Bursitis of the heel: treatment, therapy with folk remedies


  • 1Traditional methods of treatment of bursitis
    • 1.1When treatment is required
    • 1.2The ulnar bursitis
    • 1.3Knee bursitis
    • 1.4Bursitis of the hip and shoulder joints
    • 1.5Inflammation of synovial bursal foot
  • 2Treatment of bursitis of the heel with the help of traditional medicine
    • 2.1Readers often study together with this material:
    • 2.2Symptoms of calcaneal bursitis
    • 2.3Symptoms of subclavian bursitis
    • 2.4The editor has found for you two more interesting materials:
    • 2.5Compresses for Achilles
    • 2.6Home treatment for bursal heels
  • 3What folk remedies will help with bursitis heels
    • 3.1Symptoms of Achillobursitis
    • 3.2Compresses that relieve inflammation
    • 3.3Leaves of plants
    • 3.4St. John's wort with a yarrow
    • 3.5Products against Achilles
    • 3.6Trays for treatment of bursitis of heel
    • 3.7Salt bandage relieves pain and inflammation
    • 3.8Means for internal use
  • 4How to treat heel bursitis at home
    • 4.1Heel bursitis - what is it, the causes and symptoms
    • 4.2Types of calcaneal bursitis
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3How to treat heel bursitis
    • 4.4How to treat folk remedies
    • 4.5Recovery measures
    • 4.6What is heel bursitis
    • 4.7Causes of development
    • 4.8Heel bursitis
    • 4.9Symptoms of Achilobursitis
    • 4.10Subbottom bursitis
    • 4.11Symptoms
    • 4.12Treatment
    • 4.13Prevention
  • 5Bursitis of the heel - treatment
    • 5.1Traditional methods of treatment
    • 5.2Orthopedic insoles or replaceable comfortable shoes
    • 5.3Stretching and physiotherapy
    • 5.4Aspiration
    • 5.5Corticosteroid Injections
    • 5.6Antibiotics
    • 5.7Surgery
    • 5.8Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.9Recreation
    • 5.10Cooling

Traditional methods of treatment of bursitis

Severe pain and swelling around the joint - symptoms of bursitis, treatment of folk remedies of this disease in combination with conservative therapy is quite effective. The main thing is to correctly represent the cause and form of the disease.

When treatment is required

Bursitis - inflammation of joint synovial bags. Most often suffer from shoulder joints, less often - ulnar, knee, femoral, and the disease can develop in the bursa between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus.

The causes of the disease are divided into specific (the causative agent of gonorrhea, tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis) and nonspecific (injuries, bruises, professional stereotyped poses, diathesis). Sometimes the causes of inflammation of synovial bags remain unsettled.

By the nature of the contents of the inflamed bursa, the disease is serous, purulent and hemorrhagic.

Treatment of bursitis with folk remedies is only permissible in the case of serous noninfectious bursitis, in other cases it should be combined with antimicrobial or other medicinal products, as well as procedures prescribed by the treating doctor. Traditional treatment involves the use of compresses, lotions, ice from anti-inflammatory infusions, decoctions, other dosage forms.

Folk remedies can replace non-steroidal medicines and corticosteroids, especially if the use of the latter is undesirable.

Sometimes, to open the purulent inflammation of the synovial bursa, surgical intervention is necessary. In such cases, the use of pharmacopoeial drugs becomes meaningless.


It is necessary to sanitize the cavity of the bursa, and only then use the folk remedies for the early healing of the wound.


The most effective are folk methods of treatment for inflammation of the bursa of the elbow joint, bursitis of the knee joint, ankle and heel bursitis.

The ulnar bursitis

As a result of inflammation, the synovial bursa increases, acquiring the shape of a hemisphere.

The site of the lesion is painful, the skin temperature in the joint area is increased, the skin is hyperemic.

Treatment with folk remedies of elbow joint bursitis begins with restriction of joint mobility and consists in the use of funds that help to resolve inflammation.

On the elbow, to create an osmotic effect, apply salt lotions. To do this, dilute a strong saline solution: 1 tbsp. l. a large rock salt on, l of hot water.

After completely dissolving the salt, the solution is impregnated with a piece of flannel or other highly absorbent tissue, folded 3-4 times for better hygroscopicity. The tissue must be applied to the inflamed bursa and fastened with food film.

The lotions are applied for 8-12 hours, preferably for the period of sleep, during the week. This compress helps the fluid that has accumulated in the synovial bag to leave it and dissolve.

