Caripain instruction manual: gel and cream


  • 1Instructions for use and price of caripain
    • 1.1Application of caripain
    • 1.2Form of issue
    • 1.3Instructions for use
    • 1.4Contraindications
    • 1.5Advantages
    • 1.6Cost
  • 2Caripain Ultra instruction manual, gel, 30 ml
    • 2.1Caripain Ultra indication for use
    • 2.2Caripain Ultra Contraindications
    • 2.3Gel Caripain Ultra: analogs are cheaper
    • 2.4Gel Caripain Ultra dosage and method of administration
    • 2.5Caripain Ultra side effect
    • 2.6Gel Caripain Ultra 30 ml summary (instructions for use) of the drug in photos
    • 2.7Gel Caripain: reviews about the drug
  • 3Caripain plus - reviews and prices of gel, instructions for use ointments
    • 3.1Side effects of caripain
    • 3.2Reviews about Karipain
  • 4The drug "Caripain Ultra" (gel): reviews, instructions, indications
    • 4.1Composition and packaging
    • 4.2Features of the drug
    • 4.3Properties of the medicine
    • 4.4Indications
    • 4.5Contraindications to the use of gel
    • 4.6Method of application of the drug "Caripain Ultra"
    • 4.7Adverse Events
    • 4.8"Caripain Ultra" (gel): reviews
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Application of caripain in the treatment of joint diseases
    • 5.1Structure of the medicine
    • 5.2Form of issue
    • 5.3Indications for use
    • 5.4Contraindications and adverse reactions
    • 5.5Instructions for use
    • 5.6Reviews and Prices
  • 6Caripain. Instructions for use

Instructions for use and price of caripain

Due to improper "exploitation" of the spine, there may be an intervertebral hernia.

The cause of its development can be: spinal injuries, improper lifting, carrying loads, sitting at the computer, driving.

In order not to resort to surgical treatment, many experts recommend using caripain.

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Application of caripain

Often, patients choose their treatment in surgery, which is represented by resection of the hernia in the area of ​​compression of the nerve root. But this method of treatment is recommended only if the conservative methods of therapy are ineffective:

One of the most effective ways of non-surgical treatment is the use of caripain. For the treatment of spine problems, it has been used for more than 5 years and quite successfully. It is recommended to use in the treatment of acute, chronic stages of intervertebral hernias.

Form of issue

"Caripain" is now produced in 4 different forms:

  1. Dry balsam №10. The main active substance of this powder is papain. It is a natural enzyme that is of vegetable origin. Produce it from the milky juice extracted from the fruits of papaya. A medicament is used in the complex therapy of such pathologies of the spine: intervertebral hernia, arthritis, keloid scars, discogenic radiculitis, osteochondrosis, articular contractures. The drug is monosostavom.
  2. "Caripain plus" dry balm. This medication is considered to be improved because of the addition of the main component with such components: bromelain, collagenase. They are necessary to enhance the effect of the main component, papain. At the same time there is an increase in the effectiveness of the medication by 20-25%.
  3. The caripain cream was created in order to expand the local use of the drug. It is used with phonophoresis. Enzymes penetrate better through the dermis due to ultrasound. This form of medication is used as an additional tool in the therapy of arthrosis of large joints, articular contractures, arthritis, keloid scars, shoulder-scapular periarthritis. Very effective in the therapy of the spine.
  4. Caripain gel is considered the most modern form of the drug. Its advantage lies in the fact that the patient can use it himself. It promotes inhibition of the processes of destruction, activation of the restoration of cartilaginous tissue, helps to relieve pain, inflammation. Behind him, there was no negative impact on the body. "Ultra gel caripain" is very effective in the treatment of pathology of the musculoskeletal system. It is used topically, as an aid in electrophoresis. The medication is used in the therapy of intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, protrusions of the vertebrae, osteoarthrosis, deforming, inflammatory joint diseases, joint contracture.

Instructions for use

Having familiarized with the form of the issue, we will proceed to the disclosure of the question of how to use "caripain" in the therapy of intervertebral hernias.

Treatment with this drug should be conducted by courses to obtain a positive effect. The course includes a different number of procedures (20 - 30). Between the treatment procedures are possible breaks in 1 - 2 days. Repeat the therapeutic course can be 30 to 60 days later.

"Caripain" is used for the procedure of electrophoresis. Experts advise combining dry balm with cream so that the procedure has the maximum effect.

