Euphyllyn for children with cough dosage in tablets

Eufillin: instructions, indications, application

Efillin instructions

Instructions for the use of the drug Eufilin provides the patient with complete information about its use according to indications, as well as those contraindications that should be taken into account when appointment.

In addition to the information on the composition and form of the preparation, the conditions of its storage and shelf life in Instructions contain recommendations for dosing of Euphyllin and the possibilities for treatment in various categories patients. Also here you can find additional instructions and learn about the drug drug interaction, get acquainted with the reviews of other patients.

Eufillin form of release

The form of the release of the bronchodilator drug Eufillin is a circular flat-cylindrical tablet with a separating risk, which is white with a possible shade of yellow.

Composition and packaging

The active substance of the drug is aminophylline, which is taken in the required concentration. As auxiliary components are calcium substances of stearate and potato starch.

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On pharmacy shelves, the drug Eufillin can be seen in a cardboard package, where one, two or three blisters with a dozen tablets are injected. Also, the drug is sold in cans of polymer, packed in cardboard, where there are three dozen tablets in each.

Storage conditions

The storage of the drug should be protected from access by children. Its temperature conditions must match the room temperature. Also, the room should be selected dry and protected from light.

Shelf life Eufillin

Store the drug should be in proper conditions no more than five years.

Action of Euphyllin


Pharmacological effects of the drug Eufillin leads to a relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi, an increase in mucociliary clearance, stimulation of the contractile function of the diaphragm and a significant improvement in the functionality of the muscles, both respiratory and intercostal. Also, due to its action, the respiratory center stimulates with an increase in its sensitivity to carbon dioxide and an improvement in alveolar ventilation.

So the respiratory function, normalized under the action of the drug, increases the saturation of blood with oxygen and reduces thereby the concentration of carbon dioxide in it.

In addition, the stimulating effect of the drug extends to cardiac activity, increasing heart rate, increasing coronary blood flow and the need for oxygen in the myocardium. The tonus of the blood vessels of the kidneys, brain and skin is reduced.

In addition to the scope of the drug can include:

  • Provision of peripheral venodilating action;
  • Reduction of pulmonary vascular resistance;
  • Reduced pressure in the circulatory system is small;
  • Increased renal blood flow;
  • Rendering moderate diuretic effect;
  • Extension of extrahepatic biliary tract;
  • Inhibition of platelet aggregation;
  • Increased resistance to erythrocyte deformation;
  • Reduction of blood clots and normalization of microcirculation;
  • Increase in acidity of gastric juice due to tocolytic action;
  • Enoleptogenic action when taking large doses.


After the drug Eufillin entered the body occurs its rapid and complete absorption. The percentage expression of bioavailability is from 90 to 100. The rate of adsorption can be reduced by food, which, however, does not affect its volume in any way. The maximum effect of taking the drug is reached within two hours.

The drug has the ability to penetrate the milk of a nursing woman by approximately 10% of the total dose, and also through barrier of the placenta, where its concentration will be significantly higher for the baby than for the mother according to the indicators in the serum blood.

For the manifestation of bronchodilating properties of the active substance of the drug, concentrations of 10 to 20 micrograms per milliliter are sufficient. Its higher concentration will be toxic. In addition, the lower the blood content of the drug, the better the effect of excitation of the respiratory center will be realized.

The drug is metabolized primarily in the liver with different half-lives for different categories of patients. Its excretion is due to the kidneys.

Eufillin indications for use

The drug is prescribed to treat those patients who suffer from a number of diseases that require bronchodilator action.

  • With bronchoobstructive syndrome;
  • With bronchial asthma;
  • In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
  • With emphysema,
  • With chronic obstructive bronchitis,
  • With pulmonary hypertension,
  • With the syndrome of the "pulmonary" heart,
  • At attacks of a night apnea.


The administration of the drug should not be carried out in those cases when the patient has an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, especially to its active substance. Also, the drug is contraindicated if the patient has the following diagnostic indications:

  • With epilepsy;
  • With exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • With gastritis (with increased acidity);
  • With arterial hypertension or hypotension with severe course;
  • With tachyarrhythmia;
  • With hemorrhagic stroke;
  • With hemorrhages in the retina of the eye;
  • For children up to three years of age.

