Massage techniques: classical massage techniques


  • 1How to make a massage
    • 1.1Basic techniques
    • 1.2Stroking
    • 1.3Massage with moderate and deep pressure
    • 1.4Lymphatic drainage
    • 1.5Vibration
  • 2Basic techniques and techniques for performing classical massage
  • 3General classical massage: receptions, technique (+ video)
    • 3.1Mechanism of action
    • 3.2Indications
    • 3.3Contraindications
    • 3.4Technique, receptions in massage
  • 4Classical massage: characteristics and differences
    • 4.1Benefit
    • 4.2Types and Distinctions
    • 4.3Basic techniques and techniques of execution
    • 4.4Contraindications for skin diseases
    • 4.5Cost
  • 5General classical full body massage, exercise technique, basic techniques
    • 5.1Indications and contraindications
    • 5.2Rules and tips
    • 5.3Technique of execution
  • 6Classical massage - receptions
    • 6.1Stroking in the form of sliding
    • 6.2Trituration
    • 6.3Kneading
    • 6.4Vibration stimulates dormant nerves

How to make a massage

Massage is a specific system of action on the body with the purpose of treating and preventing various diseases.

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The main techniques of massage are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, sports and in everyday life. A detailed description of each reception will help to understand in more detail how to do massage.

Few people know that the procedure consists of three main parts: preparatory, basic and final.

Before you do the massage, you need to prepare and warm up the body

  • The preparatory part includes the basic techniques of classical massage: rubbing, stroking and kneading the main muscle group:
  • The main part consists of special techniques of segmental massage;
  • The final part includes the techniques of stroking, stretching and shaking muscles.

During the session, the patient lies on the stomach, the head is turned to the side, arms are stretched along the trunk.

Basic techniques

Massage consists of five basic techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing, effleurage and vibration.

Each technique carries a certain information and function.

Therefore, using various methods of massage, you can in a special way affect different parts of the body: blood vessels, muscles, nerves, internal organs.

To better understand the technique, we will study each technique separately.


In other words, stroking is called "eflerazh which means "caressing" from French. As a rule, this procedure starts and ends the whole procedure.

It should be used after each subsequent administration, previously applying oil for massage on the skin.

Movement smooth, soft, gentle, soothing, with a stronger depression in the direction of the heart, and less strong in the opposite direction. This contributes to the outflow of venous blood and lymph.

The hands should be positioned as follows: the fingers are firmly pressed, the palms completely repeat all the contours of the patient's body. This technique is performed without stopping and detaching hands from the body.

In particular, this massage technique is divided into: rectilinear, circular and wavy.

  • Straight stroking

Straight-line stroking occurs as follows: hands should be tightly pressed to the body, light, slightly pressed smooth movements should slide upwards downwards. With each successive time, try to capture a large area of ​​the body.

The image shows the technique of straight stroking

The hands are tightly pressed to the surface of the body, the arms are made smooth by large circular motions, alternating between the right and left hands. Cover as much as possible of the body surface. Start from the top, gradually moving down. When you reach the bottom, return to the starting position.

Circular stroking

  • Wavy stroking

Wavy technique is as follows: during rectilinear massage, reaching the top of the back, it is necessary to return gently to the starting position, thereby making wavy movements downward.

Soft undulating movements from the bottom up

Massage with moderate and deep pressure

Any process of massage begins with stroking, further accompanying rubbing and kneading with stronger pressure on the skin and tissue.

This pressure is made with the fingers, the base of the palm and the edge of the palm.

In this case, the masseur needs to skillfully use not only the strength of the hands, but also the weight of his own body.

Kneading can be done with the thumb. This type is called "petrice". The specificity of this technique lies in the impact on the muscles adjacent to the bone. The power in the fingers here does not hurt.

We turn to the technique with a deep and moderate pressure

After each application of a certain method, ask the patient for painful sensations, as each person has his own pain limit. Massage with moderate and deep pressure can be divided into: kneading, stretching, kneading fingers and kneading fingers from yourself.

Mening is done as follows: with one hand, grasp the necessary area of ​​the body, the other grasp the muscles, as if rolling with a light effort. Then press the second hand, and mash the first. Alternating both hands, walk this way throughout the body.

With one hand, we press the skin, with the edge of the other hand gently begin to pull back the soft tissues. Then, move your right hand to the next area of ​​the skin, just as you do the technique.

  • Counter kneading fingers

The pads of the thumbs should be tightly pressed against the skin, then you gradually move them towards each other. In this case, a zigzag fold is formed.

  • Knocking your fingers away from yourself

Alternately, repel the skin with the thumbs of both hands with rectilinear or circumscribing movements. To force the impact was greater - use the weight of your own body.

Lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system is responsible for a balanced fluid balance both in the blood and in all organs. Lymph is the main tissue fluid that carries the nutrition of cells and removes the products of metabolism from them.

After that, most of the lymph flows into the blood through the capillaries, and the rest is collected in the lymph vessels. Here she misses the products of cell activity and pathogenic organisms. After, the lymph goes into the veins.

