Rheumatism of the joints of the hands and feet: signs and treatment


  • 1What is the rheumatism of the joints: the symptoms and treatment of the legs
    • 1.1Species and features of rheumatism
    • 1.2Causes of rheumatism
    • 1.3How to recognize a disease
    • 1.4Treatment of rheumatism with medicines
    • 1.5Prevention of disease
    • 1.6Complications of rheumatism
    • 1.7Forecasts
  • 2How to treat leg rheumatism
    • 2.1What is the risk of rheumatism?
    • 2.2Causes of rheumatism
    • 2.3Symptoms and classification
    • 2.4Diagnosis of rheumatism
    • 2.5Treatment
    • 2.6Prevention of foot rheumatism
    • 2.7Treatment of rheumatism at home
    • 2.8Nutrition for rheumatism
  • 3Rheumatism of joints - signs, causes and treatment
    • 3.1Causes of rheumatism
    • 3.2Symptoms of rheumatism
    • 3.3Diagnosis of rheumatism
    • 3.4Treatment of joint rheumatism
    • 3.5Prevention of rheumatism
  • 4Rheumatism of joints - symptoms, treatment methods and prevention
  • 5What is rheumatism of joints and how to treat it?
    • 5.1Mechanism of development of joint rheumatism
    • 5.2Than rheumatism differs from rheumatoid arthritis
    • 5.3What is the development of joint rheumatism
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.4Manifestations of rheumatism
    • 5.5Diagnostics
    • 5.6How to treat joint rheumatism
    • 5.7Preparations during rheumatic attacks

What is the rheumatism of the joints: the symptoms and treatment of the legs

Rheumatism is a complex disease of a systemic nature, characterized by an inflammatory process mainly in the connective tissues of the heart and blood vessels. The disease can spread to the joints and other organs. The cause of its occurrence is infection, the causative agent is hemolytic streptococcus of group A.

Characteristic signs of acute rheumatism are most often found in children and adolescents with a genetic predisposition to this disease, at the age of 7 to 15 years. Geography in this case does not matter - the disease is recorded on all continents of the globe.

But a direct relationship between the frequency of rheumatic fever among children and the socio-economic level of the country in which they live is noted.

In poorly developed and developing countries, children suffer from this disease much more often than in developed countries.

For a thousand children, the disease is recorded in 6-22 children and adolescents.

In this case, the course of childhood rheumatism is usually severe, more rapid than in adults, with bright symptoms and the tendency to the development of heart disease, pulmonary hypertension and high mortality due to serious dysfunctions of the heart. This phenomenon is due to the unsatisfactory social conditions of schoolchildren, poor nutrition and poor medical care.

Important: the treatment of the disease is always long, sometimes it takes several years to finally get rid of its symptoms and prevent a relapse.

Species and features of rheumatism

In recent years, rheumatism of joints and other organs has been carefully studied by physicians. Two main forms of the disease were identified: active and inactive.

  1. Inactive phase. Clinical and laboratory examinations of a patient who had a history of rheumatism, do not show the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or a significant decrease in immunity. The disease does not appear, the symptoms of rheumatism of the feet, hands, skin and other organs occur only after heavy physical exertion, if heart disease has developed.
  2. The active phase, in turn, is classified according to the three degrees of manifestation. Differences consist in the specificity of inflammation in certain organs and systems. Allocate a minimum degree, moderate and maximum.

1st degree of rheumatism

With this form of symptoms is very weak, only the ECG and FTC can reveal some signs of carditis. Other laboratory parameters either do not go beyond the limits of the norm, or are slightly altered.

2nd degree of rheumatism

Symptoms of carditis are moderately expressed, accompanied by an increase in subfebrile temperature, flying polyarthralgia, chorea, mono-oligoarthritis. Inflammatory activity in this case is changed only slightly.

3rd degree of rheumatism

Signs of inflammatory activity are expressed very strongly by the results of clinical and laboratory examinations. Migrating polyarthritis of the knee, elbow or hip joints, pneumonia, carditis, serositis, signs of streptococcal immunity and high protein are diagnosed.

The third degree of activity indicates that the disease is at an early stage or exacerbated. The 2 nd and 1 st degrees can be both at the beginning of the disease and during intensive treatment.

Laboratory tests are performed repeatedly to reveal the dynamics of the disease.

Causes of rheumatism

To understand what rheumatism is, you need to know the causes that cause its development.

Pathogen - streptococcal infection, as it was said, namely beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A.

In patients with rheumatism of the hands, feet or heart in an anamnesis, a blood test reveals high rates of immune anti-streptococcal antibodies.

