Conjunctivitis in ARVI

Viral conjunctivitis: treatment, symptoms in children and adults

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva, that is, the mucosa of the surface of the sclera and eyelids. To date, there are 3 main types of conjunctivitis, which in turn are also subdivided depending on the pathogen or the causes: viral, bacterial, allergic. Also, a separate place belongs to fungal conjunctivitis and atypical chlamydia. In our article, we will describe in detail such a species as viral conjunctivitis, treatment and its symptoms, it occurs with equal frequency in both children and adults.

Causes of viral conjunctivitis

Depending on the pathogen, conjunctivitis can be isolated, that is, when it is caused by enterovirus, Coxsackie virus, adenovirus, herpes simplex, shingles, or accompanying systemic viral infections - rubella, mumps, measles (see p. symptoms of measles in adults), chicken pox, influenza.

Acute pharyngoconjunctival fever is observed when infection with adenoviruses 7, 4 and 3 types, and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis - when infected with adenovirus types 19, 8. With viral conjunctivitis, symptoms usually occur concurrently with lesions and upper respiratory tract. Most often, viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes, even if the onset of the disease has been concentrated in only one eye, very quickly the virus changes to another.

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Almost 70% of the causes of viral conjunctivitis are considered hospital infections. This highly contagious disease, transmitted by contact, that is, through the hands, close contact, airborne infection is unlikely, but possible.

Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis

The incubation period of such conjunctivitis is no more than 4-12 days. Often, many patients may recall that they have been communicating with a patient with conjunctivitis some time ago. At the end of this period, viral conjunctivitis manifests itself in symptoms:

Viral conjunctivitis treatment
  • On the conjunctiva of the eyelids, follicles can form
  • There is an increase in blood vessels and irritation of nerve endings in the eye area, which is expressed by reddening, lacrimation, itchy eyes.
  • First, a serous discharge appears in the eye, which quickly spreads to the second eye.
  • The pre-limp lymph nodes increase, becoming painful on palpation.
  • Can develop photophobia or sensation of a foreign body in gases.
  • The opacity of the cornea can cause a decrease in vision and even after recovery the residual corneal opacities the doctor can observe for another 2 years.

When conjunctivitis occurs against a background of a manifesting viral disease - measles (symptoms of measles in children), mumps, rubella, chicken pox and influenza - treatment of viral conjunctivitis in this case is reduced to a general fight against the underlying disease, and eye sights in the child should be washed with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory herbal infusions (chamomile, sage), by instilling eye drops with interferon, and when recovering from the underlying disease, viral conjunctivitis is also stopped.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis - treatment and symptoms in children

This type of virus is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets and affects not only the eyes, but also the nasopharynx. Most often it happens epidemiologically with outbreaks of the virus in children's groups.

  • Usually, adenoviral conjunctivitis is combined with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, high body temperature up to 39C, an increase in pre-limb lymph nodes in children.
  • The eyes and eyelids of the children turn red (see Fig. causes redness of the eyes), there is swelling, lean not purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • There is photophobia, lacrimation.
  • In the follicular form, the presence of films or follicles is noted.
  • The cornea is rarely affected.

This type of viral conjunctivitis is diagnosed, the symptoms of which are combined with the involvement of viral damage of the upper respiratory pathways, on the basis of regional adenopathy, laboratory serological data, cytological and virological examinations.

A universal remedy for any conjunctivitis are dropsAlbucid(sodium sulfacyl). With such a viral conjunctivitis, treatment is performed using antiviral eye drops with interferon, such as:

  • Ophthalmicron- has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulating action, since it contains human interferon. Burial is carried out 6-8 times a day for 1-2 drops with acute viral conjunctivitis, as recovery 2-3 r / day
  • Poludan- antiviral eye drops based on the biosynthetic complex of endogenous interferons, cytokines and interferon in the lacrimal fluid. Used to treat herpetic and adenoviral eye infections. The solution is instilled in 1-2 drops of 6-8 r / day, then 3-4 times within 7-10 days.
  • Actipol- is an inducer of endogenous interferon, has an antiviral effect, a strong antioxidant and renders a regenerative effect on any tissues and mucous membranes. Drip 2 drops from 3 to 8 r / day for 10 days.
Herpetic conjunctivitis treatment

Herpetic conjunctivitis

With adenoviral, viral conjunctivitis in children and adults, treatment should be supplemented with the use of antiviral ointments, as prescribed by the doctor:

