From what age and what honey can be given to children

Is honey safe for the child as the main product of beekeeping, at what age can it be given to children in pure form or drink like tea with honey or milk, what grade of honey is best for the child's organism? Consider these and many other issues in this article. Here you will learn the opinion of a pediatrician - Dr. Eugene Olegovich Komarovsky.

Take honey for food, this is just the case when sweet foods are really useful. Natural honey honey has many positive qualities. It is widely used in nutrition, in home treatment folk remedies.


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What is honey?

Natural flower honey is a variety of varieties, it depends on what herbs and crops bloom in a certain period at the nearest surrounding area to the apiary, because the maximum bee is 7 km. So nectar( future honey) can allocate flowers motley grass, buckwheat, sunflower, sore, spines and many others.

At once we will specify a moment: in this article it is a question of natural bee flower honey. If, for example, there is an allergy to buckwheat, acacia or to what you know, then when buying honey - this grade will not suit you.

Honey: composition and properties of

The main advantage of honey is its composition: digestible carbohydrates - glucose and fructose;a little sucrose and much more useful and curative. Honey as a food product has a high nutritional value.

Honey is rich in iodine, iron, zinc, mineral salts, potassium, manganese, fluorine, group B vitamins and multiple organic acids.

Recently, scientists have discovered that it contains some hormone-like substances that act like antibiotics.

Due to its composition, honey has many useful properties, its intake:

  1. improves appetite;
  2. strengthens immunity due to the fact that ascorbic acid and carotene help to resist infections;
  3. has a curative effect against colds;
  4. improves digestion, prevents the formation of putrefactive processes;
  5. has a calming effect;
  6. strengthens the skeleton, promoting the absorption of calcium and magnesium;
  7. improves vision with ascorbic, carotene and thiamine;
  8. increases hemoglobin;
  9. facilitates coughing, acting as an expectorant.

At what age can you give a child honey, drink with tea or milk?

If honey is so useful, can it be given to children, and if so, from which year? We will weigh all the pros and cons, find out how many years the child can give honey.

Some doctors and scientists believe that:

  1. Very risky parents, giving honey babies for up to a year. Bees, developing it, contact with various biological materials, including spores.
  2. Once in a favorable environment, they can cause the development of botulism. Immunity baby, who is only a few months, is unlikely to cope with the disease.
  3. Despite the digestibility of carbohydrates, excessive use of the product can cause caries, weight gain and even obesity. Therefore, it should not be given to children who are prone to fatness.
  4. Honey is the strongest allergen. If there is an allergy, the reaction of a small organism can be instantaneous, ranging from a rash to Quincke's edema.

The allergy to honey can be different, symptoms:

  1. Skin - redness, itching, rashes, blisters.
  2. Lungs - cough, shortness of breath.
  3. Face - swelling of eyelids, cheeks, tongue.
  4. The nose is a runny nose.
  5. Eyes - redness, tearfulness, irritation.
  6. Stomach and intestines - pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  7. Headache.

Most doctors recommend starting to introduce this product into the diet as late as possible, but not earlier than one year.

Dr. Komarovsky on the need for honey in childhood

Pediatrician Komarovsky does not deny the benefits of honey, but recalls that the product is biologically active, so the body's response to it is impossible to predict. It is important from what age to start giving it to the child.

It is absolutely forbidden to offer honey to babies. When there is a response of the body, parents risk not having time to take the child to the hospital.

The doctor believes that children of the first year of life do not have any sense in giving honey. During breastfeeding, children receive all necessary substances with milk during the first months, and with artificial feeding - with specially adapted mixtures. Overload the body of a small child is not worth it.

Komarovsky does not believe that you need to completely abandon honey. If the parents quietly consume the products of beekeeping, then the probability of allergies in the baby is small. To accustom it to a delicacy it is necessary not earlier than one-year-old age.

But still, if there is no need, then it is better to begin to teach when the baby is 2-3 years old, because at the older age the negative reactions are not so pronounced.

Sample scheme for introducing honey into a child's diet, according to the age of children and recommendations:

  • Breastfeeding and children under one year are prohibited.
  • From 1 to 3 years - it is not recommended to eat every day, but in special cases half tea spoon is allowed in two divided doses.
  • From 3 to 5 years - one tablespoon divided into 2-3 meals during the day.
  • From 6 to 9 years - it is recommended to consume up to three tablespoons a day to power the brain, strengthen immunity, but only if there is no allergy.
  • 9 - 15 years - the daily allowance rises to five tablespoons.

