Asphyxiating cough at night

Why does a suffocating cough appear in an adult?

In the cold season people start to cough more. Cough (pershenie) is a sign of various colds. A suffocating cough in an adult person is an unpleasant and inconvenient form of coughing.

What is a cough? This forced displacement of the air mass from the lungs. Air emitted with force cleans the respiratory tract from foreign bodies and mucus.

What are the types of cough?

By nature and duration of cough is divided into:

  1. Acute. Occurs due to colds or viral infections, it is accompanied by high fever, weakness and mucus discharge from the nose. Lasts such a cough no more than 2 weeks.
  2. Protracted. Delivers anxiety to the patient from 2 to 4 weeks.
  3. Recurrent (subacute). It manifests itself in the form of seizures and is repeated after 4 to 5 weeks. Witnesses the presence of bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
  4. Chronic. In most cases, there are people who abuse smoking, and those who, according to the specifics of the work, are in contact with chemical preparations or allergens. Before getting rid of the cause of the disease, the effect of treatment is difficult to achieve. This cough lasts more than 2 months.
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Doctors also share a wet and dry appearance. Strangely enough, but sometimes cough is beneficial. Thanks to a wet cough from the human respiratory system, along with phlegm, microbes and foreign bodies are removed. Therefore, otherwise it is called productive.

As for the second type, the dry suffocating cough is absolutely not effective, since with it, sputum is not released at all or formed in a minimal volume. It causes irritation and traumatizes the larynx and bronchi, exhausts the patient, disturbing a restful sleep and bringing psychological and physical inconveniences into his life. That is why the treatment of dry cough is based on its transformation into moist.For the prompt release of the patient from a bothersome cough, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence.This depends on treatment, which will be concentrated either on mitigating and suppressing the disease, or on dilution and removal of sputum.

Why does a cough appear?

Dry suffocating cough may appear due to mechanical causes, in case of some diseases, as a result of regular smoking (smoker's cough).

For mechanical reasons, damage to the mucous throat by foreign bodies (bread crumbs, pieces of hard food, midge) or irritation with allergens (dust and gases) is attributed to mechanical reasons.

The use of medicines will not have any effect. The improvement will occur only when the stimulus is removed. This cough accompanies people working for a long time at the enterprises of metallurgical, coke chemical and chemical industries, miners.

Most often, a suffocating cough indicates that the patient has one of the most dangerous diseases:

  1. Whooping cough: a suffocating dry cough in a child, occurring with profuse tearing and discoloration of saliva, sometimes resulting in vomiting.
  2. Tuberculosis: it may be signaled by an intense cough with little or no blood sputum.
  3. Laryngitis: accompanied by a debilitating dry cough and a slight outflow of mucus. During the illness, the fever does not decrease without the use of special medicines.
  4. Pharyngitis: cough that occurs as a result of incessant persecution in the throat.
  5. Pneumonia: cough, which is accompanied by severe pain from the inflamed lung. Dry cough with the course of the disease turns into wet.
  6. Bronchial asthma: severe attacks of cough, choking, accompanied by pain in the chest. Sputum is poor, viscous, vitreous, or completely absent.
  7. Heart failure: with her sparse foamy sputum released during the process, it is painted pink.
  8. Oncological diseases: cough is intense, painful, tearing. This cough is a symptom of a cancerous tumor in the lungs.

Persecution in a smoker has a debilitating and suffocating character, caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat with nicotine resins and smoke. May be accompanied by poor expectoration of mucus. To get rid of such a cough is possible only by stopping smoking.

Pregnant women - a separate risk group due to the weakening of the immunity associated with the carrying of the baby. Cough often occurs with acute respiratory infections. During coughing, a woman experiences pain associated with the tension of the abdominal muscles. The use of medications during treatment is undesirable, so as not to cause pathology in the development of the child.

How and what to treat the disease?

For the effectiveness of treatment, it is extremely important to identify the causes that caused the disease, and to put the correct diagnosis. Dry cough is often accompanied by fever, runny nose, loss of strength, shortness of breath and choking. Therapy of the disease can be medicated, with the help of inhalations, folk remedies or complex.

Pharmacological methods include the use of drugs that suppress and relieve cough, creating favorable conditions for the regeneration of the mucous throat and the conversion of dry cough to wet. Usually, they use Codeine, Glaucine and other drugs based on them. You can use lollipops and syrups against coughing (Lazolvan, Herbion, etc.) - they soften the mucous.

