Neck massage: how to do it at home?


  • 1Massage for the neck
    • 1.1Indications and Benefits
    • 1.2Types of neck massage
    • 1.3Fundamental rules
    • 1.4Technique of massage of the cervical spine
    • 1.5Possible complications and contraindications
  • 2Neck massage: therapeutic as it is correct to do at home
    • 2.1Prevalence
    • 2.2Methods of prevention and treatment
    • 2.3Complexes of exercises for the neck, which you can do at home and at work (Shishonin's technique)
    • 2.4Firming self-massage for the neck
    • 2.5Result
    • 2.6Combining with other sets of exercises
    • 2.7Conclusion
  • 3Neck massage at home with your hands | Your massage
    • 3.1How will neck massage help?
    • 3.2Contraindications to neck massage
    • 3.3Classic stroking movements
    • 3.4Movements in the form of push-ups
    • 3.5Rubbing with pads of fingers
    • 3.6Mashing movements
    • 3.7Massage classic front of neck area
    • 3.8Technique of cosmetic neck massage
    • 3.9Self-massage neck - video
  • 4Neck massage
    • 4.1How to do a therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders with osteochondrosis?
    • 4.2Relaxing neck and scalp massage
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Self-massage for neck osteochondrosis (cervical) at home
    • 5.1Is it possible to apply self-massage, and is it effective?
    • 5.2What is the effect of self-massage with osteochondrosis of the neck?
    • 5.3What exactly needs to be massaged?
    • 5.4Self-massage techniques
    • 5.5How to do self-massage for osteochondrosis of the neck?
    • 5.6How often should I do and how long should the session last?
    • 5.7Neck self-massage technique (video)
    • 5.8When you can not do: contraindications
  • 6How to properly massage the collar zone. Technique, possible complications
    • 6.1Structure and anatomy of the cervical spine
    • 6.2Indications for massage of the cervical-collar zone
    • 6.3How to do neck and collar massage at home
    • 6.4Self-massage
    • 6.5Contraindications to neck massage

Massage for the neck

This disease, like osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, significantly worsens the life of its owner, reduces efficiency and promotes constant discomfort.

The long and uncomfortable position of the head leads to a significant static load on the tissues of the fragile cervical spine, which, in turn, promotes degenerative-dystrophic changes in the tissues of the spine and damage to neighboring anatomical structures (vessels, nerves, ligaments, muscles).

Often cervical osteochondrosis proceeds secretly.

Patients for long years complain not of pain in the neck, but of dizziness, jumps in blood pressure, headache, tinnitus, nausea.

Nevertheless, when these signs appear, you must first exclude the damage to the cervical spine and only then look for other possible causes.

The first signs of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine appear at the age of 20 years. The rate of progression of the disease depends on the person's lifestyle, the nature of his professional activity, the presence of regular physical activity.

But in any case, a person can influence this process if there is such a desire. An excellent assistant for the treatment and prevention of cervical spine is neck massage. How to properly do it and whether it is possible at home, this article will be discussed.

Massage is a great way to get rid of the pain in the neck

Indications and Benefits

Neck massage can be performed by people of all age groups and even by a child. You can do this with a preventive or curative purpose. The main indications for neck massage are:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • chronic headache (tension cephalgia, migraine);
  • presence of risk factors for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column tissues;
  • sleep disorders;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure (hypotension, hypertension);
  • vegetative vascular dystonia.

Proper massage has a beneficial effect not only on the cervical spine, but also on the entire body. Improves microcirculation and all metabolic processes in peripheral tissues.

Passes a sense of chronic fatigue and irritability, eliminates spasm of the muscles of the back and neck. They become elastic and strong.

As you know, a good muscle frame is an excellent support and protection for patients with cervical vertebrae.

Such a health massage will adjust the outflow of lymphatic fluid and venous blood, warn them of stagnation. This will help to normalize blood pressure, get rid of headaches, dizziness, will give the chance to saturate the brain with oxygen.

Types of neck massage

There are several types of massage for the back and neck:

  1. Classic, when using standard and common techniques for manipulating the muscles of the back and neck - stroking, grinding, kneading, vibration, effleurage.
  2. Point, when they affect certain acupuncture points on the body, responsible for certain organs and tissues.
  3. Medical hardware, when the manual effect occurs with the help of special apparatus (massager).
  4. Cosmetic - massage to eliminate cosmetic defects, for example, tightening the skin or reducing fat deposits in the neck.
  5. Relaxing - this kind of massage is shown with a preventive purpose to eliminate muscle spasm.

