Carrot juice from the cold

How to drip carrot juice

Carrot juice is often applied from the common cold, both in itself and in combination with other components. Juice helps reduce edema of the nasal mucosa, dilutes sputum, restores breathing.

You will need

  1. Carrot juice, carrots, honey, beet juice, garlic juice, aloe juice, pipette.


  1. Carrot juice will be useful in diseases such as runny nose, vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis of various severity, allergy, accompanied by the release of mucus from the nose. Carrot juice can be treated by runny nose pregnant women and children.
  2. Carrot juice contains phytoncides, which act against various infections and microorganisms. Onions and garlic also have these substances in the composition. However, carrot juice is practically odorless and does not irritate the nasal mucosa, so it is recommended for the treatment of a cold in children. For the preparation of juice, take only fresh carrots, which have a bright orange color. Root should be whole: without black spots and cracks. Only such a carrot is valuable and suitable for the upcoming treatment. In carrots of yellow and white flowers, phytoncides are much smaller, so they are not recommended for use.
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  3. To prepare carrot juice, first wash the vegetable and peel it. When cleaning it is better to scrape carrots, since close to the peel contains a large number of nutrients. After that, make juice in the juicer. Then the natural juice must be diluted with water one to one. Bury only fresh juice, not the one stored in the refrigerator for a week. There are almost no useful substances left in it. If you plan to treat a runny nose in a child, the ratio of water and juice should be:.
  4. Before instilling carrots rinse your nose with warm boiled water so that useful substances can work better. Then take the pipette, fill it with juice and dip 2 drops into the nasal passages. The interval between instillations should be 3 hours. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease. With the usual cold, treat carrot juice for 5 days, and with genyantritis, do the instillation for 8 days. Maximum duration of treatment: no more than 8 days. If the coryza does not stop after 8 days, you should consult an otolaryngologist. He must prescribe other methods of treatment.
  5. You can prepare such drops: in a glass of carrot juice, dilute two spoons of honey. The mixture is also pipetted into the nasal passages several times a day. Carrot juice, mixed in equal proportions with beetroot, is also an effective remedy for the common cold. Treatment follow the course. You can mix in equal proportions carrot, beet juice, garlic juice and aloe. Such a vigorous mixture is very effective in infectious diseases. However, it is contraindicated in pregnancy and allergies.

Children from the common cold are digested with carrot juice or onion juice? How to do it correctly?


Valery Antipin

rub the onion on a grater or crush it with garlic cloves as it is more convenient to wring out
pure juice (liquid) through gauze or bandage mix not a lot of water boiled carrots also cook but do not mix with water (onions can
to damage the mucous membrane of the nose if it is not mixed with water) drip 2
droplets can be instilled in the nozzle with the juice from the leaves of the aloe flower and the onion in place
boil water to sprinkle with beet juice GOOD LUCK TO YOU !!!


Beetroot!!! Onion is cool, carrots will not help. Beetroot helps.

Brutal Zayko

better needles under your fingernails!!! !
Milochka, buy a remedy for a cold ...

[email protected]

It is better not to do this. Onions can burn the mucous membrane of the nose!


generally onion but I do not advise you. it's wildly hurt.
onion juice + sunflower oil. + honey.
check with the beginning on yourself before treating them baby

Terra Incognita

you here will advise of course, but from experience: my uncle buried his onion juice and burned the mucous membrane. so clean juice is not flooded for anything!
and do not buy a drop (I developed dependence on them, I was treated for a long time at Laura)


buy a drugstore in the pharmacy and do not put the experiment to not every child is suitable. God forbid an allergic reaction and the child just might suffocate ...


Beetroot is best ...

Yulia Timoshenko

Everyone has his own experience. I'm digging in garlic water. Insist finely chopped denticle with hot water and after 15-20 minutes the drops are ready. Kills all germs and viruses. Effective for both treatment and prevention.


Children from the rhinitis need FRESH AIR!!! Do not put experiments on children, for this and can plant.


I also tried beetroot, helps, grate on a fine grater and squeeze the juice, and then through a pipette to drip.

Vita Milkin

It is necessary that the drops do not burn the mucous membrane.
About carrots - did not hear, but the onions or garlic should be insisted in vegetable oil, and only then this filtered oil drip.

PANTERЁ [email protected]

I buy my son protargol, better than drops from the cold until I found it.

Svetlana Markina

Buy the remedy for the cold, and do not drip into the nozzle any juice-mucous will squeeze the baby, if the baby can breast milk, but better droplets. We were still saved by a washing device called Humer, a very good little thing.

Girl from the Urals :)

Beetroot. But you need to breed with water for children:.

