Uzi spine or mrt: which is better?


  • 1Мрт or узи a backbone - what is better?
    • 1.1Indications for ultrasound and MRI of the spine
    • 1.2Principles of diagnosis of ultrasound and MRI
    • 1.3Мрт or uzi: in which cases can these procedures be carried out?
  • 2Simple diagnosis of complex pathologies - ultrasound of the spine
    • 2.1To whom is the study shown?
    • 2.2Uzes of departments of a backbone
    • 2.3Sheep Department
    • 2.4Breast department
    • 2.5Lumbosacral Department
    • 2.6Advantages of ultrasound diagnosis
    • 2.7Examination of the spine in children
    • 2.8Preparation for ultrasound diagnosis
    • 2.9What does the spine ultrasound show?
    • 2.10Uzi or mrt what is better?
    • 2.11Price and availability of the method
    • 2.12Conclusion
  • 3Мрт or узи: what is better and what is the difference?
    • 3.1Ultrasound diagnostics
    • 3.2Magnetic resonance imaging
    • 3.3Differences in ultrasound from MRI
    • 3.4Accuracy of diagnostic methods
    • 3.5Choosing a method for diagnosing the spine
    • 3.6Examination of pelvic organs
    • 3.7Study of the organs of the peritoneum
  • instagram viewer
    4Uzi or mrt what is best for: spine, brain and neck vessels, dr
    • 4.1Brief information about ultrasound
    • 4.2Brief information about MRI
    • 4.3The main differences between ultrasound and MRI
    • 4.4Which method of hardware diagnostics allows you to get the most accurate results
    • 4.5What is better for diagnosis of the spine
    • 4.6What is better for a pelvic examination
  • 5Uzi of the spine
    • 5.1When is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination of the spine?
    • 5.2What are the advantages of an ultrasound examination?
    • 5.3Examination of the cervical spine
    • 5.4Examination of the lumbar spine
    • 5.5Patients' feedback about the survey

Мрт or узи a backbone - what is better?

Is the back hurting? Do not pull, pass an MRI or ultrasound of the spine to make an accurate diagnosis.

To avoid possible errors in the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a study not only of the affected department, but of the entire spine.

To understand the nature of the patient's pain, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination.

Patients who have an anamnesis can find not one disease of bone tissue, constantly complain to doctors, believing that thereby help specialists in diagnosing. But, in fact, they only distract the doctors from the examination, which can lead to incorrect diagnosis.

Indications for ultrasound and MRI of the spine

Back pain is a cause for diagnosis

The neuropathologist will send to the ultrasound or MRI of the spine with the following indications:

  • pain in the joints or back;
  • dizziness or headache;
  • injuries, sprains or bruises;
  • birth trauma;
  • impaired mobility;
  • the presence of acute or chronic diseases, such as: sciatica, lumbago or osteochondrosis and others;
  • labored breathing;
  • violation of posture;
  • increased or decreased pressure;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • memory, hearing or vision and other things deteriorate.

Principles of diagnosis of ultrasound and MRI

You have a sick spine, and the doctor directs either to ultrasound or to an MRI scan - which is better? Let's understand, what is the essence of these procedures? Examining the patient, the attending physician must pay attention to the patient's posture, his gait and the position of the limbs. The specialist should carefully examine his patient. But, in order to identify the disease, it is often not enough to conduct only an examination with a doctor. And so the doctor appoints a full examination to the patient. It can be, as MRT, and KT, or US. To decide what is best - ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging, you need to understand the principle of their work. The physical phenomenon, through which the diagnosis is performed, is the main difference in the work of MRI and ultrasound.

Magnetic resonance tomography works by means of magnetic pulses, which show the chemical composition of bone tissue.

Ultrasound is based on ultrasound, which can penetrate inside the tissue, then, reflecting from the affected area of ​​the spine, makes it possible to better study the skeleton of the patient.

It should be borne in mind that there are places in the body where ultrasound is unable to break through, as it is hampered by bones or a dense organ.

