I tore my back: what to do? symptoms and treatment of the disease


  • 1"Backache" or "tore back symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1Symptoms and signs of a "torn back"
    • 1.2I tore my back - what should I do?
    • 1.3Prevention of back pain
  • 2What to do if you tear your back: symptoms and treatment at home
    • 2.1How can you tear your back?
    • 2.2Causes of pain
    • 2.3Signs and characteristic symptoms of a torn back
    • 2.4How is spinal fusion diagnosed?
    • 2.5Features of the diagnosis of back failure
    • 2.6What if I tore my back?
    • 2.7First aid on site
    • 2.8Medical methods of treatment
    • 2.9Treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.10What can not be done?
    • 2.11How to avoid stalling your back - recommendations
  • 3Pulled or torn the back - what to do and how to cure at home
    • 3.1What does it mean to overstay?
    • 3.2Code for micro-10
    • 3.3Signs and Symptoms
    • 3.4Symptoms of stretching the muscles of the back
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6What to do and how to treat a torn back
    • 3.7Medication
    • 3.8Physiotherapy and massage
    • 3.9How to treat at home
    • 3.10Prevention
  • 4What to do if I tore my back: how to treat a trauma at home and prevent the development of dangerous complications
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes and predisposing factors
    • 4.2First signs and symptoms
    • 4.3First Aid Rules
    • 4.4Rules and methods of further treatment
    • 4.5Medications
    • 4.6Additional measures to eliminate pain syndrome

"Backache" or "tore back symptoms and treatment

What does it mean to "tear your back"? The term "torn back" summarizes the whole spectrum of possible injuries and exacerbation of diseases in the lumbar region. The appearance of this disease can lead to physical stress.

It can be lifting weights, practicing power sports.

Additional factors for the development of pathology include hypothermia, nerve shocks, neurological disorders, severe forms of concomitant diseases.

The concept of "torn back" from a medical point of view is not entirely correct. Under it can be a rupture of muscles, sprain, lumbago.

Lumbago is a condition characterized by a sharp pain in the lumbar region. It combines various pathological conditions, for which dystrophic and degenerative processes in the spine are characteristic.

In the common people this term is also called "lumbar lumbago". This is due to the fact that pain sensations occur suddenly, accompanying various movements associated with increased load on the lower back.

At the heart of the "backbone" is a lumbar osteochondrosis, gradually destroying the spine, when as a result of degeneration the intervertebral discs become thinner and lose elasticity.

When the load on the spinal column increases, the probability of dislocation of the disc (protrusion) in the lumbar region increases, with pressure on the motor and sensitive roots of the nerves of the spinal cord.

In addition, the load can change the configuration of the spine. In the lumbar region, the bending is reduced, which causes the nerve to contract and inflame in the intervertebral foramen.

A strong reflex muscle tension is accompanied by painful sensations.

In other words, components such as vertebral, neurogenic, disc, muscular are involved in the formation of a condition called a back spinal cord.

Symptoms and signs of a "torn back"

The main symptoms of a "lumbar rupture" include severe pain in the lumbar region, which gives to the buttocks, lower limbs. With the passage of time, painful tendencies tend to increase.

Due to the smoothing of the lumbar lordosis, the spinous processes of the vertebrae of the lumbar region protrude. In this same area, there is a tingling, numbness, crawling crawling. Muscles of the back tighten.

Movement in the lower back and lower extremities is sharply limited.

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The most famous problem with the lower back is radiculitis. Physicians prefer to call it "radiculopathy". Find out the unknown about what is known in the article "Radiculopathy or radiculitis. What it is?"

I tore my back - what should I do?

If a pathological condition occurs, it is advisable to lay the victim, he must be in a state of rest, in order not to aggravate the condition.

If the pain is severe, you can take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or use anesthetic ointments, for example, Ketonal cream.

Then, at the first opportunity, you should contact a specialist.

When there is a pain syndrome in the people advise warming up, visiting the bath with a broom. In reality, such actions are not only ineffective, but they can make it even worse.

This is due to the fact that after the injury can begin inflammation of the tissues, which with the help of warming only gaining momentum, resulting in increased pain.

Anesthetic preparations will not help if there is a pathological condition. They can only remove pain, without coping with the problem as a whole.

Ignoring this condition, not taking the necessary measures, can lead to the development of an intervertebral hernia and other unpleasant problems.

So, if I "tore my back than to treat?