Neck massage is not only useful, but also very nice

Fundamental rules

Given the anatomical features of the structure of the neck, namely the large number of vessels and nerves that pass here, it is necessary to remember several rules:

  1. The position of the body should be such that the neck muscles are completely relaxed.
  2. The first few massage sessions should not take much time (optimally - 10-15 minutes).
  3. All movements of the masseur should be smooth, the transitions between the types of manual interventions should not be sharp.
  4. The movements of the hands of the masseuse must coincide with the current of the lymph: from the occiput to the scapula and from the chin to the supraclavicular zone.
  5. During the session, there should be no pain.
  6. To get the effect, you need to go through a whole course of massage, and sometimes a few.
  7. Prohibited gross manual effects directly on the structures of the vertebrae.

Massage for the neck can be performed in the sitting position

Technique of massage of the cervical spine

How to do neck massage? Depends on what kind of this procedure you have chosen for yourself.

It is better if an experienced masseur with a medical background is engaged in this.

You can find such a specialist in any medical and preventive institution, but there are also masseurs who provide their services at home.

Classic therapeutic massage includes several techniques:

We recommend that you read:Acupressure with osteochondrosis

  1. Stroking. This is the beginning and end of the session. All stroking movements are performed with the palms of one or both hands from the top down.
  2. Trituration. At the same time, energetic and rhythmic movements of the hands are performed, which lead to stretching and shifting of the skin.
  3. Kneading. During this procedure, muscles are best treated. The masseur pinches them, displaces, stretches, squeezes. The intensity of reception should be increased gradually.
  4. Vibration. Vibratory movements are performed with fingertips or hands, bent into a fist. Vibration can be continuous, and can be performed and interrupted, for example, chopping, effleurage, patting.

The total duration of massage in the collar area should not exceed 25-30 minutes. The sequence of all techniques is as described above. Finish the massage by stroking. After the session, it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes and not to stand up sharply.

You can do self-massage of the neck. To do this, use the usual method of classical massage or special apparatus (massagers).

about how to do self-massage of the neck:

Possible complications and contraindications

Unfortunately, there are categories of people who are contraindicated in neck massage, and especially its self-fulfillment. The main contraindications:

  • hypertensive crisis or risk of such complication of the course of hypertension;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • fever, regardless of the cause;
  • the defeat of the vessels of the body (atherosclerosis, aneurysm, thrombophlebitis);
  • risk of bleeding, regardless of location;
  • skin diseases in the place of the massage;
  • trauma or instability of the cervical spine;
  • pulmonary heart failure in the terminal stage.

In the neck area is a large number of vital anatomical structures, so you need to be careful during any manual manipulation in this zone

As a rule, the neck and back muscles massage is good and without complications, if it is correctly performed and all indications and contraindications are taken into account. But sometimes patients complain of pain in the muscles after the session.

This is absolutely normal phenomenon, which can disturb during the first 2-3 procedures. Muscles get used to the load, and the pain passes.

If the pain continues, then you need to tell the doctor about it.

Also a very common complaint after neck massage is a headache.

The reason for this symptom is the wrong position of the patient, when his muscles remain not completely relaxed.


Another factor that can cause a headache is the wrong technique of performing manual manipulations, rough and sharp movements of the masseur.


Massage is a unique way of helping a person with neck pain and other health problems. Manual manipulation of organs and tissues was used long before the invention of medicine. Therefore, in no case should not neglect such a method of treatment and prevention.

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Neck massage: therapeutic as it is correct to do at home

Each of us since school days is familiar with such an unpleasant feeling as pain in the neck. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Many office workers spend most of the time at the table, they note that over time they begin to worry about headaches, constant fatigue.

The reason for this is a violation of blood flow along the vessels of the neck. There are also more serious complications.

Neck massage and gymnastics will help to get rid of these problems or prevent them.

In this article, we will look at how to make neck massage at home at home.


Orthopedists joke that there are problems with the spine in everyone who has this organ.

Indeed, the uprightness does not have the best effect on the spine, so also the way of life worsens the situation: a long stay in the one posture (when you write, work at a computer, read) leads to overstrain of the neck muscles, and they, in turn, compress the blood vessels and nerves.

This leads to:

  • violation of blood flow in the head;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • migraines;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • pressure jumps;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • violation of attention;
  • pain in the back and neck;
  • osteochondrosis.

Methods of prevention and treatment

"Preventing more easily than curing" is the truth known to all. Therefore, the prevention of these problems must be started from a very early age, and carried out throughout life.

