Is the back hurting after the massage - is this normal or a sign of the disease?


  • 1After the massage, the back hurts
    • 1.1The natural manifestation of back pain after a massage
    • 1.2Why, after a massage, my head hurts
    • 1.3Other causes of back pain after massage
    • 1.4Contraindications for massage
    • 1.5What can I do to reduce pain after a massage?
  • 2The back hurts after massage: whether it is normal?
    • 2.1Causes of pain in the back after a massage
    • 2.2Why pains appear the next day
    • 2.3Than to anoint a sore spot
    • 2.4Types of back massage and pain after them
    • 2.5When it is necessary to abstain from a massage
    • 2.6Conclusion
  • 3Back ache after massage - possible causes
    • 3.1Causes of back pain after massage
    • 3.2Types of massage
    • 3.3The impact of different types of massage on the back
    • 3.4When should I not massage?
  • 4Why does the back hurt? about the benefits of therapeutic massage | this is normal, proper, whether
  • 5After the massage, the back hurts: is this normal? Why? Should I be ill?
    • 5.1Can back ache after a massage?
    • 5.2Where else can pain appear after a back massage?
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Why does my back hurt after the massage?
    • 5.4What to do?
    • 5.5Why does my back hurt after a massage? (video)
  • 6Why does my back hurt after the massage?
    • 6.1Causes of back pain after massage
    • 6.2Why do pains appear the next day?
    • 6.3Types and techniques of massage
    • 6.4The impact of different types of massage on the back
    • 6.5Contraindications
    • 6.6How to treat pain after a massage?

After the massage, the back hurts

Massage - an effective way to regain strength, relax after playing sports and other physical activities.

Very effective massage with back pain caused by diseases of the spine, including scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

Also, it is often prescribed when the neck, lower back, head hurts, with bronchitis, pneumonia and many other diseases.

Since any kind of massage involves a physical effect on the muscles, it is only natural that there may be pain in the part of the body that has been massaged.

The natural manifestation of back pain after a massage

If the back muscles have not been subjected to sufficient physical exertion for a long time, back pain after massage is considered normal.

Before the procedure, the muscle tissues were clogged with metabolic products, the metabolic process proceeded sluggishly, and the outflow of venous blood was disturbed.

After the first session, the situation changes dramatically: the blood flow is normalized, the muscles receive a physical stress, and lactic acid begins to intensify in them (the effect is comparable to training in gymnasium).

It is she who provokes painful symptoms.
Symptoms usually appear on the night after the first session, and not immediately after the massage.

It is at night that metabolic processes (metabolism) are most active and a maximum accumulation of lactic acid occurs in the muscle tissues. The pain is unpleasant but tolerable, and it is not advisable to stop or take a break in the massage. To reduce discomfort, you can simply reduce the burden on your back during subsequent sessions.

Attention! Under the influence of massage techniques lactic acid is removed from the muscles, and after 2-3 sessions of muscle pain subsided. If this does not happen, most likely, the cause of pain is different, and you need to stop the procedure and see a doctor.

Why, after a massage, my head hurts

During the massage of the neck (collar zone) area, people who are prone to increased blood pressure may have a headache. This is explained by the increased inflow of blood to the tissues of the brain.

This can not only increase the pressure, but sometimes even the body temperature rises. If the massage is necessary for medical purposes, you can reduce its intensity and conduct it in a gentle manner.

Such people are advised after the massage not to rise sharply - you should first turn on your side, lie down in this position for several minutes, and then slowly rise.

Especially this recommendation is relevant for the elderly and hypertensive patients, who often have dizziness with a rapid change in body position.

Other causes of back pain after massage

The back can get sick due to an unprofessionally conducted procedure.

An inexperienced masseur, not knowing the exact location of acupuncture points, by improper actions provokes an increase in muscle spasm or vegetative disorders.

A special danger, performed by an incompetent specialist procedure, is for patients with chronic muscular dysfunction:

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  • Scoliosis;
  • Displacement of vertebrae;
  • Congenital dysplasia;
  • Myositis.

Since these patients need a systematic massage, they should contact a specialist who is familiar with the history of the disease.

He can follow the body's response to physical interference, and determine the degree of effectiveness of the procedure. The period of exacerbation of diseases is also not an appropriate time for a massage.