A careful use of the drug requires:

  • In severe coronary insufficiency (in the acute phase of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris),
  • With the widespread atherosclerosis of the vessels,
  • With hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy,
  • With frequent ventricular extrasystole,
  • With increased convulsive readiness,
  • With hepatic and renal insufficiency,
  • With peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer,
  • When bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • With uncontrolled hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis,
  • With prolonged hyperthermia,
  • With gastroesophageal reflux,
  • With hyperplasia of the prostate,
  • In a state of pregnancy,
  • In the period of breastfeeding,
  • In the elderly,
  • In childhood.

Eufillin instructions for use

The drug is taken orally.

The maximum permissible use of the drug Eufillin:

for adults in a single dose of, grams, in a daily dose of, grams;

for children in a single dose of 7 micrograms per kilogram of weight, in a daily dose of 15 micrograms per kilogram of weight.

The length of the course of treatment depends on how the disease progresses and how well the patient tolerates the drug. Therefore, its appointment can be carried out for several days or months.

Euphyllinum during pregnancy

If you need treatment during pregnancy, the drug Eufillin should be taken with great care.

Efillin tablets for children

The medicinal preparation can be used in childhood at the prescription of a doctor. Until the age of three, the child is not recommended to prescribe Euphyllinum.

Side effects

The drug Eufillin is capable of providing a number of side effects that must be taken into account in the appointment:

Nervous system

  • In the form of dizziness,
  • In the form of headaches,
  • In the form of insomnia,
  • In the form of excitation,
  • In the form of the onset of anxiety,
  • In the form of irritability,
  • In the form of a tremor.

The cardiovascular system

  • In the form of rapid heart rate,
  • In the form of a tachycardia,
  • In the form of arrhythmia,
  • In the form of cardialgia,
  • In the form of a decrease in blood pressure,
  • In the form of increased attacks of angina and their frequency.

Digestive system

  • In the form of gastralgia,
  • In the form of attacks of nausea and vomiting,
  • In the form of gastroesophageal reflux,
  • In the form of heartburn,
  • In the form of exacerbations with ulcerative diseases,
  • In the form of diarrhea,
  • In the form of a decrease in appetite, if the drug is taken for a long time.


  • In the form of skin rashes,
  • In the form of itching,
  • In the form of fever.


  • The onset of pain in the chest,
  • In the form of tachypnea,
  • In the form of sensations of the tide to the face,
  • In the form of albuminuria,
  • In the form of hematuria,
  • In the form of hypoglycemia,
  • Possible intensification of diuresis,
  • In the form of increased sweating.


Symptoms of excessive drug intake that require action are the following:

  • a decrease in appetite,
  • the emergence of gastralgia,
  • the emergence of diarrhea,
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting, sometimes with blood,
  • the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding,
  • the appearance of flushing of the skin of the face,
  • attacks of tachycardia,
  • occurrence of ventricular arrhythmia,
  • the emergence of insomnia,
  • the appearance of motor excitement,
  • state of anxiety,
  • the appearance of photophobia,
  • the appearance of a tremor,
  • occurrence of seizures.

The severe degree of poisoning is indicated by symptoms in the form of:

  • epileptoid seizures,
  • hypoxia,
  • metabolic acidosis,
  • hyperglycemia,
  • hypokalemia,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • necrosis of skeletal muscles,
  • confusion of consciousness,
  • renal failure.

To treat an overdose follows the immediate cancellation of the drug and gastric lavage. Prescribe the necessary laxative drugs and activated carbon. It is also advisable to wash the intestine with polyethylene glycol in combination with electrolytes, forcing diuresis, hemosorption, plasmosorption and symptomatic therapy. When convulsions occur, special attention should be paid to maintaining the patency of the airways and to provide oxygen therapy and the appointment of appropriate medications.

Interaction with drugs

Simultaneous use of the drug Euphyllin with glucocorticosteroids, mineralocorticosteroids, beta-adrenostimulants, as well as with means for anesthesia (general), Xanin and those that stimulate the CNS, the risk of developing side effects of the data may increase preparations.

The use of enterosorbents and antidiarrheal agents will reduce the absorption of the active substance of Euphyllin.

Joint treatment with rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carbamazepine, sulfinpyrazone, aminoglutethimide, and oral administration Estrogen-containing contraceptives and moracisin helps to increase the clearance of the active substance of the drug, which may cause the need to increase it dosage.

Simultaneous reception of antibiotic macrolide group, lincomycin, allopurinol, cimetidine, isoprenaline, enoxacinoma, disulfiram, fluoroquinoloneamine, recombinant interferon alpha, methotrexate, mexiletine, propafenone, thiabendazole, ticlopidine, verapamil, alcohol, even in small amounts, and vaccination against influenza can cause the need to reduce the dose of Euphyllin, since these drugs contribute to increased intensity his actions.

