Cough after sore throat

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Why does not it cough and what to do?

If the cough does not pass more than three weeks, then experts call it protracted or chronic. Most often, this condition is caused by chronic bronchitis, which is often observed in smokers and in people working in harmful industries (paint, pharmaceutical, industry). If a prolonged coughing disturbs a child or a non-smoker and when the effect of possible irritants is ruled out, an early examination and consultation of a specialist is recommended.

When chronic coughing is primarily examined for getting secretions from the nose into the nasopharynx, ejection of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus or pharynx, asthma. Also, the cause of long-term coughing can be more serious diseases - tumors, heart disease or connective tissue of the lungs.

Why does not it cough?

The reasons for not being cough for a long time can be many. In some cases, this condition is caused by benign lesions in the lungs, smoker's bronchitis, impaired functions or vessels.

In addition to constant coughing, other symptoms can also be present (wheezing in the lungs, runny nose, impurities of blood in the sputum, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, etc.).

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The most common cause of prolonged coughing is asthma. With this disease, coughing can disturb constantly or periodically (in case of exposure to allergens).

Also provoke a protracted cough may be an incurable cold, usually such a condition It is caused by the increased susceptibility of the lungs due to what the cough can appear on the reflex level.

Why does not cough after angina?

If after a transited sore throat cough does not pass for a while, then there may be several reasons for this. First of all, this state is promoted by the immune system weakened against the background of disease and treatment, which is not able to resist both new viruses attacking the body, and the "old" untreated. Sometimes it happens that the diagnosis is incorrect or the sore throat is on the background of another disease.

For example, in viral rhinitis, mucus from the nasal cavity enters the throat, which causes reflex coughing, thus the body releases the throat from pathological contents.

By external signs, angina is often confused with viral pharyngitis. To establish the exact diagnosis it is possible by means of a smear and crop. The causative agents of angina are bacteria, and pharyngitis is provoked by viruses. With angina, antibiotics are invariably prescribed, but such drugs are fatal only for bacteria, and viruses continue to attack the body. As a result, the immune system weakened by antibiotics can not withstand viruses, which leads to disease progression and prolonged coughing. Viral pharyngitis against a background of inflammatory processes in the throat can cause a dry cough with spasms in the larynx.

Also, coughing can be a sign of rheumatic fever, usually, in addition to coughing, pain in the chest, fast fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, you need to go to the therapist and have a check-up, take an X-ray, and the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

Often it happens that after a cold cough still continues to torment. If cough treatment does not show proper results and this condition lasts more than two weeks, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor. In most cases, coughing is caused by a new infection or virus that the weakened immune system is not able to cope with.

Why does the cough last a week?

If the cough does not last a week, and other symptoms (cold, low fever) are observed, the common cold most likely is the body. With timely and proper treatment, and with a cold, and with a cough it is fairly easy to cope. With improper treatment, non-compliance with the regime or complete absence of treatment, a severe inflammatory process in the trachea or bronchial tubes can develop.

To treat cough in the early stages it is recommended to do inhalations. For a long time it is known that when inhaled by warm vapors a moist environment is formed, which improves the formation and excretion of sputum. For inhalations use decoctions and infusions of herbs, essential oils.

To prepare a solution for inhalation, 1-2 tablespoons are needed. medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, mint, thyme) pour 400ml of boiling water (you can also dissolve a few drops of essential oil in hot water). You can administer inhalation in several ways: to breathe on a bowl with infusion of herbs, covered with a towel, roll a tube out of paper and inhale with it the therapeutic couples or use a special inhaler.

Do not inhale over boiling water, as well as with high blood pressure.

Why does the cough last 2 weeks?

Sometimes there are situations when, against the background of the prescribed treatment, the cough does not go away and continues to torture for more than a week. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an additional examination and, if necessary, undergo a new course of treatment.