And without that, the inflamed muscles and spine experience additional physical exertion, and this causes even more painful sensations.

Pain is accompanied by manual massage, in which the vertebrae are being repositioned. Such pain is usually short-lived and is caused by the "habituation" of the vertebrae to the correct position.

Contraindications for massage

Like other medical procedures, massage has its contraindications. Massage of any part of the body can not be done if there are physical injuries of the following nature:

  • Scratches and cuts;
  • Burns;
  • Hematomas;
  • Open wounds.

Back massage is contraindicated in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy.

The load on the back muscles can cause unforeseen spasms and provoke premature appearance of fights. There is also a risk group.

It includes elderly people, whose vertebral column is weakened, as well as children whose bones, including the spine, are not yet fully formed.

Contraindications may be symptoms that occurred during the performance of the massage. These include:

  • The pains arose very quickly, immediately after the first session;
  • After the massage, allergic rashes appeared on the skin;
  • The massage caused stiffness of movements.

If you have these symptoms, you should stop the procedure until you find out the reasons why they appeared. If you are not sure that you do not have any contraindications, it is better not to take risks and consult with your doctor if you can have a massage in your case.

What can I do to reduce pain after a massage?

That the sensation of discomfort during and after massage was minimal, it is necessary to think over the conditions of carrying out of procedure up to trifles.
Measures to reduce the soreness of massage:

  1. The couch for massage should be with a rigid surface, otherwise the spine will bend, which will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure and contribute to its soreness;
  2. The body should be in the correct position - lying on the stomach, arms stretched along the trunk, the neck slightly turned to the side, the head rests on a low pillow;
  3. Under the shin, you can put small pads, this will contribute to better circulation of blood;
  4. The body during the massage is in a relaxed state, the muscles do not strain.

Each approach is accompanied by easy stroking of massaged tissues, this will help the patient to relax more and make the massage procedure more pleasant. Some diseases require special care, for example, massage with low back pain should be carried out half-heartedly.

This is a dangerous zone of the spine, on which it is risky to exert great loads. Also, with caution, you need to massage the zones located above the internal organs: the heart, kidneys, lungs.


Massage should not touch the spine (unless it is performed to correct it), especially in the neck.

If you have back pain after the massage, discuss the situation with the massage therapist. He can determine what exactly was the reason for their appearance.


In the event that the procedure is part of a comprehensive treatment, it is worth consulting with the attending physician who made the appointment.

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You can not boast of a royal carriage and try to hide your stoop under the clothes?
  • It seems to you that this will soon pass by itself, but the pains are only intensifying ...
  • Many methods are tried, but nothing helps ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

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The back hurts after massage: whether it is normal?

Massage today is catching up with the most popular procedures, which are provided by medical institutions and beauty salons. Massage relaxes, restores strength, helps cope with various diseases.

But, sometimes during or after a massage the patient feels pain. This is a common situation, so try to understand the causes of the problem.


1. Causes of pain in the back after a massage

1.1. Why pains appear the next day

1.2. Than to anoint a sore spot

2. Types of back massage and pain after them

2.1. When it is necessary to abstain from a massage

3. Conclusion

Causes of pain in the back after a massage

The back can ache after the massage for a number of reasons. Starting with professional non-professional movements, ending with exacerbations of diseases.

Patients come to the massage session in the hope of curing or weakening the course of the disease. Procedures can exacerbate or change the typicality of the disease, causing the corresponding sensations.

Causes of back pain:

  • Injuries of the vertebrae- prevailing traction pain with localization in the region of the spine. Over time, the pain spreads from the center of the pain point along the diameter. With injuries to the vertebral column, pain may appear after a short time after getting injured.
  • Deformation of the spine- pains can appear not because of direct deformation, but because of uncharacteristic influence on internal organs.
  • Pyelonephritis- characterized by a painful syndrome in the lower back. A special feature is an increase in body temperature.
  • Inflammation of muscles- Drawing pains that increase when you press the source of pain and movement. It is easy to determine by redness of the skin and swelling of the affected area.
  • Prostatitis- is manifested by drawing pains in the lower region of the back (groin, sacrum, coccyx).
  • Bechterew's disease- a special form of arthritis, which affects the spine. Back pain can also be reflected in the abdomen.
  • Gynecological diseases- often the symptoms of many gynecological diseases are aching pains in the lower part of the lower back.
  • Pneumonia- pain in the lungs is able to localize in different areas of the body - most often in the back, near the lower ribs.
  • Pancreatitisand cholecystitis (acute forms).
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The pains arising from diseases and injuries often have a marked symptomatology. But, some diseases proceed in a latent form, and their presence can be determined only by indirect evidence.

