How quickly to recover from ARVI

How can I quickly get rid of ARVI?

Colds cause many people to seek medical help, especially during epidemics. During the year, about 50 million cases of infectious diseases are diagnosed in our country, of which 90% are acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza. These diseases are often accompanied by the development of complications. The costs of society for their prevention and treatment, the losses from disability of the population are very high. Therefore, the urgency of information on how to quickly cure an acute infectious disease at home is beyond doubt.

Mode and power

A patient with ARVI needs bed rest for the entire fever period. Until full recovery, the patient should be at home. At normal body temperature, a doctor is allowed to visit the polyclinic.

The room in which the patient is located should be ventilated frequently. Daily wet cleaning with antiseptic agents is necessary. It is recommended to limit the contact of healthy family members with the patient, allocate him a separate dish and a towel.

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The food should be high-grade, with the big maintenance of vegetables, fish, sour-milk products, vitamins. Useful abundant drink - compote of dried fruits, dog rose, green tea. You should give up strong tea and coffee, sweets, fatty foods, alcohol.

Vitamins A, E, B are important. It is best to buy ready-made multivitamin complexes in the pharmacy. During the recovery period after ARI, it is possible to take plant adaptogens - rhodiola rosea, ginseng.

Non-drug treatment

If the disease is mild, without severe fever and intoxication, you can get by with folk remedies, especially in a child. Useful steam inhalation with soda solution, grinding of the chest with badger fat, vegetable ointments, balm "Golden Star". It will help to quickly remove symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome acupressure of the face and hands.

It is recommended to hold warm gargles with infusion of mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, calendula, sage and eucalyptus. These plants have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. It shows aromatherapy using essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, cedar.

At normal body temperature, thermal procedures are effective: hot foot baths with mustard, warm milk with honey, dry heat on the waist. For a child, you can use socks filled with mustard powder - let it be like them in the evening before going to bed. They will help to improve well-being and mustard plasters on the interscapular area. Do not wrap a scarf around your throat.

If the disease is accompanied by a fever, a runny nose, severe nasal congestion, headache and muscle pain, weakness - one can not do without the medical treatment of ARVI.

Etiotropic therapy

Ideally, ARVI treatment should be etiotropic, that is, be aimed at the very cause of the disease - the virus. However, this therapy is designed only for influenza. For its treatment, two main groups are used:

  • blockers of M2-channels (remantadine, amantadine);
  • inhibitors of neuraminidase (zanamivir, oseltamivir).

These drugs quite quickly eliminate all the symptoms of the flu. Their disadvantage is the rapid development of the resistance of the virus and a decrease in their effectiveness after a few days of admission. In addition, these drugs are badly tolerated, causing nausea, dizziness, insomnia, lack of appetite. In ARVI caused by other pathogens, these drugs are ineffective.

In modern conditions, increasing importance is placed on vaccine prophylaxis - the introduction into the body of a healthy person inactivated vaccine. The complexity of vaccine prevention lies in the fact that it is not always possible to correctly identify the type of influenza virus that will become the source of the epidemic in the current year.

Even etiotropic treatment and vaccine prophylaxis may not protect a person from a flu. With ARVI these methods are not applied at all. Therefore, the basis for treatment of acute respiratory infections in the home is symptomatic therapy.

Symptomatic therapy

Treatment with symptomatic remedies at home helps quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of complications. The main signs of acute respiratory viral infection are cough, runny nose and fever. For their treatment, drugs from different pharmacological groups are needed:

  • drugs that suppress inflammation;
  • remedies that reduce mucosal edema;
  • components from cough;
  • substances that suppress damage to membranes by free radicals;
  • vitamins;
  • antihistamines.

Usually, all of them are present in one combination or another as a combination of cold remedies. Such complex means modern medicine recommends in order to quickly recover from ARVI at home.

Advantages of combined remedies against ARVI:

  • act on all links of the disease;
  • contain a balanced dose of drugs, which reduces the risk of overdose;
  • components have unidirectional (synergistic) action;
  • combined preparations are cheaper than their components separately;
  • convenience of use, including for the child.

One of the main components of complex agents from ARVI is paracetamol. This is one of the safest antipyretics. Phenylephrine, which is a decongestant, effectively removes nasal congestion, eliminates the common cold. Of the antihistamines, the most common is phenyramine. This drug dries the mucous membrane, eliminates itching and swelling of the eyes and nose.

To increase efficiency, reduce feelings of weakness, many combined drugs include caffeine. It suppresses the feeling of drowsiness that antihistamines can cause. An important component of such drugs is vitamin C. It reduces vascular permeability, strengthens cells, increases the body's defenses. A lot of complex preparations with different effect have been developed, allowing each patient to choose the remedy that best suits him.

