How to stop drinking alcohol

Hello dear readers! This page is for those who want to quit independently to drink alcohol and beer at home for himself or for a person close to him. Or for someone who is simply interested in the issues of alcoholism and drunkenness in our modern society.

As they say in the ancient popular Russian proverb: "While you are drinking - the head does not hurt, but the next morning ...". In the morning disgusting state after yesterday's stormy binge, when you do not want anything and just pulls one desire - to lie down from a hangover, many people suggest "Stop drinking!".

And here, the key mechanism, observation and the golden rule is laid: "A person who does not get drunk in the morning and throughout the day will not become an alcoholic! And, even if a person often abuses alcohol, but only in the evenings, at any time it will be easy for him to stop drinking at home at home! ". But those who developed alcohol dependence, it is possible and it will be easy?


If you are a moderate drinker: advice

Rule number 1: if you drink alcoholic beverages - never hang out! Rule number two: never drink alcohol in the morning and in the morning! This will help to avoid the rapid formation of withdrawal symptoms.

Always remember this

Chronic alcoholism begins with the first glass drunk!!!

First, a person drinks only on holidays, then - when there are situations that reduce the mood, with failures at work and at home. Often alcohol intake is associated with certain days of the week (Saturday, Sunday, pay). At this stage, the doses of alcohol intake increase dramatically. The protective gag reflex is lost. More and more often a person begins to get drunk to "loss of consciousness". In this initial period of alcoholism, the phenomena of abstinence are still absent or weakly expressed.

Ways to stop drinking

Ways to stop abusing alcohol are great! But not even the ways themselves are the thing. When a person has a clear, clear goal to remove alcohol from his life, there is a desire and awareness for the prospects of a sober life, then ANY WAY WILL WORK !!!

Advice to wives: remember that it may not work by shock methods to force a drinking husband to stop drinking. But the option to help, can even very much work. And the main thing here is to convey all the advantages and beauty of a free life without alcohol from a healthy worldview - to a patient who is distorted in the wrong way of thinking. Let the alcoholic read the following information about how he looks from the side and about the consequences of alcoholism and drunkenness, so that he himself comes to a simple conclusion, which can be formulated as a cry of the soul: "Help stop drinking!".

In his drinking, an alcoholic usually blames others who "brought him to such a life." This is, first of all, the wife, bosses, co-workers, life failures.

Knowing this can help stop drinking

As a rule, the alcoholic takes the cause for the investigation - not life's troubles brought him to illness, and the disease was their cause.

It is not difficult to learn the alcoholic. Characteristic for him is a kind of trembling of fingers, appearance: differs slovenliness and not well-groomed, the mind wanders. The face of the patient is often swollen, under the eyes of "bags", the vessels in the nose are dilated and therefore the nose has a purple-purple hue with numerous veins. The skin of the face is wrinkled and flabby.

Often the patient can not perform small work (watchmaker, mechanic, compositor) and therefore forced to retrain.

With chronic alcoholism, all internal organs are affected. As a rule, all alcoholics have gastritis, often they have pancreas and cardiovascular system. The most common cause of death of patients is cirrhosis of the liver, accompanied by ascites (dropsy).

All alcoholics have a metabolic disorder, dramatically reduced absorption of vitamins, which contributes to the weakening of the body and the development of a disease. The protective forces are sharply weakened, so they often suffer from influenza and other infectious diseases.

Consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages and surrogates

It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol for a man and a woman, so as not to be mutilated or killed by numerous complications of alcoholism.

Alcohol Myopathy

Progressive muscular dystrophy, characterized by a change in the structure of muscle fibers. Under the influence of alcohol, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in muscle tissue is disrupted, gradually the muscles are thinned, most of the fibers are replaced by connective tissue and fat. As a result, muscle weakness, atrophy, extinction of tendon reflexes, paresis develop.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy

Disease characterized by multiple lesions of rootlets and peripheral nerves under the influence of alcohol (toxic effect). Clinical symptoms of polyneuropathy are closely related to the course of the underlying disease, including paresthesia, traumatic pain along the nerve trunks and muscles, impaired sensation, paresis, paralysis. Initially, the function of the distal parts of the limbs is turned off. The disease gradually progresses to complete paralysis, bulbar disorders, paralysis of the respiratory musculature and cardiac muscle.

