Throat pershit and cough than cure

Pershit in the throat and dry cough: what to do and how to treat

Pershit in the throat from time to time every person. If this symptom quickly passes by itself, the patient does not worry.

But if pershit strongly in the throat for a long time, there is a constant dry cough, the throat hurts, you need to start treatment.

Causes of Persecution in the Throat

Sore throat and cough are most often symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory system, but there are other causes. The causes of inflammation are usually in infectious diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract:

  • Angina;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pneumonia.
But there are other reasons, as we have already said, for which a dry and strong cough and a swelling in the throat can occur. Pharyngeal neuralgia is one of them. This condition occurs in patients with a malfunction in the functions of the swallowing apparatus, which in turn is caused by the inferior work of the CNS or nerve receptors in the brain.
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Accordingly, you need to know how to get rid of it and what medicines to take.

In this case, the patient not only has a perspiration in his throat, but also a burning sensation, a loss of sensitivity mucous, or, conversely, its increased sensitivity, a sensation of a lump in the throat, pain that is given in the ear or sublingual area.

Causes of pharyngeal neuralgia:

  1. Syphilis.
  2. Tumors of any nature in the body.
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders.

Often, prolonged perspiration in the throat and coughing causes an allergy. In this case, irritants can be house and book dust, animal fur, duvets and pillows, medicines, food or pollen of plants during flowering.

If pershit in the throat, but it does not hurt much, and there are no other symptoms, most likely, the reasons are in allergic reactions. Remove this phenomenon can only antihistamines.

Sometimes he throats with constant pressure on the vocal cords associated with professional activities - for example, when working as a television announcer, teacher or lecturer. In this case, the best remedy for persecution in the throat - at least temporarily change the profession.

Other reasons that pershit throat - the pathology of the digestive system. It:

  • Gastritis;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus, which causes the release of acidic digested food from the stomach with reflux gastroesophagitis;
  • Herniated in the larynx or esophagus.

At hormonal failures the thyroid gland increases, on it nodules are formed. They press on the trachea and cause irritation of the larynx - as a result of the patient's pershit in the throat. He loses his appetite, grows thin or vice versa, sharply becomes fuller, becomes sluggish and irritable. A very strong throat in the mornings of heavy smokers.

The reasons for the sore throat are very different, they are often associated with serious chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Therefore, treatment with folk remedies is not always effective: the herbal broth will soften the throat, but it will not help get rid of the factor that caused this symptom.

How to recognize and get rid of a sore throat

Treatment of perspiration in the throat is selected depending on the severity of the disease that caused it. In itself, it is not a disease, but only its sign. Under the influence of certain factors, the patient feels like tickling in the throat, a desire to clear his throat well.

The cough can be wet or dry. A dry, persistent cough does not contribute to mucus secretion, which could soften the larynx and slightly relieve irritation.

That's why my throat hurts even more. Usually, dry cough is characteristic for infectious and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, other typical symptoms of colds or influenza are added to the dyspnea:

  1. Headache.
  2. Chills.
  3. Coryza.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Increased body temperature.

If you can not get rid of dry cough and perspiration for a long time, the pills from the throat swelling and treatment with folk remedies, we can say that the pathology has passed into a chronic form and treatment requires adjustments.

Often patients complain that they have a stronger throat at night. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? The reasons are usually that during the night sleep muscles of the larynx and nasopharynx relax, blood circulation slows down, and sputum is not separated, but thickens and accumulates in the upper respiratory tract.

Sticking to the walls of the larynx, they irritate the mucous and cause coughing attacks, also it can be pus in the throat. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and excretion of sputum from the bronchi. It is not necessarily a cold or flu, chronic respiratory pathologies, allergies or vocal cord strain at work.

One should not forget about bad habits - the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes can cause chronic persecution. And sometimes a foreign body gets into the throat - for example, a fish or meat bone - and thereby provokes a constant cough and discomfort.

Because the treatment will not be effective, and neither tablets nor folk recipes will help, until the provoking factor is eliminated.

Than to treat pershenie in a throat

Treatment is required complex - local remedies will soften and soothe the mucous membrane, and the drugs of systemic action will help to cope with the underlying disease.

In the first case, you can take pills and lozenges for resorption, rinse or inhalation from a sore throat. Such medications are popular.


This drug is available in the pharmacy in various pharmaceutical forms. In the form of a solution it is used for rinsing. They should be done after meals, three to four times a day. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes. And the treatment itself can last up to ten days.

In the form of a spray, the drug is used twice a day, spraying it in the larynx for at least two seconds. The medicine can cause allergic reactions, if the mucosal edema becomes stronger, there is a rash, a cough intensifies, treatment should be stopped.


These tablets should not be absorbed until after fifteen minutes after ingestion. You can do the procedure up to five times a day. After taking the pill is not recommended to drink and eat for two hours to keep the effect of its action.


This drug belongs to the group of antibiotics. Dosage is determined in an individual order, as a rule, not more than 4 gr. per day, breaking this amount into several 250-mg doses.


It is prescribed today rarely, in those cases when the reception of other drugs is contraindicated because of individual patient intolerance to its components. Adults appoint 100-150 mg at a time up to six times a day. Take the pill should be no later than half an hour before meals.


This is a preparation in the form of a spray, Bioparox should be used to irrigate the oral cavity and larynx. The procedure is carried out up to five times a day, after meals. The course of treatment lasts about seven days.


This is a common and affordable antihistamine. It is used to treat cough and sore throat caused by allergies. First of all, you need to moisten the air in the room and eliminate the irritant. It is necessary to ventilate the rooms well. Tavegil is taken 1 mg twice daily before meals. The daily dose should not exceed 6 mg.

It is possible to reduce perspiration and sore throats with folk remedies. Such herbs and plants help:

  • Oak bark;
  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Tincture of calendula for gargling;
  • Thyme.

You can do rinses or inhalations for the throat, using folk remedies. But it is necessary to combine them with medicamental treatment, otherwise the effect will be short and the disease can go on into a chronic form.

What else should I do? Doctors recommend to follow a diet. To refuse it is necessary from salty, acidic, sharp dishes and drinks, too hot or cold, naturally, alcohol and cigarettes are now out of place.

Rinsings and other products from throat swelling

In the pharmacy, you can find a variety of means from persheniya in the throat. If the disease has just begun, you can try to cure it with folk remedies. If the herbs were ineffective, and the disease worsened, you should choose stronger medications.

For example, Angilex is very effective - it is a rinse solution, but it must be diluted before use. For a quarter of a glass of warm water you need to take two teaspoons of the solution. Before the procedure, rinse your mouth with plain clean water. Then use Angilex.

Rinses are done up to four times a day, the duration of the course of treatment is five days. An alternative is the drug Givalex. It is also a rinse solution, which must be diluted with water. In the package, along with the solution is a measuring cup. First, pour two teaspoons of the drug into the cup - 10 ml.

Then add another 50 ml of water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. After that, the solution is ready for use. But it can not be done in advance, it must be used immediately.

For resorption it is convenient to use tablets that have softening, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Angissept and Septifril are popular. They are placed in the mouth and slowly dissolve until completely dissolved. Apply these drugs 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment does not exceed seven days.

It is convenient to carry aerosols for irrigation of the larynx - Ingalipt and Cameton. They are sprayed onto the mucosa for 1-2 seconds. Repeat the procedure can be up to four times a day.

Even very strong perspiration can be removed at home with inhalation. Of the folk remedies, soda or sea salt, a decoction of marigold and chamomile, an infusion of eucalyptus. You can buy Inhalar in pharmacies. This preparation is added to the inhaler or to a container of hot water. Do inhalation twice a day.

An approximate scheme of treatment of a sore throat: carrying out inhalations twice a day, resorption of pastilles or tablets throughout the day, if required - taking antibiotics in the dosage indicated by your doctor, or antihistamines means. It is recommended to observe a sparing diet and avoid bad habits.

What happens in the throat, will roll in the video in this article Elena Malysheva.

Pershing and coughing

Many people think that perspiration and coughing are a sign of ARVI or colds. But this is not always the case. Persecution can occur as a reaction to household dust, wool or pollen. If a person does not know why he has a cough and starts treating himself with medicines from various illnesses, he can only worsen his state of health. An incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis leads to incorrect treatment.

It is important!

When the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are affected by viruses and bacteria, a person has a cough. Mucous dries, there are edemas and hyperemia. In order to get rid of dryness, the body begins to cough, in order to add to the dried airway a little secret from the bronchi. Slime in the bronchi is small, so the cough acquires a paroxysmal character. If nothing is done with this problem, the seizures will only intensify and interfere not only with the patient, but also with others.

In order to get rid of cough and perspiration, you need to make some effort. First, you need to eliminate the pathogen. Secondly, anesthetize the mucous membrane. Thirdly, just soften your throat.

If the cause of the cough is some kind of allergen, then you need to understand which one. Persecution occurs because the throat swells and the mucous secretes histamine. This is a narrowing of the airways. If it's all about the allergy, then you need to start taking Diazolin, Fenistila or Suprastin. From a cough you can drink "Kodelak". If the cough is not too strong, and, perhaps, allergic, it is not worth taking medications that dilute sputum, because this can lead to the infection penetrating into the upper respiratory tract.

What is Pershing?