The heart does not pump the lymph, it moves through the vessels due to contractions of the muscles.

Therefore, massage and exercise are also important for the health of the body and resistance to various diseases.

The technique of lymphatic drainage removes from the body the products of metabolism

Raise the shin with your left hand and place it at a right angle to the body. Take the shin in the lock with both hands near the ankle. Then perform light massaging movements, slowly pushing and moving down. After, go back to the starting position and repeat the technique again.

The arm should be bent at the elbow, placing it vertically. Tightly grasp your hand with your fingers, connected in a ring. With gentle, gentle strokes, move down towards the elbow.

Grasp the partner's shoulder with both hands, bend his hand in such a way that his palm rest on the other shoulder. Tightly wrap your arm around the ring and slowly move down.


The process of vibration consists in the transmission of vibrational and trembling movements to a particular area of ​​the body. This technique is very vigorous: it improves blood circulation, removes metabolic products, relieves muscle tension. In addition, vibration can lead to stagnation in the lungs.

Vibration perfectly removes the muscle tension, improving blood circulation

Hold patting and tapping movements is soft and at ease. Vibrating movements should be conducted in a moderate, rhythmic, calm key, giving pleasure to a person.

Once you have warmed up your body well enough, boldly proceed to vibrate movements. Use this technique to massage only soft areas of the body.

Vibration is divided into: pinching, rapping, chopping, patting.

The technique of pinching is as follows: you slightly pinch the muscle, then quickly release it. Treat this method with the entire body area.

Squeeze your fists and start to "drum" the body quickly.

For this type of massage you need to relax your hands, keep your fingers free, move the movements only with the palm of your hand alternately changing hands.

You should squeeze your hands in a handful and quickly pat on the skin.

The presented video will help to understand in more details how to make a massage properly.

Correctly conducted technique will necessarily give a positive result and solve health problems. Take care of your health at any age. If you are still neutral about the massage - it's time to reconsider your decision and prioritize.

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Basic techniques and techniques for performing classical massage

The massage techniques used in classical techniques include grinding, stroking, squeezing, vibration and much more.

This page presents a massage technique that can be used at home. It should be understood that the technique of performing a massage should be backed up by work experience.

Only in this case the technique of classical massage will bring the desired results in the form of improving the human condition.

The massage was born a long time ago. Its history is more than one millennium. Massage was used in antiquity for the treatment of many diseases, for example, rheumatism, dislocations, muscle spasms. He still does not lose his miraculous power and popularity.

Massage is a set of methods of mechanical action on the human body, including stroking, friction, pressure on the body surface. Further, classical massage techniques are considered that are aimed at improving blood flow and lymph flow in various parts of the human body.

Depending on the nature and location of the massage application, one can achieve one or another desired effect (decrease or strengthening of nervous excitability), because under the influence of massage the functional state of the cortex of the head the brain.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, strengthens the circulation of lymph, blood and interstitial fluid.

To increase the effectiveness of the massage, special aromatic fragrant oils, creams, gels and ointments are used, the therapeutic effect of which, thanks to massage, only increases. Massage independently existed in different countries.

The massage technique prescribed by ancient Roman, ancient Greek, ancient Chinese physicians, included a variety of techniques.

To date, after numerous changes, the following main methods of massage are singled out: stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking, rubbing, active and passive movements, movements with resistance, percussion techniques, shaking. This sequence of actions is especially important.

The techniques of stroking in massage, suggesting that both hands of the masseur only slide over the skin with varying degrees of pressure, without moving it into the folds.

This is the first contact of a specialist with a patient, performed at the very beginning of the massage. Stroking can also be used in the middle of a massage session as a soothing effect after a hard procedure.

The technique of massage stroking beneficially affects the peripheral nerve endings.

With its application, the skin is cleansed of horny scales, the remnants of the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, and this, in turn, activates skin respiration and secretory functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Stroking enhances metabolic processes in the skin, has a relaxing and analgesic effect, improves skin tone, facilitates the outflow of blood and lymph, tones and trains vessels.

The main methods of stroking in massage are planar and embracing stroking. They can be superficial and deep. With a superficial massage the expert gently and effortlessly performs stroking.

At the same time as a result of induced inhibition in the cortical end of the skin analyzer there is a calming effect on the nervous system, skin vessels are activated, metabolic processes are stimulated.

With a deep massage, the massage arm exerts pressure, thereby actively affecting the circulation in the massaged area.

Distinguish between continuous and intermittent stroking in massage, a variation of the latter is alternate stroking - a procedure, in which only one hand completes stroking, the second hand is carried over it and performs the same movements, but in the opposite direction direction.

Rubbing and stroking in a massage is a technique in which the hand of the masseur does not slip over the skin as in stroking, but shifts it, producing shearing and stretching of the skin in different directions.

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Rubbing is most often performed in places not supplied with blood, and where there are stagnant phenomena, on the skin with burns, neuritis, neuralgia.