  • Before applying ointments to the baby, first you should rinse the eyes with infusion of chamomile, tea, sage, provided there is no allergy to vegetable components, then drip with Albucid and any drops with interferon, and then after half an hour lay the ointment recommended by the pediatrician.
  • Florenal- ophthalmic ointment, has an antiviral effect against herpes viruses, adenoviruses, the virus Vericella zoster (chickenpox, herpes zoster). Ointment is poured 2-3 times a day for the lower eyelid from 10 to 45 days.
  • Tebrofen Ointment- Used for any viral diseases of the eye. With adenoviral conjunctivitis, treatment is carried out by pouring over the edges of the eyelids of this ointment 3-4 r / day.
  • Bonaphoton- ophthalmic ointment, which is active in relation to some adenoviruses and the Herpes simplex virus. Adults - 0.1 g 3-4 times a day (treatment course - 15-20 days), children - 0.025 g 1-4 times a day for 10-12 days. Simultaneously pawn for both centuries 0.05% eye ointment 3-4 times a day.
  • If the doctor deems it necessary, he can prescribe antibacterial ointments with an antibiotic, in case of infection - erythromycin, tetracycline ointment.

With adenoviral conjunctivitis, the prognosis is favorable, recovery occurs after 14-21 days.

Herpetic viral conjunctivitis - treatment

When multiplying the herpes virus in children and adults, various lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, including the conjunctiva of the eyes, may occur. Most often, the causative agent of conjunctivitis is the herpes virus, herpes Zoster, less often Einstein-Barr and even less often Cytomegalovirus. With herpetic viral conjunctivitis in children, the symptoms manifest themselves in this way:

  • Most often, only one eye is affected, in contrast to adenoviral conjunctivitis.
  • Inflammatory process sluggish, proceeds slowly enough, with the erased symptomatology.
  • Conjunctivitis is accompanied by herpetic eruptions on the eyelids and skin around the eyes, tearing, photophobia, itching.
  • When the catarrhal form of discharge from the eyes is mucous and insignificant, when the bacterial microflora is attached, then separated from the eyes is purulent in nature and in addition to antiviral treatment, antimicrobial should be added.
  • When follicular form of herpetic conjunctivitis on the eye mucosa, follicles are formed, if inflammation becomes stronger, then jazvochki and erosion - a vesicular-ulcerative form of conjunctivitis.
  • When herpes often immediately after conjunctivitis develops dendritic keratitis (corneal damage).

In herpetic viral conjunctivitis, treatment consists in prescribing antiviral, anti-inflammatory, interferon eye ointments and drops by the doctor:

  • If the skin of the eyelids is affected, then the rash should be treated with a solution of brilliant green.
  • Under the lower eyelid, antihepatic ointment is poured - Zovirax, Tebrofen Ointment, Acyclovir, Virolex 3% ophthalmic ointment, Florenal, Bonafton. How to use such ointments, we described in adenoviral conjunctivitis.
  • With a significant area of ​​damage not only to the conjunctiva, but also the skin around the eyes with the herpes virus, the doctor must prescribe oral antiherpetic drugs inside - Valtrex, Acyclovir, as well as immunomodulators Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, etc.
  • In order to prevent the attachment of bacterial secondary infection, the doctor may recommend laying under the lower eyelid antibiotics - erythromycin or tetracycline ointment in the morning and evening for 7-14 days or Tobrex - eye drops with antibiotic.

Conjunctivitis in children

For each parent, the health of children is in the first place, so it is useful for everyone to know how various diseases are treated and treated. For example, children's conjunctivitis causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience. The ailment is associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and sometimes turns into a chronic form.

What is conjunctivitis

This infringement concerns infectious diseases and can have a different etiology. Conjunctivitis in children under 4 years old is the most common problem associated with the eyes. Older children suffer from this disease much less often. If you do not start the treatment in time, then there is a risk of serious complications: keratitis, phlegmon of the lacrimal sac, dacryocystitis. When the first signs of illness appear, it is worth visiting a pediatrician, an allergist, a children's ophthalmologist.


Conjunctivitis in the child occurs in several species. Viral form of the disease occurs against the background of adenovirus infection, influenza, herpes or chicken pox. Typically, the infectious type of the disease is accompanied by other ailments, for example, pharyngitis or rhinitis. The causative agents of such conjunctivitis in a child may be individual microbes or whole associations of them.

Viral and allergic conjunctivitis


Often, children of different ages can be found bacterial conjunctivitis, which is divided by type of pathogens into species:

  • streptococcal;
  • pneumococcal;
  • staphylococcal;
  • diphtheria;
  • acute epidemic.

