Burnt sugar from coughing baby recipes

Burnt sugar for coughing

The folk remedy we inherited from grandmothers is the burnt sugar from cough. Does he really help to cope with the bouts of this ailment? Today, most people try to consult a doctor, where they are prescribed chemical preparations for coughing. Why not try a totally natural and safe medicine, like burned sugar, for treatment?

Doctors distinguish 2 types of cough - dry and wet. Dry cough is a companion of tracheitis, bronchitis or laryngitis. Wet cough promotes the purification of the lungs and bronchi from the accumulated mucus in them, dead cells of the epithelium, microbes. The main task of treatment is to transfer dry cough to wet. Such an effect can be expected from burnt sand, which during its heating changes its chemical structure.

The medicine will suit your children, who do not really like to drink bitter medicines. While sweet candy from burnt sugar or a pleasant syrup, no doubt, like babies. Many mothers do not believe the recipes of traditional medicine, but, as practice shows, burnt sugar from a cough facilitates the baby's condition in 2-3 days.

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It should be noted that this folk remedy excellently removes irritation in the throat, due to which coughing attacks happen less often.

There are several recipes for cooking sugar, you can choose one of them according to your taste.

Simple cooking recipes

  • Take a tablespoon, pour in the sugar and hold it over a small fire until the sugar melts. It should darken a little, but you can not bring it to black. After that, the mixture is poured into a plate, which is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. Parents can be advised to stick in a solidifying mass of a match cleared of sulfur, or a toothpick. It turns out a kind of candy, almost like Chupa-Chups, who will gladly lick the child.
  • The second recipe resembles the first, only the burnt sand from a spoon is poured out not in a plate, but in warm milk. There is a solidification of sugar, it acquires a pleasant taste of creamy caramel. It should be noted that such a drug has a porous structure and therefore can scratch the sore throat. To prevent this from happening, the burnt mass should be dissolved in a glass of milk and drink a sweet drink during the day. It should be done in 3 sessions.
  • Molten sugar is mixed with butter, but you can not bring the mixture to a boil. Otherwise, the oil can be separated from the sugar.
  • Judging by the reviews, many people benefit from the cough the following recipe: boiling milk or cream poured more sugar and keep on fire, stirring constantly until the moment when the mass does not acquire a shade cocoa. The proportions do not matter much. Get creamy jelly, excellent for cough.

In this video you will see how to make candy from a cough with ginger.

Recipes of syrups from burnt sugar

  1. Sugar with vodka. For preparation take 7 tablespoons of sugar, put in a frying pan and melt over low heat until a brown color is obtained. When the mass melts, a glass of cold water is added to it. Do this carefully so that steam or hot sprays do not fall on your hands. The mixture is poured into a container and cooled, then add 2-3 tablespoons of vodka to it. Use this medicine on a tablespoon every two hours.
  2. The following recipe can be recommended for treating a child's cough. 2 tablespoons of sugar is heated in a frying pan or a metal saucepan to a chocolate color and poured into a glass of hot water. Syrup should be cooled and give the baby a tablespoon after eating. To give a pleasant taste, lemon juice is added to the prepared solution.
  3. You should make tea with raspberries and burnt sugar. To do this, brewed in boiling water raspberry leaves or added to the tea raspberry jam. As you know, this berry is good for colds as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory drug, and combined with burnt sugar also removes inflammation in the throat. A teaspoon of sand is melted over the fire of a gas burner (our grandmothers made it above the flame of a candle) and immediately poured into a prepared beverage. They drink tea with raspberries 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment lasts several days.

Delicious recipe with mandarin peel

This medicine has a good expectorant effect and can be used with a damp cough. To make a medicine, you need 100 grams of tangerine peel, cut into squares 3x3 cm. Cover with sugar (50 grams), add a little water and cook for cooking. Obtained tangerine candied fruits. They are eaten 20 grams (this is about a tablespoon) 3 times during the day. To conduct treatment follows 5 days.


As with any other medicine, when consuming burnt sugar, you need to remember about the measure. Two tablespoons will be enough to make 10 delicious caramels. During the day the baby of these sweets will be enough for treatment, provided that other sweets are excluded.

