, grapes and other fruits containing a large amount of sugar, as well as fatty, smoked food with spicy spices.

Any dishes that are served on the table by a patient with gouty arthritis do not require exquisite products and are easily prepared. A set of products that are allowed to use such a patient is large enough and allows you to prepare a variety of dishes based on them.

Gouty arthritis is not a verdict, it can be successfully treated, but the main thing is the strength of the patient's will, to withstand the above requirements for the diet and a sufficiently long time to comply with the relevant diet.

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Diet for gouty arthritis: nutrition for gout and arthritis

A hundred years ago gout was called "aristocrat disease from which the male part of the population most often suffered. Presumably, the occurrence of the disease contributes to excessive consumption of alcohol, salted fish, smoked meat and meat.

After a time when the nutrition of women became more fat and caloric, gout began to develop and have them. In addition, the progression of the disease is associated with the development of medicine.

So, long-term use of funds that normalize blood pressure, contributes to a high concentration of uric acid in the body. However, in its true form, gout more often develops in men whose sex hormones affect the synthesis of uric acid.

Factors affecting the development of the disease

The classical form of gouty arthritis develops in people who have a genetic predisposition to this disease.

And the presence of such a pathology a person may not know.

In particular, if the genetic factor is combined with the abuse of alcohol, smoked foods and meat, then the probability of the appearance of pathology is significantly increased.

Thus, a typical gout is a man who has excess weight, consumes alcohol, in the food of which includes chocolate, boiled meat soups, salted and smoked fish, meat dishes and beans.

With the use of such products, the content of uric acid is greatly increased, resulting in the formation of sodium urate salts.

When the acid concentration becomes maximum, crystals are formed from the salts, settling in the joint cavities.


At the beginning of the development of the disease, short-term seizures occur at night.

As a rule, painful sensations are concentrated in the joints of the thumbs of one or both lower limbs.

Occasionally, the disease develops on the wrist joints, fingers, ankle and elbows.

In addition, intense pain is accompanied by a change in the shade of the skin in the joint zone. Skin covers acquire scarlet edema, and the joint itself swells. The attack lasts several days, and then it passes suddenly, as if it did not appear.

At the beginning of the progression of the disease, seizures last not for long, with a long interval. Afterwards, they become more frequent, and then a moment comes when the pain becomes permanent and the disease takes on a chronic form.

In addition, the cartilage tissue is destroyed, and cavities are formed in the osteosynthetic bone tissues, which are filled with sodium urate crystals.

They can appear even under the skin and have the appearance of solid whitish nodules (tofusi), filled with mushy soft mass.

Occasionally, nodules erupt, but then heal.

Moreover, gouty arthritis is dangerous because urate can accumulate in the kidneys, which leads to the occurrence of urolithiasis and pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).


An arthrologist or rheumatologist can easily determine the presence of gout. So, if a suspicion arose the doctor prescribes a biochemical blood test and sends the patient to the X-ray of the feet and brushes.

At a later stage, the joint cracks are clearly visible on the X-ray, and the uric acid concentration exceeds the permissible norm.

However, the lack of diagnosis lies in the fact that research during a gouty attack can show that the concentration of uric acid is normal, since at this time it concentrates in the affected joint.

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Diet for gouty arthritis

From such a disease as gouty arthritis is quite easy to get rid of. When treating this pathology, it is very important that the patient's diet be dietary.

So, there is a category of products from which gout should be abandoned, because they contribute to the excessive synthesis of uric acid.

Basically, if the patient complies with all medical recommendations and his nutrition is right, then after a few years his diet will become more sparing.

The diet for gout and arthritis is an important part of the treatment, since even the most effective medications, if not followed, will bring a minimal result. Therefore, if the food is wrong, then there can be no question of recovery.

So, for the next 12 months should be abandoned meat broths and soups, the use of young lamb and veal. In addition, from the diet you need to clean the dishes from the fish and meat, liver, brains, lungs and kidneys. Still harmful alcohol, mackerel, herring and sardines.