Both methods of investigation of the back, which we consider in this article, are good, since Using magnetic resonance therapy, it is possible to identify problems that are not available with ultrasound, and on the contrary.

The spine is a protective barrier to the spinal cord, which is why it is better to carry out the latter using a tomograph.

In this case, it is possible to detect pathology at an early stage, when there is still an opportunity to conduct a sparing treatment.

What is the best choice for diagnosis - MRI or ultrasound?

Ultrasound has its advantages, it can be used to diagnose during pregnancy.

Unlike ultrasonic diagnostics, not only magnetic resonance imaging, but also CT is strictly forbidden to be used for the study of young children and future mothers.

So, in order to confirm or exclude birth injuries in infants, only the ultrasound of the cervical spine can be prescribed.

As for the period of pregnancy, ultrasound can be carried out not only to study the development of the fetus, but also in cases where the woman has problems with the back. This diagnostic method is also applicable to detect any bone disorders in the fetus, if any.

Мрт or uzi: in which cases can these procedures be carried out?

It should be understood that the magnetic resonance tomograph has one significant drawback - magnetic radiation.

This method is prohibited for research not only for pregnant women, but also for people who have metal objects inside their bodies.

For example, you have a titanium plate after a fracture of the tibia, in which case you will have to go through another study, but not tomography.

So, if the doctor directs you to this procedure, be sure to mention that it is contraindicated for you. Also, you can not go to a magnetic resonance tomograph and patients who have installed electronic devices. Patients suffering from claustrophobia, can not be MRI, since the device is often used closed type.

Magnetic resonance imaging, like ultrasound, except for the cases described above, has no other contraindications and it can be used in the study of patients of any age and so many times, how much will be needed.

MRI of the spine has its advantages and limitations

Features of ultrasound:

  • the procedure itself will take a short time - a few minutes;
  • it can be given to pregnant women;
  • there are no contraindications.

If you apply, in addition to magnetic radiation, myelography for the examination of the spine, then the accuracy in the diagnostic resolution will be practically hundred percent.

But, despite the fact that the most promising method for studying the future is magnetic resonance imaging, give an answer to the question of which method of the two above will be the best for diagnosing the skeleton, uniquely it is impossible.

Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. And only the attending physician will be able to answer you on the question, what method should be used in your case, because he will know your medical history, the features of the spine.

So listen to a qualified specialist if you want an accurate diagnosis.

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Simple diagnosis of complex pathologies - ultrasound of the spine

In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are many valuable methods of diagnostics that are valuable for their informativeness and safe for the patient. One of these is the ultrasound of the spine.

Initially, ultrasound diagnosis found its application in the detection of pathologies of internal organs. But now the technique has become truly universal and is used to examine the totality of bones and skeleton, as well as their connections.

To whom is the study shown?

The reason for the visit to a diagnostic doctor and examination of the spine may be one of the following symptoms:

  • difficulties associated with the movement;
  • pain in any of the back;
  • headaches and dizziness, in which the pharmacy does not help much;
  • pressure jumps;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sharp regress of memory, hearing, intellect or vision;
  • pain and stiffness in the joints.

Important!If the patient suspects a disruption in the functioning of the spine, it is better not to tighten the examination of this area.

This will help to eliminate a number of complications and promptly reveal the onset of the pathological process.

Uzes of departments of a backbone

Ultrasound diagnosis of the human spine is conditionally divided into several departments.

Sheep Department

Ultrasound of the cervical spine is widely used to diagnose disorders not only in adults, but also in children. This method allows you to determine:

  • malformations of the child;
  • instability of vertebrae;
  • dislocations or dislocations of individual vertebrae.

Important!Ultrasonic diagnostics in the neck area is perfect for detecting damaged muscles, ligaments or tissues.

Ultrasound studies have acquired great importance in the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, the detection of protrusions and hernias.

Breast department

Ultrasound examination of the thoracic spine is not performed due to the nuances of the structure- From the back, the thoracic area is invisible to the sensor, in the anterior part of the body it is covered by the thorax. To diagnose problems in this part of the body, the doctor will advise other research techniques, such as X-rays or MRI.