Of course, one should not be engaged in independent treatment of any disease.Do not forget to consult a doctor before applying the remedy!


Burnt sugar: does it help with coughing?

The appearance of a cough is more often associated with seasonal colds that cause viruses and infections. And, not all colds are accompanied by a cough. However, if it does, it is necessary to take all measures to be cured as soon as possible.

The pharmaceutical industry is full of all kinds of drugs and their medicinal forms - these are tablets, syrups, medicines, candies. Their action is aimed at alleviating the condition of the patient and curing the cough.

The action of medicines is not always justified for human health, because they cause side effects: affecting the liver, kidneys, blood vessels.

Properties of burnt sugar

Under the influence of high temperature, sugar takes on medicinal properties

A softer and more gentle action is provided by recipes and methods known long ago and tested by our ancestors.The method that is used for coughing is burnt sugar.

Usually, a cold begins with a dry cough, which subsequently becomes wet. Particularly useful is the consumption of burnt sugar with a dry cough, to soften it and transfer it to the moist one. This facilitates the separation of sputum and clears the airways.

Sugar is a natural product that is used universally. A fast and prompt source of carbohydrates and energy, which is necessary for a weakened body to fight the disease, more accurately with a cough.

Common sugar has a crystalline, scratching structure. If it is taken in its pure form, then it is easy to injure the tender mucous membranes of the throat, esophagus. Burnt sugar is plastic, viscous.As a result of chemical reaction under the influence of high temperature, sugar acquires therapeutic properties.Under the influence of saliva, it softens even more.

Ways of preparation

You can prepare the medicine in several ways, and there is no need to prepare a lot at once, because a freshly prepared product is always more useful, and a variety of recipes will please.

Recipes will allow you to prepare from the burnt sugar dosage forms for all tastes: lollipops, semi-liquid medicine, syrups.

All recipes are prepared based on one tablespoon of sugar.


Burnt sugar from a cough is convenient to use in the form of sugar candies

  1. Sugar is heated in a frying pan or a stainless steel saucepan, stirring continuously over a slow fire to give a caramel color. As melting, the sugar from the light amber color becomes brown-caramel. After cooking, pour into the mold without corners, so as not to injure when resorbing the mucous tissue in the mouth. You will get a lollipop, which can dissolve during coughing attacks.
  2. Milk-caramel candies will be obtained if melted sugar caramel shades drop into a glass with cold milk. Due to the temperature difference, the candies are filled with air bubbles. Care should be taken with resorption so as not to get injured.

Pasty medicine

Burnt sugar with butter and cream becomes a paste-like medicine-treat

If the resolution of hard candies is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to take the mass in semi-liquid form.At the end of cooking, a lightly cooled molten sugar is added with butter, cream and a little water. Get pasty medicine-delicacy.

How dry cough is treated at home is indicated in this article.

How to cure a smoker's cough with phlegm, you can find out by reading this article.

Find out why pershit in the throat and cough, you can go into this article: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/pershenie/v-gorle-i-kashel-prichiny.html


  1. A drink in the form of a syrup will also do a great job. At the last stage of cooking, when the melted sugar gets a caramel shade fill it with 1 glass of warm boiled water. Syrup boil, cool. Store in a refrigerator in a sealed glass container. Take half the glass in a warm, every time the cough begins.It will be useful to reinforce a weakened organism with vitamins and microelements.
  2. The melted sugar of the caramel shade is poured in 1 glass of warm boiling waterwater with the addition of half a lemon juice. You can also add a spoonful of honey.For the prevention of bacteria in the mouth and respiratory passages.
  3. The melted sugar of the caramel shade is poured with 1 glass of warm boiled water with the addition of the onion juice, grated on a fine grater and pressed under a press. The sight of that,
    that this medicine is unpleasant to the taste, it is recommended to take one sip every half hour.
  4. The melted sugar of the caramel shade is poured with 1 glass of warm boiled water. Content boil, cool and add three tablespoons of vodka.Take one tablespoon in 5 to 6 doses.Steady expectorant effect is obtained by combining the burnt sugar and herbal decoction.
  5. For herbal decoction, you can use such herbs: licorice root, althea root, plantain, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, thyme.
What kind of cure for the throat of a dry cough is the best, you can find out by reading the article.