  • For babies, the elements of gymnastics and massage should be coordinated with the pediatrician: amateur performance is unacceptable, it can cause serious harm to the child. Of course, it is not necessary to refuse these preventive measures. Parents need to consult a doctor, provide him with medical documentation about how the pregnancy and childbirth took place. Based on this information, you will receive an individual complex of exercises and massage, find out if there is a need for a collar of Shantz;
  • Children of preschool age have a greater plasticity of the spine. Initial changes develop quickly. Fortunately, this can easily be fixed. Such a child needs to perform gymnastics, selected for him by a doctor. Therefore, visit the pediatrician on a regular basis, consult him on this issue: incorrect exercises can only worsen the situation;
  • As soon as the child becomes a schoolboy, he has to spend a lot of time in class at the desk - this is a difficult test for the musculoskeletal system. And then there are a number of other problems: dim lighting in the classroom, furniture, not for growth, poor eyesight, etc. A task parents - in time to notice the problem and make sure that the child performed therapeutic gymnastics, learn how to do neck massage for him. The complex is the same as in adults, but consultation with a pediatrician is necessary;
  • After 18-21 years the spine practically does not change its shape. The task of adults is to prevent the jamming of blood vessels and nerves, to strengthen the muscles. Beautiful posture is the guarantee of beauty of any woman and girl. However, the hump will not adorn neither the young man nor the man. For prevention it is enough to master the complex of exercises and learn how to do neck massage yourself.
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Complexes of exercises for the neck, which you can do at home and at work (Shishonin's technique)

Exercises are performed while sitting. We look forward, we do not turn our heads. We try to touch the lowered shoulder with our face. Pull the muscles until the pain.

Pull the neck forward, parallel to the floor. Then we raise it slightly upwards to make an angle of 35-40 degrees, chin parallel to the floor.

Turn the head to the right, then to the left, until a slight soreness appears. Hold this position for half a minute.

Place your right palm on your left shoulder, keep your elbow horizontally. Turn your head to the left, as far as possible, and hold for half a minute. Repeat for the right side.

Connect the palms over your head. In this position, perform the exercise "A look into the sky."

Put your hands on your knees. Take your elbows back, and look forward and up. Repeat for the opposite side. Then we perform the exercise "metronome but in addition we pull our heads with our hands.

Stand up. Pull out your neck, as in the exercise "Spring." As much as possible, turn the head to the right and hold for half a minute. Then go left.

Firming self-massage for the neck

The most popular is the neck massage according to Shishonin. This is a deep massage.

It is performed after gymnastics. It can be done at home or at work.

  • Circling massage movements are carried out on the back surface of the neck;
  • We move down from the back of the head to the shoulder blades;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the spine department.

Movements must be strong enough to involve deep muscles.


Reduction of pain and discomfort will come immediately after gymnastics and massage. To solve more serious problems, such as migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, at least a monthly course will be required.

To continue to maintain health and beauty, you need to turn daily gymnastics into a habit not only for yourself, but also for your children.

Combining with other sets of exercises

This technique can be combined with any sports or therapeutic gymnastics. Perform the complex preferably after a long work at the table or during a break. If there is pain, then with the help of this gym you can reduce it or completely eliminate it.

Do not forget that without full physical exercise, human health is impossible. In addition to performing the exercises described above, you should regularly walk outdoors, practice in the gym or yourself on a specially equipped site.


  • infectious diseases and fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • postponed surgical interventions (until complete recovery);
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Health in many respects depends on the person. There is no magic pill for all ailments: lifestyle, nutrition, exercise play a crucial role. Right habits need to be formed from a very early age.

This will allow your children not only to avoid problems with the spine, but also develop discipline in them, assiduity, which are so necessary for a small person in a large, fascinating and not at all easy swimming called "a life".

How to forget about pain in the joints ...

Joint pain limits your movements and full life ...

  • You are worried about discomfort, crunch and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you've tried a bunch of folk methods and medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you read these lines - not much they helped you ...

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Neck massage at home with your hands | Your massage

Neck massage relaxes well and relieves tension from tired muscles after a hard day, especially in a state of constant stress.

Hypodinamia and sedentary work leads to spine disease, including in the neck.

Since during the day the neck remains inactive, it is not surprising that the amplitude of motion changes head, there are periodically shooting pains, a crunch in the joints of the vertebrae of the neck and the whole spine.

Neck massage

Neck and shoulder massage is necessary for office workers, drivers, representatives of some working specialties, people with osteochondrosis cervical spine, because this disease not only causes pain and discomfort, but also disguises itself under the symptoms of others diseases. Cervical vertebrae need to be treated, and patients complain about the presence of:

  • pain in the throat and head and migraines;
  • pain in the heart and chest;
  • dizziness and stiffness of movements in the neck;
  • numbness of the fingers;
  • nausea and noise in the ears.