Lumbosacral Department

To conduct a study of the lumbar spine, you need to lie on your back on the couch so that the doctor can locate the sensor of the device in the front of the abdominal wall.

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This is important because the intervertebral discs on the back are covered with bone plates, through which ultrasound does not pass.

Therefore, forThis type of survey requires special trainingFor a couple of days before the procedure you need a special way to prepare the intestine.

Advantages of ultrasound diagnosis

Ultrasound studies have several indisputable advantages:

  1. Suitable for all categories of patients, even newborn babies and pregnant women. Does not carry ionizing radiation (in contrast to X-rays).
  2. Can be used frequently. This is relevant for assessing the effectiveness of treatment or control of manual operations.
  3. Uzi does not cause pain and does not require anesthesia.
  4. But the main advantage is high informativeness. Ultrasound can detect injuries, age changes in the structure of bones, or the beginning of deformity.

Examination of the spine in children

Injuries of the spine are often diagnosed by means of an X-ray, which makes it possible to identify abnormalities in bone structures. However, the method turns out to be untenable if it is necessary to study the condition of soft tissues, arteries or the spinal canal.

Ultrasound is an effective and important way to identify problems in newborns, especially often it is used to diagnose torticollis or postnatal injuries in the cervical spine.

Preparation for ultrasound diagnosis

Some types of ultrasound diagnosis do not need to be prepared, for example, ultrasound of the cervical region does not need preparation. ButExamination of the lumbar department requires from the patient a small training consisting of 2 stages:

  1. A couple of days before the procedure, the patient is prescribed a diet that excludes thermally unprocessed fruits and vegetables, yeast-containing foods, milk and legumes.
  2. It is recommended to take drugs to prevent gas generation (Sab-simplex, Espumizan or other drugs containing simethicone).

What does the spine ultrasound show?

Ultrasound examination will help to determine whether there are negative changes in the tissues of cartilage, in addition:

  • allows to reveal age-related changes in the tissues of the spinal column;
  • provides information about the spinal canal;
  • gives the opportunity to see the development of pathologies in time, which can not be noticed on the X-ray. For example, the disassembly of the cartilaginous disc.

Ultrasonic examination of the lumbar spinewill assess:

  • degree of damage to the intervertebral disc;
  • whether there are hernias and protrusions of intervertebral disks;
  • whether there is an edema of the yellow ligament;
  • the presence of anomalies during the development of the spine;
  • the presence of scoliosis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis.

Uzi or mrt what is better?

Often before the patient who wants to examine the spine, there is a choice: ultrasound or MRI? Let's consider the comparative characteristics of each method:

MRI - has a number of serious shortcomings:

  1. Magnetic radiation is not used for examination of pregnant women.
  2. Also, the method is contraindicated for those who have metal objects inside their body, for example titanium plates or electronic devices.
  3. The price of MRI is significantly higher than the cost of ultrasound.

However, if it is necessary to study the thoracic spine, the use of ultrasound is impossible, and the only option remains an MRI. In addition, tomography is considered a more informative method. However, MRI can not be performed in all settlements.

Opinion of a specialist on the effectiveness of spine examination by ultrasound:

Price and availability of the method

Ultrasound of the spinal column can be done both in the regional polyclinic and in any private clinics. The cost of the examination, which is 1000-2000 rubles., Includes a gel guide, a consultation of a doctor-diagnostician and a conclusion.


Ultrasound is a comfortable and affordable method of examination.It is important to choose an experienced and competent specialist, because the creation of a sufficiently contrast image and interpretation of the resulting image depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Simple diagnosis of complex pathologies - ultrasound of the spine Link to the main publication

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Мрт or узи: what is better and what is the difference?

Ultrasound diagnosis and magnetic resonance imaging are quite popular methods of research to date. However, a large number of people do not quite understand what both methods are intended for and what is the difference. What is better - ultrasound or MRI and in what cases?