A good effect is the use of inhalation. They help to cure an annoying cough. One of the simplest methods of inhalation are steam procedures using alkaline mineral waters ("Borjomi "Essentuki "Narzan") or a solution of baking soda, as well as broths of medicinal herbs and essential oils. For the treatment of small patients this method is unacceptable due to the high temperature of the liquid. The best way to relieve a fit of suffocation for any adult and child can be inhalation with a nebulizer.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of decoctions of various herbs with expectorant and anti-inflammatory action (Ledum, elephant, mother-and-stepmother), warm milk with the addition of soda, a mixture of butter and honey, juice from a mixture of honey with a black radish or aloe. Drink herbal medicinal herbs to calm the cough reflex should be 3 - 4 times a day. You can use potato broth for inhalations.

Complex treatment of the disease consists in combining the above methods.

Why does dry night cough?

Dry cough at night is a common symptom of internal diseases. Clinical observations have established that a night cough in an adult is not always provoked diseases of the respiratory system, sometimes it can be a violation in the work of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

The causes of night swelling may be different:

  • horizontal position during sleep (the lungs in this position are less active and unable to properly clean the respiratory system of accumulated mucus);
  • dry and cold air in the room during sleep, irritating the mucous larynx, causes shortness of breath.

Nevertheless, one should not forget that a night dry cough can be a sign of pertussis or bronchial asthma.

What are the preventive measures?

The strength and duration of seizures can be reduced, and sometimes prevent their onset, often ventilating In the winter, sleeping rooms, making the apartment wet cleaning, increasing the humidity with the help of humidifiers. To minimize the possibility of catching a second cold, you need to wash your hands more often (you can with antibacterial soap), avoid communicate with coughing people, use gauze masks, drink vitamin complexes, give up smoking, drink more liquid.

In the diet with suffocating cough should include liquid milk porridge, mashed potatoes on milk.

It is recommended to eat grapes and drink grape juice with honey (has a healing and soothing effect).

Coffee from the diet should be deleted, replacing it with a barley drink with chicory and milk.


Remove from the menu spicy food, sweets and sweet drinks. If there are no medical contraindications, you can starve for 2 - 3 days, using only pure water.

Treatment for asphyxiating cough in adults

Very often suffocating cough in adults is a symptom of the occurrence of various serious diseases. He frightens his character and intensity not only of the sick, but also of their relatives. Do not give full value to work and rest.

If a person suffers a stifling cough, treatment should be carried out immediately. You need to start it with a visit to the doctor, as well as diagnosing a disease that causes a suffocating symptom. After all, an unpleasant phenomenon can be provoked by such dangerous ailments as:

  • Asthma.
  • Heart failure.
  • Malignant tumors.

No less serious should be taken to suffocating cough in adults, caused by:

  • Smoking.
  • Tracheists.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Allergies.

Such pathologies, although considered not too dangerous, however, in the absence of treatment, often develop into severe form and give complications, sometimes even threatening the life of the patient, so treatment of a suffocating reflex act must be carried out immediately.

Stifling spastic exhalations can be an indication that a person has choked or a foreign body has got into his respiratory tract. In this case, the treatment of the symptom is not carried out, as to stop coughing it is enough to clear the respiratory tract.

Choking cough: treatment in adults - basic principles

An obligatory condition for the effective treatment of an unpleasant phenomenon is a visit to the doctor. In the hospital, the patient is examined. The doctor makes a thorough diagnosis with the help of tests and examinations. Methods of treating suffocating cough are chosen, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. In the treatment of adults the following actions are carried out:

  • Possible irritants, provocators of suffocating cough (dust, tobacco smoke, animals) are eliminated.
  • The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, respiratory tracts are softened and moistened (lollipops, pastilles, the air in the room is saturated with moisture, steam and cold inhalations are made, rinses are carried out throat).
  • The room is constantly ventilated.
  • Depending on the ailment causing suffocating cough in adults, the doctor prescribes medicines of the local actions: antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, suppressing cough center, expectorant, bronchodilator, antibiotics.

Features of treatment of suffocating cough with bronchial asthma

The most effective method of symptomatic treatment of a suffocating cough with bronchial asthma, consisting in relief of seizures, the local effect on the respiratory system with the help of inhalation corticosteroids. The principle of action is to prevent bronchial spasm and a lightning-fast cough. Often the same drugs are injected with the help of pocket inhalers, which patients always carry with them.

Also popular is the use of various expectorant syrups, antibiotics.