It can be said that acute streptococcal infection in the nasopharynx or throat can provoke the development of rheumatism. Up to 3% of patients who have had purulent sore throat, tonsillitis or pharyngitis in severe form, suffer further from rheumatism.

Symptoms of rheumatism of joints or other organs may be noted, but rheumatism of the heart is most often diagnosed.The disease develops in such stages of the inflammatory process:

  • Mucoid swelling;
  • Fibrinoid impregnation;
  • Infiltration of cells;
  • Sclerotherapy of tissues.

It is proved that the disease can arise due to hereditary predisposition.

Scientists have found that in some patients who underwent streptococcal infection, the immune system began to react sharply to immune antibodies.

This is the tendency to rheumatism, and it can be inherited.

Important information: those at risk are those whose relatives suffer from rheumatism of the hands, knee or hip joints, heart or skin. It can be cousins ​​or sisters, tekas, grandparents, not just parents.

How to recognize a disease

The disease usually affects several organs, very rarely any one, it can be taken as the main signs of rheumatism. But first of all the heart always suffers - rheumatism of connective cardiac tissues (myocardium) the doctor diagnoses in 90% of all cases of the disease.

In adults and elderly patients often develop rheumatism of the joints of the legs or hands, the skin is affected. The pain may be of different intensity and character, so the analysis of rheumatism is so important.

The doctor discovers the characteristic symptoms several weeks after the patient suffered an acute streptococcal infectious disease. These include:

  • Very high body temperature - up to 40 degrees;
  • Fever;
  • General deterioration of well-being;
  • Rheumatic pain in the joints;
  • Pain in the heart if the disease affects the pericardium;
  • Headaches with lesions of the central nervous system;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • The respite.

In 25% of cases rheumatism of the joints is noted, the symptoms in this case are similar to the symptoms of polyarthritis: redness of the skin on the affected areas, swelling and swelling of the knee, elbow or hip joints, severe pain. The prescription of treatment here is chosen appropriate, and should exclude pain.

Sometimes, most often in adults, a doctor can detect vasculitis - an inflammation of small vessels of the brain. This side effect is typical for lesions of the nervous system with rheumatism.

The patient thus suffers from rheumatic chorea: displays anxiety and fussiness, builds grimaces, not in a condition to supervise movements of arms or hand and legs or foots and coherently express the thoughts. It will require a comprehensive prescription of therapy.

Skin rheumatism manifests itself in the form of cutaneous erythema, rheumatic nodules can form.

Erythema often appears on the lower limbs in the form of rings of pale pink color.

Rheumatic nodules are located between the fingers of the hands, their structure is dense, the touch of the rash is completely painless (see. a photo).

Treatment of rheumatism with medicines

Drug therapy for rheumatism is aimed at neutralizing the main pathogen of the disease - streptococcal infection.

It can be cured with penicillin preparations - there is no more effective prescription for today.

The doctor prescribes antibiotics of the penicillin group if the disease is in the initial or acute stage. The prescription of therapy has long been used.

Further treatment of rheumatism of the joints of the hands, back, legs continues with antibiotics of prolonged action, the prescription involves the use of - bicillin-3 or bicillin-5.

With intolerance to the antibiotics of the penicillin group, erythromycin therapy is prescribed.

The pains do not remove these drugs, because the doctor always prescribes a course of additional medications, the prescription of which also contains painkillers.

Regardless of whether rheumatism of the legs, hands or heart is diagnosed, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Usually the prescription indicates that these are nonsteroidal agents - indomethacin, aspirin, voltaren, diclofenac.

The doctor selects the optimal treatment depending on the age of the patient and his physiological characteristics. A prescription for the purchase of these medicines in the pharmacy is not required.

Any of them stops the inflammatory process and relieves severe pain. If the pain of the hands, legs, back does not subside, the disease is treated with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common is prednisolone.

Prevention of disease

Prevention of rheumatism is as important as the treatment itself. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary prevention.

  1. Primary prophylaxis is aimed at preventing a systemic disease from developing in a person who has a predisposition to it, but who has never experienced it. A great role is played by the provision of good living and working conditions, full night rest and regular, balanced nutrition. In addition, the potential patient should not be contacted with carriers of streptococcal infection. Rheumatism itself is not contagious, but a disease like angina is transmitted by airborne droplets from one patient to another.
  2. The goal of secondary prevention is to prevent relapse in a patient who has already undergone this disease once. To do this, first of all, he should be registered with a rheumatologist of the regional polyclinic and regularly examined. Prevent the disease will help antibiotics, in particular bicillin. For decades, it is this medicine that is used to prevent disease. Bitsillinoterapiya lasts sometimes up to 5 years. Do not prescribe the drug with persistent circulatory failure and a tendency to thrombophlebitis. In winter, you should combine antibiotic with vitamin C.

