Residual cough after bronchitis

What is the risk of residual cough after bronchitis?

Often, people who have had illnesses of the respiratory system, there is residual cough after bronchitis. As a rule, such a cough manifests itself briefly and disappears after a certain time since the onset of the disease.

The problem of cough after bronchitisThere are cases when a residual cough means the development of a complication or the onset of a new disease.In connection with this, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and to reveal the true cause of coughing.

Mechanism of bronchitis

Mechanism of development of chronic bronchitisIn the development of any type of bronchitis, the main role is played by harmful substances contained in the air in huge quantities. These substances irritate the bronchial mucosa and lead, as a rule, to diseases of the respiratory tract. A huge role is played by the climate. A greater risk of developing bronchitis occurs in the spring and autumn.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract, which causes damage to the bronchi and a violation of the natural normal activity of the lungs. The reason for its occurrence is the penetration into the human body of various kinds of infections, as well as bacteria and viruses.

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In the case of a significant accumulation of mucus in the bronchi of a man begins to suffer a dry cough, and sometimes with the discharge of sputum.

The inflammatory process, which develops in the bronchi, causes a cough, which is a protective reaction of the human body.

As a result, all the accumulated microbes, as well as toxins and dead cells leave the bronchi.

After a bronchitis cough remains even in the event that all signs of a serious illness accompanying him before have completely disappeared. The presence of cough is observed in 50% of people who previously had bronchitis. To eliminate it, it is necessary to determine at what stage the disease is located and to identify the main cause of cough development. An additional reason for the appearance of cough is the abuse of tobacco and alcohol products.

Types and causes of residual cough

Types of sputumIn medical practice, the following types of cough are distinguished:
  • dry;
  • wet.

With the help of a wet cough, harmful microbes are eliminated much more quickly from the human body, thereby the healing process takes place.

Cough after bronchitis, as a rule, is observed no more than 2 weeks. It all depends on the immune system of the child or adult, and also on the characteristics of the organism itself. Once in the body, the virus settles on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as a result of which its reproduction begins at a high rate. Therefore, for a complete normalization of the functioning of the bronchi and the trachea, a certain amount of time is necessary.

With weak immunity, systematic contact with irritants, poor climate, passive inhalation of tobacco, frequent cases of acute viral infections and bronchitis, all residual phenomena manifest themselves for quite a long time.

Among the characteristics of residual cough can be identified:

  • in the absence of symptoms of the disease, expressed by an increase in body temperature or intoxication, cough remains;
  • can manifest at regular intervals, with a slight cough and no separation of sputum;
  • the duration of the cough is approximately 3 weeks, it all depends on the human immunity and the degree of the disease;
  • after the passage of time, the cough weakens, acquires a less pronounced character even without the use of medicinal preparations.

A constant agonizing cough can, on the contrary, intensify with time. In this case, the person is difficult breathing, the body temperature rises, purulent sputum is released. These are symptoms of complicated bronchitis. Even in the absence of other signs and with constant cough, a child and an adult need an urgent examination and the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations.

What to do if there was a cough after ailment

The doctor's consultationIf, after the appropriate treatment of bronchitis has been more than 2 weeks, and the cough has not passed, then you should begin to worry. Most likely, an inflammatory process develops in the human body. It is necessary to undergo additional examination and do the right treatment. There are several ways to treat residual cough. First of all, actions are needed to strengthen immunity, healing herbs, breathing exercises and health-improving massage.

The implementation of simple gymnastic exercises allows you to withdraw the accumulated sputum much more quickly, thereby bringing about a speedy recovery stage. In a set of performed physical exercises include squats and slopes. Massage procedures are performed by patting movements.

In the event that there is a suspicion that the bronchitis becomes chronic, the patient should be treated by an experienced doctor in pulmonology. At the admission specialist will appoint a patient to undergo a full medical examination, in addition, will carry out a check for the presence of tuberculosis.

