Astigmatism and the causes of its occurrence

Astigmatism, along with myopia and hyperopia, refers to pathologies in which the point of focus of the eye changes. According to statistics, this deficiency occurs in 10% of the Russian population.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Treatment
    • 4.1Correction with lenses and glasses
    • 4.2Laser correction
    • 4.3Implantation of the lens
    • 4.4Keratotomy
  • 5Prevention of astigmatism.
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of disease

The eye is a complex optical device, which can be compared in part to the camera lens. In a person with normal vision, the image is focused on the retina as on a photosensitive matrix.The sharpness of the image is very high. This is determined by the perfectly flat structure and the spherical shape of the lens and cornea.With astigmatism, the lens and cornea are deformed, and the image is focused before or behind the retina. The picture becomes fuzzy and vague.

In addition to optical aberrations, astigmatism is characterized by some additional negative symptoms. Ophthalmologists characterize and determine this visual defect by a number of parameters. It can be right or wrong, simple, complex or mixed, corneal or lensy.

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In addition, there are three degrees of astigmatism:

  • Weak degree - up to 3 diopters.
  • The average degree is from 3 to 6 diopters.
  • High degree - over 6 diopters.


The main cause of the occurrence of astigmatism is associated with a hereditary factor.According to statistics, approximately 50% of people are born with astigmatism, but in most cases, it passes during adulthood.Astigmatism is easily diagnosed in preschool and primary school children, which allows taking the necessary measures in time. Usually the child himself complains of poor vision, does not recognize letters and confuses them.

Even if there is no cause for concern, the child should be shown to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

The onset of astigmatism in adulthood occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Traumatic injury of the eye.
  2. Some diseases that contribute to the deformation of the cornea or lens.
  3. Deformation of the cornea in the aging process.

Damage to the eye can occur for a number of reasons.There are cases when astigmatism developed after eye surgery. There is a misconception that astigmatism can arise in the course of long-term work at the computer.Work in low light or behind a monitor, does not affect the possibility of the appearance of this defect and does not contribute to its development. Since there is no ideal cornea and lens, every person has astigmatism, but in a weakly expressed form.Patients with diabetes are predisposed to astigmatism, since this disease changes the structure of the lens.

Diabetics should visit the ophthalmologist on a regular basis, because severe symptoms do not appear immediately, and only an examination can reveal the onset of astigmatism.


At the very beginning of the development of this pathology, there is a deterioration in vision, in which contours of objects become vague due to changes in the focal length of the eye.A person quickly gets tired, especially from reading or work, which requires intense attention. Often there is reddening of the mucous membrane of the eye and spontaneous lacrimation.As astigmatism progresses, then new symptoms arise. These are headaches and dizziness. Sometimes a person can lose balance.

If you are careful, it is not difficult to determine the occurrence of astigmatism in a child. The child begins to squint, to consider the same subject for a long time, which is brought close to the eyes.Older children can themselves complain of a visual impairment.

Astigmatism is dangerous because it progresses quite rapidly. The earlier this pathology is revealed, the greater the chances of preserving vision. In its development, astigmatism can cause strabismus, and even a complete loss of vision.


Treatment of astigmatism in adults is not medically or folk remedies. It is recommended to drink infusions from dill seed, blueberry leaves or motherwort, but these funds only have a beneficial effect on vision, but do not have a therapeutic effect. There are certain methods to compensate for visual impairment:

  1. Correction with the use of glasses or contact lenses.
  2. Laser correction.
  3. Implantation of the lens with IOL lenses.
  4. Keratotomy and keratoplasty.

Correction with lenses and glasses

Correction of astigmatism with the help of glasses is considered to be the simplest and most reliable method of vision correction. Points are selected strictly individually after diagnosis and testing with an ophthalmologist.Glasses use special lenses in the form of a cylinder. With their help, you can compensate for both nearsightedness and hyperopia.Glasses can be worn at any age, while you should regularly visit an ophthalmologist. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe stronger glasses or weaker ones.

Adult person instead of glasses can use contact lenses, which are also selected individually.Contact lenses allow you to correct a sufficiently strong astigmatism, reaching up to 6 diopters.

Laser correction

Laser correction of vision is carried out by an excimer laser. This device works in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.Evaporation of small areas of the cornea, the laser allows you to change its profile, which allows you to successfully combat myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. If the doctor removes corneal areas in the central zone, it becomes flatter, which corrects myopia.The laser work on the periphery increases the sphericity of the cornea. Thus, hyperopia is corrected. Removal of corneal sections in different areas, allows to successfully combat astigmatism. The laser is controlled by a computer, using a special program, so the accuracy of ablation (evaporation) of the necessary areas is very high.

Laser correction of astigmatism is not performed for persons under 18 years, pregnant women and patients suffering from degenerative diseases or pathologies of the body's immune system.

Implantation of the lens

In the course of implantation operations, the defective lens is replaced with an artificial lens. This is a very expensive procedure, but it allows you to correct high-level astigmatism.In addition, implantation of the lens is used, which is placed before the lens. In this case, the lens itself is not removed.


When keratotomy, along the circumference of the cornea, small incisions are applied with a scalpel.Under the influence of intraocular pressure, the cornea changes its shape.This operation is rarely performed due to a large number of unpredictable results and possible complications. Keratoplasty involves replacing the cornea with donor material. It is performed when the cornea has irreversible changes and its replacement is considered as the only way to restore sight to the patient.

Prevention of astigmatism.

In order to maintain good vision for as long as possible, several simple rules should be observed:

  1. Work and read should be done in bright enough light.
  2. With constant work at the computer, take breaks every 30 minutes.
  3. If possible, avoid negative weather conditions.
  4. Healthy food.
  5. Do gymnastics for the eyes.

Symptoms and Treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome

Night lenses for vision recovery are described here.

Yellow spot on the eyeball: what is it




From astigmatism, no one is immune, but visual pathology does not mean abandoning your favorite work, reading books and active rest. If there are primary symptoms, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist. After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will give all the necessary recommendations. Observance of these recommendations and appointments will allow to continue to live full and sated life.

Also, read about such diseases as atrophy of the optic nerve and angiopathy of the retina.