Complications of rheumatism

The disease is most dangerous due to its negative impact on the heart. It is heart failure that often causes death.

Depending on what shells are affected, atrial fibrillation, myocardiosclerosis, circulatory insufficiency may develop.

If the development of the disease will affect endocarditis, heart disease will develop. With such a course of the disease and diagnosis, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is very high.

Another danger is the frequent thromboembolism of large arteries that occur after a rheumatic fever. An infarction of the lungs, liver, spleen, heart can also lead to the patient's death.

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The extent to which treatment will be successful depends to a large extent on the timeliness of the diagnosis.

If therapy with a properly selected antibiotic is started at the right time, the chances of recovery are very good.

But it is important that the medicine is taken exactly in the acute stage, when heart disease is formed.

Most often, complications in the heart affect children and adolescents. In adult patients, articular or skin rheumatism is more common, which is not so dangerous and does not pose a direct threat to the life of the patient.

The less relapse in the patient's history - the more favorable the prognosis. For this reason, it is very important to take preventive measures. Thanks to the use of various techniques and drugs, the mortality rate is significantly reduced today.

Less than one hundred years ago, about 30% of adult and pediatric patients died due to rheumatism and its complications. Today, this figure is reduced to 4%.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/drugie/revmatizm-sustavov.html

How to treat leg rheumatism

Although the diagnosis of "rheumatism of the legs" is not taken seriously by many, nevertheless it is dangerous not only for the feet, but also for the connective tissue of various organs. This is an autoimmune disease that is a consequence of a streptococcal infection that affects the joints of the lower limbs.

What is the risk of rheumatism?

The disease affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also connective articular tissues, which leads to the defeat of internal organs, articular cartilage, cardiovascular and even nervous system.

Most believe that rheumatism is affected only by the elderly. In fact, most often this disease manifests itself in childhood (7-15 years) and in people who have not reached the age of 40. So, regardless of age, any person can be at risk.

Causes of rheumatism

Such a disease as rheumatism can develop for the following reasons:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. The presence of the protein group B.
  3. Allergic reaction.
  4. Frequent hypothermia.
  5. Postponed infectious (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever) or streptococcal disease.
  6. Bacteria that enter the joints through the blood.

Once the streptococcus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce antibodies to fight it. The same antibodies are inherent in people prone to rheumatism. During this attack, the immune system destroys connective tissues, organs and joints.

Symptoms and classification

In general, the development of the disease begins 1-3 weeks after entering the body of staphylococcus and the transferred infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Sometimes these diseases are asymptomatic, and doctors diagnose "ARD" without prescribing appropriate treatment.

This leads to the fact that the person learns about the damage to the joints and the heart only on routine examinations, when a repeated infection becomes the cause of the development of articular rheumatism.

Do not delay the visit to the doctor if you feel any of the listed signs:

  • Inflammation and pain in the joints. The affected part swells noticeably, and the pain becomes stronger when pressed. And also, with rheumatism, inflammation destroys not only a single joint, but also neighbors with it. Though most often it concerns knee and ankle joints, small joints, for example, toes can suffer. And in the end, most harm is done to the heart.
  • Constant weakness after small physical exertion.
  • Temperature jumps (sometimes to a high level).
  • Violations in the work of the heart.

Classification of rheumatism

  1. Cutaneous rheumatism. During the manifestation of this form of rheumatism, the permeability of capillaries increases. As a result, small hemorrhages, dense nodules or dark red painful joints (nodal erythema) occur.
  2. Rheumatic carditis. It is characterized by the following symptoms: persistent pain in the heart, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat. Quite often, near the right hypochondrium, there are swelling.
  3. Rheumatic polyarthritis. The pain gradually affects all the joints. Articular joints swell, movements in them are limited.
  4. Rheumatic pleurisy. A rare type of disease. It is accompanied by intense pains that increase with inhalation, fever, dry cough. With a deterioration of well-being, there are signs such as: shortness of breath, cyanosis, uneven breathing, swelling of intercostal spaces.
  5. Rheumatic peritonitis. Often happens with primary rheumatism. It is manifested by fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and stool disorders.
  6. The defeat of the nervous system. It is accompanied by the destruction of brain substances and membranes and subcortical layer. It can also be manifested by rheumachorea (the dance of St. Witt). It is characterized by the reduction of striated muscles, which leads to a sudden attack of suffocation.

Diagnosis of rheumatism

When making a diagnosis, there are often some difficulties. The fact is that the symptoms of rheumatism are atypical, and can point to a number of other diseases.

In view of this, for the detection of streptococcal infection and some signs of rheumatic fever, a number clinical and instrumental studies, which include a blood test, ECG, ultrasound of the heart muscle, X-ray.