You can eat, but in a small amount:

  • brynza, salty and spicy cheese;
  • poultry, lamb in boiled form 1 time in 7 days;
  • cocoa, coffee;
  • boiled eggs (2 times a week);
  • alcohol (beer);
  • sausage and ham (from liver sausage);
  • oatmeal;
  • sprats and sprats;
  • pike-perch and cod in boiled form 2 times a week);
  • raspberries, figs;
  • beans;
  • tomatoes, cauliflower, asparagus;
  • white mushrooms and champignons;
  • sorrel and spinach.

And without restrictions you can eat the following products:

  1. sweet fruits and vegetables;
  2. porridge, except oatmeal;
  3. Nuts and oils of all kinds;
  4. flour, pasta, bread;
  5. jelly, sweets, sugar;
  6. dairy;
  7. different types of cheese, except for cheese, spicy and salty.

Diet for gouty arthritis involves eating a normal temperature, while the diet should be excluded from frozen and too hot food.

In the absence of cardiovascular pathologies a day, it is necessary to drink up to 4 liters of fluid.

In addition, 2 times a week it is recommended to arrange unloading days.

Thanks to drug therapy, pain symptoms can be eliminated in the first month of treatment, However, in order to completely normalize the level of uric acid, a longer time is required treatment.

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Therapeutic diet and prohibited foods in gouty arthritis

Diet for gouty arthritis is considered an integral part of the treatment, because the development of this disease contributes to the disruption of the exchange of nitrites in the body, including the products of decay of purine.

To the occurrence of an attack of gout leads to a sharp increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood. Undilated urate crystals penetrate into the cartilaginous and muscle tissues, causing acute pain.

Treatment of gout with diet

The principles of nutrition in this pathology are aimed at normalizing nitrogen metabolism and reducing the amount of purines and plant proteins that enter the body. With the use of protein foods, the level of internal purine nucleotides increases.

These substances in the process of enzymatic deamination are converted into free purine bases. Their connection with oxygen contributes to the release of uric acid.

It is necessary for the body, since it is an antioxidant, helping to protect blood vessels from clogging with cholesterol plaques.

The use of protein foods contributes to the formation of hydrogen nitrite in the digestive system.

The appearance of ammonia is the result of the vital activity of representatives of useful microflora involved in the processing of semi-digested proteins.

In the body of a healthy person, this substance should not be present. His transformation into urea is completed in the liver.

The acid-base balance also contributes to the settling of the crystals in the direction of oxidation.

Diet for gout and arthritis involves the use of table number 6, which is prescribed for nephrolithiasis with urate calculi.

It is classified as an alkaline special diet with the exclusion of purine-containing foods and fast carbohydrates from the diet.

The menu shown below is an example. When preparing food, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the products:

  1. For breakfast, you can eat a steam omelet, cottage cheese or toast with skim cheese.
  2. The snack is a fruit or a glass of natural yogurt.
  3. As the first dishes are used various soups, cooked on vegetable broth: cabbage soup, borsch, broccoli soup.
  4. Regular use of vegetable salads with olive oil improves the condition of not only the spine and joints, but also the digestive system.

List of permitted and prohibited products

Regarding the diet for gouty arthritis, rheumatologists' recommendations represent a vast list of products, from the use of which it is necessary to completely abandon. This includes:

  • red meat (beef and pork);
  • meat by-products;
  • fat;
  • peas;
  • mushrooms;
  • sorrel;
  • beans;
  • cauliflower;
  • spinach.

You can not cook soups and prepare sauces based on meat broth. It is forbidden to eat meat and canned fish (stews, sprats and tuna in oil, herring).

From the diet exclude fatty fish, crabs, crayfish, seafood. You can not eat baked bread.

Completely discard it is necessary from sweet carbonated and alcoholic beverages, including beer.

Chicken meat is a dietary product, however 100 g contains 125 mg of purines.

When gout is recommended to replace the turkey, which contains 2 times less than this substance.

During the heat treatment of meat, most of the purine compounds are released into the water. That's why you can not use broth.

To forbidden foods include cabbage, with its assimilation is allocated 50 mg of uric acid. Much more crystals settles in soft tissues when buckwheat porridge is used.

Conducted by modern scientists, studies have suggested that vegetables containing purines can not lead to a gouty attack.

It is not necessary to completely reject them.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of spinach, peas, asparagus, mushrooms and beans. The organic acids that enter into their composition contribute to a change in the acidity of the organism to the alkaline side.