"Vertebrologist" is engaged in treatment of "torn back".

Vertebrology refers to a new, but rapidly developing medical direction. If there is no such specialist in the polyclinic, you can contact a traumatologist who will refer you to other medical specialists if necessary.

The problem of lumbar spine doctors is viewed from several points of view:

  • neurology;
  • orthopedics;
  • neurosurgery.

At the same time, not only a course of treatment is prescribed, but diagnostics is also carried out.

Vertebrologists use the following diagnostic methods:

  • ultrasound (ultrasound);
  • radiography;
  • CT scan.

These measures can identify existing problems at the earliest stages of the disease. In the absence of treatment, dystrophic processes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs continue to develop.

The disease goes into a more severe form, when the attacks become more intense, increase and their duration increases.

Constant pressure on the spinal roots can lead to persistent numbness of the legs and the inability to move.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to engage in self-medication. The specialist must be engaged in treatment, only he knows, than it is possible to treat backache in order not to do much harm and not to waste time.

Methods of treatment by a specialist are selected individually in each specific case.

But, as a rule, it includes the following stages:

  • for the removal of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents are prescribed,
  • manual therapy,
  • acupuncture,
  • massage,
  • laser therapy,
  • kinesitherapy (motion treatment),
  • hirudotherapy.

These measures help restore muscle activity, relieve stress, improve motor function. At the stage of recovery will be effective therapeutic gymnastics.

Among the above methods of treatment is worth mentioning acupuncture. This procedure gives an excellent result. If the pain sensations do not completely disappear, then at least they decrease significantly.

Acupuncture is one of the few ways to eliminate unpleasant symptoms that do not have side effects. After this procedure, patients do not experience any allergic reactions, or intoxication of the body, which is often found during the use of medicines.

In addition, acupuncture helps to improve overall health and sleep, improve mood, migraine disappearance.

Prevention of back pain

For prevention of "lumbar rupture" you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. You should always try to properly assess their capabilities. If it is necessary to lift heavy objects, it is advisable to use outside help.
  2. Before performing heavy physical work it is desirable to do warm-up, thereby warming up the muscles and preparing them for the load. And during work, use protective devices for the back.
  3. It is important to pay attention to active kinds of rest - running, walking, swimming.

Thus, the torn back is not just a state characterized by unpleasant sensations and the inability to conduct a habitual way of life during a certain period of time.

This is a pathology that, if not dealt with, can lead to the development of a whole bunch of chronic diseases. With the first symptoms of the lumbar loin not delaying, you should go to a specialist.

Only he can prescribe the necessary course of therapy.

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Specialists and patients talk about the effectiveness of Lyapko applicators with lumbar pain. His secret is in the combination of reflexotherapy, massage and galvanic action. And all this can be done independently at home.

A source: http://pomogispine.com/bolit-v/poyasnichno-kresttsovyj-otdel/sorval-spinu.html

What to do if you tear your back: symptoms and treatment at home

The most common injury in the spine is the stretching of the muscles or ligaments of the back.

The result of this stretching is neuralgic pain. In the common people this phenomenon is said to have "torn my back."

There are many ways to treat backburn, including traditional medicine and folk remedies.

However, along with effective methods, there are also those that can cause irreparable harm to your health. This article details the causes, symptoms and treatments that should be trusted and should be heeded in case of a backbone.

Read more about the complex of exercises on the back muscles for the gym here.

How can you tear your back?

Hypodinamy, or, conversely, overtraining, improper performance of physical exercises, lifting weights, incorrect posture are the main causes of back injury. You can also tear your backas a result of sudden movementsif the body is in the wrong position or when it is undercooled.

Causes of pain

It is a mistake to believe that the cause of acute pain in the back is a pinched nerve.

The physiology of the spinal canal is such that the roots of the spinal cord nerves are located outside the intervertebral disc, and, therefore, when the disc is deformed or displacedthe spinal cord can not be pinched,thereby causing unbearable pain.

The causes of pain often becomestretching of muscles, ligaments and tendons, their damage.

As a result of the rupture of fibers, connective tissue becomes inflamed, a person feels severe pain, spasms.

More serious injuries include injuries directly to the spine.

Signs and characteristic symptoms of a torn back

Since the concept of torn back implies a number of injuries associated with the musculoskeletal system, each case must be considered individually.

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ita whole range of all sorts of problems:from slight damage to the muscular corset to serious injuries to the spine, requiring immediate intervention by specialists.