The best effect is achieved with immediate treatment, until the disease has affected the heart and other important organs.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed at the destruction of staphylococcus and prevention of the development of the disease.

  1. Hospital treatment. The patient is placed in a hospital, where within 1-2 months he undergoes medical therapy, observes a diet and is engaged in exercise therapy. Antibiotics (mainly penicillin) are used to fight infection. Antirheumatic therapy includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used alone or in combination with other medications. Also, during inpatient treatment, it is necessary to eliminate all causes of infection.
  2. Restoration in sanatoria. After therapy in the hospital, you need to undergo treatment in the cardio-rheumatological sanatoriums where you need will comply with the health regime, engage in exercise therapy and take various forms bath.
  3. Control of the disease. Constant observation and treatment measures help to prevent the development of rheumatism. Patients are prescribed treatment to restore blood circulation, physiotherapy, massage.

Prevention of foot rheumatism

Do not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Rheumatism is no exception.

Measures of primary prevention:

  • Isolation of a patient who has streptococcal infection;
  • Maintenance of the body's defenses (sports, exercise, balanced diet);
  • Elimination of all possible foci of infection (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, caries);
  • Continuous observation, examination and diagnosis.

Secondary prevention in order to avoid relapse:

  • Registration and timely monitoring of the patient;
  • Prophylactic antibacterial treatment;
  • Antirheumatic therapy.

Treatment of rheumatism at home

The principles of treating rheumatism at home are phytotherapy and proper nutrition. From folk medicine, you can try the following:

  1. Cranberry juice and buckwheat honey.
  2. Drinking lemon juice with a glass of warm water in the morning (half an hour before a meal).
  3. Consumption of watermelons, blueberries, jelly from cranberries and cowberries.
  4. Infusion of raspberry and black currant.

Compresses, tinctures and ointments:

  • Draw the birch leaves, scald with boiling water for softness, cover them with a sore spot, wrap them in a warm cloth and leave them overnight;
  • A tablespoon of dry juniper pour a glass of vodka and leave for 3 days. Take a couple teaspoons a day for 1.5-2 months;
  • Celery juice pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist a few hours, strain, take 2-3 teaspoons several times a day;
  • Mix the grated potatoes and put them on the damaged area. Wrap it with a warm cloth or scarf;
  • Spirituous infusion of lilac flowers: put up to a third of the bottle of lilacs, the rest pour alcohol and insist. Drink 2 times a day for 10-15 drops.

Nutrition for rheumatism

During the active phase of rheumatism, the main goal of the diet is to reduce inflammation and restore impaired metabolism substances, to increase the effect of medical treatment and to reduce the side effects of some medicines.

Food should be organized in such a way that it had as little salt and seasonings as possible, strong meat soups and broths, as well as sweets (honey, jam, confectionery).The amount of liquid consumed should be reduced to 1 liter per day. In moderate doses eat eggs, dairy and sour-milk products.

Rheumatism of the legs does not pose an immediate threat to life.

However, in view of its severe consequences, at the first symptoms of rheumatism it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, Since a correctly diagnosed diagnosis and timely treatment will help cure the disease and prevent it relapse.

A source: https://sustav5.ru/bolezni/kak-lechit-revmatizm-nog.html

Rheumatism of joints - signs, causes and treatment

With rheumatism of the joints, people met in remote antiquity, but its true nature and clinic became understandable to doctors not so long ago. Quite a long time, official medicine considered rheumatism a joint disease, which complicates the heart.

After studies conducted in 1836

, there was indisputable evidence that rheumatism, in addition to the joints, mercilessly affects the heart and pericardium (heart bag).

In honor of two researchers who independently established the pattern of heart damage, rheumatism of the joints became known as the Sokolsky-Buyo disease.

Causes of rheumatism

Why does rheumatism occur, and what is it? In most cases, rheumatism occurs in people who have suffered an acute inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Additional accompanying factors are hypothermia and high air humidity.

Most often, people develop rheumatism of the joints, in medicine called rheumatic polyarthritis.

Studies have shown that such reactions do not occur in all angina survivors, but only in carriers of the special protein of group B. According to the doctors, with rheumatism of the joints about a month after the infectious disease, about,% of patients are confronted.

Symptoms of rheumatism

The peculiarity of this disease is the fact that there is a clear connection with the transferred streptococcal infection.

Symptoms of joint rheumatism appear after 2-4 weeks after the infectious process (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.). The pain sensations in the joint are very strong and the motion in it is very difficult.

Sometimes even a slight touch to it causes severe pain.

The disease affects mainly large joints:

  • knee;
  • ulna;
  • wrist band;
  • brachial.

