Why people drink alcoholic beverages: alcohol, vodka, wine and beer

Any person in his life, to some extent, "collides" with alcohol. For some, it happens sporadically, for others - more systematically - "on holidays", and for others - alcohol becomes the meaning of life. The troubles associated with alcoholic intoxication happen quite often in our life. Sober people do not understand the joy of a drunk, and drunk and alcoholics do not know that they are sick with alcoholism.


To drink for "warming", it concerns strong drinks

Some people think that to drink vodka means to keep warm in the cold, after hypothermia. Alcohol, of course, dilates the blood vessels, but it creates a deceptive sensation of heat. Heat quickly and quietly dissipates, the person is drawn to sleep, and in cold weather outside he can freeze.

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Inclined people to skip one or two glasses, always find useful properties in ethyl alcohol, that it helps with various diseases, colds, flu. Even they say that pure alcohol helps with peptic ulcer! But this is not so. Accustomed to drinking at every "suitable" case, they say that alcohol stimulates the appetite, raises mood, relieves fatigue and so on. But this is an illusion! And when they say that the vodka is full, high-calorie, well, it's already in general, does not get into any gates. For example, increased appetite is a delusion, first time after alcohol increases the production of gastric juice, but it collapses, again, under the influence of alcohol, the pancreas and liver are loaded and work worse.

In medicine, ethyl alcohol is used as a disinfectant, but not for treatment. And all the "unusual" properties of alcohol are illusions and delusions - "myths about alcoholism and alcohol", which are used to justify unhealthy cravings for alcohol.

Drinking Traditions and Customs of the Past

Academician Bekhterev V.M.( 1857-1927), on the main question - why people drink alcohol, answered that "drunkenness is a century-long evil", which allowed deep roots in everyday life. He called the psychological causes of alcohol abuse.

Traditions and customs with the celebration of alcohol all the dates - both happy and bitter have reached our days. To eradicate unhealthy customs will have more than one generation. Why do men drink? Yes, to show themselves "real men" in the eyes of others who drink the same. We drink on birthdays, at weddings, at funerals, at christenings, etc.

When a person refuses drinking and is opposed to drinking, this characterizes him as an independent person, as a person. After all, the need for alcohol is not natural - it is an artificially introduced program of social environment in the consciousness and subconsciousness of an individual.

Why do Russians drink vodka, home brew, etc.

Where does alcoholism begin in Russia? When a child watches adults sit down at a table, they fill up glasses, make toasts, clink glasses and drink, but this model of social behavior is laid for him. So can adults, why can not I, thinks the child. The child is not allowed to drink alcohol, but he begins to think that when he grows up, he can drink like an adult. That's how the imitative form of behavior begins. Alcohol on the table becomes an indispensable attribute - a symbol of adulthood. Smoking, by the way, too.

Why adolescents drink

At the age of 14-15, teenagers drink "for courage", "for company", not to become a subject of ridicule from their peers and keep up with them. Basically, it's about boys. In teenage girls more often - this is the first use on the day of your birth, or the birthday of your girlfriend. The removal against the alcohol ban and the adolescent's involvement in wine often occurs in the family circle among parents. And the folk proverb becomes justified: "Drunkenness begins with the first glass, like a river from the first brook."

Two types of motives for drinking teenagers can be distinguished. Firstly, they start drinking alcohol because it is so laid down in the traditions, and secondly - the desire to get a new experience in sensations. Teenagers want to look older. And also, in connection with the complexes that prevent free communication, the enslavement of behavior pushes to drink "for courage".That is, shyness, shyness, shyness play an important role in the formation of alcoholism among adolescents. And then, the enslaved behavior turns into cheekiness, disinhibition and impudence.

The first taste experience of alcoholic drinks of many teenagers makes for a while to give up alcohol. And if another teenager touched, he felt sick, vomited, dizzy, and he was shaking all morning, then the teenager can look at alcohol more than half a year in disgust. But the more experienced and older "comrades" can convince that nausea, vomiting - it's temporary, you need to drink more and more, then there will not be a vomitive reflex, you can drink a lot and show everyone what you are "cool".