What to do when a child has a prolonged dry cough, this article will help to understand.

What drugs with a dry cough are the most optimal, is indicated here: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/kashel/protivokashlevye-preparaty-pri-suxom.html

One tablespoon of herbs, previously shredded, pour a glass of hot boiled water. Infuse in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and drain. The volume of broth to bring to a glass. Melt the sugar to a caramel shade and pour into a decoction. Shake before use.Prepared broth stored in ready form no more than 2 days.Take in a warm form 2 - 3 times a day after meals:

  • adults and children from 14 years- for ½ cup;
  • children 12 - 14 years old- 1/4 cup;
  • children 7 - 12 years old- 2 tablespoons each;
  • children 3 - 7 years old- 1 tablespoon.

Limitations and contraindications

Sweet medicines-delicacies will please even the most capricious children

The use of sugar within reasonable limits will not cause an allergic reaction or other side effects. Burnt sugar can not only benefit, but also cause harm. Especially cautiously should eat sugar when:

  • diabetes;
  • propensity to allergy to refined sugar and its derivative;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system.

If you are contraindicated in the use of sugar, you should refer to other recipes for coughing at home. For children all of the above recipes are acceptable, except for recipes with onions and vodka. Sweet medicines, delicacies will please the kids rather than upset them. Yes, and parents will be calm for the children. Do not forget about other effective means of dry cough for children, for example, tangerine peel, tea with berries of the viburnum and others.

During illness, children become capricious and it is very difficult to persuade them to take a standard medicine from the pharmacy, especially if it is bitter.


Catherine, Samara:"I was horribly tortured by a cough. Usually I feel sluggish, pershit in the throat, the infection "nests" in the nose or throat. Falling into the lower divisions, the infection affects the trachea and bronchi. Here, and I have a terrible cough that serves as an outpost for the lungs. But I found a way out! My grandmother advised me this cure for cough. Burnt sugar in the form of sugar candies! The effect is simply stunning, coughing as it never happened! I recommend to all!"

Polina, Kazan:"On the advice of a friend, I tried one cough, a pasty tasty thing. In the sugar add butter, cream and a little water. Get a pasty drug-such delicious, and the result of what! Coughing did not happen! I advise everyone!"


Other effective cough recipes you'll learn from this video:

It is important to remember that burnt sugar is not a 100% method that will cure a cough. Only applying methods in the complex, including. recipes based on burnt sugar can defeat the cough and guarantee its cure.

During the illness, do not neglect the advice of a doctor and only self-medicate.

Cough is tricky because it can easily move into a more complex form or chronic condition. The doctor diagnoses the disease and indicates the direction of treatment. A reasonable and balanced approach guarantees a qualitative cure for cough. Be healthy!


Does burned sugar help cough? And how to correctly do it?



Beverage from burnt sugar: 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar-sand put in a bowl of stainless steel, put on a small fire and slowly melt the sugar on fire, as for caramel. The color of the melted sugar should be from dark yellow to brown. Sugar should not burn and smoke! Melt sugar pour cold boiled water at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar for 1-2 glasses of water. Give the patient to drink a solution half a cup every time he starts coughing. Cough passes after such drinking for at least an hour. Each person reacts to treatment in a certain way, so do not wait for magic. Get well!


when dry.. melt sugar to a dark brown color... and pour it into a container of milk. all.

Alexander Yakovenko

Run to the doctor! Do not listen to incompetent people ...

Gulyaeva Maria

Burnt sugar helps, but not very well. We are helped by these recipes:
Onion milk: bring to a boil or almost to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, this time cut finely 1 medium onion. Put in milk and in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature is 150-200 degrees. Then take out, cool a little, filter. Onion, which will remain in the strainer, put in gauze and squeeze into the milk juice. That's all. You can put more honey - to taste! You can make 1 liter - 2 bulbs... In the oven, it's better to burn in a clay pea! The medicine is very good. She herself did a little daughter (2 years 3 months). Cough was in 4 days... but coughed, could not sleep at night. And without any medication. I gave before bedtime 200 ml before going to sleep - day and night.
But a delicious recipe!
Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant.
Get well! I hope my advice will help you! (if that ask).


pour a small amount of sugar in a saucepan, put on a plate, cook until completely dissolved, do not forget to stir, or it will burn. cook for 15-20 minutes. drip on a spoon, if it stiffens, then it's ready.


