Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis

There are many different problems affecting the eyes. They are especially dangerous, because it is due to vision that we get the most information about the world around us. In the autumn-spring period, one of the most common problem of this type is adenoviral conjunctivitis.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Complications
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is

Adenoviral conjunctivitis, which is also known as the eye adenovirus, is an acute disease that affects the mucous membrane of the eye.The disease is very contagious and manifests itself seasonally. Its causative agent is adenovirus.

Adenovirus can affect various organs and tissues - lymphoid tissue, intestines, respiratory tract and much more. But the mucous membranes, especially the eye, are usually affected in the first place.

Adenoviruses are very resistant to external influences, they persist with strong freezing, water ingress and so on.

Exceptions are chlorine and ultraviolet radiation, their adenoviruses do not tolerate.

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As indicated above, the reason is adenovirus entry, but more specifically, it's adenovirus serotypes 3, 4, 7 and 19.

Usually a person gets infected from another person - moreover, he can not even get sick, but simply be a carrier of infection. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through food and water or through contact.

Before the eye disease in humans, the upper respiratory tract can often be affected, for example, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis or nasopharyngitis.The incubation period usually lasts from three to ten days, depending on the specific situation that a person has.

The initial symptomatology of adenoviral conjunctivitis does not differ from the rest of the disease

People of all ages can be exposed to this disease, but especially small children pick it up.The reason is that you are in a children's collective, for example, in a kindergarten.


Symptoms of this disease can vary depending on the subspecies of conjunctivitis and related diseases.

Sometimes the symptoms that a person has picked up a similar virus do not appear, sometimes a person simply begins to be a carrier of the virus. Then the following symptoms can manifest themselves against the background of a decrease in immunity, for example, if a person is overcooled.

Since in the vast majority of cases adenoviral conjunctivitis occurs against the background of infection of the respiratory tract, it is the symptoms of the latter that can be the first alarm bell.These symptoms, among other things, include:

  • coryza;
  • Sore throat or even painful sensations;
  • increased body temperature;
  • characteristic mucous discharge on tonsils.

After that, the symptoms of conjunctivitis will manifest first on one eye, and then, after a couple of days, on the second one too.There are two main forms of adenoviral conjunctivitis, in each of these forms the symptoms are individual.

The catarrhal form is characterized by the following features:

  • the closing of the eye gap (sometimes complete);
  • redness and swelling of the eye tissues;
  • the sensation that a foreign body has entered the eye;
  • photophobia;
  • intensified tearing;
  • Itching and itching in the eye.

The follicular form has the following features:

  • redness of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • the appearance of characteristic purulent discharge;
  • formation on the mucosa of the eye follicles - surface bubbles of different sizes.


When there are the slightest suspicions of a similar problem, it is necessary to contact the ophthalmologist / oculist promptly.He can prescribe an antibody test for adenoviruses in the blood to accurately determine that the problem is exactly this.If the prognosis is confirmed, then a treatment appropriate to the situation will be prescribed.


Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis should be complex.It is very important to understand that now there is no medicine that directly affects adenoviruses. Because the treatment is somewhat different.

For the beginning appoint preparations of extensive antiviral action.It can be either interferons, or interferon inducers. Further, instillation with special drugs, gradually reducing their frequency from 7 to 3 times a day.Further, antibacterial ointments are used, which help to fight the attachment of secondary infection. It is also recommended to take special antihistamines, which will help achieve a complete clinical cure.

Special tinnitus substitutes are often used to avoid potential complications in the form of dry eye syndrome.

Many people believe that you can cope with the problem by using conventional home remedies. Especially often this happens when parents want to provide first aid to their child who has caught such an infection. Often apply a solution of boric acid, wash the eyes with not very strong tea or go to the pharmacy to get corticosteroids or antibiotics.But these drugs will not have the necessary effect on the virus due to its nature. But what it can easily lead to is the complication of the situation.The disease can become complicated, the inflammatory process can spread to other parts of the eye. Therefore, do not experiment, you need to quickly contact the relevant specialists.


If it is too late to start treating this problem or treating it incorrectly, then very unpleasant consequences can arise. For example, they include:

  • attachment of a secondary bacterial infection;
  • a drop in vision by a third;
  • development of dry eye syndrome;
  • development of recurrent chronic conjunctivitis;
  • iris damage;
  • spread of inflammation to the cornea.

And this is only a part of the negative consequences that can be caused by complications of the disease, because in no case can it be run and brought to a negative development.


To prevent the development of the problem and its initial appearance, it is necessary to resort to preventive measures that are similar to those for influenza, ARVI and similar negative diseases.It is necessary to observe the cleanliness of the hands, carry out the wet cleaning of the premises and regularly ventilate them.

Also, to avoid problems, you should not resort to independent treatment, especially if the disease has entered a fairly serious and noticeable stage.Contact a doctor who will help to correctly assign a comprehensive treatment that allows you to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.


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In most cases, the prognosis for the treatment of adenoviral diseases, including the conjunctivitis in question, is quite favorable. If the form of its course does not have complications, then it is enough to observe personal hygiene, perform aseptic procedures and take immunomodulators prescribed by a doctor. Even with a more complex form, the disease usually lasts (with proper treatment) no more than a month, and relapses are rare. The main thing is to react in time and correctly implement the treatment, then everything will pass in an easy form and without negative consequences. The same applies to infectious conjunctivitis in adults and children.