After leaving school, children come to study in universities, technical schools. Here it is temptation to drink in the company. General interest is low, adolescents spend more in companies, but, and the quality and composition of the company will determine the future fate of the adolescent entering into it. If it's an alcoholic company, a teenager will get drunk in it. Well, a team of chess, ski, football and others - will produce the opposite effect of alcohol.

Inability to show oneself as a person, limitedness in the moral sphere leads to harmful consequences and alcoholism.

Many young men and teenagers drink, to relieve tension and suppress unpleasant experiences due to alienation of oneself by family or collective. Teenagers who are addicted to alcohol abuse tend to spend time aimlessly at companies roaming the streets, attending discos, dance floors and bars. So alcohol enters into the meaning of life. A false stereotype of solving vital problems and problems with alcoholic beverages is being formed.

The drinking person is upset by the emotional-volitional sphere of personality. Forget and do not acquire new labor skills, social activity is low, morality is replaced by immoral and antisocial behavior. Character begins to dominate the features of irritability, rudeness, resentment, suggestibility and carelessness. Former friends are no longer interesting, because they do not drink, you will not see them among the usual company of drinkers.

Why women drink

Alcoholism in women is prone to more condemnation than loans and gossip from drinking men. Therefore, women are more hidden, drink alone, hide their fatal hobby. Usually, close people find out too late about their daughter's alcoholism. Formed already alcohol dependence launches a pathological circle - drunkenness - a hangover - drunkenness, etc. Making a woman get treated for alcoholism is even more difficult than a man. Alcoholic anosognosia does not give a chance to a drinking woman to admit that she is sick.

There are a lot of reasons for women's alcoholism: dissatisfaction, insecurity, unsettledness, problems with the opposite sex, problems with children, childlessness, etc. Any stress or misfortune pushes women to drunkenness. Although, thank God, not all women are immersed in drunkenness. Alcoholics are more women with a weak character, with an undeveloped maternal feeling, without moral psychological bases of education, from alcoholic families.

Not only the drunk woman suffers from alcoholism, but her parents, her husband, children are all her entourage. Drinking woman can not give birth to a full and healthy offspring.

Why does the husband drink? A sober woman, leading a healthy lifestyle, can in most cases answer the question: "Why does her husband drink?".Affect him positively and eventually make him a non-drinking man. But if a woman drinks in a family, then her husband, most often, it is simply impossible to re-educate her.

By the way, with alcoholics, good men do not live long.

Why it is harmful to drink beer

Beer is the same alcoholic beverage as vodka, wine, aperitif, cocktail, to which you get used exactly the same. Most mistakenly believe that drinking beer is harmless, and some even talk about the benefits of beer! Although this is not a hallucination, but that one hundred percent illusion is dangerous and insidious, it's for sure!

Why can not you drink beer?

Beer is harmful, more than strong alcoholic beverages. In beer, of course a smaller percentage of alcohol, but here the volume of liquid is large. Then in beer a lot of unwanted compounds are toxic to the human body. A large volume of fluid wears the kidneys, heart, liver.

Cobalt, contained in beer, affects the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system of a person drinking. The heart becomes flabby like a rag, its boundaries are widened and it is not capable of pumping blood.

Hops contained in beer, kills nerve cells of the brain and causes aggression, irritability, depressive state.

The problem of alcoholism, the complexity of its course, the malignancy of the pathological process, and the incredible difficulties in its treatment consist in the fact that alcohol is a psychoactive substance as a drug - it is an artificial "substitute" for the hormone of joy and happiness naturally produced by the body itself. As soon as alcohol regularly began to enter the body, the brain begins to atrophy and suppressed those parts of it that produce a natural drug - endorphins. And without beer, vodka, wine and other things, a drinking citizen does not know how to be a happy person.