If the cream is used externally, it should be applied by massaging movements. Thus it is necessary to watch, that the cream completely was absorbed.

Massages with cream should be repeated in the morning, in the evening.

Dry balsam is used for electrophoresis from the positive pole. Before the procedure begins, the drug (1 g.) Is diluted with saline solution, water for injection (10 ml). To penetrate into the affected area was much better, you should add "Dimexide" (2 - 3 drops).

Gaskets used in the procedure should have a temperature of 37 - 390C. The recommended pH should be between 5 and 7.

Preparing the solution, it is applied over the filter paper gaskets, which have a size of 10x15 cm. The initial amperage for the action is set to 5 mA.

It is recommended to increase it after 10 to 20 minutes. To bring the current strength to 10 - 15 mA.

If you apply dry balm "Karipain Plus" externally, the therapeutic effect will be much lower than when performing electrophoresis with this medication. If there is no possibility to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, it is better to use the drug in the form of a gel.


The gel should be applied to the affected area (joint, spine) with a thin layer. Rub until completely absorbed in the dermis need massaging movements.


The gel is allowed three times a day. About 10 square centimeters are applied about 2 - 3 g. preparation. Therapy lasts 4 weeks, you can repeat it after a month.


"Caripain" is not allowed for all patients. There are a number of contraindications. Electrophoresis with caripain is prohibited:

  • pregnant;
  • patients with acute illness of the musculoskeletal system;
  • nursing;
  • suffering from individual intolerance.


The use of "caripain" makes it possible for the patients with intervertebral hernia to significantly alleviate the condition. Note the following advantages of this medicine:

  1. The possibility of avoiding surgical treatment.
  2. High bioavailability.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. Impact directly on the cause of the disease.
  6. Security.
  7. The ability to enter locally, which provides a directional action.
  8. Painless.

In the treatment of intervertebral hernia analogs of caripain can be used. No structural analogs have been found for the active substance. The medication is considered unique because of the components that it contains.

We indicate analogues that coincide in the pharmacological group. These drugs are used in intervertebral hernia therapy:

  • "Aponil."
  • "Nyz".
  • Aktasulid.
  • The Nimesan.
  • "Mesulide."
  • "Aponil."
  • "Tizalud."
  • "Ameolin."
  • Novolide.
  • "Nimesil".
  • "Tizanidine."
  • "Nimika."
  • "Nemulex".
  • "Tizanil."
  • "Sirdalud".
  • "Prolid".
  • "Floyd".
  • "Nimegesic."


The price of caripain depends on a number of factors (form of release, pharmacy rating). The approximate cost of "Dry Balsam No. 10" is 1719 rubles. The drug, released in the form of a cream (50 ml) can be purchased for 647 rubles. For the preparation in the form of capsules (700 mg, 60 pcs.) The price is 1038 rubles.

A source:

Caripain Ultra instruction manual, gel, 30 ml

Gel Caripain Ultra, having the property to improve microcirculation in tissues and slowing down the aging process, is recommended for the improvement of the body, improving the condition skin, as well as as an antiseptic, antimicrobial and sedative for inflammatory diseases in joints and with hernia of intervertebral disks. Has no side effect.

Trade name of the preparation:Caripain Ultra

Dosage form:gel for external use

Photo packing gel carpain ultra 30 ml, where the composition is indicated

Water, sorbitol, papain, chondroitin sulfate, boswel extract, transcutol, eumulgin HRE 455, polyglycol 400, rhodicare S, ascorbic acid, hyaluronic acid, kathon CG, perfume composition.

Pharmacological properties
Gel for the body Caripain Ultra, which includes enzymes contained in the milky papaya juice (melon wood), as well as chondroitin sulfate, boswel extract and hyaluronic acid, is recommended for use in health improvement of the body.

Caripain gel improves microcirculation in tissues, improves body elasticity and skin condition, slowing down the aging process.

The gel has a balanced composition of active active substances, and the presence of a transcutaneous (transdermal) conductor of the new generation of Transcutol makes its application effective without special physiotherapeutic procedures.

Papain is a monothiol cysteine ​​endoprotease obtained from the milky juice of special papaya varieties (Carica Papaya). Papain is active not only in acidic, but also in neutral and alkaline media (pH range 3-12).

It retains activity over a wide temperature range.

Papain stimulates the destruction of non-viable protein masses and, at the same time, is safe for viable tissues due to the presence of protease inhibitors therein.