In small quantities you can eat chicken eggs, potatoes, pasta, nuts, sunflower oil.

With gouty arthritis, products containing a minimum amount of nitrogenous substances are allowed to be consumed.

If you can not do without meat, you should eat it no more than once in 3 days, not more than 200 g per day. Such products should be cooked, the broth for food intake can not be used.

An important principle of proper nutrition for gouty arthritis is the observance of a special drinking regimen. The amount of fluid consumed per day should be brought to 2 liters. This rule does not apply to impaired renal function.

Recovery of acid-base balance is facilitated by the introduction of fresh potatoes, cooked in a uniform, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, watermelons, melons and greens into the diet.

Oranges, lemons and tangerines, garlic, zucchini and pumpkin are useful. Freshly squeezed juices before use should be diluted with boiled water.

Black tea is recommended to replace with green.

Pathological conditions associated with disruption of the processes of processing uric acid may be accompanied by a decrease sensitivity of the body to insulin, weight gain, increased blood pressure and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

The daily diet for gouty arthritis should include the minimum amount of fats and calories. That is why confectionery products need to be replaced with fresh fruits.

A healthy diet with gouty arthritis is useful not only for bones, but for the entire body.

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What should be a diet for gouty arthritis

A diet with gouty arthritis will help a weakened organism to remove uric acid from tissues, establish metabolism, restore joints, improve motor activity.

Doctors recommend to adhere to a certain diet, because some products contribute to excessive accumulation of purines, complicating the excretion of uric acid from the body.

Purines in moderate amounts are very useful for the health and normal functioning of organs and systems, but their excess provokes many complications, including the development of gouty arthritis.

It should be noted the beneficial effect of certain foods on metabolism and other processes that contribute to the excretion of uric acid.

In combination with the main medication course of treatment, it is able to favorably contribute to the recovery process.

Gouty arthritis is a disease caused by a metabolic disorder. One of the causes of the disease is malnutrition and alcohol abuse.

Some patients are interested in the question - is it appropriate to follow a diet for the prevention and treatment of gout.

Due to a number of predispositions of the body, genetic or external, it is very appropriate to follow a certain diet.

Nutritionists say that adherence to a short-term diet does not give a stable positive result of therapy of gouty arthritis, because proper nutrition should become the key to success recovery. The basis of the daily diet should be plant foods with low purine levels.

To vitamins and trace elements fully absorbed, you must include and protein foods in the form of low-fat varieties of poultry meat, fish.

A special feature of the diet is that the patient will not experience hunger, as a balanced diet will completely saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

It is recommended to diversify the daily menu, and in the preparation to use less fat, spices, sugar and salt. Moderation here will be appropriate. It is necessary to observe the optimal drinking regime, using pure alkaline water and juices.

Alcohol should be excluded, especially cognac and vodka, or significantly reduce its amount.

Milk, lactic acid products will help saturate the body with calcium, which is poorly absorbed and very quickly washed away with the use of certain medications.

It is necessary to know one of the principles of healthy eating, which consists in the moderate use of something. It is much easier to prevent overeating, to increase the absorption of nutrients, to establish metabolism in fractional, reusable, balanced and varied diet.

As noted, purine is the greatest provoker of the disease, therefore, dietary indications are to minimize the use of foods with high content purine. Since purine is found in all foods, it is necessary to identify those that have the lowest index of this substance. It:

  • low-fat varieties of turkey meat, beef, chicken, rabbit, preferably in boiled form;
  • wheat and rye bread, bread;
  • cereals and pasta, cooked on water or milk;
  • Low-fat seafood varieties, steamed, stewed in vegetable oil;
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, potatoes, beets, pumpkin, cabbage, eggplant, carrots, zucchini;
  • watermelons, pears, apples, grapes and any fruits and berries in processed form;
  • honey, nuts, jam;
  • all kinds of vegetable oils of cold pressing and melted butter;
  • vegetable, milk soups with the addition of cereals and pasta;
  • dairy products - sour cream, yoghurt, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat cream, sour milk, unsalted cheese;
  • pure water, green tea with milk, unconcentrated coffee with cream, broths of hips, linden and mint leaves, vegetable and fruit smoothies, juices, compotes and fruit drinks;
  • greens of dill and parsley.
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Particular attention should be given to the preparation of food, since the addition of animal fats in the form of fat, etc. annihilates its useful properties.

