Pneumonia how long does the treatment last




The disease, if it is really serious, should be treated in a hospital. It should be understood that a mild illness is treated in a polyclinic, at home, and a heavy one in a hospital. Severe pneumonia is treated in the hospital for about 2 weeks. However, these terms can vary depending on the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathology and reserve body forces. Pneumonia is treated in the pulmonological or therapeutic department of the hospital. Atypical, severe pneumonia on the background of various other diseases or rapidly progressing development of pneumonia with a sharp deterioration in health can be treated in the intensive care unit. Somehow the timing of recovery is different and depends on many factors.

Anton Velikanov

Not less than 1-2 months.

Vasya Petrov

2 weeks

Olga N

The antibiotic is weak, probably.


normal, I have 2 weeks this temperature was, then only slept


continue to carefully perform the treatment of any passes and violation of the schedule of injections, the inflammatory process is still going on and it is necessary that the foci of inflammation are not left after the course of injections, carefully follow all the doctor's instructions for detailed information google and take care after the treatment - the body will be weakened drink kefir

instagram viewer

so that the intestine of the microflora is not affected by antibiotics

Ilya Kalyagin

About a month...

Andrew Petrov

Five times there was an inflammation of the lungs every time for about a month, injections according to the rules without omissions. The temperature is kept really long, so that you can also be treated.

valja titova

A month and very seriously. So that without consequences. Breathing is very important!


Personally, my temperature lasted about two weeks at 40 after antibiotics and droppers slept, discharged after six months. So be patient and be healthy. Get well! :)

Michael Surovtsev

I was 3 times, for a year, they were not treated, they did it, the total time was 9 months in the hospital, our medicine is an asshole.

Roll of wallpaper

looking at the start... and how to be treated... hospital of the week two (minimum), and mesyatsok on the sick leave, then to the sanatorium. that complications would not be brought to the grave.

Natalia Makunina

I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. Before that, probably a week was ill at home and after the hospital a week at home.


from three weeks to a complete cure. I with bilateral pneumonia lay in the hospital for two months.. hurted her 8 times... at a pneumonia such temperature can be long.. even after a cure


Antibiotics course from 10 to 21 days, depending on the condition, physical procedures from 5 to 10 days, like the state... The temperature can last up to 7 days of taking the antibiotic, after 7 days, if the temperature does not subside, the antibiotic is changed to a stronger one. Be strong! Pleasure still then!

Evgeny Levkin

Previously not less than 40 days., Only in the hospital ..

Pink Floydovich Zevolov

From 2 weeks to a month, but if in a week the temperature does not return to normal, X-ray control should be done and decide whether to change antibiotics

Aleksandr Aychikov

Classically - 21 days

Arthur Fathutdinov

I treated 3 weeks


Half of the comments are nonsense. Only a couple of comments worthwhile. Pneumonia is completely treated at home, it all depends on the severity of the disease. It is treated for 10 days (exactly the course of antibiotics), then the doctor himself will decide to prolong or stop. Day 6 is not yet an indicator. And the sputum should be sown, the pneumonia after all, and the atypical form happens. And all this garbage written above, you can not even read.
And full recovery is a purely theoretical concept, this is the moment when symptoms and clinical syndromes are absent. And it can be 10 days, maybe 2, maybe a month, depending on what reactivity of the organism.

Petr Merkushev

Three months

How long does the treatment of pneumonia last?


L ...

Calm down. It will be bad - an ambulance!
Antibiotics have already started their business.


Well, at least 3 weeks. Good chest massage from the back and chest, if you bring down the temperature to 37 - you can dry your back twice a day. Rub badger, bear fat, pork interior in the chest. In general, I knock it down at high temperature - I take aspirin 3 times a day 4 hours later, in parallel with the antibiotic.

potap of counters

these sounds are called articulation. Treatment lasts from 2-4 weeks (if you follow the doctor's recommendations)


On how quickly the diagnosis will be made, the duration of treatment and the outcome of the disease depends. If pneumonia is detected at the very beginning of its development, the treatment will take about a week. If the diagnosis is made on the 3-5th day and there are complications - up to 3-4 weeks. Not captured in time pneumonia is treated for 2 or more months, and sometimes does not respond to treatment

Treatment of pneumonia in an adult

Diseases of the respiratory system have a high risk for humans. One such common pathology is pneumonia, which causes inflammation of the lung tissue and irreversible changes in it. To avoid oxygen starvation of tissues, the disease must necessarily start on time to treat.

