- What you need to know about the causes and symptoms of the disease?
- Dietary principles in the treatment of ulcers
- Options for dietary table
- What kind of diet is needed in acute stage?
- Diet for ulcers after exacerbation of
- Features of nutrition after perforation ulcers
- What can be included in the diet
- Not recommended products
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One of the reasons for the formation of an ulcer on the bulb of the duodenum is considered excessive casting of acidic stomach contents. Normally the acidity near the pyloric department is the lowest. After all, the alkaline medium predominates in the small intestine. This process is typical for gastritis of a hyperacid type, gastric ulcer.
In the mechanism of development of a subsequent disease, a serious role is played by nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, a diet with duodenal ulcer in the complex treatment of the disease must correct the broken physiological basis of digestion, protect the wound surface, and feed to support the weakened organism.
What you need to know about the causes and symptoms of the disease?
To the ulcer of the duodenum,
- leads to a hobby of rough, heavily processed food in the stomach( fatty meat, fried foods, canned food, spicy seasonings, rye bread) - prolonged stay in the stomach causes the acid to malfunction with the lining cells,in the duodenum is insufficiently processed;
- violation of diet( alternating long hunger gaps and overeating) creates the conditions for disrupting the physiological processes of digesting food, developing secretions;
- stresses and the transferred disorders create foci of excitement in the brain, as a result, the mechanism of nutrition compensation, adaptation, the immunity decreases.

Prolonged use is endangered by the risk of peptic ulcer
. As a result of all nutritional disorders, the person first develops inflammation( duodenitis), in the absence or unsuccessful therapy - peptic ulcer of the duodenum. In the mucous a deep area of damage is formed with bleeding vessels, loose walls.
In this case, the patient feels:
- bouts of pain 1.5-2 hours after eating, at night or in the morning on an empty stomach;
- heartburn and eructation;
- bloating;
- stool disorder;
- general malaise.
Dietary principles in the treatment of ulcers
Dietary nutrition does not solve all problems in the therapy of the disease, but it can significantly help in combination with drugs, physiotherapy. For this, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements. The patient should be fed in small portions( fractional), but more often than usual - 6-7 times a day, strictly on schedule, without long breaks and subsequent overfeeding.
Among foodstuffs you need to choose those that do not affect secretory activity, have a "quenching" effect on the acidity of the stomach. Food irritants are strictly forbidden. From the diet of the patient all products sharply increasing acidity( containing extract substances), difficult for digestion( with fiber) should be excluded.
Cooking and cooking allow boiling, the use of steamers, quenching with the expansion of the dietary list of dishes in the stage of remission. Categorically prohibited fried, smoked products, pickled, pickles Mechanical shaking is achieved by grinding, digestion and processing of products to liquid state.
Too hot or cold drinks, ice cream are excluded. The temperature should approach 38 degrees, in such conditions the food is better absorbed. The list of dishes in the daily menu depends on the stage of the disease, which is determined by the attending physician.

After boiling, the vegetables are ground to the state of puree
. Variants of the diet table
. According to Pevsner's classification, nutrition with duodenal ulcer requires alternating diet tables from №1а and 1б to table №1.Differences are in the degree of shivering of the stomach and intestines:
- No.1a is assigned for the first few days, characterized by the maximum exceptions of all irritant factors of exposure;
- №1b - is considered a transitional form of nutrition, it is necessary to expand the list of nutrients and energy needs of the body;
- diet number 1- is applied in the stage of stable remission, as close to the general table as possible, but preserves the limitations.
How long are the options for restrictive nutrition depends on the symptoms of the disease, the severity of the pain syndrome, the patient's well-being.
What kind of diet is needed in acute stage?
Diet No. 1a is prescribed for exacerbation of an ulcer when the patient suffers from a pain syndrome. It sharply limits all the undesirable nutritional factors acting on the mucous organ. Recommended for 7-10 days. The daily menu for the first week includes:
- rubbed to liquid state porridge( oat, semolina, rice);
- vegetable and mucous soups;
- jammed;
- warm milk;
- soft-boiled eggs;
- liquid soups with mashed meat and fish ground meat;
- broth briar;
- dried wheat bread.
Each serving in volume does not exceed 150-200 g. Mucous soup is a decoction of cereals. It is prepared for a greater than for the porridge ratio of water. Complete rasvarivanie cereals is achieved, then it is ground. Use rice, semolina, oatmeal. You can pre-grind a portion of cereals on a coffee grinder. The soup has the consistency of a liquid jelly. It is allowed to add a teaspoon of butter, slightly salt.
Minced meat from lean meat and fish twice passed through a meat grinder. It is not allowed to hit tendons, cartilage residues, or skin. Porridge can be cooked on diluted milk. Butter is placed directly on the plate. Milk allowed up to four glasses a day. It is added to soups, jelly. Recommended rubbed calcined curd, dressed with cream.
Every day, the diet includes 2 eggs: soft-boiled, in the form of a steam omelet, for refilling mucous soups. Kissels are made from sweet berries and fruits, oatmeal. You can dilute uncomplicated tea with milk. Allowed in the drink to add a little sugar or honey.
The patient can not eat rich broths, rough meat and fish dishes, kefir and yogurt, sour juices, boiled porridges of buckwheat, millet, barley, vegetables, fresh bread. After 7 days with the disappearance of pain, it is recommended that the patient be transferred to table No. 1b. It retains restrictions on the culinary processing of products, but is expanded by adding:
- dried wheat bread;
- puree from vegetables and non-acid fruits;
- more dense mashed soups.