Eufillin when combined with beta-adrenostimulators and diuretics increases their effectiveness. Decrease in efficiency from the use of Euphyllin is observed for beta-blockers and lithium preparations.

Spasmolytics are well compatible with Euphyllin, but other xanthine derivatives should not be used together with it.

Additional instructions

For the duration of treatment with the drug, Euphyllin should refrain from working with complex mechanisms and driving vehicles. Also, do not eat foods or drinks containing caffeine in large quantities.

Euphyllin analogues

Replace Eufillin when treated with preparations that are similar in composition and active substance. For example:


  • Aminophylline Eskom;
  • Euphyllinus Darnitsa;
  • Aminophylline
  • solution for injection Eufillina,%;
  • solution for injection of Euphyllin 24%.

Eufillin price

The cost of the drug can be called symbolic, as the packaging of medicinal tablets can be purchased at the pharmacy for no more than 10 rubles.

Euphyllin reviews

Reviews about the drug Eufillin mostly positive. Patients are satisfied with its efficiency and speed in facilitating breathing and eliminating dyspnea. Many use it to fight edema, and only an impressive list of side effects sometimes prevents the choice in favor of this medication. Although the affordable cost of the drug and the possibility of using it for various categories of patients still plays a significant role in its preference for other drugs of this type.

There are a lot of reviews, so let's quote some of them that were left recently on one of the thematic resources.

Elena:Often engaged in self-medication, we acquire serious diseases almost for life. Such a story happened to my friend, who repeatedly, treating a banal ORZ himself, received bronchial asthma. What only was not used to facilitate his breathing, including all expensive drugs and sprays, but to everyone's surprise the effective help was rendered by a pennyous Euphyllin. Now I use it myself, when it coughs up - it helps.

Nina Petrovna:Eufillin pills were recommended to me by my doctor during pregnancy, as my legs swollen. The drug is well tolerated and has not given me any side effect. Swelling came off in less than a week. Surprised price - an effective tool and costs only 10 rubles.

Olga:Recently faced with a problem that was not previously there - an allergy to cat hair. On the advice of a doctor, I try to avoid meeting with pets, but you can not foresee everything. Once at a party, I had to share a room with a kitten, so I developed a violent attack at night, which was characterized by suffocation. The night trip to the pharmacy introduced me to the drug Eufillin. He helped to quickly cope with the symptoms of allergies, and now I practically do not give up.

Euphyllinum to children

Eufillin is a medicinal product, which is available in the form of tablets and powder. The composition of euphyllin includes theophylline, dilates the vessels. The drug reduces pressure, relaxes smooth muscles, improves blood flow. Under the influence of euphyllinum there is stimulation of the cardiac muscle, the nervous system is slightly excited. Cumulative properties are also noted.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of children eufillina are bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary edema and other diseases, which are accompanied by increased pressure. For adults, one of the indications is a stroke, accompanied by brain edema, and myocardial infarction.

The drug eufillin has the following contraindications:

  • hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • tachycardia;
  • extrasystole.

Among the side effects of euphyllin are diarrhea, headaches, vomiting, nervous excitability, abdominal pain, deep breathing, palpitation, hypotension. If the drug is administered rectally, irritations of the rectal mucosa may be observed. The presence of such a large number of contraindications and side effects makes the drug quite dangerous with uncontrolled admission.

Euphyllinum to children

You can not prescribe euphyllin independently! The instruction states that the drug is not applied until the age of three months is reached. Therefore, always consult a doctor who will say whether it is possible to give eufillin to children or if it is replaced with a similar drug. Tablets and capsules can be prescribed to 12-year-old children, but in this case the dosage of euphyllin is determined by the doctor.

With acute need, euphyllin in tablets is prescribed to children in the calculation of about 5 milligrams per kilogram of weight. The time regime should also be observed. For example, newborn babies with cough or bronchitis can be administered euphillin no more often than once every eight hours. If the child is more than six months, the administration time is reduced to six hours. For older children, the time intervals remain the same, but the dose of the drug is reduced to three to four milligrams. Sometimes chronic diseases require the use of euphyllin in large dosages. The child should be administered up to 16 milligrams of the drug per kilogram of weight. However, the daily norm should not be more than 400 milligrams. In this case, the entire volume of euphyllinum should be divided into four doses. In the case when the side effects do not make themselves felt and the child's condition improves noticeably, the total dosage on the recommendation of a doctor can be increased by a quarter, that is brought to 500 milligrams in day.