Heart failure: the main nuances of treatment for suffocating cough in adults

If the attacks of asphyxiating reflex respiratory spasms occur in the patient due to heart problems, the symptomatic treatment conducted in parallel with the main one will include:

  • Appointment of medications that promote liquefaction of sputum and the rapid withdrawal of it from the body.
  • Taking medications that relieve spasms and dilate the vessels in the respiratory organs.
  • Use of antitussive drugs.

If the patient due to heart problems began to accumulate fluid in the respiratory system, then when it is pumped out, the asphyxiating cough goes away.

Asphyxiating cough in an adult: treatment for cancer

If an unpleasant phenomenon is a symptom of the development of cancer of the respiratory system, the patient is often haunted by tearing and choking spastic exhalations. Often, due to a decrease in immunity in humans, the inflammatory process in the lungs, caused by different infections, starts simultaneously.

Attacks of suffocating cough in cancer patients to relieve is very important. A person suffering from cancer, and so endures his condition very hard. Reflex spastic exhalations in adults are complicated by syncope, arrhythmias, rupture of the alveoli.

Treatment of a suffocating cough in this case is carried out after a complete medical examination. If the doctor reveals the presence of an additional infectious or catarrhal disease, then methods of combating this ailment, coupled with symptomatic treatment (appointment of antitussive, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator means). Such drugs help to reduce attacks of suffocating cough and their further cessation.

If an unpleasant phenomenon is caused only by a spreading tumor, then the reason to remove is not always possible. A suffocating cough in this case can be caused by:

  • Squeezing the lumen of the bronchi with a superfluous malignant tissue or enlarged lymph nodes.
  • The growth of cancer on the pleura.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the respiratory system.
  • Germination of malignant tissues in the diaphragm and so on.

In this case, only medications that suppress the cough center are prescribed for treatment, since the effect of other drugs will be ineffective.

A suffocating cough: how to help a smoker?

Nicotine dependence, which lasts a long time, is a factor in the occurrence of a large number of diseases and pathologies in adults. One of its characteristic and constant companions are attacks of suffocating cough. They mostly arise in the morning hours or after physical exertion.

Of course, only getting rid of a dangerous habit will completely get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon. To decrease the intensity of suffocating cough will help:

  • Symptomatic treatment with folk remedies, moisturizing the throat (honey with milk, sea buckthorn oil).
  • The use of liquid in large quantities.
  • Humidification of air in the room.
  • Carrying out cold and hot inhalations.

Asphyxiating cough: what to treat for colds and respiratory diseases in adults?

Very often an unpleasant barking phenomenon occurs as a consequence of the effects on the body of various colds and viruses. In the arsenal of physicians for the treatment of these cases is a sufficiently large number of different methods and techniques that help fight the suffocating cough. This includes:

  • Reception of medicines of different spectrum of action.
  • Warming.
  • Massage.
  • Compresses.
  • Inhalations.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Folk remedies.

Do not forget that any of these methods can only be used after consulting a doctor and diagnosing. Doing self-medication and prescribing various medications is strictly prohibited. After all, it is very difficult for a person who is ignorant in medical matters to distinguish one common cold or virus disease from another (and there are more than a dozen of them in nature).

It is because of incorrect self-treatment that adults often find themselves on hospital beds with various complications that have arisen against the background of common ailments, from which others easily get rid within a week at home at home.

What if the attack of a suffocating cough is caused by an allergy?

Another factor, often the cause of suffocating spastic exhalations, is an allergy. For its treatment, it is necessary simply to remove a factor from the life of a person provoking the onset of a suffocating cough. To determine it, there are various tests that need to be done at the hospital. After the termination of interaction with provocateur, the symptom itself passes.

A suffocating cough in adults often accompanies the taking of medications to which a person has a reaction. Therefore, at a doctor's appointment, you should always warn about the use of any medication.

The onset of a suffocating cough when a foreign body enters

In addition to various pathological processes occurring in the human body and causing spasmodic contractions of the respiratory tract, their culprit can be a mechanical effect. After all, often when you get various pieces of food or inhaling foreign bodies, a person begins to choke, choking in a fit of suffocating cough.

The optimal option in this case is an immediate address to the hospital. There the specialist with the help of a special device examines the respiratory system, nasopharynx and carefully removes the acquired stimulus.

However, there are cases when suffocating cough signals that a person should be helped immediately, otherwise he may die. In this case, the victim should be clasped behind with both hands and sharply squeeze the ribs so that he exhaled reflexively. With the air flow from the respiratory tract, a foreign body must jump out, which follows immediately remove from the oral cavity in order to prevent re-entry into the body at a later time inhalation.

