Thuya oil in the cold

Oil of thuja at a cold in children - instruction

Coryza - a very unpleasant phenomenon, which, unfortunately, appears in children quite often. This is due not only to hypothermia or a respiratory viral infection, but also to such common things as, for example, adaptation in kindergarten, etc. In this case, of course, all parents want to get rid of snot not with the help of medicines, which have enough side effects, and as a result of a mild effect on the nasal sinuses of medicinal plants.

Oil of thuja at a cold in children

One of the most common drugs of traditional medicine in the treatment of children in the common cold is homeopathic thuya oil, which says that it increases immunity, perfectly fights against viral infections and in a short period of time relieves symptoms colds.

So, if it was decided to use this phyto-drug to combat the course from the nose, then it is worth remembering what to apply for contact procedures can only be unconcentrated (homeopathic) butter of thuja, t. 100% essential raw materials will cause a severe burn, not only in the child, but also in adult.

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If you can not find one in the pharmacy, then you can go an alternative way and prepare it yourself. To do this, it is necessary to tear off a few tuya needles, wash, dry, cut and pour olive oil in the ratio: 0 (one part of the needles take 10 times more oil). After that, the mixture is poured into a vessel with a lid and placed in a dark place for 10 days. At the end of this period, the homeopathic oil of thuya is filtered and used to treat the common cold in children of different etiologies. The so prepared agent is a 5% oil of a coniferous plant, which can be used without fear, starting from infancy.

Tui Oil for Children - instruction manual

This remedy can be used both for washing the nasal sinuses, and for instillation and moistening of the mucosa. It is quite simple to apply it, but there are recommendations:

  1. Thuja oil for washing the nose.

    The solution for the procedure is prepared on the basis of the infusion of chamomile and sage. To do this, take a teaspoon of these herbs and pour 100 ml of boiling water. The liquid is placed in a thermos bottle and insisted for several hours. After that, the solution is cooled, filtered and added to it 15-20 drops of a homeopathic remedy.

  2. Tui oil for instillation.

    In the manual for thuya oil it is prescribed that for the treatment of children it can be used, beginning with birth, but only if the plant does not have allergies. Dosages of oil for combating snot vary, depending on the age of the youngster and it is desirable that they are prescribed by a doctor. However, if you can not visit the hospital, then you can apply a standard treatment scheme: from birth to a year - 1 drop in each nasal passage 2 times in a day; from one to three years - 1-2 drops three times during the day; after three years - 2-3 drops 3 times a day, depending on the severity disease.

    Before applying thuja oil, however, like any other remedy, the nasal sinuses should be cleaned of mucus. This will ensure not only the maximum effect of the drug, but also will not lead to undesirable consequences of the common cold, for example, sinusitis.

  3. Thuya oil for moisturizing and removing dried crusts.

    To do this, you need a cotton swab or curled cotton wool in a tube to moisten in homeopathic oil thuja. After that, treat the nasal passages and wait 5-10 minutes, lightly massaging the baby's spout. After this procedure, it will not be difficult to remove dried mucus.

The use of thuya oil in aromatherapyFor the speedy recovery of the baby, doctors recommend not only instilling and rinsing the nozzle with thuja oil, but also disinfecting the room where the baby is. To do this, 2-3 aromasense per day for half an hour with the use of 100% tuja oil. In addition to it, you can add any oils to the aroma lamp that have an antiseptic effect: pine, tea tree, etc.

In conclusion, I want to note that tuya oil is a good remedy for a cold for children of any age. It can be used as an addition to medicinal preparations, and it is possible, if not a severe runny nose, to manage only them.

Thuya oil for children, how to use it correctly?

Thuya oil is known as an effective natural herbal remedy, which is widely used in folk medicine. This oil has a strong antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effect. Active ingredients of tuja oil in the form of phytoncides, tannins, and glycosides completely prevent the development and reproduction of fungi, bacteria, viruses and infections in the body. Use tuya oil as a medicine for the common cold, with inflammation of the adenoid, cough, colds. It is recommended to use tuya oil in children, since it has virtually no side effects. The only thing that is not recommended to use oil of thuja in case of individual intolerance of active substances of tuja oil.

