Arthrosis of the foot: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Treatment of arthrosis of the foot joints
    • 1.1Clinical picture of the disease
    • 1.2Classification of the disease
    • 1.3How do arthrosis of the foot
    • 1.4How to help a person
    • 1.5Prevention of leg arthrosis
    • 1.6Folk ways of treating foot arthrosis
  • 2Arthrosis of the foot - types and how to treat folk remedies, medications and exercises at home
    • 2.1What is arthrosis of the foot?
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Risk factors
    • 2.4Degrees of disease
    • 2.5Possible consequences
    • 2.6Diagnostics
    • 2.7Treatment of foot arthrosis
    • 2.8Ointments
    • 2.9Gymnastics for feet
    • 2.10Diet
    • 2.11Wearing special shoes
    • 2.12Physiotherapy
    • 2.13Massage
    • 2.14Surgery
    • 2.15Folk remedies
    • 2.16Prevention
    • 2.17Photo of foot arthrosis
  • 3Arthrosis foot symptoms and treatment at home video
    • 3.1Symptoms of foot arthrosis
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Treatment of foot arthrosis
    • 3.4Medication
    • 3.5Physiotherapeutic treatment
    • 3.6Surgery
    • 3.7Treatment with folk remedies
    • 3.8Treatment of foot with blue clay
    • 3.9Tinctures
  • 4Treatment of foot arthrosis: causes of pathology
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1The nature of the disease
    • 4.2Etiological features of pathology
    • 4.3How arthrosis manifests in the foot
    • 4.4Staged development of the disease
    • 4.5Features of diagnosing pathology
    • 4.6Basic principles of treatment of pathology
    • 4.7How is medication therapy performed?
    • 4.8Use of other technologies

Treatment of arthrosis of the foot joints

If there is a deforming arthrosis of the foot, symptoms and treatment (photo below) of this pathology is important for every patient. The disease is a degenerative change in the soft and bony tissues. The reasons for its occurrence may be different:

  • high loads on the joints of the feet;
  • the presence of excess weight;
  • previous injuries.

The disease can develop in everyone, but the most vulnerable to him are women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes.

Clinical picture of the disease

Osteoarthritis of the calcaneus is a degenerative lesion of the joint. It manifests itself as a prolonged course of inflammatory processes in soft tissues, which have a negative effect on cartilage.

This pathology is characterized by impaired blood circulation and metabolism. This disease is associated with premature thinning and destruction of cartilaginous tissues.

Most often are affected:

  • heel bone;
  • ankle joint;
  • toes.

With arthrosis, the signs are very diverse. Everything is determined by the stage of the disease and the severity of the inflammatory-degenerative process. In general, the clinical picture is similar to the manifestations of arthritis:

  1. Arthrosis of the heel is accompanied by a kind of crunch when walking, which is associated with deformation of the bony surfaces. When running and playing sports there are painful sensations that disappear after a long rest.
  2. After awakening, the patient may feel a feeling of stiffness in the joints.
  3. There is a change in the shape and size of the foot elements.
  4. Gradually, there are changes in the gait: the person moves, rolling from foot to foot.
  5. Skin and soft tissues swell.
  6. There is hyperemia and a local increase in temperature.
  7. There are general symptoms: increased fatigue, chills, chronic fatigue.
  8. The foot is covered with characteristic calluses.

With arthrosis of the 2nd degree of the foot, seals and nodules appear, clearly visible under the skin. The defeat of the big toes is also called a bone.

Common features include:

  • feeling of constraint;
  • edema;
  • curvature of the joint;
  • pain during exercise.

Picture 1. Arthrosis of the big toes

The disease often develops against the background of flat feet and acquires a progressive course. Osteoarthritis of small joints simultaneously affects the fingers and toes. Deformation is not accompanied by pain.

The main manifestation of the disease is the lesion of the big toes (see Fig. photo 1). This helps to reduce mobility and change shape. The defeat of phalangeal joints is the most common form of the disease.

It is equally found in both men and women. As a rule, several areas are involved in the pathological process.

With arthrosis of the middle parts of the foot, a person complains of pain in the affected area, a change in the shape of the joint, a violation of the gait.

Osteoarthritis of the joints of the legs develops under the influence of some provoking factors, which may be associated with a person's way of life or a violation of the blood supply of the lower limbs. Such a disease occurs in the following cases:

  • anomalies in the structure of the joints;
  • flat feet and shortening of one of the legs;
  • irregular tibia;
  • bending of fingers;
  • injuries;
  • hypothermia of the foot.

The mechanism of the pathological process is based on endocrine disorders, hormonal disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases. Sometimes pathology is formed when making wrong movements.

The risk of developing the disease is increased when:

  • the presence of a genetic predisposition;
  • managing a sedentary lifestyle;
  • a sharp discontinuation of exercise, which contributes to a decrease in muscle tone;
  • the appearance of pathological mobility of the joints.

Arthrosis of the foot is affected by the face:

  • engaged in certain sports;
  • preferring high-heeled shoes;
  • having high growth.

Often, this disease occurs during pregnancy, which is associated with an increase in the load on the joints and blood vessels of the legs.

The first signs of arthrosis in children are found at an early age, when they are just beginning to walk. When the first steps are taken, the child's legs are heavily loaded.

As a result, the ankle joint is displaced and deformed. Valgus foot is the main cause of foot arthrosis in adolescents.