Symptoms appear in the mornings and evenings, especially after a long work at the computer. As a result, fatigue, irritation accumulates with further deterioration of overall health against insomnia and constant headache.

How will neck massage help?

Neck massage activates blood circulation to the brain, improving and speeding up metabolic processes, relaxes the neck muscles from all four sides and relieve insomnia.

After massage of the neck, shoulders and back, irritability does not become a bad habit, and fatigue is a habitual condition.

Active blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain, and warmed lymph is sent to the lymph nodes for purification.

use of neck massage


Massage of the neck from behind and from the two sides is necessary as a preventive measure to healthy people for the prevention of diseases of the spine.


Well, for sick people with chondrosis, headache, it becomes the main procedure.

Cosmetic massage of the neck in front and décolleté zone in the salon or at home is necessary from wrinkles, to improve the skin condition and its appearance.

Important: the neck massage technique is designed to relax the muscles and increase blood circulation, but not to straighten the crunchy vertebrae. This is the prerogative of a chiropractor. Applying force forcefully, an inexperienced masseur can make a patient disabled.

As for the systematic conduct of massage of the neck, shoulders and back, it must be done daily or the day before end of the course of treatment for chondrosis or osteochondrosis, and not to recall the procedure only if there is headache or pain in neck.

Before applying medication in chondrosis or relaxing neck massage, you need to get acquainted with contraindications.

Contraindications to neck massage

Categorically, you can not apply massage if you have:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the body;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • Vascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, aneurysms;
  • bleeding, open wounds;
  • problem skin on the neck and face: moles, warts, boils, acne, purulent abscesses;
  • burns and ulcers in the massage zone.

If a therapeutic or relaxing massage is performed not in the salon, but at home, then take a comfortable a pose: it is better to sit on a chair with a straight back, legs - bend at the knees, feet - should be on the width shoulders. You should start with neck massage from behind:

  • we proceed to warming up stroking and rubbing massage movements for 3 minutes. We direct our hands from the point of the medulla oblongata down to the scapula;
  • further we perform the basic elements of massage on the neck.

The technique provides for a small number of basic massage movements, they are easy to master at home. Let us consider in more detail the necessary movements for pain of the neck, shoulders and back:

Classic stroking movements

With strokes begin the massage and include them between other techniques. They are carried out with two or one hand, directing them from the top down.

Movements in the form of push-ups

The technique involves performing squeezing exercises with the help of the palm ridge and the big thigh bump (simulating the squeezing of a wet socks).

Rubbing with pads of fingers

With a headache or neck, rubbing movements are performed in the occiput, then from ear to ear spiral or circular manipulations from the point of the medulla oblongata under the nape downward along both sides vertebrae of the neck.

We make variety in massage movements and we carry out their fingers in circles, dotted, pointwise. It is more convenient to massage first one side from the vertebrae to the periphery, then the other.

Mashing movements

The technique involves performing tweaks, grasping the muscle with the thumb and the rest, performing extrusion (cherry bones).

At the same time, the skin is shifted towards the 4 fingers. It is easier to stretch the right muscles alternately with the right hand on the neck on the left, then with the left hand - on the right.

Suitable for kneading of the phalanx of the fingers.

Finish stroking from top to bottom, as far as possible to get the hands of the upper part of the shoulder blades from the side of the back.

Massage classic front of neck area

Massage of the front region of the neck

Stroking.When massage at home, the anterior region of the neck, stroking begins from the chin.

When carrying out strokes, rubbing and kneading muscles should avoid pressing on the carotid artery and veins, the actions should be gentle.

We perform smooth movements with the palm of the hand from the chin to the chest.

Rubbing.We perform finger pads or two joints of 4 fingers of the front or outer side of the neck, including the sides, and the decollete area. Move the fingers straight, spiral and circular, easily resting on the thumb.

Muddling.We perform gently on the side of the ear to the jugular cavity. Breast-clavicular-mastoid muscle kneaded separately.

The head should be tilted to the opposite side to relax the neck. We direct the chin toward the massaged muscle.

We knead muscles with tweezers with extrusions.

Technique of cosmetic neck massage

Perform at home from wrinkles, with headache and neck pain. Blood circulation will also improve, nutrition and cell renewal take place.

You can get rid of excess fatty layer, stress, probresti an attractive and healthy appearance.

But do not forget about the above contraindications to the massage.

The attribute of the massage is a lit aromatized candle, calm music. The skin of the neck and décolleté zone is cleaned and moistened with massage oil with essential oils for its less stretching.

