Pupils can narrow and expand - so they adapt to different lighting options.Have you noticed that the diameter of the pupils of the eyes has decreased noticeably and does not depend on light? In this case, you need to exclude serious problems of internal organs - a symptom may indicate the presence of tumors, inflammatory reactions, uremia or intracranial hemorrhage, often the narrowing of the pupil occurs as a result of intoxication and poisoning.For all the causes of the pathology, the diagnostic techniques used and the possible ways of treating it, read on.
1Definition of a symptom
3Possible diseases
4Diagnostic Methods
Definition of a symptom
Normally, the pupils of the human eye should be round and have an equal diameter.Under normal lighting, it is 2-6 mm, the maximum allowable difference for the two eyes is 1 mm.
Normally, the pupils are round in shape and have an equal (plus-minus) diameter, which should not exceed 2-6 mm.
The narrowing of the pupil is called a perceptible visible change in its size toward the decrease.Is the diameter less than 2 mm? Immediately talk about the presence of serious pathology should not be, but to exclude its presence is necessary.
Far from always a sharp narrowing of the pupils is a pathological condition. It can occur:
in the elderly;
in young children;
with overwork;
with ophthalmic accommodation;
with increased intraocular pressure;
in the case of severe farsightedness.
Childhood and advanced age are a common cause of naturally narrowed pupils. No action is required in this case.
Often, narrowing occurs as a result of taking certain medications, namely:
fromdrugs that inhibit the action of adrenoblockers;
m-cholinomimetic preparations;
cholinostimulating agents;
heart drops;
sleeping pills;
anticholinesterase drugs.Pilocarpine refers to m-cholinomimetic drugs
In this case, the cause of reduced pupils is a decrease in brain activity. The phenomenon passes independently after cancellation of the listed preparations.
The pupil of one eye is usually reduced in representatives of those professions that constantly use monocles in their work.
Also, the narrowing of the pupil occurs as a result of such serious pathologies of the body as hypothyroidism, meningitis, stroke, iridocyclitis, Horner's syndrome. It may also appear as a result of a decrease in intraocular pressure, with high pressure, damage to the brain, coma, ingress of foreign body into the cornea of the eye, damage to the brain nerves, CNS diseases (sclerosis, brain tumors, epilepsy). In the risk zone, people with severe neurosyphilis and pathologies of the ciliary center.
Iridocyclitis - the cause of narrowing of the pupil
Narrowed pupils are a true indicator that a person has poisoned or takes drugs.
The diameter of the pupil narrows when the organism is poisoned with poisons - gases, caffeine, phosphorus, bromine, nicotine, alcohols, morphine, mushroom products.This phenomenon is normal for drug addicts and alcoholics.
Possible diseases
The narrowing of the pupils can be considered as a symptom of the following serious diseases:
damage to the brain;
a pathological increase in intracranial pressure;
getting into the body of the cornea foreign object;
defeat of the third pair of cranial nerves of the brain;
diseases of the central nervous system(encephalitis, meningitis, neoplasms in the brain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis);
pathology of the ciliospinal center and cervical zone of the sympathetic trunk.Hemorrhage in the sclera
Also, the condition in question can develop against the background of an acute form of iritis, ulcerative lesions cornea, inflammation of the choroid of the eye, with hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye or omission century.
Diagnostic Methods
With the problem of narrowed pupils, you need to contact an ophthalmologist and / or neurologist. First, a detailed examination should be conducted by an ophthalmologist - if his results are not enough to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is sent to other specialists.
In diagnosis, the pupil's reaction to accommodation and reaction to light is determined.To check the quality of accommodation, i.e. his narrowing, an ophthalmologist asks first to look at his finger at a close distance, and after a look at the far point, for example, on a wall, a table or something else. When the icon functions normally when looking at close objects, the pupil narrows, when viewing distant objects it increases. If such changes were not established, then the procedure is additionally equipped with a reaction to light. A flashlight is used for this purpose.
In the case of diagnosing clinical abnormalities, the lens is inspected by side lighting. This procedure is necessary to determine the presence of cataracts.Tonometry is further prescribed to determine intraocular pressure.Apply midriatiki for examination of the fundus. If there were no abnormalities, the patient is sent to a neurologist for further examination.
Tonometry for determination of intraocular pressure
In occasion of treatment - in the given article the given item is not considered in view of a plenty of the reasons of occurrence of a pathology. The course and scheme of therapy is prescribed solely on the basis of the diagnosis.
The main measures to prevent the pathological narrowing of the pupils?
Correction of a way of life - first of all it is a rejection of bad habits.
Compliance with sleep and rest.
Sufficient motor activity.
Limitation of the use of medicines.
Regular visits to the ophthalmologist (if there are no problems, visit the doctor once a year).
The narrowing of the pupils to a size of less than 2 mm is an alarm signal.In childhood and the elderly, in the presence of certain conditions (like severe farsightedness), the symptom is a variation of the norm and does not require specific measures. In other cases it is necessary to undergo examination at the ophthalmologist (if it is necessary, he will refer you to other specialists) to exclude serious pathologies that threaten life and health patient.