Pershing is the body's reaction to an allergen or bacterium. Sometimes a sore throat suggests that a person has diabetes. After all, high sugar levels dry the mucous membranes. If the solution helps water, then you need to check the blood sugar level. If antihistamines have helped, you should look for the source of the allergy in your apartment. After all, if you do nothing and wait until everything goes by itself, you can earn bronchial asthma.

Mucous membranes protect the body against colds, so they should be taken care of. Infection in the first place beats precisely on them. If the throat pershit because of a cold, you should rinse it with chamomile. Sea buckthorn and olive oil will also help. Some are helped by sprays, sold in huge quantities in pharmacies. Do not gargle with a solution of iodine, soda or salt, because this further damages the mucous membrane.

With the beginning of the heating season in our apartments it becomes difficult to breathe, because the air is so dries out that a person swallows less often the saliva, thereby contributing to the fact that the throat does not is wetted.

Persecution in the throat causes coughing

When a person has a cold, he begins coughing, a runny nose, a tickle and a sore throat. Pershenie in the throat passes into a dry, and then into a wet cough.

Treatment of Persecution

Cold usually begins with a sore throat, dryness and burning in the nose. In the room where the patient is, there must be moist, clean and cool air. It is necessary to drink a lot of warm liquid: tea, mors, milk or broths of herbs. Irritated mucous larynx well calms warm milk with honey or butter.

Persecution in the throat causes a cough. In order that the disease does not disperse, it is necessary, at its first signs, to start gargling with a soda solution with salt and iodine, a decoction of chamomile is suitable for rinsing. Half an hour after rinsing, it is possible to treat the mucous surface with an inhalation spray "Ingalipt "Proposol" or "Oracept".

At the first signs of a cold, you need to start taking immunostimulating drugs or traditional medicine. Help to cope with any disease tea from rose hips and ginger tea.

Folk Remedies for Persecution in the Throat

In order to get rid of persecution, you need to prepare a medicine from onions and oils. A glass of oil is poured into a pan and two finely chopped onion heads are thrown. After the onion is cooked, the oil is cooled and filtered. With this oil, you need to rinse your throat when necessary.

With acute pharyngitis, there is often a sharp perspiration in the throat, which is accompanied by a cough and runny nose. If you do not start timely treatment, complications may occur.

When apart from persecution, also the voice disappears, you should try to talk as little as possible, do not drink strong tea and coffee, do not smoke, do not eat spicy and do not take alcoholic beverages. A warm, soft tea with raspberries and honey is allowed. Within five days, you need to gargle with something anti-inflammatory, soar your legs and do inhalations with a medicine or decoction of herbs.

Fans of traditional medicine believe that the sperm in the throat will help juice of carrots and beets. Half a cup of carrot and a half glass of beet juice should take a tablespoon of honey. Drink before going to sleep in small sips. The slower the thirst, the better for the throat.

The throat is helped by black currant juice or cherry juice. In a glass of juice, you need to add a spoonful of honey and drink in small sips.

A good medicine is the juice of black radish with milk. Half a cup of milk should take a glass of black radish juice, add a little honey and take it in a warm form after eating. Dosage - three tablespoons.

Gargle with the peppermint infusion. Twenty grams of mint should be poured into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for about an hour, then strain and gargle three times a day after meals.

If the voice is gone, the throat can be rinsed with beet juice, to which apple cider vinegar should be added. You need to rinse after eating three times a day.

In order to restore the voice, you need to gargle with an infusion of anise seeds. A spoonful of seeds should be poured a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat, then cool and cool the broth. Add a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cognac. Take every fifteen minutes on a tablespoon until until the finished product is finished. The voice will return and the persecution will pass.

Inhalation in throat swelling

If there is a perspiration in the throat, you should immediately do inhalation. Essential oils will quickly remove the inflammation and kill the bacteria that have settled in the throat. To carry out inhalation with essential oils, you do not need to buy special devices. It is enough to take a small saucepan and a towel. You need to boil water in a saucepan, drip lavender, eucalyptus or clove oil there, pour in sea salt, cover your head with a towel and breathe.

Some instead of essential oils are poured into boiling water crushed eucalyptus leaves, briquettes of pine extract or pine branches, finely chopped onions and garlic.

How to help?

In order to get rid of the perspiration, it is necessary to finely chop two onions and pour them a glass of vegetable oil. This mixture should be put on a hot pan and fry until a crust is formed. Further, the oil is filtered through cheesecloth and cool. In order to get rid of dry cough and perspiration, several times a day gargle with this oil.

If the cause of dryness is pharyngitis, then you should try not to strain the ligament and not talk to anyone for several days. In the diet should not be spicy food, coffee, alcohol, tea and cigarettes. It is better to drink herbal teas with raspberries and honey. Of great importance is gargling, for this you need to rinse it with anti-inflammatory infusions five times a day. Before bedtime, inhalations based on herbs are mandatory.

Carrots and beet juices are excellent. They need to be mixed in equal parts, so that a glass is obtained. After this, add a tablespoon of honey and drink in small sips during the day, preferably in those moments when there are seizures.

Still with honey it is possible to mix cherry or currant juice. Drink in small sips, you can even instead of tea.

Black radish is a salvation for the respiratory tract. Recipes with it there is a huge amount. In order to get rid of the perspiration, one part of the radish juice should be mixed with one part of the milk, add honey and drink after eating.

If you rinse your throat with peppermint, the perspiration will disappear before you start. In order to prepare it you need 20 grams of mint leaves and a glass of boiling water. Mix the ingredients and pour into the thermos, insist thirty minutes. After this, strain and gargle three times a day.

You can also rinse your throat with raspberry and lime. In order to prepare the infusion you need 20 grams of lime flowers and as many leaves of raspberries. This dry mixture should be put in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the thermos can be opened and filtered out the resulting infusion. The throat should be rinsed after eating, but at least three times a day.

If the voice is completely gone, you need to make a glass of beet juice and add a spoonful of vinegar. This juice should gargle three times a day.

Inhalation helps with persecution. If the throat is just beginning to perspire, you can immediately breathe essential oils that quickly cope with bacteria. For this procedure, you need boiling water, a tablespoon of sea salt, a bit of lavender, eucalyptus or clove oil. All these ingredients must be poured into a bowl, lowered over her head and covered with a towel. Persification will disappear after several procedures.

In order to get rid of perspiration, it is necessary to try to maximally moisten the dry throat. Some argue that hot drinks help with persecution, but this is not the case. Hot liquid irritates the damaged mucous membrane. Drinking a lot, but it should be at room temperature. At the same time, you need to drink something that is not sour, because beverages with high acidity contribute to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. The most irritated throat is alcohol and carbonated drinks. When gliding, it is better to use herbal decoctions, water, compotes and teas.

Pershit in the throat: causes, diseases, what to do when the pershit throat, treatment

Symptom, when pershit, but does not hurt the throat, usually begins a cold disease caused by a viral infection. But more "serious" diseases that can develop even in children can also appear. We will analyze the main pathologies and their differences.

Why can pershit in the nose and throat

For inhaling air, a person is "equipped" with a device such as a nose. The mouth will also provide air to the lungs, but it is not designed to disinfect it and warm it up. This is done with the help of an abundant blood-supply mucosa, which "meets" the incoming air and "Forwards" it along a rather long path - from the tip of the nose to the nasopharynx, which begins anatomically at the level root of the nose. In parallel, following this path, the gas mixture that we breathe, moistens and clears from particles of dust and large microbes. Do this cilia - microscopic cylindrical outgrowths at the top of the cells of the mucous membrane. They are able to move, and their movement is aimed at getting out of the nose. When they can not "expel" particularly large or numerous irritating particles, they "include" the reflex of sneezing, aimed at their "expulsion".

The fact that they could not remove the cilia of the epithelial cells of the nose, falls to the next level - into the lymphatic tissue. In the region of the nose and throat, it forms a whole ring of tonsils, which "check" the air and the microorganisms contained in it one after another, in several stages:

  • first the air passes the "control" of the pharyngeal tonsil. It is such a lymphoid tissue that, growing up in a child, is called "adenoid" (adeno - iron, id" - similar, that is, literally "adenoids" - a tissue like glandular). Adults do not have adenoids;
  • air mixture goes further to the oral cavity, bypassing the islets of the lymphoid tissue located on the back wall of the pharynx (the "tube" from the nose to the larynx that connects the nose and mouth);
  • then the air passes by the palatine tonsils (these are exactly the ones we see when we open our mouths in front of a mirror and breathe through our mouths);
  • At the same time as the palatine cleansing from microbes, the lingual tonsil is carried out;
  • Further, the absence of microbes is carried out by twin tube tonsils, but they are more focused on not letting germs out of the ear, so the air mixture is not handled closely.

In the process of inhaling air, muscles do not participate, therefore they are not present from the nasal cavity, along the pharynx and up to the larynx. The pharyngeal wall consists of only two layers: the mucosa and the fibrous membranes. Nervous endings from the cranial nerves that provide sensitivity to this site are suitable here.

Let's move on to the question of why pershit in the throat, directly. The causes of this symptom can be divided conditionally into several groups:

  1. Overdrying of the mucosa only the nasopharynx or the oropharynx. This leads to some drugs, dry air, tobacco, harmful chemicals in the air substances (paints, chlorine-containing substances, fragrances, etc.), especially if a person breathes them chronically).
  2. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Especially often this is done by hydrochloric acid, which is thrown here from the stomach (if this state exists constantly, this is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, but such a situation can develop acute - when taking a horizontal position after eating and taking alcohol).
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx: infectious (these are viruses of the ARVI group, bacteria, less often - fungi) and non-infectious, for example, when allergic to a substance contained in the air.
  4. Disturbance of blood supply to the mucous membrane.
  5. Tumors that develop from the fibrous membrane.
  6. Disruption of the brain, which processes the sensations coming from this site.
  7. Failure in the work of nerve endings, suitable to the area behind the tonsils.