Take one teaspoon of sugar and heat it over a small fire, and when it melts and gets a honey color, you need to dip the spoon into a small amount of cold water.
The resulting lollipop and warm sweet water is an excellent remedy for dry cough.


I was given a recipe: mix sugar with grated onions in a proportion of 1 to 1, melt in a frying pan until brown, cool and then dissolve a piece. Has made, has tried, a muck rare or infrequent: ((((I could not resolve it or him. And the baby's nephew, when coughing - dissolves and it helps!


tested for years, as early as 50 years passed as the first time I tried: in a spoonful of table I pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar (that would not spill out when boiling sugar). And I heat up to blackness, while the melted sugar boils and burns in a spoon., as everything became black, I lower the spoon into the floor of a glass of water, and wait 15 minutes and 20 minutes for everyone to dissolve with a spoon. Small sips before going to sleep. It helps on 10000 %%%. I do to my mother (as when she told me), her diagnosis I do not want to describe., but this is due to the lungs. She coughs her from coughing. THANK YOU. May God grant her health.
However, the only time he did not help me, coughing tortured a week. Then my mother found in the old records another folk recipe: half a teaspoon dry!!! Mustard + spoon draining oil + spoon of honey, mix everything, add 3 h. spoons of juice of a lemon (thus oil in a mix can be slightly curtailed). and drink as a jam with tea better after dinner and before bedtime .2-3 days of coughing is not, you can give the children all sweet and delicious. On Health to Everyone!

How to cook lollipops from burnt sugar, which is said to help cough?



Life experience adds to our wisdom. It is truly true that the burnt sugar helps with coughing - it is tested on your own children and on surrounding people. We take 7 spoons of sugar-sugar warmed in a metal container before dissolving and forming a brown color. Then add 1 glass of cold water, but very carefully, so as not to get burned from the steam, which will break out of the tank. Monotonically stirring we bring the candy mass to the consistency of the homogeneous solution, then let it cool to room temperature and depending on the age of the patient add 1-2-3 tablespoons of vodka. Drink 1 teaspoon spoon every 2 hours before the final use of liquid medicated. Use, treat and advise others. Be healthy!

Elena Polyakova

It's very simple: a glass of sugar, half a glass of water, stir in a saucepan, and for a long time you cook, then for pies and for cold. That's all. :)

Abramova Anastasia

I in the childhood simply fell asleep on a spoon sugar and held over a gas cooker, 30 seconds and it's ready


put the sugar in the bare little bit of water and a little bit of water on the stove, and even stir it, do not forget how to gurgle everything will start another 1 minute and it's ready. but from coughing, burnt sugar will not help

Svetlana Romanova

Take half a spoonful of granulated sugar and heat it over a gas or candle before dissolving the crystals and the moment when the melted mass turns brown, but does not burn. Then dissolve this caramel in warm water and give, as a cough mixture.

Dark magician

I remember in my childhood did, I have a friend then with a food slip, such are candies))

[email protected]

better buy a black radish, the middle of a mound of sugar and put in the oven for 20-30 minutes, rinimay 3 times a day, you can still cook the figs in milk and drink, too, helps well


In my early childhood, my mother made burnt sugar like this: a piece of refined sugar (usual, not instant) keeps candles burning in the flame, sugar melts and drips into tea, then you drink it all.

Elena Sharapova

You can spoon the sugar in a spoon and heat it over the fire (if the stove is a gas stove). The sugar will melt and when it cools down you will suck a spoon.

Ekaterina Lyovochkina

You take a tablespoon, pour a little more than half of sugar, a few drops of water and hold it over the burner, over medium heat, until sugar dissolves, and after a few minutes there will be a lollipop... Only from a cough actually it does not help much


Put a little sugar on the tabletop, so that there is a small slide on top.
Then hold the spoon over the fire until the sugar dissolves. It remains only to wait until it freezes and is ready.


Above the fire, it's easiest to pour in a tablespoon not a lot of sugar and keep it on fire until the sugar is solidified! Very tasty candy is obtained. But it does not help much from the cough!