The introduction of papain into the zone of damages of the vertebra and joints promotes the lysis of necrotic structures and the creation of conditions for angiogenesis and osteogenesis. Papain influences the hernia of intervertebral discs.

The hernia begins to gradually decrease, it becomes soft and its lysis occurs.

This is enough to release the nerve end and the vessels, which it pinches, and the pain in the spine passes.

Also, papain acts on the entire intervertebral disc, as a result of which the regeneration of the disc tissues is enhanced, which restores its normal structure.


Transcutol - a modern transcutaneous (transcutaneous) conductor, possessing high conductor properties, provides a dosed delivery of all active substances of the gel through the skin deep into the tissues. It also has the property of dispensing the active substances and their complexes introduced into the tissues.


Bosveli extract is obtained from the resin of the deciduous tree Boswellia Serrata L., the Burzerov family. The extract of Boswellia is used as an anti-inflammatory agent (the mechanism of action is similar to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Boswellia inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators, especially leukotrienes. In this case, does not reduce glycosaminoglycan synthesis and does not cause any negative effects. It shows pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and sedative properties.

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It is widely used for inflammatory joint diseases, improves metabolism.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a non-sulphated glycosamine-glycan-a polysaccharide of animal origin. The primary indication for the introduction of HA in the joints and adjacent tissues is arthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis and bursitis.

HA suppresses cartilage degeneration and the release of proteoglycans from the extracellular matrix of cartilaginous tissue, protects the surface of the articular cartilage, normalizes the properties of the synovial (joint) fluid and reduces perception of pain.

HA is non-toxic and completely biocompatible with body tissues.

Chondroitin sulfate - consists of disaccharide residues of D-glucuronic acid and glucosaminoglucan. It belongs to the group of chondroprotectors, it stimulates tissue regeneration, promotes water retention and restores damping functions in cartilage tissues.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to increase the mobility of joints and reduce pain. Chondroitin sulfate penetrates into the structure of the matrix of cartilaginous tissues and thus has a direct effect on metabolic processes.

Contribute to the synthesis and protection of collagen, which is the basis of all connective tissue tissue structures.

Caripain Ultra indication for use

The gel "Karipain Ultra" is recommended to be used for the recovery of the body.

Caripain Ultra Contraindications

Individual intolerance to the components of the gel.

Gel Caripain Ultra: analogs are cheaper

Gel Caripain Ultra dosage and method of administration

A small amount of gel to apply in the area of ​​the spine and joints on the skin of the body with massage movements until completely absorbed.

Apply two to three times a day. Duration of use from 20 to 30 days.

If necessary, repeat courses. The recess between repeated use is not less than 30 days.

Caripain Ultra side effect


Form of issue

Laminate tube with a capacity of 30 ml. Cardboard package of 1 tube in each.

Photo tube gel carpain ultra 30 ml

Storage conditions
Store at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 25 ° C, inaccessible children's day place. Avoid direct sunlight.

Shelf life
24 months. Date of manufacture (series) is indicated on the seam tube.

Leave conditions
Without recipe.

Photo packing gel carpain ultra 30 ml, where the price is indicated

Manufactured in Russia

OOO NPK "AS-COM" 117545, Moscow, Road, etc. 8, building. 1

especially for

OOO PromActiv 117587, Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse, d. 125, p. 1, room. 611

Gel Caripain Ultra 30 ml summary (instructions for use) of the drug in photos

Photo instructions for the application of the gel caripain ultra 30 ml, part 1

Photo instructions for the application of the gel caripain ultra 30 ml, part 2

Gel Caripain: reviews about the drug

Maria Mironova, IshimbayI'm a young grandmother. A daughter with a son-in-law spends a lot of time at work, so almost all households are holding onto me, so I got a herniated hernia.

It is small, and I decided not yet to do the operation, but to look for other ways of treatment. In the pharmacy, advised Karipain Ultra, of course, it costs, to put it mildly, a little expensive, but health is more important.

And I did not regret the money spent, after fifteen days I began to feel better, and after thirty hernia ceased to disturb at all. I advise everyone who has a similar problem.

Tamara Mihaylova, Vyborg

I'm still young. I was overweight, but I pulled myself together and lost weight. It seemed that the dream came true, but along with the unnecessary kilograms, the former elasticity of the skin also left.


It became very insulting, because so much effort was spent! I turned to my friend, she advised this gel. I went to the pharmacy and bought, the price did not bother me, besides, he really helped. Now I again feel really beautiful.