It is important to replace them with vegetable oil of cold pressing. Meat and fish should be boiled or steamed, eat it no more than 3 times a week.

It should be exceptionally low-fat varieties.

Diversify the preparation can be vegetable stew, lemon juice. Porridge can be cooked on milk, water, fry in vegetable oil. You can cook lactic acid okroshka, vegetable, fish, milk soups.

Daily consumption of eggs is allowed in a moderate amount.

Vegetables are better to eat in the prepared form, but fresh vegetable salads from tomatoes, white cabbage, cucumbers and greens, they should be filled with lemon juice, vegetable oil, sour cream, yogurt, limit application salt. Jam, honey and nuts can be eaten in moderation - in baking, salads and just like that. Dairy products can be used for cooking vegetable salads, soups, okroshki. Cottage cheese with sour cream will help enrich the body with calcium. Broths of fruits and herbs will have an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, tonic effect. You can drink soft coffee, compotes, make vegetable and fruit cocktails, smoothies. Cucumber juice is especially useful. Taste of dietary dishes can be added with parsley, dill, lemon juice, cinnamon and vanilla. Observance of moderate, correct, fractional nutrition and drinking regimen will help to cope with the disease.

Contraindicated food for gouty arthritis

Some foods can exacerbate gout and prevent recovery. Therefore, the daily diet should be completely eliminated:

  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • salted cheeses;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • animal fats;
  • salinity and smoked meat;
  • meat by-products;
  • mushrooms;
  • fat;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • spices in the form of peppers, mustard, horseradish;
  • salt;
  • beans;
  • Cauliflower, lettuce, radish, asparagus and sorrel;
  • seafood and fatty sea fish in the form of cod, herring, mackerel;
  • sharp, acidic, salty products;
  • meat broths;
  • baking.

These products provoke excessive accumulation of uric acid, complicate the metabolism and slow the process of recovery. They contribute to the accumulation of body weight, which in this case negatively affects the patient's health. Correction of the diet will help restore the body.

In the treatment of gout, fasting is excluded, since an emergency release of food provokes an excessive and critical accumulation of uric acid.

Instead of fasting, you can spend unloading days, when the amount of calories consumed simply decreases. One-component vegetable, fruit-free days can be spent.

You should listen to the body and adjust the nutrition menu.

Often, gouty arthritis is only one of the patient's diseases. In this case, making up the menu, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of diet therapy and other existing diseases.

It is important to consult a doctor and dietitian who will help to make a daily menu, give recommendations and recipes for cooking certain dishes.

The problem for treatment is overweight, which can be controlled and thanks to a diet, in conjunction with exercise therapy.

Complex therapy with medicinal preparations, uniform physical loads, nutrition will give a full and stable result of treatment.

Eating food should be beneficial and enjoyable, only so you can activate the protective functions of the body and improve health.

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Diet for gouty arthritis

To achieve a rapid therapeutic effect, patients with gouty arthritis are given appropriate dietary nutrition.

So, there are cases when only a strict diet with gouty lesions of joints or kidneys had a good therapeutic effect.

This can be explained by the fact that dietary nutrition in gout restricts the supply of exogenous purines, which has a beneficial effect on the level of these compounds in the blood serum and their content in tissues.

A strict diet for gouty arthritis does not mean severe fasting neither during an attack of the disease, nor during the interictal period.


General characteristics of the diet for gout № 6.

Diet for gout N 6 suggests:

  • the exclusion from the diet of products containing many purines, oxalic acid;
  • moderate salt restriction,
  • increase in the number of alkalizing products (milk, vegetables and fruits) and free liquid (in the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system).
  • reduction of proteins and fats (mainly refractory), and with concomitant obesity - and carbohydrates.

Culinary processing is common, but it is necessary to boil meat, poultry and fish.
The temperature of food is normal.

Diet for gout: recommended and excluded foods and meals

  • Diet for gout resolves: soups. Vegetarian: borsch, cabbage soup, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, cold (okroshka, beetroot), dairy, fruit.

Exclude: meat, fish and mushroom broths, soups from sorrel, spinach, beans.