Disease in a newborn child is included in a separate group (paratrahoma, gonoblenorea). Such a disorder the baby receives when the head passes through the birth canal, if the mother has sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea). Sometimes conjunctivitis in a child develops because of the increased pathogenicity of the microflora of the mucous membrane or in the presence of purulent diseases (otitis, sinusitis, omphalitis). In addition, the disease can occur due to mechanical damage, weakening of immunity or obturation of the nasolacrimal canal in the baby.

A healthy eye and a patient with bacterial conjunctivitis


Often a child can develop this form of the disease. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • weak protective functions of the body;
  • anatomical features of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • Eye contact with pathogenic microorganisms.

The development of the disease of the presented species occurs only when the infectious factor enters the conjunctiva and enters the conjunctiva. Acute inflammation caused by microorganisms, accompanied by suppuration, edema of the eye and the corresponding secretions. Get the infection the child can through objects, someone else's towel, personal contact with the peddler of the infection, while swimming in the pool.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in children

Signs of the development of this disease can be detected even before clinical manifestations. Typically, the symptoms are as follows:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • swelling;
  • fear of light;
  • hyperemia;
  • painful sensations;
  • blepharospasm.

For kids characterized by restless behavior, frequent crying, constant desire and attempts to rub their eyes with fists. If the disease proceeds in isolation, the body temperature can remain normal, and with infectious conjunctivitis rise to high marks. In addition, children have decreased vision, which occurs with proper treatment.

The disease of bacterial etiology is characterized by a sequential eye injury. The main sign of conjunctivitis is the viscous neoplasms that separate from the conjunctival cavity. The eyelids begin to stick together, the crusts of excretions wither on the eyelashes. The color of the discharge may be light yellow or greenish. When the form is started, the child may develop blepharitis, keratitis or ulcers.

Viral conjunctivitis is often associated with acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, therefore it is accompanied by a change in body temperature. In this case, liquid discharges from the conjunctival sac are noted (from the side it looks like constant lacrimation). If conjunctivitis is herpetic, then there may be blistering rashes on the skin. With a long absence of treatment, a baby may develop a secondary infection. Allergic conjunctivitis in the child manifests itself almost immediately after contact with the allergen. Inflamed at once both eyes, there is a tumor, a phobia of light, an itch.

Than to treat a conjunctivitis

A sick kid needs to be isolated from other people, because this illness is contagious. There is a popular therapeutic technique of Dr. Komarovsky, but you should not try to cure the disease yourself. The eye doctor or pediatrician will prescribe the necessary medications (drops, ointments, antibiotics, eye rinses). It is forbidden during the conjunctivitis of the child to glue the eyes or apply compresses, because it promotes the multiplication of bacteria.

How to treat conjunctivitis in children? It is recommended to wash the eyes of a child with a decay of chamomile, a solution of boric acid or furacilin. Every day, this procedure is repeated at least 4-6 times. However, the basis of therapy for conjunctivitis is the use of special drops or ointments. In diseases of bacterial etiology, antibiotics (a drop of levomycetin, tetracycline ointment, a solution of fusidic acid) are indicated. In case of viral forms, antiviral drugs are recommended (for example, oxolin ointment and ophthalmoferon drops).

Instilling eyes to the child

Eye drops for children

Before thinking about how to treat conjunctivitis in children, it is worthwhile to find out the nature of the disease, because for each etiology of the disease, different therapeutic methods are needed. As a rule, doctors prescribe special drops:

  1. Antihistamines (cortisone, lakrisifin).
  2. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action (Albucidum, Levomycetinum).
  3. Antiviral (ophthalmic, phloxal).
  4. Anti-allergenic (cortisone, allergodyl, opatol).

Eye Ointments

Conjunctivitis in newborns and older children, except for drops, can be treated with ointment applications. The remedy should be selected taking into account the etiology of the disease. The most popular ointments are presented below:

  1. Erythromycin is the most famous among antimicrobial eye preparations, it is included in the group of macrolides. Ointment is acceptable for use, even if it is necessary to treat conjunctivitis in infants.
  2. Tetracycline is also often prescribed when a given disease is detected. With local use of this ointment, adsorption is low, so you can call it a safe means. Children under 8 years of age are contraindicated.
  3. Eubetal is another effective agent in the form of an ointment. The composition of the drug is colistin, chloramphenicol, glucocorticosteroid betamethasone and tetracycline. Due to the content of useful components, the agent is equally effective in allergic and bactericidal form of the disease.
Tetracycline ointment