This compress is most effective against bursitis of the elbow joint, since in this case the bursa is covered only skin and a small layer of muscles, while the elbow bursitis is characterized by increased accumulation in the bag exudate. Therefore, the path of salt to the source of inflammation is as short as possible, and the effect is most obvious.

Effective lotions from pharmacy alcohol tincture of propolis, which are also used once a day, can be used for a fixative bandage.

Folk treatment recommends the use of bursitis elbow joint leaves of cabbage and honey, harvested in the current year.

These simple agents have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, lower the local temperature in the area of ​​inflammation and promote the resorption of exudate. It is most convenient to use large leaves.


On them it is preliminary necessary to walk with a rolling pin or a wooden hammer before the appearance of juice. Elbow should be smeared with honey massage movements in order not to damage the bag.


We apply a sheet to the bursa area, well, if the entire elbow joint can be wrapped with a sheet, we fix it with a film and bandage.

In addition, from the bursitis of the elbow joint, it is effective to perform such a therapeutic procedure as a bath. For this you can use pine cones and needles.

, kg of raw material must be poured into 5 liters of hot water, allow to infuse for 6 hours. The broth is filtered, heated to a temperature of 37-38 ° C, poured into a deep bowl and immersed in it with an elbow.

The treatment procedure can be carried out at any convenient time for 15-30 minutes.

An ointment based on liquid (fresh) honey is considered effective not only for elbow, but for any other chronic inflammation of synovial bursa. For its preparation use:

  • 2 portions of honey;
  • 3 servings of 70% medical alcohol;
  • 1 serving of aloe juice.

Ingredients must be mixed, allowed to stand for at least 24 hours in a cool dark place.

To exacerbate the chronic process, you can apply this medication:

  • , kg of solid honey;
  • 1 onion, twisted in a meat grinder or grated;
  • 1 standard bar of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.

Both ointments are applied to the inflammation area before going to bed, they are additionally covered with a film to enhance the effect and wrapped with a natural woolen or downy fabric.

Knee bursitis

Inflammation of the synovial bursa of the knee joint usually involves inflammation of the subcutaneous, subfascial and sub-synovial synovial bags that do not communicate with the joint.

Most often, the subcutaneous bursa becomes inflamed, as it is most easily traumatized, but also the treatment in this case of bursitis of the knee joint is easier.


The most difficult to treat is popliteal bursitis, because of the deep location of the inflammation focus.


Bursitis of the knee joint is characterized by a strong swelling of the joint area, fluctuations, hyperthermia of the site of inflammation, an increase in popliteal lymph nodes. Movement of the joint is limited, accompanied by pain.

Just as in the case of ulnar, to treat bursitis of the knee joint folk remedies begin with the immobilization of the joint for a period of not less than 7 days with the help of a bandage or bandage.

The baths are replaced by common baths. On one medical bath you need to brew 1 bucket of cones and needles.

It is quite effective to treat knee joint bursitis with folk remedies in combination with chemist's drugs. For example, for rubbing a diseased knee, you can use this tool:

  • 100 ml of ammonia;
  • 100 ml of 96% medical alcohol;
  • 100 ml of aloe juice;
  • 100 ml camphor oil;
  • 100 ml of vaseline oil or glycerin;
  • 100 ml of turpentine;
  • 10 ml of novocaine.

The mixture is insisted in a cool dark place for 5 days. Then the finished product can be used to rub the knee. This balm can be used to treat bursitis, localized elsewhere.

On the knee area, you can make applications from a mixture of blue clay and grated raw potatoes in equal parts.

Fresh mixture must be applied to the area of ​​inflammation, covered with a film, wrapped in woolen cloth. Such an application is better done at night.

It is most convenient for the treatment of bursitis of the knee joint.

Bursitis of the hip and shoulder joints

These diseases combine the deep location of the inflammation focus, which explains the difficulty of treatment. Bursitis of the hip is the most painful and is especially hard to bear.

If humeral bursitis can still be treated with lotions and applications, then bursitis of the hip joint should be treated with the help of common baths and take folk remedies inside.

In addition to the above baths with pine needles, you can take a bath with essential oil of eucalyptus or a decoction of a mixture of herbs of thyme and St. John's wort.

Inside is often recommended to take the seeds of celery. 1 tbsp. l.

seeds should be placed in a thermos, pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist for 2 hours, divided into 2 doses. The course of treatment is 14 days.

This drug helps to relieve inflammation and strengthen immunity, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of synovial bursal foot

To this group of diseases carry bursitis of the ankle joint and heel. In the case of this disease, synovial bursa, located near the Achilles tendon, is inflamed.