In some cases, in the presence of cough after bronchitis, X-rays of the lung are done. Then both children and adults need to make a Mantoux test at the end of the illness.

For fast recovery the patient is recommended full-fledged nutrition, which contains a complex of useful vitamins and minerals. Benefits will also come from systematic sports, respiratory gymnastics, sanatorium therapy, and fresh air walks. The use of any medications is possible only after agreement with the attending physician and the delivery of the necessary tests.

An excellent result of treatment can be achieved through the use of phytotherapy. On the basis of Ledum and licorice, decoctions are produced, which relieve the residual cough.

How to get rid of cough after bronchitis

Sinecode after cough after bronchitisWhen a patient has a wet cough, a gradual cough will occur. In this case, the doctor prescribes any expectorant for bronchitis. Of course, these are any mucolytic drugs that contain carbocisteine. Due to their safety and effectiveness, they are able to eliminate residual effects of bronchitis even in a child.

Those mucolytic agents that contain Ambroxol, can cause excessive sputum liquefaction in people of any age. Carbocysteine ​​can not lead to this situation, since it has a mucoregulatory effect. When taking drugs containing carbocysteine, sputum is liquefied, and after a while passes. These drugs are effective even when the patient takes them from the very beginning of the disease. Among them are: Fljuditik, Libeksin and Mukolitik syrup.

If there is a cough after bronchitis, the doctor prescribes drugs to adults, including Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine ​​and Ambroxol. When a person has a dry cough, it must first be transferred to a productive cough, and then to use medicines that have an expectorant effect. It is allowed to use combined means, with which you can quickly get a double effect. To such means carry:

Herbion after cough after bronchitis
  1. Sinecod.
  2. Herbion.
  3. Bronchicum.
  4. Kodelak Fito.
  5. Libexin.
  6. Stoptussin.

In addition, inhalation can be recognized as an effective tool to help get rid of the remaining manifestations of bronchitis.

To reduce the severity of cough left after bronchitis, the use of antihistamines is recommended, with the help of which reduces the swelling of the mucous membranes, eliminates spasms in the bronchi and normalizes the elasticity of the muscle tissue. Treatment methods should be aimed at clearing the lungs of mucus and sputum accumulated during the entire illness. But if the residual cough was caused by tuberculosis, blood may appear during expectoration. Therefore, it is not recommended to take an excessive amount of expectorants.

In order to prevent the appearance of chronic bronchitis and its relapse, it is recommended to take preventive measures. Initially, you need to direct all your efforts to strengthen the immune system, moreover, it will not be unnecessary to regularly temper the body. All the timely taken measures will help to avoid the appearance of the disease and its relapse.

Residual cough in the child

Why does the child have a residual cough?

Residual cough in the childResidual cough is observed in the child after the transferred bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs and tracheitis. It is observed after all the symptoms have gone away, the temperature has normalized, all the main signs of the transferred disease have passed. In this case, the child periodically coughs without spitting out phlegm. Such manifestations are called residual cough.

Appear residual cough can up to two weeks. In this case, the child's immunity becomes decisive. In the event that the SARS is observed in the child for the sixth time in a year, the residual cough can be observed for up to three weeks.

Causes residual cough causing infectious disease. There is a lesion of the mucosal virus of the bronchi and trachea, and it does not recover too quickly. For its full restoration must take a certain time. This is what makes up the period of observation of the residual cough.

Residual cough after bronchitis in a child

Residual cough after bronchitis gives the child a lot of trouble and requires appropriate treatment. Despite the fact that there is no immediate danger of coughing after bronchitis, there are two circumstances that make him take it seriously.

First of all, it is often confused with the symptoms of bronchitis itself or its complications. In this case, the duration of the cough and the nature of its course are important. After bronchitis, it makes sense to periodically show the child to the doctor. In the event that the child coughs for more than three weeks, with a cough dry, occurs with attacks, the probability of whooping cough should be excluded.