After this, the person must necessarily be taken to the hospital in order to exclude the occurrence of injuries in the respiratory organs, and if they are available, provide emergency medical care.

There are other causes that cause a stifling cough, the treatment of which in any case should be carried out after consulting a doctor and making an accurate diagnosis. Only in this case, the effectiveness of the fight against the symptom will be the highest, and recovery will occur in the shortest possible time.

Cough at night

One of the most painful, exhausting symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is a cough at night. It lasts for several minutes and repeats up to 4 times in 8-10 hours. In this case, during the day, coughing can be practically absent or rarely occur.

Why is cough worse at night?

This problem occurs due to the fact that in the horizontal position of the body the liquid separated by the lungs does not circulate. There is a stagnation of sputum, which provokes the process of cleansing the lungs and bronchi in the form of a cough.

In addition, the cause of the symptom may be the casting of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus (reflux). It irritates the mucous membranes and the respiratory tract.

Tortured dry cough at night

The most common factors provoking the condition in question are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • viral or bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • too dry and cold air in the bedroom, dusty room;
  • allergic reactions, especially if the pillow is made of natural ingredients (feather, down), in which microscopic mites reproduce;
  • smoking.

Asphyxiating cough at night

The combination of the described syndrome with shortness of breath indicates the progression of cardiovascular diseases, as a rule - insufficiency.

Additional features:

  • compressive pain in the sternum;
  • numbness of the fingers of the left hand;
  • spasm of the larynx.

Difficulty breathing and a strong cough can also signal the risk of a heart attack.

How to stop a fit of cough at night?

First of all, you need to eliminate the cause of the symptom and treat the underlying disease.

In addition, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Acquire an air humidifier.
  2. Replace the bedding so that they consist of synthetic fillers.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. If a cough causes an allergy, you should take antihistaminesmedicines and refrain from contact with the stimulus.
  5. In acute respiratory infections, antiviral or antibacterial agents are required, use of local antiseptic solutions for rinsing, steam or dry inhalation is indicated.

General recommendations to facilitate the state:

  1. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of buckwheat honey.
  2. Instead of tea, use herbal infusions or decoctions with chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, licorice, St. John's wort, raspberry leaves.
  3. Gargle with a solution of baking soda and sea salt.

Night attacks of suffocation

Choking is the ultimate degree of dyspnea, a painful sense of acute oxygen deficiency. It happens that an attack hits a person at night when he is sleeping. Because the night attack of suffocation is always unexpected and sudden, disoriented by the newly awakened person, he perceives it more painfully than in the daytime when he is awake. Night choking is a sign of serious health problems that can not be ignored.

Code for ICD-10 R06.0 Shortness of breath J45 Asthma

Causes of suffocation at night

In medicine, there are several causes of respiratory insufficiency.

Physicians collected data in search of the relationship between the posture during sleep, the time of onset and the severity of nighttime attacks asphyxiation in patients with respiratory insufficiency and it was found that the suffocation is due to increased pressure in the venous vessels. It is easy to see in the neck region: the veins in patients greatly increase and swell.

Left ventricular failure, for which typical seizures are similar to a strong cough. Symptoms of the disease also include rapid breathing with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling. In this case, the patient wakes up feeling a lack of air. Severe attacks of night suffocation can cause an edema of the lung, which carries a danger to human life.

Bronzospasm. In medicine, they know about the connection of asthmatic attacks with the time of day and about the characteristic development of bronchospasm at night. The person in the sitting position rests on the hands to facilitate the work of the muscles that are involved in breathing. His breath is noisy, with accompanying whistles and wheezing. Most likely, this is bronchospasm, which prevents bronchial tubes from cleansing of accumulated sputum. Rapid inhalation and prolonged exhalation, accompanied by wheezing, is typical for respiratory diseases. Bronchospasm, in contrast to left ventricular failure, ends with the separation of sputum with an admixture of mucus. The attack can develop due to the effect of an allergen, to which the patient is susceptible: the smell of household chemicals, tobacco smoke, etc. Night choking is not uncommon provokes dust, particles of wool of domestic animals and even food for aquarium fish, because of its organic origin, too, can manifest itself allergy. Hyperreactivity of bronchial tubes during the day and night can differ by 50%. Therefore, graphical recording of lung function during breathing during the day can lead to incorrect conclusions about the patient's health. It is at night that asthma often occurs.