Impaired liver function

When using surrogates of alcohol, poisoning often develops and acute liver failure develops, with complete loss of consciousness, severe shortness of breath, cold sweat. The air exhaled by the patient resembles the smell of raw liver, the patient is extremely rarely removed from this condition, the prognosis is extremely unfavorable.

As a result of violation of all kinds of metabolism in the body under the influence of alcohol, liver dystrophy develops (hepatic cells are replaced by fat) or cirrhosis (diffuse proliferation of connective tissue).

Cirrhosis of the liver

From the Greek.kirros- "red", characterized by a violation of the architectonics of the liver and the defeat of all its structural elements - parenchyma (destruction and replacement of hepatocytes with a connective tissue), intermediate tissue, reticuloendothelial system, bile ducts, vessels, capsule. Clinical manifestations of cirrhosis are diverse and depend on the stage of the disease: weakness, weight loss, pain in the right upper quadrant, dyspepsia, flatulence, jaundice, ascites, bleeding. The liver decreases in size, acquires a reddish tinge. On the skin of the patient appear vascular asterisks, there is erythema of the palms, fingers become a kind of drum sticks. The liver ceases to perform its functions in the body.

"Congenital Alcoholism"

Even more often, the female organism suffers from alcoholism, the disease develops much more quickly and is more difficult. When alcohol is used during pregnancy (systematic drunkenness), the alcoholic syndrome develops in the fetus, manifested by premature births, various physical and mental disorders, as well as unreasonable anxiety, rejection of the breast, and violation of sleep. However, after breastfeeding in a state of intoxication, or adding a few drops of alcohol to the milk, the child calms down and falls asleep. Gradually, a newborn child develops a withdrawal syndrome. It is used as the term "congenital alcoholism".

Ways to quit drinking alone

Here are outlined the most effective ways to quit drinking alone.

The first way

You can use the method of a psychotherapistShichko Gennady Andreyevich, set out on the page: How to independently quit smoking and drinking by the method of Shichko G. A.

Download for free and read lectures of the professorZhdanov Vladimir Georgievichon the page: Essays, lectures, talks and reports on alcoholism.

The second way

There is such an author -Allen Carr, who treated people for alcoholism and drunkenness, and wrote a lot of good literature. Here on the site there is a useful audiobook and video "How easy it is to stop drinking" (author - Alen Car - the analogous title of the book "Easy way to stop drinking"), which is available to watch and listen for free online (video mp3) on this site, and also book (in the format word.docx, pdf, fb2), which you can read, or download for free here. More about this you will be introduced in the second part of the page.

The third way

Every person who abusers alcohol, if he can not abandon his addiction, should seek help from a narcologist, a psychiatrist, and folk medicine. Purely human help, the support given to a person in time, will help him save his life and his future.

Be sure to read the materials for the treatment of alcoholism and drunkenness, set out on this site on the relevant pages, which are listed below:

  1. Alcoholism: how to cure at home
  2. Alcoholism: How to Get Rid quickly at Home
  3. Alcoholism: treatment at home
  4. Alcoholism: what and how to treat at home
  5. How to stop drinking
  6. How to help a person stop drinking
  7. Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge and consent of the patient
  8. Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies
  9. Treatment and symptoms of drinking alcoholism
  10. Monastic tea from alcoholism

How does life end with a chronic alcoholic?

In order to acquire a firm and determined desire and desire to stop drinking alcohol, we read the following cases from the practice of narcologists.