When grinding the massage therapist more vigorously affects the massaged areas and, consequently, increases the mobility of the massaged tissues. Rubbing causes loosening, crushing of pathological formations, contributes to the elimination of edema, resorption of various deposits.

Rubbing increases the elasticity and mobility of muscles, as well as the amplitude of movements in the joint.

Grind out rubbing with the fingers, the elbow of the palm and the supporting part of the hand. Rubbing the ulnar edge of the hand is used on large joints - the hip, elbow, knee, back and abdomen.

Rubbing of the supporting part of the hand is carried out on large muscle layers - back muscles, gluteus muscles, hips.

Straight-line grinding is done by the end phalanxes of one or several fingers during massage of small muscle groups in the face, hand, foot, joints, and major nerve trunks.

Rubbing with fingers is recommended for facial massage, scalp, back, hands, feet, joints, tendons and intercostal spaces.

Massage in massage is the main method for any massage, which takes most of the time of the entire session.

Massage techniques kneading are designed primarily to affect the muscles, but at the same time in relation to the muscles kneading performs the role of passive gymnastics.

Mashing involves 2-3 phases of execution:

  • grabbing a massaged area;
  • pulling, squeezing;
  • rolling, crushing (mashing).

The main methods of kneading are longitudinal and transverse.

Longitudinal kneading is performed along the muscle fibers that form the abdomen, or the body, the muscles, along the axis of the muscles, connecting the tendon of the beginning and attachment tendon.

This type of kneading is used for massage of the muscles of the extremities, in the pelvic region, back, chest, abdomen and lateral surfaces of the neck.

Kneading increases the elasticity of muscle tissue, activates the contractile function of muscles, gas exchange processes and nutrition of tissues, relieves muscle fatigue, increases muscle strength and improves blood supply, causes impulses in receptors embedded in muscle tissues, which are transmitted to the central nervous system and lead to reflex changes in the muscular apparatus.

Rubbing with fingers is recommended for facial massage, scalp, back, hands, feet, joints, tendons and intercostal spaces.

Transverse kneading assumes that the hands of the masseur occupy a transverse position in relation to the massaged muscle.

Massage of muscle fibers is perpendicular to their direction. Transverse kneading is performed on the limbs, back, pelvic area, abdomen, cervical region.

This kind of kneading should be done starting with the abdomen of the muscle, gradually moving up to the tendon.

At any kind of kneading, one should not allow slipping hands on the skin and sharp jerks.

Vibration in massage is such a technique, in which the oscillation of a different speed and amplitude is transmitted to the massed area. Since the tissues are resilient, the mechanical vibrations that arise when they massage on their surface, in the form of waves, propagate through the tissues and muscles.

Intermittent vibration, as a massage technique, is also called a shock, and consists in applying single, rhythmically following successive strokes

The selection is made by the palm surface of the terminal phalanx of one finger, large and index (or index, middle and nameless), large and other fingers, palm, fist.

To inflict blows, the elbow of the palm is used, the back surface of slightly diluted fingers, palm with bent or compressed fingers, the tips of the half-bent fingers, a fist clenched in one or both hands alternately.

Vibration has a strong and diverse effect on deeply located tissues, bones, nerves, affecting many organs and vessels.

When puncturing, pads of the end phalanx of the index and middle fingers are used, separately or together.

Puncturing can be performed simultaneously with both hands or sequentially, using one brush or both.

By massaging the weakened muscles of the limbs or scalp, it is possible to perform labile puncture - puncture with displacement, in which the direction of movement coincides with the direction of the massage lines and the nearest lymph nodes.

In the pat on the palms of one or two hands are involved, while the fingers of the masseur are slightly bent and during the strokes they soften the blow.

During the slamming, the forearms of the masseur must be bent at a straight or obtuse angle, and the brushes must bend or unbend in the wrist joint.

Massage by patting is done this way: with both hands the masseur's hands act on the skin alternately

Felting is a massage technique, which is a rhythmic impact on tissue, in which there is a response - a reflex rhythmic contraction of the skeletal and smooth musculature.

The use of the method of effleurage helps to improve the blood supply of tissues and increase their tone.

The behavior of the masseur, when performing effleurage is very important, because the stress of the specialist's brush can cause unpleasant pain.

Shaking is performed without lifting the hands of the massage therapist from the massaged area. This technique is a fast, rhythmic, reciprocating movements that are produced by individual fingers or the entire brush in different directions.

Shaking is used for spasms of abdominal muscles, lower extremities, larynx.

When making ruble, the elbow edges of the hand are used, which are in a semi-bent position at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.

The masseuse must bend the forearms at a straight or obtuse angle and make brushes bringing and removing in the wrist joint - these movements constitute the essence of this technique.

Chopping has a profound effect on tissues, it is used for back, limb, chest and wide body massage.

Vibrations obtained by rubbing affect the internal organs.

Shaking is a massage that is performed solely on the upper or lower extremities. It should be made with one or two hands.