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound is performed with the help of a special device, which by means of ultrasonic waves outputs information from the sensor to the screen. This diagnostic method is considered safe, since the exposure is minimal. Advantages of ultrasound:

  • the absence of strong radiation makes it possible to diagnose even pregnant women and newborn children;
  • there is no quantitative limit of procedures; therefore, it is possible to conduct ultrasound without harm to health as many times as the correct diagnosis requires;
  • accessibility - the apparatus of ultrasound is practically in every, even a small hospital;
  • low cost;
  • high research efficiency.

Ultrasound or MRI of the pelvis - which is better? The organs of the peritoneum are more convenient for examination with an ultrasound device, since the apparatus is effective for diagnosing internal organs. Unfortunately, for examination of the bone structure of ultrasound is of little use.

Magnetic resonance imaging

There is no definite answer to the question of what is better - ultrasound or MRI. However, each of the ways has its own peculiarities. MRI is a modern method of hardware diagnostics, which is valued for high information content.

The device generates magnetic waves, by which the necessary information is displayed on the screen. The study takes from 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the object. At this time, the patient must lie still, so that the information is most accurate.

Thanks to the MRI device, it is possible to detect abnormalities and treat them timely.

Most often, using magnetic resonance imaging, the pathologies of the following systems are examined:

  • cardiovascular;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • vessels of the brain.

The study has the following features:

  • Security. In this case, the patient receives a minimum dose of radiation, which does not affect well-being and health.
  • High information content and detailed information.
  • The ability to identify hidden pathologies that were not detected when using other diagnostic methods.
  • The possibility of repeated use in a short period of time.

However, the study can not be appointed in such cases:

  • the presence of metal implants or a pacemaker, which can affect the magnetic field;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions to the contrast drug, if necessary, the introduction of contrast.

In addition, it is not recommended to carry out tomography to patients with claustrophobia, as well as tattoos in which the dyes contain metal particles. From the shortcomings of the method, it is possible to note the rather high cost of the procedure.

Differences in ultrasound from MRI

Without the comparative characteristics of the two methods of diagnosis, it is impossible to determine what is better - ultrasound or MRI. There are three main differences:

  • The sensitivity of the ultrasound apparatus is less than that of the tomograph, so it is most often used to monitor the course of the disease. With it, you can identify tumors of large sizes.
  • Magnetic tomography is highly accurate information. With its help, it is possible to identify even small formations at an early stage of their development.
  • Not only is the functionality and accuracy of diagnostics fundamentally different, but also their cost. Tomography is an expensive procedure that not everyone can afford, so most often people have to use ultrasound.

Do not know what is better - ultrasound or MRI? First of all, pay attention to the field of application. Thus, ultrasound is more informative for studying soft tissues, and MRI is for bone and vascular systems.

Accuracy of diagnostic methods

As already noted, magnetic resonance imaging is highly accurate, so it is recommended to use it for diagnosis of diseases of the skeletal structure and vessels. However, the patient does not always know what is best - ultrasound or MRI. Doctors unequivocally advise to do MRT.

Regarding the cardiovascular system, the MRI is fully able to give the most detailed information on the smallest changes in the vessels, as well as to detect pathology at the initial stage of its development. What is better - ultrasound of vessels or MRI of blood vessels? Tomography in this case will be preferable, because it will give the most accurate information. For example, if you need to study the vessels of the brain, tomography with contrast is performed, which will allow you to better visualize the outlines of blood flow. The drug for contrasting is produced on the basis of substances that are completely safe for humans.

What is better - ultrasound or MRI of the head? It all depends on what part of the head should be examined.

If it is a question of vessels, then both MRI and ultrasound are recommended, but the bone structure can be examined only with the help of tomography.

Among ultrasonic diagnostic techniques, Doppler ultrasound can also be found, which can also help assess the state of the vessels. Indications for its appointment are as follows:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • sensation of noise in the ears;
  • stroke;
  • sharp deterioration of vision;
  • hypertension;
  • violations in the field of neurology.

It is important to determine in a timely manner what is best done - ultrasound or MRI. In each specific case, the doctor decides to make the correct diagnosis as soon as possible.