The most common causes, when pershit in the throat, is still an infectious inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsillitis) and the posterior pharyngeal wall (pharyngitis). It is necessary to act quickly here so that the infection, which is inhibited by tonsils and a smaller lymphoid tissue, does not go down to the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, below we will consider the main causes, their symptoms and differences from each other.

The main causes of perspiration in the throat

Because of the development of such a symptom as a sore throat, it is easier to understand, if you recall how it manifests itself:

  1. appeared sharply, sharply, against a background of complete health;
  2. constantly pershit in the throat, but there are periods of improvement in the state when the symptom can be forgotten, and the stages when it rolls with a new force.

Dry cough almost always accompanies a sensation of perspiration in the throat: it is a reflex response to irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane or swelling that occurs when it is inflamed. In some cases, cough can be wet when the body is not just trying to get rid of a microbe or stimulus, causing the inflammation, but trying to do it effectively, dissolving it in a small amount of liquid, and then turning on cough reflex.

Persecution in the throat appeared abruptly, suddenly

Thus, 2 main diseases are described - ARVI and allergy. Sometimes a sudden perspiration occurs when the hydrochloric acid is suddenly injected from the stomach, and also by the accidental ingestion of some aggressive chemical substance.

Acute respiratory disease

If the throat starts to perspire, and while the person:

  • I do not smoke;
  • does not work in harmful production;
  • did not take new pills;
  • did not "get acquainted" with new plants, animals, household chemicals, did not get into a dusty room,

this indicates the presence of an acute respiratory disease caused by viruses (ARVI), bacteria or fungi. The diagnosis may sound like:

  1. "Acute respiratory disease: acute tonsillitis" - then there is inflammation of the tonsils;
  2. "ORZ: acute pharyngitis" - this indicates that the microbe caused inflammation of the pharynx;
  3. "ORZ: acute rhinopharyngitis inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa occurred. In this situation, there is a runny nose and a tick in the throat.


The viral nature of the disease is indicated by:

  • reddened and watery eyes;
  • sneezing;
  • the throat is very perspiculous;
  • temperature 37, sometimes higher or lower;
  • cough usually dry;
  • if there is a runny nose, and it just started, then snot clear, liquid;
  • can pershit in the throat and nose;
  • if you look into the throat, you can see that it is very red (that is, the color is much more intense than the gums, the tonsils are colored, the tongue between them and the posterior wall of the pharynx). The posterior wall of the pharynx (what is visible behind the tonsils) is also red, on it are visible tubercles ("grains") of lymphoid tissue. They are red.


With flu, too, there may be a tickling in the throat. But here this symptom is often not so worried, because the foreground come out:

  • aches in the whole body, especially in muscles and joints;
  • high, poorly confusing body temperature;
  • there may be pain behind the sternum;
  • dry cough.

Runny nose and sneezing for the flu is uncharacteristic. More on the symptoms of influenza.


Fungal infection of the throat (acute fungal pharyngitis) occurs after treatment with antibiotics against the background of diseases of immunity and blood diseases. It manifests itself:

  • Persecution;
  • sensation of a "lump" in the throat in the throat;
  • pain when swallowing, which gives in the jaw, neck and / or ear;
  • dry cough;
  • increased temperature;
  • if you open your mouth and breathe them, while looking in the mirror, you can see the red throat when the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx are covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.


If the inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils is caused by pyogenic bacteria, the following symptoms develop:

  • first - perspiration, then - sore throat, very strong;
  • At the same time, the temperature rises to 40 ° C;
  • there is a feeling of "lump in the throat
  • painful to swallow;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • when examining the throat, you can see that it is red, yellow or gray viscous pus is seen on the back wall.


If the tonsils, in their natural recesses, have yellow, white or white-gray pus, throat strongly pershit, the temperature rose to high figures and painfully swallow, most likely, a person has developed angina. This is an extremely contagious bacterial disease. In this case, we need help from the ENT and infectious diseases specialist. If it is a question of the child, and at all it is better to lay down in an infectious hospital: the similar tonsillitis at non-observance of treatment is dangerous to heart and kidneys.

Throwing hydrochloric acid into the pharynx

In this case, there is not necessarily a gastritis or peptic ulcer, which is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes it's enough to lie down right after eating or take it lying down, especially when the circular muscle separating the esophagus and stomach is relaxed.

Allergic pharyngitis

Contact with household dust, flowering plants, inhalation medicines, animal hair, perfume, household chemicals, mold, some foods eaten, can lead to:

  • sore throat and cough;
  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • and even - a temperature of 37 or a little higher.

There may be a red rash on the body, a slight headache, lacrimation. Sore in the muscles, pain behind the sternum is not here. If there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the perspiration in the throat, you need to take an antihistamine (such as "Diazolin "Fenistila") and contact an allergist.

Injury to the pharynx

The wound of the pharyngeal mucosa with a fish bone, large particles of dust or other foreign bodies leads to the development of inflammation at the site of the injury. This is accompanied by pain and sore throat, pain when swallowing.

If bacteria join the inflammation site, it will cause increased pain in the throat, fever, weakness and headache. Cough of purulent sputum can be cough.

If pershit in the throat constantly

This can cause one of many reasons.

Staying in a room with dry air

When the humidity of the air is less than 50%, and the person was in the room for more than 2 hours, you can "earn" a sore throat. It is not accompanied by other symptoms: runny nose, fever, malaise.


A similar symptom can be caused by smoking. Then he is also present in the singular, without being accompanied by other signs.

Abuse of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose

Difficulty breathing through the nose (for example, due to chronic sinusitis), when only its symptomatic elimination by drops of type "Galazolin "Naphtizin "Xylo-Mefa" and others, causes the narrowing of the pharyngeal vessels, which is accompanied by a sore throat and permanent coughing.

The impact of occupational hazards and adverse environmental factors

Production, in which the side effect is the appearance in the air of large and medium dust particles, Exhaust gases, vapors of varnishes and paints can also provoke the appearance of a perspiration in the throat accompanied by dry cough. There are no aches in the muscles, a rise in temperature. It is easier to get in a clean room or in the fresh air, and a fit of cough is removed by the intake of clean water.

Neurosis of pharynx

If the work of nerve endings that give commands to the upper part of the digestive tract is disturbed, this is called pharyngeal neurosis. The disease occurs most often in the autumn-spring period, usually after such a provoking factor as a cold. But the causes of the neurosis lie deeper. It can be both syphilis, and nervous disorders, and tumors of the pharynx and larynx.

In this case, a person feels constant perspiration, tickling, burning in the throat, a sense of "coma" in it. Often there is a dry cough. He paroxysmal, especially tormented by agitation or experience.

Temperatures, drowsiness, no headache, a person feels healthy. Reception of antiseptic tablets for resorption ("Strepsils "Septotelet "Pharyngocept") does not lead to the disappearance of the symptom.


Sore throat is not the only symptom of this disease. It is also manifested by thirst, the release of a large amount of urine, nighttime urination, prolonged healing of wounds. More about the symptoms of diabetes.

Nodular goiter

If a knot forms in the thyroid gland, it can be accompanied by a sore throat, because this knot presses against the trachea, connected by nerves with the pharynx. This may be the only symptom of the disease if the goiter is not accompanied by an increase or worsening of the thyroid function. With hyperthyroidism, slimming, irritability, palpitation, increased appetite will be noted. If the iron produces few hormones, the person becomes slow, his heartbeat and metabolism slow down, the skin becomes swollen and dense, the hair is sparse; the body weight increases.

Overvoltage of the vocal cords

This pathology develops in those who, due to their duty, are forced to talk or sing a lot (speakers, singers, teachers, actors, teachers). In this case, there is no sign of acute respiratory viral infection, but in the throat pershit is constant, the voice may disappear for a while, but may become hoarse or low.

Throat or laryngeal swelling

Symptoms of these pathologies are similar to ARVI. This is tickling in the throat, and dryness, and a slight pain in the throat, and changing the voice to a more hoarse or raucous. The difference from ARI is that when the tumors do not increase the temperature, there is no headache, weakness. There is only a slight decrease in working capacity, and it, as well as perspiration and dryness in the throat all increase.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sore throat can manifest any of the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • gastritis with reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus above;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hernia of the esophagus.

It is mainly associated with the ingestion of gastric secretions with hydrochloric acid and (in the case of cholecystitis and pancreatitis) the bile contained therein. And if you feel periodic nausea, burning after the sternum after eating, a disorder of the stool, bitterness in the mouth or arising after taking acute, spicy food of pain in the upper half of the abdomen, chances are most likely that the impaction is associated with pathologies GIT.

Symptom of Persistent Sore Throat in Pediatrics

If the baby has a perspiration throat, most likely he develops either an acute viral disease, or a sore throat, or so an allergy manifests. In the first case, the baby will sneeze, parents will notice redness in their eyes, and snot appear from the nose. With angina you will notice that the child has become less active, he has a fever, and because of the pain when swallowing, he refuses to eat and drink.