If this method is performed on the lower extremities, it is necessary to fix the ankle joint, and the knee straighten and shake in the vertical plane.

If you shake the upper limbs, you need to fix the brush massaged "handshake" and produce a massage in the horizontal flatness.

Quilting is a massage technique in which a massage therapist makes a tangent stroke on a massaged area with a brush.

Quilting is done with one or more fingers and is used in the technique of cosmetic massage. This technique is often used for muscle paresis.

If it is necessary to apply quilting on a large surface of the body, for example, with obesity, scar changes in the skin, the entire palm is used in the massage.

The massage stimulation activates blood circulation and blood flow, has analgesic effect, strengthens the processes occurring in the tissues, promotes the disappearance of stagnant and edematic phenomena

Distinguish between squeezing in the massage with the palm rim, the palm base and lateral squeezing. Squeezing is usually combined with kneading and is performed rhythmically, otherwise the passage of the lymph is difficult.

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General classical massage: receptions, technique (+ video)

Classical massage is an excellent way of therapeutic and preventive effects on the human body.

Massage is very often used in neurology and the reasons for this mass, among them and useful tonic restorative effect, and vasoactive effect, and the effect of improving metabolism and much more.

This article will tell you about the mechanisms of the massage, the techniques and the correct technique, the indications and contraindications to the conduct of procedures, and also will allow to get acquainted with the general principles of conducting classical receptions of massage.

  1. Mechanism of action
  2. Indications
  3. Contraindications
  4. Techniques and Techniques

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of the massage is to manipulate soft tissues. Through this influence indirectly it is possible to achieve various physiological changes in the human body:

  • Strengthening of blood circulation, venous outflow and lymphatic drainage effect. These effects in general significantly improve the nutrition of tissues, which contributes to a decrease in the intensity of inflammation processes, enhance the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Influence on muscle tone. Different massage techniques can lead to both relaxation of the muscles and to their strengthening. This effect is very important for all diseases of the spine, with the consequences of strokes, multiple sclerosis and many other diseases.
  • Reduction of pain. Achieves by soft impact on the fabric. Monotonous, repetitive motions lead to a reduction in painful impulses.
  • Reflex effects. Massage techniques lead to a different reflex effect on internal organs. Accurate knowledge of reflex points and zones in combination with competent influence on them can lead to an amazing health effect. In classical massage is practically not used.


Virtually all diseases of the nervous system are an indication for a massage.

Classical massage is used for degenerative changes in the spine, with the consequences of acute pathology, with chronic progressive diseases.

Also, this procedure is perfectly combined with all medicinal and non-drug therapies.

Massage is strongly recommended for the following pathology:


Despite the safety and wide range of applications, massage, unfortunately, has its contraindications to the appointment.

It is necessary to allocate absolute contraindications, in which massage of any zone can not be carried out, and relative at which it is necessary to correlate risk and benefit from the procedure.

Sometimes there are also temporary contraindications, in which it is necessary to wait until unwanted phenomena go away.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Malignant neoplasms of any localization.
  • Pregnancy, aggravated by the threat of miscarriage, eclampsia and other pathologies.

Relative contraindications:

  • The treated malignant tumors without relapse for a long time (with the patient's consent and familiarity with the risks).
  • Benign neoplasm.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Chronic skin pathology (psoriasis, scleroderma, etc.), especially in the stage of exacerbation.
  • Decompensation of somatic pathology (diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, bronchial asthma, etc.).

Temporary contraindications include acute infectious processes, including viral nature, pustular skin rashes, open skin lesions.

Technique, receptions in massage

Classical massage is simple enough to study, provided knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. There are only 4 main methods of massage, different pace of exercise, intensity and time, the combination of which gives completely different therapeutic effects.

The first method is stroking. This method presents a superficial effect on the skin and subcutaneous fat.

This method in all cases begins, ends with a classic massage, and alternate all other techniques.

Fast and superficial performance has an exciting effect, a deep and slow - calming. By time, stroking is taken from 25 to 40% of the entire procedure.

After stroking, rubbing is usually performed. Rubbing differs from stroking by a faster rate of execution, as well as by mandatory displacement of the skin fold, which is not the case when the first procedure is performed.

Reception is performed in various ways, but its action should be noted. Performing rubbing along the course of muscle fibers leads to their relaxation, across - to an increase in tone.

Grinding is allocated from 15 to 35% of the time.

Mashing is the main method of classical massage. When kneading, it affects the deep tissues. It is kneading that produces the most powerful effect.

The technique and action of kneading is similar to that of grinding. Longitudinal performance of the reception leads to relaxation, the transverse - to toning of the muscle mass.

The kneading takes up to half the entire time of the procedure.

The last step is vibration. Vibration in classical massage is not always used. The influence of vibration, depending on the intensity, can be carried out both on the surface and the deepest structures.

In conclusion, it should be said that classical massage is an ideal balanced method of manual manipulation, which is very difficult to harm.