If no injuries or diseases are detected, it is worth paying attention to other sources of pain. Sources that are the most common among patients who feel pain after a massage.

Causes of back pain after massage:

  • Invalid procedure- for example, for the purpose you need relaxation, and a stimulating acupressure massage is performed. After such an error, the patient will not definitely relax, and it may feel a pain in the back.
  • Contraindication- The patient is not allowed to massage. Each course should be accompanied by a doctor's recommendation, instructions, what techniques can be used. In the presence of chronic diseases, the back gets sick within one to two hours after the procedure.
  • Exacerbation- The muscles during the massage were in a state of exacerbation. Meningling of the skin even more excited the muscles.
  • Qualification of a specialist- pain after unprofessional massage appear 1-2 hours after the procedure.

If you have pain, you need to monitor their intensity, type, duration - these are important data that will help you to make a conclusion to a specialist.

But to exclude the variants of pain caused by diseases, it is better to visit a doctor without waiting a few first procedures.

Why pains appear the next day

If the massage is done from time to time - pain, this is normal.

Muscles without constant support, weaken, become soft, they reduce the flow of blood and oxygen. Even when a person is completely healthy and feels healthy, muscles can be lethargic.

After the massage the muscles begin to come into tonus. Blood and oxygen flow strongly into long-weakened tissues. In the tissues, active metabolic processes begin, as a result, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles - the cause of pain.

Unpleasant feelings go through 2-3 days. If after this time the back does not cease to hurt - the reason can be hidden in the neglected state of the muscles of the body, any chronic disease or in unprofessional service.

To exclude a variant with weakened muscles, it is recommended that the first procedures be carried out sparingly, adding pressure and effort gradually.

Than to anoint a sore spot

When after the massage the back hurts you can take advantage of emergency options for anesthesia - medicinal ointments and gels. They quickly relieve the pain syndrome for a certain time. Some for a couple of hours, others for a longer period.

All such ointments share in their properties and main function. There are anti-inflammatory, chondroprotectors (repair damaged tissue), ointments of irritant effect (with warming effect), combined and homeopathic remedies.

The most effective drugs for back pain:

  • Fastum Gel- the main component is ketoprofen. The drug is recommended for pain in the back, with diseases of the spine, injuries to the muscles of the back. Do not use when there are cuts or unhealed scratches on the back, with eczema and allergies to the main component. When pregnancy fastum gel is contraindicated.
  • Finalgon- a preparation of irritating action. The main component of the two are nonivamide and nicoboxyl. Indications for use: muscle pain, neuritis, sciatica, back injuries. Finalgone is contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and people with individual intolerance of the main components of the medication.
  • Dolobieni- a combined agent with several active substances - dexpanthenol, sodium heparin and dimethylsulfoxide. It is prescribed for inflammation, sprains, muscle and tendon injuries, neuralgia and bruises. Do not use for pregnant women, children under 5 years, people with asthma, heart disease, kidney and liver.

The most commonly used medications are listed above. There are other similar drugs, for example, diclofenac, diklovit, betanikomilon, apizartron, chondroksid.

But, remember that ointments are an emergency measure. After anesthesia, consult a specialist to determine the source of the pain.

Types of back massage and pain after them

There are many types of massage. And if after some receptions the appearance of pain is normal, then in other cases it is unpleasant consequences.

Each massage is performed according to a specific instruction, divided into several categories.


Sometimes the procedure itself can be painful because of the use of aggressive methods - this is correct.


All problems begin when one type of massage is performed on a wrongly chosen technology and harmful to the situation techniques.