Three cheers for the producers!

Christopher Bolshakov, Cheremkhovo

For a long time already for several years I am suffering from osteochondrosis of the spine. He was treated in all sorts of ways, including rubbing with various ointments and gels.

Learning about the gel Karipain Ultra, acquired it. After a month of application, I can definitely say that I did not feel his healing action.

Taisiya Dementieva, Yegoryevsk

I have swollen all the small joints on my hands. They increased in size, the skin reddened, and before they even touched it was painful. In the pharmacy, I was recommended this gel, as the most rapid-acting remedy. Began to be treated.

The condition of the joints improved, but not as quickly as I had hoped, and still had to apply also additional medical manipulations, one massage with the use of gel in my disease was is not enough.

Alexey Avdeev, Beloretsk

My long experience in the treatment of joints suggests that the ointments are divided into two groups, those who are treating, and those that just relieve the pain for a while.

In the annotation to the caripain Ultra gel, he is described as a remedy for the first group. But not everything is as wonderful as it seems at first glance.

I tried to treat my elbow joints with this gel, and it turned out that he still relieves the pain for only a few hours, very sorry ...

Svetlana Grigorieva, Krasnoslobodsk


I was treated with caripain gel Ultra first time about osteochondrosis in the cervical spine. The result of treatment satisfied me.


Yaroslav Blokhin, Khabarovsk

Carried out treatment with caripain gel of the hip joint. Just a massage with this tool on me was not entirely effective.

There was improvement, but stiffness and pain were slow to release. Then the massage was supplemented with electrophoresis with the same agent. The process of recovery went much faster.

Leonid Trofimov, Petrozavodsk

Gel is very expensive, but it works without fail. I treated him with my back, what was wrong with her, I do not know. I could not make sharp movements or bend low, immediately hampered severe pain, but after a month of rubbing, I almost had back pains during movements. I will not change the remedy, because I feel that it makes me feel better.

A source:

Caripain plus - reviews and prices of gel, instructions for use ointments

Caripain is a series of enzyme products that are proposed for use in joint diseases.

At once it is necessary to pay attention, what is it not medicines, and the preparations entering into the list of the additional goods of a chemist's assortment.

A similar drug, Caripazim, is a drug.

According to the instructions for use, caripain contains enzymes of vegetable origin, namely, papain and lysozyme. Although manufacturers in every possible way try to distance themselves from similar means, in fact, there are no fundamental differences between them.

Moreover, treatment with ointment caripain - this is not some special technique, so also the price of the drug is quite high. Similar spend and with Papainom, and with Karipazimom (though it means for external use!).

But I must say that such procedures are a matter of healing or very experimental medicine.

The essence of the method is that the enzyme by electrophoresis or phonophoresis (for a gel or cream) must penetrate inside, into the articular hernia, and soften it, reduce in size.

The disc itself, for some reason does not "dissolve" - ​​just like its hernia, but only becomes more elastic, elastic.

Only one thing remains unclear: where does the substance ("enzyme") "know" which tissues to dissolve, which ones to make more plastic, and what not to touch?! Logically, the enzyme must "dissolve" all the tissues into which it is introduced - both diseased and healthy. And no one will give you a direct, simple and clear answer to this question - because it is not.

Producers proudly claim that their products are certified for sale in the EU. But, as we already mentioned, registration of the drug as a medicine for use in the Russian Federation - no.

Applicable caripain with:

  • Osteochondrosis and hernias of intervertebral discs;
  • The formation of keloid scars;

The product line of caripain includes:

  • Caripain Plus and dry balm - powder;
  • Caripaine cream and gel;

The first forms are used for electrophoresis. Ointment and gel are used to dissolve scar tissue externally, to relieve inflammation and joint pain, phonophoresis.

Instruction of the drug Karipain tells in some detail how to conduct the procedure.

Although electrophoresis in the home is not done and should be done by specialists.

Contraindicated caripain with:

  • His intolerance;
  • Sequential hernia (when the nucleus of the disc is separated from his body);
  • Foraminal hernia (when the hernia clamps the roots of the nerves);
  • Acute inflammatory process;

Side effects of caripain

What side effects can there be in the absence of serious research for a drug that is not registered as a medicine? - There are not even such sections on official websites of manufacturers. And on other resources laconically it is told about possible allergic reactions. And more that the beginning of therapy can cause aggravation of a status, but it needs to be ignored and to continue procedures ...

