Ten products that will help get rid of a hangover

The long-awaited holidays quickly pass and end. A hangover comes. The mouth is dry, the pain in the head, nauseated and so it seems that the heart is about to burst out if we are in a hurry somewhere. Of course, it is better to avoid hangover syndrome, that is, either it is good to know your measure of alcohol and not to be led to appeals of a drunk company or not to drink at all, content with one lemonade, juice or tea - just simulating company support. But here for those who have touched. .., we will try to help with kind advice.

How to treat a hangover?

There are 10 products that will well remove the hangover and will be of great help to the whole body.

  1. Brine. A long-standing remedy for a hangover. Brine replenishes the body with salts, which help to retain water in the body. With a strong dry mouth, it is better to drink a brine first than water.
  2. Milk. Neutralizes the decomposition products of ethanol. Can be used in the normal state of the pancreas.
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  4. Fish. Microelements contained in fish are beneficial to the heart. In this case, it is better to use a fish dish with black bread, which can absorb toxic substances. Chicken broth or soup. Can replenish the lost nutrients after the feast: minerals, trace elements, vitamins.
  5. Tea from mint. Since there is no caffeine in its composition, and soothing substances in abundance, it can help to remove the heartbeat and headache, balance the nervous system.
  6. Raw chicken egg. Mix with 1 tbsp.spoon 6% apple cider vinegar and add a small amount of black pepper and salt. They drink in one gulp. But this remedy is for those who have the liver and pancreas in order.
  7. Eat more fruit. Especially apricots, bananas, oranges. They will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  8. Black coffee. Means not for everyone. Increases blood pressure. Gives a shake to the body. Contraindicated in hypertensive patients with heart disease.
  9. Fermented milk products: sour milk, kefir, buttermilk, fermented baked milk. Very good help to remove from the body the products of alcohol breakdown.
  10. Alcohol. The worst and last resort. If there is a habit of getting drunk, then this is a direct road to alcoholism. By the way it is the early morning drinking of alcoholic drinks that makes alcoholics drinkers. In very rare situations, to reduce hangover syndrome, you have to apply a small amount of alcohol. But, while you need to eat plenty of fruit, take vitamins, take a hot shower and give yourself a vow: more so do not drink and do not bring your body to a painful condition!

Situations in life are different. If a person is not an alcoholic, then sometimes he can afford to drink. But you just need to know your measure well and keep it! You do not have to be a company, you are a person. And, if you drink, it's not when you are forced to actively call for it, but when you think it's right. In general, in any company it is incredibly difficult to maintain a measure in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is better not to drink at all with those who do not know how and can not drink. All sorts of grievances, accusations of contempt and so on begin.