The dependence of back pain on the type of massage:

  • Relaxing- should relax and remove the feeling of fatigue, tension in the back. Soft movements are used without load, without sharp manipulations. Pain after a relaxing massage, should not appear in any case.
  • Tonic- aimed at restoring weakened muscles, bringing them into a normal state. After the first procedures there is pain, it must pass through 2-3 days, is present after the first 2-3 procedures. If you do not pass after the specified time - you need to rest and search for the cause of pain.
  • Spot- the emphasis is on active points. The massage itself can be quite painful because of the aggressive impact on the active points. But, after the pain should calm down. If it does not, it can be assumed that the points were incorrectly selected or mistakes were made by the masseur.

To reduce the risk of pain in the back after a massage - it is necessary to be sensitive to this activity. To exclude even the possibility of the appearance of pain, it is necessary to check for chronic diseases, in which the massage is contraindicated, and pick up an experienced specialist.

When it is necessary to abstain from a massage

There is a certain list of diseases and conditions of the patient, in which the holding of a massage for him is contraindicated. Perhaps the emergence of pain caused by exacerbation or the emergence of new dangerous symptoms.

Important recommendations when performing a back massage:

  • Inflammation of muscle tissue- Massage in this situation is contraindicated. Against this background, neurologic syndrome may occur, accompanied by severe pain. The localization of pain can spread from the waist to the extremities.
  • Dorsal hernia- It is not recommended to carry out procedures. But, it is not forbidden - if the patient insists on continuing sessions, an experienced masseur can perform the procedure without affecting the area of ​​the hernia.
  • Spine- It is prohibited to work aggressively with the spine, as well as with places opposite to important organs (heart, liver). If the masseur assiduously tries to correct each vertebra without exception - it is fraught with pain.

Massage is categorically contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases or conditions in a person: osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, oncology of the spine, purulent processes, open wounds, third trimester of pregnancy, venereal diseases, bruises.

Massage is an important and in some cases necessary procedure. But, not as simple as it might seem. Therefore, you need to consider all the small things that affect the state of the body.


In order not to struggle with pains in the back, select an experienced specialist. According to statistics, the cause of pain is most often the unprofessional actions of the masseur.

Pay attention to the selection of videos and pictures - they contain a lot of useful information that helps to better understand the problem.

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Back ache after massage - possible causes

The effect of massage on our body can not be overestimated. It is used in order to:

  • Normalization of muscular balance, metabolic processes and nervous activity
  • Restoration of joints, ligaments and tendons
  • Improvement of the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems
  • Skin regeneration
  • General improvement of the body

But those who wait for the immediate effect of this procedure, sometimes are disappointed and complain that they have a back pain after the massage.Why is this happening?

Causes of back pain after massage

Assumptions about this may be as follows:

  1. Perhaps you have chosen the type of procedure that is not suitable for you, forgetting that it should strictly correspond to each specific case
  2. The specialist who conducted the session was not a professional, and he massaged the restricted areas
  3. This is a completely normal reaction, which always happens after the first session
  4. The massage was performed during an exacerbation of the pain syndrome, which could lead to even greater pain
  5. You forgot that you have contraindications for such procedures

There is a suspicion that each of these items can be the basis for the appearance of pain after the session. However, we will develop the topic further.

Types of massage

The main types of massage for the back are three, although because of all kinds of subspecies, separately allocated to suit various subjective views, there are more of them.

  • Relaxing(classic version) It can be done
    • after strenuous physical work
    • after sports training
    • to eliminate areas of increased muscular tension in scoliosis, osteochondrosis, other diseases
    • with increased nervous excitability, stress
  • Tonic
    Such a massage is done
    • For the reduction of relaxed muscles in scoliosis (usually, these muscles are from the concavity of the curving arc)
    • In the syndrome of chronic fatigue, depression and psychoemotional depression
    • For stimulation with muscular atony and dystrophy
    • In preparation for training or competition
    • For losing weight
    • To improve internal metabolism, circulation and speed of movement of lymph
  • Spot(a relative of acupuncture):
    • ReflexBy massaging local points, diseases of internal organs are eliminated
    • MyofascialIt is mainly produced with chronic muscular dysfunction caused by:
      • DDP in the spine (not to be confused with the accident) - degenerative degenerative processes
      • Scoliosis
      • Displacements of joints
      • Myositis
      • Congenital dysplasia

      The effect is achieved by the massing of trigger points of pain.

