Rotovirus intestinal infection: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

No one is immune from intestinal infections - neither children nor adults. The most difficult for these disorders is the child, but in the adult it is a lot of problems.

Diseases of the digestive tract cause various bacteria and viruses, which are many. But most often the most severe conditions in humans are caused by rotoviruses. The disease caused by rotoviruses is also called "intestinal flu".

Every effort should be made to treat rotovirus enteric infections in order to avoid dehydration and complications on the kidneys and other organs.

In this article you will learn how to recognize the "rotovirus infection", its symptoms and treatment in adults, in children.

Bear in mind the symptoms and treatment of rotovirus enteric infection in adults, the child is almost the same.


Rotovirus: what is it?

The rotovirus infection consists of microscopic particles thate in shape resemble a wheel. They are resistant to external conditions. In total there are nine types of rotovirus infections. The most frequent period of rotovirus disease is established - from September to March, but there are cases when people fall ill in the summer, for example, when swimming in the sea.

How can I get infected with rotovirus

Source of infection - a patient with rotovirus, water and dirty foods. You can get infected simply by drinking water, which has infection sticks or using infected products. But most often they are infected in public institutions in cases of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Since the virus survives on the hands for up to four hours, the risk of infection is high. Even if a person is not sick, he can be a carrier of the disease through the hands.

It is possible to detect infection only with the help of a stool test, which is visible in the analysis for another 10 days after the patient recovered.

Symptoms of intestinal rotovirus infection, as manifested by

What changes occur in the body?

Once the rotovirus enters the small intestine, it immediately begins to attack the epithelial cells. They are dying. In their place, new cells appear immediately, which are immature and absolutely not functioning. As a result, a deficiency of enzymes develops, which leads to partial dehydration of the body.

The organism simply fails and can no longer function properly!

The rotovirus is cunning, it has the ability to destroy only mature cells of the small intestine. Therefore, the disease will progress and harm the body until the small intestine "overgrows" with new cells that will function fully. And this takes a long time.

It is not uncommon for an infection to carry a bacterial flora that adversely affects the body. In these cases, a special individual treatment is prescribed, aimed at supporting the entire organism with the displacement of a poor microflora and the creation of a new one.

The incubation period of the disease lasts from 1 to 7 days. Rotovirus intestinal infection how many days is contagious - how long the incubation period lasts, the period of treatment. After, the patient feels all the signs of infection in the body.

  1. High temperature .Often the temperature ranges from 37.5 and above. And when trying to bring down the temperature, it quickly appears again.
  2. Vomiting .Desires exist almost constantly.
  3. Diarrhea .It manifests itself in frequent meteorism, rumbling in the intestine. The stool is liquid or mushy. Stool can contain mucus or blood. Dehydration of the body occurs, which can be recognized by abundant vomiting, diarrhea, dry skin, lack of urination, weight loss.
  4. Sharp pain in the abdomen or spasm.
  5. Pain and have a sore throat .
  6. Runny nose .
  7. Headache .
  8. Painful sensation of chills .
  9. Cough .

The disease lasts individually. This affects the state of the body's immune system and the ability to comply with all health standards. It is noted that the rotovirus intestinal infection in the child lasts 1 year or less, especially in the elderly and people who suffer from chronic diseases of the intestine, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. If the disease does not complicate any organ, then the disease lasts up to seven days, and the process of recovery of the body five days.

Rotovirus infection in children

No children under five are immune from rotavirus infection.

It is noticed that until this age, every child "passes" through this disease. But here, the fact that basically it happens, at the age of six months to a year makes pay close attention to the health of the child in this age period.

Why does this happen? And everything is simple: the babies begin to end with maternal antibodies in this period to form a personal immune system. That is - this line is just catching the infection. It is during this period that the baby is prone to any infectious diseases.

Then children can easily catch an infection in kindergartens, visiting and other public places. The disease usually occurs with the symptoms described above. There is a strong vomiting, which should not be confused with regurgitation, the body is very dehydrated, so it is important not to miss the first symptoms and if you have such, immediately consult a doctor.

Rotovirus infection in adults

Rotovirus disease in adults is difficult to recognize due to the fact that the disease often lacks temperature. But not a lot of diarrhea and vomiting, still there, but a few days disappear. This applies only to those who have strong immunity and the presence of high acidity, which the body produces.

As for people with weakened immunity or elderly, they suffer all the "delights" of the symptoms of rotovirus infection. But, despite the fact that rotovirus intestinal infection incubation period in adults is not small, the first symptoms may appear soon enough.

Diagnosis of Rotovirus Intestinal Infection

When you see a doctor, the diagnosis is based on the patient's listing of the symptoms of the disease. Further, a direction is given to the analyzes, on the basis of which reliable diagnosis of the course of the disease is given.