The duration of cough after bronchitis indicates that there are malfunctions in the immune system. The pathogenic microbes that cause disease are well deposited on the irritated bronchi of a child. He could again pick up the infection if it is present in his team, whether it's a kindergarten group or a class. It is better to keep the child at home until the cough is completely eliminated from him.

Residual cough in a child after ARVI

Cough can be a residual phenomenon after an ARVI, transferred by the child. It is observed because there is a violation of the normal functioning of the respiratory system of the child and sputum is formed in its bronchi as mucus. It is the presence of residual cough after ARI is a guarantee of protection of bronchi and trachea from sputum.

Residual cough after respiratory infection can be both dry and with phlegm. Thus the allocated sputum is thick and viscous, with impurities of mucus.

Cough in a child can manifest in different ways. Coughing can be both inconspicuous, and pass into a strong, persistent cough. In the latter case, the child may have a fever and feel worse. Residual cough after acute respiratory viral infection is most often manifested in preschool children.

Residual cough in a child after tracheitis

The main symptoms of tracheitis in a child are fatigue, weakness, fever. With their external absence, the child may have a cough, which is one of the residual symptoms of the disease. Almost every second case is similar. Residual cough in a child after tracheitis is manifested due to weakened immunity or individual characteristics of the child's body. Getting on the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi, the virus begins to multiply actively. Residual cough does not need any additional treatment, however time for recovery is necessary.

How long does the residual cough in a child last?

Residual cough after the transferred diseases in the child is among the normal phenomena. Approximately in half of the reported cases, it lasts up to a month and longer. Everything depends on the state of the child's organism and the disease that he suffered. If it is observed after bronchitis, special attention should be paid to the nature of the discharge during coughing. They should be light, the body temperature should not grow and in general, the cough itself should tend to decrease.

Children in preschool age themselves can not monitor the frequency of sputum and spit it normally. In addition, they need more time to restore the bronchial mucosa. If you do not resort to additional methods of treatment, sputum disappears in about a month.

For children of primary school age, less time is needed to eliminate the symptoms of residual cough. If you do not apply any additional cure they cure within ten days on average. Treatment can shorten this time by half.

Residual cough in a child, how to treat?

For the treatment of residual cough, a child needs a series of preventive procedures to facilitate the process of treatment. Often this is enough to stop the remaining cough, especially if it is observed after bronchitis. Preventive measures include airing the room in which the child lives, preventing exposure to acute allergens, fencing the child from smoking in his presence, maintaining the temperature in the child's living quarters at a certain level, without changes.

In residential areas, wet cleaning is required to be carried out regularly and the general condition of the microclimate should be monitored. It is recommended to use an air humidifier, the principle of which is based on the use of ultrasound. This is more effective than hanging wet towels in the room and installing water tanks on the floor. The air humidifier is able not only to keep the air humidity index at a given level, but also to clean it from harmful impurities.

How to cure a residual dry cough in a child

Dry cough is one of the varieties of residual cough that occurs in a child after suffering various illnesses. Like any kind of cough, it requires the application of a certain method of treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to put the child in a comfortable and peaceful state. Most often, parents are well aware that dry cough is often caused by exposure to a child's noise or strong light.

For the treatment of dry cough by pediatricians the following remedies are recommended:

  • a teaspoon of fresh honey without adding anything else;
  • a glass of boiled milk with the addition of a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • the use of tea with raspberry jam to solder the child before going to bed.

To significantly ease the course of dry cough in a child can perform steam inhalations. To do this, drinking water with a concentration of drinking soda in a volume of four tablespoons per liter is used.

In the event that self-administered treatment does not give any desired results, you need to seek medical help from a doctor. He can correctly establish the cause of the appearance of a dry cough in a child and prescribe an adequate treatment.

How to cure a residual dry cough in a child

How to remove residual wet cough in a child

Residual coughing in a child is most often explained by accumulated in his lungs phlegm. In such cases, pediatricians generally advise primarily to ensure ventilation of the child's room. In addition, you can wash his nose with a saline solution, placed in a jar. Such a measure is more suitable for prevention, so that the sputum does not dry up in the nasopharynx of the child.