The impact of different types of massage on the back

We will study these types of massage procedures according to their effect on the reflex activity of these three systems.

Relaxing massage by its nature can not cause pain:

  • All techniques are carried out by smooth, soft surface movements
  • No deep or point stimulation is done

After this relaxing procedure, you should have an exceptionally pleasant sensation:

    • The feeling of warmth and relaxation in the body
    • Peace and tranquility, a good mood

If you do not feel positive feelings and emotions after a relaxing massage, and your back hurts, then it means that the session was wrong.

Perhaps the second assumption about inexperience of the masseur is true.

Toning massage leads the muscles into the working state, that is, the tonus. In the working muscle there is the formation of lactic acid, which causes pain.

This is really a normal muscle reaction after a toning procedure that usually goes away after two or three sessions: lactic acid under the influence of active massage techniques leaves the muscles, entering the blood

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If the time has passed and the pain does not go away or even intensifies, stop the sessions immediately: something is done wrong:

  • toning techniques used for contracted muscles
  • For example, to conduct massage in scoliosis should be a specialist in this field, since with this disease, both relaxing and toning techniques for different muscle groups are applied simultaneously
  • During one session, depending on its purposes, various techniques can also be used, for example:
    • Initially, they begin with a general relaxation in the form of stroking
    • Then they stimulate certain muscular zones, rubbing, stretching, squeezing, in order to cause a rush of blood, improve metabolism, tone muscles
    • Finish with relaxing techniques, or, if you need to maintain muscle tone, supplement the session with methods of intermittent vibration: pattings, tweaks, etc.
  • massaged in the area of ​​the inflamed nerve, etc.
  • Acupressure can be painful, because it stimulates active points, but if it is done correctly, after the procedure the pain should decrease

If this does not happen, this suggests:

  • Incorrectly defined trigger points, leading to an increase in muscle spasm
  • Vegetative disorders due to a masseuse error, tangled in the atlas of acupuncture points

Acupressure, conducted by a charlatan, a follower of Ostap Bender, is the most possible evil of the existing ones. These guys bribe their patients with new-fangled words, but in fact, knowing nothing, only harm their health, leading to:

  • Progress of the DDP
  • Deepening of scoliosis
  • Articular displacements and other pathologies, for the sake of eliminating which actually everything was started

Therefore, be extremely careful in choosing a specialist of non-traditional types of massage

When should I not massage?

Massage is not performed:

  • Duringexacerbationschronic processes:
    • Muscle spasm may further increase
    • careless rubbing or kneading can aggravate or cause radicular syndrome
  • Whendorsal herniabig size
  • Exitsequestration of herniain the spinal canal.
    If you decide to still massage with a hernia, it should be done gently without pressing on the area of ​​the hernia
  • At the verythe spinal columnand surfaces locatedoppositeimportant bodies:
    heart, kidneys, abdominal organs

If some homebrew special, actively, crunches your spine to the crunch, stating that in this way you can get rid of salt deposits, run away from it. After such a procedure, pain will be guaranteed, and in general it can lead to disability.

Massage should in no case be done with the following contraindications:

  • open wounds, ulcers, bleeding
  • injuries (bruises, fractures, tears)
  • purulent infectious processes
  • osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, venereal diseases
  • hemophilia
  • oncological diseases of the spine
  • exacerbation of mental illnesses
  • the last trimester of pregnancy

When considering the choice of the type of massage carefully, performing it with a competent specialist, without neglecting contraindications, you will avoid pain.

(1, 0of 5)

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Why does the back hurt? about the benefits of therapeutic massage | this is normal, proper, whether

Most often, back pain is a manifestation of osteochondrosis of intervertebral disk lesions. If you do not take measures to prevent and treat these diseases, then further serious deformations in the spine can develop.

Basically, we turn to the masseur in the presence of pain in the neck, interlopato space and lower back. Mainly it is the pathology of the cervical and lumbosacral spine in various manifestations. There are several reasons for the occurrence of such pathologies.

First, it is a congenital anomaly of the bone system. Secondly, the current tendency to work "for wear".

People have little rest, spend a lot of time at the computer or driving a car, which also has an effect on the development of back problems. And, thirdly, this is a sedentary lifestyle.