How to treat pneumonia at home in adults

Pneumonia often has a viral nature, but even in other cases, it is joined by bacterial infection, so adults are required to perform antibiotic therapy, appointing 1-2 drugs Simultaneously. The treatment standards take into account several factors:

  • type of pneumonia;
  • volume of damage to lung tissue;
  • state of health and age of the patient;
  • concomitant diseases of the heart, kidneys or lungs.


Adults prescribe antibiotics for pneumonia, taking into account their age, and even with negligible the effectiveness of a single drug does not change it within 3 days or until a sputum test is decoded patient. For the treatment of pneumonia use modern popular drugs under the names:

  1. Ceftriaxone. As a form of release, white powders are used for the preparation of injections. The course of treatment of pneumonia is determined by the doctor depending on the degree of severity. For an adult, the dose is 1-2 g daily. A solution for injections is prepared from 500 mg of the drug and 2 ml of a 1% solution of lidocaine, and for the droppers 5 ml of sterile water are used. The price is from 25 rubles, it is sold by prescription.
  2. Sephpotek. Antibiotic, also allowed a child with 12 years. Effective in the treatment of pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections. Adults need to take 200 mg - 1 tablet, with an interval of 12 hours. End the course of treatment is necessary in 2 weeks. Price from 120 rub.
  3. Sumamed. In addition to tablets, it is available as a powder or lyophilizate. It is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases, including respiratory tract. From pneumonia, you need to take 500 mg of the drug per day treatment course, equal to 3 days. The price from 520 r.

People's means

Folk treatment of pneumonia in adults is effective in combination with taking medications if therapy is done at home. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Decoction of raisins. Rinse, art. Dark raisins, pass it through the meat grinder. Gulf a glass of boiling water, soak under the lid for about 10 minutes. To treat inflammation of the lungs with such a decoction it is necessary, drinking on, art. daily.
  2. "Milk" milk. Prepare 3 dried white figs. Heat the milk, pour the fruit, cook over a small fire for about half an hour. To treat pneumonia, drink 2 glasses a day until symptoms improve.
  3. Nastoy on the nuts. Take 500 ml of dry red wine. Fill them with 50 g of peeled nuts. Strew the remedy on a low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Eat 1 tbsp each. before each meal.

Exercise therapy

To begin with, it is recommended that you change your position frequently in bed and do not lie on your side, which hurts. After 3-4 days, when the acute period of the disease is already behind, you can begin respiratory gymnastics, for which you lie on your back and put your hands on your stomach. You need to exhale after a deep breath, but do it slowly, straining your abdominal muscles. Approaches should be at least 5 per day, each of which includes 15 reps. It is recommended to use LFK and for the prevention of pneumonia.

Features of treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia in an adult depends on many factors, the first of which is the type of this disease. Therapy for the elderly is mandatory in the hospital, otherwise the decision is made by the doctor. The algorithm of treatment consists of several stages. First pneumonia is diagnosed, then the focus of inflammation is eliminated with antibiotics. Next, additional medications are prescribed for the remaining signs of the disease.


In adults this form arises more often than others and is divided into right-sided and left-sided. A particular species is bilateral, when lesions are present in both lungs. Treatment of pneumonia in an adult is carried out permanently with the use of antibiotics, physiotherapy, inhalations and elimination of allergic reactions. With a one-sided or bilateral form, you need to ensure the correct position of the patient - semi-sitting to improve the performance of the lungs.


Viruses, bacteria or fungi and parasites lead to the viral form. The first two days for the treatment of pneumonia for an adult are prescribed to take antiviral drugs, such as Tamiflu or Ingavirin in the influenza nature and Acyclovir in the causative agent causing varicella. In addition to these medicines, the patient is prescribed antipyretic, analgesic and cough suppressants that help to sputum. Antibiotics are prescribed only with the addition of bacterial infection.


This type of pneumonia is also called focal. It develops against the background of bronchitis, therefore it is especially dangerous due to its consequences - pleuropneumonia, abscess and even gangrene, therefore the methods of treatment are chosen only by a doctor. Antibiotics become mandatory in therapy, and they are chosen according to the degree of influence on the intestinal microflora. Ecoantibiotics are often used. In addition, adults are treated with drugs that dilute, excrete phlegm and restore the immune system.


The most serious of all is the atypical form, because it is caused by atypical pathogens and often there is such pneumonia in an adult without temperature. The insidious disease is also due to the fact that it has a latent period when the symptoms are practically absent. Antibiotics are often unable to cope with the manifestations of this type of pneumonia, so an adult is prescribed immunoglobulins and special procedures for sucking out fluid in the lungs. Treatment is complemented by a complex of vitamins and antipyretic.