Choosing a method for diagnosing the spine

Most often, injuries are caused by diseases of the spine.

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How to act in this case? What is better - ultrasound or MRI? Definitely it is necessary to do a tomography, since ultrasound is not sufficiently informative when it comes to bone structure. In addition, MRI helps to identify the formation of tumors, arthrosis, inflammatory processes.

Ultrasound diagnosis in diseases of the spine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • numbness of limbs;
  • severe pain in the internal organs;
  • high or low blood pressure.

Ultrasound is used to examine the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, as well as connective tissues of the knee and elbow joints.

Examination of pelvic organs

Ultrasound is a popular diagnostic method for examining pelvic organs.

Ultrasound rays pass well through soft tissues and body fluids, so the informativeness of such a study will be at a high level.

With this sensor you can examine a fairly large space. MRI of the pelvic organs is prescribed in the following cases:

  • The onset of inflammatory processes.
  • Suspicion of benign or malignant formations.
  • Mechanical damage to bone tissue.
  • A variety of vascular pathologies.

If we are talking about the organs of the small pelvis, the tomography is assigned equally to men and women. The following organs are examined:

  • bladder;
  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • prostate;
  • seminal vesicle and ducts.

MRI gives more detailed information about the state of organs.

Study of the organs of the peritoneum

One of the often affected organs is the liver.

That's why many people think about what is better - ultrasound or MRI of the liver? Often the answer to this question can be given by the attending physician, who directs to research based on the symptoms of the disease.

In addition, ultrasound and MRI are prescribed for various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, heart problems, kidney diseases.


There is no unambiguous answer about what is better from these two diagnostics. Each direction is carried out taking into account the capabilities of the hospital, the patient, as well as medical indications. Both methods are good enough, but have small drawbacks.

A source: http://.ru/article/358793/mrt-ili-uzi-chto-luchshe-i-v-chem-otlichie

Uzi or mrt what is best for: spine, brain and neck vessels, dr

High precision in the study of the spine has such methods of hardware diagnostics as ultrasound or MRI. Both methods are non-invasive and highly informative.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for the patient to ask questions about what is best for the diagnosis of the spine: ultrasound or MRI, which of these studies will give the most accurate and complete clinical picture.

Despite the large number of advantages of ultrasound MRI, both these methods have significant differences. In some cases, one particular technique should be preferred.

Brief information about ultrasound

Ultrasound examinations (ultrasound) are carried out with the help of a special apparatus and ultrasound, which transmits the picture of the organs under study to the computer screen by means of a special sensor. Ultrasound gives a minimal risk of exposure and practically does not cause any side effects.

Ultrasound has the following advantages:

  • Ultrasound diagnosis does not have a strong radiation effect on the patient's body. Therefore, it can be prescribed to pregnant women and children under one year of age.
  • Studies can be conducted as many times as required to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  • High speed and efficiency of examination.
  • Affordable cost.

The most commonly performed ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

This method of examination gives good results when examining the state of the stomach, liver and other organs, as well as gynecological and obstetric studies. During the examination of the spine, she does not always show the exact clinical picture.

Often to specify the results of ultrasound, the doctor appoints MRI or CT of the abdominal cavity. It should be noted that computed tomography has a number of limitations and is able to irradiate the patient's body in small doses. Therefore, it is not recommended to spend it often.

Brief information about MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - a progressive method of hardware diagnostics, which has high informativeness. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to detect in time the developing pathological processes in the body and choose the most effective method of treatment.

Tomography is performed with the help of special medical equipment that creates a high voltage magnetic field. MRI takes on average 20 to 50 minutes. In the diagnostic procedure it is important to maintain complete immobility in order to obtain accurate data.

MRI is the best method for diagnosing diseases and pathologies:

  • Musculoskeletal system.
  • The vascular system of the brain.
  • Of cardio-vascular system.