Ekaterina Pochtovaya

I was advised by the pediatrician Colloid silver "Prince Silver" on a droplet in each nasal passage, it both disinfects and raises immunity!


children from the common cold are digested with aqua maris or other drugs. and do not mock them with not proven methods. Onion or garlic juice can easily burn a child's mucous nose. wake up and go to the pharmacy

Marina Nazarova

Carrots do not drip, onion juice can not be dripped, tk burn all the nasal mucosa. But the onion itself for the prevention of sinusitis is very good, the way: cut finely onion, lay mass on gauze (several layers) and tie under the nose for 5 minutes (pre-lubricating the nose with a fat cream), only this method is NOT for small children. For children it's good to take a tampon-drop on it 2 drops of drops for the nose and put in the nostril. Or drip 1-2 drops of essential oil (better than eucalyptus) and just give a sniff (just do NOT put it in your nose).


Dear Mom, Have you tried to dig in the onion juice? if not, then definitely try, the question about the child will disappear by itself!

Tell me, can anyone have tried carrot juice for a runny nose to dig in?


Model of Malevich

Beetroot juice with honey was digested... effective, but the child was very uncomfortable

Igor Morozov

Onion juice is best diluted with water one to one and bury.

Sergey Ponomarev

and you did not try the young pig's urine?
milf, the 21st century in the yard, the third millennium!
medicines from a cold - at least back eat and pharmacies round the clock are there and there inside - experts
and carrot juice can cause an allergic reaction and a runny nose can only increase to anaphylactic shock
Or it can an allergy on medicines from a rhinitis?

Natalia Tolkach

Nurse! I hate juvenile justice. But she's scratching at you with her paws!


1. Maintaining moisture in the nozzle, when it is necessary to prevent the drying out of the mucosa - is considered the main task! At home cool air is desirable (at a temperature above 22 degrees mucus dries quickly) and high humidity. Use an air humidifier. Or get an aquarium. Or just arrange cups with water. In addition, it is good to breathe the saturated-moist air in the bathroom. Go there every half hour, breathe for 5-10 minutes, give the saplets liquefy and pour out, then wash the baby. In the water, you can add a drop of lemon oil with lavender.
2. It would be good to provide a comprehensive treatment, because the common cold usually goes along with other catarrhal phenomena.
3. Healing baths. Herbs: calendula, birch leaf, yarrow, sage. In equal parts. 50 gr. Herbs for a large bath, 25 on a baby bath. 2 hours insist in the thermos. The water temperature is not less than 36-37 g. Bath for at least 20 minutes. Not less than 5 days.

Directly nose
1. The simplest means is saline solution. Although every hour for half a pipette into each nostril, it is impossible to overdose it. You can make a semblance of saline solution yourself: for one liter of boiled water add one teaspoon of salt, if you be more precise, then 9 grams. Salt can be replaced with sea salt, but only without additives, it is better to eat salt. Attention! Saline is used only! for "dripping" into a spout, and not for washing the nasopharynx. In no case can not wash the nose with a baby using a small pear or a clyster. Children very easily pass the liquid from the nose into the Eustachian tube that connects the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis). But if saline solution - nothing like this will happen.
2. Just like physical. solution, you can instill the infusion of herbs. Calendula, yarrow. 1 hour l. collection or mixture for 1 cup of boiling water and 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool it down. Bury a half-pipette in each nostril several times a day.
3. Liquefy snot in the ways described above and remove the surplus only from the outside. Suck off excess pear from the nose just before bed, if they interfere with breathing. Attention! At the child at a rhinitis it is impossible to suck off mucus from a nose. To us after all on the contrary it is necessary to make with a rhinitis a nose even more wet! Soplyki is the protection of a poor, small, strained and irritated mucous nasal. In addition, intensive suction leads to an even more severe swelling, which as you know, leads to a vicious circle.
4. Moistening of the mucosa. If the runny nose is liquid, then the inside of the nose should not be lubricated, the mucous membrane is so moistened. If it does not flow, then it is good to lubricate the mucous membrane so that it does not dry out. For example, peach butter or Vitaion. It's lubricating turundochkoy, and not bury, in addition to all the above activities.

Ksyushka Kuznetsova


Carrot juice in the baby's nose helps with the common cold?


1 ♥ · Mariska · ♥ 1

Bury the baby in the nose carrot juice can not.
No useful properties for the treatment of the common cold carrot juice.
They can not in principle cure rhinitis, which causes a runny nose.
Moisturize the nose with carrot juice is dangerous.
At least because it's much simpler in getting the money -
The same saline solution or simple sea water -
moisturize the mucosa as effectively and without any side effects.
It contains a large amount of sugars,
which can promote the development of bacterial infection,
he is also capable of causing allergies.
It is best to give a baby with a cold simply to drink juice.
If he does not have allergies, then the benefit from this will be much greater.

natalla briskly

I know about beetroot, only with water it is necessary to dissolve.