Most often under the expression "ripped back" understandstretching of ligaments and muscles as a result of lifting weights. A satellite of such a trauma often becomes aching, dull pain. At the same time, the victim does not need urgent hospitalization, as the pain can be tolerated.

The reason for prompt treatment to a doctor may beacute pain in the area of ​​injury, as well as numbness of limbs as a result of trauma.

Such symptoms may indicate more serious damage to the musculoskeletal system, in particular the displacement of the vertebrae and the appearance of an intervertebral hernia.

Be sure to see a doctorshould be with any suspicion of a back injury.

Among the symptoms can be noted the presence of pain of varying duration and intensity, the emergence of limitations, stiffness in movements, in In particular, the inability to bend or unbend the back without assistance and without experiencing discomfort or pain, the inability to conduct the familiar image life.

Signs of more serious damage are:pain giving off in limbs or other organs, numbness, cramps, tingling sensation or weakness in the limbs, dizziness. All of the above symptoms can also serve as an impetus to the development of constipation, delayed urination, impotence, partial or complete paralysis of the limbs.

How is spinal fusion diagnosed?

There are various methods for diagnosing a torn back.

In order to put the most accurate diagnosis and determine the tactics of treatment, doctors use a whole range of methods.

They includeinternal examination of the patient, interview, which identify the causes of the problem, as well as the nature and duration of pain.

Also at the initial stage of the diagnosis, the physician should be examinedskin sensitivity and reflexes.

Neurologic examination is performed with the help of light painless rapping with a rubber mallet areas with spinal cord nerves, and skin testing for sensitivity is performed using a special needles.

After a full-time examination, the doctor sends the patient toinstrumental diagnostics.It can be: magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound machines, computed tomography, x-ray, electromyography and many others.

Features of the diagnosis of back failure

The above methods are quite informative, but, as a rule, even an experienced doctor can not diagnose on the basis of only one study.

In each specific case, the method of investigation is determined by the attending physician individually on the basis of the patient's complaints.

Read more about what kind of doctor to apply for pain in the back.

Among modern methods of vertebral column research is the most commonMagnetic resonance imaging(MRI). This method is the most safe for the patient and has virtually no contraindications.

The procedure is absolutely painless. On the basis of MRI, images of a rather high quality are obtained, allowing the most accurate diagnosis.

The only drawback of this procedure is the high price for such studies as ultrasound or X-rays.

To identify pathologies of bone structuresX-ray is quite informative, however this method, no less than computed tomography, does not allow obtaining accurate data on soft tissues. In addition, radiography is not recommended for children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, unless this is absolutely necessary.

What if I tore my back?

Here you can see the list of pain relief ointments and their application.

Despite the fact that every adult knows the expression "ripped back not everyone is familiar with the rules of first aid for such injuries. Below are practical tips and recommendations of specialists.

First aid on site

Properly provided first aid will help reduce pain and avoid additional injuries.

With back injury, experts recommend:

  1. Immediately place the victim on a flat, hard surface.
  2. Limit motor activity.
  3. If possible under the waist, a roller must be placed, imitating an anatomical bend. The roller should be removed if the victim does not feel any relief from it.
  4. It is advisable not to take medication, as this can distort the clinical picture. However, if you can not wait for a doctor, you should remove the pain syndrome with an anesthetic (tablets, injections).
  5. It is necessary to record all the changes that occur with the victim. With aggravation of symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  6. In order not to cause additional harm, it is strictly forbidden to massage the damaged areaor apply warming, as well as anesthetic ointments. The tactics of treatment should be selected by a specialist.

Medical methods of treatment

The key to effective recovery of the back isthe full course of treatment for the affected area.

Modern medicine allows to achieve high results, thanks to a wide range of available drugs and treatment methods.

The medicamentous component of the treatment includes such types of drugs as analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants.

Analgesics in the form of tablets and injectionssuccessfully relieve pain syndrome. The most common prescriptions include such drugs as novocaine or lidocaine blockades, ointments, gels (Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Voltaren).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsare effective in swelling and inflammation (Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen and others).
Muscle relaxants relax muscles, relieve spasms (Sirdalud and others).

In combination with drug therapy, the patient is assignedphysiotherapy(therapeutic exercise, massage, electrophoresis, warming, swimming, etc.). Also, the methods of manual therapy are widely used: reflexotherapy, acupuncture, acupuncture.