Folk remedies for conjunctivitis in children

If you notice the child's first signs of the disease (red eyes, a reaction to light, the eyelid can swell), then there are folk recipes that will help relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis:

  1. Brew chamomile flowers. A weak broth can wash the eyes of a sick child or dig in three drops to prevent the development of microbes.
  2. Take 1 spoon of crushed cornflower flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, then strain. The resulting infusion is used to wash the eyes at least 5 times daily.
  3. Mix freshly squeezed juices (carrots, celery, lettuce, parsley). In 4 parts of the carrot, take 1 part of all the others. Let's drink 100 ml before meals at least 3 times daily.
  4. If the baby's eyes are very red, the juice of dill will help you. Dampen with a cotton napkin, wring out, apply to the eyes for 15 minutes.
  5. Buy in the pharmacy crushed root of the althea. Pour 3 cups of roots with cold boiled water (200 ml). Insist means need 8 hours, after which do with it lotions.
  6. If the child has a severe purulent conjunctivitis, then try boiling the dogrose. It takes 2 hours. l. Berry pour boiling water (200 ml) and cook on low heat for 3-5 minutes. After this, the composition is infused for 40 minutes and used for lotions.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns

Sometimes this disease develops in the youngest children, which causes parents to panic. Infect the baby can during passage of the birth canal or improper care for the eyes. Treatment in this case has no cardinal differences. Parents should contact a pediatric ophthalmologist who will prescribe drugs suitable for the child by age (from the first days of life you can take sodium sulfacil or tobrebs). It is very important to carefully study the photoinstruction to the medicine and follow it clearly.

Eye Hygiene for the Prevention of Conjunctivitis in a Child

Prophylaxis of conjunctivitis

The main role in the prevention of this disease is assigned to the observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene. If the child is small, it is necessary to regularly change his bed linen, clothes, use a sterile napkin. In addition, you need to ventilate the room where the baby is and strengthen the immune system with proper nutrition, exercise, and intake of vitamins. That the newborn child does not fall ill, it is necessary to reveal in time the venereal infection of the mother, to process the birth canal before childbirth and the baby's eyes after birth with an antibacterial solution.

Video: contagious conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis in children

It so happens that children have conjunctivitis more often than adults. In this case, the disease characterized by inflammation of the transparent and very thin shell of the eye (conjunctiva), in children and proceeds more difficultly, and treatment requires a long time. To say unequivocally how long conjunctivitis lasts for a child is impossible, because there are three types of this disease:

  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • bacterial.

In addition, etiology involves classification of the disease into primary and secondary types. The nature of the course of conjunctivitis in children allows you to determine whether the child has an acute form of the disease or is chronic. There is another classification of this disease, based on the nature of the exudate. If the fluid is mucous, transparent, the child has catarrhal conjunctivitis. If the children have purulent discharge, then there is a purulent conjunctivitis.

Precisely determine what to treat conjunctivitis in children, can only the doctor after a thorough examination.

Viral conjunctivitis

Unfortunately, ARVI often provokes a complication in children in the form of viral conjunctivitis, the symptoms of which are immediately apparent. First, the virus that caused ARI affects one eye, but after a day or two the second one becomes infected. The baby's eyes turn red and itch, tears flow constantly. Treatment of viral conjunctivitis in children is reduced to easing the state of the eye. The disease also passes without treatment within two to three weeks, but special medications, antiviral ointments and drops, will help to rid the crumb from itching and secretions from the eyes.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

More often than other kinds of disease in children there is a bacterial conjunctivitis caused in most cases by staphylococcus or pneumococcus. These bacteria on the mucous eyes are due to the dirty hands that the toddlers touch the face. And newborns can "catch" bacterial conjunctivitis at the time of delivery, if bacteria are present in the birth canal.

This form of the disease is manifested by inflammation of both eyes, swelling and gluing of the eyelids from the secretion of pus, redness and photophobia. Independently with bacterial conjunctivitis can not cope. You need antibacterial drops, and ointment with antibiotics, and rubbing with tampons moistened with anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions (nettle, sage, chamomile).

Allergic conjunctivitis

If the baby's eyes turn red, itch, the lower eyelids are swollen, then, probably, the allergen-irritant, which has fallen on the conjunctiva, so often claims about itself. It can be pollen, wool, dust, and even drugs or food. Allergic conjunctivitis is treated in children by eliminating the allergen and subsequent instillation of the eye with antihistamine drops.


Since both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious, contact with sick people and their personal belongings must be minimized. When treating a number of rules:

  • use only gauze tampons that do not leave villi;
  • use a separate tampon for each eye;
  • observe hygiene;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • more often do wet cleaning.

