Prevention of rheumatism: secondary and primary


  • 1Prevention of rheumatism
    • 1.11Prevention - the basis of health
    • 1.22Preventive Prevention
    • 1.33Secondary prophylaxis
  • 2Primary and secondary prevention of rheumatism: the procedure and features
    • 2.1What preventive measures include and their features
    • 2.2Types of prevention
    • 2.3Primary
    • 2.4Secondary
    • 2.5Tertiary
    • 2.6Preventive development
  • 3Prevention of rheumatism
  • 4Primary prevention of rheumatism
  • 5Treatment and prevention of rheumatism
    • 5.1Causes and symptoms of pathology
    • 5.2Treatment of rheumatism
    • 5.3Prevention of rheumatism
  • 6Prevention of rheumatism: signs and causes of the disease
    • 6.1What is the etiology (cause) of rheumatism?
    • 6.2Diagnostics
    • 6.3Classification of rheumatism
    • 6.4Prevention of rheumatism

Prevention of rheumatism

Complications of rheumatic attacks are acquired heart defects, pathology of the joints, the nervous system. But is it possible to prevent the development of this disease? And what if the diagnosis of rheumatism, albeit in remission, is already on your outpatient card?

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1Prevention - the basis of health

At present, the trend of preventive direction in medical work is increasing.

In outpatient clinics, prevention units are being expanded, and preventive examinations are conducted among the healthy population, the doctors of the district service strive for 100% dispensary coverage of persons with chronic diseases. But more importantly, when a person makes a choice in favor of health and disease prevention.

Prevention of diseases is divided into primary - when a person seeks to avoid pathology, as well as secondary - when the disease is in a state of remission, or transferred to anamnesis, and the patient tries to avoid relapse. What is the prevention of rheumatism?

2Preventive Prevention

To answer the question "how not to develop rheumatism? One should imagine what causes the development of the disease. Rheumatism or acute rheumatic fever is a complication of streptococcal infections.

Untreated with antibiotics, sore throat, suffered flu on the legs, frequent purulent sinusitis, foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx, untreated caries teeth... This all pockets where streptococcal infection can nest, and with a certain disposition to the development of the disease, lead to rheumatic damage organism.

In the risk group for rheumatism are girls over 5 years, female sex, persons with hereditary predisposition to the disease, as well as patients with chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Reduce the incidence of the disease is helped by primary prevention of rheumatism, which includes the following measures and effective ways:

  1. Sanitation of chronic foci of infection. It is very important not to allow the chronic presence of virulent streptococci in the body. Foci of infection of streptococcal etiology is a delayed-action mine that can explode at any time and cause rheumatic fever. Reception of antibacterial drugs
  2. Timely and correct treatment of angina, pharyngitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Treatment of acute streptococcal infections is impossible without antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor, and the patient must take them at the prescribed dose exactly as long as the doctor will require. The course of taking antibacterial drugs on average from 7 to 14 days, with special forms of the disease may vary in the direction of increase. You can not abolish antibiotics on your own, feeling better. Sometimes patients are afraid to take an antibacterial drug because of its possible side effects on the gastrointestinal tract. In such patients, the doctor will recommend not to refuse to take the necessary medicine, but combine it with medicines that normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.

    It should be remembered that refusal to treat streptococcal infection with antibiotics today, can cause surgical treatment of rheumatic heart disease in the near future!

    Healthy lifestyle

  3. A healthy lifestyle, which includes the rejection of bad habits (smoking, alcohol), prevention of sedentary lifestyle, correct and rational nutrition also play an important role in the primary prevention of rheumatism. Walking in the fresh air, hardening, gymnastics, sports strengthen the body, increase immunity, and also resistance to infection with pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Observance of isolation measures in the team, where there are cases of the incidence of streptococcal infection. It is about isolating the sick person, as well as monitoring people who were in contact with them.
  5. It is necessary to re-surrender the blood and urine tests after recovery from catarrhal diseases. It is necessary to ensure that there is no sustained inflammatory process in the body.

Measures of primary prevention are not complex, they are aimed at preventing the occurrence of rheumatism.

They need and it is important to respect all persons who are responsible for their health.

And the success of the implementation of primary prevention depends on the level of the person's consciousness and his attitude to his own health.

3Secondary prophylaxis

But what if the diagnosis of rheumatism is already on your outpatient card? All patients who have suffered a rheumatic attack are recommended secondary prevention of rheumatism. It is aimed at preventing the return of the disease or relapse.