Inflammation of the subcutaneous bag lying on the Achilles tendon is called the posterior bursitis of the heel.

Inflammation of the bursa located between the calcaneus and the Achilles tendon is called Achillobursitis, treatment folk remedies of all varieties of calcaneal bursitis is aimed at the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome.


Bursitis of the heel is characterized by the formation of a painful swelling on its posterior surface, the skin in the area of ​​which becomes coarse with time, and pain when walking.


Achillesbusset usually becomes a consequence of injuries of the calcaneus and tendon, and the back bursitis of the heel is the result of wearing tight shoes or high heels. Treatment in this case begins with the replacement of shoes.

It is recommended to use a pressure bandage that warms the compress. For this purpose, the flax seeds heated in a dry frying pan are used in a canvas bag.

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In addition, apply the application from a sheet of Kalanchoe, previously frozen and discarded.

You can alternate warm and cold compresses, these methods can ease pain, relieve inflammation.

Regardless of whether the back heel or achillobursitis is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies described above will be effective.

Bursitis of the ankle joint is a disease of athletes. As a result of sports loads, lateral bursae become inflamed on the joint, which leads to radial swelling of the joint, a decrease in its mobility, and pain during walking.

For the treatment of ankle bursitis, the most effective are trays of needles or herbs, applications, wraps with honey and cabbage leaves, in addition, other folk remedies described above.

The main thing is to immobilize the joint, let it rest, recover.

After resolving the inflammation, a rehabilitation course is needed, which includes massage, physiotherapy, gradual restoration of joint mobility. With a comprehensive approach and competent rehabilitation, recurrences of bursitis are not observed.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/bursit/narodnye-sredstva.html

Treatment of bursitis of the heel with the help of traditional medicine

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

information for reading

Bursitis of the heel is an inflammatory disease in which a synovial bag (or bursa) is inflamed in front of the Achilles tendon or behind it.

The risk group includes elderly people and athletes.

Manifestations of the disease can be seen visually

Hepatic bursitis is classified according to the severity of the course of the disease. Allocate:

  • Purulent, which leads to the formation of an abscess.
  • Gonorrhea, in which inflammation passes from the joint bag to the surrounding tissue. It is often characterized by a sharp current.
  • Tuberculosis, in which serous fibrous exudate is formed, fistulas appear, and the affected area swells.

Treatment of any type of bursitis of the heel involves conservative methods in combination with traditional medicine.

Readers often study together with this material:

  1. Treatment and signs of vertebral bursitis of the hip joint
  2. Types of bursitis of the knee joint and methods of modern treatment


Symptoms of bursitis of the heel appear depending on the form of the course of the disease.In acute form, severe pain occurs, which becomes unbearable at night. When you move, the pain becomes worse.

Painful sensations can have varying degrees of intensity

Symptoms of calcaneal bursitis

  • Puffiness;
  • redness;
  • the affected area becomes hot;
  • loss of mobility.

The chronic form is characterized by a mild manifestation of symptoms.

The pain is tolerable, but during periods of exacerbation the amount of joint fluid increases, which leads to considerable swelling.

With achillobursitis, pain is noted in the region of the lower leg and the calcaneus.

Symptoms of subclavian bursitis

Subclavian bursitis has similar symptoms, but only painful sensations are localized in the heel area. Sometimes the pain becomes unbearable, because the subclavian bursitis is combined with the heel spur and inflammation of the fascia of the foot.

Usually all the painful sensations increase later in the evening.

The heel spur is a bone outgrowth that is characterized by soreness

The disease also goes into a chronic form, which is accompanied by periods of exacerbation and remission. At an aggravation the person because of a pain can not rise on a heel.

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Treatment of calcane bursitis is aimed at getting rid of inflammation and pain. To do this, use:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • compresses that have a warming effect.

With achillobursitis, injections of anesthetic and glucocorticosteroids into the tendon are used to reduce painful sensations.

Physiotherapy - an integral part of the treatment

Treatment of subclavian bursitis involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physiotherapy procedures such as:

  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • blockade with hydrocortisone.

Compresses for Achilles

Bursitis can be treated with folk remedies, but such therapy should be ancillary. Conservative treatment is mandatory.