In the treatment of infants, electrophoresis with euphyllin is prescribed more often, because the drug is not injected directly into the body, but is used to wet the pad of the device. This procedure helps to improve blood circulation, saturate cartilage tissue and damage sputum in the respiratory tract.

Inhalations with euphyllin

Eufillin - an indispensable drug in obstructive bronchitis. It expands blood vessels and facilitates the excretion of sputum from a child's body. Excellent and quickly removes obstruction. In physiotherapy rooms at hospitals, inhalations are made from a large volume of the drug. So, five ampoules of euphyllin requires 10 ampoules of diphenhydramine and a half liter of water. If you have a compressor nebulizer, the dosage will be much lower, but the proportion should remain the same.

Before you appoint and dilute euphyllin for inhalations to your child, be sure to consult your doctor.

Euphyllin - indications for use

Eufillin- a pharmacological drug that is a combination of theophylline and ethylenediamine. The drug removes spasms in the bronchi, blood vessels, bile ducts. Eufillin is available in two forms: in tablets and in liquid form in ampoules.

There are a number of indications for the use of Euphyllin:

  • bronchospasm, asthma;
  • apnea (impaired breathing function) in infants;
  • impaired cerebral circulation;
  • angina pectoris and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • diuretic for swelling.

Euphyllinum with bronchitis

First of all, Eufillin is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough, emphysema. The drug facilitates breathing, opening the airways and providing more oxygen. The use of Eufillin should be carried out under strict medical supervision, as a result of exceeding the dose may cramps, palpitations, and an insufficient amount of medication can aggravate the course of asthmatic attacks.

Dosage of Euphyllin in tablets

The dose of the drug and the frequency of its use is determined by the attending physician.

In respiratory diseases, on average, the daily intake of an adult is 300 mg divided into two doses.

Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system with a weight of more than 60 kg usually prescribed 400 mg of Euphyllinum per day. People with less weight should take 200 mg per day.

The daily dose can be reduced for severe heart and liver diseases, as well as for certain viral diseases.

Children, with a weight of 30 kg, a day prescribed no more than 20 mg per 1 kg of weight, dividing the dose into two doses.

Children under 7 years can take no more than, e Euphyllin in 24 hours.

Attention!Children who have not reached the age of 3, the drug is appointed in exceptional cases. Infants up to 3 months of the drug can not be given! During pregnancy, Euphyllin can be used for swelling.

Features of the use of Euphyllin in tablets:

  • the drug can not be taken with other medicines;
  • the medicine is not used for allergy to caffeine;
  • tablets should be washed down with plenty of fluids;
  • between receptions it is necessary to maintain a time interval of not less than 12 hours.

Eufillin - instructions for the use of ampoules

Intramuscularly, the drug is used for asthma. It is recommended to inject in the upper quadrant of the gluteus muscle in the amount of 100 to 500 mg per day. In some situations, adults can be injected into the vein at a rate of 6 mg of solution per 1 kg of body weight. In severe asthmatic attacks, the patient is given a dropper from the drug solution (not more than 750 mg).

The amount of medicine administered to a child is calculated by a specialist, given the weight, age of the baby and the pathology of the disease.

Euphyllin from cellulite

Another direction of application of Euphyllin is getting rid of cellulite. Prepare an anti-cellulite composition is easy at home. One tablet of Euphyllin is rubbed and

mixed with petroleum jelly or baby cream. The resulting mixture not only reduces the effect of the "orange peel but also softens the skin, eliminates irritation. Strengthen the effect can be, taking as a basis for any cream against cellulite.

Efullene is used to combat cellulite manifestations and in the form of wraps. In the problem zones, a liquid preparation or cream is rubbed, the body wraps up with a food film. The visible result is achieved after two weeks, subject to the daily procedures. To enhance the effectiveness of wrapping, a mixture of cream for massage, essential citrus oil (or tea tree oil), Dimexide and Euphyllin is prepared.

The child suffers from coughing when it is possible to give Eufillin. In the form of tablets or injections. I do not know what to do with a cough


Viy Gogol

Immediate call - if suffocated !!!


To the doctor! Perhaps he has bronchial asthma, and you are engaged in Internet treatment. Antibiotics who appointed? And did eufilin advise?. In some cases, it can be given to children, but the correct dosage is needed! At this age, the parts of the pill are calculated!