Classification of the disease

Like any other pathology of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis of the joints of the legs develops in several stages:

  1. On the first there are insignificant painful sensations in the field of feet. At physical exertion they become worse, the patient notices that he began to get tired quickly.
  2. Arthrosis of the second degree is accompanied by increased unpleasant sensations, a feeling of stiffness in the joints is added, small nodules in the area of ​​deformed joints are found.
  3. At the last stage of the disease, the change in the shape of the joint acquires a pronounced character, motor reflexes are almost completely absent.

Arthrosis of the foot affects the cartilage that protects the bony surfaces. Fabrics lose elasticity, begin to deteriorate, their depreciation properties deteriorate. Due to constant external impacts, bone surfaces experience high loads.

Thinning of the cartilage contributes to the disruption of the blood supply of tissues, the appearance of bone growths. The severity of the course of the pathological process is aggravated by the curvature of the fingers and their immobility. This form of arthrosis is difficult to treat.

Against this background, bursitis, arthritis and synovitis can develop.

Running arthrosis of the foot joints completely immobilizes the leg, making a person incapacitated. In some cases, pathological changes become irreversible.

How do arthrosis of the foot

An experienced physician discovers signs of joint deformity already at the first examination of the patient. First, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and exclude the presence of other pathologies. A number of diagnostic procedures are used to diagnose arthrosis.

  1. General and biochemical blood tests allow you to determine the presence of metabolic and endocrine disorders.
  2. X-ray examination is the main way to diagnose deforming arthrosis. The picture shows pathological changes in the cartilaginous and bony tissues.
  3. Arthroscopy is used to establish a definitive diagnosis. This method allows you to assess the condition of the internal elements of the joint.

How to help a person

With arthrosis of the foot, the treatment is selected taking into account the form and stage of the disease. Therapy is aimed at restoring leg mobility.

Gymnastics for the feet helps improve metabolism and circulation, allows you to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

The plan of studies should be developed by the attending physician, they become a prevention of exacerbation of pathology. Exercises for arthrosis are aimed at:

  • increased elasticity of the Achilles tendon;
  • stretching of toes;
  • strengthening of muscle tissue;
  • return of joint mobility.

Treatment of foot arthrosis includes adherence to a special diet. The diet should include foods rich in calcium, vitamins E and B.

They are part of sprouted wheat, nuts, dairy products. You can take vitamin supplements.

Such a disease, as arthrosis, is an indication to limit the amount of salt consumed.

At home, you can take foot baths with decoctions of medicinal plants. They help to eliminate pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Very effective are lotions with honey and salt.

Good results can be obtained by taking a bath of bischofite. This natural mineral is a source of trace elements, beneficial for the state of muscle and cartilage tissues. Bischofite can also be used as compresses.

With arthrosis of the foot joints, treatment with clay helps to reduce the severity of inflammation and eliminate pain. Clay cakes are applied to the affected areas and left for 2 hours. After the procedure, wear warm socks.

The diet is aimed at eliminating the cause of the degenerative process in the cartilaginous and bone tissues. Excess weight is the main factor contributing to the appearance of problems with joints. From the menu it is necessary to exclude:

  • confectionery;
  • chocolate;
  • products containing a large number of fast carbohydrates.

It is completely necessary to refuse from drinking alcohol. You need to eat as much as possible:

  • dairy products;
  • low-fat fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

Arthrosis of the foot is characterized by impaired blood circulation and lymph drainage. Therapeutic massage helps to establish these processes. The procedure should begin with the development of fingertips, the movement should be directed toward the ankle.

The effectiveness of massage increases when it is completed by heating or paraffin applications. Special insole, used for flatfoot and arthrosis, have a curative effect. They prevent the deformation of the joints and return the functions inherent to it.

Correctly made insoles allow the patient to walk without experiencing pain.

Surgical interventions are used when ineffective drug and physiotherapy techniques. There are several types of operations used for arthrosis of the foot:

  1. The articulation of joints involves fixation of the bones of the affected area by means of plates or screws. After healing, the finger becomes immovable.
  2. Endoprosthetics - replacing parts of the ankle joint with artificial analogs. This operation allows you to cure neglected forms of the disease.

Drug treatment is aimed at removing the inflammatory process and improving the state of cartilage. Hormonal drugs can be injected into the joint cavity.

For local treatment, warming and anesthetizing gels are used. Physiotherapy procedures involve warming up the affected area.

The most effective are:

  • laser therapy;
  • UHF;
  • UFO;
  • electrophoresis.

Prevention of leg arthrosis

People suffering from foot arthrosis should wear loose comfortable shoes that do not obstruct the movement of their feet. Shoes should have a flexible sole and have good cushioning properties.

In the summer, it is recommended to walk barefoot on the grass. The patient should eat properly and control his weight. Special exercises prevent the development of diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis.

How to treat arthrosis of the foot at home?

Folk ways of treating foot arthrosis

Alternative medicine methods should be applied in combination with traditional methods:

  1. The most effective is the tincture of the saber. This is confirmed by the positive feedback from patients. For its preparation you need to take 100 g of dry raw materials and 1 liter of vodka. The drug is insisted for 21 days in a dark cool place. Infusion filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. It can also be used to rub the affected areas. It is better to spend the procedure at night.
  2. To prepare the eucalyptus tincture, take 100 g of crushed leaves, which are poured, l of vodka. This agent is insisted for a week, after which it is used to apply to the area of ​​the patient's joint.
  3. Leaves of aloe are washed and finely chopped. 50 ml of juice is mixed with 100 g of honey and 100 ml of vodka. The drug is insisted for 2 weeks, then applied as compresses.
  4. Bee venom eliminates pain and signs of inflammation, returns the joint the previous volume of movements. It is used to rub the affected areas.