It is important to remember that self-medication will not only bring the desired result, but it can also harm the patient. The course of treatment should be appointed by a competent specialist and conducted strictly under his supervision.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies should be performed only with minor injuries, after the true cause of the pain was established, and only after consulting a specialist. Solve the problem of a patient's back at home by using cookingnatural creams and ointments.

If after examination and carrying out all necessary examinations the doctor has not revealed any contraindications, then it is worth remembering such a national prescription asginger warming paste.

To make it, you just need to scroll the root of the ginger in a blender or through a meat grinder. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the paste.

The product will help to quickly remove inflammation and reduce pain syndrome.

During the stretching, the decoction of wheat and milk is effective.To prepare a broth a handful of wheat should be soaked in boiling water for one night.

In the morning add the coriander and boil the resulting mixture in a cup of milk (bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream).

Drink such a decoction is recommended twice a day.

Another help in the struggle for a healthy back istincture of basil.The leaves of this plant perfectly eliminate the pain syndrome.

To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to boil up to 10 leaves of basil in a glass of water until the half of the liquid evaporates, after which the tincture must be poured.Take 1-2 times a day(depending on the intensity of pain).

A good complement to treatment prepared from natural ingredients is the ointmentprofessional massage,It allows to relax the tensed muscles and remove the spasm. A good effect can be achieved with the help of an applicator Kuznetsov.

Easy back stretching and gymnasticscan help get rid of discomfort in the back area at home.

At the same time, you can perform exercises only in a painless range. To strain an already damaged back is not recommended.

This can lead to additional injuries and worsening of the patient's condition.

What can not be done?

Contrary to the popular belief that a bath and heating in it is the best way to get rid of back pain, experts warn thatthe heating of the affected area in the first hours after the onset of pain is highly undesirable.

Do not also try to warm the sick area with warming ointments, compresses, scarves. This ban is due to the fact that during the first few hours, inflammation may begin.

This pathological process can be significantly aggravated by heating and causes severe pain.

The same rule applies to the use of analgesics. Anesthetic drugs are designed to fight only with the investigation, without eliminating the causes, so they should not be abused. It will be much more effective to identify the cause of the pain syndrome and eliminate it.

It is forbidden to rub or massage problem areas, try to independently adjust the vertebrae.

Most often, the cause of chronic diseases, such as intervertebral hernia, is the ignoring of health problems and the unwillingness to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

How to avoid stalling your back - recommendations

As is known,The problem is easier to prevent than cure. There are many preventive measures to avoid backfalls, as well as further development of diseases of the spine.

Such activities includeregular physical exercise and rejection of bad habits.Active way of life helps to strengthen the muscular corset, the development of flexibility and endurance.

Try not to overload your back.

Assess your physical abilities correctly and do not lift loads that could lead to injury.

If you still can not avoid lifting weights, try to prepare your back for the load in advance by doing several warm-up exercises.

Lift the weights without jerks and sudden movements,when lifting, do not forget to bend your knees, distributing the load, do not take all the load on the muscles of the back. When working in the cold, try to warm your back with a special corrective and warming belt. Remember that your health is in your hands.

The term "torn back" implies a number of back injuries. Each such case must be considered individually. Effective treatment of backbreaking is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

Only a doctor, based on the results of all the necessary examinations, can put a correct diagnosis and choose an adequate treatment tactic.

Self-medication or non-compliance with all doctor's recommendationsdangerous for health.

The result of improper treatment may be irreversible dystrophic changes in the spine, the treatment of which will be possible only through surgical intervention.

Take care of your health, promptly consult a specialist for help. For those who have not yet touched the problem, remember the benefits of an active lifestyle and regular physical training.

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A source: http://SpinaSpina.com/travmy/sorval-spinu-chto-delat.html

Pulled or torn the back - what to do and how to cure at home

Sharp weight lifting, excessive weight or unsuccessful movement can cause acute pain in the back. In this case, a complaint is made in the doctor's office: "I tore off my back."

Take measures as quickly as possible, otherwise the pain will increase, take a striking and pulling character. If this kind of pain occurs not the first time, then you need to go to the doctor.

Such symptoms can be harbingers of very serious diseases of the spine.

What does it mean to overstay?

The spine is surrounded by a muscular corset and a cartilaginous tissue. When the axle loads are applied to the spine, it flexes due to stretching of the vertebrae. When the load disappears, the vertebrae immediately become in place.