Kseniya Popova

I have never heard... if honestly the child becomes pitiful, even if it is only to be imagined... I would not have experimented.


unlikely carrot helps, but the beet on my own experience I know, just an ideal remedy for the common cold and sinusitis

Ari @ nka

never drip on the advice of the Ineta or girlfriend. Here's how to drip cause an irreversible process.

Olga Lamberti

It seems to me better not to try)


Carrot juice is the ideal breeding ground for germs. It is best to wash the nose with salt water, then remove the snuffles (blowing or an aspirator if the baby is small), and if the nose is embedded, -consolidating drops.


Balsam "Revival" - to anoint them nasal passages, the juice of red beets diluted: with warm boiled water and drip them for 3-5 drops in every nostril, you can make garlic oil - crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour them with unrefined sunflower oil and give stand in a closed bowl for at least 15-20 minutes, then drain this oil and dig in the nose - 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-4 times in day. There are a lot of such recipes - but here they have resulted most effective and tested both on themselves and on their loved ones.

Laura Petrarkina :)

Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa cleans the air around the baby, it's easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.
Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.
Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!

Beetroot juice with a cold and its medicinal properties

Every once in my life I encountered a runny nose and its unpleasant symptoms, which I want to quickly get rid of.

Exhausted by abundant secretions from the nasopharynx, patients often make a choice in favor of vasoconstrictors, which do not cure the common cold, but only stop its symptoms. In this case, the disease continues to develop and a simple rhinitis can subsequently give complications in the form of, for example, sinusitis.

Most often, the question of how to treat the common cold with folk remedies arises in women during lactation, the parents of babies, and also in the case of a cold in pregnant women, because in such cases, the drug should be the most safe, not addictive and have as few contraindications as possible.

In rhinitis, folk remedies are most often used, such as:

  • Aloe juice from the common cold.
  • The Kalanchoe juice is from the cold.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in children with cold.
  • Beetroot juice with a cold.

Here we will dwell on the treatment of the common cold with the help of beet juice. Since ancient times, this root is actively used to treat various ailments, including colds.

The most useful is the beet, which has a cylindrical shape, and its pulp has a rich maroon color. The juice of such beets will help alleviate nasal breathing, remove the swelling of the nasopharynx and significantly reduce the secretion of mucus.

To make beetroot juice for use in a runny nose, you can use a juicer or an ordinary grater. It is necessary to clean the vegetable from contamination, and then gently cut off a thin layer of peel from it, and only then proceed to squeeze the juice.

Use with a cold can beet juice as a raw root, and boiled or even baked. Directly before use, beet juice from the common cold should be held for several hours in the refrigerator, and then diluted water in the ratio: (the concentration depends on the severity of the disease, in this case it is indicated for adults on average ratio).

Treatment of a cold in children with the help of beet juice: reception schemes

Beet juice in children's rhinitis should be used cautiously, as various allergic manifestations are possible. Before you start this treatment, you need to consult with your doctor.

When treating a common cold in children, the beet juice should be diluted with water in the ratio since the ratio: suitable only for adults, in children it can cause irritation, since they have a more sensitive mucous.

To avoid skin coloration when applying beet juice from the common cold in children, you must use any vegetable oil, which must be mixed with the juice before instillation. It is also acceptable in the treatment of a cold to mix beet juice with honey (if there are no allergic reactions) and garlic or carrot juices, which will greatly improve the therapeutic effect.

It is important to note that during the application of beet juice from the common cold in children there is a possibility of complications, which include:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Increase in the number of secretions from the nasopharynx.
  • General deterioration of the patient.
  • Fainting (with reduced intracranial pressure).

At appearance of the complications described above, it is necessary to contact the doctor-otolaryngologist as soon as possible, and to cancel the use of beet juice.

There are many different schemes for the intake of beet juice in the treatment of cold in children.

Consider the most common of them:

  • With a cold catch cold twice a day, put in a nasal passage a cotton swab dipped in the juice of boiled beet, keep such a tampon in the nose can be no more than 20 minutes.
  • With abundant mucous discharge from the nasopharynx, bury the juice of raw beet in each nostril for 3 drops, up to four times a day.
  • With a protracted runny nose, a mixture of beetroot juice and carrot juice with honey addition proved to be a good idea. The mixture of juices must be diluted with water in the ratio: and bury in each nostril 2 drops to three times a day.
  • With a chronic rhinitis and thick discharge from the nasopharynx, apply fermented beet juice, bury it 2-3 drops in each nostril, up to four times a day. This solution is relevant only in the treatment of chronic colds.
  • In the treatment of sinusitis, rinse the nasal cavity with boiled beet juice, up to three times a day.
  • In severe forms of rhinitis, it is possible to wash the nasal cavity with warm beetroot decoction, this procedure can be performed up to two times a day.