Among the main advantages of tomography can be identified:

  1. Complete safety of the method (MRI does not irradiate the patient's body, there are practically no side effects).
  2. High detail, accuracy and informativeness.
  3. The ability to identify pathological processes at the very beginning of their development, as well as hidden diseases that can not be detected with the help of other hardware studies.
  4. In view of the safety of this diagnostic method, it is possible to conduct repeated surveys.

MRI has a number of absolute contraindications. Tomography can not be performed in the following cases:

  • The presence of a pacemaker and metal implants in the patient's body.
  • Heart failure or kidney failure.
  • The first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Allergies to components of the contrast agent (in the case of contrast tomography imaging).

In addition, there are relative contraindications to the diagnosis. These include claustrophobia, mental disorders and the presence of tattoos on the patient's body, which contain metallic elements in the coloring matter.

The main differences between ultrasound and MRI

Apparatus for ultrasound is less sensitive than a tomograph.

Therefore, it allows detecting tumors, malignant neoplasms and metastases of large sizes.

Ultrasound is best suited for advanced stages of the disease, as well as when necessary to monitor the dynamics of the development of a particular ailment.

Magnetic tomography is one of the most accurate methods of diagnosis.

It allows to detect malignant neoplasms and pathologies of internal organs even at an early stage of their development.

Tomography can show the smallest tumors, the size of which is less than 1 mm.

A significant difference between MRI and ultrasound is the cost of these diagnostic techniques.

Tomography is a progressive, but quite expensive method of diagnosis. Not every person can afford to undergo such examination.

More accessible is ultrasound.

Which method of hardware diagnostics allows you to get the most accurate results

As can be seen from the above, the most accurate and informative way of diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system is magnetic resonance imaging.

It is best suited for examining the bones and blood vessels of the human body.

Therefore, if a person thinks about what is best to choose for examination of the knee joint - ultrasound or MRI, it is better to give preference to tomography.

The knee is one of the most complex joints, which is also easy to injure. Therefore, for his examination, it is most desirable to choose the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods, which include magnetic tomography.

Today, the question is acute, and what is better is MRI or ultrasound for the study of cerebral vessels and neck. As in the previous case, the tomography gives the most accurate results. It allows to reveal even the smallest changes and pathologies that were formed in the vessels.

Most often for the study of the vascular system of the brain, tomography is used with amplification.

It implies the use of a contrast agent, which is administered to a patient intravenously.

This drug is often made on the basis of Gadonium salts - they are non-toxic and completely safe for health.

When examining the vessels of the brain and neck, ultrasound dopplerography also gives good results. The examination is carried out with the help of ultrasonic waves, which are directed directly to the vessels. Due to the technique of Doplerography, large vessels can be examined.

UZDG appoint with:

  • Private dizziness and headaches.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Noise in the ears.
  • Stroke.
  • Impairment of vision.
  • Hypertension.
  • Neurological disorders.

What is better for diagnosis of the spine

One of the most common injuries are the spine.

In order to locate the location of the injury and make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic studies.

Today, for the study of the spine, magnetic resonance imaging is most often used.

MRI of the spine allows you to identify:

  • Traumatic injuries.
  • Inflammatory and pathological processes.
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Osteoarthritis.

Often when diagnosing diseases associated with the spine, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination. This is necessary to confirm the diagnosis - osteochondrosis. Ultrasound can detect changes that have occurred in soft and cartilaginous tissues. It is assigned when:

  • Regular dizziness and frequent migraines.
  • Appearance of numbness in the lower or upper limbs.
  • The appearance of problems with normal breathing.
  • Strong pains of internal organs.
  • Problems with arterial pressure.
  • Hearing and vision disorders.

Ultrasound is the most affordable diagnosis. An ultrasound examination can be performed:

  • Shaynoy.
  • Thoracic.
  • The lumbosacral spine.

However, ultrasound examination does not always show the pathological processes that occur in bone and cartilaginous tissue. The point is that ultrasound can pass only a liquid medium well.

Bone tissue has a high density, so does not reflect the rays, and as a result, the doctor does not receive an accurate picture.

In this case, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is required to undergo the procedure of magnetic resonance imaging.