Reviews about Karipain

Trying to make your own opinion about the possible treatment, reading reviews about Karipain on the Internet - you will see a vivid example of aggressive promotion of the drug.

Firstly, there are numerous sites where this tool says many, many "scientific" words.

Here will be the signatures of some professors, merited surgeons and orthopedists who study and apply caripain in the most serious medical centers.


But, immediately the question immediately arises: how can a drug that is not certified be used? Or, if it's been studied for so long and in detail - why did not certification happen? - No doctor can use anything in his practice that was not entered in the state register of medicines. And all the subsequent "tricky" reasoning and explanations are just an advertising move.


Next, let's see the patients' opinions. By the way, many of them conduct their own procedures.

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That is, they construct home electrophoresis devices or use a variety of phonophoresis devices (whose effectiveness, as a rule, is not higher than that of a conventional household flashlight). There are private medical institutions where you can take a course of caripain for a fee:

- I did twenty procedures. Pain became less. True hernia did not disappear. In half a month my condition returned to the original.

"I've had fifteen procedures for caripain." It seems to me that health has improved. Pain decreased by about half. I want to do a course later.

These are positive reviews. They do not mention that with the introduction of caripain, Euphyllinum is also introduced, which relaxes the musculature. The very procedure of electrophoresis, also, causes blood flow and relieves pain. That is why, subjectively, it seems to some patients that their condition has improved.

To the procedures with ointment, caripain of people, first of all, pushes fear of the operation.

They are ready to believe in the "smart" enzyme, which itself will remove the hernia and restore the joint.

They hear "abstruse" terms and scientific degrees allegedly doctors who allegedly use caripain - and lose their vigilance. And with it - and health!

Expose scammers - ungrateful work. They are fighting for their profits and do not abhor anything along the way. Reliable protection from such businessmen and their "miracle drugs" can only become a competent doctor who will treat you officially by authorized methods.

Overall Rating: 3.8 out of 5

A source:

The drug "Caripain Ultra" (gel): reviews, instructions, indications

Problems with the spine can arise in everyone. Therefore at the first painful sensations in the field of a back it is necessary to address at once to the doctor.

Today, many drugs are produced that treat diseases such as cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis, and others. Of course, it is not possible to completely get rid of such diseases. However, their symptoms can be significantly reduced.

Very often, with degenerative-dystrophic diseases, doctors prescribe a drug such as "Caripain Ultra" (gel). Reviews about it, its features, contraindications and composition are presented below.

Composition and packaging

The radiculitis gel "Karipain Ultra" contains the following components:

  • papain;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • emulgin HRE455;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • transcutol;
  • sorbitol;
  • extract of boswellia;
  • heteropolysaccharide;
  • polyglycol 400;
  • perfume composition;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • preservative;
  • purified water.

The drug in question is sold in polyethylene tubes, which are contained in a package of cardboard.

Features of the drug

Preparations for the treatment of osteochondrosis are very popular among people of mature and elderly age.

"Caripain" is a modern medicinal product.

On the pharmacological market, it appeared not long ago and has already won the attention of a large number of people with diseases of the spine and joints.


The uniqueness of this remedy is that it was made from papaya latex.


The proven effectiveness of this drug is about 80%. It should also be noted that most people who underwent therapy with this drug did not need a planned surgical intervention.

Properties of the medicine

Anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis help best.

The effect of the means in question is determined by its composition. Let's consider it in more detail.

  • Papain. It is an enzyme that acts on protein molecules, which is located at the junctions of cysteine. It selectively affects non-viable complexes of cartilaginous tissues of the spine and joints. Papain significantly reduces and softens herniated intervertebral discs, and also reduces pain syndromes and promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Hyaluronic acid. This is a polysaccharide of animal origin. It is actively used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, arthritis and bursitis. This component reduces the intensity of pain, prevents the destruction of cartilaginous tissue and normalizes the properties of the fluid synovial.
  • Chondroitin sulfate. It is a chondroprotector that stimulates the restoration of cartilaginous tissues. It increases the mobility of joints, restores their damping functions, relieves pain, and also eliminates inflammation.
  • Resin Boswellia. This ingredient contains boswellic acids, due to which it has anti-inflammatory properties, similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. The extract of boswellia prevents the disintegration of cartilaginous tissue, has an antiseptic, antimicrobial and sedative effect. In addition, this element improves metabolism in the joint tissues.
  • Transcutol. This is a conductor element of the new generation. It helps to deliver all the active ingredients of the drug through the skin.


