On beer alcoholism: what are the violations and consequences of beer consumption?

Despite the opinion of a considerable number of people that beer - a low-alcohol and harmless drink - is not so. Experts-drug experts consider illegal the division of alcoholic beverages into alcoholic and low-alcoholic by the percentage of ethyl alcohol in them. After all, beer advertising is always aimed at increasing profits from sales, and to say that beer is a low-alcohol and harmless drink, and sometimes even useful - of commercial interest. There are beer varieties containing 14% alcoholic strength, both in dessert and fortified wines.

Beer alcoholism, most people consider a frivolous thing, and officially there is no such term and definition. The fact of the disease with beer alcoholism exists and it manifests itself in the form of banal alcohol dependence. The consequences of it are the same as for "vodka" and "wine" alcoholism.

In England in the 19th century, attempts were made to combat alcoholism with the help of a beer alternative. Beer was tried to replace stronger alcoholic beverages. But they did not manage to eliminate the tendency to reduce drunkenness. At one time, German Chancellor Bismarck, expressed the famous phrase: "Beer makes people stupid, lazy and sexually weak."

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Beat heart work disrupted

Professor Bolinger, fromGermany, introduced the concept of "Bavarian beer heart".The main organ of circulation, due to the abuse of beer, has enlarged cavities, thickened walls and foci of necrosis. The cobalt, the foam stabilizer in the beer, causes these changes. Beer lovers have 10 times more cobalt than normal. Beer alcoholism destroys the esophagus and stomach and has other serious negative health consequences. Even one increased volume of liquid is already harmful in itself, and also with gas. Varicose veins appear, the border of the heart increases. The syndrome is called "beer heart", "kapron stocking".The heart muscle becomes flabby and weakly pumps blood.

Beer disrupts hormonal balance

Hormonal balance in the body, under the influence of beer, is disrupted. The endocrine system receives unwanted toxins and heavy metal salts. Men who abuse beer lose testosterone production. But testosterone is a male hormone. In parallel, unnaturally, men are beginning to develop increased female sex hormones. And the appearance of a man undergoes some undesirable changes - the breasts increase, the pelvis expands.

Women who are addicted to beer, increase the risk of being susceptible to oncology. At them the voice becomes rough, hair growth in the field of legs or foots, a nasolabial triangle - on type of a mustache raises. When nursing a baby, the child may have seizures as epileptic.

Severe effects of beer alcoholism

In the distant 1985 in Canada, people who regularly consumed beer and other beverages with alcohol content were examined. It turned out that the sign "palpable liver" was diagnosed among beer lovers.

Investigations of the influence of beer on human health have been conducted in many countries. Established - the abuse of beer 3.5 times increases the development of alcoholism.

Beer destroys the nerve cells of brain cells. They die, but are filtered by the kidney on the bloodstream, then they are excreted along with the urine. In large quantities, beer disrupts the functioning of the spinal cord, causes myocardial dystrophy, increases the acidity of the stomach, causes inflammation of the pancreas, liver. It affects the visual and auditory nerves.

Everyday abuse of beer raises blood pressure. Lactic Acidosis is a serious complication of beer alcoholism. To prevent this, you need to decide how to treat beer alcoholism!

How to identify beer alcoholism

In the ICD-10 diagnosis of "beer alcoholism" is not provided. The diagnosis of alcoholism reflects the full nature of the disease - a compulsive attraction to alcohol. For beer alcoholism all classical stages of alcoholism are inherent.

Taking a daily intake of up to 1 liter of beer, at first the person does not feel any harmful effects to the body. But intoxication, drinking beer, feels good. Associative connection - beer reception - well-being is well-established in the brain. There is a desire to reproduce euphoria with the help of beer. And this is the first symptom of alcoholism.

Signs of beer alcoholism

  1. A person drinks more than 1 liter of beer per day.
  2. If you can not drink beer, irritability appears.
  3. Symptom of "beer belly".
  4. Weakened potency in men.
  5. Without beer, you can not relax and fall asleep.
  6. Frequent headaches.
  7. The day begins in making beer to enhance tone and mood.

If you find these symptoms, you probably already have beer alcoholism.in general, beer alcoholism is very difficult to diagnose. To persuade a person to be treated for beer dependency is hardly possible.

Symptoms of beer alcoholism do not differ from wine or vodka alcoholism. The need for making beer grows quickly and imperceptibly. It quenches thirst, relieves emotional tension and causes an uplift of mood artificially. In the literature, an example is given that some drank up to one and a half ten-liter pails of beer. They ended their life long ago from cardiovascular and renal failure.

From beer, the dependence does not have that drunken character, which is clearly pronounced in vodka alcoholism. There is not that strong alcoholic intoxication, which is noticeable in the abuse of vodka. The hangover of beer alcoholics is similar to the consequences of usual alcoholism.

How to get rid of beer alcoholism

Dependence on beer is treated for a long time and is not easy. Dependent person on beer needs to decide what is more important for him - health or illness. It will be necessary to abstain from any alcoholic drinks. If you notice a loved one or have the symptoms of beer alcoholism, but you need to give up beer.

Beer - the scourge of the XXI century

Among teenagers, beer alcoholism, became very common. In addition to harm to the developing organism, beer deforms the psyche of young people. But beer pushes young people towards more unleashed behavior, provokes aggression and humiliation towards others, young people begin to take in more strong alcoholic drinks, then. .. drugs.

The most tragic fact is the most intensified use of beer by adolescents and women of reproductive age. Education of a mature and emotionally stable person becomes impossible. Thirst for beer appears in young girls. These cases are difficult to treat. After all, a woman is very hard to convince in the presence of dependence on beer alcohol. And how can you build a family life and normal parent-child relationships in beer alcoholism.

Strange craving for frequent beer drinking in many people is manifested now. People do not think about their health. It's like a special kind of bulimia. That is, in insatiability by what we take inside. The increase in the dose and frequency of beer abuse in people is increasing steadily, as is the desire for banal alcohol intoxication.

The taste of beer is not as nasty as vodka and fortified wines. Therefore, there is a desire to use beer and as an alcohol product, and as a means of quenching thirst. A certain taste of beer is formed as a favorite dish. Advertising is always silent about the dangers of beer. Show beautiful and comfortable bottles, labels, advertising a variety of beers.

Alcoholism can be prevented, like any disease. Prevention of alcoholism is aimed at this. We need a full-scale coverage against the alcohol campaign. In every family, educational institution, enterprise.

The internal policy of civilized countries is devoted to the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism. It is expressed in the formation of a sober way of life for citizens, in which any use of alcohol will become unacceptable. One of the preventive methods is the organization of healthy leisure, for example, mass sports. It is necessary to disseminate information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body. It is necessary to form an individual's negative attitude towards alcohol.

Prevention of alcoholism can be primary, secondary, tertiary. Various methods of psychological influence on a person are used, they help alcohol and drug addicts.

Prevention of beer alcoholism among the younger generation is necessary. Most young people are mistaken in the fact that drinking together helps in finding friends and girlfriends, helps to have a good time and overcome uncertainty. It is very necessary to prevent the use of beer among middle and junior schoolchildren, because at such a young age the developing human personality is especially vulnerable.