Methods of treatment of Achilles tendon bursitis:

  1. Rasparit stop using a bath or heat the warmer, and then apply a compress with ice.
  2. Make a compress on the night from grated horseradish or bacon.
  3. The salt compress. In 500 ml of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt. In the solution, wet the cotton cloth and attach to the foot, wrap the food film overnight.
  4. A pack of horseradish or black radish. Apply for an hour twice a day. Pre-lubricate the skin with oil or glycerin.

For grinding, you can use honey and aloe balm. For cooking, take 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 4 tbsp. l. juice of aloe.

Applying a pressure bandage promotes an early recovery

Stop is necessary to ensure peace, in order to avoid complications, you should wear only orthopedic shoes.

Home treatment for bursal heels

An effective anti-inflammatory drug from bursitis of the heel is a clove infused with cologne. It helps to remove pain.

For the preparation of compresses, lilac leaves, aloe, chestnut fruits and onions are used.

At home it is useful to make trays

Means of traditional medicine:

  • apply heated flax seeds to the joint;
  • warm with a warm brick (the procedure should last at least 30 minutes);
  • apply a frozen Kalanchoe sheet;
  • drink grapefruit juice or celery;
  • drink 1 hour. l. mixture of apple cider vinegar with honey in the ratio diluted in 200 ml of water.

The average course of treatment is two weeks.

Well, massage helps, after it a stricken place should be wrapped up with a scarf.

With proper treatment, bursitis passes very quickly, most importantly - do not run the disease. With a purulent form, the appearance of fistulas or failure of therapy without surgery can not do.


A source: http://SustavInfo.com/bolezni/bursit/simptomy-i-lechenie-bursita-pyatki/

What folk remedies will help with bursitis heels

Achilles bursitis is a disease in which a synovial bag (bursa) is inflamed between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus. The cause of it are trauma and microtrauma of the tendon or bone, rheumatoid arthritis, bacterial infections or overweight.

Often this disease affects women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes. Achilles bursitis is acute and chronic.

Symptoms of Achillobursitis

We have already written about bursitis, its signs and causes. Bursitis of the heel, or Achilles bursitis, has its symptoms.

  1. Thick tendon;
  2. painful swelling in the tendon near the heel;
  3. redness of the skin;
  4. mobility of the ankle is hampered;
  5. pain that intensifies in the morning or when you try to climb to your toes or step on your heel;
  6. thickening of the skin above the walls of the synovial bag.

In order to cure the disease, in addition to medicines and methods of traditional medicine, you need patient to ensure peace, put his sick leg on the dais, and also pick the right one footwear.

Compresses that relieve inflammation

  1. Porridge from finely grated with radish skin is wrapped in cheesecloth and attach for an hour to the painful area, top covered with polyethylene and insulated. This procedure should be carried out up to three times a day, until symptoms ease.
  2. Root the horseradish grate, wrap in a clean cloth, attach to the heel and top to put on a sock. Previously, a layer of glycerin must be applied to the painful area. Leave the compress overnight. This procedure is carried out for ten days.
  3. A tablespoon of flowers of a little cloudberry (nettle deaf), pour a glass of steep boiling water. To wrap in a towel and to insist forty minutes. Take half a glass three times a day. It is necessary to be treated this way within a week.
  4. Marl is soaked in urine (preferably child) and put on the night under the bandage. The result is already visible the next day. You can lubricate the affected area with honey.
  5. A tablespoon of a crushed golden mustache, pour water, it needs two hundred and fifty milliliters.

    Boil seven minutes in a sealed container. Insist an hour, and put it on the heel at night. Top with polyethylene and wear a warm sock.

  6. On the inner surface of the raw egg, there is a thin film that must be applied to the sore spot and changed as it dries.

    Alternatively, the protein that remains inside the egg, take on a finger and rub into the affected area. The course of treatment is three days.

Look at how Achilles bump is treated with shock wave therapy.

Leaves of plants

Cabbage leaf must be kneaded with a rolling pin, so that it lets the juice, grease it with honey. Apply it to the heel, and tighten the bandage. The leaf needs to be changed several times a day, until complete recovery.

The horseradish should be cut along and applied softly to the heel and a bandage applied. You need to change it three times a day. The result will be visible for three days.

To the heel, pre-washed lilac leaves are applied, the sock is put on top. This compress should be changed four times a day. Treatment should be continued for ten days.

St. John's wort with a yarrow

St. John's wort, the root of burdock, and yarrow, mix in the same proportion. A tablespoon of the product pour boiling water 200 milliliters and insist an hour.

In infusion, soak a piece of linen cloth and put it on the heel. Cover the top with cellophane and put on a woolen socks. You need to change the compress twice a day.