Folk treatment

The use of tuja oil in folk medicine is known for the fact that it can be used as a part of tinctures, broths, inhalers, drops for the nose, as well as a natural natural stimulant immunity.

Even some doctors prescribe thuya oil for children as an additional preventive measure, which can eliminate viral and bacterial infections, in particular - colds, rhinitis. But, if the child has a strong cough, then use of thuja oil is not recommended, since the active ingredients of tuya oil are powerless before such bacterial infection.

Review - Tui Oil for Colds

"... Last year my children and I were vacationing in a ski resort, and now, on no particular occasion, on the 3rd day of our active holiday our children - Vova (3 years) and Tanya (5 years old) blown up on the mountain top. The children had a runny nose, but as luck would have it, there was not a single pharmacy nearby to buy the medicine. Therefore, in the hotel I was advised to use the local folk proven means - thuya oil. Here, thuya oil is considered to be the No. 1 remedy for the common cold and nasal congestion. I smeared the children under the nose with essential oil several times a day. Surprisingly, after only 3 days the cold in children has completely passed. Since then, I put the thuja healing oil in the first aid kit and do not intend to change it to any other remedy. The most important thing is that tuya oil does not cause any harm to the health of children, unlike conventional medicines "... (Tatiana, Moscow).

Interesting fact!

Of the oil of pine needles, tuya receive a real useful essential oil, which is priceless in its medicinal properties.

If you live in Europe, then the essential oil of thuya is called cedar. That is, such essential oil is obtained from the needles of juniper.

How to use thuja oil to treat cold in children?

How can you use thuja oil to treat cold in children?

First of all, it is necessary to make a little refinement, tuya oil is still butter. Therefore, if you will intensively dig in oil in the nasal sinuses, it can lead to disruption of the mucous membrane of the epithelium. Drip the oil only in case of over-dried mucous membrane. If the mucous membrane is moistened with excreta, then in no case is it recommended to use oil. This will entail no benefit, but tangible harm.

Anatomically, the ciliated epithelium, which is located in the nasal sinuses, can not fully perform all its functions. This means that from the nose will not be allocated mucus and small rubbish.

But, if you apply tuya oil to the dried cracked mucous membrane, then in this case it is will promote its greater hydration, nutrition, healing of damaged tissues and small cracks.

Review - butter of thuja at a cold

"Tui oil is a universal remedy that our whole family uses at the first sign of a cold. Oil of thuja, cedar oil and fir - these are the oils that are in our medicine cabinet constantly. We always bury tuya oil for our 2 year old baby with a cold. Runny nose is always accompanied by the formation of crusts and in this case, ordinary drops from the pharmacy do not help. Therefore, I recommend thuya oil to all caring parents. " (Oksana, Tula)

Can I use thuya oil in children?

Despite the huge range of useful properties of thuya oil, it is not recommended to use it on children without first consulting a doctor. This is explained by the fact that the medicinal composition of thuya oil has not been fully studied, as a result of which there may be various unpleasant allergic reactions in the baby. The allergy from thuya oil, as a rule, manifests itself quite quickly, due to the fact that a large number of blood vessels are present in the mucosa of the nose.

If after you bury your baby's nose with thuja oil, small pimples and spots appear on the skin, then it indicates the onset of an allergic reaction to the essential oil.

How to use the oil of thuja?

In order for tuja oil to act in the rhinitis, it is necessary to learn how to use it properly.

The first rule- oil of thuja is applied from a cold in children only in case of complete drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. Otherwise - use the standard drops that your doctor-pediatrician will prescribe.

The second rule- you can in the afternoon to your child dig in drops from a rhinitis, and for the night - oil of a thuja on 2-3 drops in each nasal sinus.

Third rule- Never use thuja oil in a nebulizer, or in a sound inhaler. It is allowed to use tuya oil only in steam home inhalations with saline solution. Dosage - 1 ml of saline solution will need to add 4 drops of thuya oil.

The fourth rule- Tui oil is prescribed and applied only after consultation of a pediatrician. Do not risk and drip thai oil on your own initiative. Such negligent actions can cause an allergic reaction in your child.