Allergic pharyngitis will manifest itself in the throat, coughing, possibly - lacrimation and other symptoms of allergy (face swelling, difficulty exhaling, urticaria). From ARVI it is distinguished by the absence of a rise in temperature to high figures, minor symptoms of malaise. There is a hint of an allergic nature after contact with something new for the child: plants, animals, drugs, household chemicals, being in high-air conditions book dust.

Persecution in children can also occur after staying in a smoke-free, poorly ventilated room, or the place where the materials were painted or varnished.

Oncological diseases, pharyngeal neurosis, gastro-oesophageal reflux, bronchial asthma become the causes of perforation in the pharynx in children extremely rare.

Basic Symptoms Questions

  1. If pershit in the throat and dry cough appears - it can be any of the diseases listed above.
  2. Sore throat and runny nose are symptoms or ARI, or allergies.
  3. Persecution is paroxysmal, intensifying at night and during excitement - a sign of neurosis of the larynx.
  4. Pershing after eating. This is a symptom of casting into the throat of gastric contents.
  5. Pershit in the throat and cough only at night. So, bronchial asthma or pertussis in adults can manifest.
  6. Pershit after being in the room, where the work was done with paint and varnish materials. This indicates irritation, drying of the mucous throat with toxic substances (light chemical burns of the mucous membrane).
  7. Persecution in the throat in the morning can be if in a dream breathe with your mouth open, with exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, with gastro-esophageal reflux.

Algorithm of actions for throat swelling

To determine what to treat, if pershit in the throat, you need to find the cause of this phenomenon.

Then it appeared Symptoms Other than Persecution What can be seen in the throat What it is and What to do
There is a connection with hypothermia, a contact with a temperature patient Eyes reddened, coughing and sneezing noted Red throat in the absence of white or yellowish "filling" of the depressions of the tonsils ARVI
  • Gargle with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of soda and salt per 1 glass of water), an aqueous solution of furacillin or those folk remedies, the recipes of which will be described below.
  • To splash the throat "Tantum Verde "Oracept "Strepsils".
  • To dissolve tablets "Septotelet "Tharyngept".
  • Rinse nose with saline solution of sodium chloride
Overcooling, getting into the rain, contacting a person (especially a child) who is feverish Sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing Red tonsils, large, in the indentations - gray or yellowish contents Streptococcal angina
  • Contact an ENT doctor or infectious disease specialist who, with confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe antibiotics.
  • A throat to rinse with a salt and furatsillinovym a solution too it is necessary.
  • Mode - bed, for the prevention of heart and kidney damage.
  • When the temperature rises above 3, - taking antipyretics (in children "Aspirin" or "Acetylsalicylic acid" is prohibited)
After putting on clothes washed with a new powder / conditioner, after staying in a greenhouse or in a meadow with flowers, after contacting animals or visiting the zoo Coryza, perspiration and fever in the throat, lachrymation, change in the timbre of the voice Tonsils are reddish, enlarged Allergic pharyngitis
  • Exclusion of provoking factors.
  • Hypoallergenic diet with soft food.
  • Admission of antihistamines: Cetrin, Loratadin and others.
After meal One persecution, maybe pain or discomfort in the abdomen, a disorder of the stool, a sour taste in the mouth Not changed Diseases of the digestive tract
  • To address to the gastroenterologist.
  • Sleep on a high pillow.
  • Do not go to bed earlier than 3 hours after eating.
At night, with excitement Pershenie, paroxysmal cough Tonsils pink, without ulcers, posterior pharynx wall not changed Neurosis of pharynx
  • To address to the neurologist.
  • At night, drink warm milk with honey or tea with mint or melissa
After staying in the room where they painted Pershing. Headache, temperature, drowsiness no Oral cavity without special features for layman Atrophic acute pharyngitis
Contact LOR, who will prescribe treatment
After a prolonged speech load Dry cough, change in timbre or loss of voice The oral cavity is not changed Professional laryngitis
Voice rest, gargle rinsing with decoctions and antiseptic solutions

As you can see, the treatment of conditions, when pershit in the throat, can be completely different: it all depends on the disease that caused this symptom.

What to do if the throat is strongly perspiration:

  1. Drink a suitable antihistamine for you.
  2. Refuse to smoke and drink alcohol.
  3. Buy an antiseptic with an anesthetic in the pharmacy (for example, "Strepsils 2 in 1" or "Sepptole"). If there are no allergies to anesthetics (teeth were treated / removed with a stab and there was no reaction to it), you can buy a spray (see. all sprays for the throat for example, Strepsils, Stopangin or Kollustan).
  4. If the throat is visible abscesses, urgently call the doctor at home. Before him, antibiotics can not be taken.
  5. Avoid contact with a possible allergen.
  6. Bury the nose with salt preparation "No-Sol "Aqua-Maris "Physiomer "Aqualor".
  7. Exclude from the food all sharp, peppery, smoked, acidic, bitter, hot and spicy foods that can cause irritation to the pharynx.
  8. Sleep on a high pillow.
  9. Provide voice peace.
  10. Drink plenty of fluids: teas with honey, lime, with raspberry or currant sprigs.
  11. At night drink milk with honey (if it is not allergic).
  12. You can at night drink a pill "Valerian" or tincture of motherwort.
  13. Make a vodka compress. To do this, moisten a piece of cotton wool or gauze with vodka, wrap your throat, apply cellophane and cover it with a woolen shawl.

Folk methods of treatment of a sore throat

Traditional medicine with throat swelling offers both adults and children more fluids in the form of:

  • tea with raspberries;
  • the insides of mountain ash;
  • broth of rose hips;
  • lime decoction with honey;
  • herbal teas;
  • decoction of parsley leaves.

Healers say that the diet should include:

  • cranberries;
  • cranberries;
  • lemon;
  • jams from currants, strawberries, raspberries.

It is also recommended to breathe without heating, but spraying indoors:

  • juice of onion and garlic;
  • coniferous tincture;
  • pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus.

There are also such recipes for fighting infection in the nasopharynx and oropharynx:

  1. Need a black radish, honey and milk. Black radish should be rubbed and squeezed to make juice. It is necessary to mix 1 part of radish juice and 2 parts of milk. To drink it, add 1-2 tsp. honey in a glass of means. Take it for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, in a warm form, after eating.
  2. Mix: black currant juice and cherries, add there a tablespoon or more honey. 2 glasses of the drug you need to drink a day.
  3. A few leaves of mint are poured with boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, filtered. This infusion should gargle.
  4. Take 1-2 beets, make juice. A glass of juice requires a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. This rinse for the throat is applied three times a day, after each meal.

Sore Throat Causes and Treatment | What to do if the pershit in the throat

This symptom is mainly a harbinger of acute respiratory diseases or tonsillitis and angina. Sore throat can also be caused by an allergy. For each reason, different ways of eliminating the problem will be used, so first determine what caused it.

Causes of Persistent Sore Throat

So, as we understood, in order to understand how to remove the perspiration quickly, we find the alleged causes that caused this painful sensation.

Sore throat and dry cough - these are the signs that can be observed in a sick person, along with them there may be drowsiness, increased fatigue, chills, headache. After hypothermia of the extremities, a long stay in the cold air, or in contact with a sick person, the viruses can quickly spread to the respiratory tract of a person, causing first a pain in the goal, a dry cough, and then an acute respiratory infection or influenza, which are accompanied by fever, cough.

If you feel such symptoms, then you should consult a therapist, or immediately to an otolaryngologist. Similar symptoms can be characterized by several diseases that require a different approach, so it is important to diagnose them correctly.

The reason for the persecution may be:

1. dust;

2. allergic reaction to dust and pollen;

3. other stimuli.

There is also the view that the cause of the disease can be a conventional air conditioner. This is not entirely true. Usually the air conditioner only indirectly causes the appearance of perspiration and coughing, strengthening where viruses, bacteria and allergens, air circulation, which are the very root cause of ENT diseases.

If cough and perspiration have appeared as satellites of the common cold and high fever, it is most likely an ordinary cold. Of course, treatment must begin immediately and do not pull with the doctor's call. Diseases of the throat, nose and ear are engaged in otorhinolaryngologist, that is - ENT - a doctor.

The reasons for the persecution can be very different - it is the dryness of the mucous membranes from thirst or too dry air, and inflammatory diseases (laryngitis or pharyngitis), and irritation of the pharynx from acute or salty foods... It is especially unpleasant when the persecution begins to bother you in a public place, where to clear your throat difficult.

What if you have a Pershit in your throat?

Of course, perspiration in the throat is not a disease - it only serves as a symptom of other diseases that need to be addressed. But they need to be eliminated, at least if the general condition of the patient is to improve.

You can start treatment with liquefaction sputum. This should be done with a wet cough, so that the liquid does not stagnate liquid. The first available means for this purpose can serve as ordinary water. In general, a plentiful drink is an excellent remedy for any cough, though wet, at least dry and sore in the throat.

Do not suppress cough and perspiration in the throat with drugs with codeine. First of all, pershit in the throat as an irritant, due to which the lungs will begin excretion of sputum. And if you suppress a cough, sputum will accumulate in the lungs and can lead to more sad consequences.

Cough and sore throat treatment

To cough all the more, a special approach is needed. If he is with phlegm - then this is one thing and you need to take the sputum-facilitating substances. And if the cough is painful, dry then you need to take medications that dilute sputum.

