Endarteritis of the obliterating vessels of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment

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Obliterating endarteritis of lower extremities vessels is a chronic disease of the peripheral vessels of the legs, due to obliteration of small arteries. Narrowing of the vessels on the legs can be observed up to the complete closure of their lumen with the necrosis of the bloodless tissues. Practically only men suffer from obscuring endarteritis.

Today we will examine the symptoms and treatment of this disease with the help of surgery and without surgery, which often becomes a common cause of lower limb amputation in men who have not reached retirement age.


Symptoms of endarteritis of leg vessels

In the initial stages of the disease, patients complain of:

  1. chilliness,
  2. numbness in the lower extremities,
  3. weaknessor stiffness in the area of ​​the fingers, feet.

This is more apparent when walking, reinforced physical work. The toes pale, sometimes become cold to the touch. Then there are pains in the legs, the so-called intermittent claudication , when the patient, due to pain in the calves or feet, is forced to stop and slow down the movement. After a short rest, the pain passes.

It is recommended to visit the surgeon once a quarter as a preventative measure. Be attentive to your body.

Pains are the result of circulatory insufficiency in the muscles during an increased load on them. With the passage of time, the pallor, cyanosis and cooling of the extremities intensify, the pulse on the back artery of the foot stops feeling, the pains sharply increase and take a burning, cruel character, deprive the patient of sleep, do not succumb to the action of anesthetics. On the skin of the foot and fingers appear dark purple spots, which then turn black. Gangrene develops with ulcers leading to a septic state. Often during this period, blood clots form in the arteries, which strengthen necrosis.

The disease can proceed slowly, and can quickly progress - it depends on the conditions of life, proper treatment and nutrition.

Treatment of obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities

Treatment of the disease must begin with the fact that the patient is obliged to quit smoking. If this condition is not fulfilled, the disease continues to develop at a rapid pace, despite the ongoing treatment.

It is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity, tonsils, nasopharynx. Avoid hypothermia, especially the feet. It is necessary to exclude distant pedestrian walks, carrying heavy loads, sitting in one pose.

With a sluggish process, thermal procedures are shown: paraffin applications, mud treatment( Sochi, Matsesta, Evpatoria and others).

Official medicine

Conservative treatment

It is shown at the initial stages and includes:

  1. elimination of causes leading to leg vasospasm( cooling, smoking);
  2. elimination of vasospasm: ganglion blockers, antispasmodics, peripheral anticholinergics( Padutin, Andecalin, Depocallikrein);
  3. normalization of the central nervous system( sedatives);
  4. physiotherapy methods( diathermy on the lumbar region, diadynamic currents);
  5. sanatorium treatment( hydrogen sulphide, radon baths, mud applications on the lumbar region);
  6. inpatient treatment;
  7. improved blood flow;
  8. corticosteroids( Prednisolone).

Conservative methods of treatment can be divided into drug and physiotherapy.

Intravenous infusions of 50-300 ml of 3.5-5% sodium chloride and sulfurous magnesia were widely used. Infusions of these solutions increase blood flow in the affected vessels by reducing the viscosity of the blood and increasing its volume.

  1. Apply hormonal therapy( methyltestosterone, testosterone-propionate), vitamins of group B( B, B12, B6).
  2. Spasm of the vessels of the lower extremities is removed by such drugs as Angiotrophin, Depopadutin, Nicotinic acid, Tiphene.
  3. Recommended use of anticoagulants - Pelentan, Hirudin, Dicumarin.
  4. An intraarterial injection of Novocaine with Morphine, Caffeine and Glucose is suggested.

But again, before using these drugs, consult a doctor.

Improves the functional state of the cardiovascular system, peripheral circulation and regulates angiospastic reactions, increases the performance of muscles.

Physiotherapy exercises

Special physical exercises for the legs are applied - dynamic with relaxation and dosage strengthening of the muscles lying and sitting, alternating with various types of walking, breathing and restorative exercises for the body and limbs. It is recommended that the initial positions( lying, sitting and standing) be changed frequently in order to improve circulation in the legs.

Useful dosage for walking and skiing, rowing and swimming in warm water. Physiotherapy is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, gangrene and acute vascular thrombosis.

To improve overall metabolism and increase circulation in the early stages, thermal procedures, baths( coniferous, radon, sulfuric) are useful.

In the early stages of the disease it is useful to assign a UHF, Bernard currents, diathermy to the lumbar region. Mud and ozocerite applications, ozone therapy are also used.