In addition to the appearance of acute pain, redness appears on the joint site, and the temperature of the affected area increases.

With the development of the disease the signs intensify, so the pains become stronger and more frequent, because of which the patient does not move much, and touching the joint brings even greater suffering.

Also, the temperature rises not only on the affected anatomical site, but throughout the body, up to 39-40 degrees.

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Often signs of rheumatism develop in several joints simultaneously, which significantly complicates the course of the disease and treatment. If at the time of rheumatism, then its development can be stopped, and therefore only two or three joints will be affected.

Diagnosis of rheumatism

In the event that the symptoms of joint rheumatism are not very pronounced, a complex of instrumental studies should be carried out:

  1. A clinical and biochemical blood test indicates an inflammatory response.
  2. Immunological analysis helps to identify specific diseases for the disease, which appear in the blood a week after the onset of the pathological process and reach a maximum by 3-6 weeks.
  3. Ultrasound, ECG and Echocardiography of the heart assesses the condition of the heart, helps to exclude or confirm its defeat.
  4. Roentgenography of joints, arthroscopy, puncture and biopsy of intraarticular fluid are performed to analyze their condition.

Remember, the symptoms of rheumatism are the first thing you need to pay attention to. The patient may note that a few weeks ago he had had an angina or some other infectious diseases.

In addition, with this disease, he will complain of a fever, fatigue, and joint pain.

The last complaint, most often and is the reason for the patient's treatment to the doctor.

Treatment of joint rheumatism

Patients are treated in an inpatient setting where complex therapy is provided, including:

  • bed rest for the first few weeks;
  • etiotropic therapy - appointment of antibiotics of the penicillin group intramuscularly for 2 weeks;
  • anti-inflammatory treatment - use prednisolone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

When the acute stage has passed, you may be assigned physioprocedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • UHF;
  • paraffin applications.

Self-treatment of this disease in the home is fraught with serious consequences.

Prevention of rheumatism

Rheumatism is a disease whose development is easier to prevent than to struggle with its manifestations for many years.
To do this, take preventive measures:

  1. Timely destroy streptococcal infections in the body.
  2. Do not allow the body to subcool.
  3. Correctly eat, provide the body with the right substances.
  4. Monitor the condition of the immune system.
  5. Pay attention to physical activity.

Rheumatic disease is a serious pathological process, which is accompanied by the formation of inflammation. This organ can be affected by various organs.

Typical manifestations of the disease is pain and general malaise. Treatment of the disease should be complex and be prescribed only by an experienced specialist after thorough diagnosis.

Only if all the recommendations are met can you win the disease.

A source: http://simptomy-lechenie.net/revmatizm-sustavov/

Rheumatism of joints - symptoms, treatment methods and prevention

Rheumatism is a complex systemic disease that affects not only the joints. Primarily it affects the connective tissues of blood vessels and heart, as well as other organs.

It is provoked by an infectious agent - hemolytic group A streptococcus. Most often acute rheumatism is diagnosed in children and adolescents from 7 to 15 years.

The main risk factor for this disease is a genetic predisposition.

Children's rheumatism is more acute than in adults, and there is a tendency to develop malformations, pulmonary hypertension. Because of serious violations of heart function, the mortality rate is high.

Rheumatism of the joints is one of the manifestations of the disease. Treatment includes the use of medications, physiotherapy procedures and other methods. To completely get rid of the symptoms of rheumatism and prevent its recurrence requires long-term therapy (up to several years).

The total number of physicians is 2 forms of the disease:

  • Inactive. In this case, the patient with rheumatism has no signs of inflammation or a significant decrease in immunity. The disease does not cause severe symptoms. Rheumatism of legs, arms and other organs occurs only after excessive physical exertion, if heart disease has developed.
  • Active. There are 3 degrees of manifestation. Differences consist in the specificity of the emerging symptoms of inflammation.

Degrees of rheumatism:

  1. 1. The first. Symptoms are poorly expressed. According to the ECG, the patient can identify some signs of an inflammatory heart disease affecting one of his shells, while the remaining indicators are within the normal range.
  2. 2. The second. Carditis is expressed more strongly, accompanied by a fever of up to 3, degrees, random, abrupt and chaotic movements of the patient, joint pain and arthritis of one of the major joints.
  3. 3. The third. Signs of the inflammatory process are manifested vividly. Patients have polyarthritis of the migrating nature of the elbow, knee or hip joints. In addition, there is carditis, pneumonia, inflammation of the serous membrane of the pleura, myocardium, peritoneum.

By the degree of activity, the doctor receives an accurate picture of the dynamics of the disease, determines the effectiveness of the selected therapy. In this laboratory tests are performed repeatedly.