Minced meat should be scrolled twice before use to ensure that there are no films, cartilage
Diet for ulcers after exacerbation of
Patients with peptic ulcer have to get used to permanent restrictions and preferential nutrition according to table number 1.Some gastroenterologists believe that it is possible to shorten the period of its use to two months after another exacerbation. But experience shows that switching to daily nutrition again leads to an aggravation of the process. Therefore, it is better to control the state of health by pain and adhere to the established exceptions.
Diet for peptic ulcer during remission should remain easily digestible, without strong irritants. Therefore, the meals are not allowed dishes:
- from fatty meat and fish( rich broth, soup, ear);
- of hard smoked meat and poultry with bones, cartilages, skin;
- of mushrooms;
- strong tea and coffee;
- alcohol, beer, kvass, carbonated drinks;
- seasonings( mustard, pepper).
The food wipe is stopped. Porridges are prepared viscous and dense, buckwheat is allowed. You can eat salads from raw vegetables( tomatoes, cucumbers), fruit of sweet varieties( apples, apricots, nectarines, peaches) instead of jelly. It is desirable to pre-clean the peel.
Patients with peptic ulcers are advised to undergo anti-relapse treatment in the spring and autumn. Dietitians advise for this period to go first to the table 1b, then table number 1.Gentle nutrition for a month can support the body and prevent another exacerbation.

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Features of nutrition after perforating ulcers
Perforation of ulcers is a serious complication of the disease. It consists in breaking through the intestinal wall and leaving the contents in the abdominal cavity. Patients with a peritonitis clinic are delivered to the surgical department. The only possible treatment is an operation to sore the ulcer or resect( remove) the intestinal tract and connect the stump with the stomach.
After the surgery, all treatment is aimed at combating peritonitis and creating conditions for a full-fledged fusion of the edges of wounds. To ensure the most sparing conditions for 2-3 days, a complete famine is prescribed. The patient receives a portion of nutrients and fluid with intravenous injections. On the fourth day it is allowed to drink broth of dogrose, weak tea, sweetened fruit and oat jelly.
On the fifth day, table No. 1a is assigned. Then the transition to 1b follows. Requirements for cooking and feeding frequency do not differ from those in peptic ulcer exacerbation. Patients with duodenal ulcer are aware that medications in therapy help to heal a defect on the mucosa. They need to be taken as prescribed by the doctor. In order not to forget about restrictive measures in nutrition, we will list the products and dishes recommended and requiring restrictions.
What can be included in the diet
Authorized products should be properly prepared, and the patient should eat small portions on schedule. For the first dishes are suitable:
- vegetarian soups on a decoction of vegetables, with potatoes and carrots, for taste, add dill;
- can be filled with soups with cereals( rice, buckwheat, flakes of "Hercules") with rubbing or preliminary grinding of cereals, egg-milk mixture;
- meat is added in the form of minced meat( beef, veal, chicken), then prepare meatballs, meatballs;
- refueling is not toasted, a little butter is put in a plate;
- in milk soups you can add small vermicelli, cereals.
The second dishes:
- From low-fat meat prepare steamed cutlets, meatballs, kneli, bits, zrazy. A month after the sharpening, it is allowed to bake in the oven, a chicken with a piece.
- Fish dishes should be without skin, boiled or baked, in cutlets, meatballs, later - in a piece, in a jellied form.
- Oatmeal porridge, semolina, buckwheat, rice are gradually boiled more dense, sweetened. A pudding, casseroles with cottage cheese are prepared from the cereals.
From a set of vegetables are selected those that contain little fiber. Suitable: potatoes, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, green peas. First they are served with boiled, pureed, soufflé.Then tomatoes and cucumbers without crusts are allowed, a salad dressed with cream, vegetable oil. Bread only of wheat varieties, dried, without bran, biscuits, dry biscuits, biscuit.

Gallet biscuits are an excellent option for a peanut.
. Dairy products restrict the use of sour cottage cheese, kefir( if the date of manufacture has exceeded 3 days), cream is useful. You can cook a pair of cheese cake, lazy vareniki, puddings. Cheese is not a simple sort. After a day it is allowed to eat 2 eggs soft-boiled or in a steam omelette.
Dessert is suitable for berry purees, jellies, compotes, baked apples, jelly, juices from non-acid fruits and berries. From sweets are allowed a little honey, non-acidic jam, pastille, marshmallows. Broth of wild rose is replaced by an alternation of tea and coffee with milk or cream.
Not recommended products
It is necessary to completely exclude from dietary nutrition, and subsequently to limit everything that strengthens the secretion of gastric juice, contains coarse dietary fibers, it is difficult to digest:
- fresh bread, pastries, puff pastry, cakes;
- broths, cabbage soup, okroshka, borsch;
- pickled and salted vegetables;
- smoked sausages;
- alcohol-containing beverages;
- strong coffee and tea;
- carbonated beverages;
- sour kefir and cottage cheese;
- sour fruit( cranberries, citrus fruits).
Vegetables are undesirable: radishes, beans, turnip, white cabbage. Difficult to digest dishes from mushrooms and fruits with peel. As seasonings are not recommended: sorrel, parsley, onion, spinach, garlic, ginger, horseradish, tomato sauce and pasta, mustard.
Sweets are contraindicated in chocolate, sour jam, ice cream. To learn how to eat properly is a task for patients of a gastroenterologist. The process will require the breaking of habitual stereotypes, but it justifies itself in terms of maintaining health.