Quit drinking: how to do it yourself at home

Today, drinking at home is a colossal problem! Because of the painful predilection for alcoholic beverages, people lose their family, health, profession, work. Alcohol in any form brings tremendous harm to man. Being trapped in the disease, people get used to the artificial hormone replacement of happiness, and this brings them complete dependence on alcohol, problems, illness, failures, bad and depressed psychological state and mood. Alcohol kills a person, destroys the moral basis of his behavior and often leads to quarrels, misdemeanors and crimes.

Alcohol is the enemy of a person and it is necessary to fight with it, to treat alcoholism and to conduct anti-alcohol prevention among young people - boys and girls, teenagers and children of secondary and primary school age. And very rarely materializes the desire of a drinking person: "Tomorrow I will definitely stop drinking!".

Why people drink

  1. Very often people drink "for company".Being in a drinking company is not easy to maintain sobriety and not look like a "black sheep".
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  3. Drinking as a way of avoiding problem solving. The desire to drown uncomfortable experiences from problems that have fallen down, to be forgotten and distracted in a state of alcoholic intoxication, many people are pushing to take alcohol as a tranquilizing and soothing agent, despite the very negative side effects of alcohol dependence.
  4. Trying to improve your mood. Naturally follows from point 2 - the way of avoiding problems. With alcohol it is easier to remove anxious experiences, to raise the level of mood. Although not always alcoholic mood is complacent and euphoric. If the mood background was initially wound by strong emotions of fear, irritation, anger, sadness, then alcohol as a catalyst can several times strengthen negative emotional experiences. It can push a person to crime, self-destruction.
  5. The habit of drinking. A habit of drinking often can be a psychological aspect of alcohol dependence at first, but then a physiological dependence is formed with the formation of an alcohol withdrawal syndrome. And alcohol will already become a natural component in the bloodstream, body fluids, its organs.

How to stop drinking alcohol? How to manage and prevent the degeneration of a bad habit into the disease? Is it possible to replace a bad habit with another - useful, or at least harmless?

You can try completely to refrain from drinking alcohol for 30 days and fix in the diary all the emotions, feelings, associations and directions of motives that emerge in your diary. All observations of a sober lifestyle can be compared with alcohol. This will help to get relevant conclusions in favor of a sober and healthy lifestyle.

To stop drinking, you need determination and perseverance. Final conclusions about the recovery from alcoholism and domestic drunkenness will be formed only through a six-year abstinence from alcohol.

To get rid of alcoholism and the habit of drinking alcohol will help increase your consciousness, awareness of your inner self. The development and self-improvement of one's mind, body, Spirit and Soul will make craving for alcohol and making people healthier. Just then, not just a desire, but something more - the desire "I want to stop drinking!" - will become a real reality.

How to quit drinking - tips

Some people, realizing that they have an addiction to alcohol, firmly decide to quit drinking independently, without attracting the help of outside experts. And here they can be very helpful such advice:

  1. Extremely clearly understand, for what reasons, why decide to stop drinking.
  2. Try to reduce the situation in life, when established traditions allow you to sip alcohol, ie, when the situation says: "You can drink alcohol".
  3. You can drink sometimes when you really really want. And then, better postpone the satisfaction of a strong passion for alcoholic beverages by one to two for. But, this recommendation or advice is only not for drunken alcoholics, because they need complete abstinence from alcohol.
  4. Try to cause and maintain a good mood all day long, raise your soul, live as if your dreams and desires( good) are fulfilled, perceive yourself as it is and how you want to see and feel yourself.

Consider once again these tips

A clear definition for what "I will stop drinking" is the most important step in the fight against alcoholism. Understanding the motives of their behavior, the reasons for refusing to take alcohol, there is an informed choice - to drink or not to drink, in favor of "not drinking"!

Prepare for the emergence of life situations that will try to push you to a drink. Do not lose your vigilance! Be aware! Brake and put off for one or two days of satisfaction in drinking. Sometimes it will seem that everything around you encourages you to drink. Do not give in to desires!

If someone asks why you do not drink, answer - "I do not want", "I do not drink", and do not try to go into details, do not explain anything to anyone, because any of your argument for sobriety drinking people can very skillfully verballyto question.

Reasons that a person wants to stop drinking different. Take a piece of paper and a pencil and write down the reasons why you want to stop drinking:

  1. I want every moment of my life to become conscious.
  2. I do not want to spend a stupid time on drunkenness and drift after it.
  3. I do not want to destroy my health and make my life shorter.
  4. I will prove to myself and others that it is always possible to quit drinking and it is always possible to experience joy in the circle of friends without alcohol.

Everyone can get their own personal list. After all, answers depend on the individuality of a person, his life experience and living conditions. When you can not find the answer to the question, why do you want to stop drinking, then, in fact, until you really want.

Be sincere with yourself, think about what you want to become in ten years.

How to reduce the number of situations that favor drinking?

We meet mainly for the sake of communication. But the perverted way of life dictates at a meeting - to drink for a meeting! There are many reasons - one is a disease. Get rid of the usual craving for alcohol is not easy. After all, alcohol causes dependence on both the body and the psyche from it. But you can always think of how not to participate in a collective binge, find an excuse, excuse!

When you are alone, you can always find something interesting to occupy yourself. The desire to drink will go to the background, then - disappear.

How can I quit drinking myself? After all for many years of alcohol abuse, physical dependence is formed, which reveals itself when you decide to stop drinking! Change your life, the situation, the usual way, forget the old drinking friends - this is the easiest way to stop drinking. When there is no alcohol company, and even more so if you enter a company of sober people - you quit drinking very easily and unnoticed.

Of course, if you are not an alcoholic, you can drink only when you really want, but better - postpone the satisfaction for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. If you still drank, do not scold yourself, do not get drunk in the "insole", do not take more alcohol, soak and sober. It's not always possible to quit drinking quickly.

Live as you dreamed, and feel yourself as you want to see yourself. In any person, there is a desire for improvement. No one will interfere with this. But you need to steadily move step by step to your goal. Enjoy life here and now. If you already know that alcohol is a barrier to your path, you are almost healthy. Remind yourself of what you really want.

Read, reread, read aloud and write down several positive statements that will help along the way to your happiness. You can adjust these statements as you like:

  1. I quit drinking because I want to live full, interesting and very happy.
  2. When I quit drinking, I create my health and longevity.
  3. I drink only when I really want to, but not more often.
  4. I can drink as much as I want, but no more.
  5. I create the life of my dreams very simply, easily and at ease.

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