The course of treatment is seven days.

Products against Achilles

Sugar.On a dry frying pan you need to heat the sugar, not melting it.

Pour into a bag, sewn from a dense fabric and attach to the heel at night. Cover the top with a plastic wrap and wrap with a warm scarf.

In the morning, remove the moist sugar from the bag. The procedure should be carried out until complete recovery.

Fat.Before going to sleep, the leg is well stripped and a piece of fresh, unsalted lard is applied to the site of inflammation. It is fixed with a bandage and put on a sock made of natural fabric. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Bread.Take a loaf of rye bread, take out the crumb and mix it with half a kilogram of salt. From this mixture make cakes and apply to the affected area. Cakes need to be changed twice a day and treated, thus, for ten days.

Vegetable Compress. Raw potatoes and beets must be grinded on a fine grater, squeeze juice lightly, and gruel is wrapped in one layer of gauze, rubbed on a coarse grater on a cabbage.

The compress should be applied at night. The first night you need to put the potatoes, on the second night red beets, and on the third cabbage. Compress should be fastened with a bandage and put on a warm sock.

Vegetables alternate until the disease does not pass.

Bay leaf.Twelve laurel sheets pour half a liter of water and simmer for twenty minutes.


Leave to stand for forty minutes, then drain. Take the medicine three times a day for a quarter of a glass. Store the infusion in the refrigerator.


Take it within three weeks.

A drizzle.In a glass of curdled milk add a tablespoon of wormwood tincture.

To make the tincture, a tablespoon of chopped herbs pour a glass of seventy percent alcohol and insist a week in the dark.

This composition needs to moisten a piece of gauze, attach to a sore spot and hold for three hours. Improvement will come in two days.

Trays for treatment of bursitis of heel

Pine needles.Pine needles, small twigs and cones, put in a pan, pour water. On a small fire, the broth should be kept for half an hour.

Let's brew, until slightly cooled, and lowered into it a sick leg. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

Cook each time a fresh decoction is not necessary, before each use it is diluted with hot water.

Haymaking Trash.It needs four full handfuls. It is poured in water and boils on a small fire for thirty minutes. After it is slightly cool to strain. Soar your feet for ten minutes, before going to bed.

Salt bandage relieves pain and inflammation

To prepare a salt solution, per liter of boiling water you need to take ninety grams of rock salt. After the salt has dissolved, you need to take a piece of cotton or linen cloth. It should be clean. Cloth is folded into four layers.

If the bandage uses gauze it needs eight layers. Soak in a hot solution, squeeze a little and attach to the tumor. The bandage should be fixed with a band-aid or a small amount of bandage. You do not need to put anything on top. You need to change it twice a day.

Before you apply it next time, the tissue needs to be rinsed.

Means for internal use

Fifteen grams of propolis to grind, melt on a steam bath and add a hundred grams of fresh, homemade unsalted butter. Take the drug you need seven days, a teaspoon three times a day.

Grass the woodlice finely chop, add salt and add a few drops of vegetable oil. Take a tablespoon of herbs in the morning and evening, for three weeks.

If the disease occurs in acute form, or if treatment at home does not bring results, you need to seek medical advice from a doctor.

A source: https://narodnymisredstvami.ru/lechenie-ahillobursita-bursit-pyatki-narodnyimi-sredstvami/

How to treat heel bursitis at home

In myths, one of the heroes of Hellas, named Achilles, was defeated by a wound in the heel. Achilles bursitis or bursitis of the heel is a common pathology and a weak spot for patients whose main activity is associated with excessive physical exertion.

  1. Heel bursitis - what is it
  2. Types of calcaneal bursitis
  3. How to treat heel bursitis
  4. How to treat folk remedies
  5. Recovery measures

Footballers, bicyclists, military - often face inflammatory processes of the calcaneus bursa. At risk are also women who prefer to walk in uncomfortable shoes with high heels. All of them need to understand well how to cure bursitis of the heel and avoid the degeneration of pathology into a chronic form.

Heel bursitis - what is it, the causes and symptoms

In the human body there are various estimates of 150 to 160 periarticular cavities - the bursa. In the usual state, a certain amount of synovial fluid is present in the pockets, promoting mobility of the limbs and reducing friction between the articulated bones.