The long-lasting cough in most cases is caused by a new infection, with which the weakened organism has not coped. The most common causes of prolonged coughing are mycoplasmosis, pneumocystis, in more rare cases, cough causes fungal lesions (candidias, chlamydia) or mycobacterium tuberculosis.

It is worth noting that improper diagnosis and treatment can give severe complications even with a common cold.

Why does the cough last a month?

Cough can appear as a reaction of the body to pollen, wool or drugs. In this case we are talking about an allergic cough.

If cough does not pass under the influence of allergens for several weeks, in most cases it passes into bronchial asthma, so it is important to identify and eliminate the stimulus in a timely manner.

Also, the cause of a prolonged coughing can be a respiratory infection, against which there is an inflammatory process in the tonsils, pharynx, nasal mucosa, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs.

The cause of prolonged cough in children can be the presence of a foreign body in the upper respiratory tract. With paroxysmal coughing with deep breaths, it is possible to suggest the development of whooping cough.

Less often if the cough does not go away for several weeks, the cause is fibrous cystosis, bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung tumors.

Why does not coughing go Phlegm?

Sputum is a discharge from the bronchi and trachea, it can be normal (in a healthy person) and pathological (with the development of certain diseases).

In the human respiratory tract, mucus is constantly produced, which protects the body from pollutants (dust, small debris, etc.), and also resists pathogenic microorganisms.

The color of the sputum can vary from transparent to green against the background of the development of various respiratory diseases, and it can also contain various impurities (blood, pus, etc.).

Sputum production on cough is a good sign, because in this way the body gets rid of microbes. To help the body prescribed medications that facilitate expectoration, promote the production of sputum (ambroxol, bromhexine) and restore the bronchial secret (ATSTS).

With an allergic cough, antihistamines are prescribed (loratadine, fexofenadine).

If the cough does not go away, sputum is released, and there is no temperature, then the cause of this condition can be allergy, heart failure, poisonous substances in the air, smoking, as well as ticks that live in feathers pillows.

To relieve the condition with a damp cough, you need to drink more liquid, it will help reduce the viscosity of phlegm and improve its excretion from the bronchi.

If the cough with phlegm does not pass through the background of treatment, you need to inform the attending physician and undergo an additional examination (blood test, sputum, X-ray).

Why can not I dry a cough for a long time?

Coughing without sputum is called dry, usually it occurs against a background of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

If dry cough does not go away for a long time, it is advisable to begin medical treatment. There are several types of medications, codeine and ethylmorphine-based drugs (codeine, glaucine) have a central effect and suppress the cough reflex, acting on the medulla oblongata, drugs based on acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (Kodelak bronho, Omnitus, Falimint, etc.) affect the cough receptors.

As an auxiliary treatment, you can use proven folk remedies that alleviate the condition with a debilitating dry cough. The most effective method for treating this kind of cough is warm milk with drinking soda, such a drink helps to reduce the cough reflex and improve your well-being.

Also 2-3 times a day you can drink a broth of black currant, peppermint, radish juice with honey, anise fruit extract.

With dry cough, inhalations with drinking soda are good.

Why does not cough go after pharyngitis?

With pharyngitis inflamed mucous pharynx, it can occur in both acute and chronic form. On the background of the disease there is a dry cough, which usually intensifies at night and leads to spasms of the larynx.

If even after treatment does not cough, then most likely the disease has not been cured or an ineffective therapy has been prescribed.

There are situations when the treatment stops on its own, even after a slight improvement in the condition. Usually in such cases a person does not want to "poison" himself with chemistry and stops taking medication, in the hope that herbal decoctions or strong immunity will help cope with the disease. However, this attitude towards treatment is unacceptable, since after the withdrawal of drugs the remaining viruses and bacteria can attack the weakened organism more strongly, which will lead to the development of heavy complications.

Why does not cough after laryngitis?

When laryngitis worried about dry cough, without sputum, hoarseness, Usually the disease is a complication of the common cold, but can develop and independently, after cold drinks, hypothermia, vocal cord overstrain, inhalation of ice or contaminated air.