Rheumatism of the joints in 90% of cases occurs with a lesion of the connective tissue of the heart.

In elderly and adult patients, rheumatoid arthritis of the joints of the legs or hands is often diagnosed, and skin lesions are noted.

Pain in joints can have different intensity and character.

Since the disease is provoked by a streptococcal infection, the first symptoms appear several weeks after the pathogen has entered the body. These include:

  • fever;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • pain in the joints;
  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • headache;
  • pain in the heart;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dyspnea.

Rheumatism of the joints is noted only in a quarter of cases of this disease.In this case, his symptoms are similar to those of polyarthritis: the skin on the affected areas turns red, the large joints swell, there are severe muscular and joint pains.

The patient may have symptoms of rheumatic fever:

  • anxiety;
  • fussiness;
  • lack of control over the movement of the legs and hands;
  • complexity in the combination of speech and the expression of their thoughts;
  • unhealthy grimace change.

Rheumatism of the joints can cause skin erythema and rheumatic nodules. The first often appear on the lower limbs.

They are rings of pale pink color and completely painless to the touch. Rheumatoid nodules are located between the fingers of the hands, at the joints.

They have a dense structure.

If rheumatism of the joints proceeds in isolation, then the treatment can be performed by an arthrologist or rheumatologist. However, joints and the heart are often affected together, because the therapy is prescribed by a cardiologist.

Even with an isolated form of the disease there is a threat of a pathological process going to the heart.

Therefore, in the acute period of rheumatism, the patient must maintain strict bed rest and maintain a diet.

After relief of acute symptoms, treatment is performed to prevent complications from the joints (chronic inflammation, mobility impairment, deformity, adhesion, etc.).

For the treatment of joint rheumatism, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most widely used. They are injected into the acute phase intramuscularly. After 3-7 days, they change to tablets.

The most popular are the following NSAIDs:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Meloksikam;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Oxicam.

They well stop inflammation and have an analgesic effect. But the prolonged use of these medicines adversely affects the condition of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the dosage and the regimen of application must be established strictly by the attending physician.

If the ineffectiveness of NSAIDs or the presence of contraindications for their use of glucocorticosteroids. To such include Prednisolonum, Hydrocortisone.

They are administered intramuscularly or intravenously, by a non-extended course up to 3-5 days, after which the drug is withdrawn.

Glucocorticosteroids are not intended for long-term therapy, as they can cause negative side effects: inhibition of the production of their own hormones, obesity, immunosuppression, etc.

But a short course is usually enough to suppress the active inflammatory process, after which they switch to the use of less aggressive NSAIDs.

Together with drug therapy, the following physiotherapeutic procedures are useful:

  • Paraffin applications. They have a warming effect on the affected joints, contribute to the elimination of toxins and purification of the pores. This method is used only after the acute stage of rheumatism subsides.
  • Warming with infrared rays.
  • UHF therapy. With the help of an electric field, blood flow is enhanced, selectively affecting the permeability of the vessel walls and eliminating residual swelling of the joint tissues, reducing inflammatory foci.
  • Electrophoresis. The patient's body is exposed to a constant current and injected with it medicinal substances on the inflamed joints.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are designed to consolidate the success of treatment with drugs, improve the motor activity of the joints and completely stop the pain syndrome. To achieve results, such treatment is carried out by the course.

To restore and preserve the functional capacity of joints can be applied complex exercise therapy. For this, the patient in the reclining position should develop the affected joints. After, as the condition improves, therapeutic gymnastics is expanded, increasing the intensity of the exercises.

With the treatment of rheumatism with the permission of the treating doctor, you can use folk remedies. Do self-medication can not, because many medicinal plants affect blood pressure and heart activity.

To eliminate pain and stop edema, the following external agents are used:

  1. 1. Infusion of the saber. It is necessary to take the dried leaves of the plant, pour them into a glass container and pour half the vodka. The composition should be insisted for three weeks in a dark place. Infusion can be used for rubbing into diseased joints and as a solution for lotions.
  2. 2. Potato Compress. Take 1 kg of raw potatoes, peel it and rub it on a fine grater. The resulting mass is laid out on a small piece of tissue and wrapped up with a diseased joint. The compress is done every other day for 1 month.