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What is better for a pelvic examination

To study the organs of the small pelvis is assigned magnetic resonance imaging. It allows you to see with high accuracy the tissues and organs in different planes. MRI of pelvic organs is performed for diagnosis:

  • Various pathological processes and diseases.
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  • Acute and chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Consequences of traumatic injuries.
  • Vascular pathologies.

MRI of pelvic organs is equally prescribed for both women and men. It gives an opportunity to examine in detail the genitourinary system of man.

Ultrasound is also a good method for examining pelvic organs. He is prescribed for examination:

  • Bladder;
  • the uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • prostate and seminal vesicle.

It should be noted that MRI of the pelvic organs gives a more detailed clinical picture compared with the ultrasound examination.

The point is that tomography provides an opportunity to obtain the smallest sections of the investigated objects and to reveal the presence of the tumor even in the early stage of its formation.

Thus, to obtain an accurate diagnosis, it is best to choose an MRI. However, this method of diagnosis is considered expensive. Therefore, many patients prefer ultrasound. Although ultrasound diagnosis is less informative than tomography, it is more accessible.

A source:

Uzi of the spine

Ultrasound examination of the spine (ultrasound) refers to a highly informative and inexpensive method of examination.

First, ultrasonic wave diagnostics was used to investigate internal organs, and then it was used to detect the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

When is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination of the spine?

Spine diseases are associated with the development of severe health consequences.

The pathological process causes disruption of the internal organs, worsens the blood supply to the brain, reduces the possibility of full motor activity.

The spine is the main component of the axial skeleton and maintains the correct position of the body in the passive state and during movement in space.

Between the vertebrae are located cartilaginous discs, which provide amortization of all segments of the musculoskeletal system. In the canal of the spine, the spinal cord passes, giving rise to the spinal nerves innervating the internal organs. There are also large vascular mains involved in the blood supply of various body systems.

Uzi spine should be treated with the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome in the area of ​​various parts of the spine;
  • stiffness of movements in the neck, back, waist, chest during breathing;
  • chronic headaches, dizziness;
  • pathological kyphosis or lordosis, scoliosis, violation of posture;
  • instability of arterial pressure, signs of vegetovascular dystonia;
  • impairment of visual acuity, hearing loss;
  • unpleasant sensations in the upper or lower extremities (numbness, tingling, burning);
  • memory impairment, decrease of intellectual abilities;
  • pain in large joints;
  • a violation of the functional activity of internal organs.

Ultrasound in the cervical spine

At the first clinical manifestations of the lesion of the spinal column it is necessary to consult a doctor for professional advice, choice of diagnostic method and the appointment of complex therapy. Timely treatment significantly improves the prognosis of the disease and prevents the occurrence of complications.

What are the advantages of an ultrasound examination?

Diagnosis of diseases of the spinal column with the help of ultrasound devices has a lot of advantages, which include:

  • small financial costs and accessibility to the general public;
  • safety research;
  • the possibility of appointment for frequent examination and monitoring of the effectiveness of the therapy;
  • high information content of the results;
  • cleanliness and environmental friendliness of the methodology;
  • the ability to detect impairment in intervertebral discs;
  • identification of age-related tissue changes at early stages of formation;
  • appointment during gestation and lactation;
  • application for children of early age and newborns.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed 15 minutes, during which the physician of functional diagnostics has the opportunity to communicate with the patient, which improves the effectiveness of the examination.

For the study, a special sensor is used to generate ultrasonic waves, and a gel that creates a conducting medium, which allows visualizing the anatomical structures of the spine.

The ultrasound technique can reveal a pathological process in the cervical, lumbar and sacral spine. The thoracic area in adults is not visualized because of the anatomical features of the spinal column and is only examined in newborns.

Ultrasound in the lumbar spine

Compared with radiography, ultrasonic waves do not contain harmful radiation for the body.

Computer and nuclear magnetic tomography are considered to be more accurate diagnostic methods, thanks to the ability to make high-resolution layer photographs.