Secondary prevention of rheumatism is divided into year-round and seasonal. Both forms of secondary prevention include the administration of penicillins of prolonged action (bicillin prophylaxis), the administration of NSAIDs, the treatment of chronic foci of infection.

All-year-round bicillin prophylaxis is prescribed for all patients who have suffered rheumatism.

If the patient does not develop heart disease, then bicillin prophylaxis is carried out year-round for 3 years, and then 2 years for seasonal prophylaxis.

When the defect is formed in childhood, year-round prophylaxis is carried out until the age of 21-25 (in Europe - until the age of 40).

Penicillins of prolonged action:

  • bicillin-5, ED once every 2 weeks,
  • Extensillin (retarpen), mln. ED once every 3 weeks.

Seasonal prophylaxis of rheumatism is carried out by the same drugs for six weeks 2 times a year during the cold season (spring / autumn), during an outbreak of respiratory diseases.

In addition, after successfully completed secondary prevention, a patient with rheumatism in an anamnesis needs ongoing prophylaxis for life.

It includes taking antibacterial drugs with anti-streptococcal action (amoxicillin) and NSAIDs in for seven days with extraction of teeth, small surgical interventions, during the outbreak of infectious diseases. All patients who have suffered rheumatism, consist on the dispensary account at the doctor-rheumatologist.

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Primary and secondary prevention of rheumatism: the procedure and features

Rheumatism is a serious illness of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and urinary system.

It refers to those pathological processes that are easier to prevent than treat.

Currently, the WHO protocols describe primary and secondary prevention of rheumatic fever for patients of different age categories.

What preventive measures include and their features

Contrary to the prevailing opinion rheumatism is not an age-related pathology. The main part of the patients are girls aged 7 to 15 years. It provokes the development of the inflammatory process in the joints, the heart hemolytic streptococcus.

This representative of the pathogenic flora is most often present on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. In normal immunity, the bacterium does not show itself. After the transferred ORZ, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

Streptococcus is activated, it affects the joints and heart.

Features of the complex of preventive measures is as follows:

  1. Rheumatism is not transmitted from person to person, as it is a complication of the primary bacterial process. If several cases are diagnosed in the same team in the same period, then It is recommended to administer Bicillin once in age dosages for all those who have been in contact with patients.
  2. Preventive measures are divided into 3 levels - primary, secondary and tertiary. Techniques have different goals and means to achieve them.

Types of prevention

There are 3 levels of preventive measures to prevent the development of rheumatic fever, inflammatory processes in the heart and joints.

Classification and definition:

  1. Primary prevention of rheumatism is a set of preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease in an initially healthy child or adult.
  2. Secondary prophylaxis of rheumatism is a complex of measures to prevent the recurrence of the disease, the transition to a chronic form in an already ill patient.
  3. Prevention of complications of rheumatism or tertiary - is carried out during the treatment of the underlying disease. It is aimed at preventing the development of carditis, nephritis.


Primary prophylaxis for rheumatism includes several large groups of activities:

  1. A variety of effects aimed at strengthening the body's immune defenses. This zakalivaniya, thorough diagnosis, quality and complete treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx caused by infectious agents - pharyngitis, angina, caries, gingivitis. According to the indications in complex therapy, antibacterial drugs are used.
  2. Compliance with hygiene in large children's groups. This includes also isolation of the sick child, qualitative and competent care of the patient.
  3. Medication methods aimed at both the treatment of infections caused by streptococci, and preventive measures in the development of the epidemic in a particular team.

Preventive drug therapy is performed only with a confirmed diagnosis of rheumatism in several members of the same team and on a voluntary basis. As a drug of choice, Bicillin is indicated in dosages corresponding to the patient's age.

Effective doses of the drug:

  • Bicillin-1 - children over 7 years and adults - 1200 thousand. units;
  • Bicillin-1 - children under 7 years - 600 thousand. doses;
  • Bicillin-5 - children over 7 years and adults - 1500 thousand. units;
  • Bicillin-5 - children under 7 years - 750 thousand. units of the drug.

Such prevention is desirable for people suffering from private and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pregnant women.


Secondary prevention of rheumatism in adults and children is a long process. It is aimed at preventing the development of recurrence of the disease and its complications. The method of secondary prevention is the long-term administration of long-acting antibiotics.