What is needed is the drug "Caripain Ultra" (gel). The reviews say he treats the following diseases perfectly:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • discogenic radiculitis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • articular contractures;
  • protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • keloid scars and scars.

Contraindications to the use of gel

When should I not use drugs to treat osteochondrosis? The medicament in question is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance to its components, sequestration of a herniated disc, inflammation in tissues (acute nature) and foramenal location sequestration.

Method of application of the drug "Caripain Ultra"

The gel, reviewed further, can be used not only with ultrasound or electrophoresis, but also in the form of a conventional external agent. It is applied to the skin just above the lesion. This should be done up to three times a day.

Local anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis, including the "Karipain Ultra" gel, should be used about 20-30 days. If required, the course of treatment can be repeated, but before that, you should maintain a gap of several months.

During treatment with this drug, any physical activity is contraindicated. It can be used both at home and at a visit to the physio-cabinet.

Adverse Events

Local drugs with cervical osteochondrosis rarely cause side effects. In some cases, the patient may feel a burning sensation, and also observe weak allergic reactions.

"Caripain Ultra" (gel): reviews

This drug is quite popular among those who suffer from joint diseases. Reviews about him are more positive.

Patients claim that after using the gel the pains quickly passed, and the swelling subsided. Some consumers point to the return of active and painless motor function of the joints, and someone completely observed the complete cure of the hernia.

A source: http://.ru/article/229485/preparat-karipain-ultra-gel-otzyivyi-instruktsiya-pokazaniya

Application of caripain in the treatment of joint diseases

Caripain - the name of the drugs containing active substance papain, the manufacturer - the company AS-Kom.

In the manufacture of this product, the following drawbacks of previous products were considered: insufficient pH values ​​of the solution for electrophoresis, a small amount of activated papain molecules, allergy and m.

These problems were studied and eliminated when creating the drug Caripain due to better composition, the activation process, the use of highly purified elements. There are analogues, but caripain is considered unique on the active substance.

Structure of the medicine

Caripain has in its composition 3 substances: papain, chymopapain, proteinase. These substances work well on fibrillar proteins of cartilaginous tissues, which are an integral part of the intervertebral discs, and affect the tissue of the hernia.

Caripain, administered by electrophoresis, causes a decrease in hernia, its softening. As a result, pain disappears, a compressed nerve root and the vessels are released, numbness and dizziness go away.

Form of issue

In the treatment of the disease, the most effective are the medicines based on vegetable proteins: capsules, tablets, gels, creams and ointments. At the moment, caripain, or rather a series of these drugs, is available in several forms:

  • dry balm caripain;
  • dry balm caripain +;
  • Caripain Ultragel;
  • Cream of caripain.

Also the manufacturer not so long ago began to produce capsules of caripain.

Dry balms, ampoules or vials with a solution. These solutions are used by electrophoresis. The solution of 1 bottle is diluted with water for injections, while a couple of drops of dimime are added. Gels and ointments are applied by rubbing.

Of these, it is necessary to disassemble in detail caripain + and caripain Ultragel, tk. they are less well known in practice.

Indications for use

A series of these drugs is aimed at treating a susceptible spine disease. They are well suited for the treatment of pain in the ulnar and hip joints, with knee pain and arthritis.

Intervertebral hernia can be treated in two ways: through surgical intervention and without it.

The first involves the removal of a hernia, which helps to eliminate pain. True, before such treatment it comes only in extreme situations.

In half the cases, after a long time, the disease recurs.

Treatment without surgery involves different therapies, mud therapy, and gymnastic exercises.

This helps reduce edema, eliminate pain due to good blood circulation, reduce the tension of tissues around the lesion. But the effect achieved in the treatment is enough for 2-3 months.


This type of therapy is inadequate and surgical intervention can not be replaced. does not affect the development of anatomical injuries in the spine.


Practice included treatment aimed at counteracting the mechanisms of the development of the disease. In this case, drugs are used, which includes papain. With the chronic form of the disease, this treatment is very effective. = yGPEVXib-qQ

Also, caripain is used to heal dislocation of intervertebral discs in any form. The latter is a severe disease, better known as osteochondrosis.

All this is accompanied by a worsening of the exchange in the tissues of the intervertebral discs and after the appearance of such an ailment as a disc hernia, the occurrence of acute pain.

This leads to disability.