  1. We warm up a little oil of lavender (5-8 drops) on the basis of vegetable oil (10 ml), pink or apricot. Then we begin to rub the palms with the help of massage movements, oil in the neck, starting from the clavicles forward and upward. At the same time, we perform head inclinations in both directions, stretching the muscles of the neck. At the same time, fat deposits are eliminated.
  2. We put the brush back, and we run our fingers along the skin under the chin with rapid movements from the neck outwards.
  3. Applying a specific massage brush twice a week you can achieve a positive cosmetic result: the neck and chin are lubricated with oil or cream for massage. Then, in a circular motion, we direct the brush along the décolleté zone from chest to ear, from the shoulders to the earlobes, from the collarbone over the shoulder to the back and back. It takes 5 minutes to get a persistent hyperaemia.
  4. You can use hand massagers-crochets made of natural minerals or wood, for example, smooth or studded jade crochets.
  5. Effective massage of the neck by a track-tape, consisting of pairs of rollers. The long handle allows you to massage the side and back of the neck, from the hair to the side of the back with simultaneous head inclinations forward or sideways.
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Self-massage neck - video

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Neck massage

Neck massage is simply necessary for those with sedentary work. And with age, in any way of life, in order to be in shape and avoid the headache, you need from time to time to do a preventive complex massage of the neck, shoulders and head.

In order to pamper yourself with a massage, you do not have to go to the professionals, you can do it at home alone or to teach a loved one the simplest and most effective method.

If, starting from about 26 years, regularly massage your neck and shoulders, then your skin will become more elastic, pleasant to the touch and will not succumb to aging for a long time.

But when you constantly feel pain in the neck or a dull headache, then you can not do without a therapeutic massage

How to do a therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders with osteochondrosis?

If you have signs of osteochondrosis, you must save your spine. You can regularly massage your neck yourself, but it will be more effective if someone helps you and makes a complex massage of the neck and shoulders.

If you apply the right approach, then the state of health will improve, and you will always be in good shape. Massage massage should preferably be done before bedtime, after all, after relaxation, the body can fully relax.

And how to do the therapeutic massage of the neck, we'll tell you now.

Technique of neck massage for osteochondrosis:

  1. Massage can be done in a sitting or standing position. The main thing to straighten the body: if you sit, the legs should be bent at right angles, and if you stand, then on the width of the shoulders and body weight should be evenly distributed on both legs. First the massage should last about 15 minutes, but gradually it needs to be done longer. For one exercise, take about 2-5 minutes. Before massaging, lubricate the skin with olive oil or cream.
  2. First, massage the back of the neck. We put the fingers of both hands on the line where the hair ends, at the level of the spine and strokes smoothly from top to bottom. Begin stroking, barely touching the skin, and gradually increase the pressure.
  3. Now straighten his hand and stroked the side of her part of the neck in the same way as before, but turning his hand (at first touch on the little finger and then the thumb).
  4. Next, put your fingers on the neck line and neck, massaging in a circular motion, first from ear to ear, and then back up to the top (in any case, not three skin, and gently massaging).
  5. After, we pinch the skin on each side of the spinal line and feel it. Finally, the same place is stroked with your fingers. Now proceed to massage the front of the neck. We start again from the slight stroking. With one hand we take ourselves by the neck and drive it up and down.

  6. Next, with your fingers, make circular movements along the entire front of the neck, without affecting the veins and carotids.
  7. And again, feel the skin, while moving your head away from the place of massaging.
  8. We finish the procedure with a slight stroking, as well as we started.

After the neck massage, it is desirable to consolidate the procedure by switching to massaging the shoulders, but this can only be done with someone's help.

Massage the shoulders with osteochondrosis at home make the same methods as neck massage: stroking, rubbing in circular motions, probing, kneading.

You can also use the elements of a point massage. Find the pain points and rub them, adding strength.

Relaxing neck and scalp massage

Prolonged time in one position leads to headache and discomfort in the neck and shoulders. Sometimes it's just impossible to wait until the end of the day. In this case, a relaxing massage will help.

It can be done without problems in the fresh air during lunch breaks and at the workplace. Of course, you can treat yourself to such a massage at home.

After a relaxing massage the blood flow will increase, the tender skin of the neck and head will become more elastic and this is an effective way to relieve stress or depression.

