In which products botulism occurs

Contents of
  • List of foods in which Clostridium botulinum
  • may occur. How do I know if the products were contaminated?
  • What can I do before the ambulance arrives
  • Tips from
  • Experts Related videos

Botulism is known for a long time since its insidiousness. It is often possible to see information that people were poisoned while taking canned food. But in what products is botulism found most often and whether it is possible to protect yourself from the effects of one of the strongest poisons.

List of foodstuffs in which Clostridium botulinum

may occur. Many of us know that botulism occurs in almost 90% of cases in canned food of domestic origin. Which product is most dangerous for ingestion, and where can it be encountered?

Mushrooms, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits are the usual raw materials that we consume almost daily. But even it can harm the body in a salty or sour form, causing a dangerous disease.

Compote, jam and jam from berries and fruits

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Clostridium botulinum is often caused by infection. Many people do not even suspect that delicious dishes can be the last in their lives. Therefore, during procurement, you should take care of hygienic and thermal processing of products as closely as possible.

Banks with canned products containing botulinum venom do not differ from normal ones. Banks may not have bloated caps, changed contents, discoloration or smell.


At first glance, it is harmless. But it is worth investigating in more detail, in which cases botulinum toxin may occur in it. With 100% certainty, doctors say that there is no infection in fresh whole milk and will never be. However, you can not say the same about a dry dairy product.

It is known that on the basis of such milk, many children's mixtures, condensed milk, etc. are made. And the thing is these products can cause the development of an acute infectious disease. In addition, it is worth noting that a dry dairy product has the ability for a long time to preserve pathogens of botulism that can get there during improper storage.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Diarrhea and abdominal pain

Not a frequent source of illness, such as mushrooms. But the possibility of getting the infection in the jars can not be ruled out either. It is necessary to remember the main rules, before using the products should be well cleaned vegetables from contamination.

The same goes for cans for sterilization. Another thing is cucumbers and tomatoes of factory production. It is almost impossible to get botulism from such canned food, because the processing temperature of the products at the enterprise is higher than that which can be achieved at home.


Are a favorite dish of many people. But do not forget about the high risk of infection by botulism from canned home-made mushrooms. The greatest danger is represented by products that have been sealed with tin lids and do not have access to oxygen. Also, it is necessary to take into account the conditions and terms of storage of ready meals.

Do not buy household canned food from the hands of individuals. This is part of the basic rules for the prevention of botulism

Fish and meat

Are one of the food products, after eating which has a high risk of botulism. As early as 1879, the Belgian bacteriologist Van Ermengen established the fact of infection by clostridia from sick animals.

In the course of the experiment, it was established that bacteria found in canned meat or fish can be found in the intestine and spleen of a person who has eaten this product. Then microorganisms were sown on a nutrient medium and provoked their release of toxins.

As a result of the experiment, the experimental animals infected with clostridia had the same symptoms as the sick people with subsequent fatal outcome.

How do I know if the products were infected?

Usually, the disease begins to manifest after 2-10 hours from the moment of infection in the body. In rare cases, it can take from 2-3 days, but cases were recorded even after 8-10 days. But the sooner the first clinical manifestations appear, the more severe the disease will be.

The first signs are nonspecific and may resemble the symptoms of food poisoning or gastroenteritis. These include acute soreness in the abdomen, repeated vomiting, diarrhea, which does not exceed 10 times in 24 hours, a headache, an increase in temperature to 40 degrees.

Remember! After 24 hours, body temperature reaches normal level, and increased intestinal peristalsis gives way to complete immobility, resulting in permanent constipation. After some time, the disease progresses, there are signs characteristic of botulism.

Visual impairment Respiratory system disorders Disorders from motor function Violation of swallowing and speech
Visual acuity reduced, objects near poorly seen Sensation of air shortage Lack of activity, muscle weakness that increases with progression of the disease Dryness of mucous membranesoral cavity
Doubling in the eyes Sense of chest tightness and the appearance of pain Neck muscles from behind are weakened and patients have to keep a goalovu hands so that it does not fall to the chest Changes in the height and tone of the voice
Fog and white veil before the eyes Frequent and shallow breathing Appearance of the nasal
Osteoarthrosis Sensation of the foreign body in the throat
Strabismus Swallowing: first of solid food,then and liquid
Involuntary movement of eyeballs With progression of the disease, the voice becomes hoarse
Sometimes there may be complete immobility of eyeballs Full loss of the golos

What are the mechanisms of the appearance of clinical signs:

  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are local effects of botulinum toxin on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract( GI tract).
  • Superficial and frequent breathing - reduction of muscular activity of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal press, the poison released by clostridia blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscular system. There is oxygen starvation.
  • Muscular weakness - impaired transmission of nerve impulses, a decrease in oxygen supply to cells, a metabolic disorder.
  • Dryness of mucous membranes, impaired swallowing, decreased mobility of the tongue - lesions of nuclei of cranial nerves.
  • Stone face, lack of facial expression - defeat of the facial nerve.
  • Disturbance of visual function, shroud before eyes - defeat of nuclei of cranial nerves, nerve of ciliary muscle.
  • Pale skin - narrowing of blood vessels and capillaries, adjacent to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Constipation and flatulence - a violation of the vagus nerve.

When the first symptoms appear, it is important to hospitalize the patient

What can I do before the ambulance arrives

Botulism develops very quickly and in order not to lose valuable time before the ambulance arrives, it is possible to perform some activities. Gastric lavage is best done with a soda solution, since the alkaline environment is disastrous for botulinum toxin and it is necessary to perform the procedure in the first 2 days, when there is a risk that there are remains of contaminated food in the stomach.

The siphon enema is also recommended with a soda solution. To perform the manipulation, you need a clean 10 liter bucket, a probe, a funnel, a tank for washing water. Take Enterosorbent( the most famous and effective drugs are Activated Carbon, White Coal, Enterosgel and Polysorb.)

If possible, put a dropper. The procedure can only be performed by a medical professional or a specially trained person. Hemodes, Trisol, 5% glucose solution is considered to be a simple and harmless drug

Expert Advice for

To protect yourself from the disease, you need to know what products cause botulism. Proceeding from this, it is possible to follow simple rules for the prevention:

  • it is not necessary to preserve meat, fish products, fruits and vegetables in hermetically sealed jars if it is not possible to wash them well from the soil( for example, beets, carrots, etc.);
  • is not recommended to eat smoked or dried products of domestic production because of the possible risk of spores in the intestines and other parts of animals;
  • is strictly forbidden to buy household canned food from the hands of strangers;
  • is best to use nylon caps that let in oxygen. Products will not be stored for as long as you would like, but in this way you can reduce the risk of botulism to zero;
  • If, however, there is no possibility to refuse home food, then you should boil such a product after opening the banks for at least 20-25 minutes. With such actions, the toxin is completely destroyed and does not pose a health hazard.

Brine turbidity is one of the signs of infection of

products. Note that infected banks often cloud and open. In no case can they be used for human consumption. Even boiling does not help to restore the products to their previous appearance and quality.

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