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Arthrosis of the foot - types and how to treat folk remedies, medications and exercises at home

Pain during movement, violation of gait - signs that require treatment to specialists.

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Arthrosis of the foot, affecting the joints of the lower limbs, has unpleasant symptoms, but if the pathology is revealed at the initial stage, there are chances to stop its development with the help of medicamentous and folk means. Why there is a disease, what methods are treated - this is in the review of methods of healing feet.

What is arthrosis of the foot?

This ailment is attributed to degenerative chronic diseases. Arthrosis of the foot joints is characterized by wear of intraarticular cartilage, inflammation of soft tissues, disturbance of metabolic processes and circulation in them. Pathology is accompanied by:

  • sharp pains;
  • distortion of the shape of the fingers;
  • restriction of mobility of joints;
  • problems with walking;
  • immobilization of foot;
  • disability when running.

Pain syndromes are a common symptom of foot pathologies. They can increase with prolonged loads. There are symptoms of foot arthrosis:

  • stiffness of movements in the morning;
  • deforming changes in the joints;
  • fast fatigue when walking;
  • gait breaking - resting on the outer edge of the foot;
  • swelling, redness of the joint;
  • the appearance of calluses on the sole;
  • stiffness of muscles;
  • crunch when walking.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the foot affects cartilage, it is accompanied by:

  • aching, burning pain when exerted, resting at rest;
  • development of rheumatoid arthritis of the hip joint;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • decreased efficiency;
  • changing the position of the body due to the desire to unload the diseased joint;
  • violation of joint function;
  • the appearance of bone growths;
  • muscle tension;
  • defeat of the first finger;
  • crocheting the neighbors.


The development of osteoarthritis of the foot contributes to a huge number of factors. This includes external causes and health-related conditions. Arthrosis of the foot develops as a consequence:

  • incorrect formation of joints;
  • degenerative changes;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • flat feet;
  • disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • deformities of toes;
  • wearing shoes - narrow and uncomfortable;
  • injuries, sprains.

The development of the foot disease is promoted by:

  • destruction of cartilage caused by advanced age - primary arthrosis;
  • incorrect formation of the lower leg;
  • freezing, hypothermia of the feet;
  • the curvature of the thumb;
  • development of hammer-shaped fingers;
  • weight transfer;
  • excess body weight;
  • wide structure of the foot;
  • different length of legs;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hormonal failures;
  • biomechanical disorders in the movement of the foot;
  • infectious lesions of joints;
  • high-heeled shoes;
  • chronic inflammatory processes.

Risk factors

There are circumstances that cause pathological changes in the feet. Infringements can be formed in infancy, when the child takes the first steps. The risk factors for developing secondary arthrosis of the foot are:

  • pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • high growth;
  • sports with a constant load on their feet - boxing, football;
  • professional ballet lessons, dances;
  • sharp refusal of sports loads;
  • malnutrition;
  • lack of vitamins, microelements;
  • hip dysplasia.

Degrees of disease

Depending on the manifestation of clinical signs of inflammation of the foot, it is customary to distinguish the stages of development of pathology.

This helps in describing the ailment, the appointment of treatment measures. Allocate the degree of disease with characteristic manifestations.

It is advisable to consult a doctor if symptoms occur in the first, initial stage, which is accompanied by:

  • the appearance of pain in the foot after a long walk, hard work;
  • rapid fatigue.

Features of manifestation of other degrees of arthrosis:

  • the second - pains are strengthened, there is limited mobility, calluses on the heels, thickening on the fingers in the places of joint damage;
  • the third one - significant deformity of the foot, the appearance of lameness, limited mobility or lack of it, during the X-ray examination, the picture shows a narrowing of the joint slits.

Possible consequences

The appointment of articular cartilage is the protection of bones. Arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints of the foot leads to a change in these tissues. Cartilage ceases to amortize, begin to break down. All this strengthens the load on the joint and causes:

  • appearance of bony growths;
  • circulatory disturbance;
  • deformation of fingers;
  • fixing them in a curved state.

Such changes are difficult to treat. Arthrosis of the feet, if not dealt with when the first signs of the disease appear, can provoke:

  • unbearable pain during a touch;
  • significant bone proliferation;
  • development of inflammation of the periarticular bag - bursitis of the foot;
  • the appearance of joint arthritis;
  • complete immobility of the foot;
  • disability.


If symptoms of arthrosis appear, you should consult an orthopedist. An experienced specialist will exclude other diseases that have similar symptoms. Diagnosis begins with the collection of anamnesis, analysis of complaints, external examination, in which the following are established:

  • parameters of the foot;
  • presence of deformation of the foot;
  • change the first finger;
  • swelling, redness;
  • limited movement in the joint.

To clarify the diagnosis is carried out:

  • a general, biochemical blood test for detecting the inflammatory process;
  • X-ray examination - reveals the narrowing of the joints in the joints, changes in the cartilaginous tissues, the degree of development of pathology;
  • computer tomography - examines the situation with muscles, ligaments, bone tissues;
  • arthroscopy - assesses the internal state of the joint.

