From what cough to take "Ambrogen"

The drug "Ambrobene" is prescribed for cough accompanied by the formation of a viscous, hardly expectorated sputum. This symptom is often observed in chronic and acute infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, as well as in bronchial asthma.
How to take Ambrobene
The main component of Ambrobene is ambroxol. This substance stimulates the formation of mucus by the bronchial glands, dilutes it and promotes its removal from the broncho-pulmonary system. "Ambrobene" contributes to the formation of surfactant - a surfactant, which prevents the decline of small bronchi and alveoli. The drug is produced in various dosage forms: tablets, capsules, long-acting, syrup, solutions for oral and inhalation, injection.
"Ambrogen" is prescribed as a part of complex therapy of acute and chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, accompanied by a dry cough. The remedy is also used in the treatment of premature infants in order to stimulate the formation of surfactant in the broncho-pulmonary system. Tablets of the drug take 1 pc. 3p. per day (in the first 2-3 days), then 1 pc. 2p. in a day. Capsules drink 1 pc. 1p. in a day. Solution "Ambrobene" for oral administration is prescribed in the first 2-3 days of 4 ml 3p. per day, then 2p. per day in the same amount. Solution for injection use 1 ampoule 2-3 r. in a day.
"Ambrogen" for inhalation appoint 2.5 ml, the procedure is 1-2p. in a day. Syrup adults take in the amount of 10 ml 3r. per day (in the first 2-3 days), then the frequency of reception is reduced to 2 times. Children under 2 years of age, the drug is prescribed 2.5 ml 2r. per day, children 2-5 years of age this dose is prescribed 3 r. per day, children who have an age of 5 to 12 years, - 5 ml 2-3 r. in a day. The drug should be used no longer than 5 days.
"Ambrogen": contraindications, side effects
"Ambrogen" is contraindicated in the hypersensitivity of its components, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, epilepsy. Capsules can not be administered to children under the age of 12 liters. Other forms (except syrup) are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. Syrup can be used at any age. With caution, the drug is prescribed for violations of the kidneys and liver, in violation of the motor function of the bronchi in combination with the release of a large number of sputum. During pregnancy and lactation, the remedy is used only as prescribed by the doctor.
"Ambrogen", in general, is well tolerated. Sometimes there is dry mouth, increased salivation, vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, violation of urination, runny nose, dryness in the throat and bronchi. There may be allergic reactions. With rapid intravenous administration of the solution, headaches may appear, blood pressure rises, sudden weakness, heaviness in the legs, shortness of breath.
Tell me the syrup "Ambrobene" for a wet or dry cough?
6 Massi
Vladimir Romashkin
Alexey Klishchenko
Dried licorice syrup. much cheaper and just as effective.
Wolverine Evil
There are two different drugs for different types of cough.
Polina Kya
"Ambrogen" in general for softening of a dry cough is used.
this syrup for a dry cough, when using it, drink more liquid.. . any cough and thinning drugs apply within 20 hours of the evening, this is so that you are sleeping peacefully, since. when taking this medicine before going to bed makes your body cough at night when you sleep.. . in the morning, be sure to do gymnastics and preferably a vibrating massage, so that stagnant sputum begins to depart from the bronchi and lungs
Angela Shamanova
Ambrobe is an expectorant, hence it is better to use it for a wet cough to clear the lungs of phlegm. Dry couschum is better to remove syrups Omnitus or Sinecod
Features of the application Ambrobene in the treatment of cough

When is the drug prescribed?