It is not recommended to muffle a simple cough reflex with the help of codeine-containing medications. Since coughing is primarily a protective reaction of the body to an alien body in the lungs.

It is better to connect to this folk remedy - a tablespoon of honey, if you do not allergic mix in a glass hot milk, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of soda and drink it all gently, small sips.

1. To prevent the development of an infectious disease already on the first symptoms, when a person only had a sore throat, it is necessary to start treatment immediately.

2. If the disease goes to the next level, the body temperature will rise to 39 degrees and there will be a strong dry cough, then you have to drink antibiotics, which is always harmful to the body, as it kills its natural microflora.

3. Persecution can also precede the development of laryngeal diseases, for example, angina, when the body with the help of such a reflex tries to get rid of the inflammatory process in the throat. To get rid of cough, it is necessary to cure, above all, the throat. If the dry cough is provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, then you can gargle a few once a day with a solution of soda, which is done by dissolving two teaspoons of soda in a glass of warm water.

4 It is recommended that when eating in the throat, use a lot of warm liquid, preferably with honey, which helps to soften the mucosa.

5. To treat a dry cough and throat, you can chew propolis, which acts in the same way.

6. The disease can be treated with antitussive drugs, which affect the sensitivity of the mucosa of the respiratory tract.

7. If, together with a dry cough, you are suffering from perspiration in the throat, experts advise drinking a solution from a spoonful of honey and 200 ml of water, this helps to soften the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat.

8. You can gargle with an infusion of chamomile, a solution of equal parts of salt and soda, with the addition of a few drops of iodine. Rinse can be done every hour. These procedures can rid you of bacteria that irritate the mucous throat.

9. You can also treat the larynx with Lugol's solution.

Treatment of laryngitis with symptoms of perspiration in the throat

If you have laryngitis, then you will feel not only perspiration, but also hoarseness of the voice, which is especially evident in the morning. Laryngitis occurs due to sudden hypothermia and overstrain of the vocal cords, by inhalation of dust, from smoking, from dry air and inflammation of the upper parts of the respiratory tract. During an acute form of laryngitis, cough and high fever are also manifested. The disease lasts about a week, after which it either passes, or (under the influence of other factors) goes into a chronic form.

With laryngitis, mucus can wither in the folds of the throat, and thus cause perspiration and coughing. To treat the disease must be integrated, with the help of inhalations, rinses and special nutrition. For inhalations with cough and perspiration in the throat, use decoctions of herbs and essential oils, which should be inhaled through the tube for 10 minutes. For rinsing it is good to take a soda solution, or boric acid - a teaspoon into 200 ml of water.

Food at this time should not include sour, salted and peppery. If pershit in the throat, it is necessary to avoid sharp dishes, as well as very solid foods, which can cause sore throat. It is better to use broths, liquid mashed potatoes and ground meat. For drinking, milk with soda and mineral water is recommended. In warm form these mixtures are well cleaned from the throat of the crust. Avoid overcooling and stress on the vocal cords, as the process can resume.

What if the perspiration in the throat is caused by an allergy?

1. The first stage - we determine the allergen, that is, what caused the allergy. Most often, people suffering from this problem are well aware of the individual intolerances of their organism to any of the substances. If this happens for you for the first time, it's best to seek qualified help, because not infrequently cases among allergy sufferers, when it is possible to determine the allergen accurately only by means of a special analysis blood.

2. So, having determined what causes allergy, you need to eliminate allergic contact with this component by all possible means. Some of the most common allergens that cause perspiration in the throat are tablets from hypertension (and in general a lot of medicines) and pollen of flowers.

3. Persecution will gradually pass itself after the effect of the allergen is completely ruled out. But you can help this process with the help of methods that soften the mucous membrane. For example, one fairly well-known and absolutely harmless means is the lubrication of the throat with butter.

Treatment with folk remedies for throat swelling

This symptom almost always accompanies the common cold, as well as many other diseases. And, strangely enough, the elimination of these symptoms must begin with a correction of nutrition. So, for example, since ancient times people used raw chicken eggs to prevent such things as coughing and choking in the throat. Treatment with folk remedies will help you get rid of these unpleasant sensations, whatever reason they cause.

If the disease was caused by a cold, it signals an active multiplication of the infection in your throat. It is logical that the main method to combat this symptom is the elimination of the disease itself and treatment from it. Many people with cold do not want to endure the painful sensations of persecution, but want to get rid of it as soon as possible. To this end, you can use special means, which there is a mass - both medical drugs and folk methods.

1. Rub on a small grater fresh apple and a bulb about the same size. Stir ingredients and add about a tablespoon of honey. The resulting salad should be eaten, you can divide into two meals.

2. If pershit throat, brewed dried sage, ginger tea with lemon and honey will help, and in summer - tea made from fresh apple-tree leaves. Sage can be purchased at the pharmacy, directly in the instructions will indicate how to brew it and how to use it. A ginger tea will help you not only in the fight against persecution, but also in the fight against the cold itself, since it has the property of increasing immunity.

3. Very often, honey is used to remove perspiration. Be careful, in turn this is also a strong allergen. From the same series - it's garlic, but it should not be chewed, but sucked like caramel candy.

4. A simple solution that will help soften the mucous membrane, if pershit throat. Soften the raisins in the water, just put a handful of raisins in a glass of warm pure water and leave it for a while until it swells. We need this water. Having drunk it, you can, at will, eat this raisin, which will also help in the fight against persecution.

You can use the above mentioned products in any combination and in any order, as they are absolutely harmless to your health and quite well combined. Also they are absolutely harmless to combine with medicamental treatment.

Rinses in the treatment of cough and sore throat:

If there is irritation in the throat from persistent cough and perspiration, use a rinse. The simplest, but effective method is salt rinsing. Do it very easily - in a glass of warm water you need to stir half a teaspoon of salt and mix thoroughly. When rinsing, try not to swallow the solution, since excess salt in the body will lead to edema, and complicate the work of the kidneys.

1. Unrefined sunflower oil is an excellent folk remedy. Preheat in a frying pan, finely crumble there the onion and fry until crisp. Strain and rinse your throat with onion oil several times a day. On a glass of folk remedy you will need two medium bulbs.

2. Place in a thermos twenty grams of dry herb peppermint, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for about an hour. After this infusion, strain, cool and rinse throat when coughing and peppering these folk remedies three times a day, after eating.

3. In the same way, you can brew and linden color or raspberry. Rinse your throat several times a day after eating.

4. If you lose your voice and choking in the throat, add a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar to the glass of freshly squeezed beet juice and rinse your throat several times a day after eating.

5. For 25 grams of leaves of the forest marshmallow and sage, 20 grams of raspberry leaves, as follows, chop and pour three teaspoons of collection of a glass of boiling water. After insisting, filter and rinse.

6. On a tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile and sage fill with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse one hour in a thermos. Gargled with sore throat for cough and perspiration.

7. Rinse your throat with a light brown solution of water, soda, iodine and salt. The main thing is do not overdo it with iodine, otherwise you can burn your throat.

Treatment of inhalation with perspiration and sore throat

1. On a tablespoon of peppermint leaves and lemon balm, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Pour the folk remedy into the teapot and inhale the steam with pain and choking in the throat.

2. To make honey inhalation, dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of honey in 50ml of boiling water. spoons of honey. With the help of a teapot or a paper funnel, inhale this folk remedy before going to bed. After inhalation, do not eat for an hour.

3. You can also do with inhalations with essential oils - lavender and eucalyptus.

But remember - if the illness does not pass for a long time, then be sure to go through the tests and take tests, because these more "innocent" symptoms can be obscured by more serious diseases.

Tips for dealing with a sore throat

To cope with the problem of folk remedies, there are many ways.

1. If you smoke, try at the time of illness when coughing and choking in the throat, if not completely discarded, then at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.

2. Medications that extend the bronchi and trachea are helpful. Applying them, you will get rid of a cough much quicker.

3. Take care that the air in the room is sufficiently moistened. Dry air can provoke a cough by itself, not to mention its intensification in a sick person. To humidify the air, you can use ordinary household moisturizers, or, at the very least, hang wet towels around the room. You can use a spray at a cough and a throat in the throat, which periodically spray the room in which the sick person is.

4. A good effect for alleviating cough and eliminating perspiration in the throat can be given by various essential oils. Especially effective is the separation of phlegm from eucalyptus and thyme oil.

5. If hoarseness and choking in the throat caused by pharyngitis or laryngitis, let me rest my vocal cords, try to talk less. Avoid drinking alcohol, spicy and salty foods, do not smoke.

6. Drink a warm (not hot!) Tea with mint, raspberries, honey. Five times a day, rinse your throat with anti-inflammatory folk remedies. In the evening, inhalation of herbs can be done.

7. In the case when the perspiration in your throat is caused by an allergic reaction, naturally, you need to treat allergies.

Prevention of Perspiration in the Throat

In order to avoid cold common diseases, preventive measures are necessary:

1. prevention of hypothermia;

2. tempering in summer;

3. timely treatment of the disease of the nasopharynx together with the maxillary sinuses.

Sore throat

Such a sensation as a sensation in the throat, is known to any person from a young age. There was discomfort in the throat area, and we immediately climb into the first aid kit for medicines.

But before you drink pills, it is worthwhile to understand and find out the causes of perspiration in the throat, since this symptom is not considered a separate disease, but is considered merely an investigative manifestation of another pathology.