Treatment of foot arthrosis

Doctors say - completely cure the disease does not happen. You can alleviate the condition, remove symptoms, prevent the final destruction of the joints. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment when the first signs appear. Doctors offer patients:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs for oral and external use;
  • physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • means of traditional medicine.

To improve the patient's condition, appoint:

  • wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • special insoles, insteps, improving metabolic processes, circulation in the tissues of the foot;
  • mud, water baths;
  • foot massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • staples, fixing limbs;
  • gypsum - for complete immobilization of the foot;
  • operative intervention with advanced stage of arthrosis.

For the treatment of foot disease, medicines are used to help ease the condition of the patient. Preparations differ in their effect. For arthrosis, the feet are recommended:

  • Nonsteroid drugs - relieve pain, inflammation, reduce swelling. Ibuprofen - is taken by the course according to the doctor's prescription, has contraindications.
  • Anesthetics. Spasmalgon helps with severe pain, is used in tablets, injections, there are many side effects.

Doctors use for treatment drugs that improve the state of cartilage:

  • Chondroprotectors - inhibit the degeneration of tissues, stop the damage. Chondroitin - accelerates the process of cartilage restoration, is applied orally twice a day, is contraindicated for bleeding, thrombi.
  • Means based on hyaluronic acid. Ostenil is an injection, is injected into the joint, improves mobility of the metatarsal bones.


The task of drugs for external use is vasodilation, activation of blood circulation. Ointments help to anesthetize, normalize the nutrition of tissues. Popular means for the treatment of osteoarthritis:

  • Diclofenac - relieves pain, inflammation, is applied twice a day.
  • Indomethacin - eliminates puffiness, improves mobility;
  • Nimesulide - has an anti-inflammatory effect, is characterized by a minimum of contraindications.

In the treatment of pathology, gels and ointments for external use are used:

  • Ketoprofen - removes strong pain sensations, reduces local temperature, is applied a thin layer twice a day;
  • Apisatron - ointment containing bee venom, has a warming effect, speeds up blood circulation, metabolic processes, increases elasticity in connective tissues.

Gymnastics for feet

In the complex treatment of degenerative disease, great attention is paid to strengthening the muscles and joints of the foot. Gymnastics is aimed at stretching fingers, flexing them. It is useful to perform exercises in the prone position:

  • bend and straighten your fingers at least 20 times;
  • To make rotational movements by feet on 10 in each party;
  • from the position of the foot on the heel perform straightening of the foot up to the horizontal state and back 15 times.


Osteoarthritis requires proper nutrition. It is necessary to limit the use of salt, to refuse fast carbohydrates - baking, sweets, alcoholic beverages. The diet should be low-calorie, aimed at reducing excess weight. The diet requires the presence of:

  • products containing vitamins E, group B - almonds, macaroni from solid varieties of wheat;
  • low-fat meat, fish;
  • dairy products rich in calcium;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

Wearing special shoes

Cope with unpleasant symptoms, prevent the development of the disease helps specifically made shoes. Therapeutic effect is provided by orthopedic insoles. Properly selected shoes contribute to solving the problems of the musculoskeletal system:

  • returns the stop-loss function;
  • relieves painful manifestations;
  • reduces the inflammatory process;
  • prevents the development of joint deformities.


The task of procedures for foot diseases is to increase blood circulation, eliminate pain, reduce inflammation. Physiotherapy is aimed at heating the affected limb. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures. With arthrosis appoint:

  • laser therapy - calms, relieves pain;
  • UHF - activates blood circulation, improves nutrition of tissues;
  • ultraviolet irradiation - reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, reduces the number of pain signals sent to the brain, which facilitates the condition;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy.


You can learn how to conduct this useful procedure yourself. Massage activates metabolic processes in the muscles, improves blood circulation, nutrition. Conduct it from the fingertips towards the ankle joint. The procedure includes:

  • stroking, rubbing, rotating movements for individual fingers;
  • bending and unbending each;
  • ironing with pressing the surface of the sole, sides and top of the foot;
  • the development of the ankle joint;
  • pinching, patting movements in the heel, Achilles tendon.


If conservative methods of treating arthrosis have not produced a result, the patient's condition remains severe, and surgical intervention is prescribed. There are several methods of conducting operations. Popular uses:

  • arthroplasty - remove damaged tissues, replace them with their own connective or analogous, forming the right joint, keeping its motion;
  • endoprosthetics - replacement of the affected joint with an artificial implant;
  • arthrodesis - the parts are fixed in the correct position for further splicing, while the mobility of the joint is limited.

Folk remedies

You can alleviate the condition of the patient, if at home use the recipes of traditional medicine. Physicians positively relate to such methods in the complex treatment of arthrosis. Popular use:

  • compresses from bischofite per foot at night;
  • Baths of honey and salt before bed;
  • tincture of aloe leaves for compresses;
  • trituration with bee venom;
  • mashed leaves of the fern - put on at night;
  • cakes of healing clay on the feet;
  • rubbing the joints with tincture of mullein flowers;
  • warm compress of steamed oatmeal.


To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant disease, you must follow simple rules. One of them is a healthy lifestyle. For the prevention of arthrosis requires:

  • organize proper nutrition;
  • to limit exorbitant physical loads;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • reduce the amount of salt eaten;
  • strengthen immunity for the exclusion of inflammatory, infectious diseases.