At the initial stages are shown inhalation, rinsing, warm drink, medicamentous means for improving expectoration. Usually after a few days, sputum production begins, and the disease gradually passes. In the event that the cough does not pass for a long time after recovery, then an additional examination is required. Cough can occur with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (adenoids, tonsillitis), and a prolonged wet cough can indicate an infection in the lower respiratory tract.

Why does not a cough go after pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infectious inflammation of the lungs. In the beginning, the cough is dry, but with time, as the inflammation in the lungs increases, it becomes wet, mucus appears. In pneumonia, coughing does not last long enough, on average pneumonia lasts about a month, but after recovery, coughing is a necessity for the body, as it helps to remove the remains of mucus from the lungs, it is also commonly called post-infection cough. The duration of the post-infection cough may range from two weeks to several months, depending on the condition of the body.

To improve well-being after pneumonia, it is recommended to do respiratory gymnastics, as well as undergo a course of physical procedures.

After treatment, the sensitivity of the cough receptors decreases, causing coughing to appear when inhaled cold air, dust, etc., this condition is the consequences of the transferred infection, but not the manifestation disease.

Why does not it cough after a cold?

Cough almost always accompanies catarrhal or viral diseases. As a rule, the symptoms of colds disappear after a few days, and after a week the body is completely healthy, but the coughing can disturb for a few more weeks.

It is believed that cough after a cold (residual) is the norm, but if it continues more three weeks, in most cases this is due to the development of complications (pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis and etc.).

The acute phase of the disease lasts several days, but during this period, pathogenic microorganisms destroy the respiratory mucosa, which leads to an increased sensitivity of the bronchi. After a cold a person is often disturbed by perspiration in the throat, a slight cough, the departure of a small amount of sputum. After the disease, the weakened body takes some time to recover and restore the mucous membranes. During this period, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, it is desirable to drink a course of vitamins.

If the cough does not pass after the illness, it becomes stronger, there are other symptoms (chest pain, temperature, sputum with purulent or bloody impurities, etc.), it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the cause and to exclude the development of serious diseases.

Why does not cough after bronchitis?

After bronchitis, coughing occurs in about half of the patients. Most often, children suffer from residual cough, because they have more bronchial flaws than adults, and the recovery period lasts longer.

If the cough does not pass after bronchitis, the reasons can be as follows:

  • slow recovery process;
  • severe damage to the mucosa of the respiratory tract;
  • complications;
  • mistaken or incomplete treatment;
  • allergic reactions (in particular to drugs).

Acute bronchitis occurs on average from 7 to 10 days, but even after visible improvements, bronchos take time to recover.

The average cough completely passes two weeks after bronchitis, provided that the treatment process was normal, and there are no complications. If the coughing intensifies and lasts more than three weeks, a specialist consultation is needed, since such the condition can be associated with the development of other diseases (asthma, pneumonia, bronchial obstruction, allergy).

Why does not pass cough during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman does not get a cough for a long time, this can lead to serious consequences. During the cough, the tension of the abdominal wall and uterus occurs, as a result, the tone of the internal organs rises. The tone of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy threatens spontaneous abortion, in late terms - premature birth.

Coughing is usually a symptom of a viral or infectious disease, and it can also appear when exposed to irritants (allergic cough). A severe debilitating cough requires immediate treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist taking into account the period of pregnancy, the condition of the woman and the cause of the cough.

What if the child does not get a cough?

If the child does not go through a cough for a long time, the first thing to do is to identify the cause of such a condition. If coughing worries after a previous illness (SARS, influenza, bronchitis, etc.), then in this case, coughing can be associated with the recovery period. Harmful microorganisms weaken the body, provoke inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes of respiratory pathways and the body needs time to completely free the bronchi from the remains of mucus and restore epithelium.