Effective dosages of various drugs:

  1. Extensillin - is administered 1 time in 21 days. For children weighing less than 25 kg, units, more than 25 kg - 1.2 million. ED. Adult patients with effective dosage is, mln. ED.
  2. Bicillin-1 - dosages are similar to Extensillin, but injections are carried out once a week.
  3. Bicillin-5 - recommended, mln. ED 1 time in 21 days. But now doctors are trying not to prescribe this drug, as clinically confirmed data on the quality of prevention of rheumatism in its use does not exist.

The standard recommendations are as follows:

  • Patients without signs of carditis, but with the inflammatory processes in the joints and chorea suffered - at least 5 years after the first episode of the disease or until the age of 18. The principle "what's longer" is used.
  • Patients who underwent myocarditis or pericarditis, but without signs of heart failure - a minimum of 10 years or at the age of 25 years.
  • Patients with developed heart disease, including those who underwent surgery - throughout life.


This complex of measures is performed during ARI, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, after surgical interventions on the nasopharyngeal organs. It includes a short course of antibiotic therapy with penicillin or cephalosporin drugs.

Preventive development

The main preventive measure is the qualitative diagnosis and treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases.

If the use of antibiotics is indicated, the doctor's recommendations should be fully followed.

Do not interrupt the course yourself after the first signs of improvement, since it is possible to develop resistance of the pathogenic flora and in the future this antibiotic will be ineffective.

If during the acute respiratory disease, influenza, tonsillitis or within 3 weeks after the disease began to become inflamed joints, there are signs of heart failure, then you should immediately go to a medical institution.

An acute episode of rheumatism is easier to treat and easier than a chronic process.

The standard course includes antibiotics, drugs of the NSAID group and acetylsalicylic acid, drugs based on it.

Qualitative treatment prevents the development of complications such as carditis, the development of heart valve defects, chorea.

Rheumatism is a life-long diagnosis. It is easier to prevent than treat both the primary episode and relapse of the disease.

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Prevention of rheumatism

Prevention of rheumatism can be primary and secondary. Primary prevention involves a set of activities that are aimed at reducing the chances for diseases of streptococcal infections, in the case of its occurrence - timely and competent treatment.

  1. Primary prevention is characterized by active and healthy lifestyle, fresh air walks, airing of premises, tempering of the body and balanced nutrition.
  2. It is worth noting that the isolation of a person who has taken streptococcal infection, as well as monitoring people who have previously been in contact with him - a measure that requires compulsory implementation.
  3. Primary prevention also includes sanation of foci of infection, in particular in the nasopharynx (sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis). Sanitation of the nasopharynx is especially recommended for children, adolescents and young people suffering from constant exacerbations of nasopharyngeal infections. In this case, the sanation must have a radical character, but the methods of treating the disease rheumatism is determined by a specialist doctor.
  4. It is extremely important to start the fight against infection on time. It is believed that the treatment started in a timely manner is the one that started no later than the third day after the onset of the infection. It is in this case, the possibility of rheumatism is virtually excluded. Acute streptococcal infection is treated by taking antibiotics for 10 days. In parallel with the adoption of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed, which are taken at least within a week.
  5. Even after the transfer of streptococcal infection, the patient needs to undergo a thorough examination, namely: to pass blood tests, urine tests and only in case of normal indicators is it possible to extract.

Thus, for the proper organization of primary prevention, it is important to comply with all the described measures in a complex.

I want to emphasize that the responsibility for the effectiveness of the treatment carried not only by the doctor, but also himself a patient, because it is extremely common cases of treatment of a person for help already at the extreme stages disease.

In such cases, the fight against the disease is many times more complicated. Therefore, the attitude of the person to his health plays a primary role.

Secondary prophylaxis is a set of measures whose action is aimed at preventing recurrences and progression of the disease in people who have already suffered a rheumatic attack. The peculiarity of the development of rheumatism is its propensity to recurrent course.

In accordance with this, its prevention involves a long course of activities. A key role in this case is played out by dispensary supervision. It is usually carried out by a doctor rheumatologist or in specialized rheumatological centers.

Secondary prevention includes the following areas:

  • ensuring the strengthening of the body's resistance: general wellness, hardening, balanced nutrition, exercise therapy;
  • bicillin prophylaxis, which is necessary for the control of streptococcal infection;
  • long-term antirheumatic therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • carrying out the sanation of chronic foci of this infection.