To preventive methods of development of arthrosis are:

  • use of comfortable shoes with a flexible sole, orthopedic insoles;
  • exclusion of high heels;
  • performing gymnastics for the joints of the foot;
  • walking barefoot on the grass, sand;
  • avoidance of lower limb injuries;
  • exclusion of hypothermia of the feet;
  • self-massage of the sole;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Photo of foot arthrosis

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Arthrosis foot symptoms and treatment at home video

Arthrosis of the foot affects the articular cartilage and soft periarticular tissues. It is a degenerative disease accompanied by inflammation.

The cause of the disturbances are the processes of blood flow in small vessels and the wrong metabolism in the organ.

The disease manifests a sharp pain that occurs in the limb after a load.

The most common manifestation of the disease is the deviation of the thumb to the outer edge of the foot with the subsequent protrusion of the metatarsal head - halus valgus. Such a common deformation was simply called the "bone".

It is found at the 2 stages of the disease, when the patient notices that the favorite pair of shoes starts to cause discomfort when putting on. Most of this affects women, which is due to their love for shoes with a narrow nose and high heels.

Symptoms of foot arthrosis

The clinical picture of the disease is different, it is often similar to manifestations of arthritis.

Among the main features of specialists are the following:

  • characteristic crunches, accompanied by the movement of the foot;
  • pain in the affected organ during a load on the limb, which decreases or disappears at rest. In damp and cold weather, unpleasant sensations increase;
  • the person marks stiffness and limited movements in the foot even after rest;
  • gradual deformation of the joints;
  • attempts to relieve the load from the affected organ lead to disruption of gait and posture;
  • edema in the joint region;
  • often elevated body temperature is diagnosed;
  • the progression of the disease leads to a thickening of the joints of the legs, bone growths (i.e. n. Geberden's knots), limb functioning is disrupted.
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In addition, the disease severity lesion has three stages. Arthrosis 1 degree manifests itself in pain in the legs after a load.

Soreness, stiffness in the limbs at the 2 stages of the disease, persecute a person even in a state of rest.

The deforming arthrosis of the foot is the 3rd degree of the disease: it is impossible to move the foot, the damaged joint begins to deform.

At this stage of the disease, a person develops a characteristic manner of walking: trying to unload the affected joints, the unfortunate tries to step on the outside of the foot. Such a gait leads to the formation of painful corns.


The development of degenerative disease is influenced by many factors, among them:

  • pathological form of feet (flat feet) or shins, unequal length of legs, curvature of the spine, incorrect posture;
  • frequent effects of overloads on moving joints (lifting and carrying heavy weights, overweight, long standing on legs, long stay in uncomfortable shoes with high heels);
  • impact on joints of low temperatures, constant presence in cold and damp areas;
  • the disease is more likely to appear in an earlier injured joint, especially if the damage has not been given proper attention;
  • the disturbed metabolism and various endocrine diseases also increase the danger of an unpleasant disease.

The group at risk of this disease include people with a genetic predisposition to it.

Unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, a sharp rejection of sports training, too, can provoke an ailment.

Often the disease develops in those who professionally engaged in ballet, dancing, as well as those sports, which are characterized by leg injuries.

Treatment of foot arthrosis

If the arthrosis of the foot is diagnosed, the treatment is first of all aimed at reducing the soreness of the joint and returning it to normal operation. An important role in this process is played by non-drug therapies that can significantly slow the progression of the disease:

  • with excessive body weight, the first advice given by specialists is urgent weight loss. This measure helps reduce the load on the joints;
  • You should spend less time standing up, do not miss a single chance to sit down;
  • you need to prefer those shoes that do not cause any discomfort in the foot, the heel should not exceed 3-4 cm;
  • Orthopedic insoles or shoe inserts, selected under the supervision of a specialist, also contribute to reducing the symptoms of the disease;
  • To slow the deformation of the joint helps to wear specialized fingers on the thumbs. This conservative method of treatment increases the mobility of the joint, reduces the severity of the pain syndrome;
  • a number of food products favorably affects the joint tissues. Specialists recommend to include in the diet fish of fatty varieties, rich in calcium, phosphorus, unsaturated fatty acids, as well as containing vitamins A, E and D. Vegetable oils, nuts, beans, dairy products and vegetables should form the basis of the diet. In addition, to increase the strength and improve the flexibility of joints, it is useful to add to the menu dishes, which are based on collagen-rich gelatin.


Treatment of arthrosis of the foot with medicinal preparations has two goals: the removal of pain syndrome and the restoration of cartilage tissue.

To alleviate pain and reduce inflammation, specialists prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol and the like). The pain syndrome is also helped by warming anti-inflammatory ointments (Diclosan, Menovazine, Apizatron and others).

The use of chondroprotectors (Structum, Teraflex, Alflutop, Chondroxide and others) stops the destruction of the cartilage and strengthens the joint.

Often the patient is also prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes to enhance immunity and normalization of metabolic processes, they enable the body to recover independently (Oligovit, Vitrum, Bishofit).

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy (UHF, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, laser therapy and others) are prescribed exclusively in combination with drug therapy and are not carried out if the joint is affected by inflammatory process.

Equally effective is a well-chosen therapeutic gymnastics. Prophylactic leg exercises are aimed at developing the Achilles tendon, stretching, strengthening and flexing of the fingers.


Degenerative processes in the joint with 3 degrees of arthrosis can lead to total destruction of the cartilage. With the advanced form of the disease, conservative therapy does not achieve the effect.