Most of us, unfortunately, do not have a culture of health. If earlier practically everyone was engaged in physical culture since the early childhood now now many do not do it absolutely.

Also there is another extreme: some begin to actively engage in heavy sports without a preliminary survey.

And sometimes this or that kind of sport is unacceptable for a certain person, and excessive loads often lead to pain.

The sharp termination of training after several years of playing sports has a negative impact not only on the back, but also on the health of internal organs.

Pain in the back is quite difficult to ignore - in the end people turn to a specialist. However, not all implement the recommendations in time, or do not fulfill them at all, hoping that everything will go by itself.

And this leads to further destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and intervertebral discs, the development of osteoarthritis, that is, to changes in the joints. In this regard, the person appears limited in the movements, painful sensations.

Deformed intervertebral openings, through which the arteries, veins, nerves that go to all organs and tissues - the so-called vascular-nervous a bundle - it is injured, excessive pressure is applied to it, there is a disturbance of blood circulation, which also leads to dangerous consequences for health. And even to the intervention of surgeons.

One of the most accessible and effective ways to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system is massage.


The massage can not correct the pathological changes in the spine, but with it you can improve blood circulation, nourish tissues and relieve muscle tension.


All this will ease the burden on the spine, help relieve the pain, and when carrying out timely preventive sessions as prescribed by the doctor, and at all prevent the emergence of a number of diseases.

There are many types of massage: cosmetic, sports, regenerative and even hygienic. To maintain the health of the spine and prevent diseases of the back, a therapeutic massage is needed.

Therapeutic massage is useful for almost everyone. Contraindications are only diseases of the skin or internal organs in the stage of exacerbation. The course of general medical massage consists of 10-12 sessions of 30 minutes. In order to prevent a course of therapeutic massage is useful to take place twice a year.

It is important to understand that in order to get a therapeutic effect from the massage procedure, the specialist in a certain way and with by certain efforts affects the body, which does not always give pleasant sensations, and sometimes such an effect even happens painful. The pain of a massage can be related to the fact that a person already has a pronounced change in the spine. For frequent, painful sensations causes an effect on the compaction in the muscles, which are formed with poor blood circulation in the muscle tissues.

In order to get the maximum effect from the procedure, before starting treatment it is necessary to consult a neurologist - the doctor will evaluate general health, exclude the presence of contraindications and give advice on what kind of massage is needed in this or that the case.

In 95% of cases, back massage is done because of low back pain. Back pain is associated mainly with muscle spasms.

The pain usually arises suddenly ("shoots"), which occurs after a prolonged overexertion of the back.

From the waist pain gradually spreads to the buttocks and thighs, which in a complex reduces the activity and mobility of the body.

Concomitant problems with low back pain:

- impaired posture;

- restriction in mobility;

- Inconspicuous inclination of the body in one direction, for a long time.


These problems can be eliminated by therapeutic massage. Incorrect posture weakens muscles and strains joints, which leads to repeated painful sensations. Back pain is often caused not only by muscle spasms, but also by compression and inflammation of the nerve root (sciatic nerve).


Compression of the nerve root causes displacement of the vertebral disc. It is after the dislocation of the disc and the compression of the spine that the strongest "sweep" in the lower back arises, which slowly but surely passes to the legs and the pelvic region.

So, let's summarize: if you find yourself experiencing the following symptoms:

- unpleasant sensations or pain in the neck, between the shoulder blades, in the waist or pelvic region;

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After the massage, the back hurts: is this normal? Why? Should I be ill?

Is it normal or not, if after the massage the back hurts? And should it hurt? In fact, in most cases this is the norm, especially for those people who first tried the massage procedure.

For example, with a neck massage, many patients suffer from a severe headache the next day, but after subsequent sessions the pain either decreases significantly or is completely absent. But, unfortunately, the painful syndrome can arise because of various problems with the massage, including when it is incorrectly performed.

Below we will look into this problem in more detail.

Can back ache after a massage?

It is not unusual for patients to complain after a massage that their back muscles are ill (usually in the same place where they were manipulated). Some have pain in the head, others have severe pain in the legs. Is it really a massage?

Yes, it can be, and this is more of a norm than a rarity.