Incorrect or sharp lifting of cargoes can lead to the fact that the muscles can not provide the necessary cushioning to the spine and the vertebrae do not return to their place. They squeeze the cartilaginous discs and pinch the nerve roots.

When a person tears his back, there is a stretching of the muscles and pinching of the nerve endings. This provokes a sharp pain in the back, or lumbago.

Stalling the back can trigger heavy lifting, a sharp lifting of objects. Especially in the risk group are people suffering from osteochondrosis.

It is necessary to lift the loads correctly - straighten the spine, bend the lower back, load closer to the body. If the lifting of objects is carried out slowly in this position, traumatism is practically excluded.

When doing exercises in training, there are often cases of stretching the muscles of the back. Especially if you train yourself.

Therefore, to do better under the guidance of a personal trainer, which will help distribute the load in accordance with the level of physical fitness.

In medicine, of course, there is no such thing as tearing your back. This phenomenon is called myalgia (in the translation from Greek - pain in the muscles). This term means muscle pain that occurs due to hypertonicity of muscle cells.

Code for micro-10

All diseases are recorded in an international regulatory document under a numerical code - the international classification of diseases, or ICD-10.

The purpose of this document is to analyze morbidity and mortality data in all countries of the world, by coding diagnoses into alphanumeric codes.

Backstopping is identified as an extension of the dorsal muscles:

  • M79.1 Myalgia;
  • M79.9 Disease of soft tissues, unspecified;
  • M00-M99 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue;
  • M65-M68 Lesions of synovial membranes and tendons;
  • M70 Diseases of soft tissues associated with exercise, overload and pressure.

Signs and Symptoms

If you tear your back for the first time, then the symptoms may not immediately manifest. Most often, at the time of injury, the back pierces the acute pain, then it gradually abates and passes into the pulling and aching. Begins to give to the buttocks and lower limbs.

This kind of dull pain, after you tore your back, can be tolerated for a while. But in order to avoid complications, immediately after the appearance of the first signs of stretching the back, you need to see a doctor or take action yourself.

The stretching of muscles in itself is not dangerous, but a sharp lifting of weights can lead to complications:

  • dislocation of the lumbar spine - the swelling of the legs and sharp, unremitting pain testify to this diagnosis;
  • displacement of the vertebrae - compaction and bruising at the site of injury;
  • vertebral hernia - numbness of limbs.

If such complaints occur, after the person has pulled back, it is necessary to undergo an emergency examination in the hospital.

Symptoms of stretching the muscles of the back

  1. It is impossible to straighten the back to the end.
  2. Painful sensations in the loin give back to the legs.
  3. A different kind of painful syndrome in the back, which then grows, then subsides. Pain can be acute, aching, but it does not disappear completely.
  • Back pain can be accompanied by complicated urination and constipation, dysfunction of the genitals.
  • Violation of mobility of the musculoskeletal system. Walking causes an aggravation of pain.
  • Discomfort in the legs of any shape - tingling, lumbago, numbness, pulling pain.
  • If a woman's back is torn in the waist, then she will have additional symptoms in her lower abdomen and, often, a malfunctioning menstrual cycle.
  • If a man has torn his back in the lumbar spine, then there may be a symptom such as a violation of potency.


First of all, after stretching the ligaments of the back, on the focus of inflammation it is necessary to put cold to remove the pain syndrome. And when the acute pain subsides, see a doctor. A torn back is a specialization of a vertebrologist.

In the absence of such a narrow-profile doctor in the clinic, you should consult your family doctor.

Based on the nature of the symptoms and examination, he will refer the patient to a specialist who is engaged in this pathology of the back - neuropathologist, surgeon or orthopedist.

If you pulled your back, then there are such types of pathologies:

  • muscle spasm;
  • stretching of muscular ligaments and tissues;
  • trauma of the spine;
  • pinched nerve.

The type of pathology the doctor determines upon examination. Based on the identified type, the following diagnostic types can be assigned:

After passing the necessary diagnosis, the doctor determines the most accurate diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment.

What to do and how to treat a torn back

If a person has broken his lower back, he needs to lie on a firm surface, put a cold compress on the bottom of his back. Cold will relieve swelling and pain. Do not use muscle ointments or massage.

The first time after injury is forbidden to warm the sore spot, since heat causes an increase in edema and inflammation.

The stretching of the lumbar muscles is especially dangerous, because the nerve roots of the vessels responsible for the blood supply of the lower extremities can be affected.