We have to resort to surgery. The following types of operations are used:

  • An arthrodesis of the joint. The remains of the destroyed cartilage are removed, the joint is physiological and fixed with metal implants. The joint loses mobility, but in this way it can manage the pain and inflammation. Currently, this operation on the foot is extremely rare.
  • Arthroscopy of the joint. The arthroscope is inserted into the joint cavity to observe the progress of the operation. During the intervention, blood clots and pieces of broken cartilage are removed from the synovial fluid. This allows you to reduce pain, but the effect of treatment lasts no more than a year. The operation is prescribed for young patients with 2 degrees of arthrosis.
  • Endoprosthetics are prescribed at the most severe stage of the disease, accompanied by severe deformation of the diseased organ and complete destruction of the cartilage. The lack of joint mobility leads to muscle atrophy, conservative treatment does not help. The damaged joint is removed during the operation, the endoprosthesis takes its place. This intervention completely restores the function of the affected joint. The service life of the prosthesis reaches 15 years.
  • Widely used arthroplasty. Minimally invasive interventions are able to restore the old form of the deformed foot. Do not run when the form is running.

Treatment with folk remedies

To appointments of the doctor it is possible to add treatment in house conditions. An integrated approach gives the best results in the fight against an unpleasant ailment.

It is useful to start the morning with light physical exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair, put your feet to the width of your shoulders, keep your heels firmly pressed to the floor. Try to tear off the fingers from the floor.
  2. In the same position, press your fingers to the floor, and lift the heels alternately.
  3. Roll any round or cylindrical object on the floor with your feet. For these purposes, a roll, a glass, a cut from a mop, a tangle of threads and others are perfect.

In the degenerative lesions of the foot, a beneficial effect on the joint is provided by barefoot walking along shallow pebbles, deep sand, dug up soil or mown grass.

It does not hurt to know how to treat arthrosis of the foot at home using decades-tested folk recipes. Therapeutic baths enhance blood microcirculation in the vessels of the affected joint, stimulate metabolic processes:

  • In the basin with hot water finely chop the tuber of Jerusalem artichoke, add a couple of twigs of pine, 1 hour. l. turpentine, add a spoonful of honey and sea salt. After the tray, apply an iodine net on the diseased joint, you can still rub this place with melted pork fat. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every day at least 10 times.
  • Grate 10 grams of baby soap, add 5 ml of salicylic acid, pour the mass with boiling water, mix until homogeneous, type 2 tbsp. l. purified turpentine. Keep feet in solution for 15-20 minutes. Apply daily for a week.
  • Useful trays with broths of herbs, usually use herbs, oregano, thyme, violets, Ledum, sprigs of juniper. For the procedure, water of comfortable temperature is used.

Treatment of foot with blue clay

Blue clay contains minerals and trace elements useful for articular cartilage.

It is added to the baths or diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to the diseased joints and left for an hour.


At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to wear warm socks or warm up the legs in a different way.


Warming ointments for legs of home preparation have analgesic action:

  • On a piece of natural cloth, apply a mixture of 100 g of honey with, g mumie, wrap the patient joint, from above put on a plastic bag. Ointment should be kept for at least 8 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Pour the fresh birch leaves with boiling water, mash them to a mushy state, get rid of excess water, massen the feet with the mass, wrap your feet with seals, hold for about half an hour. Repeat for 10 days.
  • Mix in equal proportions dry mustard, salt, soda and honey. With the ointment obtained, spread the foot, wrap the food film, do not remove the whole night. Repeat 7 times.


Home tinctures relieve inflammation during an exacerbation of arthrosis:

  • 1 hour l. chopped burdock pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drug drink for 1 tbsp. l. before each meal for two weeks.
  • In a bottle of vodka crumble 50 grams of root elecampane. The mixture should be infused for 14 days in a cool place. Tincture is drunk three times a day before meals for 1 tbsp. l. The amount is calculated for one course of treatment.
  • 4 cups of vodka combined with a glass of swampy swamp, the medicine should be kept in the dark for about 3 weeks. A strained tincture is drunk three times a day before a meal of 1 tbsp. l., can be used as compresses, as well as grits. Similar procedures are recommended before bedtime.
  • One part of crushed aloe leaves on the meat grinder is filled with three parts of vodka, add two pieces of honey. The medicine should be insisted in the dark for a week. The resulting composition is used in the form of compresses.
  • Compresses from a mixture of crushed chalk and kefir are very useful.

It is recommended to use medical bile for treatment. It has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The liquid is used as scraps, compresses, which are recommended to keep on a sore spot all night.

If you suspect an arthrosis of the foot, the symptoms and treatment of which are described above, in no case should you delay the visit to the doctor. Timely appeal to a specialist will allow to start treatment of the disease at an early stage and prevent the development of deforming arthrosis.

How to forget about pain in the joints ...

Joint pain limits your movements and full life ...

  • You are worried about discomfort, crunch and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you've tried a bunch of folk methods and medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you read these lines - not much they helped you ...

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Treatment of foot arthrosis: causes of pathology

Osteoarthritis of the foot

Treatment of foot arthrosis is an actual problem for many people. Pathology can affect any person at any age, but most often she suffers from women due to increased physical activity and improper distribution.

When arthrosis of the foot develops, the symptoms and treatment (photo 1 clearly shows what it is) have their own characteristics that distinguish the disease from other articular pathologies.