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Classical massage: characteristics and differences

Generally speaking, massage is an established system of receptions used for dosed effects (manually or with the help of specially adapted mechanisms) into separate parts of the body, including organs, and tissue.

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Today there are many modern varieties and classifications of these procedures, but the most famous and popular of them is the classic (Swedish) massage (very often this phrase is used without an adjective), which is a general or local manual processing body.

Usually it is used in a complex with other kinds of physiotherapeutic treatment.


Classic massage is appliedfor prevention and treatmenta number of ailments, sometimes even giving a greater effect than drug treatment.

Thanksactive stimulationfunctioning of all organs of the body, it refreshes the body, and the hormone endorphin produced in its process gives us a wonderful state of health.

All this is also facilitated by specially designed massage oils, which contain natural active ingredients. It is applied to the patient's body immediately before the procedure.

Uniqueness of massagelies in the fact that it comprehensively affects the body.

After the massage procedure, the human body undergoes the following positive changes:

  • Muscular structures become much more elastic and flexible;
  • receiving additional oxygen injections, the skin rejuvenates, getting rid of dead cells;
  • due to the activation of metabolic processes, there is an intense decomposition of fats, the withdrawal of decay products from the body is catalyzed;
  • the process of tissue regeneration is normalized;
  • improves the blood circulation of blood vessels;
  • increases efficiency;
  • the activity of internal organs is activated;
  • improves the state of the nervous system;
  • calms of pain;

And this is far from the ultimate list of miraculous properties of the procedure. Unconditionally, with the reservation that it is performed according to all the rules of massage techniques.

Types and Distinctions

Existthe following varietiesThis type of massage - hygienic, sports, medical, cosmetic.

goalhygienic massage- Strengthen the body and support its health, to ensure the prevention of all kinds of ailments.

primary goalsports massage -prevent injuries, stretching associated with extreme body overload.

Find out what oil to use for erotic massage.

It differsfor training massage, adapting the athlete to increased stress and restorative, which returns the body to normal after (or during) heavy competitions, exhausting training, relieves stress and overload, has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the athlete.

Appointmenttherapeutic massage -eliminate symptoms of disease.

Cosmetic massageis prescribed to improve the condition of the skin, preserve its health, improve the plastic and external type, protection from premature aging, and also with the purpose of correction of a number of cosmetic shortcomings.

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Basic techniques and techniques of execution

In order to correctly design the scheme of the massage procedure, the specialist should first of all specify which reflex changes occur in muscles and connective tissues, understand the features and understand the places of pain syndromes.

For this purpose, classical massage, as a rule, is preceded bydiagnostic.

The first stage of classical massage -stroking.It anticipates and ends all massage procedures.

The essence of this process is a constant, but weak pressing of the palm on specific areas. In this case, the hands of the masseur move to the nearest large lymph nodes.

Next step -triturationwith the help of the palm, knuckles or thumbs or the palm of the hand.

The lower the process speed, the higher the impact. There are several options for rubbing, which are applied, depending on the need.

Of the main purposes of grindingwe note the improvement of blood circulation, a reduction in the total elimination of pain.

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The third method -kneading.

This technique is quite complex and requires good skills.

The last step of classical massage -vibration.

The method consists in shaking, tapping, patting the patient's body.

On the video: the basic techniques

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Receptions of the massage in the picture

This type of massage is classifiedAlso, depending on the local task, process a specific area of ​​the body or zone. It can be a dorsal, cervical area, face, limbs and abdomen.

With a general classical massage, the muscles of the whole body. The process begins from the back, ends with the lower, then - the upper limbs.

Contraindications for skin diseases

Classical massagecontraindicatedwith certain diseases of the skin and lymphatic system, neoplasms, with pulmonary, cardiac and renal failure, acute inflammatory processes, febrile conditions, thrombosis, severe sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the immune system, serious mental diseases.

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The cost of the classical massage procedure depends on the specific type of procedure, the time it takes to perform it, the zone to be treated, the location of the procedure,

For example,a half-hour general classical massage costs from 1500 rubles, therapeutic massage - from 3000 rubles.

The services of professional masseurs can be used in specialized clinics, salons, as well as at home.

Salon sessionfor massage costs around 2500-3000 rubles.

Private masseurwill do the same work for a smaller fee - within 2000 rubles.

In addition, the cost of massage services increases in proportion to the body weight of the patient-an average of about ten percent for every ten kilograms.

Prophylactic massage proceduresit is best to spend twice a year - in spring and autumn. And that the massage really had an effective effect and did not harm your body, use the services of only professional certified masseurs.

In this case, you are guaranteed to improve the quality of your life, once again making it full and interesting!

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General classical full body massage, exercise technique, basic techniques

Modern life, with its intensive pace, weakly contributes to the maintenance of health and good mood.

General classical massage will help relax the muscles after a long working day, strengthen the body and gain strength.

The procedure should be carried out to maintain vigor and well-being, as well as for the prevention of various diseases.

Indications and contraindications

General massage has an extensive list of indications.