With an allergic rhinitis in children, beet juice is rarely used, but it is also able to give positive result, as it dilutes thick mucous discharge and helps to release nasal sinuses. Also beet juice significantly reduces mucosal edema and dilates the blood vessels in the nose, which contributes to a quick recovery.


Application of beet juice in the treatment of a cold

Beet is a source of various vitamins of group B, PP, betaine, minerals - iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and various bioflavonoids.

With a cold in children and pregnant women, doctors recommend using herbal medicines or safe folk remedies. Beet juice from the common cold is a universal remedy that does not have a dangerous effect on the human body. It does not cause addiction to the mucosa to its effects, nor can it cause damage to it.

Since ancient times, beetroot has been actively used for the preparation of a variety of products intended for the treatment of many diseases, including colds. The most useful is a dark-burgundy vegetable of cylindrical shape, it is a rich source of nutrients, which are much less in root crops with light veins.If a person falls ill with a cold, accompanied by a copious discharge from the nasopharynx or its obstruction, immediate measures should be taken. Using beet juice from the common cold, one can improve nasal breathing, relieve swelling and reduce the amount of mucus secreted. Before using it, it is necessary to stand for several hours in the refrigerator, since this vegetable contains not only useful substances, but also harmful, and being in the open air, they disintegrate.

How correctly to prepare a medicine?

Treatment of the common cold with beet juice will yield positive results only if the medicine is prepared correctly, which will preserve all the beneficial properties of this root vegetable. First of all, you need to prepare a root crop: thoroughly rinse it under running water until all the sand and earth is completely washed. Then, peel the vegetable from the peel with a sharp knife.But you need to try to cut it down as little as possible, since it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, which are so rich in root vegetables.

After the vegetable is prepared, it should be grated and squeezed using gauze, but if there is a juicer, it is better to use it. When treating diseases of the nose, juice from raw, boiled and baked vegetables is considered effective. Thanks to the benefits that he possesses, beets are used in children's rhinitis, especially with the formation of thick mucus in the nose.

Available and effective folk recipes

When treating a cold with beet juice, you can use a variety of methods of preparing the drug, most suitable for each patient. The most effective and common are such recipes:

  1. Grate the beetroot and squeeze the juice. Before use, it must be diluted halfway with water, as beet in the cold is a very potent bactericide. For half a cup diluted drug, you need to add a teaspoon of 9% vinegar. Drip the nose 3 times a day for children 2 drops, the adult - on the pipette. You can use the method of treatment, both in acute form of the disease, and in chronic.
  2. Juice the root vegetables diluted 1: 1 with water, and then add a spoonful of honey to a glass of such a solution.Use such a tool can only be provided that the patient does not have any allergies to honey.
  3. Beet juice is used for a cold in children, which is caused by the formation of adenoids. It can be obtained from boiled, baked or raw beets, for this it must be grated or passed through a juicer. Dilute half the water and rinse the nose 4 times a day. Beforehand, it is better to wash the nasopharynx with saline solution, and then with beet juice.
  4. Use beet juice from the common cold during pregnancy, women often treat the inflammatory process in the nose with cotton swabs soaked in the juice of this beneficial root. It is also better to dilute with water, keep such tampons in the nose should not more than 20 minutes 4 times a day.
  5. Often, a cold is treated and beet juice, which is already fermented. To do this, it should be put in a warm place for a day, and then drip your nose undiluted. Some people refuse this method of therapy, known in folk medicine, because they think that a fermented product loses its useful properties. But this is not so, because this root crop even after heat treatment remains useful, and fermented, it has a softer effect on the mucous, preventing its irritation.
  6. Take beet and carrot juice in the same amount, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a couple drops of garlic juice. To drip in the nasal passages 3 drops 4 times a day, you can still put tampons in the nasal passages for 15 minutes.
  7. Prepare a glass of carrot-beetroot juice, using them in the same amount, add a spoonful of honey, drip and rinse your nose every 3-4 hours.

Beet juice in children's rhinitis should be used with extreme caution in order to avoid the occurrence of allergic manifestations. Before such treatment of children and pregnant women it is important to consult with a specialist. Beet juice from the common cold has practically no contraindications, since it is applied only externally, However, sometimes treatment with this folk remedy can be ruled out in case of individual intolerance product.

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