One form of the disease is arthrosis of the ankle (symptoms and treatment, photos and causes are discussed in detail below), which often causes serious problems with the mobility of a person.

In general, arthrosis is a very serious and dangerous disease.

Picture 1. Osteoarthritis of foot

The nature of the disease

Arthrosis of any localization is a degenerative-dystrophic joint injury in the process of long gradual destruction of articular tissues, when dystrophic disorders are accompanied by inflammatory reactions. Progressing disease leads to structural changes in tissues, loss of cartilaginous elasticity, followed by ossification and destruction of cartilage, the appearance of defects in the form of cracks, seals.

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An important feature of arthrosis is the fact that the pathology does not go beyond the joint, but in the area of ​​the joint itself, significant changes: deformation and destruction, biochemical changes in tissue composition, formation of terminal bone growths (osteophytes), violation mobility. Although in general arthrosis is a degenerative disease, the destruction of cartilage leads to inflammatory reactions in the soft periarticular tissues, which aggravates the clinical picture. The blood supply to the joint and the metabolic processes in it significantly deteriorate.

Arthrosis of the foot (photo 1) is a pathology of a chronic nature and develops in an appropriate order: the periods of remission alternate with the phases of exacerbation, which are accompanied by pronounced symptoms.

According to the nature of the disease, the disease is divided into primary and secondary forms. Primary arthritis occurs on a perfectly healthy joint when certain conditions are created.

The secondary form is a consequence of a different type of disease or pre-mechanical damage to the joint.

Etiological features of pathology

The origin of arthrosis occurs as a result of a violation of blood supply and metabolism in the joint tissues, which leads to a loss of cartilage proteoglycans and, accordingly, elasticity.

The etiological mechanism is triggered by both internal and external factors. At the same time, internal factors can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital causes are associated with the pathology of the formation and structure of the foot.

The most typical congenital provocative causes include the following defects: flat feet; abnormal formation of joints; truncated the condition of one of the extremities, the wrong shape of the shin, the deformed position of the fingers, the curvature of the thumb, the hammer-shaped form fingers. The acquired anomalies of the structure include various injuries, especially fractures of the bones and their incorrect fusion; dislocations and ruptures of ligaments, etc. To internal factors include diseases that can cause disturbance of metabolic processes, and above all, endocrine pathology, as well as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, encephalitis, syphilis. Infringement of blood supply is noted for varicose veins.

Wearing shoes with high heels is a risk factor

External influence significantly affects the formation of foot arthrosis.

Among such factors, the following reasons are particularly notable: malnutrition, excessive body weight, muscle weakness due to their absence training, wearing uncomfortable shoes (tight shoes, high heels, stiff high sole), a person's high growth, physical overload, frostbite, prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable pose with impaired blood supply to the lower leg or a prolonged forced compression of the foot and shanks. To the group of high risk, we can safely refer people engaged in activities associated with a significant burden on the feet: athletes, dancers. The likelihood of arthrosis is significantly increased in women during pregnancy.

How arthrosis manifests in the foot

When arthrosis of the foot arises, the symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the development of the disease and the localization of pathology in the foot.

The disease develops gradually, and at the initial stage there is a thinning of the cartilaginous liner, which is unnoticeable for a person, and only in proportion progression of the disease there is an irreversible destruction of tissues and the appearance of bone growths, which leads to the appearance of pronounced signs disease.

As the pathology develops, a number of characteristic symptoms appear: an unusual crunch when the joint moves; articulate stiffness in the morning; the appearance of redness and swelling; increase in local temperature in the affected area; formation of corns of a specific type; fast fatiguability when walking. Pain syndrome initially manifests itself only with prolonged walking, especially along the inclined plane, and passes after rest, but then it is felt and at rest. Deformation in the affected area leads to a change in gait and lameness. In a neglected state, small dense nodules are found in the areas of pathology development. When changes in the structure of bone tissue develops osteoarthrosis of the foot or osteoarthrosis of the ankle joint.


The arthrosis of the big toe is most often formed. It is he who suffers most from flat feet, wearing tight shoes, an abnormal foot structure. Small foot joints are often affected.


In this case, such symptoms are noticeable: Geberden's nodules in the form of seals on the fingers and red around these defects; gradual deformation, leading to the crook of fingers. With the defeat of metatarsal bones, any joint can suffer.

This process is accompanied by painful paroxysmal manifestations.

Osteoarthritis on the big toe

Arthrosis of the phalanx of the fingers, as a rule, affects several fingers at once. Characteristic sign - pain sensations of a rhythmic character when walking.

It is possible to localize the pathology in the middle part of the foot, which is expressed by the edema in this zone and the corresponding pain syndrome. Deforming arthrosis of the ankle is associated with excessive loads and injuries.

When arthrosis of the ankle arises, symptoms and treatment are established in accordance with the affected area. Pathology emphasizes girdle edema (photo 2).