There is another kind of death: a young man 32 years old suffered from chronic alcoholism. He was married and had three children. I did not want to be treated, I did not recognize myself as an alcoholic. How much grief he brought to his family! How many tears his mother, wife and children have wept! And he drank, drank and drank. And, in the end, came a heavy alcoholic psychosis. Delirium tremens. And in this state, when his mind was darkened, he began to rush about ...

Before his eyes there were visual hallucinations. He saw rats, mice, devils, who fought among themselves. Kaleidoscopic horror pictures changed with lightning speed. And suddenly, against a background of colorful visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations began to appear. He heard voices. Scary, frightening, ordering:

- Misha! You insignificance on this earth! You must die today. You have a lot of enemies. You have 999 enemies. They all follow you. You must take the rope, go into the bedroom and hang at exactly two o'clock. This is our last order. If you do not fulfill it, then you will die a slow, painful death!

An order is an order. He took the rope, went into the bedroom, started the alarm for two hours and waited. And when the appointed time came, he hanged himself.

A tragic, absurd case. But everything could be different if the patient agreed to undergo a course of treatment on time.

Voices that alcoholics hear in a state of severe alcoholic psychosis acquire unlimited power over them. Patients are in captivity of these voices, unquestioningly fulfill all their orders. To listen, not to obey orders, they can not.

Voices dictate: "Misha, you must shoot yourself today, Kolya! Today you must throw yourself out of the ninth floor and die to death, - Zhora! You must slaughter your wife and children today and throw yourself under the train... "

And never these voices order a person to do good!

Like this…

It's terrible to think about how many joys of life a man is shielding himself with alcohol. Favorite family, favorite work, sports, cinema, theater, beauty of nature - everything is crossed out by the thirst for booze. Money is not enough - stealing in the family, at work, robbery, prison. The end is one and sooner or later it will still come. And the main medicine is only one thing - will!

You should drink immediately, without making a discount for holidays, for a wedding, or for a birthday. It is difficult to do it yourself - a doctor-narcologist, a doctor-psychotherapist will help you. But you can not pull a day, not an hour, not a minute.

Only without alcohol, only without drugs can you understand how beautiful our short life is!

How to help a drinking person stop drinking: folk remedies

Alcoholic thrown to drink can help some home folk recipes and tips.

Mixture of herbs

Arable land- 1 part,sagebrushbitter(grass) - 1 part,thyme- 1 part. Cover 15 g of the mixture with 200 g of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, two hours, drain. Take one tablespoon four times a day for someone who wants to stop drinking alcohol.


Bedbug, green (found in raspberries). The bed bug produces a sharp, unpleasant smell. Catch a few bedbugs, insist on vodka. Give to drink to a person suffering from alcoholism. This causes him to dislike alcohol. The patient does not talk about it.


Ljubistok (root). The recipe: in 250 ml. vodka putroot lovageand 2 sheetsthe laurel of the noble. Insist for two weeks. Alcoholics give a glass of such a tincture and this can cause disgust for vodka.


Hoof, roots- 1 tablespoon chopped Clefthorn roots to a glass of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. One tablespoon of decoction of the root of the claw is poured into one glass of vodka. Give to drink this vodka to a drunkard. This mixture of vodka with a claw causes vomiting and, allegedly, a strong aversion to alcohol. On some people, this method works well. Precisely observe the dosage, since the plant is poisonous. The alcoholic should not know that there is something mixed in vodka.

You can use a mixture of two medicinal plants. One teaspoon of groundClefthoof Leafand 2 teaspoons of green barkwalnut fruit. A teaspoon of this mixture should be filled with wine and taken. This recipe is for 4 liters of wine.

How to cope with the desire for alcohol

To suppress a painful desire for alcohol, drugs fromgrapefruit, evening primrose, juniper, bearberry, centipedes, cabbage juice. Preparations fromoatseffectively suppress pathological attraction to alcohol, have a sedative effect, are biologically valuable, and are useful as a good dietary remedy for patients, especially in the aftermath of a drinking season.