Ambrobene for inhalation dilutes sputum, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract
Ambrobene for inhalation significantly reduces the viscosity of phlegm, as a result of which it begins to be effectively eliminated from the respiratory tract. This procedure allows the drug to quickly penetrate the mucous membranes and alleviate the symptoms of the disease without affecting other organs. Inhalations from the ambroben are indicated for catarrhal diseases, accompanied by a cough, with pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchoectatic disease.
The main constituent of the drug is ambroxol, which possesseshigh mucolytic property, so after the first procedures, you can see improvements in the patient's well-being. Especially effective is abroxol in obstructive bronchitis, because the drug immediately enters the bronchial tree, liquefies phlegm and contributes to its separation, thereby improving the patient's condition. If you do inhalation with this drug, you can reduce the dosage or duration of antibiotics.
In order to benefit from the disease, it is important to adhere to the main recommendations for the use of the drug. This is especially true for people with bronchial asthma, because wrong actions can cause an attack of bronchospasm. To avoid this, before the proposed procedure should take bronchodilators - drugs that expand the bronchi. Instruction to the solution of the ambroben for inhalation makes the use of the drug convenient regardless of the type of disease.
How to carry out the procedure correctly?
In order to avoid possible mistakes in the treatment of cough with the help of this drug, it is recommended to follow the instruction of the embryo for inhalation, which is attached to the drug. Following the instructions, the solution can be used not only for inhalations, but also to use it inside. Very often, two types of medication are prescribed simultaneously, which makes it possible to accelerate the process of recovery.
Very effective is inhalation with the ambroben and saline solution, since the physiological solution moisturizes the mucous membrane well, promotes the formation of sputum, which is necessary for dry cough. To conduct such a procedure, you must follow the recommendations:
- Ambrobene half dilute with saline solution;
- Before the procedure, the medicine should be slightly heated;
- breathe for 10 minutes, without making a deep entrance, breathing should be ordinary.
It is necessary to know how to dilute the ambroben for inhalations, since the effect depends on this after the procedure.
A special measuring cup is attached to the preparation, with which it is easy to measure out the right amount of liquid. In the treatment of diseases accompanied by coughing attacks, a nebulizer is usually used - a device, with the help of which the drug turns into an aerosol and, if inhaled, gets into the bronchi. The drug is not intended for steam inhalers, which is very important to remember when purchasing a device for therapy.
The dosage of the ambroben for inhalation differs depending on the age of the patient:
- Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 3 ml of solution 2 times a day;
- children from 2 to 6 years - 2 ml each;
- children under 2 years - 1 ml each.
Carry out inhalation with the amberbone for children and adults necessary before the disappearance of cough or before the appointment of a specialist of another drug. Parents whose children are not yet 2 years old must refuse to conduct an independent procedure by contacting a specialist for assistance.
Can I use the drug during pregnancy?

Ambrobene during pregnancy is taken only as prescribed by the doctor
Inhalations from the amberbone during pregnancy are not a contraindication in the treatment of a pregnant woman, but such therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and conducted under his supervision. Especially such a rule is important to observe up to 28 weeks of pregnancy.
If we talk about the procedure during breastfeeding, it should be noted that the conducted studies have shown, that ambroxol - the main active substance of this medicine, together with breast milk enters the child's body. But at the same time, its adverse effect was not noticed, therefore, the treatment of the ambrobe is allowed, but under the strict supervision of the doctor.
Contraindications and side effects
Despite the many positive reviews about Ambrobene for inhalations, yet before you start using the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to such treatment:
- first half of pregnancy;
- sensitivity to certain components;
- stomach ulcer;
- epilepsy;
- limited functionality of the kidneys.
Side effects after the procedure are extremely rare, while they are quite insignificant: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, allergic reactions may occur.
Knowing how to do inhalations with the amberbone, strictly observing the recommendations on the use of the drug, indicated in the instructions, you can quickly get rid of cough, not allowing the development of serious diseases.
The better to cure a severe dry cough in a baby (7 months). Is there an Araxol? Ambrogen?
All my friends (who have babies), when the child slightly coughs, then pour into the compressor inhaler 2 ml saline or esentuki 4 and breathe for 10 minutes, the little ones really like to sit in the mask (especially under the cartoon). If the cough is stronger, then you can pour "Lazolvan" and also breathe. The effect is visible immediately. I wish your baby health.
Try Sinecod, he is not a bitter child will not be capricious.
In ..
Let the pediatrician determine the nature of the cough and give recommendations ..
Ambrobe and ambroxol are analogous preparations! T. e one and the same... only a different manufacturer! With a dry cough, you do not need this drug. It is prescribed for better sputum discharge... but you do not have it!!! Let appoint or nominate the attending physician!
Boris Aizikovich
best prescribed drug by a doctor. As for the suppression of cough, what can it dilute if it is dry
humid air in the apartment
Olga Klimova
ambroksoli with a damp cough.. . and the amberbone from there you get broncholithin... stopoutsins ..