Bates' vision restoration: the essence of the technique

Reducing visual acuity far and near is not a verdict, especially in the early stages.To restore the visual function, various methods are used, among which one of the most effective, and most importantly available is a special gymnastics.The method was invented by William Horatio Bates.He suggested that the human eye has a globular shape, and around the lens is a ciliary muscle. Then the scientist developed a set of exercises aimed at training these muscles, and hence, improving visual function.


  • 1What it is
  • 2History of creation
  • 3Basic principles of the methodology
  • 4Application in practice
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

What it is

Bates' exercises can be used to treat hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism.According to the results of various studies, regular sessions gave good results even with age-long farsightedness.The essence of Bates's method is to increase visual acuity due to constant training responsible for focusing the image on the retina of muscles.And once in the eye there are muscles, it means that they can and should be trained. But the patient should understand that if the muscles of the body can be trained to almost any level, then with strong myopia (for example, minus 6), exercises will not help return 100% of vision. But to reduce manifestations of myopia by 1-2 diopters is really quite.

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Bates believed that the main reason for the disturbance of the visual function is the tension from the effort applied to make out the object. The distance from the eye to the object, from its point of view, affects only the refraction anomaly.

As with the training of the muscles of the body, eye exercises will be effective only if a systemic gradual approach is taken.Bates's method is not a panacea for all eye diseases and does not always help to get rid of from glasses, however regular classes at various infringements of sight give really quite good results. You can use the exercises as a preventive measure.

Bates's method is ideally suited for patients with a low degree of myopia (no more than 3 diopters) and as a prophylaxis of myopia development with significant visual loads.

History of creation

In the year 1917, Bates, a well-known ophthalmologist of the time, began collaborating with Bernard McFadden, an entrepreneur and publisher of Physical Culture magazine.In the same magazine, they first offered paid courses on the so-called Bates system. The popularity of this training came pretty quickly - in 1920, after the publication of the book "Correcting poor vision without the help of glasses." When Bates died in 1931, his office and practice was taken by Emily's wife.

U. Bates, who worked as an ophthalmologist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, was disappointed in the methods of vision correction that existed that day - in fact, glasses need to be changed to stronger ones over time.

Bates said that his exercises can completely cure myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia.But in 1929 the US Department of Food Quality Control, Cosmetics and Medicines in his next ruling blamed Bates for deception - allegedly the purpose of his courses was just earnings and nothing more. The scientists studied the basic principles of the exercise and concluded that Bates's technique, like other schemes of complementary therapy, can not lead to objective visual improvement.

Since in Russia at the beginning of the last century the Bates system was promoted by GA. Shichko, you can often find another name for the technique - Bates-Shichko.

Basic principles of the methodology

When a person needs to examine an object near, he begins to strain the transverse muscles of the eye, and the longitudinal muscles relax.The result is that the eye acquires an oval shape. If the object is in the distance, the person, trying to examine it, relaxes the transverse muscles, and the eye becomes spherical. On the basis of these data, Beit concluded that myopia develops as a result of prolonged stress of the transverse ocular muscles, and myopia is longitudinal.

From the point of view of William Bates, myopia develops as a result of the constant tension of the transverse muscles of the eye, and myopia is longitudinal.

Hence the conclusion - to restore vision, the patient with myopia needs to strengthen the longitudinal muscles and learn how to properly relax the transverse, in the case of hyperopia, things are accurate on the contrary.Bates developed a set of exercises aimed at achieving the goals. In the basis of his gymnastics, the scientist put a unique vision training system used by North American Indian tribes.

Application in practice

Consider the basic exercises of the Bates complex, which you can do on your own at home. By the way, the scientist believed that only by eliminating all the light penetrating the retina can we achieve 100% relaxation of the eyes.

Exercise 1

Look at the letter or picture in the book from a distance convenient for you, then close your eyes and imagine the object you have seen.If you perform the exercise correctly, the picture before your eyes will be dark.

Exercise 2

Imagine a palette of colors - the more shades in it, the better, the brightness should be maximum.Each color represents one second. The duration of the exercise is 5-10 minutes.

While working with a palette, it is convenient to count to one hundred.

Exercise 3

Take care of memories (again, with your eyes closed).What is the point of this training? Bates believed that visual disturbances cause mental problems or banal stresses. Memories help normalize mental states, and improve vision.

Memories can be practiced as long as you like, but without tension.

Exercise 4

Place the Sivtsev table before your eyes(standard table for checking eyesight) at a distance of 3-6 meters, the lighting should be good. Calmly, without straining read all the lines that you see. Look at the smallest letter that you could normally see, fix the look, make a palm, representing the letter as dark as possible.

Exercise 5

Look at the small letters and numbers, other black marks in the table, and then imagine them in your mind, but in smaller sizes. The eyes should be closed.



Bates's method appeared in the early 20th century, but still enjoys immense popularity.It is based on a system of relaxation of some muscles of the eye and the tension of others (longitudinal or transverse depending on the presence of visual defects).For the duration of lessons from glasses or lenses should be abandoned completely or reduce their use to a minimum.

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