Vision in newborns and children of the first year of life: developmental features

The visual system of the child immediately after birth works quite differently than in the adult.The newborn sees everything in gray-black tones and is unable to focus on objects or human faces. He is able to watch the light source for a few seconds. After 4 months, the baby's vision begins to develop rapidly. All major processes are completed by 1 year.


  • 1Structure and development of the eyes of the newborn
    • 1.1The first month of life
    • 1.22-3 months
    • 1.34-6 months
    • 1.47-12 months
  • 2Congenital pathologies of vision
  • 3Visual acuity
  • 4Assessment of vision in newborns
  • 5What can parents do?
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Structure and development of the eyes of the newborn

Newborn children have a shortened shape of the eyeball. This leads to natural farsightedness in toddlers.As the eyes develop, vision comes back to normal, by the age of 3, his visual acuity should be 100%. If the farsightedness does not disappear by this time, you need to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist. Also, in newborns, astigmatism of a mild degree is encountered.

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Already in the hospital the neonatologist examines the child. This allows you to identify such congenital problems as glaucoma, cataracts or myopia. If any pathologies are found, correction should begin as early as possible. This will help to avoid problems in adulthood.

Natural features of the structure of the eyes of a newborn:

  1. The eyes of the newborn are large. The size of the eyeball is 65 - 67% of the eye size in an adult;
  2. The cornea has a diameter of up to 9 millimeters.It is not completely transparent, has an opalescent appearance.
  3. The curvature of the cornea is less than that of an adult.Because of this, its refractive power is less, which leads to a temporary farsightedness;
  4. The pupil has a diameter of up to 2 millimeters.He reacts weakly to bright light;
  5. The tear ducts of the newborn are already passable.In rare cases, there is a plugging of the lacrimal duct with an epithelial stopper. This leads to the development of dacryocystitis, or inflammation of the lacrimal sac.
Comparison of the sizes of the eyes of an adult and a newborn

A newborn baby has gray-black eyesight, he can not distinguish colors. Eyes do not focus on people's faces and objects.He is able to distinguish only the difference between light and darkness, as well as the contours of objects.A few seconds a child can follow the eyes of a moving object, but quickly becomes tired. The maximum distance that a child can see from 20 to 50 centimeters.

It is best for the child to see light objects of an oval shape, for example, the face of the mother. He focuses only on the contours of objects, but does not distinguish details.

The eyes of the newborn are not very sensitive to light.It is possible to leave a dim illumination in the room where he sleeps, not being afraid to interfere.

The first month of life

At this age, the child can focus only on large and bright objects, such as a night light or a large toy.Sometimes the pupil of one eye is constantly turned aside, this is a physiological strabismus. It must pass by itself, when the eye muscles become stronger. If this did not happen by 1 year, a consultation of the children's oculist is needed.

Vision of a child in 1 month

The light sensitivity of the retina at this age is very low. The intensity of light for normal perception should be 50 times greater than for an adult. It is important that the lighting in the children's room is bright.

At this time, binocular vision begins to develop. It provides spatial perception.

2-3 months

By 2 months, color perception begins to develop. The first child starts to perceive red, orange, green and yellow colors. Much later, the correct perception of blue and violet flowers begins. This is due to the fact that photoreceptors capable of perceiving the colors of the short-wave spectrum develop later.

Vision of a child in 3 months

For the design of the children's room it is desirable to use the yellow-green scale.

At the age of 2 - 3 months, already formed vision, the objects acquire distinct contours. At this time, the baby is only able to perceive a two-dimensional image. Three-dimensional vision develops much later, only to 4 - 6 months. The child actively monitors the movement of people around the room or the movement of toys.

At this age, it's important not just to talk a lot with the child. It is worthwhile to show him various objects and clearly call them.

4-6 months

Starting from 4 months, the child's visual system develops rapidly.At this time, there is a patch of the retina called the macula.It is she who is responsible for visual acuity. The baby begins to clearly see not only the contours of objects, but also small details. He already recognizes the faces of close people, with pleasure studying toys and other objects around.

Vision of a child in 6 months

At this time, the kid is already able to not only observe the objects. The movements of the eyes and hands become consistent. Due to this, he can grab the interested subject and actively study everything around.

At 6 months, the first examination with a pediatric ophthalmologist is mandatory.At this time it is important to make sure that both eyes already see equally well. Believes also the consistency of eye movements.

7-12 months

During this period, the child learns to coordinate the vision with the movements of the body.There is already a three-dimensional perception of objects. The child learns to relate the distance to the object and its shape. He can already tell the square shape of the toy from the round. He can not only capture items, but also throw them.