  • Diet for gout resolves: bread and flour products. Wheat and rye bread, from 1 st and 2 nd grade flour. Various baked goods, including the inclusion of ground bran.

Restrict products of dough.

  • Diet for gout resolves: meat, poultry, fish. Low-fat species and varieties. Up to 3 times a week for 150 grams of boiled meat or 160-170 g of boiled fish. After boiling used for various dishes - stewed, baked, fried, products from cutlet mass. You can combine meat and fish in approximately equal quantities.

Exclude: liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, meat of young animals and birds, sausages, smoked products, salted fish, meat and fish canned food, caviar.

  • Diet for gout resolves: dairy products. Milk, sour milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes from it, sour cream, cheese.

Exclude: salted cheeses

  • Allowed: eggs. 1 egg per day in any cooking
  • Diet for gout resolves: cereals. In moderation, any meals.

Exclude: beans.

  • Permitted: vegetables. In increased amounts, raw and in any cooking. Dishes from potatoes.

Exclude: mushrooms, fresh pods of legumes, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, cauliflower, portolac; limit - salted and pickled;

  • Diet for gout resolves: snacks. Salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, from fruits, vinaigrettes, vegetable roe, squash, eggplant.

Exclude: salty snacks, smoked meat, canned food, fish eggs;

  • Diet for gout resolves: fruits, sweet dishes and sweets. In an increased amount of fruit and berries - fresh and with any cooking. Dried fruits. Creams and kissels dairy. Marmalade, pastilles, non-chocolate candy, jam, honey, meringue.

Exclude: chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries.

  • Are solved: sauces and spices. On vegetable broth, tomato, sour cream, milk. Citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf. Dill, parsley greens.

Exclude: sauces on meat, fish, mushroom broths, pepper, mustard, horseradish.

  • Diet for gout resolves: drinks. Tea with lemon, milk, coffee not strong with milk. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, fruit drinks, water with juices, kvass. Broths of dogrose, wheat bran, dried fruits.

Exclude: cocoa, strong tea and coffee.

  • Diet for gout resolves: fats. Creamy, cow ghee and vegetable oils.

Exclude: beef, mutton, cooking fats.
Limit the pork fat.

Permitted Products

Among products that are poor in purine bases, milk, chicken eggs, bread, caviar, Swiss cheese, walnuts and walnuts should be highlighted. It is allowed to eat carrots, buckwheat and pearl rump, millet.

In the diet of patients necessarily limit the amount of fat, salt, which contributes to the accumulation of urate in the tissues. Increase the amount of fluid that helps the body to more intensively remove from the body uric acid compounds.

It is necessary to reduce the total calorie content of food, which the patient consumes, especially in cases when he has concomitant obesity.

Often patients do not include tomatoes in their diet, considering them harmful, although you can use tomatoes, just not in large quantities, because they really contain a small amount purines. It should be remembered that it is more expedient to exclude from your diet different sausages, smoked food, you can not also use seasonings (this does not apply to bay leaves and vinegar).

It is useful from time to time to make yourself unloading days and consume raw vegetables and fruits. You can, for example, hold rice and apple unloading days.

Diet in the presence of this disease includes an alcohol ban, because it detains uric acid in the body. Especially it concerns wine and beer. It should also exclude strong tea, cocoa or coffee, which can exacerbate the pain syndrome.

From drinks it is recommended to use vegetable and fruit juices, as well as alkaline mineral water.

It is useful to eat foods that contain vitamin B1 and ascorbic acid.

With therapeutic nutrition for gouty arthritis use diet No. 6 for M. Pevzner, who meets all the above conditions.

It should be noted that some researchers believe that with proper pharmacological treatment, diet therapy for this disease is not necessary.

But as practice shows, dietary nutrition with gout greatly facilitates its course, so most doctors include a diet in the overall scheme of complex treatment of the disease.


Below is an approximate menu for gouty arthritis:

  1. First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, soft-boiled egg, carrot pudding with apples and millet, tea.
  2. The second breakfast: broth of a dogrose.
  3. Lunch: noodles soup, potato fried cutlets, jelly.
  4. Snack: apples are fresh.
  5. Dinner: cheese cakes baked, stuffed cabbage stuffed with vegetables and rice, tea.
  6. At night: a decoction of wheat bran.

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