That the husband, the wife, the son, the daughter, the father or mother have stopped to drink, the good result gives the inclusionmixtures of vegetable juices, fruitsandherbsin the complex therapeutic scheme of arresting pathological craving for alcohol. In a mixture of juices (apple - 200 ml, carrot - 200 ml, beet - 100 ml, lemon - 100 ml, juice of lettuce - 400 ml (honey was added to taste (2 tbsp. l.). Against the backdrop of treatment with plant collection, patients underwent a course of individual rational psychotherapy, which consisted of 3-5 conversations lasting 1 to 1.5 hours. The patients took the collection according to the following scheme: during the first 3 weeks - 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals, 4-5 weeks - 1/3 cups 2 times a day, for 10 further days - 1/3 cup once a day. Duration of treatment 1.5 months.

To sober up the dead drunk

Pour 5 to 6 drops of ammonia into a glass of cold water and drink. If someone is dead drunk, then open his mouth and pour.

Take the head of a drunkard lying on his back so that the palms of his hands are placed on his ears. Quickly and strongly rub both ears. The rush of blood to the head will lead the drunk into full consciousness, after one minute he will be even able to say his address. This remedy was used in Baku in the "Dukhans" (taverns). Many were surprised at such a quick, simple and harmless for a drunkard means of sobering. (P. M. Kurenov, "The Russian Folk Clinic, 1991).

Allen Carr "Easy way to stop drinking" - video

The book and the audiobook tell us that alcoholism is a common problem, which not everyone can solve. You will get acquainted with the peculiarities of this bad habit, its causes and how it can be defeated. According to author Allen Carr, adhering to this technique, you will permanently get rid of alcohol dependence, you just need to really want.

Audiobook online watch and listen for free

"When you do not like your condition, let yourself feel uncomfortable, and then you will feel comfortable." Eckhart Tolle.

And how to get rid of bad habits and addictions? Harmful habits, addictions, chronic diseases occur when:

  1. A person does not see, does not realize his actual, unfulfilled needs;
  2. He sees, but considers them insignificant;
  3. He sees and does not know how to satisfy them, because: he does not know or does not apply the rights that every person has, and also exaggerates his duties to others, focuses on public opinion, stereotyped behavior.

We summarize how easy it is to get rid of bad habits.

№ 1. Harmful habits and addictions lose their attraction and control over a person when:

There is an awareness of what emotions they designate, a substitute for what actions are. Include your imagination, fantasy and make a list of 10 - 20 alternatives (even the most fantastic, unlikely, difficult to achieve), how else can they express, express, express.

Now let yourself decide when you get rid of a bad habit or addiction. In the meantime, savor it, taste it, do it on the highest level, qualitatively, consciously, with brilliance, buzz, arrangement and just like that!

№ 2. Bad habits and dependencies turn into tiresome, tedious work, when strictly regulated by time and volume, and it must significantly exceed the sufficient volume.

An exception is all that causes direct, direct harm to health. In this case, colorfully scroll in your head, as events unfold, you fulfill the condition of point number 2 (take the example of John Enright as a model).

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How to stop drinking alcohol yourself

It is a mistake to assume that the propensity to self-indulgence is inherent in the very nature of man. If this were so, we would drink everything, but we see another picture: someone perfectly does without it (although in many countries the overwhelming majority of the adult population drinks). This video will help a man and a woman to stop drinking on their own.

A source

The recommendations in this article are based on official authoritative sources:

  1. "A great medical encyclopedia of diagnosis. 4000 symptoms and syndromes. / A. Lukovina "M.: OOO" LitRes "Scientific Book; 2013
  2. Video on the topic.
  3. Web page:
  4. Hasgov G. N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia. - Moscow: Publishing house Eksmo, 2012.
  5. Encyclopedia of folk methods of treatment. - SPb.: printing house. AND. E. Kotlyakov, Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation, 1993. - 361 s.