Bicillin prophylaxis is a key link in the prevention of rheumatism. It was found that the introduction of bicillin for prophylactic purposes is shown to all people who have undergone the rheumatic process.

For patients who have undergone polyarthritis or primary rheumatic carditis without affecting the heart valves, bicillin-medication prophylaxis should be performed for 3 years.

For those who have suffered primary rheumatic heart disease together with the defeat of the heart valves, as for patients who have recurrent rheumatic carditis, prevention should last at least 5 years.

In cases when in the conduct of bicillin prophylaxis a person still develops pharyngitis or angina, then he is prescribed a 10-day treatment course of taking antibiotics together with anti-inflammatory drugs actions.

This is called current prevention of rheumatism. If during a period of illness a person needs to undergo surgical intervention, for example, to pull out a tooth, remove tonsils, then it must be accompanied by penicillin.

Bicillin-5 is given to pregnant women, who suffer from rheumatism from about 8-10 weeks of gestation.

In the winter and spring periods it is recommended to combine prophylaxis by means of medicines with the intake of vitamins. Ascorbic acid is an excellent example.

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Primary prevention of rheumatism

Recommended systematic bracing activities: tempering the body, exercise and sports, water procedures, adherence to the regime of work and rest, rational nutrition, stay in the open air, rejection of bad habits (alcohol, smoking), a reduction in possible contacts with patients with streptococcal infection, timely and correct treatment of acute and chronic streptococcal infections.

Early diagnosis of streptococcal diseases is often difficult, because it is associated with the need for additional bacteriological and serological studies.

It should be borne in mind that a typical pattern of streptococcal disease is found in no more than a quarter of patients. In other cases, there are erased, sometimes asymptomatic forms.

The high probability of streptococcal nature of nasopharyngeal infection is indicated by pain in the throat, hyperemia of the throat with the reaction of regional lymph nodes, leukocytosis, the detection of streptococcus in a smear from the throat, streptococcal antigen in the blood, the growth of titres of streptococcal antibodies at the 2-3 rd week from the beginning infection.

In connection with the fact that rheumatism develops more often after the transferred acute streptococcal infection (angina, pharyngitis, scarlet fever), its timely diagnosis and vigorous antibiotic therapy. It is also important to timely and correct treatment of acute respiratory viral infections with a mixed infection (virus and streptococcus).

Those infected with acute nasopharyngeal streptococcal infection should be isolated as far as possible. Treatment should be done with antibiotics for at least 10 days.

The drug of choice is penicillin, which is administered intramuscularly 3-4 times a day. The daily dose of penicillin to adults is 1 500 000 - 2 000 000 units, for schoolchildren - 600 000-1 500 000 units, for children - at the rate of 20 000-30 000 units / kg.

You can use another method of treatment: in the first 5-7 days of the disease, intramuscularly applied penicillin in the indicated higher doses, and after the abatement of acute clinical symptoms, intramuscularly once-administered bicillin-5 at a dose of , 0, 00 ED. Bitsil-lin-5 is administered to preschool children in a dose of 75, 00 units. If it is not possible to out-patiently administer an intramuscular injection of penicillin, tablet forms of penicillin or semisynthetic penicillins are used. Oxacillin is prescribed to adults at 3 g / day, for schoolchildren - 2-2 1/2 g, preschoolers - 1 1 / 2-2 g.

Daily doses of drugs are divided into 4-6 receptions. Le-carbs are applied 30 minutes before meals. If the penicillin drugs are not tolerated, erythromycin, lincomycin, etc. are prescribed. The daily dose of erythromycin for adults is 1 1 / 2-2 g / day, for children - 30 mg / kg.

In the treatment of streptococcal infection, along with antibiotics, it is necessary to use antirheumatic drugs for 10-14 days funds - acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, brufen, etc., and in the first 5-7 days in full, and then in half the treatment dose.

An extract for work, school or kindergarten is allowed only in the absence of pathology from the internal organs and with normal blood test results.

After suffering angina, the patient should be monitored for a month physician-therapist, pediatrician, as well as rheumatologist, since usually during this period the first symptoms of rheumatism.

Along with the treatment of acute streptococcal infections, an important preventive measure is the treatment of chronic streptococcal infection: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

Treatment of multiple dental caries and periodontitis should also be performed. The method of their sanation is determined by the attending physician together with the otolaryngologist and dentist.