Choking in the syndrome of apnea. Dyspnoea and gasps are the result of stopping breathing, when the respiratory tracts are blocked during sleep. Attacks of suffocation in patients with apnea can provoke and reflux, when there is a release of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. In apnea, the ejection may not be in the esophagus, but in the respiratory tract. Then the patient develops laryngospasm, when the musculature of the larynx suddenly contracts, and the respiratory tracts overlap, which makes it impossible to inhale. Night cough, excessive sweating, too frequent urination, drowsiness during the day, high blood pressure, decreased potency may also indicate apnea.

Sleepy paralysis. This is a rare disorder that is fleeting and relatively harmless to health when the patient feels the inability to move, the attack of fear, in exceptional cases - shortness of breath and attack suffocation. Sleepy paralysis has a relationship with such disorders as walking in sleep and daytime sleepiness.

Symptoms of choking at night

The first signs of an attack of suffocation - blanching of the skin, but the simultaneous presence of a noticeable blush on the face. The nasolabial triangle and fingers can acquire a bluish hue, a feeling of heaviness appears in the chest area. The patient is frightened and makes attempts to inhale with the mouth, the skin surface is covered with a cold sweat, the pulse may become more frequent. A night attack of suffocation necessarily causes a circulatory disturbance. If you listen to the lungs during an attack, it's easy to detect noise and wheezing. At the beginning of an attack during listening they are found only in the area above the base of the lungs, but later they cover all the lungs. The gaps between the ribs can be significantly retracted as a result of trying to inhale the maximum amount of air, and the veins on the neck swell. Consequences and complications of an attack can be very dangerous.

Night attacks of suffocation in children

Sudden and unexpected night attack of suffocation in a child, when before this state of health was normal - the main sign of stenosis, which arose from a foreign object that got into the respiratory system. In this case, the reaction of an adult should be immediate: it is necessary to squeeze the sternum to eliminate a foreign object, and allow the child to clear his throat. The child can even be lifted by the feet and, tapping on the back, help with a cough to remove the foreign object from the respiratory tract. The attack of suffocation, accompanied by stenosis of the larynx, appears as a result of inflammations of a different nature - croup or allergic edema. The child with an inflammatory process usually attacks the attack at night, and when swelling due to allergies - more often in the afternoon.

In addition, suffocation occurs as a result of increased excitability of the nervous system, due to lack of calcium salts, birth trauma or infection. In addition, the attack can develop against the background of rickets, violations of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system.

Diagnosis of asthma attacks at night

The examination program includes:

  1. General analysis of urine, blood and stool.
  2. Study of the content of total protein, protein fractions.
  3. Blood test for the content and activity of lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, CEC, complement.
  4. Examination of sputum.
  5. Radiography of the lungs
  6. Graphic recording of lung function during breathing.
  7. Electrocardiogram
  8. Samples with allergens that are made outside the seizures.
  9. Consultations of an allergist, laura, dentist.

Differential diagnostics

Since asthma attacks can be of a different nature in order to prevent relapses, it is necessary contact a medical institution where the specialists will conduct the diagnosis in order to designate an effective treatment. The specialist will conduct a differential diagnosis of pathology with other diseases that have similar symptoms, prescribe tests and instrumental examinations, which will allow an accurate diagnosis.

To differentiate bronchial asthma from chronic obstructive bronchitis, the doctor relies on the following symptoms. Young people are more likely to develop bronchial asthma. The disease begins suddenly, with a paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, variability in respiratory rate. With asthma, reversibility of bronchial obstruction and bronchial hyperreactivity are noticeable. When listening to the lungs, dry rales are heard with a whistle.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis often develops in middle-aged or elderly people. With bronchitis there is a constant shortness of breath and a productive cough. When listening, dry and wet rattles are detected.

For cardiac asthma, organic diseases of the heart and blood vessels are associated with dyspnea, breathing with "bubbling". Listening to the lungs will reveal scattered, moist, various-sized wheezing accompanied by tachycardia, arrhythmia.

Difficulty breathing, especially on exhalation, can manifest itself due to compression of the trachea and bronchi by neoplasms, greatly enlarged lymph nodes, aortic aneurysm. To make a more accurate diagnosis, use the methods of instrumental diagnostics: bronchoscopy, mediastinal x-ray, CT of the lungs.

For thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, a sudden feeling of lack of air and a strong shortness of breath, when listening to dry rales are detected - this makes it possible to distinguish thromboembolism from the bronchial asthma.