After the first 1-3 sessions, people who did not previously go to massage usually have pain, cramps or discomfort in the muscles.

And such a problem arises in massage lovers who simply have not visited it for a long time - the muscles simply do not get used to such a load.

After a back massage, pain in the lower back is possible

Fortunately, this is not a critical condition, and usually does not require special therapy: it does not lead to serious health consequences.
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Where else can pain appear after a back massage?

In most cases, the pain occurs after a back massage occurs in those parts of the body that are associated with the site that was subjected to the procedure. What does it mean?

Take for example neck massage. It is connected with the head, so if the painful syndrome develops, then most likely it is there (often it is also supplemented by dizziness and a peep in the ears).

After the massage, any burden on the back is prohibited (it also arises from sitting!)

If we consider the massage of the thoracic region, then it is possible to develop intercostal neuralgia.


In this case, the painful syndrome will be localized in the chest.


The pain will be punctate, distributed in the intervals between the ribs (hence the name "intercostal"). With the lumbar, everything is somewhat more complicated.

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The fact is that there is a huge number of nerve endings that are associated with different parts of the body. For example, there may be a transition of painful sensations to the lower extremities, especially on the inner side of the thighs, where a large number of muscles are grouped.

Possible and pain in the abdominal cavity, reminiscent of symptoms in infectious diseases of the intestine or stomach. In this case, the painful syndrome increases with attempts to stretch the back - with tilts, partial turns of the trunk around its axis.
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Why does my back hurt after the massage?

Why can there be pain in the back or other places after the massage?

There is no universal cause, they are quite a large number (several dozen, if we take all possible prerequisites).

After the massage, exclude excessive physical activity for 24 hours

The main causes of back pain after massage:

  1. The specialist was not convinced of the absence of contraindications before the procedure, and you had them.
  2. The procedure was carried out with exacerbation of the course of the disease, for which the massage is performed.
  3. The disease itself could not be exacerbated, but the inflammatory process became worse (going as it were apart from its cause in the form of an independent disease).
  4. There were no cured injuries (injuries) of the back. The patient might not have known about them (for example, he could have simply failed to roll over during sleep).
  5. The presence of congenital anomalies or defects in the structure of the spine, in which any manipulation with it leads to various complications.
  6. Wrong technique of performing the massage itself (the most common reason, as patients want to save and visit doubtful masters).
  7. Physical exercise immediately after passing the massage (although in the first 24 hours it should be minimized).

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What to do?

What if the back or other areas of the body hurts after the massage? Usually, patients have such a mild pain syndrome that nothing should be done at all. If the reason lies simply in an unusual load on the muscles, then within 1-2 days everything passes.

Back pain after her massage is not uncommon and they do not threaten anything dangerous

But if the pains are felt strongly, and do not weaken on the second-third day, then it makes sense to start acting:

  • ensure peace of the back: do not lift any weights and generally need to exclude unnecessary physical activity (even walking) for a couple of days;
  • use warming ointments for the back, if they are ineffective - use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also in the form of gels or ointments);
  • if you are sure that you were injured during a massage procedure, then when you come home, attach a cold object to it (ideally - ice) for a couple of hours;
  • perhaps you have a spasm of muscles: can help hot showers or bath (20-30 minutes will be enough);
  • with unbearable pain (this happens very rarely) - immediately contact your massage therapist (who conducted procedure) or an ambulance; painkillers in this case it is better not to take, not to lubricate the clinical picture disease.

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Why does my back hurt after a massage? (video)

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Why does my back hurt after the massage?

This procedure has a wide and beneficial effect on our body.

It is often prescribed to normalize the tone of the muscular corset and restore the work of the nervous system, to restore joints and ligaments, blood circulation and for the overall improvement of the whole organism.

But sometimes patients start complaining about the pain after the procedure and wonder why the back hurts after massaging, what are the reasons.

Causes of back pain after massage

Pain sensations in the back area after this process can occur for several reasons. More often factors of why after a massage the back hurts are:

  • incorrectly chosen course and technique, since it must fully correspond for each specific case;
  • professional lack of professionalism, that is, perhaps he began to massage the restricted areas;
  • this reaction is normal for the first session;
  • began to be carried out at the time of severe pain exacerbation;
  • the patient has contraindications.