In case of epidemic outbreaks of streptococcal infection (sore throat, acute pharyngitis, scarlet fever), acute respiratory viral infections or with the simultaneous occurrence of several cases acute rheumatism, especially in closed groups during their formation, along with isolation and active treatment of the diseased, bicillin prophylaxis is shown to all those who have been in contact with sick. Once injected bicillin-5 to 1 500 000 units. Especially carefully, primary prevention should be given to children, adolescents and young people from families in which there are patients with rheumatism, since these individuals are more threatened by rheumatism than others.

Secondary prevention of rheumatism

Secondary prevention of rheumatism includes a set of measures aimed at preventing exacerbations, relapses and progression of the disease in people with rheumatism.

Secondary prophylaxis of rheumatism is carried out by doctors rheumatologists, and in the absence of rheumatological offices - by district therapists under the supervision of department heads.

Due to the fact that rheumatism refers to chronic diseases and is prone to recurrence, a set of preventive measures must be carried out for many years.

In secondary prevention of rheumatism, it is recommended that year-round bi-cilin prophylaxis should be carried out as much as possible, since it is more effective than seasonal. Strains of streptococcus are very sensitive to penicillin preparations, in particular to bicillin, and do not form stable forms.

Bicillin prophylaxis is prescribed:

  • all patients with rheumatism in the active phase of the disease, and enter bicillin should be in the hospital, immediately after the end of the course of antibiotic therapy;
  • all patients with newly diagnosed rheumatic heart defects, regardless of the phase of the disease before the age of 35;
  • individuals who underwent a reliable attack of rheumatism, regardless of the localization of the process and who did not receive bicillin immediately after discharge from the hospital.

Bicillin prophylaxis is not indicated in patients with persistent circulatory insufficiency, not related to rheumatic activity, and patients with a tendency to thromboembolic complications.

In winter and especially in spring months, these drugs should be combined with vitamin therapy, first of all with ascorbic acid up to -1 g / day.

After injection of bicillin, the patient must be supervised by medical personnel who are required to know the clinical manifestations of allergy to bicillin and emergency measures in this case, as well as have a complete set of tools and medicines to treat anaphylactic shock and other allergic manifestations.

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Treatment and prevention of rheumatism

Prevention of rheumatism should begin at the state level and include the detection and elimination of foci of infection.

Rheumatism is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the connective tissues, affecting the heart muscle and joints (mostly large ones). It develops against the background of infectious diseases caused by streptococcus.

In addition, there is a genetic predisposition. In the risk zone, mainly children and adolescents (7-15 years) are located. In adults, the disease is less common.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

In general, the disease is in acute form. The cause may be diseases such as angina, scarlet fever, pharyngitis and other processes caused by streptococcus.

Two weeks after the infection, the following symptoms appear: fever, severe joint pain, redness and swelling.

Especially prone to this are large joints - elbows, knees, ankles.

In the further course of the disease, smaller joints are also affected. In general, the pain makes itself felt during movement and tension. But these symptoms are temporary, after 10-12 days they disappear.

However, recovery is illusory.

Often, simultaneously with the joints, the heart muscle is affected, its valves are damaged, with time leading to their permanent deformation, which can cause the formation of a defect heart.

The defeat of the heart for rheumatism is called rheumatic carditis. Symptoms can be rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, weakness, fatigue.

Rheumatism often affects other organs and tissues, for example, the nervous system (small chorea - involuntary twitching of limbs, grimaces, increased excitability).

In some cases, articular rheumatism takes on chronic forms.

With this form, there is no longer an increase in body temperature, damage to all joints without exception.

Predominantly the disease holds a certain area, which eventually leads to the growth of the cartilage and the subsequent immobilization of the affected joint.

There is also such a phenomenon as muscular rheumatism, it proceeds with pain in the muscles, which manifests itself both arbitrarily, and, for example, when pressing.

Temperatures are usually not observed, unless, of course, the pain does not cover a wide range of muscles.

With the defeat of the muscles of the limbs, the patient no longer can freely control them; with rheumatism of the thoracic department difficulty breathing; if the muscles of the neck are affected, the head can assume a fixed position.

Treatment of rheumatism

The main task in the treatment of rheumatic diseases is timely recognition of them at an early stage and an individual approach to each patient.

Treatment should be based on the degree of activity of the process, on how pronounced the symptoms of the disease, on the degree of damage to organs and tissues, and even on the patient's profession.

Within the general framework, the treatment program is reduced to antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory intensive therapy, restoration and enhancement of immunity.

