We struggle with constipation at home in adults easily and simply

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Correct work of the gastrointestinal tract is the guarantee of the health of the whole organism. There there is a splitting of food on vitamins and useful elements, a conclusion from an organism of slags, toxins. For two days a person did not go to the toilet "by and large"? You can talk about constipation. In such a situation, methods of treating constipation at home in adults will be needed.

  • Which doctor heals
  • Causes of constipation
  • Recommendations of a general nature
  • Treatment of chronic constipation
  • Not chronic forms of the disease
  • Treatment for dysbiosis
  • Stack of peas
  • Preventive measures
  • Folk remedies for constipation
  • Flax seeds
  • Plantain
  • Kefir
  • Grass
  • Water with honey
  • Compote
  • Prunes and dried apricots
  • Carrot juice
  • Laxative juices
  • Cucumber pickle
  • Table beets
  • Onion
  • Seeds of anise, caraway or dill
  • Preparations for the treatment of constipation in adults
  • Pills
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Important!With permanent constipation, eating habits should be changed. It is necessary to pass an examination of the body in order to exclude the presence of serious diseases.

To conduct home treatment is possible only in those cases when the condition is caused by atonic or spastic conditions. If constipation occurs due to a mechanical obstruction, the removal must be handled exclusively by a specialist.

Which doctor heals

If there was such a problem, then you must visit a specialist - a gastroenterologist. It is this doctor that deals with diseases of the stomach and intestines, which are the main causes of constipation. This is a specialist who knows everything about the digestive process. The gastroenterologist will be able to quickly diagnose and prescribe treatment individually for each patient.

Causes of constipation

The number of factors that have affected the appearance of constipation is quite a lot. There are two main reasons:

  • subjective (existing diseases, not necessarily associated with the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Objective (determined based on the lifestyle of the patient).

Detailed causes and types of constipation:

  • occurs in people seated occupations (accountant, driver) who lead a passive lifestyle, often behind the wheel - hypokinetic;
  • lack of fiber in the body (consumption of small amounts of fruits, vegetables, cereals) - alimentary;
  • alcohol intoxication (no-spa, atropine), bad habits (smoking, glands) - toxic;
  • diseases of internal organs, intestines (reflex);
  • presence of tumors, scars after surgery and transferred diseases, individual characteristics of the organism (congenital pathologies) - mechanical;
  • reduced function of beets (thyroid, ovaries, pituitary) - endocrine.

Recommendations of a general nature

With chronic constipation, the first thing to do after a general examination of the body (in case if no pathology is revealed) is to pay attention to food. In food should be a lot of fiber, it is necessary to introduce in the diet buckwheat and oatmeal.

What is important for the normalization of nutrition:

  • bran (contain fiber). In case of constipation, it is necessary to switch to bread from bran and try to add to the usual food bran, which is sold in pharmacies;
  • vegetables, fruits (fiber, vitamins). Every day, these foods must be present in the person's diet;
  • Vegetable oils should be present in food in large quantities. They need to replace butter, sour cream;
  • drink clean water, which is responsible for the proper operation of all body systems. In day it is necessary to drink 10 glasses of a liquid, not including medical broths and infusions.

In addition to nutrition, to get rid of chronic constipation additionally engage in muscle strengthening. It is enough to begin to swing the press, to give up smoking in the chronic form of the described state, to reduce the amount of alcohol to a minimum.

Treatment of chronic constipation

In chronic disease, it is necessary to refrain from taking laxatives - it leads to addiction, the body ceases to cope on its own. Treatment requires proper nutrition:

  • include in the diet fresh tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin;
  • Exclude mushrooms, garlic, turnips, radish, onions;
  • change the bread on the bran;
  • there are porridges of gray, dark color - pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • drink more water still);

It is also important to restore order in your life:

  • get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • to lead an active lifestyle (more is in the open air, doing gymnastics);
  • protect yourself from stress (control your emotions, do not overload yourself with mental work, learn to relax);
  • use with interruptions Papaverin, No-shpu, drugs based on the bark of the buckthorn and Bisakodil.

Not chronic forms of the disease

If you need to cope with how to treat constipation at home in adults (see. video), which is not systemic, the approach is different. In the morning on an empty stomach it is recommended to drink two glasses of water, in which half a teaspoon of soda is diluted (the method does not fit in pregnancy).

You can eat on an empty stomach two ordinary fresh apple with peel. At night, it is recommended to drink a mug of warm broth on the basis of hips. During the day for prevention, you need to eat 2 oranges or grapefruit. Well, if you can include in the diet onions, wheat bran, vegetable stew.

Important!If constipation occurs in newborns, massage the abdomen clockwise. Also lay a warm diaper on your tummy.