The fifth rule- When buying thuya oil, pay attention to the composition. Quite often you can find not 100% natural essential oil of thuja, but flavored vaseline oil.

Thuya oil in the treatment of colds in children

In the treatment of the common cold, not only traditional medicines are widely used, but also some folk remedies. Tui oil is popular in the common cold, which has a powerful but gentle therapeutic effect.

Many years ago, with diseases of the respiratory tract, the people used thuya. The medicine prepared on its basis facilitated the patient's condition and accelerated the process of recovery. The therapeutic effect of rhinitis on the use of thuja is due to such properties of the plant as:

  • bactericidal;
  • antiviral;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • antiallergic;
  • regenerative.

With a cold in children, tuja oil should be used with extreme caution, since it is not known how the child's organism will react to such a remedy. Children, prone to allergic manifestations, to treat a runny nose in this way is not recommended.

Tui Oil from Coryza for Children: Methods of Application

At the initial stage of development of rhinitis, tuyevo oil is used by instilling several drops into each nasal passage. Thanks to the astringent properties of this natural remedy, it quickly cleans the nose of excess mucus, as a result of which nasal breathing is facilitated. Also, the folk remedy is endowed with a powerful antiseptic effect, therefore soon after its application the inflammation of the nasal mucosa is eliminated. The procedure is recommended 3 times a day until complete recovery.

There are other methods of using the national medicine. It can also be used to wash the nasal passages. To conduct therapy, it is necessary to dissolve the oil in a decoction prepared chamomile or sage. A glass of broth will need 10 drops of the drug. Oil of thuja from the common cold for children can only be used in this form, dripping a nozzle 1 drop 2 times a day. Adults can rinse the nose in the morning and in the evening.

It is also useful to breathe fumes of thuya oil, for this you need to use a special aromalamp or a clean handkerchief, moisten it with a little oil. Accepting a warm bath with the addition of 5 drops of this remedy will also help to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Despite the useful properties of the plant, it contains thujone - a toxic substance that is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as epileptic diseases.

Eucalyptus and other essential oils from the common cold to children

Parents are wondering whether it is possible to give eucalyptus oil from the common cold to children. Of course you can! Only the way it is used may not be quite usual. And why use essential oils? For different types of aromatherapy. Correctly conducted aromatherapy strengthens immunity, facilitates the course of cold and flu, brings to life a charge of positive and cheerfulness.

What is dangerous for the common cold in children?

Such a malaise, as a runny nose, is unpleasant for adults and especially for children. The difficulty of breathing leads to the fact that the baby can not sleep, refuses food. His sleep becomes restless. But not only is this a cold. The main function of the nasal mucosa is to protect the body from infection.

With a cold, the infection can penetrate or settle on the mucous membrane of the nose and further aggravate the runny nose. Sometimes rhinitis acquires a chronic character, then it becomes even more difficult to treat it, an allergic reaction is attached. In some children, a protracted rhinitis turns into otitis or sinusitis. Therefore, at first glance, mild discomfort should in no case be left without attention.

What means can I use from the common cold?

Any pharmacy can offer a wide range of medicines from the common cold not only for adults, but also for children. The prices and effectiveness of these funds vary widely. Some are affordable, others have a higher cost. What to choose, advises the attending physician, but sometimes he can recommend a more "fashionable" drug.

One of the treatment options suggests using oil from the common cold. To help a child get rid of a cold at the earliest, it is very useful to use essential oils. Their cost is much lower than drugs. One popular means on oils is the widely loved "Pinosol". But the use of certain types of oils is not inferior to this product. For the treatment of the common cold, the following types of essential oils can be used:

  1. Tea tree.
  2. Camphor.
  3. Eucalyptus.
  4. Fir.
  5. Tui.
  6. Sea-buckthorn.

Healing Tea Tree

The oil is obtained by distilling the leaves with water. The tea tree is called melaleuka. It grows in the tropical forests of Australia. Refers to the family of myrtle, eucalyptus also belongs to them. The tree is interesting because its bark is soft. The preparation of tea tree has antiseptic, antibacterial action. Still very effective at colds, facilitates breathing, has a vasoconstrictor property. The composition of the tea tree includes a small amount of camphor oil.