In this case, coughing does not pose a danger, usually the child occasionally coughs, there may be a slight discharge of sputum.

It is worth noting that each organism is individual, and the process of recovery in each individual case proceeds in its own way and can sometimes drag on for months.

If the cough lasts more than three weeks, while the amount of sputum increases, coughing becomes stronger, it is necessary show the child to the doctor, since in this case there may be a secondary infection, the development of complications or a severe allergic reaction.

Folk remedies for cough

If a long time does not pass a cough, you can use folk remedies that help calm irritated mucous membranes, improve sputum excretion and speed up the process recovery:

  1. Infusion of dill seeds - take 1ch. fennel seeds, crush, pour 250ml boiling water, insist 20-25 minutes. This infusion is recommended to drink instead of water during the day until complete recovery.
  2. Serum with garlic - 2 tbsp. garlic pour 250ml of whey of cow's milk and put on fire, immediately after boiling remove from heat and cool. This broth should be drunk during the day.
  3. Honey - has unique anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, with a protracted cough, you can dissolve in the mouth 1hour. honey several times a day.
  4. Drug broth - mix in equal parts licorice, althea root and elecampane, take 1 tbsp. mix and pour 200ml of cold water, leave for two hours. Then put on fire, bring to a boil. Cooled and strained broth to drink in three divided doses during the day, treatment course 10 days (every day it is recommended to prepare a new portion). If the cough continues, after a week, you can repeat the course of treatment.

As already noted, coughing is a protective reaction of the body, helping to release the respiratory tract from small particles of dust, various contaminants, viruses, etc. If the cough does not pass a long time, you need to determine the cause of its appearance. It is worth remembering the residual effects that occur during the recovery of the body and helps cleanse the bronchi from the remains of mucus. Also, coughing may occur because of the increased sensitivity of the receptors, in which case coughing worries after inhalation of cold air, dust or the action of allergens.

Prolonged coughing, which becomes stronger with time, is accompanied by abundant sputum or other symptoms (chest pain, temperature, runny nose, weakness, etc.) requires an urgent consultation of a specialist, since such a condition can be associated with a serious illness (asthma, tuberculosis).

How to relieve cough after angina? all the bronchi are sore. Can I put a yellow card?


Ivan Ivanych

Dear Catherine! If you are concerned about a dry cough or with a small amount of sputum, you need to take codeine supplements, for example "Terpinkod" or "Kodelak" (sold without a prescription). After the separation of sputum intensifies, you need to start taking expectorants, for example, tablets "Mukaltin" or "Bromgeksin." Very effective inhalation with drinking soda: pour into a saucepan, -1 liter of very hot water, dissolve in it 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda, cover your head, and bending over the pan you breathe steam for 5-10 minutes. These procedures are best done before bedtime.

Maria Lapshova

: E% If a cough, it means not only angina. Gorcicnik can be already at the end of the illness. And better a good doctor. There are a lot of expectorants. But which one is right for you?

Marina Petrik

You can glue on your chest and on your back on the trachea pepper band, with it up to 2 days you can walk. If the cough is wet, then actively drink expectorant, and if dry, useless, paroxysmal without sputum, then kodelak-syrup copes well.

The Threat of Dreams

Cough after a sore throat??? Rather, it was pharyngitis. Set the mustard, syrup drink. Bronchitis in general is treated for a long time.

Maria Grigoryeva

Inhalations help me. (solutions for inhalation are sold in the pharmacy).

Evgeny Golubtsov

So many ways. I recommend boiling potatoes in a uniform. Breathe, breathe and even once breathing covered with a blanket. Then put the steward where it sits. So 2-3 days. If there are eucliptus leaves add to the batch. Checked works.

Julia Petruk

I was very well helped by a cough such a remedy: a glass of hot milk, 1 st. spoon of butter, 1 st. a bed of honey. Or still squeeze the lemon juice to boil and drink. But the first remedy is better. Good luck.

