Impaza: instructions for use and reviews of men

Impaza tablets can help all men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.

To date, this very effective tool to increase potency has helped to restore men's health to many members of the stronger sex. Various disorders with potency and sexual desire can be observed at any age. The older the man, the greater the risk of lowering the potency. A long course of treatment will help restore a prolonged erection and prevent the further development of impotence.

On this page you will find all information about Impaza: the full instruction on the application to this medicinal medium, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied The Impaza. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug used for erectile dysfunction.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.

Price list

How much does an Impaza cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of450 rubles.

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Form of issue and composition

The form of the product is white tablets having a flat-cylindrical shape. On one side is engraved the word "Impaza on the other - "Materia Medica". The medical preparation is released in packages No. 20, in which the blister is inserted and the official instruction from the manufacturer for rational use.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • antibodies to endothelial NO synthase;
  • Proerythyl mediator Nitric oxide;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium cellulose stearate;

1 tablet contains 3 mg of purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase and a mixture of homeopathic dilutions C12, C3O and C200. The tablets are white in color, a flat cylindrical shape and an inscription on one side of IMPAZA.

Pharmacological effect

Impaza - a homeopathic drug that increases the activity of the endothelial enzyme - NO-synthase.

The use of the drug in the presence of stimulation of a sexual nature ensures the activation of the process of production of oxide nitrogen in endothelial cells, increases the concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in the musculature of smooth muscles and causes it relaxation. This action contributes to the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, causing a fairly strong and prolonged erection.

The course of treatment of Impa, as well as a single dose of the drug, increases libido in men and facilitates the commission of sexual intercourse. With a sufficiently low concentration of testosterone in the body, regular use of the drug leads to a significant increase in its concentration in the blood serum.

Indications for use

According to the instructions to the drug, the use of the Impaza is indicated when;

  1. Disorders of vegetative-vascular nature, during men's menopause.
  2. Violation in men of sexual function of various genesis - organic, psychogenic, mixed, provoked by the use of nitrates or cardiovascular diseases.

According to reviews, during this period, Impaza reduces manifestations: fatigue, weakness, increased irritability, decreased physical activity and libido.


Increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Instructions for use

In the instructions for use indicated that for one reception - 1 tablet of Impos (keep in your mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals).

  • Regular reception. To stabilize sexual potency (ability to intercourse) a treatment and prevention course with a duration of at least 12 weeks is recommended. Depending on the severity of erectile dysfunction, the frequency of admission can vary: from 1 tab. In a day to two receptions of 1 tab. daily, preferably in the evening.

If necessary, the course therapy can be repeated after 3-6 months.

  • Periodic reception. For occasional stimulation of an erection the preparation is accepted before the sexual certificate or act on 2 tab. 1-2 hours before the proposed proximity.

Side effects

At the time of taking the drug for the indicated indications, with observance of the recommended scheme of therapy, side effects were not revealed.

In some cases, hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the Impaza are possible.


If you randomly take a dose of the drug that is more than prescribed by your doctor, you may develop dyspepsia due to the components that make up the Impaza. Treatment is symptomatic.

special instructions

Due to the fact that lactose is included in the preparation, it is not recommended to prescribe the Imposa at the congenital galactosemia, the syndrome of malabsorption of glucose or galactose, or with congenital lactase insufficiency.

Drug Interactions

It is possible to use Impaza on the background of nitrate intake in patients with IHD (angina pectoris I-II functional class), and also application together with beta-adrenoblockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, antagonists calcium.

Men's Feedback

We picked up some responses of men about the preparation of Impaza:

  1. Arthur. After a trauma of a basin the urologist has advised to drink an impaza for prophylaxis, on structure of claims is not present, on state of health too, with a potency that's all right. even better than it was, it seems to me.
  2. Alexander. Most recently he began to drink Impress capsules. It helps to restore the potency well. I felt quite cheerful during intimacy with my wife. Very effective drug. I drink these pills before the coming intimacy. Before that, I took one tablet every day for three months. Like such therapy helped to return an erection at my age.
  3. Kostya. My cousin drank a course and began to praise Ipomaz that I also pecked, in general I drank a course and no result, absolutely no, neither worse nor better, full zero and not a drug, just worth it expensive. Asked my brother how it is, and he says that besides the Impaza he still took drugs, and does not know exactly what worked. But I can say for sure that Ipaz is not a complete zero.


As a homeopathic remedy for increasing libido and improving erection, the Impaza has no analogues. However, as the statistics of inquiries indicate, people often mention this drug with other drugs designed to save patients from problems with erectile dysfunction.

You can compare the properties of these tablets with such medicines as:

  • Sealeks - 700-1000 rubles;
  • Viagra - 605 - 810 rubles;
  • Levitra - 900-1300 rubles;
  • Cialis - 1050-6017 rubles.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° С.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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