Be sure to give the child a drink in large quantities. The best for this is a decoction of the dog-rose, it contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements. For example, there is more vitamin C in it than in all mineral and vitamin complexes. When preparing the solution, the dosage of its use should be observed. The rose hips in the volume of one tablespoon are filled with a glass of water, after which the whole volume must be brought to a boil. After boiling for an hour all the liquid must be cooled for two hours. After that, about a tenth of the solution is diluted with water to a volume of 200 milliliters. Apply every other day. After about a week and a half, there is a weakening of dry cough, and by the end of the month it completely stops.

How to treat a residual cough by Komarovsky

The main recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky are the following: do not suppress the residual cough in the child through the use of various means to combat coughing. This is dangerous, because cough is nothing but the consequences of previous seasonal diseases. Thus, the children's organism is self-cleaning. If the cough stops, there will not be enough sputum from the lungs. This entails a violation of ventilation of the lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that cough is necessary for a child's body. Certainly, it is necessary to treat it, but treatment should be built not on cough elimination, but on its relief. Effective impact on the lungs should be sufficiently effective. The use of medicines should primarily be aimed at eliminating sputum. Everyone knows that the denser the sputum, the harder it is to leave the baby's body.

Residual cough in a child, how to treat folk remedies?

Such folk remedies are recommended for the treatment of a child's residual cough.

Pine buds on water or milk give a good effect when used to treat residual cough in a child. Preparation of medicinal infusion involves adding half a liter of boiling milk a tablespoon of pine buds. The fire turns off and insists for an hour. To solder the child, a warm infusion is applied once every two hours in a volume of 50 milliliters. Milk can be replaced with water, and pine cones on spruce shoots.

Badger fat is considered a good means of traditional medicine to treat residual cough in a child. Preschool children are recommended only for external use. Fat rubbing the skin on the back of the child, on the stomach, shoulders, chest and legs. After this, the child should cover the heat and put him to bed. After he well sweats it is necessary to change his underwear.

For children over the age of seven, badger fat can be recommended for use by mouth on a teaspoon three times a day. You can dissolve it in warm milk and give the baby with honey, it will be useful and tasty. If a child is allergic to such drinking ingredients, you can buy him badger fat in the pharmacy.

In addition to badger fat, you can also use sheep, as well as goose. Admission of these fats is carried out on the same principle as the use of medicinal fat badger.

Residual cough in the child - than to treat. Quick recovery of a child's residual cough

Treatment for a cold is left behind, but can not get rid of a cough? The mucous airways in the child after ARI is restored slowly and along with the weakened immunity there is an unpleasant residual cough. How much is it dangerous for health and how to cure a child's cough?

Why there is residual cough in children

To cure a viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia is only the first stage on the way to recovery. Weakened by the disease to a child's body, especially after taking antibiotics, it takes time to recover. And all this time, sensitive bronchi apply the most common protective mechanism - a cough that does not allow the respiratory tract to become blocked by phlegm, mucus or pus. Therefore, parents need to know the causes, symptoms and how to properly treat the residual cough in the child.

Residual effects after illness in the child


Constant coughing in a child after a respiratory illness has been suffered, rather refers to a variant of the norm than to a rare phenomenon. To recover and develop immunity, the baby's body takes some time. The viruses that remain after the disease are not so strong, but they continue to irritate the bronchi and trachea, causing a residual cough, which, with proper therapy, should go through two to three weeks. Among other reasons, when a child has a violent cough without fever:

  • relapse of an inflammatory or infectious disease;
  • respiratory tract reaction to contact with cold air, excessive physical activity;
  • allergy to dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke;
  • foreign body;
  • stress, nervousness;
  • rare gastric disease - gastroesophageal reflux.