If the symptoms of the disease (lacrimation, redness, pus, photophobia and itching) are associated with a rise in temperature body, then we are talking about adenoviral conjunctivitis in children, which needs a complex and long-term treatment complex. Currently, there are no drugs that selectively affect adenoviruses. The doctor, having determined ophthalmologic complications, will choose the optimal scheme that will ensure a quick recovery of the baby.

Than to treat a conjunctivitis at the child age which 2 3 months?



The son was prescribed by the ophthalmologist Sofradeks and Okomistin. Instilled one medicine (1 drop in the eye), after 5 minutes. The second medicine is exactly like this (1k. ) After 2-3 hours again this is to repeat. And so about 4 days to 4 days a day dripped.

Laura Petrarkina :)

Conjunctivitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, a transparent outer mucosa of the eyes, covering the sclera and the inner surface of the eyelids. Three types of conjunctivitis are most common: · viral · bacterial · allergic Viral conjunctivitis usually develops after acute respiratory illness, cold or sore throat. Bacterial conjunctivitis is a consequence of affection of the conjunctiva by bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. As for allergic conjunctivitis, it manifests itself against the background of a general allergization of the body. Quite often, allergic conjunctivitis depends on the season or the use of cosmetics, perfumes, medicines. Diagnosis of conjunctivitis begins with eye examination on the slit lamp. If a bacterial conjunctivitis is suspected, a conjunctiva seeding (scraping) is taken, which allows to clarify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The main symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis are: · edema of the conjunctiva · purulent discharge from the eye · redness of the eye · lacrimation · itching, burning, burning in affected eye In the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis, eye drops and ointments are used, which include antibiotics of a wide range of action. The most commonly used drugs are: solution of furacilin (1: 5000), potassium permanganate (1: 5000), rivanol (1: 5000); 2% boron solution acids; 20-30% of sodium sulfacil (albucid); 10% solution of norsulfazole; 0.25% solution of levomycetin; 0.5% solution of gentamicin. Viral conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes at the same time and manifests itself: · profuse lachrymation · irritation and reddening of the eyes · edematous conjunctiva · photophobia Treatment of viral conjunctivitis includes the appointment of antiviral drops and ointments, as well as drugs that help strengthen the patient's immune system. It is also recommended to take vitamins and trace elements. High efficiency in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis has a solution of interferon, applied 6-8 times a day, 0.1% solution of deoxyribonuclease 4-5 times a day. It is also possible to apply the solution of the half-day 4-5 times a day. A good result is a 0.25-0.5% treatment with tebrofen, florenal, bonaflone ​​ointments applied to the conjunctiva region 2-4 times a day. The main symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are: · itching · lacrimation · eyelid edema In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen, which triggered the development of the disease. If it is impossible to detect or remove the allergen, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamines in drops and tablets. In the absence of the effect of treatment, a doctor may prescribe a steroidal anti-inflammatory drop. Correctly selected treatment usually ends with complete recovery. Untimely or unreasonable therapy can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by frequent exacerbations. In any case, the treatment of the disease is always more expensive than its prevention. Therefore, you should adhere to the basic rules, compliance with which will avoid conjunctivitis: · wash hands with soap more often · avoid bathing in contaminated waters · do not touch dirty hands of face and eyes · use individual towels and disposable napkins instead of handkerchiefs Take care of your eyes, they are yours alone for life.


Colloidal silver. Checked many times. Safe, effective, well tolerated, even cats.

Mrs Day

With conjunctivitis, it is best to help levomitsetinovye drops. You can also dribble the albucid, he also helps with conjunctivitis, only he burns his eyes very much, the kids yell after him. At night, you can lubricate with tetracycline ointment. And necessarily every 2 hours you should rinse your eyes with broth chamomile or a solution of furatsilina, you can strong freshly brewed tea, so that the pus does not accumulate and does not stick together the eyelids; at night, too, you can at least wash it once, since it accumulates the most during the night. For each eye - a separate fleece. So treated my daughter when she was , years old. Conjunctivitis was on the background of ARVI. You should call a doctor or even an oculist, he should establish the exact cause of the inflammation, since the conjunctivitis is of different origin (viral and infectious, and sometimes catarrhal, against the background of ARVI), so only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment, otherwise it can only do much harm.

Yuliya Temkina

We helped albucid (not too much he burns) and tetracycline ointment for the night


There is one old proven tool!
Brew the tea leaves, cool it to a tolerable temperature, dunk a cotton wool into it and rub your eyes.
It helps!

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