Patients with neuroses often have shortness of breath, right up to the attacks of suffocation. The main signs of suffocation due to pathologies of nervous regulation of respiratory function - if such symptoms occur during stress moments, and wheezing in the lungs during listening is absent.

Who to contact?

The doctor of first aid Pulmonologist

Treatment of a stroke of choking at night

Usually a night attack of suffocation is overtaken by a person outside the walls of the hospital. How to properly help before the arrival of doctors? First of all, you need to try to facilitate breathing, calm the patient, help to get up. The patient should take a vertical position, leaning his hands on anything, and breathe superficially, with a long exhalation. Then arrange for air intake. The extremities of the victim should be warmed with a warmer or kept in warm water. Also the patient is put mustard plasters on the chest or on the back. The patient should receive euphillin and ephedrine - oral, before taking medical treatment, one tablet each.

A person who periodically has night attacks of suffocation, in the bedroom should be a thermos bottle of boiling water or a decoction of expectorant herbs. Hot food in combination with expectorants can usually stop an attack of suffocation. In case of a severe attack, it is necessary to inhale the sympathomimetic (up to 2-3 times).

Emergency assistance in case of asphyxiation due to foreign objects in the respiratory tract is carried out according to the same algorithm as for drowning. The main thing is to remain calm, not to give panic to master yourself, then emergency help will be easier to render quickly and efficiently. To remove an object from the larynx, press the sternum, then the object will pop out into the respiratory tract. Then, tilt the victim forward so that he clears his throat. When the attack of asthma passes and the breath comes back to normal, you should contact the doctor. Treatment in this case will necessarily include antibiotics that will prevent pneumonia.

If the allergic edema became the wine of suffocation, the patient should use an antihistamine: diphenhydramine, suprastin or taewegil. In addition, it is given to take ¼ cup 10% solution of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride. If the reception of these drugs did not give results, do an injection of prednisolone in a dosage of 2 ml.

When night attacks of suffocation are repeated because of bronchial asthma, treatment with drugs that eliminate bronchospasm: ephedrine, theoephedrine, antasmans is necessary. The attack can be removed by resorting to inhalers or aerosols, if it is possible to provide the required level of inhalation. Choking due to bronchial asthma will help to remove massaging of the upper body. Massage movements are performed, starting from the head downwards - along the back and chest.

When the attack of asthma arose unexpectedly, and next to you there are no necessary medications, you can try using the means that are at hand. For example, ammonia, which should be given a sniff; or small pieces of ice that the patient must swallow. Tincture of sputum is promoted by tincture of valerian, and also soda.

Treatment of nocturnal attacks of suffocation with homeopathic remedies

Therapy with homeopathic remedies is now combined with traditional medicine. The goal of homeopathy in this case is the formation of optimal immunological reactivity.

Homeopaths recommend Ipecacuanha, Sambucus and Moschus. If the attacks of suffocation are severe, when the pressure in the chest increases even from a small movement, the lungs have wheezing, and the cough is dry and convulsive, there is every reason for taking Ipecacuanha.

Sambucus is recommended if an allergic reaction has touched the bronchi and night attacks are accompanied convulsive cough, spasms in the larynx and chest, breath with whistles, shortness of breath, fears, trembling.

Moschus is used for choking, which have hysterical symptoms.

Cuprum metallicum sometimes can eliminate an attack in just minutes. It is exclusively about coughing, which becomes weaker if you drink a small sip of cold water.

In periods between attacks, homeopathic treatment has certain advantages due to the gradual effect on the reactivity of immunity.

In addition to these drugs, Spongia and Antimonium tartar-icum are used to eliminate recurrent seizures. If the disease is characterized by a convulsive cough, similar to tuberculosis, then prescribe Drosera, Rumex and Sticta pulmonaria. If suffocation often happens at night, and the patient at the time of an attack of suffocation takes a pose sitting and moves forward, and sputum is viscous and with mucus, he is recommended treatment with Kalium bichromicum.

Herbal Treatment

Traditional medicine categorically advise against acute night attacks of suffocation to begin treatment with folk recipes. But the use of traditional medicine is justified as a preventive measure. This treatment takes time and regularity, only then the effect will be noticeable.

  • Broth of a dogrose

In the dog rose contains many antioxidants and vitamins. One of the many beneficial properties of rose hips is a beneficial effect on the vessels. To prepare a curative infusion, take 2 tablespoons of crushed fruits, pour water at room temperature and leave for 10-12 hours. Then infusion filter and drink ½ cup before eating.