The procedure is carried out with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, respiratory and digestive organs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Massage is effective during metabolic disorders and functional disorders. It is prescribed as an additional therapy for gynecological problems and diseases of the urogenital system.

Methods of massage are aimed at treating many diseases and pathological conditions. The procedure helps with headache and joint pain, swelling, hypertension, peptic ulcer.

Effective will be the use of general classical massage exercises as an additional treatment for injuries, stretches of tendons, ligaments and muscles.

Exercise relieves stress, chronic fatigue and insomnia, as well as symptoms of overwork.

Unfortunately, the procedure is not available to everyone. Before the massage, make sure there are no contraindications.

These are: feverish conditions and inflammatory processes, blood diseases, bleeding, infectious and skin diseases, thromboses, mental problems and other symptoms.

Before the appointment of a course, consult with your doctor and watch a video of general classical massage.

Rules and tips

General massage has a high value for a weakened organism.

It is able to clean the skin from dead cells, stimulate blood flow, accelerate metabolism, eliminate muscle tension and increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels.

To properly perform the massage, you need to follow the following recommendations and tips:

  • throughout the procedure the muscles of the patient's body should be as relaxed as possible;
  • Conduct a session only on clean skin, always with warm hands;
  • exercises begin easily and gently, gradually increasing the intensity of movements;
  • the basic techniques of classical massage - stroking, kneading, vibration, rubbing, squeezing;
  • Before the procedure, apply a massage cream or oil to the body;
  • the number of sessions depends on the age of the patient, his illness and the individual characteristics of the organism;
  • the best time for a massage at home - evening, at bedtime, when the body is most relaxed;
  • Do not take a break between receptions, from one action at once go to another;
  • if desired, you can use aromatic oils that will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • general (classical) therapeutic massage in most cases is practiced in polyclinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums, medical and sports dispensaries and performed by a specialist;
  • during the therapeutic massage used medicinal ointments and gels;
  • before the session, include relaxing music (the noise of the forest or the sea, the singing of birds), this will give a special atmosphere and adjust the patient to the right harmony;
  • End the session by slow, gentle stroking.

Technique of execution

The standard order of massage actions is as follows: start from the back, then go to back of the legs, then flip the patient and continue the procedure from the front of the lower extremities.

Pay attention to the hands, then to the abdomen, cervical collar zone and head. The most important thing is that the exercises affect all parts of the body, and the time of the exercise is equally divided for the left and right limbs.

The technique of general classical massage is as follows:

  1. Start with strokes. Preheat the skin, preparing it for more intense effects. Hands should be directed towards the lymph nodes. Do exercises with your palm, lightly press on the skin.
  2. Rub out the palm and knuckles. Press on the skin until there is light pain to act on the deep tissue. The patient should feel pressure. You can use circular and spiral movements.
  3. Continue the general classical massage of the whole body by rubbing. Grab and mash deeply located muscles. Pay special attention to the back and shoulder area. Mending should increase the mobility of muscles and improve the blood circulation of the body.
  4. Vibration. Shake, lightly beat and pat on the body. This is necessary to stimulate the neuromuscular apparatus and awaken deep receptors. Perform tingle on especially rough parts of the body.
  5. Finish the procedure with gentle strokes. Start from the shoulder area and gradually get down to the feet. After that, allow the patient to rest for a few minutes.

Now you know how to do a classic massage. The massage procedure is an excellent alternative to medical treatment.

In just a few courses correctly performed exercises can save the body from many ailments.

Remember, the main thing in performing a massage is patience and constant training, and skills will come with time. Be healthy and happy.

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Classical massage - receptions

Classical massage is a massage, in the performance of which 4 basic classical ones are used (according to A. F. Verbov) reception: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

In addition to the basic techniques, there are also different options - auxiliary techniques. Not always in one session should use all the tricks. They can be performed with one hand or two (in turn or simultaneously).

You can also use a combined one: one hand performs one, the second hand - another.

Stroking in the form of sliding

One of the oldest and most common techniques that is used both in classical massage, and in sports, cosmetic, in the form of a slipping hand massage therapist over the skin without bias.

The division of receptions into basic and auxiliary is very conditional, since in some cases the auxiliary techniques can be basic, and the main ones - auxiliary.

Stroking is recommended to begin and end each massage session, and perform it before each following reception.

Physiological influence.

When performing stroking from the skin, mechanically removed obsolete particles of the epidermis, improves skin breathing, increases fat and sweating; the the metabolic products are quickly removed from the body, the metabolic processes in the zone under study are normalized, and the contractile function of the cutaneous muscles is increased.

Stroking improves lympho- and blood circulation not only in the surface vessels of the massaged area, but also in certain areas that did not massage. The active outflow of lymph, redistribution of blood on the massaged areas helps to eliminate lympho- and hemostasis, reduces stagnation and eliminates swelling.

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Significant is also the effect of stroking on the central and peripheral nervous system.