Another complex form of pneumonia is the radical one. It is difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms are similar to tuberculosis and central lung cancer. Drugs for treatment are prescribed immediately after diagnosis, with several drugs at the same time, that the condition was relieved in 2-3 days and the patient could be prescribed heating and exercise therapy.

Treatment of pneumonia in the hospital

Indications for hospitalization are deterioration of the patient's condition or inability to apply the necessary drugs at home. With timely treatment, relief comes in 2-4 days, but possible complications increase the duration of stay in the hospital to 10 days, and often up to 4 weeks. The patient is given injections or drips with antibiotics, then physiological saline is injected in the same way to detoxify the body. In combination with these drugs, adults are prescribed expectorant and antipyretic agents.

How much is pneumonia treated?

Treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in adults is done at home and takes 7 to 10 days. It adds a period for the restoration of the body, which can take from 1 to several months. The same amount can be used to fight chronic pneumonia. The duration of treatment depends on the timeliness of therapy. In addition, the effectiveness of the selected drugs is also important. Inpatient therapy has an average duration of 9-10 days with severe form. Stagnant pneumonia can be cured in 20-25 days.

Video about respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia

How much is kept in hospital with pneumonia

Pneumonia is a disease that is sometimes treated in a hospital. The length of stay of a patient in a medical institution can vary depending on the degree of disease and the effectiveness of the tactics chosen by physicians. The need for hospitalization is assessed by a variety of factors and causes of the disease.

Indications for hospitalization

Several factors serve as indications for determining a patient in a clinic. The first of them is the inability of patients to apply drugs according to the prescribed schedule and schedule. Before hospitalization, the degree of lung damage is determined by chest radiography. After this, a difference in the physiological parameters of the patient is established (pressure drop, pulse, respiratory rate). Hospitalization for treatment is mandatory for acute disorders of consciousness, hypoxemia, the presence of concomitant infection (meningitis or endocarditis), as well as with suspected concomitant diseases of the heart and liver, the presence of tumor formations. An important indicator in determining a patient in a hospital is the possibility of providing the necessary care for the patient. Correctly selected medicine, type of disease and the body's response to drugs and determine the overall period of hospitalization.

Term of hospitalization

The duration of hospitalization is determined by all of the above factors. Usually the term of the patient's finding with successful therapy of the disease is 2-4 days, however in some cases the doctors can leave the patient for further observation and more intensive treatment. Treatment of complicated forms of pneumonia can reach a longer period (about 10 days). In mild cases of illness the patient can stay in the hospital for 2 days, after which he can be sent home for independent continuation of treatment. At a high body temperature a person should observe bed rest.

Treat the disease should be in accordance with the type of pneumonia and the presence of the original cause of its formation. Therapy is based on antibacterial drugs, which are prescribed depending on the condition of the patient and his age. For the treatment of pneumonia, two antibiotics are most commonly prescribed, aimed at eliminating the initial infection and relieving the symptoms of pneumonia. In hospitals, the right drugs are injected with injections.


In the presence of a cough, expectorants and thinners are prescribed. Often used drugs such as "ATSTS "Lazolvan" and "Bromgegksin." To exclude shortness of breath, prescribe medications that dilate the bronchi, and injections of antibiotics for a more rapid impact. The drugs are for inhalation. With special indications, droppers with saline solution and glucose are put. In some cases, immunomodulatory therapy is prescribed, which requires the use of immunoglobulins, which are necessary for patients with a destroyed immune system.

How many days does the temperature persist with pneumonia?

It is very important to know as much as possible about the signs of pneumonia, and also about how much the temperature keeps in case of pneumonia, in order to start the correct treatment in time.

Pneumonia occurs as a result of the development of pathogenic bacteria. This disease often becomes a complication of the common cold. Most often pneumonia affects residents of areas with a damp and cold climate.

The first signs of pneumonia are very similar to the symptoms of ARI, the greatest danger is pneumonia, which has become a complication of the cold on the legs.

Increased body temperature, cough, weakness and apathy can be a manifestation of pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease the body temperature is not higher than 38 degrees in the evenings, by the morning it is restored to normal values. In people with sufficiently strong immunity, this stage can last up to 2 weeks, while the cough is kept dry, worried about perspiration in the throat.In order not to start the disease, you need to see a doctor if the body temperature rises within 5 days.

There can be no acute and disturbing manifestations, only a tangible deterioration in the state of health, weakness. Then the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, there is dyspnea on walking, and the cough becomes wet, sometimes with the discharge of bloody sputum. There may also be headaches and chest pain. All these unpleasant manifestations can be quickly removed if you turn to a specialist in time and take the prescribed treatment.