ICD-10 code R07.0 Sore throat

Causes of Persecution in the Throat

In most cases, the cause of perspiration in the throat is progressive inflammation in the throat:

  • Acute or chronic pharyngitis, associated with fever, pain.
  • Angina.
  • Tracheitis.
  • ARVI.
  • Nasopharyngitis.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Flu.

Pharyngeal neuralgia. The pathological condition of the swallowing apparatus, the cause of which are failures in the work of the central nervous system or nervous analyzers in the brain. In addition to the sadness in the larynx, there is also a concomitant symptomatology: loss of sensitivity by the mucous membrane, burning sensation, a sensation of a constant lump in the throat, soreness, which "gives" in the tongue and ear, excessive sensitivity of the tissues pharynx. To such pathology result:

  • Syphilis.
  • Malignant and benign tumors.
  • Other neuropsychic disorders.

Allergic reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli:

  • Book dust.
  • Dry air in the room, leading to the drying of the mucous folds of the pharynx.
  • Work in a dusty, poorly ventilated room.
  • Pollen of plants.
  • Wool of animals.
  • Reception of medicines.
  • Voice load on bundles (work of a teacher, lecturer, singer, announcer, etc.)

Faults in the digestive tract:

  • Reflux gastroesophagitis. Failure in the operation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which results in the partial casting of the acid product of the stomach back into the esophagus, which leads to irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa and esophagus.
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa).
  • Stomach ulcer disease.
  • Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder mucosa).
  • Hernia, the place of localization of which is the esophagus.
  • Nodal neoplasms that progress on the glands of the thyroid gland. Growing neoplasms begin to exert pressure on the trachea. There is a worsening of appetite, changes in the voice timbre are heard, general weakness appears throughout the body.
  • Smoking.

Symptoms of Perspiration in the Throat

Such a symptom, as a swallowing in the throat, is in itself a symptom of a fairly large number of diseases, but is not considered a disease. Symptoms are manifested as a state of discomfort, there is a tickling sensation, a desire to cough as quickly as possible.

As soon as such a sign arises, the person involuntarily begins to cough. In this case, the cough can be both dry and wet (with sputum secretion). These sputum, performing the role of lubrication, for some time dull sensation of sorrow. But if the cough is dry, it even more traumatizes the mucous, provoking more and more seizures and causing persistent swelling in the throat. Thus the respiratory ways are not cleared of slime, therefore "dry tussis" consider unproductive.

Such manifestations are "famous" for whooping cough - an infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract, as well as other diseases of cold and viral nature. Inflammation quickly enough covers the respiratory system, provoking at first pershenie and pain in the throat, dry cough, other signs of the disease are gradually beginning to manifest: the general tone of the person falls, he becomes listless, apathetic, the temperature can rise, and can remain in norm or rate, there is a fatigability, a fever, drowsiness, the head pain.

If signs of hypothermia or a viral disease stay more than two weeks, then doctors believe that the disease has passed into a chronic form.

It is not uncommon for cases when the sore throat and dry cough are worse at night. This is due to the fact that in a state of sleep, the muscles of the nasopharynx are relaxed, the mucosal discharge more intensively begins to flow down the posterior wall of the pharynx, irritating it. The second reason for an intensified night cough may be the fact that in the prone position, there is a slowing of the circulation - the process of resorption of sputum in the lungs also slows down.

But it is worth especially to sound the alarm, if the perspiration in the throat and cough only occur at night - this can be evidence of a disruption in the work of the respiratory system itself: bronchial asthma, whooping cough. Pertussis cough patient "coughs" for many months (up to six months, or even longer).

It often happens that after a supercooling or progressive spread of a viral lesion from areas of inflammation in nearby tissues and organs, there is an acute manifestation of the disease (for example, acute pharyngitis). Almost immediately there is a strong perspiration in the throat, a dry cough is provoked, the process of swallowing is given away with pain. At visual examination through a pharyngoscope, the doctor observes a hyperemia of mucous walls of a larynx from easy reddening to a scarlet color. If you spend a quick and adequate treatment, the disease is stopped quickly enough. Provoke a similar sign, can not only hypothermia, but also the reception is very cold or very hot food - there is a temperature irritation of the mucosa.

Tonsillitis is a one-sided or bilateral inflammation of the tonsils (usually flowing with swelling), which is also accompanied by severe burning, perspiration and pain symptoms in the pharynx. Monitoring of the disease showed that it is more common for children and if the exacerbation is observed quite often (several times a year), It is worth talking about the transition from the acute form of tonsillitis to its chronic status (the acute form, as a rule, lasts up to seven days).

If in a room where a person lives or works, dry and dusty air, the nasopharyngeal mucous membrane begins to dry out, becoming covered with a hard crust. Dry air as an emery paper injures mucous. In this situation, first begins to feel perspiration and dryness in the throat, which provokes an unproductive cough. This development of the inflammatory process leads to diseases like laryngitis.

The vocal cords do not receive the proper oxygen supply, the voice begins to "sit down" or disappears altogether. Straining the bundles more actively to squeeze out even a sound, a person even more irritates the mucous, exacerbating a similar sign and, accordingly, a cough. Cough in case of illness, if it is wet, it's good. The body releases its airways from mucus, in which viruses and bacteria "gather thereby removing irritation.

Perhaps this hour is hard enough to find a man who at least once in his life did not feel pain and perspiration in his throat, which is a consequence of severe hypothermia, bacterial or viral defeat of the nasopharyngeal region. But before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to put an accurate diagnosis, given the accompanying manifestations, so as not to miss a more serious disease than a common cold.

To remove the pain and sore in the throat is possible, only getting rid of the root cause of their provoked. And only a specialist can answer this question.

From the biology course, each opponent knows that the ear, throats and nose are inextricably linked. And if one organ of this trinity is exposed to the pathogenic effect of external or internal factors, the inflammation captures the other two.

Often the discomfort in the throat is accompanied by a rapid temperature rise and the appearance of other unpleasant phenomena. This symptomatology is inherent in many diseases of a viral nature, for example, angina. Sore throat and temperature up to 39 ºС are the first signs of its manifestation. The symptomatology is very similar to the common cold, but such diseases as angina are transferred to the patient much harder. These signs quickly grow into acute pain when swallowing, burning and swelling of the pharynx. There is an increase in lymph nodes. Tonsils, skies, arches and tongue become burgundy-red and are covered with abscesses. The temperature is high. The patient experiences general weakness at the same time. Such a condition, with proper treatment can last up to seven days.

With the help of a cough in the mouth, the body displays a mixture of saliva and mucus, which accumulates in the lungs. Thereby purifying the respiratory system. Persecution in the throat and sputum can be indicators of a cold or infection of the body, as well as smoking and allergic reactions.

Sputum is a product produced by the body as a response to the aggression of harmful substances (smoking), external factors (severe hypothermia), internal diseases (viral and bacterial infections). Identification of sputum is an unambiguous sign of the present illness.

Essentially, the amount of mucus secreted, its color and odor. The volume of excretions can vary from several grams (with acute bronchitis) to one - two liters (with purulent abscesses and gangrenes). Unpleasant color and odor joins, if in addition to inflammatory, there are also putrefactive processes, the disintegration of cancer cells of the lung tumor.

Many patients who often get sore throats have noticed that as soon as there is a tickle in the throat and nausea, to mean again begins to attack the infection causing this disease. Often, a cold, starting with a sore throat, gradually adds another symptom, among which nausea is a response to high temperature, a general intoxication of the body.

In the human body everything is thought out and interconnected. A healthy nose is a pledge of a full protection of the pharynx from getting pathogens. Progressing or incompletely cured rhinitis, allergic edema of the nasal mucosa - all this leads the patient to forced oral breathing. Direct air intake in the throat injures her.

But if in the daytime a person can blow his nose, clearing the nasal passage for breathing, then falling asleep, he ceases to control this process, so persecution in the throat at night increases, provoking seizures cough. In order to improve the quality of rest at least a little, it is necessary to provide a sleep in a room with air of optimum humidity, pillow (preferably not down), while limiting the intake of food (no later than two hours before sleep) and water the nasal passages salt solution.

Very often, these manifestations people refer to developing colds or ARVI. But this is true in part. Persecution in the throat and cough is not a disease, but only symptoms of many diseases of different genesis. For example, indicators of a simple allergy to house dust, a strong smell of domestic plants or animal hair. Therefore, to make the correct diagnosis, it is better to consult a specialist. Otherwise, the problem can only be exacerbated, because effective treatment for acute respiratory disease with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetylsalicylic acid, antibacterial and antiviral drugs is extremely Harmful with allergies.

Today, many respondents know that puffiness and sore throat are not always signs of a cold. Therefore, if there is a regularity in which there is a sensation in the throat after eating or when the patient goes to bed, there is heartburn and eructation, to the throat "rolls up a ball do not hesitate to contact a doctor - gastroenterologist, because these symptoms may indicate the presence of such diseases:

  • Ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach.
  • Cholecystitis (inflammation in the walls of the gallbladder).
  • Hernia of the esophagus (displacement of some internal organs located in the peritoneum, in the chest cavity, a disease of recurrent chronic nature).
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach.).
  • Ultrasonic neoplasms on the thyroid.