However, not all medical clinics are equipped with tomographs, and the survey is rather expensive.

Uzi spine is a more accessible diagnostic method that most polyclinics and hospitals in urban and district hospitals can afford. In addition, a great advantage of the technique is the possibility of frequent use for re-diagnosis and control of treatment.

Examination of the cervical spine

Ultrasound of the cervical spine is prescribed without prior preparation. The procedure is absolutely painless, held in a sitting or lying position on the couch.

The doctor treats the anterolateral surface of the neck with a special gel and leads the sensor along the spine.

At this time, the intervertebral discs, ligaments, vessels, nerve roots are visualized on the screen of the ultrasound machine monitor in black and white color.

To detect osteochondrosis at early stages of development, the examination is performed with functional tests - maximum flexion and extension of the neck. In this position, it is better to see the displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other.

Ultrasound diagnosis of the cervical region allows to detect the following pathology:

  • developmental anomalies and birth defects of the spinal column;
  • age-related changes in the intervertebral disc;
  • protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal and defects of the spinal cord;
  • instability of vertebrae;
  • defeat of spinal nerves and vertebral artery.

Modern ultrasound machine

After diagnosis, a patient is given a picture with a detailed conclusion about the functional state of the anatomical structures located in the cervical spine.

Examination of the lumbar spine

Ultrasound of the lumbar spine requires preliminary preparation of the intestine, because the examination is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall.

For this, 2-3 days before the examination, a diet with restriction of dairy products, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, carbonated water, which promote gas formation in the digestive system tract.

At the same time, it is recommended to take Espomizan 2 capsules 3 times a day, which helps to reduce flatulence. Instead, one day before the diagnosis, you can take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

Examination is performed on an empty stomach after 5-8 hour hunger, optimally in the morning. The position for the examination - lying on the back, the patient's stomach is lubricated with gel and the sensor moves along the spine. The procedure does not cause discomfort and painful sensations.

We recommend reading:What is chondrosis of the neck?

Ultrasound diagnosis of the lumbar spine can detect the following pathology:

  • protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • age-related changes in bone and cartilaginous tissue;
  • scoliosis, pathological kyphosis or lordosis;
  • condition of the spinal canal, spinal cord, spinal roots;
  • spinal cord anomalies and birth trauma;
  • tumors;
  • rheumatoid synovitis;
  • inflammation of the yellow ligament.

The detailed conclusion at the end of the examination and the snapshot attached to it allow the attending physician to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

The prices for ultrasound examination depend on the level of the medical institution, the region of residence, the qualification of the physician for functional diagnostics and vary within 800-1500 rubles.

Patients' feedback about the survey

Effective use of diagnostics with the help of ultrasonic waves for the detection of pathological process of the spine is reflected in the positive responses of patients in medical clinics of different regions countries.

Shot of diagnostic examination with ultrasound

Olga Ivanovna, 30 years old. During pregnancy a year ago, severe pain in the back.

Has addressed to the doctor who has appointed or nominated Uzi a backbone - unique safe method of research during vynashivanija the child.

Diagnosis helped to quickly identify the disease and restore health. Pregnancy and childbirth passed normally.

Viktor Nikolayevich, 51 years old. In the past few years, I began to notice pain when turning my neck. Then there were frequent headaches, vision worsened, insomnia and episodes of hypertension worried.

On a roentgen of a cervical department of a backbone any changes have not revealed. The doctor suspected a protrusion of the intervertebral disc, which is well shown by ultrasound.

Diagnosis confirmed the disease and avoided the appearance of a hernia, thanks to timely treatment.

Valentina Petrovna, 36 years old. The first birth I had at 35 years old, the child after birth was sluggish, poorly gaining weight, lagging behind in physical development. Thanks to ultrasound, the baby was diagnosed with an anomaly of the spine at 8 months and performed an operation that restored the health of the boy.

Ultrasound of the spinal column is an informative and accessible method of non-invasive instrumental diagnostics, It helps to identify diseases in the early stages of development and the appointment of timely therapy before the formation of complications.

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