Doctors do not get tired of recalling that you should not bring down the temperature below 38 degrees. And this has a science-based explanation. As a result of the development of pathogens in the respiratory tract, pyrogens are produced. They are also produced by the human immune system. It's the pyrogens that cause the temperature to rise. If it is kept within 37-38 degrees, then the metabolism is accelerated and the bacteria that caused the disease are suppressed. But if the temperature has risen above 39 degrees, it means that the body itself can not cope with the neutralization of the pathological process.

Too high body temperature, like reduced, aggravates the course of pneumonia. Therefore, specialists in the treatment of lung diseases advise to knock it down to normal physiological values.

How long does the temperature persist with pneumonia?

Usually, a high body temperature of up to 39 degrees is maintained until the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor begin to work. Usually, even after the beginning of treatment, it can last up to 3 days. If the inflammatory process affected both lungs and bilateral pneumonia developed, the thermometer can show 37-38 degrees in for several weeks, which requires careful and detailed diagnosis: it is possible that infectious inflammation has affected others organs.

Sometimes pneumonia can take place without temperature - it's dangerous. The patient can continue to lead a normal life, and the infection in the meantime will gain momentum.

If the temperature rises sharply to a mark of 40-41 degrees, you should immediately seek medical help. You can not try to knock down heat and self-medicate yourself.

In general, it is impossible to say exactly how many days the temperature is maintained during pneumonia. It depends on the causative agent of the disease: the virus, fungus, bacteria. It is possible to combine several pathogens at the same time, and then even on the background of treatment, the temperature will remain elevated. If the heat does not get lost at home, you may need to go to the hospital to be constantly monitored by doctors.

What is the temperature with pneumonia?

For pneumonia the temperature is 37-38 degrees. If it is noted for 5 or more days, you need to see a doctor.

The high temperature of 39-40 degrees is an indication that the inflammatory process has intensified, and the body is not able to neutralize the infection. If the temperature rises to 41 degrees, you need to call an ambulance, especially if it is a child. This may indicate that the disease has taken up over the defenses of the body.

How many days it lasts, depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the causative agent of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But in any case, you need to monitor the temperature and tell the doctor about it.

Focal pneumonia, when the infection affected not the whole lung, but only its individual lobes, may manifest as a subfebrile temperature, which lasts up to 5 days. In elderly people and those who have reduced immunity, there may not be a fever.

If the thermometer shows 40-41 degrees, you should immediately seek emergency medical help. This condition is considered critical and requires immediate medical intervention. It is especially important to remember this if the child is sick.

When and how to bring down the heat

Reduce the temperature in case of illness is possible only after consulting a medical professional. He will recommend medicines that will be effective enough. But you can try and take advantage of folk methods, but it is very important to do this very carefully, so as not to harm.


You can wipe the person with a towel soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. Water should be warm, but not hot. Good with hot berry fruit, crimson or cranberry. Tea made of linden or thyme will intensify sweating. Drinks made from honey and lemon, as well as currant juice or broth of wild rose or citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to cope with inflammation of the lungs.

Temperature after pneumonia

After recovery, the temperature should not be. If it continues to rise during the day, it means that the treatment was terminated too early or a focus of chronic inflammation in the lung tissue developed. If there were several causative agents of the disease, the treatment should be aimed at eliminating all microbes and viruses. Often patients do not want to take too many medicines, especially if they are prescribed to the child, fearing that "chemistry" will cause harm. But this is fundamentally wrong: the disease can go into a chronic form, and it will be very difficult to defeat it.

If, after some time after recovery, the fever again rose sharply, this may be a sign of the resumption of an untreated lung infection. It is necessary to consult a doctor and take all measures to eliminate the focus of infection.

Small increases in temperature, which can be observed for a short time, are not dangerous. They will disappear as soon as the amount of pyrogen in the body comes back to normal.

The temperature of pneumonia is a very important symptom, especially closely monitored when pneumonia is affected by a child. The younger he is, the more dangerous complications can be. In order for recovery to occur as soon as possible, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which will take up to 2 or more weeks, depending on the severity of the condition and the causative agent of the disease. The fever will continue for some time and after the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it.

Inflammation is a complex and rather unpredictable disease, so it is important to comply with all medical advice and do not try to cope with it alone or with the help of only the means traditional medicine.

The painful process can be aggravated very quickly, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply.


Prevention is best, there are even vaccinations from those pathogens of pneumonia that are most often found.

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