Many patients with rotovirus infection are slow to consult a doctor, erroneously confusing the symptoms of the disease with the usual food poisoning. And in vain, with the first symptoms, try, as quickly as possible to get an appointment with a specialist, get a consultation, take tests and begin treatment, especially if the child is sick.

Since the rotovirus intestinal infection of the incubation period in children and adults is a long enough period of time, it is necessary to closely monitor the health of the child.

Basic principles of treatment of

disease There are not many basic principles of treating the disease, and the treatment is quite simple.

The aim of the treatment is to prevent the loss of fluid from the body and to combat intoxication. This is achieved with the help of rehydration and detoxification therapy, the appointment of a special dairy-free, sparing diet.

During the period of treatment, preparations containing the necessary enzymes and probiotics with beneficial bacteria for the intestine are prescribed. But rotovirus intestinal infection, than to treat in children appoints only a doctor, while treatment is always carried out in a hospital under the close supervision of a doctor, including the recovery period. In this case, a child can be prescribed, droppers and injections. Analyzes are surrendered several times, which allows to observe the course of the disease.

If the child does not have a number of symptoms in the disease, then as an exception, home treatment is allowed, strictly following the recommendations of the doctor. In this case, necessary drugs are prescribed, such as enterosgel, antipyretic.

Rotovirus enteric infection than treated in adults?

Rotovirus intestinal infection treatment in adults, antibiotics for the treatment of the disease is prescribed only in cases where the disease occurs with the presence of bacterial intestinal infection, which is determined in laboratories in the analysis of feces and characteristic temperature drops with a decrease and increase.

Diet in the period of illness

On video( video channel "Journal of baby food") you can get acquainted with the diet with rotavirus infection in children.

During the rotovirus intestinal infection, what you can eat, and that can not of course tell the doctor. But to maintain a diet in times of illness, this is a prerequisite for a successful fight against the virus.

Moreover, adherence to diet contributes to reducing symptoms of gastroenteritis and reduces dehydration of the body as a whole. Since the occurrence of diarrhea implies lactose intolerance, the use of dairy products should be completely ruled out.

In the treatment of rotovirus intestinal infection in children, the food should consist entirely of cooked and steamed dishes. If the child does not want to eat, then do not force it.

When rotovirus intestinal infection, in food for children to reduce diarrhea, try to include in the daily menu jelly, rice porridge, boiled potatoes, light meat broths and boiled fish. During rotovirus intestinal infection, the diet in children categorically excludes the use of carbonated drinks, sweets, muffins and bread.

Diet for rotovirus infection in children under the age of one year

If a baby, who suffers from rotovirus infection, is on artificial feeding, then he should be given a mixture excluding lactose, porridges cooked on water and boiled vegetables.

If the infant is breastfeeding, the milk volume should be reduced, but not abandoned in any way. And between the feedings give more liquid in the form of special teas and simple boiled water.

The period of failure of lactose depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease. During this time, you should completely give up heavy food. It is advisable to switch to separate food for better digestion of food. As for toddlers babies, nutrition and lactation should be carried out only according to the recommendations of the treating doctor.

During the recovery period after illness, it is very important to observe the periodicity of treatment with probiotics. Asking the question of rotovirus intestinal infection how many lasts in children, it must be taken into account that the disease itself lasts not so long as it takes time for the recovery of the organism.

A rotovirus infection in pregnant women

A rotovirus infection in pregnant women does not always represent any real threat to the fetus. Although rotovirus intestinal infection in pregnant women is very undesirable for the fetus because its presence in the body can adversely affect the dehydration of the body and with intestinal spasms, flatulence and vomiting, there may be a risk of miscarriage of the fetus.

It is the dehydration of the body that is dangerous for the child, as this may lead to a sudden lack of oxygen, and this can lead to premature birth. Rarely, but there are cases when severe dehydration observed lethal outcomes.

Treatment of

However, even severe enough symptoms of the disease can be avoided by contacting the doctor on time, especially for pregnant women. Remember, if you have even minor symptoms, you should immediately take tests!

After, in case of detection of the disease, the doctor will prescribe a treatment, taking into account the condition and duration of pregnancy.

It should be noted that the symptoms in pregnant women are no different from the symptoms of the illness of others. But if you find the main symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, sudden temperature changes and pain and spasms in the abdomen, you need to take the necessary measures. The duration of the disease by rotovirus intestinal infection in pregnant women depends on timely treatment in which the symptoms significantly decrease within a couple of weeks.

The rotovirus intestinal infection in pregnancy, its treatment, including antibiotics and other drugs that affect the fetus, the doctor will not prescribe. The main condition of treatment is the replacement of the liquid lost during dehydration, by drinking plenty of boiled purified or mineral water. And of course rest, and bed rest in the most isolated room will not be superfluous.

Rotovirus intestinal infection: how to treat drugs?

The appointment of medications is handled by the attending physician. In no case should one engage in self-medication. Preparations are fairly simple: special solutions of electrolytes and rehydration drugs aimed at restoring the body during the period of illness.