Bursitis on the heel is observed in case of inflammation of the soft tissues of the synovial cavity. There are several main factors contributing to the development of the inflammatory process:

  • Injuries. The onset of inflammation can give fracture, sprain or dislocation. Full or partial rupture of tendons and ligaments is another factor that provokes the development of bursitis.
  • Operations.
  • Infections. The ingestion of gonococci or staphylococci into the synovial fluid leads to the development of acute purulent inflammation. Treatment of calcane bursitis with folk remedies is inadmissible in this case. Mandatory hospitalization of the patient is required.

Clearly indicate the bursitis symptoms that are typical for any inflammatory process: swelling, pain, fever.

All signs are localized in the place of injury.

Types of calcaneal bursitis

inflammation in the heel. Effective medication is selected based on the clinical picture of the disease and the type of inflammation. It is customary to classify the following varieties of bursitis:

  • Traumatic. Direct directional action or a constant stress in the region of the periarticular bag gives an impetus to the onset of inflammation.
  • Chronic. The inflammatory process begins even after a relatively small load on the leg. Often observed in women, as a consequence of wearing uncomfortable shoes and walking on his heels.
  • Infectious. In this case, the infections that have got into the bursa start the inflammation. It can happen as a result of surgery, an infectious disease, an injury.

The duration of treatment is completely dependent on the causes of the inflammatory process. The most serious are infectious factors.

With the advanced form of the disease, until the patient is fully recovered, it can take about six months.

How to treat heel bursitis

The international protocol of treatment includes the appointment of drugs of different directions, the passage of courses of physiotherapy and prevention.

In severe cases, an operation is recommended to remove the calcane bursitis. The hollow of the bag is excised. Complete or partial elimination of bursal tissues is performed.

To prevent the development of the disease, the following course of therapy is prescribed:

  • NSAIDs - drugs help to eliminate inflammation and reduce pain syndrome. With insufficiently effective action, injections are performed directly into the joint cavity.
  • This is what the heel looks like with bursitis. Corticosteroids. Treatment of posterior bursitis may require the administration of hormonal drugs. The disadvantage of the solution is the habituation of the body and possible side effects, so the course of treatment is no more than 7 days.
  • Ointments for burset heel - designed to reduce swelling. A good effect of ointments is achieved at the initial stages of the inflammatory process. Apply ointment and as an additional painkiller.
  • Physiotherapy. In the prevention and treatment of subclavian bursitis necessarily use courses of physiotherapy. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the regularity of visits and diligent observation of the doctor's recommendations.
  • Operation. If the course of drug therapy does not have the proper effect, the patient develops chronic bursitis - prescribe surgical intervention. The operation is performed in several ways. Minimally invasive operation allows you to remove exudate from the cavity, introduce an antiseptic or anti-inflammatory agent, stopping inflammation. In severe cases, removal of the bag is required.

Surgical and physiotherapeutic treatment of chronic calcaneal bursitis, often, proves successful, and allows to achieve persistent remission of the disease. It is mandatory to eliminate the causes of inflammatory processes. Without this measure, therapy will only be temporary.

How to treat folk remedies

Treating heel bursitis at home can only be in the early stages of development of pathology. With purulent or chronic bursitis, help can be provided only in a specialized clinic.

You can take the following treatment of subclavian bursitis with folk remedies:

  • tub with bursitis Compresses. Freshly removed inflammation of fresh leaves of cabbage or burdock. The plant needs to roll up the damaged area, from above impose a warm woolen bandage. You can change compresses every 6 hours, before reducing swelling.
  • Baths. To anesthetize the joint and provide mobility helps the adoption of a warm bath with the addition of a few drops of fir oil. Another popular method of treatment is the reception of trays with the addition of salts of the dead sea. The procedure quickly removes inflammation and helps to normalize the metabolism.

Folk recipes from calcane bursitis are quite diverse.

Basically, they are aimed at removing the symptoms of the disease and effectively relieve inflammation and reduce pain syndrome. Therefore, the attending physician can recommend some methods of treatment at home as an auxiliary or prophylactic.

Recovery measures

After removal of the inflammation, the patient must regain mobility and help restore all natural functions of the limb.

For this purpose, a visit to exercise therapy is required, physiotherapy, sports and a healthy lifestyle should be done.

Although recovery may take a long time, with a timely call to the doctor, the prognosis is favorable.

What is heel bursitis

Bursitis of the foot is an inflammatory disease that affects one of the articular bags (burs) that are on the foot. There are burses:

  1. Achilles bursitis or heel bursitis, which occurs in the Achilles tendon
  2. subclavian bursitis or inflammation that occurs on the lower part of the calcaneus
  3. bursitis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint or bursitis of the first toe of the foot.