It is very important to have a correct, balanced diet, preparation for physical exertion.

It is necessary timely surgical intervention in patients with an already expressed heart disease.

When rheumatism is detected after a streptococcal infection, the patient is usually shown penicillin, which successfully kills streptococcal bacteria, after which the preparation of bicillin-5 is prescribed. Recently, a widely used drug prednisolone, used in emergency cases to obtain a quick effect.

A number of other measures to combat the effects of streptococci on the body is to place patients in small wards to avoid constant contamination of each other, ventilation and irradiation with ultraviolet of hospital wards, mandatory general and personal hygiene.

Prevention of rheumatism

Preventive measures for the treatment and prevention of rheumatic diseases associated with streptococcal infection can be conditionally divided into primary and secondary.

A special role should be played by common activities at the state level, such as promoting healthy lifestyles, explaining the role of sport in prevention of such diseases, hardening of the body, measures should be taken against crowding in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions. There should be timely sanitization, especially in places of high population density, instructing adults and children to prevent such diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the detection and elimination of foci of infection.

All patients can go to their workplaces only after a thorough medical examination for signs of disease.

For people with signs of streptococcal diseases, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, cholangitis, carious teeth, it is also implied compulsory treatment. So, the primary measures include:

  1. Actions aimed at increasing the immunity and resistance of the body as a whole.
  2. Sanitary and hygienic measures.
  3. Identification and treatment of carriers of streptococcal infection.

Measures aimed at preventing various exacerbations, relapses and further progression of rheumatic diseases are called secondary prevention.

Such prevention should be carried out by rheumatologists or district therapists.

Given that rheumatism is a chronic disease with a tendency to relapse, prevention is carried out for several years.

Measures to prevent recurrences and complications after rheumatism:

  • Intensive and qualitative treatment of patients with rheumatism.
  • Timely prevention and treatment of infectious nasopharyngeal diseases.
  • Bicillin prophylaxis.

Measures that stimulate the immune system and the general resistance of the body, this is a whole treatment and health complex, which includes: gymnastics, nature walks, proper nutrition, hardening by water procedures and even climate change, antibiotic therapy, dispensary accounting.

Bicillin prophylaxis is divided into 3 categories: year-round, seasonal and current.

With year-round prophylaxis apply drugs bitsillin-5 or bicillin-1.

In addition, every spring and summer during the month, an anti-relapse course is conducted with preparations of salicylic acid.

Along with bicillin prophylaxis, a course of vitamins is prescribed, for example, ascorbic acid and other fortifying drugs.

Seasonal prophylaxis is carried out mainly in the colder months of the year using bicillin-5. Current prevention is carried out with the immediate threat of the disease, with the current rheumatism, angina, tonsillitis, even regardless of the general bicillin prophylaxis, within ten days.

Do not forget about the possibility of various allergic reactions during bicillin prophylaxis up to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, before appointment, all necessary tests are carried out for the patient's tolerability of penicillin preparations.

It should be remembered that the place of work of the patient plays an important role in the whole complex of preventive diseases, because regardless of whether he has a heart defect or not, in connection with the disease he has been categorically contraindicated night shifts, sharp changes temperature, drafts, excessive physical exertion, which can lead to a relapse and even a more acute form of the disease with weight complications. Remember that rheumatism is a very serious disease, untimely treatment of which can lead to irreparable consequences.

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Prevention of rheumatism: signs and causes of the disease

Rheumatism is an inconspicuously developing disease,characterized by inflammation of connective tissue caused by streptococcus, often affecting the cardiovascular system, joints.

What is the etiology (cause) of rheumatism?

Rheumatism is a disease that affects, above all, the adolescent and children's category (age from 7 to 15 years). It is in preschool age that the disease is the most dangerous.

Streptococcal infection, genetic predisposition - the main causes of the development of the disease. Long-term studies have shown that rheumatism as a disease is associated with a family predisposition to development.

The development of rheumatism is associated with angina, acute respiratory disease caused by streptococcus.

The "underwater stone" is the fact thatthe disease can develop imperceptibly. For timely detection, it is important to diagnose symptoms correctly, because the causes of rheumatism are easier to prevent than start.

Often, the first signs of rheumatism appear in a few weeks after a previous viral illness (eg, sore throat). At the person the temperature sharply rises, joint pain is felt.

There are cases of secretive disease, characterized by such symptoms:

  • low temperature;
  • weakness;
  • absence of pain in the joints.