Of course, at high temperature it is allowed to take antipyretics. Normal paracetamol will not harm the fetus. In addition, if there is no desire to take drugs from high temperatures, then you can use folk methods, for example, to lower the temperature by applying cool compresses on the hands and forehead. To do this, you can use a solution of 6% table vinegar in a ratio of one to two.

During the treatment the doctor can prescribe medications for the complete elimination of intestinal infection from the body. These are special absorbent binders. For example, activated charcoal is completely safe during pregnancy. And it is recommended to take it even with simple food poisoning, since this drug, which appeared in pharmacies for a long time, excellently removes harmful toxins from the body.

Rotovirus intestinal infection in pregnant women, its treatment in some situations, it is allowed to prescribe drugs for the recovery of the necessary intestinal microflora. Such decision the doctor can accept proceeding from results of repeated delivery of the analysis of a feces.

Of course, like all those who are sick with rotovirus infection, during pregnancy it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. So, for example, you should completely abandon the use of lactose and other products that negatively affect the intestines.

It is recommended to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. As for the latter, the use of fruit, for example apples - is not desirable. In a word, only those foods that are capable of exerting an astringent effect, for example oatmeal and rice porridge, boiled potatoes, mashed vegetables, crackers, and biscuit biscuits, should be introduced into the diet.

As well as the rest, pregnant women are advised to switch to a time for separate nutrition. For example, porridge is without bread, if you later wanted vegetables, that is, you need them not immediately, but after a while.

It is necessary for pregnant women to follow and carefully observe all prescriptions of a doctor to eliminate rotovirus infection. And then you can achieve the most favorable predictions and quickly eliminate virtually all the symptoms and rotovirus intestinal infection in pregnancy, will not pose any risk to the fetus. And the state of health will improve, the disease will be defeated, and the baby will not be reflected!

Can I get a new rotavirus infection?

Since the disease is infectious, the rotovirus infection can be repeatedly ill throughout life. But, it is noticed that children are most often ill before the period of full growing, as the immune system has several stages of formation. And with age, when the body is fully formed, the gastrointestinal tract is already strong, has accumulated resistance to various diseases, viruses, infections - one must try hard to get rotovirus. Therefore, the risk of getting rotovirus gastroenteritis is almost minimal, if a person observes the necessary rules of personal hygiene, maintains a healthy lifestyle and periodically takes care of strengthening immunity.

Rotovirus intestinal infection, how not to get infected, and what preventive measures should be followed?

Prevention of rotovirus infection is practically absent. But with the disease still need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Isolate the patient in a separate room for the entire period of the disease with rotovirus intestinal infection, how much the patient is infectious.
  2. Give him a separate dish, personal hygiene products( towel, soap, etc.)
  3. Every day, change clothes, towels, bedding and other things that he uses during the period of illness.
  4. Every day, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning not only in his room, but in the whole apartment, at the same time try to use disinfectants that are sold in pharmacies. For surface treatment, you can use a simple medical alcohol.
  5. Washing hands often is a prerequisite, and use a special soap that effectively kills bacteria and viruses. In general, to protect yourself you need to wash your hands not only after you came from the street, but also after talking and caring for the patient, contact with his clothes( replacement or washing) and bed linen and towels.
  6. Sanitary unit must be treated with disinfectant solutions, processing not only containers, but toilet flush buttons, taps, crane handles.
  7. As for the children's room, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. Also remove from the floor carpets and rugs, arenas.
  8. All toys and utensils thoroughly rinse with a disinfectant solution of soda and soap and rinse with boiled hot water, preferably with boiling water.
  9. In case of vomiting and stools on the floor, remove them with a rag and put it together with a rag into a bag, tie it well after tying it.
  10. The surface of the table after eating is constantly wiped with disposable sponges. After that, they should be discarded and packed.

With regard to rotovirus intestinal infection and prophylaxis in children, nowadays, the only way to protect the body from the disease is a special vaccine, which is made up to six months of age of the child. But this vaccine is widely used only in some countries of Europe. In Russia, this vaccine is not practiced, and has never been practiced. Therefore, we must take care of ourselves and the child from the first days of his life, so that the infection does not penetrate the body.

We hope that this article will help you cope with the disease - rotovirus infection. And you will be able to recognize the disease even with the first minor symptoms.

But, we should not forget that for effective treatment should always immediately go to the doctor, take tests. Also during your entire life, be sure to adhere to the necessary personal hygiene measures. Always wash your hands after visiting public places. And if it turned out that you or your relatives got sick with rotovirus infection, then following the recommendations described in this article, you can easily overcome the disease and protect others.

We wish health to you and your loved ones!

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Source: redaction of the website /zdorove/ rotovirusnaya-kishechnaya-infekciya-simptomy-i-lechenie-u-vzroslyx-u-detej.html