What can subsequently cause various problems with the legs, up to loss of mobility. Therefore, the person who ripped the lower back, you need to see a doctor in the near future.

Treatment of a torn back consists of the following stages:

  • Removal of pain syndrome and inflammatory process.
  • Withdrawal of muscle spasm.
  • Strengthening of weakened muscles and cartilaginous tissue.
  • Correction of bone disorders.
  • When stretching the muscles of the back, medicamental treatment is applied in combination with physiotherapy.

With periodic repetition of problems with the back, of course, you can also treat muscle stretching yourself at home. But only with the manifestation of a single symptom - acute pain. With additional complaints, you need to go to the hospital.


  1. Removal of pain syndrome and inflammatory process.
    Medicamentous treatment of stretching of the back muscles consists in anesthetizing and removing the inflammatory process, edema. The doctor prescribes complex therapy based on the patient's condition. Analgesics in the form of tablets or injections are used only for acute pain, since they have a number of side effects. Most often doctors prescribe drugs such as baralgin, analgin. High efficacy in this case have nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ointments from stretching, which have a pronounced analgesic effect. This ointment is based on diclofenac, ibuprofen, lidocaine. For example, Ketoprofen, Voltaren. Such drugs relieve inflammation and reduce swelling of tissues. The first 2 days after injury, you can not use warming ointments or otherwise warm your back. Heat provokes further inflammation. Therefore, after 2-3 days after the injury, warming gels, creams are connected to the therapy. The analgesic effect of this type of ointment is due to the expansion of blood vessels and a distracting warming effect. Muscles relax, and the blood supply of tissues improves. These preparations are Finalgon, Fastum, Apizatron.
  2. The removal of muscle spasm is the most important task of therapy. Preparations that promote muscle relaxation are used in the form of injections, tablets only under the supervision of a doctor, since they have side effects. Some of the most highly effective are Baclofen, Midokalm, Isoprotan.
  3. Strengthening of weakened muscles and cartilaginous tissue.

After removing acute conditions and normalizing the patient's health, a course of chondroprotectors is prescribed. These are drugs that repair cartilage tissue and protect it from damage in the future. This is Teraflex, Chondroxide, Mukosat.

Physiotherapy and massage

If I tore my back, in this case, drug therapy is carried out in conjunction with physiotherapy.

1. Removal of pain syndrome and inflammatory process.
At the first stage, electrophoresis is used. This physiotherapy ensures rapid penetration of drugs directly to the lesion focus. Relieves pain, inflammation and swelling.

2. Withdrawal of muscle spasm.

To remove muscle spasm and additional anesthesia, the following physiotherapy procedures are used:

  • heating;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • therapeutic gymnastics (only under the supervision of an instructor).

3. Strengthening of weakened muscles and cartilaginous tissue.
At this stage, high efficiency is provided by: massage and exercise therapy.

The massage procedure is carried out by the course, and therapeutic gymnastics is useful to do constantly. But it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a physiotherapist.

LFK strengthens the muscular corset of the back, provides mobility of the joints and cartilaginous tissue.

4. Correction of bone disorders.
When the spine is damaged, a method such as manual therapy is used. The doctor returns the displaced vertebrae to the anatomical site.

How to treat at home

It is quite possible to heal a torn back in the home. The main rule is the restriction of mobility and bed rest.

If, in addition to acute pain, gradually turning into pulling, a person who does not experience any other symptoms can be treated independently.

But if the pain is concentrated in one area, and it does not subside even when lying on a hard surface, you need to undergo a diagnosis.

As an anesthetic, it is better to apply cold locally or Kuznetsov's applicator. This device with sharp needles, which affect the nerve endings and relieve pain.

It must be remembered that in the first 2 days after the injury you can not warm your back.

If the inflammation does not go away, you need to use anti-inflammatory ointments with analgesic effect - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.

The second day after the injury is treated with heat:

  • a warm place to warm a belt of sheep or dog hair until the pain syndrome disappears;
  • on the place of injury, paste a pepper patch;
  • heating with salt - warm salt in a tissue bag to attach to the focus of pain.
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But if the measures taken did not help cure the back, then you need to see a doctor.


Every person who has ever pulled back muscles knows that this is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations that limit mobility.

Everyone can tear a back, but people at risk are engaged in heavy physical labor and suffer from chronic diseases of the spine.