Each of these causes can cause pain after a back massage.

Why do pains appear the next day?

About whether back after massage can hurt, as a rule, the expert tells. If the process occurs for the first time or it is not regular, then the pain symptom is normal.

Massaging can be compared with training in the gym, that is, if the massage is not carried out regularly, the muscles begin to weaken greatly, there is a violation of the metabolic process in the body. The result is soreness in the back, which can then go on into a chronic form.

After the first session, there is an improvement in blood circulation, and a rush of blood to the cells As a result, muscles that have not been massaged receive a heavy load, as a result, they begin to be ill.

Since the activity of metabolic processes occurs at night, after the massage process pain usually occurs in the morning. But the back hurts after massage is not long, as a rule, after 2-3 procedures soreness recedes.

Massaging should be started gently, gradually turning into intense forms.

There is an opinion that a strong impact is required on the back, but it can not always be used, because each organism is unique and not everyone can approach it.

Types and techniques of massage

For the back, there are only three main types of massage, despite the fact that there are a lot more. The most effective are relaxing, tonic and acupuncture.

Relaxingtype is considered a classic, most often it is appointed after physical work and strong tension, after sports training, for the complete elimination of increased tonus in the muscular corset, with diseases of the spine and strong stress.

Toning massageit is recommended to carry out for rapid contraction of muscles, which are greatly relaxed, in scoliosis, at the time of chronic fatigue, depression and psychological excitability, when it is necessary to stimulate muscular atony, as a preparation for sports competitions, for rapid weight loss and to restore blood supply and exchange of nutrients and lymph.

Acupressureis a relative of acupuncture.

It can be carried out in two ways, reflex, that is, by massaging local points, to eliminate diseases of internal organs, and myosfascial, it is prescribed to remove dysfunction muscles. Very often it is used for the treatment of myositis, scoliosis, joint displacement and congenital dysplasia.

The impact of different types of massage on the back

Each type of massage has different effects on the back. So, relaxing massage can not cause pain, because it is performed only by smooth movements, no deep impact on the back is done.

After such a process, the patient should not have unpleasant sensations, the body feels a feeling of relaxation and warmth, as well as peace and tranquility. If, after such a procedure, these sensations did not arise, and the back continues to ache, then mistakes were made during the procedure.

Toning massage helps restore muscle tone. In muscles that are in working condition, lactic acid begins to accumulate, it is she becomes a cause of pain, this reaction is considered normal and soreness passes after the second procedures.


If suddenly the soreness begins to increase, then the procedure must be stopped, perhaps the specialist does something wrong. Sometimes this happens when taking this technique to the contracted muscles or massaging occurred in the inflamed zone.


Improper massage can lead to severe curvature of the spine, severe joint dislocation and other serious consequences.

Some are wondering if the back should ache after the massage.

In general, no, but in some cases, pain is considered a normal manifestation.

Point method can cause painful sensations, as active influence on various points occurs, but after the termination of massage the pain should decrease or pass absolutely.

If the pain symptom does not pass, then the cause may be incorrectly defined points that led to increased spasm in the muscular corset, or mistakes of the masseuse, which is entangled in the atlas points.


Massage procedures are prohibited at the time of acute pain, chronic diseases of the muscular corset and joints, with the development of herniated large spine.

It can not be carried out under increased pressure, pregnancy, if a person complains of poor health and dizzy. Also it can not be performed with different protrusions.

Massage is prohibited in areas of internal organs, such as the heart, kidneys and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after the first session on the body there were bruises and minor hematomas, then they should be taken This specialist is not desirable, even if he refers to fragile vessels, such a reaction should not be must.

If after the process there is a pain, then it is worth to clarify whether this is a normal reaction. If not, it must be treated.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pain and refuse further procedures, then go to a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment and relieve soreness.

How to treat pain after a massage?

With a qualitative massage, the pain quickly passes, but if the pain is intolerant, then you can anoint the affected area with ointments or gels. The most effective medicines:

  • fastem gel;
  • finalgon;
  • Dolobien;
  • diclofenac;
  • betanikomilon;
  • apizartron;
  • chondroxide;
  • is wild.

Many drugs can not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Before use, consult a doctor.

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