Any effective treatment of displacement of intervertebral disks, except for surgery, was not found.

All classical methods are aimed at eliminating pain, improving blood circulation, etc. But all this is only a temporary effect, the very reason in the form of a hernia remains.

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If the hernia is not removed for a long time, it will lead to bad consequences.

Caripain is a drug that is effective in healing this disease due to papain-containing elements.

Papain enters the tissue and forms a depot in the areas of intervertebral discs affected by the disease, has a resorptive effect on connective tissue, on the disc itself and hernia.


If you carefully choose the concentration based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the number and timing of procedures, the drug causes an increased secretion of fibrillar proteins. This leads to a gradual healing of the loose-fiber part of the disc.


The latter becomes larger in volume by attaching water molecules to its molecules, in other words, hydration of connective tissues.

It is also made more elastic, but it retains its strength. This affects the hernia, it becomes soft and shrinks.

Sometimes this is enough to make the nerve end, hampered by the hernia, free and the pain in the spine is eliminated.

In addition, the drug acts on the regeneration of tissues in a favorable way, returning the disk to its original form and normalizing its work.

The use of caripain affects not only the damaged, but also on neighboring disks, healing the spine.

We must not forget about gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the group of muscles of the neck, back, abdomen, legs and hands. This allows the patient to less painfully endure physical activity.

Caripain is successfully used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system to eliminate the limitation of passive movements in the joint, tumor-like proliferation of coarse fibrous connective tissue of the skin, post-burn scars.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Contraindications are standard for this type of medication. They can not be used if there are open wounds, scratches, can not be used for acne.

Allergic reactions become the main undesirable phenomenon of papain-containing drugs. They are observed when using drugs by electrophoresis. Side effects are presented in the form of rash and itching, elevated temperature.


The cause of this inflammation and viral diseases. They should be disposed of before applying the drug Caripain. If the allergic reaction manifests itself during treatment, it is worth to reduce the time of the procedures and the strength of the current.


If there are any undesirable effects when using caripain gel or cream, dosage should be reduced.

Instructions for use

Caripain Plus - a kind of drug, it is created for more productive treatment of intervertebral hernias, dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage, etc. The main difference from previously released drugs is the content of two enzymes: collagenase and bromelain.

  1. Collagenase - the usual protein molecules extracted from the pancreas of the king crab. Collagenase affects connective tissues and is used mainly when eliminating the limitation of passive movements in the joint, tumor-like proliferation of coarse fibrous connective tissue of the skin, post-burn scars.
  2. Bromelain is a group of sulfhydryl proteases, extracted from pineapple. This enzyme has vasoconstrictive, inflammatory properties suppressing properties. It prevents the onset of atherosclerosis, promotes the acceleration of the regeneration process, well influences cartilaginous tissues.

Caripain Ultra gel contains boswellic acids and chondroitin sulfate. This form has stronger properties that suppress inflammatory processes, as well as sedative, restorative and decongestant properties. Well suited for treatment:

  • arthrosis;
  • complex of dystrophic disorders in articular cartilages of various kinds without physioprocedures.

Use the drug for external rubbing in the lesion.

Each form of the disease requires the use of one or more specific forms of release.

Intervertebral hernia - dry balms: caripain and caripain plus.

A solution of these preparations is used by means of electrophoresis, and then - before bedtime it is desirable to rub caripin cream or caripain Ultra ointment.

For the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, it is required to apply the caripain cream or Caripain Ultra gel.

After the end of electrophoresis procedures, it is recommended to apply these drugs within a week.

Apparently, the technique of treatment with these drugs is convenient for use not only in a hospital institution, but also at home.

The medication is aimed at external application, which causes minimal and systemic effects on the body.

Reviews and Prices

This medicine has good reviews of doctors, and many experts recommend caripain in the treatment of spine diseases.

The price of bottles of 10 pieces in a package is about 1650 rubles, the gel costs from 500 to 700 rubles, capsules - 60 pieces about 1000 rubles. Someone this line may seem expensive, but health is more expensive.

Although if you look for this drug in different pharmacies and online stores, it is possible to find the best price for you. It should also be noted that the purchase in online pharmacies is very convenient for people who are sick of the spine and who are finding it difficult to go to the pharmacy themselves.

Here you can see the photo, the price, and most importantly - there is delivery.

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Caripain. Instructions for use

Caripain. Instructions for use

Dry balm Caripain f. 1d - proteolytic enzyme preparation of direct action of vegetable origin, obtained from papaya latex.

