After an acute respiratory viral infection the child has a fever of 37

How much does the temperature last for ARVI?

How much is the temperature in ARVI?

Often, getting a respiratory disease, people do not rush to go to the doctor, because you can buy any effective medication at the drugstore and get treatment at home. But in such cases it is important to know the characteristic symptoms of the disease so as not to confuse it with anything else. For example, you should pay attention to how much the temperature is maintained in ARVI, what is its value, whether there are lesions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

How many days and what is the temperature for ARVI?

The incubation period of a viral disease is no more than 5 days, and at this time a person can behave feel absolutely normal until pathological cells have penetrated into the blood and caused no intoxication. With the development of the disease, reproduction of bacteria begins, as a rule, in the maxillary sinuses, lungs, mouth and bronchi. This is accompanied by a sore throat, an uncomfortable sensation in the nose, a mild headache. Over time, clinical manifestations of intoxication with the virus, one of which is an increase in body temperature, are added.

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It should be understood that fever or fever is a normal mechanism of immune system reaction to foreign cells in the blood. Most viruses and bacteria die at high temperatures, so the body thus protects itself from the spread of infection.

Intoxication syndrome occurs usually on day 2-3 after the onset of the disease. The heat can reach quite high values ​​(up to 39 degrees), but the process of activation of immunity under consideration is short. With adequate treatment and timely measures taken, the temperature decreases after 1-2 days, reaching normal values. It is worth noting that eliminating the fever with the numbers on the thermometer to 38.5 is undesirable, in order to allow the body to fight the infection on its own.

During further therapy with ARVI, low temperature, up to 37 degrees. This is due to the fact that the patient's blood is saturated with antibodies that do not allow the emergence and progress of inflammatory processes.

After ARI, there is a low-grade fever 37

Cases of complications after a flu are frequent. They are characterized by the presence of symptoms of acute respiratory diseases (bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, frontal sinus, sinusitis) and the constant presence of slightly elevated body temperature: 37-37.2.

Similar signs together with a poor state of health of the patient, as well as an increase in lymph nodes, can signal on the development of severe health consequences or recurrence of chronic upper respiratory tract diseases.

If the subfebrile temperature does not decrease within a week after recovery, it is necessary to consult without fail with a therapist, do x-rays and donate blood for laboratory tests.

Repeated fever in ARVI

Another no less dangerous situation is the re-infection with the virus. It can occur either from family members (neighbors

water temperaturefor an apartment, a room), which became carriers of ARVI in the care of a patient, or due to self-poisoning due to non-compliance with hygiene and disinfection of air in the living quarters.

Repeated increase in body temperature to high values ​​suggests that the body resumed inflammatory processes, and the rapid rapid spread of the virus in the blood began. The problem is the possibility of the emergence of resistance of viruses and bacteria to previously conducted treatment, and the medications used will cease to have an effect, so the therapy regimen will have to be changed.

At the child after orvi 2 weeks the temperature 37 keeps !!!!



The temperature is inflammation. Lead the doctors, as if there were no complications after ARVI. Lead to everyone in a row until a clear diagnosis is put and then the doctors schA such.... Scary happens. Get well!!!!

Ekaterina Terebryukhova

do not worry about me the same story. The temperature stayed at 37.3 for about a month. I did not go where I went, she went by herself. Unless of course the child looks sluggish, and painful!


Did you try the candles "Cefekon-D"? Good temperature


antipyretic is not necessary. wrong temperature. talk to your doctor. and even let vitamin C drink.


probably geppatit: (at me too so has begun all over again ORVI and then temperature 2 weeks
or like another infection
make an enema, if the temperature does not subside, it is better to run to the doctor

Marina Spiridonova

A hematologist is one who cures blood. The temperature of course just can not stay like this, you have to constantly knock it down. I think it's better to go to a paid clinic or consult a few specialists, anyone will help.

Anna P

And you know, German doctors 37- generally consider nomal T. If the baby behaves normally, it does not bother, it means nothing terrible.


My older daughter had a similar history, the temperature stayed after the illness for more than 2 weeks 37-37.2. Do not knock down the temperature!! If the child does not look sluggish and sick, then just stop taking it. Later, take a blood and urine test.

At the child of , g after orvi (have cured antibiotics) the second week the temperature keeps up to 3, , what will advise?



Viral infection, as far as I know, does not cure antibiotics. Anaferon and Arbidol help you.

dear Tatiana

not healed to the end and began again.. . could be contact with patients or proskvozilo... continue treatment, only medications let others write out, the same again will not immediately be effective!

Yuliya Grigoryeva

It's dangerous to change the doctor

flip through yana

At me most as it was.
treated Orvi, healed, a week later took a second hospital-treated Orvi!
a month later on a stroller on rengen was carried, it was not possible to get up from the fact that there was nothing to breathe, because there was pus in the lungs. pneumocystis pneumonia!
but for inflammation of the lungs is characterized by a temperature of 37.4, as they said in the hospital

Natalia Zamaraeva

"doctor" ((go to the infectious disease, the immunologist. Antibiotics against bacteria, and ARVI viral nature. They knocked down the formation of the immune response, which occurs at a high temperature, now the body is sluggishly resisting. Look for an explanatory doctor.

Maria Zinchenko

Most likely these are the consequences of antibiotic treatment, because ARVI is not treated with antibiotics, ARVI is treated with antiviral drugs, and the pediatrician should have known about it. Retake the tests, OAK and OAM, look for the cause of the temperature, because the temperature is not small.

Why does the child have a fever of 37-37.2 after the illness?


Butterfly Wings ...

There are many reasons to be examined.. there may be an inflammatory process left, infection... subfebrile temperature can cause vegetative-vascular dystonia.. search for the reason-go to another doctor ...


then it's not after ...

Victoria Lorgova

In children up to 37, 5 the temperature is normal if nothing disturbs, Depends on the time of day and activity. And what is normal for your child's normal temperature?


It depends on how many days this temperature lasts. This is a very bad temperature. My son, she stayed for three weeks, while he was also discharged to the kindergarten, the doctor said something like "nothing terrible"... I literally shook the direction from her to the immunologist and the analysis for mononucleosis. The analysis was positive. We were treated for a year. Frequent colds and such temperatures are just a sign of mononucleosis.


Hence, they did not recover.. And apparently you need to examine the child to find out the true reason.
At friends the daughter all time went with such temperature - the chronic tonsillitis has appeared. Treated for a long time, including in a sanatorium.
Or maybe something else is more serious than tonsillitis ...

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