Before you understand the cause of the sore throat, you need to understand the principle that allows reflex cough to provoke irritation of the mucosa. An impetus to the disease is the infection of the mucous virus or bacterium. Hyperemia and swelling begin to appear, the mucous membrane loses moisture, drying out, and it is not able to produce the "lubricant" in the required amount. The body begins to take emergency measures. With the help of a cough trying to bring the mucous secret of the bronchus to the throat, but since it is not enough, the cough turns dry, aggravating the attack. At the same time, irritation of the mucosa only increases. Breaking into the chest, air injures the larynx.

Patients' complaints have increased that they feel perfectly normal, they have sudden attacks of perspiration in the throat that provoke an angry convulsive cough. During an attack, there is a spasm of the muscles of the respiratory tract, making breathing difficult. After a couple of minutes the spasm passes, the breath is leveled.

It is worth consulting with a doctor, because allergies, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, malfunctions in the work of metabolic processes, nasopharyngeal diseases show such symptomatology.

Not always obvious catarrhal manifestations signify the defeat of a neurological genesis, a pathology of an infectious or allergic nature. If there is a tickling in the throat in the morning, the root causes may be different:

  • Sleep in a hot room with low humidity, accompanied by mouth breathing and snoring.
  • Inflammatory process of a chronic nature, taking place in the walls of the pharynx (chronic tonsillitis).
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (a pathology in which a partial return of the contents of the stomach back to the esophagus).

In this case, either eliminate the source of irritation or undergo a course of treatment.

Particularly unpleasant can be called a condition in which a patient experiences chronic sore throat. Constantly I want to clear my throat, remove the coming sputum. Irrigation of the tonsils (with tonsillitis of a chronic nature), washing of the nasopharynx (cuckoo) does not always help. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an allergist doctor to exclude the body's reaction to external factors. To address to the gastroenterologist. Such a sign may be a consequence of a night return to the esophagus of the gastric product. And since the enzyme of the stomach is hydrochloric acid, then even a small amount is enough to get a chemical burn of the mucosa.

On the background of acute respiratory disease or common cold, acute pharyngitis may develop. In this case, there is a sudden perspiration in the throat, there are pain when swallowing, coughing and runny nose.

Saddles in the throat can cause chronic pharyngitis. In this case, there may be no other symptomatology. To get rid of this problem, you need to stop the very reason, after passing the treatment course.

Etiology, provoking burning sensation in the throat is quite extensive.

  • Reflux esophagitis.
  • Prolonged vocal loads.
  • Increased goiter.
  • Malignant tumor in the larynx.
  • Allergy.
  • Take hot, hot or too cold food.
  • Pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  • Pharyngeal neuroses.

Do not self-medicate. It is necessary to make an initial appointment with a doctor-otolaryngologist.

If a patient has frequent swelling in the throat, then it is necessary to undergo an examination with an ENT doctor to exclude diseases that damage the ear-nose-throat area and can cause this phenomenon. But do not forget that the same symptomatology has an allergy, especially if its pathogen is always nearby: dust, pet hair, houseplants, household chemicals.

Prolonged sore throat should cause a person to be wary and force him to turn to a specialist. The reason for this symptomatology may be:

  • Trauma, not only external appearance, but also internal: a foreign object (for example, a fish bone ...)
  • Neurosis. The defeat of nerve endings located on the pharyngeal mucosa.
  • Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Diseases of the pharynx associated with the profession.
  • Allergy.
  • Failure in the motor-evacuation function of the stomach.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

After a hike without an umbrella in the rain, often there is a sharp perspiration in the throat, foreshadowing a cold or SARS. But the result of such a reaction may be the improper operation of household chemicals, leading to a minor or significant chemical burn of the nasopharynx, allergies to external or internal factor (pollen of plants or the reception of medicines containing in their composition substances to which the organism of the patient shows hypersensitivity).

Problems with voice ligaments suffer, most often, people of such professions as teachers, singers, lecturers, presenter... Often after a hard working day, they feel a sensation in the throat and hoarseness, sometimes the voice disappears completely. But if the singers, thanks to specially designed exercises, train their ligaments, then representatives of other specialties are more difficult. Such a symptom of a person can feel and after ordinary household quarrels on increased tones, smoking, taking medication. The cause may be inflammatory, infectious lesions of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, thyroid disease.

Percolation in the throat during pregnancy

The main thing in the treatment of the future mother is not to harm the baby and help the pregnant woman as much as possible. If it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the woman felt a sore throat during pregnancy, put off going to the doctor and do self-treatment is not worth it. Even folk medicine should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, they are able to harm the fetus.

The same can be said and expressed in the throat during lactation. The careless use of medications can inflict irreparable harm to the health of a newborn, having got into his body through mother's milk.

  • To relieve symptoms:
  • Rinse the throat with a solution of salt, iodine and soda; furacilin or propolis.
  • Drink warm milk, with a pinch of soda and a small amount of honey.
  • Use the lozenges recommended by pharmacists for pregnancy and lactation.

Sore throat in the child

Acute laryngitis, infectious and viral diseases - all this can provoke a throat in the child's throat. Impact on the severity and frequency of illness can affect the adverse domestic and climatic conditions of living, weakened immunity. First of all, it is necessary to properly organize the food and atmosphere in the room in which the baby lives: •

  • Balanced, diverse diet, which includes vitamins and trace elements.
  • Long walks on fresh air.
  • Frequent wet room cleaning.
  • Airing the room, even in winter.

In case of detection of the disease, it is necessary to undergo, under the supervision of a doctor, a full course of treatment, because a non-cured disease recurs, turning into a chronic condition.

Where does it hurt?

A sore throat

What's bothering you?

Lump in the throat

What it is necessary to survey?


Who to contact?

Otolaryngologist ENT - doctor

Treatment of perspiration in the throat

Before you start any treatment, you should diagnose the cause of the pathology.

With inflammatory diseases, the treatment of perspiration in the throat is caused by the use of local antiseptic agents:

  • Hexorhal

The solution of the drug is used without diluting. After meal. Rinse mouth and pharynx spend for 30 minutes, a volume of 10 - 15 ml.

The drug in the form of a spray is sprayed on the inflamed area about two seconds twice a day.

Contraindication is the patient's hypersensitivity to hexoral constituents and age to three years.

  • Pharyngosept

It is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet three to five times a day for adults and children over seven years of age. Use the drug can be a quarter of an hour after eating. After the procedure, do not drink or eat for two hours.

To children of age of three - seven years to give, 1 g of medicine three times a day

Contraindications - individual intolerance of the drug.

Accept, as do palimint, libeksin and other drugs of this group.

In case of bacterial etiology, the doctor attributes antibiotics and locally bioparox.

  • Cefaclor

Dosage is set individually. Adults on average 250 mg three times a day, with medical need, the daily dosage is increased to 4 g of the drug.

For babies, the amount of medication is given at the rate of 20 mg per kilogram of weight per day, divided into three doses.

Do not attribute to hypersensitivity to cephalosporins.

  • Tetracycline

The tablet is taken for - 1 hour before meals.

Adults - 100-150 mg four - six meals a day.

To babies up to three years of age, the daily dose is 1, - 25 mg per kilogram of weight, broken down into four to six times.

Children older than three years - 50 - 75 mg at one time.

To adolescents 8 - 14 years - on 100 - 150 mg three - four approaches a day.


  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Fungal infection of the epidermis.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Failures in the work of the kidneys and liver.
  • Bioparox

Inhalation of the nasal and oral cavity. For adults - 4 procedures per day. Children two - four inhalations a day.

Contraindications include age of the patient before, years and hypersensitivity to the constituent components.

You can rinse your throat and infusions of herbs, anti-inflammatory effects (calendula, oak bark, chamomile). It is necessary to correct and food: to remove acute, salty, mineral drinks, alcohol, smoking.

If souring in the throat caused an allergy, ascribe antihistamines. But first of all in a residential building you need cleanliness, wet cleaning and frequent airing.

  • Tavegil

Patients over 12 years are credited with 1 mg of the drug twice a day. Before meals. When medically necessary, the daily dose is increased to 6 mg. Children older than six years - on, - mg twice a day. Babies over the age of one year recommend Tavegil in syrup for one teaspoon.

  • Zirtek

Patients older than six years - 5 - 10 mg once a day.

From two to six years - a daily dose of 5 mg in 1 or 2 approaches.

From one to two - a daily dose of 5 mg, divided into two doses.

From six months to a year, mg once a day.

With neuralgia of the pharynx, the doctor attributes a course of treatment, according to a specific disease that causes symptoms.

With reflux esophagitis, it is necessary to correct the nutrition (remove the acute, salty, fatty, alcohol and tobacco), introduce a fractional meal.

Than to gargle at a persecution?

A modern network of pharmacies is ready to offer a variety of products that stop the signs of colds, and folk medicine is not far behind.

  • Angilex Solution

Swallow and use the drug in undiluted form is not worth it. Two teaspoons of solution dilute a quarter of a glass of warm water. Before the procedure, rinse the mouth with ordinary clean water. The procedure itself should be repeated two to four times a day. The course of treatment is not more than five days.

  • Givalex

The solution is prepared immediately before use. In the measuring cup attached to the preparation, add 10 ml of medicine (two teaspoons) and bring up to 50 ml with water (a quarter of a glass of water). The temperature of the solution is recommended 30-35 ° C. Two - four rinses a day, but not exceeding five days.

Perfectly suitable solution is Jox, tincture of calendula, bark of oak, tincture of propolis and many others.

Remedies for throat pain

Modern pharmacology is ready to offer a variety of remedies against throat swelling.

