Psychotherapy for alcoholism

The main method of treatment of patients with alcoholism is psychotherapy .Domestic scientists played a significant role in the development of methods of treatment of alcoholism through the directions of psychotherapy. Let's consider the most known ways.

Psychotherapeutic Triad Bechterew

One of the methods of mass treatment of patients with alcoholism, where they use persuasion, hypnosis therapy and self-assertion. Patients are collected at a certain time in the hall, they are seated on chairs or benches, but so that it is possible freely to pass between patients and check their hypnotic state.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev( 1857-1927)

Further alcoholics are given in bright images all the negative effects of alcohol on their bodies using tables, drawings, posters, etc. After a procedure demonstrating all the negative and negative from alcohol,the therapist addresses the patients with the following words: "All of you are gathered here to be healed of your painful ailment, and now that you represent the harm that alcohol brings to you, you are further strengthened in the thought of the need for a permanent failurefrom alcoholic beverages. "

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Then the host inspires in his patients a sense of confidence that they will be able to restore their lives and health, with complete abstinence from drinking alcohol. After explaining the essence of hypnotic influence, VM Bekhterev asked everyone to cover their eyes and contemplate the thoughts of sleep. He made a general suggestion in the offensive of a therapeutic sleep. The psychotherapist passed between patients and caused a cataleptic condition in each patient one at a time and so left in catalepsy for the duration of the entire session. After awakening, patients were given instructions on self-suggestion, or self-affirmation, which had to be carried out at home several times in the evening before bedtime in a horizontal position with closed eyelids, and after awakening before getting out of bed. The session was over, and the new one was held a week later. The duration of the session was half an hour. In the session, up to 100 alcoholics took part.

Collective emotional-stress hypnotherapy Rozhnova

Scientists, cosmonauts and testers after the experiment in the sound-chamber( the extreme left - Professor L. Grimak, in the center - ND Samsonov, cosmonaut PR Popovich, Professor V.E.Rozhnov, cosmonaut EV Khrunov, professor SA Gozulov, extreme right - professor LS Khachatur'yants), 1978

This is a directive hypnosuggestive psychotherapy. Developed in 1975 for alcoholic patients, later adapted to neuroses and hysteria. VE Rozhnov founded the concept of impact on the patient with the formation of his optimistic, life-affirming ideals and aspirations that help overcome pessimism, hypochondria depriving forces to fight the disease.

Combines treatment with the environment and the team, persuasion and explanation, emotional suggestions. The support of the technique is an emotional effect, which leads to the training of a stable negative reaction to alcohol at the level of conditioned reflexes. Individual and group conversations are conducted before hypnosis. The group involved from 8 to 20 patients. Sessions last at least one hour( up to 1.5 hours).During hypnosis, they develop an emotionally negative conditioned reflex nauseating and vomiting reaction to the smell and taste of alcoholic beverages. At first stronger, then light. During one session up to three times cause a negative reaction. The course of treatment - 10 - 12 sessions.

Mass emotional and aesthetic psychotherapy of alcoholism Grigorieva

Grigoriev GI

Based on the practice of the AR Dovzhenko method( encoding by Dovzhenko) GI Grigoriev developed an original modification in 1993.She solved a difficult problem: fighting alcoholism and psycho-prevention from the impact of destructive forces in society.

Stages of the general session of mass emotional-aesthetic psychotherapy:

  1. Doctor's talk with the audience.
  2. The preaching of a priest.
  3. Antialcohol Service( from the Charter of St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky Society of Temperance).
  4. Farewell words of the priest.
  5. Session by A. R. Dovzhenko.

The lesson lasts from 6 to 8 hours, in which a whole group of psychotherapists participated. The method of A. R. Dovzhenko can be compared as a "theater of one actor", and its modification as a "theater group" - a team of doctors-psychotherapists.

Despite the simplicity of the items of the stages of the general session of mass emotional-aesthetic psychotherapy, the structure of each element is complex. The therapeutic effect of the technique is determined by the integration psychotherapeutic effect of various factors. Here the methods of suggestion are direct and indirect, group;rational, playful, musical psychotherapy;psychodrama;behavioral and cathartic psychotherapy;imago therapy, music therapy, ritual theatricalization and so on.

Of course, with malignant flow of alcoholism, this method is less effective.

The basis of many psychotherapeutic techniques is the development of a negative attitude towards the species, smell, taste and verbally imaginative representation of alcohol. The main goal - a complete refusal of alcohol through the development of nauseating and vomiting reaction. Medicinal products are also used: broth of baranta, apomorphine, emetine and others. As early as 1915, VM Bekhterev suggested adding to alcoholic substances substances that stimulated aversion to them.

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