One of the effective combined funds in the Russian market is Lemsip. It contains paracetamol and phenylephrine in a balanced combination that allows you to quickly remove all the symptoms of a cold. This drug takes a leading position in the fight against the symptoms of ARVI in the UK. The drug is available in powder form with a pleasant aroma, it starts to act after 15 minutes. The action time reaches 6 hours. The medicine does not cause drowsiness.

Of the multicomponent drugs in the form of tablets, it is worth noting the "Rince" remedy. It is prescribed for children over 15 years and adults. The optimal composition of the drug helps to quickly get rid of pain, cold and fever.

Features of ARVI treatment in young children

Children under 3 months should be monitored for drinking. The amount of water needed per day is 120-150 ml per kg of child weight. Lack of fluid is the main danger of an infectious disease for a child's body.

If the baby's skin is pink, it is necessary to undress it, apply cold to the area of ​​large vessels (groin, armpits) and rub it with water at room temperature. Do not use vodka, vinegar or cold water for this. This can cause spasm of small vessels and completely "unbalance" thermoregulation. In some cases, a common bath with a water temperature two degrees below the child's body temperature helps to reduce fever.

Lower body temperature is necessary if it exceeds 38 ° C in children with heart, lung, nervous system or in children under 3 months of age. In other cases, the boundary of the "knocked-in" temperature is 38.5 ° C. Reduce it should be gradual, best at 1-, ° C. To this end, you can use only two drugs - paracetamol and ibuprofen.

With thick mucus in the nasal cavity of the child, it is necessary to wash the spout with physiological saline. You can use an aspirator. If the baby's nose breathes freely, it is not necessary to wash it.

It is possible to use decongestants in special "children's" doses in a short course. With pain in the throat in children, it is better not to rinse, but to drink warm milk with honey, Borjomi mineral water, soda.

Cough should be treated with respiratory gymnastics, postural drainage, chest massage, abundant drinking. The doctor can prescribe a means that dilutes sputum, inside or inhalation. Self-medication with these drugs is dangerous.

In the treatment of a child, unjustified administration of immunostimulating, antiviral and antibacterial drugs should be avoided.

How to recover quickly from Orvi



candles viferon 500

Natalia Toropova

TWO capsules toff-plus for the night =)


Arbidol 100 mg. - 2 tablets 4 times a day for 5 days. To adults.

Man - you are Peace, you are Eternity.

Only not chemistry. Do not stop the process of cleansing, do not interfere with the immune system to cleanse the body. A rich warm drink with ginger, honey, lemon, cowberry, 2 liters of clean, warm, structured water. The temperature is reduced by water. Medicines can not be reduced. The organism is autopilot, the processes in the body are regular. Treat throat with colloidal silver.
Tea with echinocice, licorice. Sorbents-protection of the kidneys from intoxication
1m of an adsorbent, any other sorbents.
To be strong, it is enough to clear and strengthen immunity regularly.
The body needs to be cleaned 2 times a year from poisons and toxins. Then, to strengthen immunity, there is a unique product modeling immunity Molozevo, Shark liver fat, Bark of ant tree. Mega acidophilus-friendly
The organism fights, the immunity takes out the foreign cells of the virus, the bacteria through the excretory systems of the body, Through a skin-sweat, through a nose-flowing lymph, the intoxication is removed, it is impossible to lower temperature. If the heat is wiped away with dilute table vinegar. The body is dehydrated by cleansing. You can not not drink, there may be aches and cramps, this is when the neurons of the brain die. But we must not eat without hindering the processes of purification. You can berry, smash in blendor, energy products-microhydrin, co-enzyme Q10, the process of purification will be faster.
Seaweed helps strengthen your immune system. The active ingredient of UMI is fucoidan, which is a constituent of brown algae. The latest products are vitamins in jelly-suspended gels.