This and all possible absorbable tablets, sprays, injections, rinse solutions, aerosols for inhalation. Not the last place is occupied and folk medicine.

Tablets for resorption of Angi sept. Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the drug and children under 5 years. The rest of 1 tablet every two hours, but not more than 8 per day.

Septefril (until complete resorption). From 5 to 15 years - a tablet of three to four doses per day. Adults - a pill four - six meals a day. The course of treatment is three to four days, but not more than seven.

Septepril is contraindicated in pregnancy, individual intolerance to the drug and children under 5 years of age.

Sprays from perspiration in the throat

Widely used and aerosol forms of medicines for inhalation.

Spray Givalex is applied locally, for irrigation of the nasopharynx. After the procedure, do not eat for 10 minutes.

Patients over 15 years of age are assigned 1 procedure 4 to 6 sprays per day.

To teenagers from 12 to 15 - on 1 procedure 2 - 3 sprays a day.

The duration of treatment is five days.

Aerosol preparations Cameton and Ingalipt. Irrigation is carried out for 1-2 seconds three to four times during the day.

Yox. The composition includes iodine. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Chlorophyllipt. 1% solution of the drug diluted with water, and used in the form of rinses three to four times a day.

Lollipops from a sore throat

A convenient remedy are lollipops from a sore throat.

The Trachman. Every 2 hours 1 tablet is absorbed, but not more than 6 pieces per day for adults and children under 12 years.


  • Children under 4 years.
  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy and lactation only with the agreement of the doctor.

Strepsils. Patients older than five years to resolve the pill. The interval between doses is two to three hours. Do not exceed the daily dose of 8 lollipops. The procedure should be performed either half an hour before a meal or after a meal.

Contraindications are the same as in trahisan.

Inhalation in throat swelling

On the shelves of modern pharmacies you can find a wide selection of drugs. One of them is Ingalar.

For the procedure you need - 1 teaspoon of essential oil substance. Place Ingalar in the container of the inhaler, filled with half a liter of water at a temperature of 65 ° C. Breathe alternately with your mouth and nose. The duration of the session is 5 - 10 minutes, two - three sets per day.

Pastilles from perspiration in the throat

Not so long ago, but there were also lozenges, which have already won the approval of the consumer.

Dr. Mom is a phytopreparative with anti-inflammatory characteristics with expectorant properties. The effectiveness of pastilles is due to the constituent components.

Adults need to dissolve the lozenge in the mouth every 2 hours. But the daily dosage is limited to 10 pieces. The duration of the course is two to three weeks.

Throat syrup

Especially small patients liked the syrup, which is produced with all sorts of tastes.

Erespal. It is prescribed for adults to three to six tablespoons of syrup (45-90 ml) per day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually in a particular case.

Erespal is credited with adolescents at the rate of 4 mg per kilogram of the child's weight.

Crumbs from birth to 2 years - two - four teaspoons a day.

Children from 2 to 16 years - two - four tablespoons a day.

Folk Remedies for Persecution in the Throat

If there were first signs of a cold, you should not discount the folk remedies.

It will be good to carry out inhalation with essential oils that will relieve inflammation, destroy the pathogenic flora.

  • In boiling water, add sea salt and a few drops of oil (lavender, eucalyptus, clove). Cover your head with a towel and breathe well with fumes.
  • Ingredients: 2 h l dry eucalyptus leaves, 1 teaspoon of garlic and onion, 5 briquettes of pine extract or chopped pine branches. Brew everything and breathe over the steam.


  • Make a collection of 30 grams of sage, 25 grams of mother-and-stepmother, 20 grams of crimson leaves, 25 grams of forest marshmallow. 3 teaspoons of collection pour a glass of boiling water. Insist, drain. The resulting composition rinse the pharynx.
  • All the components to grind: leaves of peppermint and sage, flowers of medicinal chamomile (all 15 grams) and 5 grams of fennel rhizomes. 1 teaspoon of the mixture is infused in a glass of boiling water. Rinse.

Recipes from a sore throat

Has folk medicine and all sorts of recipes.

  • Prepare the mixture: 1 part lemon juice, 1 part fat badger or bear and 2 parts honey. Carefully connect. Take one teaspoon. The interval between meals is three hours.
  • In this case, the juice of black radish is also effective. Root the root, wash it with a knife, pour honey into it. As the honey is absorbed into the radish, it will begin to give its juice, which must be drunk 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • And there are a lot of such recipes.

Homeopathy in throat swelling

A large percentage of the population, trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not want to "drink chemicals" and prefer natural medicines. Homeopathy has long occupied a worthy place in this row.

  • Aconite

The drug is used sublingually (under the tongue). Take the drug should be 20 - 30 minutes before meals or after an hour after eating.

If signs of a cold are accompanied by chills, it is worth taking a dosage of eight, five approaches a day (40 pellets a day). Subsequently, reduce to three pellets a day. The course of treatment with phyto drugs can last up to two weeks.

The third and fourth weeks. Reception is recommended for eight pieces twice a day.

  • Bryonia

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. The average daily dosage is recommended - five pieces six times a day (acute stage of the disease), five pellets three times a day (rehabilitation dosage).

Karapuzam to two years - one - two granules.

Children from two to ten years - two - four pieces.

Older than ten - four - five pellets.

Reception is conducted from one to six times a day. The medicine dissolves on an empty stomach. Babies can be diluted in a small amount of water.

But homeopathy is also unsafe, if the patient is hypersensitive to the components of the drug, has problems with the metabolism of carbohydrates.

"A little cold - I drank a pill and it will all go away." But not so simple. Persecution in the throat is a clear sign of the inflammatory process in the body, but its cause may be not only catarrhal disease, but also diseases of a more serious nature and ignore this not worth it. Only a graduate is able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment. Therefore, you should not self-medicate or let things go by themselves. Everyone's health is one thing and to protect it "you need a young man".

In addition to treatment

Tablets from a sore throat

What to do if pershit in the throat and dry cough

Sore throat and dry cough may be signals of a beginning catarrhal disease. But these same symptoms are often a residual phenomenon after a previous illness associated with the upper respiratory tract. In both cases, one should not be idle - in the first, to prevent the development of the disease, in the second - to complete the treatment. If pershit in the throat and dry cough does not give rest, rinsing, inhalation and warm drinking will help.

Rinses for the throat

Take 1 tsp each. dry raw materials - chamomile pharmacy, sage, plantain and mother-and-stepmother. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for at least half an hour. Strain and rinse with a decoction of the throat every 2 hours. For rinse use only a warm broth.

Another recipe for an effective decoction. You will need the following collection: raspberry leaves, althaea root, peppermint, calendula, horsetail. Measure each component for 1 tsp, pour 1 liter of boiling water and put on a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool, strain, drip 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and rinse your throat 3-4 times a day after eating.

It removes dryness and perspiration in the throat salty solution with the addition of a small amount of essential oils. Dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water, tsp. sea ​​salt (food), drip 1 drop of eucalyptus and sage oils. Rinse your throat every 2 hours.

And one more remedy. Take 1 tsp. natural honey, stir in it 1 drop of tea tree oil and sage. Then dilute the honey with a glass of warm water. Rinse 4-6 times a day.

Inhalation in the home

Irrigating the throat with healing medicinal herbs and essential oils soothes and softens the mucous membrane upper respiratory tract, relieves inflammation, thereby facilitating breathing and eliminating perspiration and dryness in the throat.

Boil 2 liters of water in a saucepan. Put in it dry eucalyptus leaves, peppermint, fir needles, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Drip 2-3 drops of sage oil, tea tree, lavender and cloves. Leaning over an open pan, put a towel or handkerchief on your head and breathe out your mouth over the decoction. The positive effect comes after 1-2 procedures. It is important after inhalation not to go out and not breathe the cold air. To enhance the effect, tie your throat with a soft warm scarf and do not remove it for an hour.

You can use sea salt, ginger root, carefully washed potato peelings, lemon zest, aloe vera and baking soda as the basis for inhalation. For example, take 1 liter of water 5-6 thin circles of ginger root, 2 tablespoons. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. soda. Bring to a boil, breathe over the steam for 10-15 minutes. Percolation will disappear after the first procedure, cough will become less frequent and softer. Remember only that at an elevated temperature, inhalations are contraindicated.

Warm drinking

With a throat and dry cough, a person unconsciously drinks more, trying to get rid of these unpleasant and exhausting symptoms. All right, you really need to drink a lot, but not simple water, and healing teas and broths. And, warm, not hot or cool.

Ginger tea. Scrub the root of the ginger on a fine grater, 1 tsp. (without a hump) pour the resulting gruel, l boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, and then dilute with warm water so much infusion that it was pleasant to drink (someone likes hot ginger tea, and someone - weak). For a cup of tea, add a teaspoon of honey.

Currant tea. Extremely useful in throat swelling and dry cough. Brew in the cup leaves and berries of black currant (leaves are better to take the dried, and any berries - fresh, dried, frozen), add honey to taste and drink to health as often as they themselves wish.

Softening tea «Nine herbs». For this tea you will need: mother-and-stepmother, plantain, St. John's wort, leaves of cherry and black currant, lemon balm, peppermint, oregano, lime color. Take 1 tbsp each. of each component (crushed), mix and pour 2 liters of water. Bring to a boil and turn it off immediately. Cover the dishes with a warm kerchief, let it cool naturally. The entire amount of softening warm tea you should drink during the day.

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