Technique of relaxing neck and head massage:

  1. We embrace the neck with both hands and put the fingertips at the level of the spine, just below the nape. Gently press the neck muscles with the pads of the fingers.
  2. Next, we slide our fingers up and down from the back to the back of the head. Then easily throw your head back, without ceasing to do the movements with your hands.
  3. We stop at the beginning of the neck at the back and make circular movements with elbows.
  4. Now go to the massage of the head. We begin to massage with circular motions of whiskey with the pads of the finger, moving to the hair zone (imagine that my head is shampooing), while it is easy to stretch myself by the hair.
  5. When we reach the forehead, we begin to stretch the skin slightly with two hands.
  6. Then we find the hollows behind the ear, press them and release (so several times).
  7. Gently tilt the head to one shoulder, then to the other.
  8. We wrap our arms around our neck, just under the head, and lightly pull it.
  9. We embrace the head with our hands, lightly squeeze it and release it. Thus, finishing massage.
A powerful means of relaxation, relieving muscle tension, restoring emotional balance, with its Seasonal depressive conditions are more easily tolerated, mood is improving - all of this is about stone therapy. Want to learn more about stone massage? We are happy to talk about this in our today's article! Thai massage for womenHeat around the house and employment at work do not allow you to find free time to restore strength and harmony? Do you want to forget about everyday problems and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of relaxation? Then visit the Thai massage salon. And about what awaits you there, we'll tell you in detail in our article.
Today we will tell you about back massage. This is a wonderful way to not only relax and have fun, but also to improve your health. There are many different types of massage: some are performed with cosmetic purposes, others with relaxation, and others act as an effective method of treatment. The head massage gives positive emotions and improves blood circulation, helps to relax and calm down. Also, it will benefit with migraines and headaches. This useful and pleasant procedure will be discussed in our new article.

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Self-massage for neck osteochondrosis (cervical) at home

The cervical spine (SHOP) is one of the most problem zones of the back as a whole. This segment is most often affected by osteochondrosis and spondylosis. In addition, the modern person has a huge neck, which eventually turns into a chronic spasm of the neck muscles.

With osteochondrosis, with a banal muscle spasm, self neck massage will be an extremely effective way of dealing with such problems. Yes, an effective massage can be done by yourself, and at home.

The only condition: you need to properly perform the technique of self-massage and be sure to consult with the doctor in advance about the safety of this procedure.

Is it possible to apply self-massage, and is it effective?

Doing the neck massage yourself is not just recommended, but necessary for a modern person. The modern way of life involves low mobility (a vivid example: a constant sitting in front of the monitor).

Regularly visit professional masseurs is expensive and time consuming, so the best option is self-massage at home.

But is it effective? Unquestionably, very effective, although not as much as with a professional massage.


To consider an independent massage is necessary only as one of the options for warming up the neck, which you can use at any time (for example, in breaks between work).


It is hardly possible to cure the neck with self-massage, but it is possible to prevent the development of osteochondrosis and other degenerative-dystrophic diseases. And if you combine self-massage with exercise (especially specialized exercise therapy) - the effect will be more noticeable.
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What is the effect of self-massage with osteochondrosis of the neck?

The main enemy of the neck is osteochondrosis: a disease that occurs in 70-80% of the population of developed countries.

In recent years, the disease is common even among young people.

It is young people who are mostly involved in the IT sphere, and spend a lot of time at work in front of the monitor, and that's the problem.

Points along which to massage the neck

What is self-massage possible for osteochondrosis of the neck? With its help, you can achieve several positive effects:

  1. Removal of spasm of the muscular corset of the back (because of it, about half of the symptoms of osteochondrosis occur).
  2. Reduction or complete relief of pain in the neck.
  3. Reduction in the severity of visual symptoms (flies, lightning, flashes and shroud before the eyes, spasm of accommodation).
  4. Partial relief of low-frequency squeak in the ears (tinnitus).
  5. Increased mobility in the cervical region, elimination of puffiness (if any).
  6. Reduction of the severity of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the spine.

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What exactly needs to be massaged?

To put it simply, the self-massage of the neck is done along the entire cervical region with the seizure of the shoulder girdle and preferably the shoulder blades (if the hand reaches out).

Such an extensive area is chosen for a reason - it is in these areas that the neck muscles pass (they are not limited to one cervical spine).

Of course, the emphasis should be on the cervical region, and only on its back side.The throat (front) does not need to be massaged: this is pointless, and dangerous (you can injure carotid - drowsy - arteries).

Walking along and across the neck, you need to go to the shoulder girdle. Unlike the cervical region, the humeral girdle can not be pitied - here massage manipulations must be tough and strong.

Having worked, with a shoulder belt you can go down to the shoulder blades. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, it is also recommended to manipulate hard and hard.

Simple circular motions (easy massaging) are indispensable here - there will be no noticeable result.

But the indenting and exciting upper layer of the muscles of movement will indeed be effective.
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Self-massage techniques

How to do self-massage and what are the basic rules?

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The main rules are only two: you do not need to do too much manipulation, and in no case try to massage your throat.