Cough does not pass after illness

Cough after the illness often causes serious anxiety in patients. It would seem that the main painful symptoms, for example, increased body temperature, runny nose and general fatigue behind, and there is nothing to worry about. But the presence of this symptom indicates that the disease has not yet completely left the body. What should I do in this situation and should I rush to a doctor? In order to understand this, it is necessary to find out, because of what diseases you may not have this symptom.

What can testify cough after pharyngitis and tracheitis

Pharyngitis - a disease in which the inflammation of the back wall of the larynx. This ailment is accompanied by perspiration and scratching in the throat, mucosal edema, a profuse rhinitis and a strong paroxysmal symptom that causes the most anxiety. The edema of the larynx causes spasms, which lead to the appearance of this painful symptom.

Inflammation of the trachea also leads to mucosal edema. Residual cough after tracheitis is not so painful and painful, but also pile-up. As with pharyngitis, it softens after the laryngeal edema subsides. A long non-passing symptom may indicate that the mucosa of the airways is still inflamed.

If, after these diseases, it does not go away for a long time and causes severe anxiety, consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a consequence of severe complications, which requires serious treatment.

Cough after ARI does not last long, what should I do?

If after a cold or ARI has passed a sufficient amount of time, and all the accompanying diseases the symptoms left your body in peace, and the cough still does not pass, you should seriously think about the visit to the doctor. The residual symptom in this case may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the organs of the lower respiratory tract. Many mistakenly suggest that bronchitis and pneumonia, which are the most common complications after acute respiratory infections and colds, always occur with an increase in body temperature. But this is not so. Here everything depends on how much the person has strong immunity. These diseases are not always accompanied by sputum discharge. In this case, the cough is unproductive and paroxysmal.

What does cough after tonsillitis testify?

Tonsillitis, which is better known as angina, is a disease that is contagious. Dangerous angina is that after it, patients often have various complications. After this ailment, there may be problems with the heart or kidneys. The symptom that interests us after tonsillitis occurs in two cases. It is observed with rheumatic fever. This dangerous disease requires immediate medical intervention. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and antibacterial drugs.

Pharyngitis can also cause cough after tonsillitis. Edema of the posterior wall of the larynx after sore throat is not uncommon.

Cough after genyantritis

Mucus that flows profusely from the nose with sinusitis and sinusitis, often gets into the respiratory tract, draining along the back wall of the larynx. Because of this, cough receptors are irritated, which leads to the appearance of a dry paroxysmal symptom. If the genyantritis has been cured, and cough still does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor, to establish the etiology of the disease.

What is the cause of cough after heartburn and GIT diseases?

If you are tormented for several hours by heartburn, which causes a dry, painful symptom, then your gastrointestinal tract has failed. Cough due to heartburn can be observed in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis or ulcer. Treatment of these diseases, provoking seizures, should be entrusted to the gastroenterologist. Only he can assign the necessary studies and write out the necessary medications.

A terrible cough after a purulent sore throat!!! help


Gra Tuit

in the fruit of a black radish cut off the tip and make a groove, lay the honey in the groove and cover it with a cut top and insist, then take (from a cough)

Lyubov Tarasova

I had a flu in my time, with a terrible complication on my throat, my cough was dry, while it was intolerably intolerable, because of the stuffy nose, I was even choking, because trying to breathe in with a throat, a terrible cough began, and my nose just did not breathed. We prescribed antibiotics and all sorts of medications, did not help, eventually bought a breastfeeding kit in the pharmacy, the usual one, she drank really very concentrated, drank, the next day it became easier!


Yes, I think everyone came across.
Cough syrups at night and in the morning at home, and in public places will save tablets like "Mukoltina heals long, but effectively)
In general, ginger tea is the best, especially if you add honey, lemon and anise in the right proportions.