Preventive actions:

  • The spine is surrounded by a muscular corset. Exercising the back muscles provides extra protection for the spinal column.
  • Excess weight - additional burden on the spine. Weight is better to keep in norm.
  • Before you do heavy physical work, you need to do a gymnastics, warming up the muscles. And with chronic diseases of the spine it is recommended to wear orthopedic devices for the back.
  • In a daily diet, you must include products containing calcium.
  • Distribute the load you need correctly - the same weight for 2 hands. But it's better to use a backpack.
  • It is necessary to lift the weights correctly - the back should be leveled, the load should be kept on the outstretched hands closer to the body. The movements are slow and smooth.

Backfiring is a very unpleasant pathology, from which no one is immune. This condition is dangerous because it can lead to serious complications, so it is important to begin treatment immediately after the injury.

Modern medicine quickly copes with such a disease, but the patient requires mandatory compliance with preventive measures.

After frequent back pains can lead to chronic diseases of the spine.

A source: https://MoiPozvonochnik.ru/otdely-pozvonochnika/pozvonochnik/sorval-spinu-chto-delat

What to do if I tore my back: how to treat a trauma at home and prevent the development of dangerous complications

Against the backdrop of exorbitant physical activity, there is often acute pain in the lower back, muscle spasm, stiffness of movements. Any change in the position of the body causes painful symptoms. People say: "I tore my back."

How to treat at home? How to avoid displacement of vertebrae when lifting weights and sudden movements? How to properly provide first aid for a backbreaking? Answers in the article.

Causes and predisposing factors

The main negative factor, against which the pathological process develops, is a high physical load. A person can tear his back if he does not adhere to the rules of industrial safety or does not know how to transfer weights to everyday life.

Zadnebokovoe or posterior displacement of the intervertebral discs provokes the pinching of the nerve roots of the spinal nerve. For this reason, painful pains occur.

Also, when the back is broken, the bend is limited, the nerve endings between the vertebrae experience additional compression, an inflammatory process develops, and pain increases.

Main reasons:

  • heavy physical work without the use of mechanisms, for example, digging trenches by hand;
  • lifting and transfer of very heavy loads: sacks with cement, mechanisms, devices;
  • employment by power kinds of sports;
  • sharp jerks when lifting loads;
  • prolonged wearing of a heavy bag in one hand (uneven load on the muscles of the back and spine).

First signs and symptoms

Negative manifestations, vertebrogenic and neurogenic symptoms after disc displacement, with exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis against the background are pronounced. Sharp, painful pain bothers not only in the zone of the waist, but also gives to the legs, the area of ​​the buttocks.

There are also other symptoms:

  • numbness, unpleasant tingling, burning sensation in the lumbar region;
  • limitation of mobility: the slightest movement increases pain;
  • difficult to straighten your back;
  • develop constipation and urination disorder;
  • general weakness appears;
  • the lumbar zone swells;
  • gradually the pain becomes aching, drawing;
  • stiffness, spasm of the muscles of the waist.

On a note!If a person tore his back, a dangerous dislocation of vertebrae occurred, then the pain will necessarily be acute, a lump appears in the lumbar region. If there is an ordinary stretching of the muscles without damaging the vertebral structures, the pain will be noisy, the additional signs are less pronounced.

First Aid Rules

What if I tore my back? How to get rid of lumbago in the lower back and prevent dangerous consequences for the spine?the main thing- Do not aggravate the condition of the victim by improper actions, in time to seek qualified help.

Medical recommendations:

  • put the patient on an even, sure, hard surface. It is important to act carefully, try to bend your back less, so as not to provoke increased pain;
  • to eliminate discomfort, ease the painful manifestations of applying on the waist zone a gel or ointment from the pain in the back of the NSAID group with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly act the compounds: Amelotex gel, Nyz, Ketonal, Diclofenac;
  • you can apply cold, if you know for sure that a man tore his back. Sometimes acute pain in the lower back appears with the inflammatory process in the kidneys, gynecological diseases: with the development of these types of pathologiesthe use of cold compresses is prohibited;
  • in the first three days after the attack, you can not rub your back with warming ointments, so as not to intensify the inflammatory process;
  • with unbearable pain, you need to call a team of doctors to conduct a medical blockade of the spine. In severe condition, the patient is placed in the neurological department for inpatient therapy.

Rules and methods of further treatment

After rendering first aid, the patient is examined by a doctor. It is important to do an x-ray of the spine and MRI to find out how much the discs are displaced, whether there is bone damage.

