Honey during pregnancy, benefits, contraindications

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Honey is a unique natural natural product of honey bees. Despite his multiple studies, he finally fails to disclose its composition and the secret of its effect on the body. Nevertheless, it is known that natural honey has antibacterial, cardioprotective, antihypertensive, antiprotozoal and antifungal properties.

Honey improves the functioning of the heart, promotes the expansion of blood vessels, improves blood supply, normalizes blood pressure, stimulates the immune defense of the body and is able to treat a variety of different diseases.

Honey is especially useful for the reproductive system, both for women and for men. Not for a reason the first month after the wedding is called honey: from ancient times newly minted spouses ate a lot of honey to quickly conceive and safely give birth to healthy strong children. And the pregnant women protected their bellies from the evil eye and damage by propolis lobsters.

Today we will consider whether it is possible for pregnant women to use honey, to treat them for colds and other diseases and ailments.

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Can honey during pregnancy

By composition honey is somewhat similar to plasma of human blood. During pregnancy, it is irreplaceable.

Honey is the prevention and treatment of colds. Since many drugs are contraindicated in the period of gestation, honey can be the only possible treatment option. It improves blood circulation in the uterus, lymph drainage, has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle uterine muscles, blood vessels, bronchi.

Honey can help pregnant women fight nausea with toxicoses, with severe vomiting. Helps avoid stretch marks on the chest and stomach if applied to the skin. Earlier, at the threat of miscarriage, folk healers recommended eating pergu, queen bees and bee brood.


It can not be overlooked that honey is highly highly allergenic, in particular some of its varieties. Although, sometimes occurs in some pregnant women full intolerance to honey.

With honey, you need to be careful of people suffering from diabetes and overweight. In such cases, honey, if you can use( with the permission of a doctor!), No more than a spoon-two a day.

Remember, if you use honey as a medicine for various diseases, particularly for colds, you should know that it is forbidden to carry out honey inhalations, if the unhealthy lungs or heart( with pulmonary tuberculosis, myocarditis, valvular heart disease), and with a tendency toasthmatic manifestations and at high temperature.

Well, of course, that all thermal procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women!

In other cases, honey can be eaten and needed, pregnant - especially. After all, it contains the whole spectrum of vitamins and trace elements. Honey is rich in nitrogenous substances, mainly amino acids, involved in the structure of cells and tissues, which during pregnancy is very important.

Dark honey varieties are considered to be the most valuable and useful: they contain 4 times more iron, 2 times more copper and 14 times more magnesium than light ones. Among others, beekeepers also recommend honey, collected during the active period of the different colors.

Of course, honey can not meet the daily requirement of a pregnant woman in nutrients. However, it can significantly fill the deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Do not forget that everything is good in moderation.

It is believed that the daily dose of honey for an adult( including pregnant for any term) is 50-100 g, that is 2-3 tablespoons. But doctors recommend not to abuse honey and be careful.

Do not forget that when heating honey over a temperature above 42 degrees - it loses its useful properties, it is impossible to heat or pour it with hot water. Better - put honey under your tongue - for quick and effective absorption, and tea to drink a snack with honey, not dissolving it in a hot cup.

Tea with honey during pregnancy

Many people like to drink tea with honey for the prevention of colds, strengthening immunity, enriching the body with useful substances as a popular treatment for influenza and ARVI.

With the onset of pregnancy, many women find it difficult to change their own traditions and preferences, but at the same time a considerable number of people have a fear of using an allergenic product, is it possible to drink tea with honey during pregnancy?

If there are no direct contraindications to the use of honey, doctors do not forbid drinking tea with honey during pregnancy in moderate doses based on a weak green tea.

With recommendations of the doctor, you can prepare herbal or berry tea with honey. Tasty and useful - dog rose, chamomile, mint, dry leaves and branches of berry bushes and trees. Such drinks warm, relax, soothe the nervous system, supply a variety of biologically active substances in the body, and also help fight nausea in toxicoses.

Milk with honey during pregnancy

Milk with honey is also recommended for pregnant doctors and traditional healers. Milk with honey acts as a relaxing, soothing, firming, antimicrobial and immunostimulating agent.

But remember, this is a high-calorie product that can even replace a full-fledged meal. It is rich in vitamins, micro- and macro elements, contains an easily digestible valuable protein and is very nutritious.

Milk with honey is recommended for taking overnight women suffering from insomnia and sleep disorders, nervous system disorders and people who are stressed. Drink will come to the rescue and with toxicoses if the pregnant woman is tormented by heartburn. As the prevention and treatment of cold-viral diseases, sore throats, bronchitis, milk with honey is very effective.

Honey should be added to slightly warm milk, stirring thoroughly until it dissolves completely.

And do not forget about food intolerance: if you tolerate both milk and honey well, then with reasonable use it will be only good!

Radish with honey during pregnancy

Honey is combined with many other products that we consume. This dessert drinks, sweets, salads, snacks and even meat - honey everywhere will be just right. Although radish with honey is not included in the category of delicious dishes, it is very valuable, useful and good for treating a protracted cough with hard-to-separate sputum.

Radish with honey from cough for bronchitis is recommended to take even to children, but during the period of bearing a child this medication can be unsafe. Even with a good tolerance of honey and no allergy to beekeeping products, it is still not recommended to use such a folk remedy for treatment during pregnancy. Because radish contains essential oils that can have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Essential oils of black radish are able to activate the uterine tone, which is fraught with interruption of pregnancy.

In other cases, honey in combination with other products and traditional medicine is widely used during pregnancy - for treatment, prevention or just for pleasure.

Honey for pregnancy treatment

And finally, several honey recipes that can be useful to women during the period of bearing:

  1. Antiemetic drug during pregnancy. When toxicosis during pregnancy, try to eat a tablespoon of honey 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. After taking honey, it is recommended that you stay in bed.
  2. With allergic rhinitis pregnant: dilute the juice of one lemon in half with warm water, add a little honey. Drink in small sips. With varicose veins in pregnant women: 30 g of chestnut flowers and 10 g of honey, insist on 300 ml of vodka in the dark for a week, periodically shaking. Then, draining, take 30 drops 3 times daily before meals.

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Honey - the most valuable product, which allows you to saturate the body with useful substances and microelements. It would seem that what a woman needs when she is pregnant. However, as happens in most cases, this beekeeping product has its own list of restrictions for pregnant women. Honey will be banned in cases:

When intolerance is associated with the individual characteristics of the woman's body. We remember that during pregnancy, the sensitivity to foods is exacerbated at times, and therefore the reaction may be unpredictable.

Honey belongs to the most powerful allergens. No matter how useful the product, if there is rejection, you can not use it.

If a woman has excess weight or she suffers from diabetes, honey is also excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman.

Even if Mom does not have any diseases and allergies, it is not worth using honey. An allergic reaction can develop in a baby in the womb.2-3 teaspoons a day will be enough to maintain the optimal balance in the body of a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, honey can be used for colds and to raise the level of hemoglobin. Immunity will raise lime honey, and the chemical composition of blood will improve - buckwheat.

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All suggested recommendations for self-medication should be agreed with your doctor!

Source: redaction of the site http: //beremennost.net/ med-pri-beremennosti