Suzanne Deck

Antiviral drink anything! I recently only kagocel and drink it and for prevention, and for treatment is appropriate, and most importantly immunity strengthens, as it is not self-fighting viruses, but the body forces to enter into war with infection. I strongly advise you to try!

After an angina there was an allergic cough before a dream-what to do or make?



And why do you think that this is an allergic cough?? Allergic cough is without angina, and it's rather a complication... Inhalations with onion and soda give a quick effect, try ...


And why do you think that it is allergic, can this teardrop dry out. We need milk and butter and nothing else.

Svetlana Artemenko

A child's pillow is not a fountain? If so, replace it.

Olesya Bulatova

At my same such tussis and an angina hurt, cough then was, and simply orv the same tussis, at the allergist we are observed, tussis all throated and on the beginnings too, the doctor has told or said a throat the ruffled, a pharyngitis. drink from the allergies of lek-va ZIRTEK, syrups do not help, now at night does not cough, in the afternoon sometimes, it well clears throat. It is necessary to descend or go to the allergist,

*** just me

for the night, milk with sugar. daughter at night coughing strongly. tested, helped. if you need to write, I'll give you a recipe

Olga Mazur

Lungs can be clean and clean, but the problem can be in the trachea, inflammation. It is necessary that the doctor listened to the child well. It simply can not be cured. Do inhalations with saline solution and ambrohexal (you mix it with one and the other), you can just saline. It helps. I now fly my daughter. And we still drink Tonzillon in drops, it's on herbs.

Cough after ...

It seemed that already all manifestations of cough were cured and he should not bother. But, for no apparent reason, it can appear again and again. In some cases, it is a very solid cause for concern, while in others it is eliminated quite simply. The main thing is to identify the main cause of cough manifestation and eliminate it as quickly as possible in order to enjoy a healthy and calm life.

Cough after eating

Such a banal cough after eating at first glance rarely causes significant discomfort. Many simply do not pay attention to it. Although the issue is very serious and requires an integrated approach. So, in most cases, the cause of this symptom lies in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Almost always it has a chronic condition and is caused by a nonspecific casting of not digested food into the esophagus. In this case, cough after eating begins because of the defeat of the lower part of the esophagus.

An important reason for the appearance of such a cough may be asthma. Although it is difficult to identify the prerequisites for its development in the early stages, a qualitative survey will help to tell about the real problem. Quite serious complications are caused by an asthmatic cough. In most cases, even anti-asthmatic drugs will not be able to affect it. Sometimes the situation deteriorates noticeably. There are cases when both diseases are injected into one organism and then cough after eating becomes painful and gives discomfort.

Quite often, along with a cough after eating, a large amount of sputum is allocated. In this case, such a manifestation of the body indicates an allergic reaction to a product eaten during a meal.

Stomach ulcer can also provoke a cough after eating. A competent gastroenterologist will help to cope with the problem and eliminate all existing problems. Although a patient with similar problems should observe certain conditions for recovery health: quit smoking, moderate portions of food, reduce the calorie content of food and remove the excess the weight.

Cough after bronchitis

This kind of cough can be called useful. Cough after bronchitis helps to remove excess sputum from the bronchi, clearing them and preventing the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. If there was no such productive cough, then the lungs could become stagnant, which would lead to further inflammation of the lungs with subsequent complications. The main thing is that cough after bronchitis was productive. After all, only such a cough helps to cope with disease-causing surpluses. If it is dry, biting and barking, then you should do everything possible to turn it into productive. Otherwise, the condition of the bronchi can significantly worsen.

Cough after pneumonia

If you have a cough after pneumonia, you need to treat it with antibiotics. Correctly selected course gives an effective result on the second third day. In this case, there is a significant decrease in temperature and cough retreat. If cough after pneumonia continues to annoy and does not go into productive, then the treatment should be changed, as it is ineffective and can lead to significant deterioration in health status. Only clinical studies will help to eliminate foci of cough and cope with complications. In addition, along with antibiotics, it is very important to boost immunity with vitamins and immune medications.