A fox

take a tablespoon, put sugar, pour a little water and hold it over the comfort until the sugar melts, preferably stir it with a toothpick. then wait until the osteone and the candy is ready.

Pamela Andersen

but how not to cook anyway, all the pans and frying pans will burn! in the kitchen there is a sea of ​​smoke and a burning sweet smell... no matter how I tried, I never did it.


For better effect, as my grandmother says, you need to do it on milk or cream, put more sugar in there and let it cook until you turn into a brown candy. The proportions are according to your wishes. By the way, it's this recipe that helps with coughing. It is checked on own experience, and I do not say


You need to take a spoonful of a starter and put sugar on it and keep it on gas until it
will not melt and then put in cold water and pull out and everything is ready the truth will be
slightly bitter but from the throat will help you believe me, I already know it


You take a spoon that you do not grudge to put sugar on and hold it over comfort until it turns brown, you take it off and wait until it cools down in 5 minutes the candy is ready and tasty and useful :)

oksana fonariuk



The simplest and most tried-and-true way: take a tablespoon of sugar and sugar it over a mantle until it becomes liquid. Before this, on a saucer (you put it under the slopes) you pour cold water, and the sugar that is melted into spoons is poured into the water. you make a stick out of a match and it's ready, tasty and quick, and helps cough from the cough.))


Already everything is written. Delicious!

Burnt sugar from cough

Everyone faced a cough. In addition to giving unpleasant sensations, a disease accompanied by a cough can cause complications. Therefore, you need to get rid of cough in parallel with stopping its root cause. It should be noted that there are two types of cough - wet and dry. Dry cough is more dangerous, it can be a manifestation of bronchitis and other severe infectious and inflammatory diseases. Burnt sugar can translate the cough from dry to wet, that is, to produce an expectorant effect when the lungs get sputum. This is a good sign that the patient's condition is improving.

Why does burnt sugar help cough?

A simple folk cough remedy is an effective medicine. Let's see what benefits burned sugar brings and how it coughs.

First of all, the burnt sugar removes the irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, therefore the folk remedy is often recommended for acute and chronic pharyngitis.

Secondly, burnt sugar dilutes sputum, which is why it is an indispensable tool in the presence of difficult-to-treat viscous secretions.

The effect of coughing with burnt sugar is achieved after two or three days, such a quick action can not boast of all the drugs from the pharmacy.

Burnt sugar from coughing will not do any harm to the body, even to the baby. But still, before using it, you should consult a doctor, as it will be useless in case of pneumonia and tuberculosis. Because of the fact that among the symptoms of these diseases there is a dry cough, the patient can by mistake start treatment folk remedy and lose time, giving the opportunity to develop the disease in the hardest complications.

Recipes of burnt sugar from cough

Probably, the recipe for burnt sugar from cough is familiar to many from childhood:

  1. Melt lollipops can be made by melting a few spoons of sugar in a saucepan. The main thing is that the fire during cooking was small.
  2. Also, do not forget to stir the sugar constantly so that it does not burn.
  3. After the product has turned into a viscous liquid of brown color with small bubbles, it is necessary to quickly pour it into molds.
  4. For convenience, stick in the still hot liquid sticks - so, the candy will be more convenient to suck.
  5. It is also advisable to lubricate the molds with a small amount of oil so that the burnt sugar can be easily removed from them.

In addition to the classic, there are several recipes, thanks to which you can make lollipops from burnt sugar with different tastes, without sacrificing the medicinal properties of the folk remedy.

In order to make a milk candy from burnt sugar, it is necessary:

  1. Melt the sugar.
  2. Using a spoon, slowly pour the sugar into a glass of cold milk, stirring at the same time.
  3. Spread the resulting liquid into molds.

If you do everything right, then the therapeutic candy will have a homogeneous mass, and there will be no fragments of burnt sugar in them.

Also in the folk remedy you can add decoctions

  1. Take one glass of anti-inflammatory decoction based on mother-and-stepmother or expectorant broth based on thyme.
  2. Add in it two glasses of sugar and two tablespoons of honey.
  3. After this, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring constantly.
  5. After the liquid becomes viscous and acquires a brownish color, it is necessary to pour it over the molds.