In medical practice, a solution of its lyophilized white powder is used.

Caripain is characterized by proteolytic activity of a wide spectrum, Units of activity are expressed by the classification of the international federation of pharmaceuticals (1 fl caripain corresponds to 350 Fip-PE).


Caripain is a highly effective drug used for osteochondrosis of the spine, including various forms of herniated intervertebral discs, Schmorl hernia, for the treatment of articular contractures (post traumatic and post-stroke), keloid scars of various origin, discogenic radiculitis, tunnel syndrome.


The drug can be used in any medical institution where there is an apparatus for electrophoresis (for example, "Potok-1").

The method is specially adapted for convenient use in a polyclinic, a MSC, a medical center, a hospital.

In addition, if necessary, apply massage, mild traction, manual therapy, anti-inflammatory drug therapy. Between courses, patients are recommended to practice in the pool.

An additional component of complex treatment is a special therapeutic gymnastics that strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, neck, limbs, creating a "muscular corset" and stabilizing the spine, which allows the patient to easily transfer physical load.

Treatment course - 1 course from 20 to 30 procedures. Allowed 1-2-day breaks between procedures. If necessary, repeat courses in 30 to 60 days.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, cervical osteochondrosis, protrusions of the intervertebral disc - one course of treatment with the drug "Karipain" fll 1g - from 20 to 30 procedures is recommended.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia Karipain coursework - from 1 to 3 courses of 20-30 procedures each (the number of courses is determined by the attending physician). Between courses the interval is from 1 to 2 months. For hernias larger than 5 mm, it is recommended to go through all 3 courses.


In the treatment of contractures, keloid scars, discogenic radiculitis with the drug "Karipain the duration of the course is at the doctor's discretion.


Procedures for electrophoresis of dry balm "Karipain" powder fl 1g for maximum effect is recommended to combine with the application of Cream "Caripain" tube 50 g.

With external application, the cream "Kariapin" is applied once a day by massaging movements
on the corresponding parts of the body until completely absorbed into the skin (morning or evening) during the entire course of treatment.

Dry balm "Karipain" fll 1g is introduced by the method of electrophoresis from the positive pole. Immediately before the procedure, 1 bottle of the drug diluted 10 ml of saline (or water for injection).

Add 2-3 drops of Dimexide to the solution. The temperature of the gaskets is strictly 37-39 ° C (controlled by a water thermometer), pH 5-7. The solution is applied to a filter paper of white color, placed on the electrode pads.

The electrode dimensions of the gasket are 10x15 cm. Current strength from 5 to 15 mA (at the beginning of each procedure increases gradually, starting at 5 mA). With significant allergic reactions, the current is limited to 5-7 mA.

Exposure time from 10 to 20 minutes also increases gradually.

Non-compliance with these parameters leads to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the drug!

Variants of arrangement of gaskets-electrodes for treatment of diseases of the spine:


  • Caripain on the neck (+); Euphyllinum on the lower back (-)
  • Caripain on the neck (+); Euphyllinum on both arms with a bifurcated electrode (-)
  • Caripain to the lumbar region (+); Euphyllinum on the hip area with a bifurcated electrode (-)
  • Transversely:
  • Caripain to the lumbar region (+); Euphyllinum on the abdominal region (-)
    Variants Variants of arrangement of gaskets-electrodes on the area of ​​keloid scars:
  • Caripain directly on the scar (+); Eufillin or potassium iodide on the opposite surface, i.e. transversely (-)
  • Caripain directly on the scar (+); Eufillin longitudinally at a distance of 15-20 cm from the 1 st padding (-) When applying caripain, allergic reactions are possible. With increased sensitivity, manifested by severe itching, significant reddening of the skin and increased temperature, antihistamine therapy (tavegil, suprastin, claritine, diazolin, topical treatment hydrocortisone, etc.). From the solution of caripain it is recommended to exclude Dimexide and individually pick up the current (but not less than 4 mA) and the time of the procedure electrophoresis (but not less than 10min). Between the 5th and 8th procedures, a temporary exacerbation of the underlying disease, which disappears through 3-5 procedures. It is important not to stop treatment!
  • Do not use - intravenously and intramuscularly, with acute inflammatory processes in the tissues, with sequestration of disc herniation and foramenal location of the sequester.

    The price of caripain

    The price of a single bottle of Caripain is 200 rubles.

    Reviews about Karipain

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