There are many effective ways, they are all aimed at eliminating the causes of discomfort and returning to a normal lifestyle. Everyone is faced with this problem for the first time looking for the most effective ways to eliminate it. For this, the following therapy is recommended.

  1. With improper nutrition and traumas of the gastrointestinal tract - Forlax, Mukofalk.
  2. To increase the content in the intestine, you can also use - Bisacodyl.
  3. Not addictive, you can use a long period - Guttalax.
  4. To increase activity in the intestines during the postoperative period - Motilium.

Treatment for dysbiosis

In this case, you need to consult a doctor for proper cleansing. The treatment is carried out with decoctions, infusions of herbs (mother-and-stepmother, tansy, mint), apply oils, recommend strictly adhere to the diet.
Eat well-cooked porridges (except rice, mango), vegetables and fruit juices and mashed potatoes, pomegranates, onions, sweet peppers, rowan, dill, horseradish.

Stack of peas

This type of defecation is also called "sheep". For treatment it is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate it. Therapy is based on analyzes, appointed by a gastroenterologist, proctologist. It includes:

  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused discomfort;
  • eliminate the problem of bowel movement, adjust the stool;
  • purification of the body.

Preventive measures

What is important to do to avoid constipation:

  1. Special gymnastics for abdominal muscles.
  2. A few minutes of stomach massage every morning.
  3. Once a week at night to make oily or herbal enemas (with permanent chronic constipation).
  4. Drink from 1.5 liters of water per day.
  5. Rinse the intestines with enemas several times a month (with chronic conditions).
  6. Drink a variety of herbs, infusions for preventive and curative purposes.

Folk remedies for constipation

Flax seeds

To quickly cure constipation at home in adults, you need to pour 10 grams of flax seeds with steep boiling water in the amount of one glass. Warm up 30 minutes in a water bath, dilute with boiling water, to the initial volume. Infuse the hour under the lid, and then take 100 ml at bedtime.

Important!If a person has cholecystitis or keratitis, this way of home treatment is contraindicated.


2 tbsp. l. seeds of plantain pour 200 ml of water, put on fire and bring to a boil, wrap in a blanket and let it brew for 2 hours. Take the sutra before meals for 1 tbsp. l.


In a glass of kefir you need to dilute a small spoon of any vegetable oil. Drink to drink before bedtime, relieve constipation, eliminate hunger.


You can make a tincture of linen:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. crushed herbs pour 10 tbsp. l. vodka, put in a dark place and let it brew for 14 days.
  2. Take 2 hours each. l. diluted in 50 ml of water before meals 3 times a day.

Water with honey

In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water, which is dissolved 1 hour. l. honey of natural bee.


Be sure to use dried apples, cherries, prunes and dried apricots when cooking compote. Add the rest of the ingredients as desired.

Prunes and dried apricots

With constant constipation, berries prunes or dried apricots simply eat in the morning in quantities of several pieces. If washed down with compote from dried fruits - the effect will be better.

Carrot juice

There is nothing complicated, just squeeze juice from fresh carrots and drink a glass a day.

Laxative juices

Not the most pleasant taste of the potato juice has a wonderful laxative effect. The same effect on the body renders juice of spinach, celery, beets. Can be taken separately, mixed with each other or with carrot juice.

Cucumber pickle

Quickly help restore the condition. It is important that the brine does not have spices, and cucumbers in it were at least a month.

Table beets

To eat beets in raw form, add to it other vegetables and prepare different dishes: beet curative acts on peristalsis of the intestine.


Vegetables help to quickly empty the intestines. It is enough simply to include onions in the daily diet.

Seeds of anise, caraway or dill

On the basis of seeds, broths are prepared. Make broths, for ingestion, on the basis of one kind of seeds or mix the specified ingredients together.

Preparations for the treatment of constipation in adults

To treat the problem, drugs of different spectrum of action are used:

  1. Laxative - Mitrolax, Heptahydrate.
  2. Prebiotics to restore the improvement of the intestinal flora - Lactitol, Lactulose.
  3. Preparations with irritating effect - Guttalax.
  4. Candles with the composition of glycerin - Glytelax, Glycerin.
  5. Accept on the basis of Bisacodyl and sennosides - Lexatine, Laxbene, Herbion, Regulax.


The most common and often used drug is Bisacodyl. To normalize the stool it is necessary to use it once a night. Defecation occurs in about 6 hours.

It is also recommended:

  • Bisadil, Laxacodyl;
  • Piridax, Laxatin;
  • Dulcolax.

Important! All these drugs are taken once. An exception, including if the drug did not give the first effect. You can repeat the procedure 2 more times.

It should be remembered that in such a case as treatment of constipation in the home in adults, it is important to have patience, to observe consistency. Its contribution is made by proper nutrition according to the regime and alternation of various folk remedies. Do not underestimate a healthy lifestyle.