The common cold (SARS) includes a number of diseases caused by hypothermia.
Symptoms: General malaise, cough, runny nose, sometimes fever. Symptoms do not appear momentarily and do not go away right away, some, for example, a runny nose or cough, can last for a long time. It is possible to reduce the sense of smell. Sometimes padding and noise in the ears, weakness.
Non-traditional and popular methods of treatment and prevention of colds:
1) Grind to a pecker-like condition 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook not slowly in 1L. water for 3 hours. Cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
2) Have a daily baked onion before noticeable improvement. A roasted blouse, unlike a fresh one, can be eaten without restrictions.
3) At the first signs of a cold, lightly heat half a liter of milk and pour a fresh chicken egg into it and add 1 teaspoon of honey and butter. Thoroughly stir everything and drink at night. By morning, the malaise will pass.
4) Sprinkle mustard powder in stockings or socks and walk for several days.
5) Grate garlic on a small grater and mix it with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Before going to bed take 1 teaspoon, washing with warm water.
6) Grind to a pecker-like condition 100 gr. onions and pour 40ml. table vinegar, insist for half an hour in a tightly closed container, then strain and mix with 4 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture 1 teaspoon every half hour.
7) Wipe through a sieve ripe bananas and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 cup of boiled water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture.
8) Cut small cubes of black radish and put it in a saucepan with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 4-5 times a day and at night before bedtime.
9) Grind 2 egg yolks of raw eggs with sugar, add butter and take between meals.
10) Before going to bed and day it is useful to spend 15-20 minutes of steam inhalation with garlic-honey mixture. After inhalation it is very good to get warm, go to bed and take 2-3 tablespoons of honey with tea from dry raspberries.
11) take 1 part of the linden flowers and 1 part of the raspberry fruit. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes and strain. Drink hot at night for 1-2 cups.
12) Take 40gr. fruits of raspberries and leaves of mother-and-stepmother. Pour 2 glasses of water and boil for 20 minutes. Drink before going to bed for 1-2 glasses.
13) In the first days of a cold catch, drink 0.5 cups of warm boiled water with 5 drops of iodine dissolved in it, after which chew a clove of garlic.
14) Pour 1 teaspoon of dried powdered dandelion roots with a glass of boiling water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
15) 1 tablespoon dry chopped mug leaf pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 15 minutes, cool to room temperature. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. With sore throat rinse with this infusion of the throat.
16) Insist 2 tablespoons dry or 100 grams. fresh raspberries in 1 cup of boiling water. After 10-15 minutes add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir. Take in warm form before going to bed.
17) It is very good for a cold to drink tea from a lime-colored.
18) Pour 1 tablespoon chopped herbs thyme 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Rinse your throat with infusion several times a day.
19) Boil potatoes in a uniform, drain the water. Wrap up and breathe over the potato steam. In addition, the potatoes can be mashed.
20) Take 15gr. flowers chamomile pharmacy, 10gr. flowers of calendula. Collect 1 pint of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. To make an infusion of inhalation.

How to recover from ARVI

How to recover from ARVI

ARVI is manifested by weakness, malaise and fever, up to 38 degrees, sometimes even higher. Also complicates the overall health of the common cold. SARS can easily be confused with other viral diseases, for example, with the flu. Therefore, treatment without consulting a therapist may not bring relief or even cause complications.


  1. Call a doctor at the house or go to the hospital to see a therapist. The doctor will examine you and give directions for blood and urine tests. Based on the results of the study, you will be diagnosed. Also prescribe and treatment. But if you do not want to go to the hospital, you can try to start an independent treatment, in which case you take all the risks associated with the complications.
  2. The most important thing in treatmentARVI- plentiful drink. Drink broths of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, nettle or thyme. Do not forget about tea, fruit juice, juice and compotes. Not bad helps raspberry jam, eat it with hot tea. The liquid will excrete intoxication from the body, which will somewhat improve your condition, because the headache also occurs precisely because of an organism's intoxication due to the decay of bacteria.
  3. TreatmentARVIshould be symptomatic. If you have a fever, then take a febrifuge, for example, paracetamol or aspirin. With a cold, vasoconstrictive drops or a wash of the nose with a mild saline solution help. Focus on your condition. It should be noted that paracetamol not only reduces temperature, but also relieves headache and weakness, so you can take it 1 tablet three times daily before meals, but not more than 3-4 days.
  4. To avoid a cough that almost always appears after an illness, take expectorants or herbs. Also smear your back and chest with warming ointments with essential oils. You will not only feel better, but also avoid complications.
  5. Be sure to give blood after a full recovery, because the complications are not always noticeable, and sometimes they can be fixed only by the results of tests. And of course, do not take pills from the temperature more often than you should, you can get poisoned, but it will not be better.

How to quickly cure ARVI? How to quickly cure ARVI?


Dante Sparda

The injections are the fastest that can be

sergey peas

Inhalator find and breathe for the night. in a drugstore, buy drugs for him. they will say.
quickly you will not cure. WE ARE NOT LESS THAN WEEK !!

Och @ rov @ @ Shk @

a glass of vodka with pepper))))

Larisa Bystrova

There is a grandmother's method of treating colds: for a night breathe over a saucepan with hot boiled potatoes. If stomach diseases, liver is not, then safely add onion and garlic. And drink more in the form of berry juice (better cranberry).

Taras Sirotkin

Try, should arbidol help. This is a trouble-free means. It helps me, why does not it help you? Do not forget that you still need to rinse your throat. And more liquid. To dehydration of the body was not!


Juices, water, inhalation. Should help.


Yes it's true. Arbidol will help to recover faster. I really got a cure for 5 days when I started taking it. Usually somewhere in 9-10 it was cured. And on the purse my illness is oh, as reflected.... Unfortunately, no one gives sick people ....

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