Among the additional treatment for cough after pneumonia, you can highlight the use of potassium chloride, inhalation with the use of alkalis, chest massage, electrophoresis, microwave therapy and therapeutic physical culture. Cough after pneumonia can disturb up to 21 days. Therefore, the treatment process should be made more intensive to remove all the remains of stagnant mucus from the body.

Cough after running

Both children and adults cough after running can be bothered without cause. Just do not adjust the breathing during exercise, which leads to fluid transfer and respiratory distress followed by coughing. In this case, you should learn how to breathe properly: inhale through your nose, exhale through the mouth.

In some cases, the problem is the bronchial hyperreactivity, that is, the person has irritable bronchial syndrome, which can be more accurately confirmed after taking a test with bronchodilators. Almost always, the cause of a cough after a run can be a transferred flu, not completely cured by a person. The pulmonologist will talk more about this issue. Most likely, spirography will be prescribed, and according to its results treatment is prescribed, if necessary.

Quite often, for adults, coughing after running indicates the presence of tobacco smoke in the lungs. A healthy lifestyle and smoking do not quite match, so you should quit smoking to avoid such symptoms.

Cough after ARVI

Quite often residual effects after SARS suffer patients from 1 to 3 months. Cough after ARVI is very common and the cause is almost always in untreated illness. For each person there is an individual approach. Some people are saved by simple warm milk with honey, others prefer to be treated with badger fat. For those who are coughing after SARS for a long time, it is best to resort to medical treatment. So, injections of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate perfectly neutralize the effects of ARVI. And after 3-4 punctures, the desired cough relief comes. In any case, it is best not to resort to self-treatment, but to seek help from a therapist who will prescribe the right treatment. Perhaps he will offer folk methods. But, at least, it will be his appointment as a specialist.

Cough after fever

Almost always, a cough after a fever is a residual manifestation of bronchitis. And if the temperature is lowered to normal, and the cough has not become productive, you should do your best to get rid of the annoying symptom. The lungs must be cleaned immediately. Effective will be a warm drink, syrups and other procedures that help with expectoration. Sometimes, such a manifestation of the body indicates an exacerbation of the disease and the formation of more serious consequences. In order to cough after the temperature to cure definitively, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the residual phenomena in the lungs are quite abundant and everything should be done to get rid of them. In some cases, a good drug treatment is needed, and sometimes simple folk methods giving relief from an unhealed throat will help to get rid of a cough in a few days.

Cough after a cold

With an untreated cold, the logical continuation of the disease can be bronchitis. Cough after a cold almost always seems to be something not important, so not giving yourself enough rest and actively starting work, you can provoke complications. And the most dangerous thing is that inattention to one's health can even lead to death. A strong cough rending the throat, without secretions, aches in the joints, a periodic runny nose and a sore throat, can say that the bronchitis comes into its own. Sometimes it can be very painful in the chest area. Treatment is necessary immediately under the supervision of a physician. Otherwise the inflammatory process in the bronchi can develop into asthma. The combination of medications and relaxing teas will help to cope with the problem faster, and cough after a cold will pass faster and without visible complications.

Cough after a cold

Quite common is cough after a common cold. And the reason for this is not fully excreted mucus from the bronchi and lungs. The main thing is to get it out completely. In this case, every effort should be made to make the cough wet. Therefore, syrups and a warm drink (in the absence of temperature) will be excellent assistants. If the cough after the cold is wet, expectorants will help you cope with the situation perfectly. Help can also massage the chest, as well as warm baths and compresses. Mucus should be removed completely and then unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

Cough after the flu

This continuation of the disease almost always indicates that the disease is not completely eliminated. Cough after the flu can talk about the inflammation of the lungs, which can be identified by means of an X-ray. When the reason does not lie in some serious disease, it is possible to try medical treatment based on Sinekoda, Libeksina or Erispala. Of course, it is best to carry out the treatment by prior agreement with the doctor. Do not be superfluous and expectorant drugs that allow to withdraw the remains of phlegm and neutralize cough. As an excellent adjuvant in the fight against coughing will be inhalation, which helps to remove the remnants of accumulated pathogenic bacteria.