So, for example, strong and deep stroking acts on the central nervous system, increasing the excitability of the nerves, and superficial planar stroking helps inhibit the higher sections of the central nervous system.

Stroking in the reflexogenic zones (cervical collar, upper thoracic, under the breast, in the abdomen) affects the pathologically altered activity of various tissues and internal organs.

Long-term use of this method allows you to remove or at least reduce pain in traumatic injuries and diseases of the neuromuscular and supporting system.

The basic tricks of stroking- this planar stroking and stroking with girth - use one or two hands. Stroking can be purely superficial and in-depth.

The masseuse is recommended to strengthen the massage techniques when approaching the proximal limb and weaken them, returning to the distal. Stroking is carried out in the form of continuous, uninterrupted slip or intermittent rhythmic movements, depending on the technique of execution.

The stroking can be performed by the palm surface of the final phalanx of the thumb, the palmar surfaces of the fingertips, with the whole palm or a part of it, with the fist, the rear surfaces of the final, middle and basic phalanges of the half-bent fingers.

Stroking can be done longitudinally, transversely, in a zigzag pattern, spirally, circularly, in combination, concentrically.

Planar surface stroking is carried out both along the way and against the flow of lymph; Deep stroking should be done along the lymphatic vessels. In order to improve the outflow of lymph from the segments below, with obvious swelling of the tissues, the reception should start from the segment that lies above.

To auxiliary techniques include: comb-like, rake-shaped, cruciform, tongular.

All receptions perform rhythmically, on average 24-26 strokes per 1 min.


Affects the body more vigorously than stroking. It consists in the displacement or differently directed stretching of the skin along with the underlying tissue.

Admission is only outwardly similar to stroking, but the difference is that it is stronger, and the hands do not just slide over the skin, but move it in motion.

Reception is performed both in the course of lymphatic and blood vessels, and in the opposite direction.

Physiological influence.

Significantly enhancing blood circulation, the processes of metabolism and nutrition of tissues, rubbing cleans spikes when the skin grows together with adjacent tissues, removes and removes deposits in the joints, tendons, strengthens the functions of muscles and increases their tone. With the help of rubbing, it is possible to remove pathological changes in the tissues - hardening in muscles and body covers. With intense grinding at the points of exit of nerve endings and along the nerves, nervous excitability decreases and pain disappears with inflammation of the nerves.

Admission also has a good effect on pathological processes in the joints. During restorative treatment of joints after injuries, with deforming arthrosis and pathological changes in the tissues that surround the joint, rubbing is considered the basic method of classical massage, increases mobility in the joint, reduces hemarthroses, swelling and pain in the area the joint.

Rubbing can be done with one hand or two. For a strong action, one hand can be placed on the other.

He is made fourthe main ways: palmar surfaces of terminal phalanges of one or more fingers; with the entire palm or just the base area of ​​the first and fifth fingers with a classic massage of the back, abdomen and femoral localization; external surface of the hand, forearm or fist on large surfaces (for example, back, abdomen); knuckles of finger phalanges, when the palm is compressed into a fist.

The reception is done directly - longitudinally or in a direction across, in a small area - circular; spiral or zigzag-like - on the back, hips, abdomen.

Auxiliary methods of grinding: sawing, hatching, planing, crossing; Pincer-like, comb-like and rubella-shaped grinding.

Reception is more intense than stroking, so the masseuse needs to be careful when applying it, so as not to damage the skin. It should be alternated with stroking.


Reception, when the massage therapist elastically captures, pulls, shifts, stretches, squeezes, squeezes the tissues of the area under study. The reception is performed in two to three stages: a) fixation, gripping the area; b) squeezing; c) Crushing, directly kneading.

Physiological influence.

Kneading is the basic technique for muscle development. Strengthening the blood supply to the massaged area, the reception improves the trophism of tissues and the removal of waste products, increases the tone and elastic properties of muscle tissue, increases its ability to reduce, improves regenerative processes. Therefore kneading is also sitting passive gymnastics for the muscles.

Under the influence of kneading improves the blood and lymph flow not only of the massaged area, but also of adjacent areas, especially located deeper.

This should be taken into account when it is necessary to "remove" spilled blood and lymph from the injured area: increased hyperemia, during mashing, it removes swelling and bruises well.

When kneading, an irritation of the proprioceptors is formed, which causes the so-called reflexes to stretch.

Streams of proprioceptive impulses that go to the centers lead to predominance of excitation processes in the central nervous system, which, in turn, causes reflex changes in the neuromuscular apparatus and affects positively on muscles, promotes maximum increase in ability to work tired muscles. The stimulating effect of kneading on the central nervous system usually passes through the entire body: the minute volume of breathing, oxygen consumption, breathing becomes slightly more frequent, hyperthermia is observed, the number of heartbeats increases, the flow of arterial blood is accelerated.

It should be noted that the general and local changes that arise under the influence of kneading, often depend on the depth and strength of intake, and the state of the entire human body. That is, if the muscles are relaxed and calm, the reception increases the tone, and if - the tired - reduces.