This disease often affects older people, especially the elderly. But there are exceptions - this is achillobursite, which causes inconvenience to athletes. The diagnosis and treatment of foot diseases are performed by orthopedic and traumatologists.

Causes of development

Among the reasons that influence the development of bursitis the most frequent are:

  • repeated microtrauma due to great physical exertion or various pathological conditions (clubfoot, flat feet, valgus deformation, etc.);
  • Overweight, which increases the load on the feet;
  • aging of the body, unfortunately, take their own, and in the older age you need to pay a lot of attention to your body;
  • in the location of the burs may reduce the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, which in turn leads to an additional load on the foot;
  • arthrosis of the proximal joints;
  • constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes;
  • curvature of the spine, in which the load on the foot is redistributed;
  • in some cases, rheumatoid diseases and diseases in which metabolism is disturbed, such as gout.

Heel bursitis

This kind of bursitis can be seen in the photo.

Inflamed bursa at the back of the foot

With heel bursitis or Achilles bursitis, a synovial bag that is located on the back of the heel, in the area of ​​attachment of the Achilles tendon, becomes inflamed. Bursitis of the heel often occurs in athletes and people who are overweight, and also as a result of injuries.

As a result of injuries in the synovial or articular bag, a fluid forms, which impregnates the soft tissues. Often through the damaged surface penetrate infections that cause inflammation, sometimes even purulent.

The cause of suppurative achillobursitis is often streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.

There is a kind of bursitis of the foot as a specific bursitis, caused by gonococci, pneumococci and tubercle bacillus. Sometimes as a complication after angina or acute respiratory viral infection, acute bursitis may occur.

Chronic bursitis develops from prolonged mechanical irritation or frequent injuries that occur in professional sports.

Symptoms of Achilobursitis

Patients complain of pain in the area of ​​the heel and on the back of the lower leg. It especially hurts in the mornings and when trying to "climb on socks".

Movement of the feet painful when palpation also feels pain. Upon examination, the swelling and local overflow with blood of the heel of the heel are clearly visible.

A visual picture of an inflamed superficial bursa

Subbottom bursitis

The inflammatory process of the subclavian bursa occurs in conjunction with the plantar fasciitis and heel spur. Heel or plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia of the foot, which arises from the lack of elasticity in combination with the load.

Because of this, microfractures form in the tissues of the fascia. Inflammation extends to the joint bag, which is located on the lower part of the calcaneus.

After a while, in the place of severe pain, a bone growth occurs, or in other words, a calcaneal spur.

The subclavian bursa, together with the staple spur


Patients complain of an uncaused and intense pain in the area of ​​the heel when walking. The pain syndrome has a starting character, that is, reaches a maximum after sleep or rest, and then decreases.

This kind of bursitis is more often chronic and can last several years. When the pain reaches a maximum, the patient can not rest on the heel.

After the calcaneal spur is formed, the pain decreases and disappears.


The treatment of achillobursitis and subclavian bursitis is based on the removal of inflammation and pain, and also the disturbed vital activity of the bursa needs to be restored.

First you need to reduce the burden on the leg. That is, if possible, move less and use special orthopedic heels, insoles and orthopedic shoes.


Next appoint compresses to warm patients and anti-inflammatory drugs.


In case the disease is neglected and has passed into a chronic form or a purulent inflammation of the articular bag begins, surgical treatment and antibacterial therapy are prescribed.

At the beginning of the disease for the removal of pain, recipe for folk medicine was well established:

  1. you need to roast the seeds of flax, put in a bag or dense tissue and tie it to a sore spot for two weeks;
  2. in a glass of warm, but not hot water, you need to dilute honey and apple cider vinegar on one teaspoon, drink the medicine in a glass in the morning and in the evening about a week;
  3. To the inflamed place during the week a mashed and frozen leaf of the Kalanchoe is applied;
  4. if one alternately applies cold to the painful place and the heat calms down;
  5. it's good to take pain out of drinking tea from celery and grapefruit juice is very useful.

In addition, bursitis of the heel and bursitis of the lower surface of the calcaneus can be treated with cabbage leaves, lilac leaves, aloe, chestnut, onion.


Prevention of bursitis is quite simple. It is always better to get ahead of the disease than to suffer from pain and to undergo treatment. Among the most simple preventive measures, it is necessary to distinguish:

  • Do not overwork your muscles and avoid unnecessary stress in your legs.
  • if you have to expose your legs to extra load, it is better to use protective devices, for example, elastic bandage
  • shoes need to choose a convenient size
  • pamper your feet with a massage and uncomplicated gymnastics
  • if you develop discomfort in your feet, immediately consult a doctor

Love yourself to look after yourself and let your legs always be in order.