Arthrosis of the ankle has a characteristic sign: the starting pain syndrome, which occurs when trying to stand on a sick leg after a long sitting. After you manage to go a few steps, the pain subsides. (Photo 2. Osteoarthritis of the ankle)

Staged development of the disease

In the development of the disease, several stages can be distinguished. When arthrosis of the foot is diagnosed, treatment is prescribed taking into account this peculiarity of the pathology. The following stages are distinguished:

  1. The initial stage (grade 1) is a small narrowing of the joint space, but the destructive processes have not become irreversible. At this stage, the symptoms of the disease are expressed in minor pain after a long walk, and unusually fast fatigue.
  2. The second stage (grade 2) is accompanied by a pronounced narrowing of the joint gap, the beginning of bone osteophyte growth. The pain syndrome becomes intense, and the mobility of the joint is disrupted. The swelling begins to appear.
  3. The third stage (grade 3): a significant narrowing of the gap, until its complete closure as a result of destruction of the cartilaginous lining, the appearance of numerous bone growths. This phase is marked by a marked deformation of the foot. Pain syndrome is felt even in a state of rest. There is lameness.

Features of diagnosing pathology

To this end, a blood test, a test for CRP and uric acid, and rheumatoid samples are selected.

Clarification of the diagnosis is carried out using an X-ray in two projections, which allows to identify the degree of narrowing of the joint gap and the formation of bone growths. Arthroscopy allows you to explore the joint in more detail. Specific research methods are also ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI of the joint.

Basic principles of treatment of pathology

Arthrosis is expressed in the atrophy of the joint tissues, so a number of lesions are irreversible. Completely restore the articular cartilage can only be at the initial stage.

When the disease is launched, the task of treatment is the cessation of the destructive process, the elimination of the risk of recurrence and the maximum possible restoration of the motor function. When arthrosis is diagnosed, incl.

arthrosis of the ankle, treatment is based on a complex effect.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle

In the treatment of arthrosis, both non-drug methods and medication can be used, as well as surgical intervention in especially severe cases. In the direction of non-drug exposure, the following methods are used: therapeutic gymnastics (LFK), physiotherapy, reflexology, therapeutic massage.


Treatment of pathology will not be effective if you do not eliminate unwanted effects on the affected joints. It is necessary to ensure the following preventive conditions:

  1. Getting rid of excess body weight, optimizing nutrition
  2. Activation of a way of life and introduction in daily practice of walks and physical culture
  3. Ensuring a timely rest
  4. The selection of the optimal footwear, both in size and in the model - the heel should not be higher, see also it is worthwhile to use special insoles
  5. Walking barefoot on a hard surface.

When treating arthrosis of the foot at different stages, the following general schemes are recommended:

  1. Disease at the initial stage: special orthopedic footwear and insoles; physiotherapy methods; Exercise therapy; massotherapy; administration of nonsteroid-type drugs; preventive measures of general character.
  2. With the development of 2-3 stages: the appointment of analgesics; the introduction of medicament directly into the joint; surgical treatment.

How is medication therapy performed?

The basis of treatment of foot arthrosis is medicamentous therapy. Such treatment is carried out by a complex method with prescription of drugs of different groups.

The treatment regimen is of an individual nature and takes into account the development of the disease, the age of the patient, and the characteristics of his organism. All medications can be taken only as directed by a doctor.

Such treatment is usually conducted by a rheumatologist.

To eliminate the pain syndrome, anesthetics are used in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The most common are Paracetamol, Diclofenac and Aceclofenac. One of the best options is considered taking indomethacin, which additionally provides the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.

Nimesulide or Meloxicam may be used as prescribed by the doctor.

The most important task of drug therapy is to stop the destruction of cartilage and the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue.

For this purpose, chondroprotectors are prescribed: Chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, Glucosamine sulphate, Artrodarin, Diacerein, Arthra, Structum.

Such drugs can be taken or injected into the joint by injection (Alflutop, Chondrogard). To restore the composition of synovial fluid appointed Synvisc, Gilgan, Fermatron.



If an inflammatory reaction has been connected to the process, it will be necessary to take glucocorticoids like Kenalog, Diprospan, better together with anesthetics (lidocaine). To eliminate muscular spasms, muscle relaxants are prescribed. We should not forget about the general strengthening effect.


For this purpose, vitamin complexes and strengthening preparations are used: Vitrum, Centrum, Berroca, Materna, Teravit.

As external agents, warming ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect are recommended: Menovazine, Nikoflex, Apizatron, Viprosal, Ungapiven.

Use of other technologies

Physiotherapy is the basis of treatment at the initial stage of the disease and a good assistant of drug therapy in subsequent stages.

The most effective technologies are the following methods: infrared laser radiation; SUF-irradiation; UHF-therapy of low intensity; high-frequency magnetotherapy; ultrasonic influence; baths with medicinal compositions. Popular enough - phonetic and electrophoresis.

Magnetotherapy for arthrosis of feet

In particularly severe and neglected cases, as an extreme measure, surgical treatment is performed.

The main methods of surgical treatment include the following techniques: arthrodesis, based on fixation of the affected joint; arthroplasty, including surgical restoration of the joint with replacement of the destroyed tissues; endoprosthetics, i.e. installation of an artificial element in place the destroyed joint.

At home, the results of treatment can be secured with the help of folk remedies. For this purpose homemade ointments, lotions, compresses, infusions, decoctions of natural products of plant and animal origin are prepared.

Effective enough is a decoction of oat flakes (60-65 grams per liter of water). This composition is used as a compress on the affected joint. Compress for the night can be prepared as a mixture of yogurt with chalk. For oral administration, a mixture is recommended: olive oil (2 tbsp.

spoons), chopped garlic (1 tsp loll) per liter of boiling water.

Arthrosis of the foot is very dangerous if it can not be stopped in time. An established form of pathology can lead to loss of mobility and disability. Only timely treatment can defeat the disease, and maintain the health of the feet.

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