Meninging is recommended to use for muscle hypotrophy, scarring and diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone.

If pain is present, do not use the device. Begin the reception from the point of transition of the muscles into the ligament. In different parts of the body the technique is slightly different.

Small areas are massed first, second and third fingers, and in other cases - all fingers are used.

In large areas, in places of large fascia and aponeurosis, massage is performed by the knuckles of the middle phalanx, the arm, which is compressed into a fist. Kneading can be longitudinal, transverse, semicircular and spiral.

Movement can be performed both along the course of the lymph and blood flow, and against it. Most often, longitudinal kneading is performed; It can use one or two hands, when the transverse - only with two hands.

Distinguish between continuous and intermittent kneading. Continuous kneading is done longitudinally, transversely, circularly or spirally performing it with one or both hands. Reminiscing with interrupting is done similarly, like continuous, but the hands move rhythmically.

Auxiliary techniques: tongued (squeezing), felting, rolling, shearing, tingling, stretching, squeezing, pressing.

When performing the kneading exercise, the muscles should be as relaxed as possible, and the limb should be well fixed. It is necessary to start reception with easy kneading, spend it smoothly, rhythmically, without sharp movements and not twisting muscles, necessarily to finish stroking.

In sports massage, often kneading with one hand is called ordinary, with two hands - double ring.

The terms "double bar "double ordinary kneading "double ring "double annular combined "double annular longitudinal "circular kneading etc. are also used.

Vibration stimulates dormant nerves

These are the methods of massage with the help of which vibrations in the tissues that are worked out are formed in different speeds and amplitudes.

Due to the elasticity of the tissues, the mechanical vibrations that formed on the surface propagate deeper in the form of waves.

Depending on the strength of the vibration, the oscillations can go only over the surface, or spread deeper into the internal organs, vessels and nerves.

Physiological influence. Effects of admissionvibration on the central nervous system strongly correlates with the strength of nervous excitability. A small vibration stimulates the excitation of sleeping nerves, and relatively strong - a decrease in nervous excitability.

Vibration has a pronounced reflex action, intensifies, and often renews the extinct deep reflexes. Therefore, changing the site of exposure, it is possible to affect distant skin-visceral, motor-visceral and, even, visceral reflexes.

Vibration of a certain frequency can cause a pronounced anesthetic and even anesthetic effect.

Under the influence of vibration, heart excitability, and vascular tone, arterial pressure, intestinal peristalsis, motor and secretory activity of the stomach can decrease. Vibrating massage of the lumbar zone affects the activity of the adrenal glands.

Vibration causes an increase in tissue nutrition, activation of regenerative processes, accelerates the healing of wounds, significantly reduces the time of formation of bone callus after fractures. Under the influence of vibration in the muscles, blood and lymph flow increases, which helps to reduce and reduce swelling.

Vibration can be continuous and intermittent. With continuous vibration, the hands of the masseur, pressing on the fabric and not tearing off the hands, perform various movements of oscillatory nature. When the hands move at the same time, the reception is called a labile vibration, when not - stable.

Continuous vibration can be done with the palmar surface of one finger (with massage of the points of exit of the nerve roots in the back, along the nerve trunks, with facial and laryngeal massage); palmar the surface of the first and second fingers; the surface of the palm of the first, the second and third or second and third, sometimes the fourth finger (for enhanced impact); the surface of the palm of the large and all the remaining fingers (a shank massage along the course of large nerve trunks); the whole palm or support part (in the back, thighs, abdomen, with the purpose of influencing the internal organs); fist - pressing bent fingers.

All methods of continuous vibration can be performed with one hand or both, longitudinally, transversely, zigzag-like or spiral. The series of continuous vibration lasts an average of 5-15 seconds.

Then you should make a short pause for 3-5 seconds, at this time on this area do stroking techniques.

A series of oscillatory movements is carried out slightly increasing the speed: first - one hundred and twenty oscillations per minute, in the middle - two hundred to three hundred, at the end the speed gradually decreases.

Continuous vibrations are also accompanied by variable pressure on the tissue. First increase the surface pressure, then it becomes deeper, and at the end gradually weakens.

Continuous vibration techniques include shaking, pushing and others.

Receiving intermittent vibration is that after each touch to the massed surface, the hand The masseur rises (breaks away from the skin), that is, short, fast strokes are applied, which rhythmically alternate.

Such a vibration can be done with the palm surface of the tips of the half-bent fingers; the palm surface of one a half-bent finger; the back of slightly diluted fingers; the ulnar edge of the hand; whole palm; brush, compressed in a fist.

Strength, elasticity, softness of intermittent massage can be adjusted by changing the technique of execution.

For gentle, gentle influences, only brush movements are sufficient; for a more intense influence - the hand and forearm. Maximum impact gives movement with the whole hand.

When the muscles of the hand relax, the effect is milder than with their tension; with closed fingers, the impact is stronger than with the open ones.

To methods of intermittent vibration include punctuation, tapping, patting, chopping movements, and others.

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