For oral administration, you can use products prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. 1. Decoction of onions. Three peeled bulbs are put in a saucepan, poured with 1 liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered and consumed in the morning on an empty stomach in a volume of 200 ml.
  2. 2. Green tea. It is drunk at least 3 times a day.
  3. 3. Carrot and celery juice. Mix the ingredients in the proportion every day, drink one glass of this mix.
  4. 4. Decoction of burdock and elecampane. Take the leaves of the plant in equal proportions, pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil the composition for 10-15 minutes, then filter. Use a decoction of 2 tablespoons three times a day for two months.
  5. 5. Dandelion infusion. Two tablespoons of plant flowers are ground, diluted with 2 tablespoons of sugar and insisted for 7-10 days in a cool place, after which squeeze the juice. The final product is taken 20 drops 3 times a day.
  6. 6. Infusion of acacia yellow. Take 30 grams of plant leaves, pour a glass of vodka and insist for 1 week. Use the drug 20 drops before meals 3 times a day.
  7. 7. Broth of the elm bark. A glass of boiling water is poured into 20 g of raw material and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the drug is insisted for three hours and ingested 1 spoon 4 times a day.
  8. 8. Infusion of dog rose. The root of the plant is ground and poured into vodka. After 2 weeks of infusion in a dark place, take 1 spoon 3 times a day.
  9. 9. Infusion of garlic. Take 40 g of chopped garlic, pour 100 ml of vodka and insist for 10 days, periodically shaking. The agent uses 10-15 drops three times a day.
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In the treatment of rheumatism joints and nutrition is important: it is necessary that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Vitamins C, P, PP and group B are especially useful.

The only possible measure for the prevention of rheumatism is the prevention of systemic infection with streptococcal infection. With timely antibiotic therapy, you can minimize the likelihood of developing the disease.

Since streptococcal infection spreads through the body with blood and lymph flow, it is necessary to ensure a high-quality protection by increasing immunity: should eat properly, eat foods rich in vitamins, and fully relax. No less important is the avoidance of contact with the pathogen. To do this, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/revmatizm-sustavov-simptomy-i-lechenie/

What is rheumatism of joints and how to treat it?

What is this disease - rheumatism of joints, symptoms and treatment of pathology, what is the mechanism of its development, the reasons for how it is diagnosed, and also what are the differences from rheumatoid arthritis, we consider further.

Rheumatism is a fairly common disease of connective tissue of autoimmune origin, to which people exposed to acute infectious (streptococcal) disease are exposed.

Anatomy of rheumatism

A feature of rheumatism is its systemic nature. In other words,the disease can affect various organs and systems, including kidneys, lungs, the brain, the nervous system, the heart.

One form of the disease is articular rheumatism. The connective tissue of joints of the musculoskeletal system affects pathology. Diseases most often affected by children - from 7 to 15 years and young women.

It used to be that rheumatism only covers the joints, and the defeat of other organs, including the heart, is only a complication.

Mechanism of development of joint rheumatism

What is rheumatism, we have already figured out, but how does it develop?

The progression of the disease is based on the duration of infection and the nature of the response of immunity.

Protective functions of the body react to the introduction of foreign organisms by the formation of antibodies, which are designed to fight the causative agent of the infection (in this case streptococcus).

However, sometimes in the process of fighting antigens and bacteria, a failure occurs. The fact is that some streptococcal proteins are similar to human antigens.

thereforethe formed antibodies begin to fight the proteins of the connective tissue, destroying its structure and causing the inflammatory process.

It should be noted that in the first place suffer those areas, which account for the greatest burden and which are often exposed to injuries, injuries, squeezing and hypothermia (joints of the back, knees, ankle).

Rheumatism is not the cause of significant changes in the joint itself.The disease affects only the membrane lining the joint cavity (synovial membrane).

These phenomena, as a rule, are reversible. butif the disease progresses simultaneously in the heart or other internal organs, then this poses a great danger to the patient's health.

Than rheumatism differs from rheumatoid arthritis

It is worth noting that rheumatism is often confused with rheumatoid arthritis.

Here are 3 main differences.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by a chronic progressive inflammatory lesion of the connective tissue of the joints, which eventually leads to their deformation and restriction in motion.
  2. Differs rheumatism from rheumatoid arthritis also in that its causes lie in the violation of autoimmune processes,but the origin of the latter is still unknown to this day.
  3. Rheumatism almost always affects large joints, and with rheumatoid arthritis, on the contrary, small ones - fingers of the hand.

So to consider that these pathologies are the same, is fundamentally wrong.

What is the development of joint rheumatism

The causes of rheumatism of joints can be covered in the following.

