In the presence of neurological and ophthalmic diseases, the patient may have pupils of different sizes. Such a symptom, which is characterized by an unequal size of the eye pupils, is called anisocoria in medicine. As a rule, one eye reacts to light, and the second remains stationary. It is normal to consider a difference in diameter of two pupils no more than 1 mm. Outwardly, such a distinction is unnoticeable.
2Possible diseases in anisocoria
3Methods of diagnosing this disease
4Treatment of anisocoria
5Prevention of disease
If a disease such as anisocoria happens as a result of a trauma to the eye, because of which the muscle, the narrowing pupil is damaged, then immediately after this injury the pupil first narrows, but then it again expands, ceasing to react to accommodation and light stimuli.
Pupils of different sizes often provoke inflammation of the iris of the eye, the so-called iritis.All pupillary reactions become blunted when angle-closure glaucoma is due to ischemia of the iris of the eye. Glaucoma is accompanied by a perceptible acute pain in the eyeball, the vision of a person gradually decreases.
If pupils of different sizes are more visible in bright light, then this is most likely a manifestation of parasympathetic innervation disorders. This disease causes a dilated pupil (mydriasis), and all of its reactions also weaken.Most often, mydriasis is a consequence of the lesion of the oculomotor nerve, which is accompanied by divergent strabismus, restriction of the motor functions of the eyeball, ptosis and doubling.
Different pupils in anisocoria can be the result of a tumor or an aneurysm compressing the oculomotor nerve.Parasympathetic denervation (pupils of different sizes) is possible as a result of infectious inflammation of the eyes or trauma in the orbit of the ciliary ganglion.In this case, the pupil does not react to light, but there is still a slowed ability to accommodate (adapt).Anisocoria in humans
Anisocoria can occur in humans for various reasons. At the same time, its manifestation is not always the same.
Possible diseases in anisocoria
This rare disease can be triggered by the following diseases or symptoms:
Aneurysm of the brain.
Craniocerebral injury and concomitant bleeding.
Diseases of the oculomotor nerve.
Migraine, in this case the difference in the diameter of the pupils will not last long.
Neoplasm or brain abscess.
Various infectious processes in the brain (encephalitis, meningitis).
Glaucoma, increased pressure in one of the eyes can cause
The use of certain drugs, for example, eye drops, can cause a reversible difference in the size of the pupils.
Horner's syndrome. Neoplasm in the lymph node that is located at the top of the breast can be the cause of severe anisocoria, as well as the lowering of the eyelid.
Roque's syndrome is the cause of lung cancer.
Injury of the eye with damage to the muscles responsible for the constriction and dilatation of the pupil.
Hereditary anomalies in the development of visual organs.
Anisocoria can be a consequence of dangerous diseases, which can cause serious harm to a person.
Methods of diagnosing this disease
For diagnostic methods for the detection of anisocoria, the doctor first of all determines which eye does not respond for the difference in lighting conditions, because it can go both about the inability to narrow down, and about the inability to expand.The doctor prepares information on problems that arise, which are related to vision: it clarifies whether the image is double, whether there are any painful sensations in the eyes.Then follows a series of mandatory procedures:
Taking a blood test.
Tomography of the skull.
Magnetic resonance imaging.
Monitoring of blood pressure indicators.
X-ray examination of the cervical and skull.
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.
Angiography and ultrasound is prescribed for suspected vascular anomalies. The doctor can also ask the patient to bring his old portrait photos, in order to be able to make sure that this problem has not previously been seen.
Treatment of anisocoria
Treatment of this disease entirely depends on the identified cause of the pathology. If this is a hereditary or physiological condition, then there is no need for treatment. If the cause is in infectious or inflammatory processes, then they can prescribe a treatment for a suitable nosology.Apply local or systemic antibiotics. In tumorous processes, treatment is required for surgical intervention.Due to the fact that the reasons for the different diameter of the pupils can be very different and are able to carry a different character, then it is better not to postpone visiting a specialist.
Prevention of disease
In order to reduce the risk of getting such an ailment, you should:
It is compulsory to comply with all safety rules when working in hazardous conditions, which can increase the risk of injury.
Refuse bad habits, especially - from the use of drugs.
In time, consult specialists at the first signs of an infectious or somatic disease.
Papillomas on the eyelids: treatment of medication and operative
Children with visual impairment, as well as features of their development are presented here.
Treatment of barley on the eye
So, the pupils of different diameters are a disease that can be both pathological and acquired. The causes of anisocoria can be various manifestations of dangerous diseases. At the first signs of this ailment, it is not worth postponing a visit to a doctor and doing self-medication.
Also, read about what diseases are accompanied by constantly dilated pupils.