If the doctor allows therapy at home, then you need to remember all the rules, so that uncontrolled use of drugs and folk remedies do not worsen the condition of the spine and back muscles.

Tasks of treatment:

  • suppress the inflammatory process;
  • to relieve the victim of the pain syndrome;
  • to eliminate muscular spasm, to relax the strained ligaments;
  • restore mobility of the lumbar region.


With a backstab, you will need a set of drugs:

  • means for external application: Diclofenac, Nyz, Ketonal. Three times a day you need to rub the lower back with the composition of the NSAID group to eliminate inflammation and pain syndrome;
  • a good analgesic effect is given by local remedies with lidocaine, menthol, ibuprofen. The formulations apply the first three days after the attack;
  • after eliminating the inflammatory process, reducing the temperature, reducing pain, you can use ointments with warming components.Drugs are recommended by a doctor.A good effect gives warming ointments Capsicum, Apizarthron, Menovazine, Viprosal, Fastum-gel. After processing the waist area, you need to wrap this area with a warm scarf or woolen shawl. A warming back belt made of sheep or dog fur is forbidden to be worn on the body after applying ointments with bee or snake venom, extract of red pepper, mustard or camphor oil;
  • a good analgesic effect gives the plaster Versasitis with lidocaine. The strips are impregnated with an anesthetic solution. To reduce the strength of the pain syndrome, you need to remove the protective coating, fix the plate from the adhesive (sticky) material on the body. Plaster Versas is not visible under the clothes, it can be used not only at home, but also during the working day;
  • plaster Voltaren contains diclofenac. The tool not only anesthetizes, but also reduces inflammation. Another type of medical plasters is Nanoplast Forte. A positive result from the use of plates combining the action of the magnetic field and powder of rare earth metals is noted by 2/3 of the patients;
  • to eliminate acute pain the doctor prescribes vitamins of group B and combined preparations with useful components: Kombilipen, Milgamma, Trigamma. Strong injections can be done no more than three days, then to consolidate the effect the patient takes vitamin complexes with pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, biotin, cyanocobalamin during 7-14 days. Effective combined drugs in tablets: Neuromultivitis, Kombilipen Tubs, Neurobex Neo;
  • central muscle relaxants. With severe pain, injections are necessary, after a decrease in the strength of negative feelings, the patient continues the course of treatment with the use of tablets. Effective means: Midokalm, Sirdalud, Baclofen;
  • with excruciating pain in the lower back, corticosteroids are prescribed. The course of application is short - 3-5 days, during the period of treatment high doses of anti-inflammatory drugs with active analgesic action are needed. Effective injections: Methylprednisolone, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Betamethasone;
  • drug blockade. If the lesions of the vertebrae and discs are so serious that other types of analgesics and NSAIDs do not give appreciable relief, then doctors prescribe injections directly into painful points. For injections, painkillers (Lidocaine, Novocain, Mesocaine, Xylocalin) are combined with auxiliary drugs to enhance the effect (Hydrocortisone, Suprastin, Dimedrol, thiamine, Papaverin, No-shpa).

Additional measures to eliminate pain syndrome

The early recovery of the optimal condition of the back muscles, damaged discs and vertebrae depends on the approach to therapy.

It is important to take not only systemic means, but also apply gels, ointments. You need to go through a set of procedures, use medical devices.

It is important to coordinate all actions with a vertebrologist or a neurologist.

Useful methods and procedures:

  • wearing a supporting or warming corset for the waist: the type of the product is chosen by the doctor depending on the type of tissue damage;
  • physiotherapy: electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, turpentine baths;
  • back massage;
  • sleep on the orthopedic mattress;
  • refusal of exercise;
  • carrying out hirudotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture, reflexotherapy;
  • influence on the painful zone with the device Almag-01. Use of the traveling magnetic field is allowed after elimination of acute inflammatory process;
  • The use of multi-needle devices for action on bioactive points. A good curative effect is provided by Kuznetsov's applicator and Lyapko's applicator. The impact of needles on the problem area activates blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, reduces pain, normalizes metabolic processes;
  • application of home ointment with rosemary or fir ether, application of hot compress from parboiled leaves of burdock. These methods are resolved after the elimination of the inflammatory process.

It is important to know what signs indicate that a person has torn his back. It is necessary to provide first aid, refer to a doctor for examination of the victim. Doctors recommend combining non-medicamentous and medicamental methods of treatment for the speedy restoration of the health of the back and spine.

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/travmy/sorval-spinu.html