The situation when there is a feeling that the cold does not go away and the child does not cease to torment a cough for a long time should alert the parents. At this point, on some grounds, it is necessary to be able to determine where the onset of a new disease, and where the baby has stopped, is only subject to residual phenomena. The most common symptoms of a protracted cough:

  • a periodic manifestation of the residual phenomenon, when the cough itself is shallow, there is no sputum, appears more often in the morning;
  • there is no temperature, snot, intoxication and other signs of a cold;
  • for three weeks after completion of the course of therapy, the cough becomes less intense and rare;
  • the immune system of the baby, recovering, weakening the cough and coping with it, even without treatment.

When a cough in a child is dangerous after a disease

Fear should be caused by a situation where a child has a sonorous cough that does not last a month, a fever or a baby complains of pain. It is necessary to be able to distinguish any of these symptoms from the residual phenomena and if you are suspicious, go to the pediatrician for the baby to undergo an additional examination. What is dangerous for a prolonged or unceasing cough in children? Behind this may be the development of chronic bronchitis, pertussis, pneumonia or chest trauma, which makes it painful to inhale and exhale, to begin tuberculosis. In these cases, serious medical attention is required.

The doctor is listening to the baby's lungs

Than to treat a residual cough

If there is a certainty that these are residual events after an acute respiratory viral infection or some other viral infection, then medication may not be needed. After a few weeks the work of the respiratory system is normalized, the mucosa is cleared and the residual cough will pass, if you frequently ventilate the room, do a wet cleaning, use an ultrasonic humidifier. Then how to treat a residual cough in a child? Quickly get rid of an obsessive cough I will help folk remedies, inhalations, in special cases - taking medications.


To the baby's airways quickly cleared of phlegm or mucus that accumulate in the cold, a therapy program to eliminate residual effects may include taking medications. By the nature of the cough and general assessment of the state of the body of the child, the pediatrician will prescribe diluting (dry cough) or expectorant (moist cough) funds or drugs with spasmodic or enveloping properties. To reduce mucosal irritation and cope with residual effects help:

  • "Tusuprex" - an effective drug against dry cough, which is often used for laryngitis and bronchitis. Produced in the form of tablets, drops, syrup; helps to inhibit cough reflex, cure infectious, allergic, irritating or psychogenic cough and not to become addictive. For children under 7 years of age, the daily dose can not exceed 40 mg, and the drug should be taken at least 3 times during the day.Syrup Paxeladin
  • "Libexin" is an antispasmodic with local anesthetic effect. The drug helps reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, without affecting the activity of the respiratory center. Tablets "Libexin", knowing how to properly treat the residual cough in a child, it is recommended not to chew, but swallow. The drug is highly effective in treating a prolonged or irritating cough, when it begins to exhaust the baby, and the maximum dose for children is 200 mg throughout the day.Preparation Libexin
  • "Lazolvan" - antitussive, which has an excellent expectorant effect and helps to remove viscous sputum. For children, it is better to choose syrup, and other forms of the drug - tablets, solution for inhalation, pastilles. The drug contains ambroxol hydrochloride, which helps successfully treat the disease of the lower and upper respiratory tract. If you give lazolvan with a dry cough to the baby, then you need to monitor the dosage, which depends on the amount of active substance per 5 ml of syrup. Children are prescribed one-half or one teaspoon to three meals a day.Dasg Formulations

Folk remedies

If the child strongly coughs, then the plot hardly helps to influence the process. Among folk remedies, there are other useful recipes that help to remove a dry, frequent cough in a child with the help of decoctions prepared by a special way of products, compresses. How to cure residual cough in a child by folk methods:

  • Warm drink on milk, and this product combines with honey, soda, butter, figs, goat fat, mineral water. One tablespoon of the heated liquid takes a tablespoon of another ingredient, and with a mineral water, the milk is diluted 1: 1. Such cough treatment in children with the help of folk remedies is considered the most popular, and if you give a warm drink to a baby at night, it helps to improve sleep, remove barking cough, cure throat.
  • Crushed yolks with sugar (chicken, quail) - this is a well-known gogol-mogol. If the child coughs before vomiting, whistling is heard, then this folk remedy does not help, but to soften a hard cough such sweet treatment is under force. To make the taste even more pleasant, honey, cocoa, citrus juice is added to the mulled yolks, but on condition that these children do not have allergies to these products. To make a portion, take one yolk and a tablespoon of sugar, grind carefully to a lush white mass, and then add any of the additional ingredients in volume to a teaspoonful.
  • Infusions on herbs are prepared in the evening, for this use a thermos, and the proportions are simple: a glass of boiling water is taken 1 st. l. vegetable raw materials. To cure the cough for children passed faster, for infusion they take chamomile, lime blossom, St. John's wort, sage, green cones.
  • Instead of mustard plasters and ready-made pharmacy ointments, it is better to rub at night if the child has a wet cough, with pork, goat, badger, bear fat, and then wrap the baby well.
  • Compresses are another good folk remedy, if a child does not go through a dry cough for a long time, and boiled and crushed potatoes, bread crumbs, cabbage leaves with honey will work for the procedure.

Inhalations with dry cough without fever

Procedure for inhalation for a child

Finding an effective method how to cure a dry cough in children, if the process is a residual phenomenon, leads to inhalation treatment. To soften is the main goal of this type of therapy, and steam for this is ideal. The baby will have to breathe over hot couples, and the liquid is still gurgling, so parents should be very careful and follow the baby. Inhalation is well suited to those who suffer from chronic cough, and the duration of the procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

In the absence of allergic reactions, essential oils are suitable, for example, pine, juniper, eucalyptus. Dr. Komarovsky advises to make inhalations with medicinal herbs (alternate, rosemary, mother-and-stepmother), and during the procedure to use either inhalers or nebulizer. An effective and simple folk method is to breathe over a pot of potatoes, covering your head with a towel.

Video: How to relieve the residual cough in a child

Cough after bronchitis

cough after bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious damage to the respiratory system. The disease develops against the background of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. The main symptom of the disease is a severe cough. Accordingly, the main treatment should be aimed at its elimination. But as practice shows, very often even after bronchitis is cured, the cough remains. This phenomenon makes all patients nervous because they took serious therapy, why did not the main symptoms of the disease disappear?

Why does not it cough after bronchitis?

Immediately it should be noted that a cough that persists after an illness is not always terrible. On the contrary, after inflammation of the bronchi this is quite normal. Thus the body tries to purify itself. With cough from the bronchi come dead particles of the mucosa, the remaining microbes, dangerous products of their activities, allergens and other irritating microparticles.

What is the residual cough after bronchitis?

There are two main types of residual cough:

  • dry;
  • wet.

A wet cough is considered normal. It is characterized by active separation of sputum. Experts call it productive.

An unproductive or dry cough after bronchitis is a suspicious phenomenon:

  1. First, with it, there is no cleansing of the bronchi.
  2. Secondly, because of the dry cough, the condition of the mucosa in particular and the lungs in general worsen. Delicate tissues of respiratory organs against this background may even begin to bleed. Thirdly, ineffective spasms greatly exhaust the patient.

How long does the cough after bronchitis?

Doctors consider normal residual cough, which lasts for one to two weeks. At the same time, every day it should become more and more mild and gradually come to naught.

If the cough persists longer, and the patient's condition does not improve, it is necessary to consult doctors.

Residual cough in a child after bronchitis than dolechivaet ??



and can already just stop giving medicines?
maybe they already cause a cough which is not
but in general it is best to simply inhalation with fiz solution and all

Mandarin mandarin orange

looking how much the child... and than treated

Maria Pogodina

I am helped very much by inhalations with lazolvanom. In general, if you have frequent bronchitis, you need an immunologist.

Tequila with lemon

Inhalation with lazolvanom, saline solution or alkaline mineral water, expectorant - acet, fluimucil, back rubbing with something warming, you can use a course of viferon for restoration of immunity, vitamins and abundant drink necessary

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