Such a simple folk remedy possesses a mass of useful properties, which also depend on those herbs whose broths will be added to the candy. In this case, a positive result will be visible after three days.


How to cook candy from cough from burnt sugar?

Today, there are a huge number of recipes from diseases associated with the throat. However, burnt sugar from cough is considered one of the most popular and effective traditional medicine, used primarily for the treatment of children. As a rule, it is used as an additional agent in the fight against inflammatory and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, since its action is soft.

What is a cough?

As you know, cough is a kind of protection of the body from respiratory tracts of foreign bodies, as well as products of inflammatory nature and pathogens of infection. As you know, there are two types of cough: wet and dry. As for the first type, provided that it appears due to an infectious-inflammatory process, it must be turned into wet. Thus, the sputum accumulated in the lungs is removed, the airways are released and the recovery comes much faster.

Often the cause of dry cough becomes irritation of the mucosa. The main goal in this case is to cough cough by taking medications aimed at reducing irritation and enveloping.

What is the action of burnt sugar?

Burnt sugar, being a fairly gentle remedy, helps with coughing, it helps to remove irritation from mucous.That is why it is often prescribed for pharyngitis, both chronic and acute.

In addition, another property of burnt sugar is the ability to dilute sputum, so it is often used to treat a cough with a very viscous, hard-to-sputum sputum. However, before using this product, even despite its simplicity, it is necessary to consult a doctor and consult.

Cough of a dry type can be a sign of both a common cold and more serious diseases, for example, tuberculosis or pneumonia.

In addition, you should be aware that self-treatment of children under 2 years is also very dangerous, because in this the age of the child's body is only being formed and the inflammatory processes can quickly spread to neighboring tissues and organs. In addition, a child at this age is not yet able to independently get rid of phlegm by cough, so taking drugs that cause copious discharge can lead to disruption respiration.

Burnt sugar can be used to treat a child, but before that you should always consult a pediatrician and take into account the age of the baby. Despite the fact that the remedy is accessible to everyone, it should be applied only on indications.

How to cook the burnt sugar?

For preschoolers and schoolchildren burnt sugar from cough is often done in the form of candy. It will be necessary to put sugar (more enameled) sugar (several spoons) and put it on slow fire, while not forgetting to stir constantly. Sugar must be melted to the condition of a viscous liquid, it must be brown, then pour it into ice molds or ordinary teaspoons. After the sugar has solidified, candies can be given to a child up to 4 times a day.

In addition, you can make lollipops with milk. For their preparation, the molten sugar is poured into cold milk, thus, lollipops with milk taste are obtained. It should be borne in mind that air bubbles may be present in them, which are damaged during resorption and formed acute cavities, capable of damaging the oral mucosa of the baby, that is, to hurt. Therefore, these candies will suit children of school age.

If the specialist prescribed an expectorant for the child, sugar can be made using a decoction or infusion of herbs.

For example, lollipops. First you need to prepare an infusion of this herb (1 tbsp. l) and boiling water (1 tbsp.). Lollipops are prepared on its basis. In the decoction (1 tbsp.) Sugar is added with honey (2 cups and 2 tbsp. l. respectively), all this is well mixed, placed in an enameled container and placed on a slow fire. The mixture is brought to a boil and a little brewed. To check the readiness of the solution, it is dripped into cold water. If a frozen drop gnaws like a candy, then the solution can be poured into shapes.

Another recipe is a cough syrup, cooked on the basis of burnt sugar. In two tablespoons of sugar melted on fire to the state of caramel sugar is added, l of water. The resulting syrup is boiled again, cooled, merged into glassware. Keep the syrup in the refrigerator and take up to 3 teaspoons, depending on how old the child is, adding it to tea no more than 3 times a day.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = W5fA6K5giE4

Means of burnt sugar can be taken and adults, but the recipe is slightly different. In this case, taken 7 tbsp. l. sugar, melts to brown caramel, after which boiled water (1 tbsp.) is added to it and again brought to a boil. Then the solution is cooled and vodka is added (3 tbsp. l.). The syrup is taken with tea and lemon up to 6 times a day on a tablespoon.

Burnt sugar is a very common cough remedy, however, despite its popularity, one should not self-medicate without consulting a specialist.


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