How to enter the diet?

Before the baby starts eating honey, you need to make sure that the allergy is missing. For this, a small amount is applied to the wrist. If there is no redness or itching during the day, you can dissolve a few drops of honey in a glass of water and give it a try. After making sure that there is no allergy, you can start giving half a teaspoon a day.

Only liquid honey is allowed for children. But when diluted in a liquid, the temperature of which is above 45 degrees, it loses its useful properties.

The treat can be planted in warm tea or milk, and added to a jelly or compote.


Before you offer a honey honey, you need to check whether there are any contraindications. Sometimes it is recommended to eat honey, and even forbidden, if there is:

  1. Allergy and exudative diathesis. Has a hereditary predisposition.
  2. Zolotukha. It is rare, it absorbs signs of exudative diathesis and children's external tuberculosis.
  3. Idiosyncrasy - intolerance of individual components of honey.
  4. Diabetes mellitus - not allowed in the diet.
  5. Obesity and a tendency to fullness.

Having one of the listed diagnoses, you need to think carefully before setting up a "honey" self-treatment. Otherwise, you can face serious trouble.

Honey treatment: how to be treated with honey

The main property of the basic product of beekeeping is medicinal. When, why and how much can you eat honey as a medicine?


  1. Put the radish in a glass and cut off the top of it. In this groove put 2 tablespoons of honey. Wait 2 hours. The resulting juice should be given on a teaspoon with an interval of 3 times a day.
  2. From the leaves of aloe juice squeeze. In it add honey( 1 g for 5 ml of juice).Helps with a strong cough. To give on a teaspoon three times a day.
  3. Warm the milk to room temperature. A teaspoon of honey can be dissolved in milk, and you can drink it. Milk-honey solution is not superfluous to add cocoa butter. Drink 3-4 times a day.


Honey has a healing effect.

Treatment of stomatitis ulcers can quickly get rid of them. But for children this method is not suitable, because the children's enamel is still too thin and easily exposed to caries.

Rinse with honey solution - a good remedy for stomatitis. You need to brew a teaspoon of chamomile flowers and insist 2 minutes. In a chilled and filtered solution add a teaspoon of honey. Rinse the mouth several times a day. Improvements will be on the second day. To completely get rid of stomatitis, rinse should be continued for at least 5 days.

There are limitations on how many years you can use such a remedy for stomatitis. Do not use the method for children under 6 years.

Some parents lubricate the baby's gums with teething to relieve pain. Why can not I do this? The child is only a few months old, and the products of beekeeping up to a year old can be dangerous for him.

Do not accustom crumbs to a dummy, lubricating it with honey. Be patient. A couple of months will pass, and he will learn to take a pacifier, if necessary.

Honey for cold

Catarrhal diseases .At the beginning of the disease at a temperature just above 37 degrees, honey can have a positive effect. He will increase sweating, bring relief.

Despite the antipyretic properties, it is no use to treat only folk remedies at temperatures above 38 degrees. Requires drugs prescribed by a doctor. But some ways can act as companion.

  1. Honey herbal tea .Brew mint, chamomile, raspberry, sea-buckthorn, strawberry. In a cool broth, add a teaspoon of honey. Give during the illness to babies over 4 years.
  2. Oat milk .Rinse 200 g of oats and pour a liter of milk. Boil on low heat for an hour. Cool, strain and add a teaspoon of butter and honey. Drink before going to bed every day while the temperature keeps. The next day, the state of health will be better.

These are examples of methods against the most common diseases. There are recipes for honey inhalations, drugs for adenoids, anemia and other serious diseases. But you can not completely rely on them without consulting a doctor.

Parents decide for themselves, from how many years their baby will eat honey. Every child is different. Someone in 6 months will take honey without consequences, and someone even years later can not eat it because of allergies. But it is better to consult a pediatrician when introducing such complex foods into the baby's diet, and wait until he turns 3.

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Source: edition of the publication of the site http: // s-kakogo-vozrasta-mozhno-rebenku-med.html