Tobacco smoking: methods of coding at home

In all types of cigarettes and varieties of tobacco are harmful substances. There are no safe cigarettes. It seems that now everyone is aware of the dangers of smoking tobacco, regardless of whether it smokes or not. But this awareness of the harmfulness of tobacco smoking few of the smokers stops. Nevertheless, according to statistics, more than half of people suffering from nicotine addiction would like to get rid of this harmful habit. It is quite difficult to get rid of smoking on your own, especially if you have a long experience of consuming nicotine.

With prolonged and systematic abuse of nicotine in the body and psyche of the smoker, an extreme dependence on smoking is developed. Of course, if the will is strong in a person, then he can quit smoking at home. But often, even in these cases, the body will require nicotine in some other form or any substitute for nicotine. And here the situation can become complicated by the acquisition of another form of dependence, there is always such a risk. Alcohol abuse, binge eating and the like can develop.


Encoding at home from smoking

The main coding principle is a special effect on the conscious sphere of a smoker, the result of which should be failurefrom smoking. Suppress cravings for nicotine - the main task of the encoding session. But this is still a psychological aspect. But the suppression of physiological dependence requires a course of sessions. Of course, the effectiveness determines the individual characteristics of the organism, the experience of smoking. The most successfully coded by people up to 40 years of age. The term for giving up tobacco is chosen by the smoker himself.

Encoding at home from smoking includes psychological strong-willed beliefs, the use of special tools, medicines. Influence on the consciousness of a smoker is carried out by hypnosis, or similar to it, by persuasion. With the patient, preliminary, there is a conversation about the dangers of smoking, nicotine and other products of burning on the human body. Discuss also with the patient and the most common ways to combat smoking, adapted to use their home at home.

The method that codes for smokers is equivalent to the psychotherapeutic procedure. And this manipulation with the patient's psyche is undesirable to carry out with the patient's initially negative attitude toward directive psychological persuasion.

Psychotherapists do not repeat the procedure to those people who did not quit smoking after the initial coding, because hard forms of hypnotic work with the subconscious can negatively affect the conscious sphere of the patient. The desired effect in 100% - no one will risk to give from the experts. The success of the result depends on the maturation of the patient in the motivation to quit smoking. Then coding at home will certainly be an effective and optimal option.

Before coding from smoking it is better to examine the body and clean it of toxic substances. An urgent recommendation for those who want to quit is 12 hours abstinence from using tobacco before coding.

Encoding at home from smoking should stimulate a negative attitude towards cigarettes, tobacco, the smoking process, tobacco smoke. Usually, the encoding period is 1-2 years. And then the person himself decides - to smoke again or not to take a cigarette in his mouth for the rest of his life.

Now, there are a lot of ways of coding at home. There are standard methods, there are author's methods. The main task is getting rid of nicotine addiction. Whatever you choose - the motive to really quit smoking should be sincere, real. With a conscious desire to cure dependence on nicotine, the result will always be. And coding from smoking at home is just a means, an outside help.

Coding drug by nicotine dependence

Medical preparations are used in the form of tablets, chewing gums, solutions for rinsing the mouth, patch. The principle of their work is to cause unattractiveness of the smoking process, due to an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, nausea, pain in the head when smoking a cigarette. Thus, the hostility to nicotine and the easing of craving for tobacco, cigarettes are stimulated.

Coding from smoking by this method brings a number of advantages. And while there is no need for serious intervention in the psyche of the patient. Medications affect the formed human reflexes.

The positive consequences that brings with it a complete cessation of smoking, a great many. The activity of the cardiovascular system is restored, the work of the respiratory system is improved.

Invented even smoking electronic cigarettes to replace conventional ones. Some believe that electronic cigarettes are the most optimal solution for getting rid of and fighting nicotine addiction. Naturally, the harm of electronic cigarettes can not go to any comparison with these.

From the shortcomings of medical methods can be noted irregularity in the use of drugs and drugs from dependence on nicotine( people at home often violate the systematic use of drugs).Of course, the effectiveness of treatment is low.

suggestive methods of coding from smoking

Here, the most common technique is Dovzhenko AR This technique, as well as any suggestive method relieving of nicotine addiction, is based on persuasion, imposing, suggesting smokers serious thoughts and feelings about disastrous consequences for health and lifesmoking, which brings smoking tobacco.

With effective and skillful influence on the human psyche using the methods of suggestive coding, patients had a feeling of fear and physical pain when smoking a cigarette. So it is possible to establish absolutely refusal of smoking.

From the positive aspects of this area, one should note the coding procedure and complete non-interference in the patient's body. But the negative side is that in patients prone to psychosomatic disorders, excessive suggestion can be dangerous. These methods of coding from smoking are not desirable for people with an unstable psycho-emotional state to prevent and avoid possible complications and adverse consequences.

Coding from smoking hypnotic exposure

This encoding method in Russia is very popular. The subject is injected into a hypnotic state and is disgusted with the smoking process. A psychotherapist who conducts a coding procedure session must have a high qualification. Advantages of this method of hypnotic coding in its painlessness and high efficiency. The patient at any time can enlist the support of a doctor-psychotherapist and get advice.

Negative aspects. You need to repeat sessions, match the mood of the specialist and the patient and give hypnotic exposure.