Cough after sleep

In 70% of cases cough after sleep testifies to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is inherent in smokers and people engaged in hazardous activities associated with the inhalation of harmful substances. Under the influence of various volatile substances falling into the lungs, their tissues are destroyed, which leads to emphysema. Ignoring such morning manifestations is not worth it. They are almost always fatal and lead to bad consequences. Having addressed to the competent pulmonologist it is possible to find out the basic reason of a problem, and by means of a spirography to put the final diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment that will certainly help to cope with the problem of the morning cough.

Cough after surgery

In some cases, a cough occurs after the operation. And although in most cases, this manifestation of the body can be avoided, mainly cough after the operation is caused by general anesthesia. The reason for this is the tube inserted into the throat. It irritates the mucous, causing the effect of persecution, but as a consequence and cough. In any case, the appeal to the therapist will not be superfluous. It may be necessary to take a picture of the lungs to establish a more accurate cause of the manifestations. When the cough after the operation does not release for several months, the cause can be found after the procedure of functional tests that can reveal the lung capacity.

After inoculation, cough

Very often in infants after vaccination, coughing manifests itself very strongly. The reason for this can be weakened immunity, which does not cope with the injection and undergoes a mild form of the disease. Cough can occur on day 3-6 after vaccination and may also be accompanied by a slight fever and snot. In rare cases, an inoculation made from a particular disease entails the manifestation of symptoms of this particular disease in the body of the baby. Often, the vaccination against whooping cough causes all the prerequisites for the disease, including coughing. Therefore, pediatricians strongly recommend vaccinating an exceptionally healthy baby otherwise unfavorable consequences can not be avoided.

Cough after sore throat

Angina itself is not the most pleasant disease. Therefore, it must be treated correctly, so that no residual effects are disturbed. Although very often cough after angina can be troubling for a long time. And there are several reasons for this. First, sore throat is always treated with antibiotics, as a result, overall immunity decreases and the disease is picked up or its continuation is fairly simple. Secondly, the presence of untreated viruses, which after the termination of the course of treatment began to "fruitfully" work on infecting the body. In this case, a viral infection can mutate and even manifest in the body of the child in the form of various diseases. Cough after angina should be treated exclusively under the supervision of the therapist, since it is necessary to pass additional tests, the results of which will prompt how to perform the treatment.

Cough after antibiotics

Uncontrolled taking of drugs or mis-designation can lead to the fact that cough after antibiotics can be significantly delayed. And the reason for this can be not only ignorance, but negligence. Almost always, changing antibiotics to other and parallel inhalations can improve the situation and reduce cough. Although, expectorants will also not be redundant. Almost always, cough after antibiotics is unproductive, so you need to do everything possible to get the phlegm completely.

For whatever reasons does not disturb the cough, it should be treated. After all, the consequences can be very deplorable, and nobody cares. Getting rid of the problem finally, you can enjoy your health and not be afraid of the return of the disease and the appearance of new symptoms. Be healthy!

After angina, I had a dry cough, can I use Azz


Elvira Shaymardanova

there is no sense, dry cough after angina due to irritation and dryness-something softening (pastilles, May with honey)

deksio999 deksio

To the doctor, and then ACTS.. .
With an angina, do not joke and do not take self-medication.
It often gives complications to all organs.
Heal... miss the time ...

Sofiya Skobelev's

ACC is used to dilute sputum. If it is very dense, then the ACC goes. Try inhalation. After a sore throat there may be irritation in the throat, dryness. Try Bromgeksin (you can and our). He's on the grass. If there is no bronchitis, then this can suffice.


to scorch bronchi and get bronchitis? try it.

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