Surgical treatment

Radical operations

  1. removal of the affected artery( with a length of up to 15 cm);
  2. bypass;
  3. prosthetics.

Palliative surgery

  1. periarterial sympathectomy;
  2. Lerish surgery( circular removal of the main arteries shell);
  3. lumbar sympathectomy( Dietz);
  4. epinephrectomy( removal of the adrenal glands in order to reduce the level of adrenaline) - practically not applied;
  5. microvascular transplantation of the large epiploon on the shin;
  6. arterialization of the venous bed( with occlusion of all three main arteries of the shin).Such operations are simple and easier to experience.

Folk remedies at home

Make a mixture of wax, olive oil and water, spread on a piece of cloth and wrap it around 2-3 hours daily ( Vanga's recipe).

Two packs of incense rub into powder and stir with 50 ml of usual vinegar. Rub into the affected limb daily ( Vanga's recipe).

This treatment can also be used for the deposition of salts( gout, osteochondrosis, deforming arthritis).Blend the mixture on a piece of cloth and attach to the affected area for 1 hour. The pain decreases or passes after 3-5 sessions.

Swamp Ledger .2 tablespoons chopped grass Ledum, mixed with 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil, insist in a closed vessel for 12 hours on a hot plate( stir!), Strain. Use as an external remedy for endarteritis, gout in the form of compresses and foot baths.

Devyasil high .30 g of crushed dry root per 500 ml of vodka. Insist 14 days in a cool, dark place, strain. Take 2 tbsp.spoon three times a day. The course of treatment - 1.5 liters of tincture.

In violation of salt metabolism, folk medicine advises a long time to drink tea from berries, flowers and leaves of strawberries and strawberries .

With constantly cold feet to improve blood circulation, you need to walk more without shoes or ALWAYS ONCE DAY A LONG MASSAGE OF SUSPENSIONS AND FINGERS ONCE A DAY.

Mix in equal parts by weight of honey and garlic clove .Insist seven days in a tightly closed dish in a dark place, stirring occasionally. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. After a month, repeat the treatment.

Prepare the vodka tinctures( 1:10) of the rhizomes of ginger, sourcorn and garlic .Mix it. Take 1 teaspoonful three times a day.

Corn and sunflower oil is recommended to be taken with food( or 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day).

In angiospasm, many healers recommend the following fees:

Collection 1 :

  1. root of hawthorn - 4 tbsp.spoons,
  2. leaves vinca small - 2 tbsp.spoons,
  3. cumin fruits - 2 tbsp.spoons,
  4. herb mistletoe white 6 tbsp.spoons.

Mix everything, grind it.1 tablespoon of the collection pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Strain. Drink 2 glasses throughout the day.

Gather 2 :

  1. lemon balm leaves - 40 g,
  2. herb rue leaves - 30 g,
  3. herb thyme( thyme creeping) - 30 g.

Preparation as in the previous recipe. Take 1 tablespoon three times daily before meals.

Drying dye .Has a strong vasodilating effect.1 teaspoon of dry herbs, pour 600 ml of water and boil on low heat until evaporation ⅓ volume. Cool, strain. Cook the broth every other day. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

  1. It is necessary to clean the vessels from salts( according to the Tibetan method "garlic and alcohol"), to remove salts from the body using the "cone cone-rice" technique.
  2. Monthly cleanse the body of starvation( once a week - complete starvation).
  3. It is highly recommended to go on a vegetarian diet.

Contrasting foot baths .First, do the bath daily, then, as far as improvement, every other day. The technique of contrasting foot baths is simple. Take two buckets of water, one hot( to barely endure the leg), the other - very cold. Keep one foot in hot water, the other in a cold 2-3 minutes. Then change the position of the legs. Do this procedure 3-4 times in the evening, one hour before bedtime.

  1. Daily do leg exercises( take one of the complexes of exercise and focus on exercises for the muscles of the legs).
  2. Walking on dew in summer and on snow in winter barefoot. Start with 2-3 seconds, then gradually increase the dosage of time( every 3 days increase the number of seconds by 2) to 5 minutes. You can not stand on the snow and dew, you just have to walk or trample. After the procedure, rub your feet with a woolen cloth.
  3. In any form, take apples daily.
  4. A sufficient amount of vitamin C and routine should be stored in food.
  5. Fresh juice of onions and honey( 1: 1) 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times a day. It's simple and useful.

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Source: Iligov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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