Problems with the heart, damage to the nervous system important signs of rheumatism.

The danger of a hidden current lies in the untimely detection, by an incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis. A person turns to a doctor after the appearance of problems with joints (arthritis) and the doctor puts a disappointing diagnosis - rheumatism.

Considerforms of rheumatism, theirmain symptoms:

  • rheumatic heart disease- defeat of the heart, accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, there are stitching, sometimes drawing pains, fever above 38 ° C, tachycardia;
  • articularthe form- Strikes, above all, large joints. A characteristic feature is the symmetry of the lesion, a benign course of arthritis;
  • rheumaticchorea- can be called an "absolute sign" of the disease. There is a defeat of the nervous system (movements are uncoordinated, slurred speech), because of muscle weakness, it is difficult for a patient to perform even basic actions, such as - sitting, walking.
  • cutaneousthe form- is diagnosed by the appearance of pale pink rashes on the skin or rheumatic subcutaneous nodules (an example of a rash is presented in the photo);
  • rheumaticpleurisy- this form is characterized by fever, dyspnoea, when breathing, the patient feels pain in the chest, exacerbated by exhalation.

The course of the disease affects the age, sex of the patient.

In older students, the ailment manifests itself progressively, with the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease, affecting the girls according to statistics.

The smaller the age of the child, the more acute the disease develops, including several forms of manifestation at once. The probability of getting sick in adulthood is less.


  • the electrocardiogram allows to detect irregularities in the rhythm of the heartbeat;
  • X-ray reveals changes in the configuration of the heart;
  • laboratory tests (clinical and immunological analyzes of blood for rheumatism) - help determine the signs of inflammatory reactions to the activity of streptococcal infection;
  • arthroscopy;
  • differential diagnosis - the identification of carditis and polyarthritis in the initial stages of the disease. It is important to consider the age of the patient, the relationship between the disease and streptococcal infection, a clinical picture of polyarthritis.
  • But the correct diagnosis can be made only by a specialist (a rheumatologist) with a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Classification of rheumatism

The percolation phases distinguishactiveandinactiverheumatism.

In the inactive phase, most patients have no complaints, clinical symptoms. Only in some cases the disease manifests itself in malaise, violation of the movement of blood in the vessels with strong physical exertion, if heart disease has been formed.

If in-depth consideration of rheumatism, the active phase for the manifestation of symptoms is divided intothree degrees:

  • maximum - the main symptoms: high fever, the patient has severe carditis signs, the ailment is aggravated;
  • moderate - the clinical manifestations are practically not expressed, the indices of inflammatory activity are normal.
  • minimal - inflammatory activity is absent. At this stage, the disease is difficult to diagnose.

Distinguishedacuteandchronicrheumatism. The acute course begins with a slight chill, an increase in body temperature, there is pain in the shoulder and elbow joints, which later turns into smaller ones.

The chronic form, on the contrary, is not characterized by fever or passing pains in the joints. To reduce the discomfort to the sore spots, apply a bodily ointment (powder of body and lard in the proportion: 0).

Prevention of rheumatism

Prevention of rheumatism is divided into primary prevention and secondary.

The primary goal of primary prevention can be called prevention of the development of the disease. It consists ina complex of measures:

  • increase immunity (properly selected food, tempering the body, sports activities);
  • fight against infectious diseases;
  • timely treatment of acute streptococcal infection

Secondary prevention of rheumatism is a complex of effective measures aimed at preventing the development of the disease and relapses in patients who have already suffered an illness, elimination of drafts, dampness in order to prevent colds, the use of antibiotics.

Traditional medicine for prevention advises to add to your diet watermelons, jelly from blueberries and cranberries, apply cranberry juice with lime honey, ointment based on birch buds or mustard ointment.

It has long been an ointment based on birch buds that was considered an effective way to treat an insidious disease. Miracle-ointment is easy to prepare. In the clay pot layers neatly lay out fresh cow oil and birch buds.

Filling up to the top, tightly closed and sent to the Russian oven for exactly 24 hours. After a day, carefully squeeze the oil out of the kidneys, add a bit of crushed camphor. It is recommended to put ointment in a cool place, tightly closing the lid.

Use miracle-ointment is recommended, rubbing into sore spots several times a day in the evening.

Medicine does not stand still, there were effective antibiotics, available information about the symptoms, which made the disease less common.

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