We use pumice stone for heels

  • How to deal with pain in the heel of a child?
  • Damage to the tendon above the heel
  • What to do if the shoes are rubbing his heels
  • Treatment of heel with vodka and aspirin
  • How to get rid of thorns on the heels

  • A source: http://prosto-lechim.ru/kak-lechit-v-domashnih-uslovijah/kak-lechit-pjatochnyj-bursit-v-domashnih-uslovijah.html

    Bursitis of the heel - treatment

    Bursitis of the heel (Achilles bursitis) is a disease associated with inflammation of the synovial bag (bursa) located in The point of friction between the calcaneus and surrounding soft tissues, such as the skin, muscles, ligaments and Achilles tendon. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by swelling and filling of the bursa with fluid.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, you can use both traditional methods of treatment and treatment with folk remedies at home.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    Orthopedic insoles or replaceable comfortable shoes

    Wearing orthopedic adaptations, such as an inset heel, can stimulate better mechanics in the foot and reduce the irritation of the synovial bag.

    In some cases, no special orthopedic insoles are needed, simply stop wearing shoes with a hard heel and ankle and instead of wearing more comfortable, comfortable shoes.

    Such insoles are sold a lot on Chinese websites (aliexpress.com or alibaba.com). But too much benefit from them is not expected, as from the once popular silicone inserts for the treatment of ossicles.

    Stretching and physiotherapy

    Stretching the Achilles tendon often helps to relieve pain. When the pain is eliminated for the patient, it is important to continue the regular stretch program, this reduces the likelihood of a relapse.


    Aspiration makes it possible to remove the accumulated fluid from a swollen synovial bag with a needle and a syringe.

    Corticosteroid Injections

    Corticosteroid injections are used only in cases where the pain becomes unbearable, and can quickly eliminate the symptoms of calcane bursitis.


    Treatment with antibiotics is used only for septic (infectious) bursitis.

    This is a serious disease requiring immediate removal of the infection, to prevent its spread to neighboring tissues or to enter the bloodstream.

    Septic bursitis can lead to the fact that the back of the ankle becomes red or hot. A person can also feel chills or fever, pain and fatigue.

    The choice of an antibiotic depends on which microorganisms cause the infection. For most people with infectious bursitis, oral antibiotics are effective. In more complex cases, hospitalization and intravenous administration of antibiotics may be required.


    Removal of calcified bursa, which was formed due to the accumulation of particles in it destroyed cartilage tissues. This is called calcareous bursitis.

    In rare especially difficult cases, inflammation of the mucosa of the calcaneal tendon may require a bursectomy, in which the bursa is carefully removed from the back of the ankle. Surgery can be effective, but surgical operations on this area can cause complications, such as problems with healing of the skin at the site of the incision.

    In addition to the complete removal of the bursa, the doctor can use other surgical techniques to treat a disease associated with inflammation of the synovial pouch of the calcaneal tendon. For example, a specialist can only remove a piece of bone from the back of the heel to improve foot mechanics and friction in the future.

    Despite the provision of conservative treatment, it is important to wait until all the pain and swelling around the back of the heel is gone before resuming motor activity.

    This may take several weeks. Once the symptoms disappear, the patient can gradually return to the level of activity that was before the onset of bursitis symptoms.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Many cases of calcaneal bursitis can be effectively treated at home. Thus efforts should be directed on removal of an inflammation of calcaneous area and liquidation of mechanical influence on the amazed site.


    People with heel bursitis should avoid actions that irritate the synovial bag, such as jogging or excessively long walking.


    The use of cold compresses for attachment to the back of the ankle for 25-30 minutes several times a day can help to partially relieve symptoms and remove puffiness.


    An elastic bandage wrapped around the injured heel and ankle can help control swelling.


    In some cases, compresses with the use of leaves of plants - cabbage, burdock, and calanchoe help to reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.


    Before applying, the leaves must be kneaded (with hands or rolling pin) and scalded with boiling water to give juice. Apply to the affected area for several days, changing the compress to a new one every 2-3 hours.


    Some people leave it for a whole night - it will not be worse.

    When choosing a method for treating bursitis heel, it is better to consult a specialist orthopedist or rheumatologist in order to exclude the possibility of transition of the disease to a chronic form.

    A source: http://zdoroo.info/bursit-pyatki-lechenie/