Mechanism of self-massage of the cervical region

Now it is necessary to get acquainted with the most effective and safe methods of self-massage of the neck. There are 4 such methods:

  1. Squeezing - the edge of the palm should be pressed skin, then start moving up. After reaching the hair, you should fall again to the shoulders.
  2. Rubbing is the usual circular movements of the fingers. In fact, you should do rubbing, starting from the back of the head and passing first to one ear, therefore to another, and then to the shoulder girdle. Further we do all the same from the bottom up.
  3. Tingling - you need to pinch the surface layer of the skin (with the seizure of the subcutaneous muscles) with the thumb and forefinger. Begin the movements from the bottom (from the shoulder blades) upwards (to the back of the head), and then vice versa.
  4. Stroking - the initial and final part of any massage: the palm needs to simply stroke the skin, creating a slight pressure on it.

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How to do self-massage for osteochondrosis of the neck?

Having dealt with the techniques of self-massage, you need to go to the main question - how to do massage with osteochondrosis of the neck? No difficulty in doing self-massage with this disease, you need to alternately apply all of the above methods.

Self-massage technique for neck and head

Priority is important: you need to implement these or other techniques in the right sequence.

A small instruction:

  1. Begin and finish the procedure by stroking the skin with periodic "dents".
  2. After stroking, you need to switch to rubbing - so you disperse blood circulation in the neck muscles and prepare them for further manipulation.
  3. After grinding, you need to do tingle, first weak, and then intensifying (but not painful sensations).
  4. After tingling, do squeezing, and it is recommended that you press the edge of your palm and the vertebral column (that is, the center of the neck).

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How often should I do and how long should the session last?

One massage procedure once a week will not do anything: a systematic approach is needed. Ideally, you need to do a neck self-massage daily.

Basic technique of self-massage of neck and shoulder girdle

The duration of the procedure is strictly individual: if you just want to stretch your neck, eliminate discomfort and perform prevention of osteochondrosis (that is, you do not have a disease, but there is a predisposition to its appearance) - it is enough 5 minutes daily (ideally to do several times for day). If osteochondrosis already exists, then the recommended duration of self-massage increases to 10-15 minutes.


It is recommended to perform the procedure in the evening, when the neck muscles are tense, and require relaxation. But in general, you can focus on your health: do self-massage when you feel tightening of the neck muscles or other unpleasant symptoms.


It is desirable to combine the procedure with charging for the eyes. Immediately after the neck massage, you will have a spasm of muscles, improve the blood supply to the fundus (primarily the retina) - this is a great time for eye gymnastics.
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Neck self-massage technique (video)

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When you can not do: contraindications

Cervical self-massage is extremely safe, but it also has a number of contraindications to the procedure. For the final decision on whether it is possible to engage in massage alone, you need to visit a doctor (therapist).

List of contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases (except for sinus tachycardia, mitral valve prolapse and bundle of His);
  • purulent diseases localized on the neck or upper back;
  • massive bleeding (both internal and external);
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the cervical region;
  • recent trauma to the cervical spine (it is necessary to wait for the weakening of acute inflammatory processes);
  • any skin diseases (including allergic and autoimmune), localized on the skin of the neck;
  • overwork, physical exhaustion (including as a result of any diseases);
  • the presence of an anomaly Kimmerle requires mandatory consultation with a neurologist or at least a therapist before the procedure.

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How to properly massage the collar zone. Technique, possible complications

PublishedAdmin- August 24th, 2016

There are few people today who would not get tired at work. Accelerated rhythm, endless innovations, a burden of responsibility - all this is very depleting the body. To eliminate the effects of stress at work, you need a long rest, a change of occupation and a way of life.

But for such a decisive change, you must again strain your strength and begin to act. A simpler solution to these problems can be the passage of a massage course.

General body massage is usually used for a special purpose for certain diseases. If the head is simply hurting from excessive stress, or it is hard to gather your thoughts, you can register for a neck massage.

Massage of the collar zone of the cervical region is prescribed for headaches, osteochondrosis, intracranial pressure, hernia of the spine in this area.

As a result, the headache is removed, absent-mindedness, muscle spasms, noise in the ears, "flies" before the eyes, improves the circulation of lymph and blood, and restores balance in movement.

Structure and anatomy of the cervical spine

The vertebrae in the neck are very mobile, there are only seven of them. Between the vertebrae and skull there is a complex joint that allows the head to move in different directions.

Thirteen neck muscles keep your head in a natural position, help to swallow, breathe and talk.

The skin is very thin and mobile, has no sebaceous glands and the first gives out the age of the woman.

In the cervical region there are two large arteries - carotid and vertebral, and many small, large lymph vessels and nodes, nerves.