With prolonged asphyxiation, a recipe from strawberry leaves is effective. It will help to cope with high blood pressure and will have a mild diuretic effect.

  • Leaves of wild strawberry

1 tablespoon of leaves poured, l of water, cooked in a fire, until half of the water evaporates. The broth is taken 1 tablespoon every two hours.

  • Lobster tea broth

As an expectorant use a decoction of wild rosemary. In addition, it has an antiallergic effect. 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs pour a glass of boiling water, boil in water for up to 10 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times during the day.

Treatment with folk remedies

A lot of folk remedies are known to help prevent a night attack of suffocation.

  • Massage

A little dry wine or ¼ h. l. soda shortly before the session will help liquefy phlegm, which is usually thick and poorly separated from bronchial asthma. Massage starts from the head, gradually shifting to the chest.

  • Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises can also be very effective. Developed even special techniques for breathing exercises, which are taken from the practice of yoga. An excellent opportunity to practice deep exhalations is filling balloons. Two daily inflated balls will prevent attacks of suffocation. If you train the shallow breathing, you can stop the intensification of the attack. For this, short breaths and exhalations are practiced so that the entire possible volume of lungs is involved. With each such inhalation and exhalation, it is necessary to stop breathing for a few seconds.

  • Nettle

A unique method of traditional healers which instantly removes an attack. To do this, the dried leaves are thrown into a diluted fire, and the emerging smoke is inhaled. The result will appear immediately. People suffering from nocturnal attacks of suffocation, you must first stock up on nettle. It is not necessary to light a bonfire - this will be sufficient for a conventional gas cooker and deep utensils.

  • Home Elixir

200 g of honey, aloe juice, butter and 200 ml of vodka are thoroughly mixed and drunk for 1 hour. l. before eating 3 times a day.

In addition to these recipes, there is an opinion that in cases of asphyxiation related to heart failure, the use of goat milk, rich in potassium, which contributes to the restoration of cardiovascular work system.

Physiotherapy for night attacks of suffocation

During periods of exacerbation of asthma, physiotherapy methods focus on reducing or eliminating spasm of bronchi, resumption of ventilation and drainage function in the bronchi and lungs.

In seizures, many methods are used, but the best results show treatment with the help of electric currents, high-frequency fields and ultrasound. For this, an apparatus of 80-100 volts is used. The course of treatment consists of 6-8 daily, each of which lasts 10-15 minutes.

Inductothermy. It lies in the superposition between the inductor blades - with a current strength of 180-220 mA. The course is designed for 10-12 daily sessions for 10-15 minutes.

For the treatment of recurring attacks, microwave therapy, phonophoresis, and DMV therapy are also used.

To prevent recurrences of asthmatic attacks, inhalations of drugs that have a bronchodilator or expectorant effect are used. For the therapy of vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinosinusopathy is prescribed electrophoresis of calcium chloride and diphenhydramine.

In order to influence the higher regulatory centers of the nervous system, use electrosleep. To achieve desensitization and activation of airflow into the lungs, use aeroionotherapy with negative charges. At the same time, treatment aimed at overall health promotion is used.


This is as important an issue as treatment. In particular, this applies to patients who are at risk: smokers, people with hereditary predisposition, workers with difficult working conditions suffering from atopic dermatitis. In fact, everything is not so difficult, you need to follow certain rules:

  • regularly clean indoors;
  • try to get rid of things that collect dust;
  • use air cleaners;
  • often ventilate the room;
  • Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Keep an eye on the cleanliness of the animals kept in the house;
  • to minimize in a home aeroallergens (perfumery, household chemicals, etc.);
  • go on vacation to where the mild maritime climate;
  • balanced healthy diet;
  • to live an active lifestyle.


The prognosis depends entirely on the severity of the attack, on how soon the help was given, and on the cause that caused the asphyxiation. If the airways overlap entirely, the lethal outcome comes quickly - perhaps even before the arrival of physicians. Because of recurrences of attacks, there is a constant oxygen starvation of the body, which affects the work of almost all organs.

In medical practice for treatment of night attacks of suffocation do not resort to an operative intervention, but also traditional medicine, and traditional healers have at their disposal a whole arsenal of funds that helps to cope with disease. The main thing is to establish the cause of seizures and choose a set of effective treatment measures.