Anna Popova

Do not you think it's better to consult a doctor?

Katerina Konshina

What does advise mean? the doctor wrote out or not? eupheline dilates the bronchi! if antibiotics do not help, then it's not an infection but an allergy or asthma and you need to give an anti-allergic

darya boletus

It is possible, we gave at 8 months, but it may be whooping cough and he will not help, ambulance, to the hospital, We were pricked by hormones, we were vaccinated, the vaccine begins to act only after a year (after a set of vaccinations at 3, 6 and 12 months)


Descend or go to the allergist, only to the good. Hand over the tests for allergens. I do not want to frighten you. My son had asthma. I'm just giving him an euphillin. when it begins to choke, together with antihistamine. And only then Berodual and so on.

Timofeeva Evgenia

Eufillin is a serious medicine, consult a doctor and decide on hospitalization.


to the doctor just choking!!! What are you waiting for? Call a doctor or an ambulance at home!


At the child, most likely already asthmatic attacks, to the doctor, urgently.

Murmuchik the fourteenth

we at a bronchitis drank on 1/4 2 times a day. We were then,. But all the same it is necessary to find out the cause of a cough, whether it is just a cold, and prada allergy.

Katya Fomicheva

address to the allergist, check up whether there is no asthma do not give anything!!! there are allergic centers take there direction. And buy a home nebulizer, feel the approach of an attack breathe

Tatyana Azarova

Inhalation is better than an inhalator, it attacks asthma and coughing relieves

Friend of human

To an allergist and pulmonologist! Then to the immunologist. This is from personal experience!


I had asthmatic bronchitis in my childhood, gasped, blue, hardly arrived, did not help anything, even sat on Salutan already as a drug addict. my mother was advised during the attacks to put me in the bathroom and put a bucket of cold water, it saved my life more than once, the attack stopped instantly, and breathing opened. Of course, the method is very peculiar, but when the child is gasping for breath, what can you do?


To relieve cough for the night it is necessary: ​​give the child before going to sleep sedative (suprastin, fenkarol with a dose corresponding to age and weight); Humidify the air in the room the child will be sleeping in; and before you lie down a teaspoon of any (vegetable or creamy) oil.
And you need to clarify the diagnosis and conduct appropriate treatment.

old chap

the ambulance immediately. at us it was choked at once have caused. in the hospital they inhaled. and injections. found something to joke about


Once again call and insist on hospitalization, because the child suffocates. Before the stenosis, God forbid you will reach. In acute attacks, while the ambulance rides, you can pan on the stove and a little mineral water to evaporate - and breathe. Or open the hot water in the bathroom so that the steam comes and also breathes.

Lyudmila Elagina

It seems to be allergic, since the whistle is present ..

Tatiana Lebedkina

We had it so, from the hospital left a week ago, urgently call an ambulance. there did inhalations, injections and after 7 days normally. Do not self-medicate, I went through this !!!


You need urgently to a good specialist, if in Moscow, then the Institute of Immunology Kashirskoye highway seems22 or 24 (3 floors). My son, only one year ago, was able to put the correct diagnosis and pick up the treatment (we adhere to us, for years), before that, 3 years of being sick, then he was panting-there was no temperature, but lay without opening his eyes, and local doctors and pneumonia were treated with droppers in the hospital, and were examined for allergens-they were found on all... Then, right up to the operation, it came to suspect the foreign body in the lungs, prescribed such a medicine that later in the MSC they told me that he would have lived half a year on it... We found this institute and flew, although we ourselves live in Khabarovsk (7 hours difference from MSK). I am very grateful to the doctors of the Institute (and there was no allergy to it, by the way)!
Well helps Uzinguation with berodualom (diluted with fiz. solution), but here all Pts individually, and this is a strong medicine, like euphilin, be careful with them.

Euphyllinum to the child almost 6 years - prompt a dosage


Igor Karasev

but why did you decide that euphyllin would help. If the child does not have bronchospasm, obstruction should not be done. Give one dragee of valerian or something like that


Read carefully the instructions to the medicine, and then the experts will tell you!


Only a doctor can prescribe medication and dosage. And make an X-ray of the lungs to the baby. Self-medication will be harmful.

Dilovar Yorov

50 mg can be 1/3

oksana kirpich

better give her expectorant charges and lots of warm water!


A quarter of a tablet or a third! I only saved his daughter! False groats hurt ...

Marfa Makeeva

The child should be better treated with folk remedies, not chemistry!

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