You can use the tea tree oil as follows. Do inhalation with it, adding a few drops to the hot water. It is very pleasant and useful to use it when visiting a sauna or a sauna. Knowingly in the old days in Russia for exile, colds were sent to the bath. In addition, baths were often built from coniferous trees.

When you need camphor and eucalyptus

Camphor tree oil is a potent agent. Use it to treat colds in children can not. In addition to vasoconstricting effect, camphor has an exciting effect on the cerebral cortex. It also stimulates the activity of the heart muscles. Interestingly, a healthy heart using camphor does not lead to a strong stimulation, and if there is a pathological focus, then the effect of camphor has a pronounced effect. Do not drip this tool inside. You can put it indoors. Camphoric oil has a strong odor that can cause headache, malaise. At the first unpleasant signs from the use of camphor is worth abandoning.

Eucalyptus oil is obtained from different types of medicinal eucalyptus. For this, harvest the leaves. The overwintered specimens are more rich in oils. Also brooms from eucalyptus are used in the bath. The composition of the facility is complex and has more than 40 components. But tannins, terpenes, cineole dominate. It is the latter that provides the antibacterial properties of the eucalyptus product. In its pure form, cineole is not used.

The use of eucalyptus oil for children is acceptable. Can be used externally.Do not bury in the nose children of the first year of life, any essential oils, including eucalyptus.Regular inhalation of the latter leads to strengthening the body and is a prevention of the common cold.

Preparations from fir, thai and sea-buckthorn

Fir refers to coniferous trees. Fir oil is obtained from the green parts of the plant and cones. It has an anesthetic and a warming effect. Use fir oil for rhinitis for instillation, as it can cause burns of mucous membranes. You can apply to the skin, but with great care. As a rule, they sell a divorced fir product, and it is rather difficult to find a pure fir. This remedy with a cold will facilitate breathing and improve the patient's well-being. Inhale fir oil can also be very useful. It is contraindicated to pregnant women, as it can cause uterine contractions and stimulate premature labor. The inhalation of fir vapors causes pleasant sensations. The body relaxes a little, the air is disinfected. Fir products can be used to repel insects.

Tui from the common cold was used already in the XVII century, and Hippocrates spoke of the benefits of essential oils. Thuya oil does not have a pronounced antiseptic effect, but it is an excellent immunomodulator. Self use tuya oil is rarely used. The use of this drug in children raises concerns, since this oil has a complex composition and which of the components can cause allergy, is unknown. Very useful walks in the area with a lot of coniferous trees, including tui. Tui oil from the cold will be relieved when walking in a coniferous forest.

Sea buckthorn oil has a pronounced, wound-healing effect. It is obtained from sea-buckthorn berries, and it does not cause burns to the mucous membranes. It is good to apply if the child has an irritation caused by a runny nose. If dried crust forms in the nose, the use of the sea-buckthorn product is very useful. It can even be taken orally, but you do not need to bury it in your nose.

How do you use essential oils in children with a cold?

If a child has a cold, then you can do inhalations with essential oils. In the pharmacy you can buy a mixture for inhalation, which includes eucalyptus extract. It is water-based, so it can be used in an inhaler. It does not hurt to carry out aromatherapy. So, you need to moisten a small amount of oil with cotton swabs and distribute it to the living room, after a few hours the essential oils evaporate and tampons can be removed.

Such therapy facilitates the breathing of children during sleep.


You can add a few drops of oil in the water in which the baby is bathing. The inhalation of such vapors is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

It is necessary to refuse the burial of oils in the nose. This is due to a number of reasons. First, most essential oils of coniferous trees can cause burn mucous. Secondly, the mucous membrane of the nose lining the ciliated epithelium, when the oil is instilled, its work is suspended, and he can not excrete mucus, and with a large volume of the latter begins stagnation of secretion and the development of bacterial infection.

It is acceptable to use the sea-buckthorn product to soften the crusts, that is, the dried secretion of the nasal mucosa. After softening, they are easily removed without injuring the nasal mucosa.


There are also recipes, which include cumin. It supports the work of the immune system. Using a decoction of cumin and black pepper will save you from a cold for the entire autumn-winter period. For children, do not use this decoction, since it can cause irritation of the intestine.

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