The child starts actively crawling, and then walking. This period is the most traumatic. Parents should be extremely careful to protect the baby from injury. The most dangerous are eye traumas that occur during a time when the kid actively learns the world.

Congenital pathologies of vision

In 1 year a repeated examination is carried out at a children's ophthalmologist.It allows you to identify in time such problems as myopia or hyperopia, astigmatism and other problems. It is important to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and, if necessary, to start correcting the vision as soon as possible.

Child at a reception with a pediatric ophthalmologist

After any, even the slightest trauma of the eye, you need to immediately show the child to a child ophthalmologist.

In some cases, there are congenital pathologies of vision.The cause of their development may be intrauterine infection of the fetus, hereditary pathologies, injuries during pregnancy and other causes.Congenital pathologies of the visual system include:

  • Congenital glaucoma.This is increased intraocular pressure, which develops due to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid. For treatment, a pediatric ophthalmologist will prescribe special drops that reduce intraocular pressure. In severe cases, the operation is indicated;
  • Congenital cataract.This is a congenital opacity of the lens, preventing the penetration of light into the eye. Treatment is only prompt, since the cloudy lens needs to be removed. After this, the child is assigned special glasses, and then special contact lenses, replacing the function of the lens;

  • Ptosis. The pathological omission of the upper eyelid, the cause of which is the abnormal development of the muscle, which raises the eyelid or nerve. For children under 3 years of age, treatment consists in fixing the upper eyelid with a plaster. At the age of 3 to 7 years, surgical treatment is indicated;
  • Strabismus. This problem is typical for children under 4 months, since the oculomotor muscles are still underdeveloped. If this problem is permanent, you need to eliminate its cause;
  • Nystagmus. Expressed in the involuntary movements of the eyes, most often horizontal. It does not allow you to fix sight on specific objects. The child's vision decreases. His treatment is the timely correction of vision.

If a child is born prematurely, retinopathy of the newborn often develops.It is a retina disorder in which normal growth of blood vessels stops. Without a timely treatment, retinal detachment occurs. Treatment is only surgical.

If the child is registered with a pediatric ophthalmologist, you should visit the examinations every 2 to 3 months.

Visual acuity

The visual acuity of a newborn is only about 15.By 1 month it increases to a level of 1 3. At 3 months it is already, 5. After 4 months, visual acuity grows rapidly:

  • At 6 months it is up to,%;
  • In 12 months it is up to,%.

This directly depends on the development of central vision.

The first check of visual acuity using the Orlova table is carried out only in 3 years.

Assessment of vision in newborns

The obligatory inspection of the newborn's vision, carried out by the neonatologist includes:

  • Inspection of the mucous eyes;
  • Inspection of the eyelids;
  • Check for the presence of myopia;
  • Farsightedness test.
Checking the eyes of a newborn neonatologist

Inspection of the eyes of the newborn allows you to identify in time the majority of congenital pathologies.Particular attention is paid to premature babies to rule out the risk of developing retinopathy.

What can parents do?

It is parents who can create conditions for the full development of vision in the baby.For this it is important to follow such recommendations:

  • The children's room should have good lighting.This applies not only to electric lighting, but also natural. Poor lighting in the nursery leads to the fact that the ability to distinguish colors is delayed;

  • Toys should be large and bright.This will create an incentive for the baby to study them, which promotes active development of vision;
  • Up to 3 months of toys above the crib or stroller is desirable to place at a height of 40 - 50 cm from the eyes of the child. This will prevent the development of strabismus;
  • Starting from 2 months, it is recommended to put the awake child on the stomach.This contributes to the rapid development of not only motor skills, but also visual skills.

It is important to visit preventive examinations at a pediatric ophthalmologist on time.A doctor is needed immediately if:

  • There was a trauma to the eye;
  • Any chemical has entered the eye;
  • There is a foreign body of the eye;
  • There was reddening of the eyes or eyelids;
  • Previously, normal pupils of different sizes;
  • In the corners of the eyes appeared mucous or purulent discharge.

Obligatory consultation of a specialist is needed in case the strabismus does not disappear after 3 months.



The visual system of the newborn is imperfect: the child is only able to distinguish light from darkness, but can not focus the eye.The perception of colors is not yet developed, the child sees everything in gray and black tones. A natural feature is hyperopia due to the shortened shape of the eyeball. The fastest sight of the baby develops after 4 months: there is a perception of colors, spatial vision, its sharpness increases.

Parents should provide the baby with full-fledged conditions so that the child's vision quickly develops.It is important to visit preventive examinations of the ophthalmologist on time and protect the baby from various injuries.If you have any problems, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.