  • The most common source of disease progression ispathogen - beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A.
    This bacterium is the cause of many diseases, including tonsillitis, pharyngitis, influenza, scarlet fever. Defeat of the joints, as a rule, occurs 1-3 weeks after the transfer of the listed pathologies. Group A streptococcus is explained by the fact that with improper or untimely treatment there is a separation in the body has a large number of toxins that damage the connective tissue of bones, heart, joints, cartilage etc.
    As a result, the immune system fights not with the pathogen, but with its own cells, after which an inflammatory process of autoimmune origin develops;
  • Heredity;
  • Untimely or incorrect treatment of streptococcal infection- without antibacterial therapy (antibiotics);
  • People who are often exposed to infectious diseases, or have a chronic form of pathology, are most susceptible to joint rheumatism;
  • Incorrect nutrition, the presence of addictions, stress, lack of sleep, non-compliance with sleep and rest, as well as other factors contributing to the weakening of immune functions;
  • It is believed that it provokes the development of joint rheumatismcold. Most often peak incidence falls on the autumn and spring periods.

Most often, with joint rheumatism, the hip and knee joints are affected.

Manifestations of rheumatism

Signs in adults and in children are quite typical. The development of the disease occurs, as a rule, 1-3 weeks after the transfer of the infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by the bacterium streptococcus.

Infectious disease is not always manifested brightly.Sometimes its course is atypical, with a slight increase in temperature, a slight reddening of the throat, etc. In this case, doctors do not prescribe antibiotics and usually diagnose "ARD".

However, it should be said thatIn time, an untreated infection can lead to a number of complications, especially against a background of decreased immune functions. One of the most frequent consequences is articular rheumatism. Within a few days the disease can affect large joints.

Small joints - toes, hands, feet - are very rarely affected.

A feature of the disease is that the inflammation occurs in turn.

First it appears in one joint, then after a few days it calms down and changes to another, then to the third, and so on.

It is an alternate "flashing" of symptoms and is "a hallmark of rheumatism."

The duration of one "attack" does not exceed 12 days.It is sad that they can take place several times during this period. What's even worse is that each of them negatively affects not only the joints, but also the heart.

It is worth noting thatthe term "rheumatism" has recently been changed to another - "rheumatic fever". Types of the disease, depending on the clinical picture are as follows:

  • exacerbation of rheumatic fever;
  • recurrent rheumatic fever.

How rheumatic fever develops

There is a disease in the form of edema in the area of ​​the affected joint, reddening of the skin. Temperatures range from 37 degrees Celsius.

Besides,the patient is severely affected by any movement. Rheumatic pain, as a rule, is intense. Has a "volatile" character - it appears, then disappears.

It is worth noting thatoften rheumatic pains in the joints lead to a restriction of motor activity. A person can not bend an arm or a leg. Every movement is given to him with difficulty.

Rheumatic carditis

One of the most dangerous complications of rheumatic joint damage is rheumatic carditis (rheumatic inflammatory process of the heart).The disease proceeds in an easy form, medium and heavy.

In addition to rheumatic heart disease, chorea can develop. This disease is a rheumatic lesion of the nervous system in children.


Diagnosis of the disease can only doctor - rheumatologist.If the clinic does not have a doctor of narrow specialization - you can contact a traumatologist, a therapist. To identify the disease, laboratory tests and additional studies are usually prescribed.

Usually the patient gives:

  • Rheumatism on ECGgeneral blood analysisto determine the inflammatory process in the body;
  • immunological blood test- reveals the presence of substances characteristic of rheumatism (appear, approximately, a week after the onset of the disease);
  • roentgen- to determine the condition of the joints;
  • echocardiography, electrocardiography- assess the condition of the heart,
  • puncture- for examination of the joint fluid;
  • arthroscopy.

To identify the defeat of other organs, additional consultations of other specialists are appointed.

How to treat joint rheumatism

The first thing to do is cure streptococcal infection, which provokes the development of joint rheumatism.Combat the disease can be using antibacterial drugs - or antibiotic series of pencilin, bicillin.

Inside the hospital, the medicine is injected. Therapy usually lasts no more than 2 weeks.

Antibacterial drugs are then administered once every 3 weeks for 5 years. This is necessary in order to withstand the complications of the heart.

Antibacterial agents of a broad mechanism of action are prescribed:

ErythromycinAmpicillin Oxoxillin

And also preparations containing cephalosporin.

Preparations during rheumatic attacks

As a rule, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which almost instantly stop the unpleasant sensations

In combination, these groups of drugs treat the disease fairly quickly.However, in rare cases, these medicines are not enough.

Then you have to resort to the use of corticosteroid hormones in combination with antibacterial drugs. This treatment relieves rheumatic inflammation in joints for several days.

Preventive maintenance is recommended to begin with strengthening of immune functions.

Be sure to adhere to the diet for 2 years after rheumatic attacks, the main condition of which is a complete refusal or reduction of consumption of salt, strong meat, mushroom and fish broths, as well as food with digestible carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery).

Health to you and do not neglect to consult a doctor!

A source: https://sustavoved.com/bolezni-sustavov/revmatizm/revmatizm-sustavov-simptomy-i-lechenie/