Attacks of dry cough in adults

Against the background of various diseases of the respiratory tract develops a dry cough. You can treat it with folk medicine or with what the pharmaceutical industry offers. Everyone chooses what is best for him. When irritating certain receptors, which are located in the airways, there is a dry cough.

Severe dry coughing attacks

Infections of fungal, bacterial and viral origin can cause a strong cough. In order to know how to treat, it is necessary to give phlegm for analysis.

With pharyngitis, cough is dry, burning and scratching are felt in the throat. Usually this disease has a fungal origin. A dry dry barking cough is with laryngitis. If you do not give the person timely help, the larynx may swell, which will lead to suffocation. Scratching pains behind the sternum, and dry cough are with pneumonia and bronchitis. Lung cancer causes severe dry coughing attacks. Many diseases can have similar symptoms, so self-medication is best not to deal with, but well monitored and treated.

Causes of bouts of dry cough

When coughing, the respiratory system gets rid of phlegm, so coughing is not terrible in itself. With inflammation the mucous membrane swells and thickens, the cilia of the epithelium begin to work poorly, as a result of which the sputum stagnates, and the microorganisms actively multiply.

Causes of dry cough: smoking, work in harmful production, laryngitis, asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, swelling, or foreign body entry into the respiratory tract.

In order to soften the cough, you need to drink syrups. During an attack, you need to relax and try not to be nervous. Well soften mucous throat candy. You can also drink warm tea or milk with honey. If the cough is especially bad at night and does not allow you to sleep, you can lift the pillow and sleep reclining. With a cold and cough, and also high temperature, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm liquid.

Cough is dry and wet. A wet cough saves a person from pathogens. If the problem is in the throat, the cough will be dry. With pharyngitis, the back wall of the larynx inflames. With laryngitis, the inflammatory process is localized throughout the larynx.

In order to cure a throat, you need to suck lollipops, rinse your throat with salt and soda solutions, and drink plenty of warm liquid. Rinse can also be a decoction of sage, chamomile or marigold.

Attacks of dry cough at night

Quite often cough deprives sleep, does not allow to study and work normally, exhausts the body. Attacks of dry cough at night can appear due to catarrhal diseases, asthma, gastrointestinal reflux, allergies or helminths.

At night the cough intensifies, because in the horizontal position blood supply in the whole body is slowed down.

Dry cough with suffocation

A dry cough prevents not only the sick person, but also his environment. It is impossible to get rid of a cough quickly, if a virus or bacterium has got into the respiratory tract, it will take a long way. With any cough you need to drink a lot of warm liquid, and it does not matter what it will be. You can drink milk, tea, compote, mors, water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Dry cough with attacks of suffocation is dangerous because a person can stop breathing. If the cough does not stop and the person starts to suffocate, you need to call an ambulance, and before it bring the patient to fresh air or bring them to the bathroom and turn on the hot water through the shower.

Attacks of acute dry cough

If a cough is caused by an allergy, you should take an antihistamine. Even from allergies get rid by drinking abundantly. A large amount of fluid together with antihistamine drugs removes toxins and allergens.

Attacks of acute dry cough often appear at night, after awakening and physical activity. If a person does not feel well, it is better to keep bed rest. Sometimes it's enough to lie down for a couple of days and everything will go away by itself. If the disease does not let go, you need to go to the doctor and undergo a checkup.

A fit of dry cough, what should I do?

If the cough started suddenly, you need to try to calm down and drink some water. After that, you can soften the throat with a spray or candy. When a cough comes from the common cold or sore throat, you need to do inhalations with mineral water or gargle, and also do not damage the rinsing of the nasal cavity. If the cough is due to inflammation, which is located in the lungs or bronchi, you need to start inhalation with "Berodual" or "Lazolvanom." Also, syrups that help to bring out phlegm faster do not interfere.

A fit of dry cough, what if there was nothing on hand? First, you need to calm down and try to breathe evenly. Secondly, take the vertical position, the body is better to tilt slightly forward and try to clear the throat.

How to remove a fit of dry cough?

In order to get rid of cough, you need to seek help from folk medicine. Well relieves a fit of coughing nettle. To make it, you need a handful of dry nettles and a glass of vodka or a vodka. Nettle sticks for ten days. How to remove an attack of dry cough with nettle tincture? You just need to drink a tablespoon of tincture.

Few people have heard of the miraculous properties of sugar candy. To prepare the medicine, you must melt in a mug a tablespoon of granulated sugar, do this over low heat, and pour it with half a glass of water. If there is no allergy, you can add a little aloe juice.

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