The cervical spine is most vulnerable to injuries due to weak muscles in this area and very mobile joints in the vertebrae and joints.

Indications for massage of the cervical-collar zone

Massage of the neck-collar zone is useful for preventing diseases and strengthening internal organs. He is also needed more if he feels unwell. I make it for adults, children and the elderly.

  • Therapeutic massage procedure is applied in the following cases:
  • Pain in the upper part of the trunk;
  • The presence of osteochondrosis and scoliosis;
  • Bruising, stretching, fractures at the healing stage;
  • Diseases of the lungs;
  • Paralysis, radiculitis, neuritis, arthritis;
  • Muscular and joint changes, poor mobility;
  • Hypertension;
  • Chronic heart failure, angina pectoris;
  • Circulatory disturbances;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Sleep disturbances;
  • Hypodinamy.

Massage improves the passage of blood and lymph along the arteries, relieves pain, increases the absorption of oxygen, dissolves salts.

Strengthening the blood supply to the brain, massage improves vision, attention, and reduces fatigue.

As a strengthening effect, massage is recommended to athletes, pregnant women and women during menopause.

How to do neck and collar massage at home

The performance of therapeutic massage is not described here, it should be done by an experienced masseur.

When performing a relaxing neck massage, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Lie so that the neck muscles are relaxed;
  • The first session should last no more than 10 minutes;
  • The movements of the hands of the masseur pass through the lymphatic streams;
  • There should be no pain and effects;
  • Make 15-20 massage procedures.

Massage is performed in a sitting position, the doctor is behind or on the side.

  1. Begin with stroking movements from head to back with open palms.
  2. Then begins a more vigorous effect on the back of the neck - rubbing and sawing with the palm of the hand, rubbing the pads of the fingers in a circle. The neck skin is being processed and shifted.
  3. Skin is worked over by the muscles. Kneading muscles of the neck occurs by the method of pinching, squeezing, stretching. Do it very carefully.
  4. Relaxation of muscles occurs when exposed to vibration: effleurage, patting, tremor. It is made by easy movements with the help of pillows of fingers or brushes closed in a fist.
  5. The massage ends, as it begins, stroking movements.
  6. Chinese heritage

Point finger massage was born in China several thousand years ago.

It is performed by the pads of the fingers or fingernails along special points in the places of exit of the nerve endings.

The impact on these points is carried out with a certain consistency and strength, depending on the disease. Massage can be stimulating and soothing.

The result of exposure to active points (BAT) is the disappearance of pain under the influence of released endorphins. The flow of blood to the diseased organs increases, muscles relax, metabolism is accelerated, toxins from the blood and lymph are discharged.


Indications for the use of acupressure are the same as for manual massage. It is well tolerated, simple and safe to perform, has no side effects.


For an exciting effect on the body, the pad of the index finger presses on the BAT, "screwing" into the point clockwise, and then twisting back. Painful impact first increases, then fades.

For a soothing and relaxing effect, the finger pad is "screwed" into the BAT, and then abruptly detaches from the point. Repeat the exposure several times.


Neck massage is performed in a sitting position. This allows you to do self-massage yourself, if you turn to the massage therapist for some reason is not possible.

To do self-massage, you need to prepare well. It is desirable to study the necessary movements from a book written by a professional in this field.

It is even better to get skills in classes with a professional masseur.

If someone from home learns the technique of neck massage and helps to fulfill it, it will be an invaluable help in adjusting health and daily enjoyment.

Conveniently make self-massage by some device - a wooden brush with natural bristles during bathing, massage rollers in the mornings or evenings. The main thing is not to put pressure on your neck.

Massage with light and sliding movements. It is very good to use natural oils - cones of hops, dill, pine, sandalwood.

They not only help the hands to easily move around the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on the human condition with its fragrance.

An excellent way to self-massage can be a special gymnastics for the restoration of the spine from Yuri Popov, published in the newspaper Healthy Lifestyle No. 17-22 of 2007.

Contraindications to neck massage

Complications after a properly performed massage should not be. Any complication is a violation of the technique of massage or performing it in the presence of contraindications:

  • Malignant tumors;
  • Any disease in acute stage;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Violation of the heart:
  • Injury of the cervical vertebra;
  • Bleeding;
  • Skin diseases in the field of massage;
  • Infectious diseases or fever;
  • Heat;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Sclerosis of the head vessels.

Sometimes, after the beginning of the massage, there are slight pain in the neck. This can be a reaction of an unprepared organism to a load and after a second session passes.

But if this is a reaction to the mismanagement of the masseur, then the massage session will not benefit. One must be careful and attentive, massaging such a fragile area as the neck.

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